12/7: BP/SF/AR

12/7: BP/SF/AR

in WvW

Posted by: Dark Aidget.3879

Dark Aidget.3879

Alright. I’ll come clean, since no one else in BP will. I can confirm that we have, indeed, benefited from a server transfer. Yes, it’s true. A member of [PRx] joined us from HoD last night, and we were deeply honored, since he came from ‘the largest guild in the world’ just to ‘teach us how to play.’ Just him though, I guess he couldn’t spare any of his many, many, many guildmates. We were deeply flattered to be “auditioned” by this representative of gaming’s finest, and you can bet his ability to teach us how to take 35 minutes to build a golem, and his ability to show us the importance of proper TS usage, will show up in our play this week.

Unfortunately, it would seem that we might have failed the audition, so I suspect that after his seven-day transfer is up, we will lose this paragon . Yes, I’m sad to say that he will most likely move on, seeing as we were utterly inept. However, the good news is, I foresee him heading to one of your servers next week. Be prepared to be amazed.

In all seriousness, the whining about how we benefit from server transfers is misplaced. Yes, people have transferred, but not in the numbers that are bandied about. Twice a day we see someone ask how you get out of WvW, and invariably an effort is made to ensure they want to come back, not just grab their POI for PvE achievements. Our numbers are swelling, but to say it is all from transfers is to insult the new folks who come to see what it’s all about, and the more experienced players who take the time, in my case, hours, to explain what is what, where is where, and why you don’t put an arrow cart on the edge of a wall.

The largest guild to join us Ascension [WAR] came before we really hit our stride, and so I think they are pretty clear of charges of opportunism.

The majority of those that have come in the last two weeks are a bad fit and they usually fade away before a few days are up. People who jump to the winning server have a motivation vastly different from the collective ideal of Borlis. We want to have fun, they want to be the best. If we start to falter, they will leave again. It’s a Darwinian culling of those people who don’t feel loyalty, only competitiveness. If they left your server, you didn’t need them. When they leave our server, we won’t miss them.


12/7: BP/SF/AR

in WvW

Posted by: GSSBlunaspike.4153


I have to admit that I am a little disappointed in AR right now. Was just in EB and we had 2, yes 2 people in there. This is not the same AR I am used to. I guess that is the state of AR Wv3 right now. That being said, it was funny that the true 80 geared BP Guardian ran from my ungeared lvl 31 reroll like a frightened little girl and had to get back up to fight me. I guess that’s the state of BP Wv3.

I don’t think AR has gotten the memo yet (based the amount of thieves, you haven’t) but WvW isn’t about 1v1s. It’s about a score that determines if you are the better server. See we have something I’ve noticed AR lacks entirely. Support players. Players that won’t get the same amount of badges, players that won’t get the thanks. Yet in the end their heals, buffs, and the defense they bring allow us to win.

So go ahead, keep building glass cannons and thinking that the whole world is about 1v1s. We will move up a tier, but based on the numbers even if we do, you still won’t win as long as a competent server is in your tier.

Consider that I’m not being rude, I’m making a suggestion for how you might improve.

Real classy, ya know if perhaps BP was in tier 1 and actually pulled control of one side completely i’d understand posting things like this and calling the server out, but when your fighting two servers that obviously has less population in the wvw maps, it’s rather a joke. As much as I think it’s great for BP gaining all these people suddenly, to move you up in tiers, I can’t wait till you meet servers with equal population in the maps as you guys have, and then I hope you get stomped all over, so you’ll see that in reality that it’s not your awesome “stategic” minds winning at the end of the day, it’s really just your numbers.

Yeah yeah same thing you guys said two weeks ago when we moved into this tier. “BP you will get stomped next week.blah blah blah”. Didn’t happen. Personally I look forward to more fair fights, this is boring.

12/7: BP/SF/AR

in WvW

Posted by: Dark Aidget.3879

Dark Aidget.3879

“Players that won’t get the same amount of badges, players that won’t get the thanks. Yet in the end their heals, buffs, and the defense they bring allow us to win.”



12/7: BP/SF/AR

in WvW

Posted by: Dovgan.8605


@GSSBlunaspike Well aware that Wv3 is mass warfare. I play a ranger, and if you ever fought me you would know it’s not a glass build, and neither was the level 31 your brave BP player that ran from(maybe he thought the green arrow by the name meant I was above 80). I get it, you guys know you can’t win on even terms, I’d run too if I was one of your players and saw a solo up arrow character coming towards me.

The one thing I have noticed about BP players in general is they lack heart, they claim superiority, when the only superiority I have seen so far is the ability to field players. The one thing you fail to realize is that Wv3 isn’t about badges, or 1 v 1 or 100 v 100, it’s a land grab game relying on siege warfare. If your soldiers are mostly cowards, then it will ring volumes in larger scale wars.

You could have the worst built level 2 character on a well placed arrow cart or balista and that player can be the absolute difference between winning and losing an engagement.

While fighting at AR BL bay, I noticed that your server doesn’t even understand the basic concepts of flanking(no you don’t move slightly to the left where everyone in the entire field of battle can see you and rush in with double the numbers, that’s not exactly what flanking is), which failed multiple times and the only way your server mates stopped the assault was by throwing more and more meat into the grinder. That’s a tactic I suppose, just not one that’s going to work out when you have players that are not willing to face an equal number of opponents.

Dovgan lvl 80 Ranger
[LPC] [KAOS] – Killing As Organized Sport

12/7: BP/SF/AR

in WvW

Posted by: Atomic Sharks.7250

Atomic Sharks.7250

its one thing to be cowardly and run, its another to know you can’t win and run, if its 50v25, and a tower is nearby you run to the tower to defend, fighting fights for a reason is better then just fighting for no reason. maybe that guardian that ran knows he can’t win against a ranger, i know i can’t win against any decent bunker ele(it will go on for way way to long and it will end up being pointless) so their is no point in me fighting that ele

12/7: BP/SF/AR

in WvW

Posted by: DKz Lux.4125

DKz Lux.4125


Real classy, ya know if perhaps BP was in tier 1 and actually pulled control of one side completely i’d understand posting things like this and calling the server out, but when your fighting two servers that obviously has less population in the wvw maps, it’s rather a joke. As much as I think it’s great for BP gaining all these people suddenly, to move you up in tiers, I can’t wait till you meet servers with equal population in the maps as you guys have, and then I hope you get stomped all over, so you’ll see that in reality that it’s not your awesome “stategic” minds winning at the end of the day, it’s really just your numbers. When you all figure that out, I bet that your mighty alliance will fall apart from bickering at each other, because your “Zerg” fest mentality fighting against under populated servers isn’t going to work. Then your server will fall just as fast as it rose, simply because of your arrogance.

