12/7 - TC vs. FA vs. CD
I’ve been playing most of the night, and the map alone proves the CD/FA alliance never came to fruition.
Ah well, par for the course I guess.
Representing RET in WvW
Oh and if CD thinks for even a moment that TC and FA would work together…
Simply – no way. The history of our past month battling each other means zero chance of partnership.
Representing RET in WvW
I’ve been playing most of the night, and the map alone proves the CD/FA alliance never came to fruition.
Ah well, par for the course I guess.
It was one guild that offered the alliance. ONE GUILD.
That guy is just trying to be a fight promoter or something or making excuses for any victory that happens over TC at all.
Who knows. I’m not going to argue with him anymore because he is the type who will cherry pick an argument to death and make long winded posts simply because he enjoys arguing on internet forums.
(edited by Viridian.2357)
Wow, some people just seem to jump to conclusions based on what they want to read, rather than what’s written. Read my post twice (I know its quite long, but well) and tell me if I am actually trying to stir up a fight or whatever, where I openly applauded the work put in by both servers/guilds from both sides to keep us on our toes and admitted the mistakes we committed. Well, some guys just see negativity in everything maybe!
Enjoy the fights and the game!
Tee See
One thing is for certain, playing for second place is playing to lose.
Just to point something out….
Today I went into EB and noticed FA / CD pushing into each other’s territory, while ignoring TC…. I also noticed FA in CD borders taking camps and west keep. Seems great for FA right? Wrong.
Look at the score now. Look at FA and CD’s border lands. By attacking each other CD and FA have, once again, opened the game wide for TC to not only run away with the score, but to decimate our borders and basically control the entire fight.
All this argument over wheather or not there is an alliance is pointless, because an alliance shouldn’t even be needed. You guys are blowing it with your fail stratagy.
When are people going to figure out there’s a war going on?
(edited by Raincrow.1840)
Was there an alliance in TCBL? It was openly admitted.
I was one of the first FA players in TC BL when we started attacking, so I’ll clear up what I know from the FA side.
First off — there was no alliance in TCBL last night.
About 10 of us ported from EB to TC BL because we saw CD was attacking bay there. We thought it would be a good time to try and retake some of our stuff.
There was absoltely no communication between the 10 of us who ported to TC BL and the CD players there.
All we did was attack our side of the map, first retaking Redlake tower and then going for the hills keep. During this entire time CD was fighting at the bay, and we had no intention of going to that side as we had so few people.
Just as we took down the western wall of the hills keep a bunch of other people from our guild joined us. We also had a fair number from other guilds like JPN. We progressed up our side of the map while CD was going up theirs, not because of an alliance but because it was the path of least resistance. At no time did any of us talk to any CD players on the TC BL.
FA – Protectorate of Aspenwood [PRO]
It doesn’t matter if they come at us 2v1 or not, the only thing it will do is make our server grow stronger from it.
It doesn’t matter if they troll and flame us on the forums, they are just making fools out of themselves.
It doesn’t matter if we are losing, for we are roleplayers, we can allways roleplay we are winning.
What matters though, is one simple truth, and that one is absolute, the Golem God, in all his immortal glory, will lead us to victory, and when we die, our souls shall be turned into cogs in his divine machinery.
T.O.A.S.T. The Organsiation Against Server Transfers
Was there an alliance in TCBL? It was openly admitted.
I was one of the first FA players in TC BL when we started attacking, so I’ll clear up what I know from the FA side.
First off — there was no alliance in TCBL last night.
About 10 of us ported from EB to TC BL because we saw CD was attacking bay there. We thought it would be a good time to try and retake some of our stuff.
There was absoltely no communication between the 10 of us who ported to TC BL and the CD players there.
All we did was attack our side of the map, first retaking Redlake tower and then going for the hills keep. During this entire time CD was fighting at the bay, and we had no intention of going to that side as we had so few people.
Just as we took down the western wall of the hills keep a bunch of other people from our guild joined us. We also had a fair number from other guilds like JPN. We progressed up our side of the map while CD was going up theirs, not because of an alliance but because it was the path of least resistance. At no time did any of us talk to any CD players on the TC BL.