I love reading your posts. It’s so much fun when you rage in the forums. I think that’s why I was a bit bored last week. SF doesn’t have great guys like you in AR. We tried to make them QQ in the forums, but I guess they didn’t care enough.

I think Borlis has had like 2, maybe 3, transfers since beta. What are you talking about we have more numbers? Just go to cursed shore and fractals and tell them to come wvw. Then you can give them 10 golems and throw at a gate. There you go, now you taught AR players how to do wvw your style.

BTW, do players in AR think Hills + WP = JP?

I think the answer is obvious when all the major guilds participate in it. I honestly feel bad for the good honest players in AR trying to put in the hard work for a server that clearly is rotten to the core.

Daiosho – The Order of Digital Knightz [DKz]
Borlis Pass

12/7: BP/SF/AR

in WvW

Posted by: Dovgan.8605


@Atomic He wouldn’t have been able to run if I was on the ranger, too many snares and control options on the class. As a level 80 coming across an up arrow of any class, you just aren’t walking away and I am certainly not going to be running for help. The guy was clearly a glass build though, health was dropping pretty steadily and my 31 is geared in blues.

Oh sorry, he must have been a support build that helps by buffing and healing.

Dovgan lvl 80 Ranger
[LPC] [KAOS] – Killing As Organized Sport

12/7: BP/SF/AR

in WvW

Posted by: DKz Lux.4125

DKz Lux.4125

I have to admit that I am a little disappointed in AR right now. Was just in EB and we had 2, yes 2 people in there. This is not the same AR I am used to. I guess that is the state of AR Wv3 right now. That being said, it was funny that the true 80 geared BP Guardian ran from my ungeared lvl 31 reroll like a frightened little girl and had to get back up to fight me. I guess that’s the state of BP Wv3.

I think what happened is a Dolyak effect. Lately we’ve been teaching them to not kill the Yaks alone so they can share the rewards with others.

Maybe he was running back and saying in team chat “guys, free badges, come fast or I might just take it for myself!” and the other guys were saying “thanks. I love getting my AR badges in the morning.”

Daiosho – The Order of Digital Knightz [DKz]
Borlis Pass

12/7: BP/SF/AR

in WvW

Posted by: Dovgan.8605


@DKz Honestly, if he hadn’t run, he wouldn’t have survived. Been pretty on point today. And I am starting to get worn down, there are some really decent people on AR, but I have been fighting so long and hard for the server, I’m starting to run out of fuel.

Dovgan lvl 80 Ranger
[LPC] [KAOS] – Killing As Organized Sport

12/7: BP/SF/AR

in WvW

Posted by: GSSBlunaspike.4153


@GSSBlunaspike Well aware that Wv3 is mass warfare. I play a ranger, and if you ever fought me you would know it’s not a glass build, and neither was the level 31 your brave BP player that ran from(maybe he thought the green arrow by the name meant I was above 80). I get it, you guys know you can’t win on even terms, I’d run too if I was one of your players and saw a solo up arrow character coming towards me.

The one thing I have noticed about BP players in general is they lack heart, they claim superiority, when the only superiority I have seen so far is the ability to field players. The one thing you fail to realize is that Wv3 isn’t about badges, or 1 v 1 or 100 v 100, it’s a land grab game relying on siege warfare. If your soldiers are mostly cowards, then it will ring volumes in larger scale wars.

You could have the worst built level 2 character on a well placed arrow cart or balista and that player can be the absolute difference between winning and losing an engagement.

While fighting at AR BL bay, I noticed that your server doesn’t even understand the basic concepts of flanking(no you don’t move slightly to the left where everyone in the entire field of battle can see you and rush in with double the numbers, that’s not exactly what flanking is), which failed multiple times and the only way your server mates stopped the assault was by throwing more and more meat into the grinder. That’s a tactic I suppose, just not one that’s going to work out when you have players that are not willing to face an equal number of opponents.

good points, I refer you to the score board for my rebuttal.

12/7: BP/SF/AR

in WvW

Posted by: Godfather.8217


Alright. I’ll come clean, since no one else in BP will. I can confirm that we have, indeed, benefited from a server transfer. Yes, it’s true. A member of [PRx] joined us from HoD last night, and we were deeply honored, since he came from ‘the largest guild in the world’ just to ‘teach us how to play.’ Just him though, I guess he couldn’t spare any of his many, many, many guildmates. We were deeply flattered to be “auditioned” by this representative of gaming’s finest, and you can bet his ability to teach us how to take 35 minutes to build a golem, and his ability to show us the importance of proper TS usage, will show up in our play this week.

Unfortunately, it would seem that we might have failed the audition, so I suspect that after his seven-day transfer is up, we will lose this paragon . Yes, I’m sad to say that he will most likely move on, seeing as we were utterly inept. However, the good news is, I foresee him heading to one of your servers next week. Be prepared to be amazed.

In all seriousness, the whining about how we benefit from server transfers is misplaced. Yes, people have transferred, but not in the numbers that are bandied about. Twice a day we see someone ask how you get out of WvW, and invariably an effort is made to ensure they want to come back, not just grab their POI for PvE achievements. Our numbers are swelling, but to say it is all from transfers is to insult the new folks who come to see what it’s all about, and the more experienced players who take the time, in my case, hours, to explain what is what, where is where, and why you don’t put an arrow cart on the edge of a wall.

The largest guild to join us Ascension [WAR] came before we really hit our stride, and so I think they are pretty clear of charges of opportunism.

The majority of those that have come in the last two weeks are a bad fit and they usually fade away before a few days are up. People who jump to the winning server have a motivation vastly different from the collective ideal of Borlis. We want to have fun, they want to be the best. If we start to falter, they will leave again. It’s a Darwinian culling of those people who don’t feel loyalty, only competitiveness. If they left your server, you didn’t need them. When they leave our server, we won’t miss them.

Can you guys count? seriously can you? BP should be BJ, for Big Joke, because honestly you think your great when your not. You guys think your awesome by posting pics of “winning” lol, give me a break. you guys can’t do anything without your numbers. Transfers are transfers, whether it’s 1 or 5, or 20 man guilds, it all adds up. and when you can field all 4 maps, and the other two servers can’t, then your just not all that good guys. so far your lucking out fighting dropping servers like ET, GOM which by the way even their own members admitted to transfering to BP during our matchups, keep climbing and i hope you get smashed. I recall when you guys worked an uphill battle and could barely break out of your own waypoints, now suddenly your talented players, you all make me laugh.


I think besides DK who posted the pic, you’ve probably got the 2nd biggest head, and ego in BJ. Sad to say, but I hope your server falls apart, and those that transferred in will just transferr out again.

Syndicate of Shadows, Anvil rock
Darksavage – 80 Ranger Shadowena – 80 Thief
Darkside Syndicate – 80 Mesmer

12/7: BP/SF/AR

in WvW

Posted by: Apocalypse.5239


ahh so where going down a tier sorry been busy with RL and Hit man Absolution/Halo 4.

Only if you want to watch.
lvl 80 Charr Warrior part of Twin.

12/7: BP/SF/AR

in WvW

Posted by: amiable.4823


Hey let’s see what’s going on in this threa… Oh lawd. Chillax guys, we are all here to have fun!

Aliquot Love – Engineer
Gable Thorn – Elementalist
Shining in Darkness – Warrior – Mag

12/7: BP/SF/AR

in WvW

Posted by: Apocalypse.5239


i see GoM is doing good so we may face them next week. i wish them the best and some more epic battle’s.

Only if you want to watch.
lvl 80 Charr Warrior part of Twin.

12/7: BP/SF/AR

in WvW

Posted by: ktith.6197


A good majority of AR gave up this week, sadly. The “voice” of the server is taking an R&R for the week as they’ve realized that they couldn’t handle being roflstomped the first night on their own BL (their words not mine). So the rest of the AR server is forced to contend with it and do what they can and have to deal with the idiocy of it all.

Krew, great fights again though I think I got a few more of you last night than the first night. If only we had a tower and camp like the QL/Danelon night when you guys had a challenge on one tower would it be more epic.

Cmdr. Xandria Wolfkin
[RED] Devona’s Rest

12/7: BP/SF/AR

in WvW

Posted by: Dovgan.8605


@GSSBlunaspike I will refer you to my constant outmanned buff as a response.

Dovgan lvl 80 Ranger
[LPC] [KAOS] – Killing As Organized Sport

12/7: BP/SF/AR

in WvW

Posted by: DKz Lux.4125

DKz Lux.4125

@DKz Honestly, if he hadn’t run, he wouldn’t have survived. Been pretty on point today. And I am starting to get worn down, there are some really decent people on AR, but I have been fighting so long and hard for the server, I’m starting to run out of fuel.

Sometimes you just have to stop fighting for the server and doing what’s best for the score and just do what you want and have fun. My guildies complain to me when I push them too hard (which I often do), so I take some time off and take them out to do guild groups and just have fun without worrying about capping anything. We have a great time and the game becomes enjoyable again.

Don’t let it stress you out too much or it might take all the fun out of the game for you.

A few weeks ago when we were getting stomped by SF, EB, etc, my favorite moment was when we had lost everything and we could relax and retake our map without pressure.

Daiosho – The Order of Digital Knightz [DKz]
Borlis Pass

12/7: BP/SF/AR

in WvW

Posted by: jkctmc.8754


I love people today. They can’t tell the difference between a sensible discussion, a laugh, or rage. To them anything in disagreement, is raging. It’s the funniest thing you can witness on the internet, and you would think the internet after 1995, would have matured by now. Unfortunately year after year it gets worse, as if children grow into adults, but instead of maturing, they regress into that grade school mentality that adults like myself witness in thier 6 year, and 8 year old children. Famed Psychologists have a name for this, but it slips my mind currently so please forgive me.

Annoyance that yet another game has population issues, brought on mainly by free transfers in this case, has nothing to do with anger, or as the grade school children call it, rage. It’s an ever growing feeling of being tired of population issues after playing so many MMOs that have suffered from them, namely; Dark Age of Camelot, Everquest II, Aion, and so on.

Humor at the fact that some people can’t have a sensible discussion, and try to troll like it is 1995, and refuse to recognize the fact they do have superior numbers causes a fit of laughing to yourself. As you try to convey this humor in word format to people who havn’t earned a higher education yet, and mistake your words for anger, or as the grade school children call it, rage. You want to laugh more, but you begin to feel sorry for those who still have this old, and immature mentality.

I hope you recognize that issues similar to this are among the issues that have caused games like Age of Conan, Warhammer, and others to completely die, on top of the massive bugs with these games, including Guild Wars 2, and the insane amount of cheating that filtered into these games.

[Edited by CC]

Renno – Stonegard – Aece
80 Thief – 80 Warrior – 80 Guardian – 80 Ranger
80 Mesmer – 80 Necromancer

(edited by Moderator)

12/7: BP/SF/AR

in WvW

Posted by: Lightsbane.9012


uh oh, someone is loosing. boo hoo hoo

We won last week by a landslide, and I felt the same way. My posts reflected the same feelings too. Winning, or losing with superior numbers is not fun, and any mature individual would understand.

Grow up.

P.S. It is losing by the way.

you won last week for the same reason we’re winning this week. unaccounted for transfers.

As quick as the Valkyries ride,
As true as Odin’s spear flies,
There is nowhere to hide.

12/7: BP/SF/AR

in WvW

Posted by: ktith.6197


Famed Psychologists have a name for this, but it slips my mind currently so please forgive me.

It’s called Regression. It also happens to lots of people that play video games because they feel forced to revert to child-like tendencies to be accepted by the “younger” crowd. It also happens with ex-military personnel in a different manner, but I won’t go there.

You also fail to take into account that the majority of gamers today are in the age bracket of 12 to 28. The gamers that have been playing MMO’s since 1998 (when the first official MMO hit what we know as the internet today, not BBB systems) are well into their late 30’s and upwards but actually make up a far smaller population of modern MMO’s then their younger counterparts. In today’s society where the internet and technology are the major steeple of how we as a people do things, it is only expected that people will behave in such mannerisms. MMO’s actually are the “new” addiction and are getting up there as high as alcoholism and drug addictions in recent years. SO, we’ll see what comes, but don’t have such high expectations from a populus that has grown up on internet and technology.

Cmdr. Xandria Wolfkin
[RED] Devona’s Rest

12/7: BP/SF/AR

in WvW

Posted by: GSSBlunaspike.4153


@GSSBlunaspike I will refer you to my constant outmanned buff as a response.


Count the green dots. Oh, and we won that fight.

AR walked their golems in front of our cannons and they got destroyed. We jumped down from the wall and killed one as it crossed the bridge infront of overlook, while your zerg ran so far ahead they couldn’t do anything.