Well, good to hear your end of the story. I based my post based on some players who were there from either servers and DID admit, I am not from FA/CD and wouldn’t know. Some have admitted, I quoted and that’s all there is to it. But in NO WAY, am I either whining about it, after making posts yesterday asking for alliance between you guys, nor am I denying the credit where it is due, with regards to the work you guys have put in to kick our butts, and the work we guys have put in to try to defend.
And we have time and again openly admitted that we could learn a couple of things and improvise our playstyle, and we DID make mistakes last night which was clear from my post.
Great fights overall! Thanks for making us rethink our strategies and weaknesses!
Any score updates with map shots please, anybody!?
Tee See
It’s not use arguing with these guys about the alliance even though multiple posts have confirmed there was a party with FA/CD commanders in order to take over TC BL. They assume that EVERYONE in the server has to be involved in order for it to be an alliance. Where does the zerg follow? The commander. So who really needs to know? The commander. But whatever lol. And the fact that there was no alliance in EB but just the BL’s. Then there are the idiots that look at the map now and go, “ kitten There obviously isn’t an alliance, look at the map kitten ”. Sigh….moving on….
Here is the score update man.
Lightdivinity – Level 80 Bunker Elementalist
Reshaos – Level 80 Power Necromancer
It’s not use arguing with these guys about the alliance even though multiple posts have confirmed there was a party with FA/CD commanders in order to take over TC BL.
I certainly wasn’t arguing with Phaeneo. I posted from the POV of an FA player who was actually there for the FA attack on TCBL last night. I think he appreciated having someone from FA post their POV of what happened.
I don’t know why people think there was a party of FA/CD commanders. I was one of only about 10 FA players in TC BL for the first hour of our attack. I was also in teamspeak with the only FA commander in TC BL for this entire time. We had no contact whatsoever with CD during our entire time there (other than when we attacked each other later on).
FA – Protectorate of Aspenwood [PRO]
(edited by wombat.6123)
Wow, TC came out in force tonight! I’m really impressed. Every Map on Q!
@Divinebeing: Well, my post wasn’t whether there was an actual alliance or not, even during the total TCBL take-over by both FA & CD, I didn’t really think there was any alliance, until a few of them posted here either to joke around or maybe a few of them communicated with other side, but whatever! I was only mentioning how I look at it from my end, so things can be seen from all perspectives to clear up that TC isn’t whining about it.
If they allied, good for them! If not, even good for them! As long as we aren’t just trolling around and having fun fights it doesn’t really matter. Overall it helped us come out strong, and in long run it will help us further. Even on our community website, we’ve been continuously discussing about improving our strategies before even thinking of moving to T2; so moving up is not our priority in general, improving our play style is which was evident after getting sandwiched yesterday.
And thanks for the updates man! Good to see us make a come back in force!
@wombat, I don’t think Divine meant specifically you or anyone for that matter, and I really appreciate POV from FA as well as from CD. I go through all the posts in the thread since the last post I read to get an idea of what I missed when I wasn’t online and try to put everything into a long winded post (I apologize for that) so some might just look at a couple of things and ignore the rest, thereby my posts at times get antagonized lol. I should make it a habit to keep things short (which is quite difficult when you try to discuss, this isn’t twitter anyway :P)
Anyways, enjoy the fights everyone and salute to all 3 servers for great matchup. Hope we can keep changing strategies and pacing each day so we don’t get tired of each other if we face off again in coming weeks.
Tee See
(edited by phaneo.4597)
Updated! Keep you on your toes!
Lightdivinity – Level 80 Bunker Elementalist
Reshaos – Level 80 Power Necromancer
From a TC player, I just had to come here to mention the fight over Hills on CD BL where FA was defending. That had to be some of the most fun I’ve had in several nights, and it was really tense there at the end. CD swooped in and wiped us, and we just spawned and threw ourselves at the lords room to hopefully block a capture, when it turns out that FA was still there holding people off! We had no idea at the time. To any FA member in the lords room, you might remember a red/gold/purple charr who pushed his way all the way into the lords room to say hi!