Keep telling yourself it’s numbers.

12/7: BP/SF/AR

in WvW

Posted by: jkctmc.8754


uh oh, someone is loosing. boo hoo hoo

We won last week by a landslide, and I felt the same way. My posts reflected the same feelings too. Winning, or losing with superior numbers is not fun, and any mature individual would understand.

Grow up.

P.S. It is losing by the way.

you won last week for the same reason we’re winning this week. unaccounted for transfers.

Which caused a population issue, like I said. Hmm….. People just can’t read anymore.

Renno – Stonegard – Aece
80 Thief – 80 Warrior – 80 Guardian – 80 Ranger
80 Mesmer – 80 Necromancer

12/7: BP/SF/AR

in WvW

Posted by: jkctmc.8754


@GSSBlunaspike I will refer you to my constant outmanned buff as a response.


Count the green dots. Oh, and we won that fight.

AR walked their golems in front of our cannons and they got destroyed. We jumped down from the wall and killed one as it crossed the bridge infront of overlook, while your zerg ran so far ahead they couldn’t do anything.

Keep telling yourself it’s numbers.

It looks like GSS is unaware of this weeks culling change, given to us by the devs, and discussed here;


that shows you more enemies, and very few of your allies. This removes the dots from the minimap, as it doesn’t register allies near you, that are not giving you boons. We forgive you for your lack of knowledge in regards to changes of the game though.

PRICELESS!! Give us more laughs, please!

Renno – Stonegard – Aece
80 Thief – 80 Warrior – 80 Guardian – 80 Ranger
80 Mesmer – 80 Necromancer

(edited by jkctmc.8754)

12/7: BP/SF/AR

in WvW

Posted by: Dovgan.8605


@GSSBlunaspike Maybe if he had actually targeted someone that had the outmanned buff. I was there, it was on. That’s 4 times the number when it pops. Keep telling yourself that it’s not. There were 3 golems that had been used on 2 towers prior to that, two that were about half dead because some people don’t know they can’t tank oil. Congrats on killing them after they had already served their purpose though.

And even with that unorganized lot, you failed to mention they still got the outer down is clever on your part. I was in the tower before it was zerged right across the way, the golems were my build, and I was done with them.

Dovgan lvl 80 Ranger
[LPC] [KAOS] – Killing As Organized Sport

(edited by Dovgan.8605)

12/7: BP/SF/AR

in WvW

Posted by: lBANKAll.2183


@GSSBlunaspike I will refer you to my constant outmanned buff as a response.


Count the green dots. Oh, and we won that fight.

AR walked their golems in front of our cannons and they got destroyed. We jumped down from the wall and killed one as it crossed the bridge infront of overlook, while your zerg ran so far ahead they couldn’t do anything.

Keep telling yourself it’s numbers.

You post a lot in this thread and make like your guild or you alone is the reason borlis pass is winning, Stop bragging and get over yourself muffy.

Commander IBANKAI Lord of Quaggans
[ALS] Anvil’s Last Stand Guild Leader

(edited by lBANKAll.2183)

12/7: BP/SF/AR

in WvW

Posted by: Anvil Pants.3426

Anvil Pants.3426

What’s funny as hell though, while Borlis Pass is hitting Anvil Rock hard, Sorrow’s Furnace is taking our supply camps, and putting up Balista in them. I guess they want second place back.

They are simply pissed about the 15 times they tried to take Hero’s Lodge on reset night, and failed, because ALS owned it with Art of War and ballistae for hours.


Didn’t AR get a fancy alliance that would make everything better?

They seem weaker than the last time we fought them. Wondering what happened.

The alliance guilds and their players are stronger. There are some non-allied guilds that are also stronger in recent weeks. You feel us when we’re there, and we can’t explain or account for when we aren’t online to kill you.

Anvil’s Last Stand [ALS]
Grand Progressive Arch Battle Pope of Anvil Rock Defenders Alliance [TARD]

12/7: BP/SF/AR

in WvW

Posted by: lBANKAll.2183


I hope borlis pass is ready for the kitty zerg >:3


Commander IBANKAI Lord of Quaggans
[ALS] Anvil’s Last Stand Guild Leader

12/7: BP/SF/AR

in WvW

Posted by: Flayfirst.4735


Personally I don’t think it is population of the servers that is the problem. I think it is the people on the server that WANT to play WVW. On BP we happen to have a great number of people that want to WVW, just like people just want to PVE. I can’t speak for other servers but WVW on BP is accessible and fun for whomever wants to come. Most stay because they have had a good experience, they are helped and have things explained by more experienced players. They are included in groups not shunned by guilds, we at BP don’t treat WVW as an exclusive playground for the big guilds, and if you come in you can’t run with them. Everyone is included in all the fighting, no one is told on chat that they are stupid, or go back to PVE, or to change your spec because you suck, or L2P, ever. We don’t put off people like that, so they come back, again and again, then they Re hooked and they tell their guild mates and friends. I am one of them. I hated PVP but I was bored one day and jumped to wvw. I was discouraged and didn’t know what was gong on. Luckily I saw in chat, everyone form up in Diasharo, and I just followed and had a good time, still didn’t know what to do, but it was fun. No one called me a noob and I clearly was one.

So that’s why I think we have numbers, because the people on BP want to play. do people on your server want to play with you? If they did am sure you would not have problems fielding enough to match up with anyone. Remember it’s a max of 160 per side per map. Not a kitten load. So before you start crying about population, look at yourselves and how you treat your server mates, because that is probably the case.

Done and dusted . . .

Flayfirst – Borlis Pass – clan DNA
Extremely brittle thief, but fun to play

(edited by Flayfirst.4735)

12/7: BP/SF/AR

in WvW

Posted by: lBANKAll.2183


Personally I don’t think it is population of the servers that is the problem. I think it is the people on the server that WANT to play WVW. On BP we happen to have a great number of people that want to WVW, just like people just want to PVE. I can’t speak for other servers but WVW on BP is accessible and fun for whomever wants to come. Most stay because they have had a good experience, they are helped and have things explained by more experienced players. They are included in groups not shunned by guilds, we at BP don’t treat WVW as an exclusive playground for the big guilds, and if you come in you can’t run with them. Everyone is included in all the fighting, no one is told on chat that they are stupid, or go back to PVE, or to change your spec because you suck, or L2P, ever. We don’t put off people like that, so they come back, again and again, then they Re hooked and they tell their guild mates and friends. I am one of them. I hated PVP but I was bored one day and jumped to wvw. I was discouraged and didn’t know what was gong on. Luckily I saw in chat, everyone form up in Diasharo, and I just followed and had a good time, still didn’t know what to do, but it was fun. No one called me a noob and I clearly was one.

So that’s why I think we have numbers, because the people on BP want to play. do people on your server want to play with you? If they did am sure you would not have problems fielding enough to match up with anyone. Remember it’s a max of 160 per side per map. Not a kitten load. So before you start crying about population, look at yourselves and how you treat your server mates, because that is probably the case.

Done and dusted . . .

Ha AR 160 per map?


Commander IBANKAI Lord of Quaggans
[ALS] Anvil’s Last Stand Guild Leader

12/7: BP/SF/AR

in WvW

Posted by: Rashagal.5867


I honestly feel bad for the good honest players in AR trying to put in the hard work for a server that clearly is rotten to the core.

You better use 2 hands if you’re gonna keep painting with a brush that big, kid.

Anvil Rock Ambassador of [Sane];
[ARM] Anvil Rock Militia Commander;
The Loryak: I speak for these beasts.

12/7: BP/SF/AR

in WvW

Posted by: ktith.6197


So before you start crying about population, look at yourselves and how you treat your server mates, because that is probably the case.

Done and dusted . . .


Cmdr. Xandria Wolfkin
[RED] Devona’s Rest

12/7: BP/SF/AR

in WvW

Posted by: Dovgan.8605


Honestly I do treat my server mates with as much respect as I can. I teach new people about Wv3, but I do not have a fancy blue icon above my head. The zerg train mentality has kept me from getting it.

Dovgan lvl 80 Ranger
[LPC] [KAOS] – Killing As Organized Sport

12/7: BP/SF/AR

in WvW

Posted by: yungwizud.1827


Honestly in the heat of battle i want nothing more than to wipe Borlis Pass off the face of the earth. whats it been now 10 matches pitted against one another? Then i take a break and think about what i’ve spent so much time participating in: Scouting, typing furiously fast, keeping the post and interacting with hundreds of people for a cause. ive realised that I love it and that i actually enjoy the rivalry between Anvil Rock and Borlis Pass thats sprouted up so early in the game. i think we should cherish this rivalry.. this spirit of ridiculous bloodthirst and ultimately.. fun competition. I hate to see us enraged accusing and bitter. we should all share in the fun and like my guild president once said, at the end of the day its a game and if your not having fun then by all means go and do your thing.

long hours has my guild spent keeping the watch over claimed land. sometimes i feel I spend an unhealthy amount of time in world verse world and its probably because i like so many others wants to feel this relaxed community vibe and to see the whole succeed.
the problem for us is clearly ‘off-peak’. during the night we have a small amount of friends to call upon… and our enemy marches always on us always with out tire. if this is anvil rock’s fate to fight only under the sun then so be it. better to push for the cause of a strong and stubborn community on Anvil that will hopefully last. build it slowly but surely and trust in the server you call home. yeah good as :d

(edited by yungwizud.1827)

12/7: BP/SF/AR

in WvW

Posted by: Rinzler.8072


Personally I don’t think it is population of the servers that is the problem. I think it is the people on the server that WANT to play WVW. On BP we happen to have a great number of people that want to WVW, just like people just want to PVE. I can’t speak for other servers but WVW on BP is accessible and fun for whomever wants to come. Most stay because they have had a good experience, they are helped and have things explained by more experienced players. They are included in groups not shunned by guilds, we at BP don’t treat WVW as an exclusive playground for the big guilds, and if you come in you can’t run with them. Everyone is included in all the fighting, no one is told on chat that they are stupid, or go back to PVE, or to change your spec because you suck, or L2P, ever. We don’t put off people like that, so they come back, again and again, then they Re hooked and they tell their guild mates and friends. I am one of them. I hated PVP but I was bored one day and jumped to wvw. I was discouraged and didn’t know what was gong on. Luckily I saw in chat, everyone form up in Diasharo, and I just followed and had a good time, still didn’t know what to do, but it was fun. No one called me a noob and I clearly was one.

So that’s why I think we have numbers, because the people on BP want to play. do people on your server want to play with you? If they did am sure you would not have problems fielding enough to match up with anyone. Remember it’s a max of 160 per side per map. Not a kitten load. So before you start crying about population, look at yourselves and how you treat your server mates, because that is probably the case.

Done and dusted . . .

Ya, AR actually has twice as much WVW’s than Borlis. But we still cant seem to beat your awesome tactical skills.

True Story…. lol.

Honestly, im still having fun more this match than our last ownage.

If you enjoy dominating maps with greater numbers, more power to ya. Having a zerg roll down my enemies while barely getting a hit in is boring.

Ill continue to roll around with my gank groups with a 20+ k/d ratio and take towers at will :-)

Rinzler [Mesmer] -BROLIS PASS- Violent Tendencies (vT)

12/7: BP/SF/AR

in WvW

Posted by: Hadan.2841


Wow this thread is sad. Oh well great fights tonight we had alot of fun in AR BL and then being called to our BL to help defend when SF and AR went all out on our map and beat us down for a bit. We eventually pushed both servers back tho!! took a while. keep it up AR and SF.

Leader/Driver of Krew/MR

12/7: BP/SF/AR

in WvW

Posted by: Nuzt.7894


Indeed, this thread has gotten out of hand. BP has alot more ppl its a fact whether its transfer, better community, more ppl that enjoy WvW whatever it doesn’t matter. I’m not going to say “hahaha you all suck” because its not true but your lying to yourselves if your going to insist that your population has zero to do with it.

As for the players being treated good or bad, I’ve personally never seen anyone just start throwing out insults to new PvP players. I’m sure it has happened but not that I have witnessed, I wish we could get people out of PvE and into WvW but for whatever reason it doesn’t happen on AR.

Either way its been fun, I give props to BP because as I said before even if populations were equal it would have been great battles that could go either way. Numbers help and roles reversed SF or AR would probably be in the lead not because anyone of our servers are baddies but lets face it, in WvW numbers win wars.

Now I’m sure someone will be mad and try and twist my post into “you said we wouldn’t win without numbers” but that is not the case. I just think its sad this thread has turned into a flame war on all sides. I’m sure BP will keep trucking up in the tiers and kudo’s to them. I just hope we AR can get some more ppl into WvW so we can meet you guys in another tier.

12/7: BP/SF/AR

in WvW

Posted by: Plok.6145


Indeed, this thread has gotten out of hand. BP has alot more ppl its a fact whether its transfer, better community, more ppl that enjoy WvW whatever it doesn’t matter. I’m not going to say “hahaha you all suck” because its not true but your lying to yourselves if your going to insist that your population has zero to do with it.