It was a great fight on every side from what I could tell! I was just getting back to the keep when we capped it, so I missed what happened at the end.
Tarnished Coast, Hammer guy of [NOPE]
Score update… TC pulling away at the moment
Guild Leader
Score update… TC pulling away at the moment
Just due to the way our servers’ peak hours work out, I would honestly expect something like this to happen every day this week unless we have people dedicating themselves to play more on any given server. CD will beat us in the mornings and we’ll bounce back during the evening. Unless FA or CD can find a way to throw off our peak hour performance, then nothing is going to change.
Men of Science [MoS] – Tarnished Coast
Looks over at TC boarderlands . . . oh, that’s why you DONT DO THAT!
Looks over at the map . . . oh, that’s why you DON’T DO THAT!
Openly talking about treaties? Hope it went for you as well as it did for us.
I just wanted to make some small requests of my fellow players.
If you are from CD you probably think of me as the mad red pirate that toils endlessly alongside a dolyak in an endless quest to upgrade All The Things.
If you are from FA or TC you probably think of me as that squishy blue ranger toiling endlessly alongside a dolyak in a hopeless quest to upgrade All The Things you are just going to take anyway.
My fellow CD players, I would ask that if you should see me walking alone beside a slowly plodding dolyak, that you please toot your horn or otherwise put a speed burst on as you pass to assist my efforts. It is for the good of the server!
And ye nemesis of TC and FA, I ask that if you should see me toiling all alone with a dolyak, that you wave at me before you stake me to the ground.
Team Dolyak & Fluffyhooves (pictured below)
HONK! casts Burst of Speed
As for the alliance going
I’m just curious why is CD and FA people arguing about this when TC is just watching and going like “meh”. : |
The thing about alliances is, in WvW, tensions are high and even if some sort of agreement do arise out of talks, both sides will still be uneasy and finger will always be on the trigger to react to any breaches in the “truce”.
Furthermore, the temporary alliance by Derv was only for that period of time when he is on. Any further comms between the worlds are independent of the worlds and limited to the guild tags they see. -> Crystal Desert Invader [XYZ], Tarnished Coast Defender [ABC], Fort Aspenwood Invader [QRS]
Maybe ABC decided to work with QRS but no one else knows unless they message each other and that does not apply to anyone outside the guilds. Furthermore, the bloodlust on EB is so high any discussion of an alliance will get you grounded into the dirt faster than oil companies digging for oil!
Whatever the case this week’s match up is awesome and it’s nice having a challenge from TC again giving us the ridiculous QRF response time and map presence. Took 3 guilds communicating in TC BL on CD to clear Bay keep.
All the best for the week ahead everyone.
Einsof Gaming
Looks over at TC boarderlands . . . oh, that’s why you DONT DO THAT!
Looks over at the map . . . oh, that’s why you DON’T DO THAT!
Openly talking about treaties? Hope it went for you as well as it did for us.
Do you think the current PPT would be any different had there been no ‘treaty’? Face it, TC has a massive WvW population right now compared to FA and CD, one of you even said that you had queues on all 4 maps today. FA can fill 1, maybe 2 maps with outmanned on the other 2. Had there not been some sort of mutual understanding that TC is the strongest in this tier, the score right now would easily be more favorable to TC.
The Golem Gods are rumbling tonight! Can you hear them?
i really like [PRO]
Do you think the current PPT would be any different had there been no ‘treaty’? Face it, TC has a massive WvW population right now compared to FA and CD, one of you even said that you had queues on all 4 maps today. FA can fill 1, maybe 2 maps with outmanned on the other 2. Had there not been some sort of mutual understanding that TC is the strongest in this tier, the score right now would easily be more favorable to TC.
It’s more like FA and CD poked the bear. You should never poke the bear….
What’s funny is we don’t plan on pushing too hard until after the Wintersday event lol. We would rather not be in tier 2 when majority of our population is participating in Wintersday.
Lightdivinity – Level 80 Bunker Elementalist
Reshaos – Level 80 Power Necromancer
The Golem Gods are rumbling tonight! Can you hear them?