As for the players being treated good or bad, I’ve personally never seen anyone just start throwing out insults to new PvP players. I’m sure it has happened but not that I have witnessed, I wish we could get people out of PvE and into WvW but for whatever reason it doesn’t happen on AR.

Either way its been fun, I give props to BP because as I said before even if populations were equal it would have been great battles that could go either way. Numbers help and roles reversed SF or AR would probably be in the lead not because anyone of our servers are baddies but lets face it, in WvW numbers win wars.

Now I’m sure someone will be mad and try and twist my post into “you said we wouldn’t win without numbers” but that is not the case. I just think its sad this thread has turned into a flame war on all sides. I’m sure BP will keep trucking up in the tiers and kudo’s to them. I just hope we AR can get some more ppl into WvW so we can meet you guys in another tier.

Well said. To be perfectly honest, you kids should prolly get off the interwebz, it’s gone to your heads. It’s a kittening game, chill the kitten out. The “You all suck” stuff is just very childish.

I am wondering, can anyone from AR or SF tell me what the Borlis Pact start strategy was against you this week? Hint, same one employed the week before. Some additional numbers help, but the idea is to demoralize so people leave the battlefield, seems to have worked well. That and there seems to be a serious lack of night presence, something BP dealt with for a long time. Some people joined BP, evident. TO be perfectly honest, with the exception of WAR, they could all go right back to their old servers. Most are combative and are frankly unhelpful to the server cause. (Probably the same reason the left their old server).

Now, I was out tonight with a guild group of six people, and was rolled over by 30+ in AR BL several times. Stop with the stupid comments about the zerg, you all do it, so just stifle yourselves and play the game.

One last quick thing, Anvil, consider that some of the problem is half your population is soloing on thievs, instead of working for the server. Ganks earn you nothing, except kitten flexing on a /faceroll toon.


Commander Plok The Original Leader of Shadow of Agony [GOAT]

(edited by Plok.6145)

12/7: BP/SF/AR

in WvW

Posted by: Dark Aidget.3879

Dark Aidget.3879

To the SF mesmer [SANC] that continuously tried to do terrain exploits all night, I respectfully advise you to stop. When I first saw you, you had embedded yourself in the top of the outside wall at Hills. Then you came back, not 15 minutes later, to try again and got a Madz dagger for your pains. Then you tried your cute little shimmy dance until you figured out how to scoot up the wall of Bay and pop over the water gate. It was almost admirable how much dedication and perseverance you showed. I watched you the entire time.

I’m sure you thought you were just having fun and all’s fair in love and war, and it would have seemed awesome had it worked and you managed to take back bay from us. But you should know that I have screen shots of everything, and what you were doing could get you banned from the game. A good mesmer hides, yes, and ports in his teammates for a killing stroke. However, good mesmers don’t need to cheat to be awesome.

You seemed like a gentlemanly fellow, the bow when you knew the jig was up was a nice touch, so I decided not to send my screenshots to ANet. I’m gonna post a couple from our last rendezvous here instead. Hopefully, you are here to see them. If not, perhaps one of your SF buddies will give you the heads up.

If we catch you again, game’s over.



(edited by Dark Aidget.3879)

12/7: BP/SF/AR

in WvW

Posted by: Rashagal.5867



I’m not sure why you think playing a thief makes you any less vital to the team. Sure if all you ever do is roam around and kill you’re not being very helpful, but that’s true for any class. I play thief. I get lots of badges. But I also use all those extra badges i earn from kills to buy and place siege, use my mobility to do super fast supply runs, use my stealth to revive allies and/or get stomps on key targets that can turn battles, scorpion wire that kitteny ranger or ele spamming from the walls down for my comrades to kill while I AOE the seige on the enemy battlements, and use my speed to scout ahead of zergs to call out locations of enemies and report enemy army sizes to coordinate flanking maneuvers and call in people to defend positions that haven’t even been attacked yet. This is all not to mention that the thief has arguably the best damaging AOE spell with explosive shot and a 3 bounce auto shot that hits for 1.5k regularly and anti-enemy revival AOE with choking gas.

Explain again how I’m not helping my team and am causing AR to lose through these obvious examples of unskilled and selfish behavior…

Oh yeah… and be real: If %50 of our server ran thief, you wouldn’t ever see us coming, especially with the culling issues. %15 run thief at most. Yes, that number is an estimate, but 2 things: I let you know when I’m bullkitten you and I’d wager my badges of honor that my guess is a lot closer than yours.

You guys get so defensive when we call you out for numbers. Its not that we think you are bad. Honestly most the AR guys that I hear talking about BP talk about ya’ll being good. They just don’t understand why you can’t just admit that you are winning from numbers. It makes you look arrogant when some of you get on the forums and start saying things like “I’m really disappointed in you SF and AR.” or “Why is your server so rotten?” and then say its QQ when we give a plausible rebuttal. AR won last week because of numbers. We admitted it openly on the forums because its an insult to the other servers we played when we get an obvious numbers boost and then deny it through gloating and degrade another server through insults. It’s not an attack on your skills to admit it. BP players are just as good as AR IMHO, and I’d even go so far as to say that GOM is right up there with us. But this isn’t sPvP. Its WvW. Numbers matter.

Edit: Just to be clear, I’m not denying that AR does zerg. Of course we do. Every server does. Its a War. By all means use as many as you can muster. Just don’t rub it in by saying it was because you were superior. Not many people appreciate an ungracious winner. Enjoy your wins and keep riding the high morale, and good luck if/when you move up in the tiers. I hope we will see a lot more of each other on the battle field. I don’t want this rivalry we have going to ever end. Its boring when you guys are gone.

I just can’t quit you Borlis…

Anvil Rock Ambassador of [Sane];
[ARM] Anvil Rock Militia Commander;
The Loryak: I speak for these beasts.

(edited by Rashagal.5867)

12/7: BP/SF/AR

in WvW

Posted by: GSSBlunaspike.4153


@GSSBlunaspike Maybe if he had actually targeted someone that had the outmanned buff. I was there, it was on. That’s 4 times the number when it pops. Keep telling yourself that it’s not. There were 3 golems that had been used on 2 towers prior to that, two that were about half dead because some people don’t know they can’t tank oil. Congrats on killing them after they had already served their purpose though.

And even with that unorganized lot, you failed to mention they still got the outer down is clever on your part. I was in the tower before it was zerged right across the way, the golems were my build, and I was done with them.

Funny that you mentioned it. See I did target and get a screen just in case.

Want more?

12/7: BP/SF/AR

in WvW

Posted by: Nuzt.7894


bp 129k, AR 43k, SF 39k

12/7: BP/SF/AR

in WvW

Posted by: jkctmc.8754


@GSSBlunaspike Maybe if he had actually targeted someone that had the outmanned buff. I was there, it was on. That’s 4 times the number when it pops. Keep telling yourself that it’s not. There were 3 golems that had been used on 2 towers prior to that, two that were about half dead because some people don’t know they can’t tank oil. Congrats on killing them after they had already served their purpose though.

And even with that unorganized lot, you failed to mention they still got the outer down is clever on your part. I was in the tower before it was zerged right across the way, the golems were my build, and I was done with them.

Funny that you mentioned it. See I did target and get a screen just in case.

Want more?

How embarassing for you, not to know even after I’ve told you about the new culling mechanic this week, that is designed not to show you your allies.


Notice how in your screenshot, you do not have the outmanned buff? Misleading screenshots get you no where. <laughs>

Renno – Stonegard – Aece
80 Thief – 80 Warrior – 80 Guardian – 80 Ranger
80 Mesmer – 80 Necromancer

12/7: BP/SF/AR

in WvW

Posted by: Evilzara.6378



Good job Borlis Pass!


Commander Evilzara of The Black Tides [TBT]

Stormbluff Isle

12/7: BP/SF/AR

in WvW

Posted by: jkctmc.8754



Good job Borlis Pass!

Go, go night capping.

Renno – Stonegard – Aece
80 Thief – 80 Warrior – 80 Guardian – 80 Ranger
80 Mesmer – 80 Necromancer

12/7: BP/SF/AR

in WvW

Posted by: Kardiamond.6952


@DKz Lux

Can you guys stop posting in those thread? Everytime, the thread is going well, and you start posting non sense and insulting post in the thread.

Being a troll on purpose or not, those post are the reason why those threads are getting closed. I’m sure you guys aren’t really like that. Just grow up a bit, and have fun with the rilvalry with out pushing it too far.


You guys had a cool guild and all, it was great when you helped Anvil Rock in fights. But since you are leaving next week, you can stop bashing up the alliance every post you can. Solve your issue with them, no need to post them on the forum.

EOH jumped what? 3-4 server since release? It’s good to say it’s the server fault, but you also have to understand that you prolly have some fault also.

And I have been running with the alliance for 1 week now. No they don’t always do the best move, but hey, they are human and playing for fun. Mistake happen. But they never gave up. They fought all week and they aren’t stopping.

Now over for negativity.

Now for the match up!

Great match! Love it!

We had a bad surprise when the reset happened.

Seems like both SF and BP decided to rush us in our borderland. It was crazy :

“The zerg is at the bay!!” "No It’s at Garrisson! “No both Zerg are at garrison!”

BP had 2 group going on, when for the hills, and one for garrison. SF had one zerg going directly for garrison after taking some tower.

Hell, BP and SF even fought inside the garrison during the siege ahhaah. We were outnumbered being 1 vs 2, but it was still crazy. We had to attack BP borderland to make them fall back from our BL.

After that, BP did very well, we had nice fight with them. Sadly, while we were having a fight with them, we couldn’t defend EB and we lost most.

BP had forces on every map, and it hurts us a lot. Seems like our fairweather players from last week all went back to PvE or transfered somewhere else.

Message to SF, come on guys, I thought you would attack the big guy! Not us! I understand the tactic of attacking the 2nd position, it’s logic. But we can’t let BP get such a big margin. Each time I logged we had blue in our territories, and then our people had to attack you to take there revenge.

We should stop wasting our forces between us and kick some BP’s bottom.

P.S 1 : The off peak capping while hurt this match up tho, right now BP is holding 100% of the map

P.S 2 : Here a Screenshot of the first hour after reset. Blue and green in our borderland, no other borderland attacked. That hurt


Rotthen (Necro) / Zhyx (Engineer) /Inglorious Beasterd (Ranger)
Server : Anvil Rock (Since Release!) [SOLO]

(edited by Kardiamond.6952)

12/7: BP/SF/AR

in WvW

Posted by: amiable.4823


So let me preface this thread by saying a few things about Sorrow’s Furnace. In many respects we are pretty terrible:

1. Half our server speaks Spanish, they tend to be the really competent folk who are yelling at the rest of us to do stuff. Unfortunately we don’t understand them.

2. We are totally disorganized, we rarely have a commander online and heaven forbid we have two, because it devolves into petty bickering like an old married couple. We actually do better when no commanders take the field (like Sunday).

3. Siege? What’s that? Should we put it in our castles? Should we upgrade?

4. We are easily distracted by… Hey look, that squirrel has a fluffy tail!

5. Flanking? Whats that? Why am I falling down all the time? Why are rocks falling from the sky? So we need to appease the rock-god or something?

6. Guys! Guys! Guys!!!! There is a dude in the jumping puzzle, send the zerg over here!!!!!!!

7. Between the hours of midnight and 6am EST we have about 5 people on.

However, despite our shortcomings we have without question, the funniest general and local chat in the game, a few gems:

“For Narnia!!!!”
“Sorrow’s Furnace Server motto: ‘Jesus Christ people, we need our sleep!’”
“I hate it when mommy and daddy fight, why don’t you just love each other!!!!!” (In response to commander bickering).
“We will defeat them through the awesome magic of teamwork, and the incredible power of not bickering.”

So why bring this up? Sorrow’s furnace is a pretty awesome server, even when we lose most folks are having a lot of fun. I’m really glad I chose it, but we totally deserve to be sitting in Tier 6.

And so do you. Listen, the fact that we are all in Tier 6 indicates that we are all somewhere on the spectrum of pretty terrible. And that’s OK. But chest-thumping and getting all bent our of shape about it is like a trio of fat kids arguing over who is the fastest.

Fat kid #1 (Borlis Pass): We are the best!!! Kneel before Zod!!!!
Fat kid #2 (Anvil’s Furnace): You only won because you got new sneakers, also we weren’t really trying.
Fat kid #3 (Sorrow’s Furnace): Listen guys, I’m going to go eat some pie, you in?

We are all fat kids, own that kitten.

Aliquot Love – Engineer
Gable Thorn – Elementalist
Shining in Darkness – Warrior – Mag

12/7: BP/SF/AR

in WvW

Posted by: robocafaz.9017


To the SF mesmer [SANC] that continuously tried to do terrain exploits all night, I respectfully advise you to stop.