I think that’s just the sound of the burning oil still echoing from your 41 golem nightmare..
i really like [PRO]
We love you [PiNK] too!
Looking forward to more duels when the match is winding up.
To the Charr Guardian from CD who dueled me on my thief up at spiritholme, fun times
[BLNT] Better Luck Next Time
Tarnished Coast
Do not make me repeat myself… those were faulty golems powered by tainted cores given to them by the Anti Golem God, we just purged ourselves of them.
also.. you guys at PRO are one of the few reasons i like fighting your Server
The Golem God sent me a vison that you are the ones that shall die first, and also shall be granted a quick and painless death, while the rest of your server might not be so fortunate.
T.O.A.S.T. The Organsiation Against Server Transfers
(edited by Sunshine.3452)
Wow! This thread has spiced up for all right and wrong reasons!
First of all, I applaud people like Shinhwa and Shadow Gathering to come out openly and admit the temporary alliance/truce or a few commander-level coordination between 2 servers or a couple of guilds from both servers or whatever it is you call it. And yes, we asked for it. And it did make things a little interesting.
Looking through Shadow Gathering’s posts I don’t see anything but discussion of why it would be good. Shinwa does openly declare an alliance, but for the life of me I can’t figure out which commanders from CD are in it.
If a majority of FA just did map chat to decide not to attack CD that’s not exactly an alliance. Is there something more than this THAT ACTUALLY HAPPENED?
In my own detective work the largest alliance I’ve been able to detect was about ten CD players (no commanders) and however many members were playing in one guild on FA.
Well, I guess that’s that. Certainly worthy of server sized retaliation.
HEY JP Griefers .. I used to have respect for both your servers .. i have none now. Kill some one that’s fine but /laughing and " teaing " the corpse is just childish when you obviously attack them in mass numbers – Yeah you got skill.. LOL .. Your weak!
It’s presumed that as a corpse you are spying for a larger group. It’s dirty to not release, you have only sinister reasons to not release.
If you’re hoping for a rez in the jumping puzzle when there is a large group of enemies fighting your players then you’re an idiot.
(edited by Hekatombaion.4320)
Imo, should have made the alliance that we can’t take FA’s major points(and they can’t take ours), but can do supply camp trains so both sides could benefit from flipping them back on both maps and rere’s could have something to take, without hurting any feelings. But feh.
Spent 12-14 hours in CD’s borderland in that Omega today, was the most fun I’ve had on this game in awhile. Finally logged off with the golem at 769 hp left after that Garrison siege.
One thing of note is when I was getting nailed at the inner gate from all the people up on the balcony and I had to hide down the stairs a bit. The interesting part is that apparently the omega can hit people through the floorboards in that area. I could tell they weren’t quite sure what was hitting them too. They would look around a bit after healing up and then run back onto the balcony to aoe the people at the gate, which is when I would just start blasting em again.
Tarnished Coast.
fun fun fun in wvw tonight, great job on locking down the jumping puzzle, you kittens cost me alot repairing armor.
Tarnished Coast.
Unfortuantly, I didn’t make this one. But to all of those thinking CD and FA are making an alliance…
Love that attachment. Saw that on the history channel when it first aired.. laughed my kitten off.
I had a wild night on CDBL tonight all the way to Garrison. You guys put up a hell of a fight with the back and forth siege between Dawns and Garrison lasting several hours. Hats off.
It’s not use arguing with these guys about the alliance even though multiple posts have confirmed there was a party with FA/CD commanders in order to take over TC BL.I certainly wasn’t arguing with Phaeneo. I posted from the POV of an FA player who was actually there for the FA attack on TCBL last night. I think he appreciated having someone from FA post their POV of what happened.
I don’t know why people think there was a party of FA/CD commanders. I was one of only about 10 FA players in TC BL for the first hour of our attack. I was also in teamspeak with the only FA commander in TC BL for this entire time. We had no contact whatsoever with CD during our entire time there (other than when we attacked each other later on).
Not last night. Two or three nights ago. There is a reason why people are saying read previous posts.
Wow, TC came out in force tonight! I’m really impressed. Every Map on Q!
yea you guys zerged the kitten out of things, good effort.
Yeah, and I’m on TCBL during our downtime and you’re only making a push now. Good effort.
Been getting 12hours sleep, and eyeing ower the forums, seems alot have happened, in anycase where to start… From the start of course
Yesterday, we slowly pushed FA and CD out of our TCbl, we had about half a hour to hour to get everything ready for the push we knew where comming from CD, the first one rolled in, and we could counter it with a few reinforcements from EB, thanks Jalen and co for comming, the second one hit far harder, i ran and did a desperet plea in CB, “we need everyone you can spare – yesterday”, BB and vale been lost, and ewen with people comming from EB, we were severly out numbered by CD, that a crew from FA about our size decided to team in as well, dident make it easier, lol…
RL was held by a skeleton crew im not sure how many or who, i was fighting the best i could in Bay, and despite we doing alot of errors, we held out rather long, about the same time as Bay fell, hill was lost, simply couse we dident have numbers, as one of our commanders said, “Well then its lost, do the best you can” all hail the glorius dead lol… At sunny was lost after some intense fightin and we TC did what we could, despite the odds, but in the end we were grinded down…
The last part im abit unsure what happened, i was sentry at Crag, and though we repelled FA twice, and they went silent, i stayed at crag, all other went to Gar and started a counter on sunny despite us still being outnumbered by CD alone, with abit of coordination i heard we might have taken sunny back… though when Garr was lost, i was like ??? . i can only apload FA for the speed and sneaky ness it was done, and not trigger any swords on the map, well done !. it took us all by suprice, and when you got the treb up, crag was doomed, your colems that taken Garr overran Crag swiftly…
By this time, most of us were sort of so exhousted, i got myself some tea and a few cookies and alittle break, i was about to go sleep when i got back to my computer, Sam had then rallied about the 10-15 that was left in TCbl. and in a hour the entire TCbl was green again…
Conclusion, TC no shame in loosing to a superior numeric oponent, they needed hours upon hours to grind us down, only to have us take it back in one !… In a stragic wiew we lost about 3-4k points towards CD, and FA been barely gaining anything upon us only loosing ground towards CD and getting securely placed as third…
Also as a counter to being fought by 2nd and 3rd servers, we can start to focus on the third, and only Defend against second, in this case CD, and push FA, we can allways match FA in numbers, so in theory if we let CD take, we just use our Mobs to take what ewer FA takes ;P and push where ewer they hold things… I think its called devide and conquer ;P
In anycase thanks to all sides, some intense fighting !
Fey Sparrow – Warrior
If i nag about things, its only couse i care ;P
I figured TC would have a bit more class.
I needed a couple events for my daily so I head into TC borderlands which is pretty much empty. I intercept a dolyak and kill it, one event down. Kill a sentry, another down.
At this time a random warrior decided he wanted to fight me, fair enough. I kite a bit to get my health up and he goes down fairly quickly. As I just finish stomping him, a thief decides to join in. Once again I kite him a bit to get my health up, and he goes down fairly quickly. At this point a group of somewhere between 10 and 15 decides they were going to fight. They eventually kill me but not until after I get a kill of my own.
As I finally go down I’m treated to a nice bit of /laugh from TC. After killing 3 and eventually being taken down by 10 people.
Stay classy.