Ah, my Necro friend. Yes, that was me. My Mesmer’s name is “Glast Heim” and he’s level 17. I heard some hubbub about terrain exploiting and decided to see what the extent of it was. Much to my surprise I was able to get inside every single tower, keep and garrison in the Borderlands. I assure you, however, despite my Mesmer-being, I had no intent to portal anyone inside, and every method I used was reported. I also took videos which I will not be sharing with anyone except an ANet employee, because god knows sharing that information would probably screw up the entirety of WvW until it all gets fixed.

I recognized you swimming by when I was trying to shimmy up the water-way. I was glad you didn’t attack me right then and there. I knew when you started following me inside I wasn’t going to get a chance to climb inside the keep lord’s room, so I did my best to show my non-malicious intentions. Sadly your magical non-rendering thief friend didn’t agree…

When I first saw you, you had embedded yourself in the top of the outside wall at Hills.

That was completely unintended, actually (and I also reported that.) I was trying to get away from the Veteran Archer atop the wall and I used my staff 2 and it embedded me in the wall. When you came buy I was trying to emote at you for help but I couldn’t seem to stop my character from moving.

If you want to contact me in-game tonight we can discuss this more in-depth. I don’t want my experiments to reflect negatively on my guild nor my server.

Deany Kong – #magswag
Head Deany Kong of Deany and the Kongs [Kong]

(edited by robocafaz.9017)

12/7: BP/SF/AR

in WvW

Posted by: Plok.6145



I’m not sure why you think playing a thief makes you any less vital to the team. Sure if all you ever do is roam around and kill you’re not being very helpful, but that’s true for any class. I play thief. I get lots of badges. But I also use all those extra badges i earn from kills to buy and place siege, use my mobility to do super fast supply runs, use my stealth to revive allies and/or get stomps on key targets that can turn battles, scorpion wire that kitteny ranger or ele spamming from the walls down for my comrades to kill while I AOE the seige on the enemy battlements, and use my speed to scout ahead of zergs to call out locations of enemies and report enemy army sizes to coordinate flanking maneuvers and call in people to defend positions that haven’t even been attacked yet. This is all not to mention that the thief has arguably the best damaging AOE spell with explosive shot and a 3 bounce auto shot that hits for 1.5k regularly and anti-enemy revival AOE with choking gas.

Explain again how I’m not helping my team and am causing AR to lose through these obvious examples of unskilled and selfish behavior…

Oh yeah… and be real: If %50 of our server ran thief, you wouldn’t ever see us coming, especially with the culling issues. %15 run thief at most. Yes, that number is an estimate, but 2 things: I let you know when I’m bullkitten you and I’d wager my badges of honor that my guess is a lot closer than yours.

Well, last night my small group ran around for a couple of hours. I would say AT LEAST half our overall kills were thieves. Can’t say positively they were all AR but tons were. Even found a group of four ezmoders on middle island that exploded from AE. You can throw a million pieces of siege, running around solo, generally does kitten for the realm as a whole. Hey I run around solo on occasion but I know all i am doing is looking for fights, nothing generally for the realm. Oh, and I do love when a thief attacks me with his shing shing and they see very little health come off and then run away, it amuses me.

FOTM: Thief, cause some need that base advantage.


Commander Plok The Original Leader of Shadow of Agony [GOAT]

(edited by Plok.6145)

12/7: BP/SF/AR

in WvW

Posted by: Atomic Sharks.7250

Atomic Sharks.7250


I’m not sure why you think playing a thief makes you any less vital to the team. Sure if all you ever do is roam around and kill you’re not being very helpful, but that’s true for any class. I play thief. I get lots of badges. But I also use all those extra badges i earn from kills to buy and place siege, use my mobility to do super fast supply runs, use my stealth to revive allies and/or get stomps on key targets that can turn battles, scorpion wire that kitteny ranger or ele spamming from the walls down for my comrades to kill while I AOE the seige on the enemy battlements, and use my speed to scout ahead of zergs to call out locations of enemies and report enemy army sizes to coordinate flanking maneuvers and call in people to defend positions that haven’t even been attacked yet. This is all not to mention that the thief has arguably the best damaging AOE spell with explosive shot and a 3 bounce auto shot that hits for 1.5k regularly and anti-enemy revival AOE with choking gas.

Explain again how I’m not helping my team and am causing AR to lose through these obvious examples of unskilled and selfish behavior…

Oh yeah… and be real: If %50 of our server ran thief, you wouldn’t ever see us coming, especially with the culling issues. %15 run thief at most. Yes, that number is an estimate, but 2 things: I let you know when I’m bullkitten you and I’d wager my badges of honor that my guess is a lot closer than yours.

You guys get so defensive when we call you out for numbers. Its not that we think you are bad. Honestly most the AR guys that I hear talking about BP talk about ya’ll being good. They just don’t understand why you can’t just admit that you are winning from numbers. It makes you look arrogant when some of you get on the forums and start saying things like “I’m really disappointed in you SF and AR.” or “Why is your server so rotten?” and then say its QQ when we give a plausible rebuttal. AR won last week because of numbers. We admitted it openly on the forums because its an insult to the other servers we played when we get an obvious numbers boost and then deny it through gloating and degrade another server through insults. It’s not an attack on your skills to admit it. BP players are just as good as AR IMHO, and I’d even go so far as to say that GOM is right up there with us. But this isn’t sPvP. Its WvW. Numbers matter.

Edit: Just to be clear, I’m not denying that AR does zerg. Of course we do. Every server does. Its a War. By all means use as many as you can muster. Just don’t rub it in by saying it was because you were superior. Not many people appreciate an ungracious winner. Enjoy your wins and keep riding the high morale, and good luck if/when you move up in the tiers. I hope we will see a lot more of each other on the battle field. I don’t want this rivalry we have going to ever end. Its boring when you guys are gone.

I just can’t quit you Borlis…

BP has a hard time admitting its the numbers because that does in fact mean we need less skill then you, therefore we are admitting that for you to keep up with us you need to be more skilled, its a circular argument which ends with BP because it has more numbers is less skilled, people don’t like it when people question their skill so they get defensive, its no the numbers itself its what pointing out the numbers mean

12/7: BP/SF/AR

in WvW

Posted by: testpig.5018


Luckily I saw in chat, everyone form up in Diasharo, and I just followed and had a good time, still didn’t know what to do, but it was fun. No one called me a noob and I clearly was one. .

And thus the zerg is formed.