Been getting 12hours sleep, and eyeing ower the forums, seems alot have happened, in anycase where to start… From the start of course
Yesterday, we slowly pushed FA and CD out of our TCbl, we had about half a hour to hour to get everything ready for the push we knew where comming from CD, the first one rolled in, and we could counter it with a few reinforcements from EB, thanks Jalen and co for comming, the second one hit far harder, i ran and did a desperet plea in CB, “we need everyone you can spare – yesterday”, BB and vale been lost, and ewen with people comming from EB, we were severly out numbered by CD, that a crew from FA about our size decided to team in as well, dident make it easier, lol…
RL was held by a skeleton crew im not sure how many or who, i was fighting the best i could in Bay, and despite we doing alot of errors, we held out rather long, about the same time as Bay fell, hill was lost, simply couse we dident have numbers, as one of our commanders said, “Well then its lost, do the best you can” all hail the glorius dead lol… At sunny was lost after some intense fightin and we TC did what we could, despite the odds, but in the end we were grinded down…
The last part im abit unsure what happened, i was sentry at Crag, and though we repelled FA twice, and they went silent, i stayed at crag, all other went to Gar and started a counter on sunny despite us still being outnumbered by CD alone, with abit of coordination i heard we might have taken sunny back… though when Garr was lost, i was like ??? . i can only apload FA for the speed and sneaky ness it was done, and not trigger any swords on the map, well done !. it took us all by suprice, and when you got the treb up, crag was doomed, your colems that taken Garr overran Crag swiftly…
By this time, most of us were sort of so exhousted, i got myself some tea and a few cookies and alittle break, i was about to go sleep when i got back to my computer, Sam had then rallied about the 10-15 that was left in TCbl. and in a hour the entire TCbl was green again…
Conclusion, TC no shame in loosing to a superior numeric oponent, they needed hours upon hours to grind us down, only to have us take it back in one !… In a stragic wiew we lost about 3-4k points towards CD, and FA been barely gaining anything upon us only loosing ground towards CD and getting securely placed as third…
Also as a counter to being fought by 2nd and 3rd servers, we can start to focus on the third, and only Defend against second, in this case CD, and push FA, we can allways match FA in numbers, so in theory if we let CD take, we just use our Mobs to take what ewer FA takes ;P and push where ewer they hold things… I think its called devide and conquer ;P
In anycase thanks to all sides, some intense fighting !
Quoted whole post cuz I feel you’re fortunate to get 12hrs of sleep :P … I logged off at 3am yesterday (Asian time) after we made sure the map is all green and yaks are being escorted, and woke up at 7am. Been having a hangover today at work :P and yes thanks Sam for turning the tide yesterday, and Deyja, Jalen & Co. for answering our call for support.
Regarding the last part, this is always gonna happen until all 3 servers have equal coverage at all times. TC is strongest during NA prime time, but weakest during off-time. Exact opposite can be said about CD. They’re powerful during NA off time and not so much during prime time. FA can field numbers almost equally during both time slots, but lesser in comparison to the other two. That’s what I observed from my past experience with both servers. I could be a bit wrong about FA pop though, it seems to fluctuate now and then.
Tee See
I figured TC would have a bit more class.
I needed a couple events for my daily so I head into TC borderlands which is pretty much empty. I intercept a dolyak and kill it, one event down. Kill a sentry, another down.
At this time a random warrior decided he wanted to fight me, fair enough. I kite a bit to get my health up and he goes down fairly quickly. As I just finish stomping him, a thief decides to join in. Once again I kite him a bit to get my health up, and he goes down fairly quickly. At this point a group of somewhere between 10 and 15 decides they were going to fight. They eventually kill me but not until after I get a kill of my own.
As I finally go down I’m treated to a nice bit of /laugh from TC. After killing 3 and eventually being taken down by 10 people.
Stay classy.
Are we still at it? Everytime, I get taken down by any FA zerg, I see 4-5 emotes pop up on my chat screen. Shall make it a point to take a kittenin screenshot next time and put it up on the noticeboard here. You took out our yak and a sentry and one of our players. So…yes. Every server emotes, let’s just get over it!
Tee See
(edited by phaneo.4597)
I figured TC would have a bit more class.
I needed a couple events for my daily so I head into TC borderlands which is pretty much empty. I intercept a dolyak and kill it, one event down. Kill a sentry, another down.
At this time a random warrior decided he wanted to fight me, fair enough. I kite a bit to get my health up and he goes down fairly quickly. As I just finish stomping him, a thief decides to join in. Once again I kite him a bit to get my health up, and he goes down fairly quickly. At this point a group of somewhere between 10 and 15 decides they were going to fight. They eventually kill me but not until after I get a kill of my own.
As I finally go down I’m treated to a nice bit of /laugh from TC. After killing 3 and eventually being taken down by 10 people.
Stay classy.
You may want to switch server if this is a problem for you, TC and FA just simply don’t like each other, heck, FA is willing to come third just to make TC suffer 2v1.
FA is willing to come third just to make TC suffer 2v1.
Well they have given clarifications or what they knew on this topic, and I wouldn’t say TC suffered much. It was population issues on part of TC at the time of the sandwich incident, and CD is the strongest in the tier at that slot; FA took advantage of it. What happened between them is upto them, and I wouldn’t worry much about it. Nobody on TC is crying about 2v1, but merely analyzing what went wrong and how we could improve and I’d like to keep it that way.
Tee See
Quite the opposite of crying over 2v1, we had a blast. Nothing makes the boredom of the BL disappear like watching all of it flip. It really stoked a fire under us, as you saw today by our heavy retribution.
Norn Warrior Teun Vallensson – Human Thief Roland Whelan
Guild Creator of Born of Ice and Fire [BIF]
I figured TC would have a bit more class.
I needed a couple events for my daily so I head into TC borderlands which is pretty much empty. I intercept a dolyak and kill it, one event down. Kill a sentry, another down.
At this time a random warrior decided he wanted to fight me, fair enough. I kite a bit to get my health up and he goes down fairly quickly. As I just finish stomping him, a thief decides to join in. Once again I kite him a bit to get my health up, and he goes down fairly quickly. At this point a group of somewhere between 10 and 15 decides they were going to fight. They eventually kill me but not until after I get a kill of my own.
As I finally go down I’m treated to a nice bit of /laugh from TC. After killing 3 and eventually being taken down by 10 people.
Stay classy.
Let me guess. It was a Thief with the [TSP] tag, right? He’s been /laughing whenever our zerg rolls over smaller numbers all through the CDBL and TCBL fights. I don’t think many of us like him all that much, either.
Edit: Hey, CD, d’you guys still have that Naughty Ninja Squad [Poo] around?
(edited by Furienify.5738)
Can we get a map/score update?
Stuck working a ~90hr week this week and I’m missing all the slaughter. So I’ll be pesky here and ask for stuff.
Server – Fort Aspenwood
Score update.
It’s looking good so far for TC since we usually don’t start taking everything back this early in the morning.
Lightdivinity – Level 80 Bunker Elementalist
Reshaos – Level 80 Power Necromancer
It doesn’t matter if they come at us 2v1 or not, the only thing it will do is make our server grow stronger from it.
It doesn’t matter if they troll and flame us on the forums, they are just making fools out of themselves.
It doesn’t matter if we are losing, for we are roleplayers, we can allways roleplay we are winning.
What matters though, is one simple truth, and that one is absolute, the Golem God, in all his immortal glory, will lead us to victory, and when we die, our souls shall be turned into cogs in his divine machinery.
The bold bit made me lol.
As for being fine with 3rd place, I think most people on FA know we’re not going to be dropping out of the tier any time soon (especially with how YB is doing in tier 4) and are just happy to be fighting in the most interesting matchup we’ve had in a while.
Quite the opposite of crying over 2v1, we had a blast. Nothing makes the boredom of the BL disappear like watching all of it flip. It really stoked a fire under us, as you saw today by our heavy retribution.
I think the forums play a different tune, seems like a lot of unhappy posters and accusations on the topic.
No more forum posting for me This has turned into a troll fest.
It’s presumed that as a corpse you are spying for a larger group. It’s dirty to not release, you have only sinister reasons to not release.
Is it just me, or does anyone else always find these good times to go afk, get a drink, use the bathroom, talk with the wife, etc, etc. I love coming back to people still standing around my corpse while I was eating my supper and watching TV.
FA is willing to come third just to make TC suffer 2v1.
Well they have given clarifications or what they knew on this topic, and I wouldn’t say TC suffered much. It was population issues on part of TC at the time of the sandwich incident, and CD is the strongest in the tier at that slot; FA took advantage of it. What happened between them is upto them, and I wouldn’t worry much about it. Nobody on TC is crying about 2v1, but merely analyzing what went wrong and how we could improve and I’d like to keep it that way.
Lol, I’m not saying anyone on TC is crying. Actually I’ve done a lot to help TC defend in off-peak time. But it’s the truth either way.