3/8 Yak's - DB - SoS

3/8 Yak's - DB - SoS

in WvW

Posted by: ZacharyAY.9231


we need more people to hold the line


Guild : NNK

3/8 Yak's - DB - SoS

in WvW

Posted by: Crimedawg.8954


I don’t think SoS wants to return (or really belongs) to Tier 2 so this Tier 3 is where we’ll be for a while. Played many O’ years of Daoc so I know the frustration of the night capping people complain about. But, the servers are 24/7 and who am I to tell someone when they can and cannot play. NA alone has people playing all hours if their work/life permits so no reason to even bring the subject up.

It’s very simple. If each person just enjoys the time they are logged in and only worry about that play time, everything else is a lot easier to digest.

There has been no shortage of battles during my play time (PST) so I really have no complaints regarding this Tier. As I said, the styles and expectations are different but they are no less fun overall. I admit missing the big hitter guilds of T1/2 but overall I’m settled into this tier with a beer and a giant smile.

Let’s keep this Tier rockin! Is Maguma coming up?

[Tsym] – Necromancer
Sanctum of Rall
Running 15 in a BL near you

3/8 Yak's - DB - SoS

in WvW

Posted by: Farout.8207


Then there are no good servers. Every server I have played on or against has had hackers, exploiters, and just plain jerks who do things like zerg people 15 on 1 then dance on the corpse or send tells to the enemy to harass them.

If I generalized every server I played on and played against based on things like that, then all servers are cheaters and idiots.

I agree that every server has hackers but this small group from SoS is making a career out of it. Flipping every single bay keep, one after another, without placing one piece of siege is pretty lame. This is not an isolated incident, it is happening repeatedly.

~ Cleetus

3/8 Yak's - DB - SoS

in WvW

Posted by: Niim.9260


Played many O’ years of Daoc so I know the frustration of the night capping people complain about. But, the servers are 24/7 and who am I to tell someone when they can and cannot play. NA alone has people playing all hours if their work/life permits so no reason to even bring the subject up.

It is 24/7, but I still feel for the people that play in those time zones of horrible coverage disparity. Regardless if its SoS, YB, or DB those are still players coming on and being able to do very little in WvW because of the coverage issues, or they are on the other side and bored out of their mind like any true fighter will be in that situation.

Everyone needs to be classy about it imo, give some respect to those people still coming out and fighting even though they are seriously outmanned. Just because you can take everything doesn’t mean you should (in a match where points no longer matter).

~ AoN ~

3/8 Yak's - DB - SoS

in WvW

Posted by: lani.7431


Love this week and next week will be just as fun. I do not even care about the inbalanced oceanics. DB has done the same thing to all the servers below us. Just a warning SOS get ready for the forum warriors on Maguma. They fight hard and dirty.

Lani [Krew] – BP
Former [EA] DB Commander

3/8 Yak's - DB - SoS

in WvW

Posted by: EnRohbi.2187


Just because you can take everything doesn’t mean you should (in a match where points no longer matter).

I’ve thought about making a similar suggestion, but felt like it would read too much like me whining about nightcapping.

The score certainly is not an important part of this matchup, but it would be nice if the disparity in points was not so great that SoS joins TC/FA in bouncing back and forth between tier 2 and 3 every week. This is the most balanced tier 3 match we’ve had since we got here and I wouldn’t mind seeing it continue for a few more weeks, rather than see either of those servers come back down.


3/8 Yak's - DB - SoS

in WvW

Posted by: Farout.8207


Anet needs to step up and deal with these people rather than letting the game run with almost no management from the dev team. Some things we as players can do something about….some, we can’t and we need Anet to intervene. This is one of those things.

Most of us just want to run around, kill people and smash things.

Pretty much this. Anet does need to step up and address this. Unfortunately they don’t seem to be taking the task too seriously. I think everybody knows the whole server is not involved with the exploits but like I said earlier the actions of the few diminish the efforts of the many.

As for running around, killing people and smashing stuff, this matchup is great. I am enjoying the fights a lot. Both Yak’s and SoS are putting up some good fights. This is the best WvW we have had in a while.

~ Cleetus

3/8 Yak's - DB - SoS

in WvW

Posted by: Niim.9260


Just because you can take everything doesn’t mean you should (in a match where points no longer matter).

I’ve thought about making a similar suggestion, but felt like it would read too much like me whining about nightcapping.

My comment has nothing to do with points or against night capping, everything to do with the enjoyment of those playing during those periods of population disparity both the outmanning and the outmanned. The enjoyment of those two sides, for those interesting in fighting, are linked, increasing the enjoyment of one will increase the enjoyment of the other.

~ AoN ~

3/8 Yak's - DB - SoS

in WvW

Posted by: EnRohbi.2187


Just because you can take everything doesn’t mean you should (in a match where points no longer matter).

I’ve thought about making a similar suggestion, but felt like it would read too much like me whining about nightcapping.

My comment has nothing to do with points or against night capping, everything to do with the enjoyment of those playing during those periods of population disparity both the outmanning and the outmanned. The enjoyment of those two sides, for those interesting in fighting, are linked, increasing the enjoyment of one will increase the enjoyment of the other.

Well, yeah, obviously.
I was talking about the post I was going to write.


3/8 Yak's - DB - SoS

in WvW

Posted by: Facet.5914


I don’t think SoS wants to return (or really belongs) to Tier 2 so this Tier 3 is where we’ll be for a while. Played many O’ years of Daoc so I know the frustration of the night capping people complain about. But, the servers are 24/7 and who am I to tell someone when they can and cannot play. NA alone has people playing all hours if their work/life permits so no reason to even bring the subject up.

It’s very simple. If each person just enjoys the time they are logged in and only worry about that play time, everything else is a lot easier to digest.

There has been no shortage of battles during my play time (PST) so I really have no complaints regarding this Tier. As I said, the styles and expectations are different but they are no less fun overall. I admit missing the big hitter guilds of T1/2 but overall I’m settled into this tier with a beer and a giant smile.

Let’s keep this Tier rockin! Is Maguma coming up?

It will be very close. YB and Mag have been in limbo for months, both too big for T4 and too small for T3 (or at least, too small for TC/FA) and with unfortunately no prospect of fighting each other. SoS is about the right size for this tier, though, so as long as that is the case, being Red Team in T3 is a privilege that I believe will be ferociously contested.

Yaks Bend [SoF] [Me] [One]
Sea of Sorrows [All]

3/8 Yak's - DB - SoS

in WvW

Posted by: Crimedawg.8954


It is 24/7, but I still feel for the people that play in those time zones of horrible coverage disparity. Regardless if its SoS, YB, or DB those are still players coming on and being able to do very little in WvW because of the coverage issues, or they are on the other side and bored out of their mind like any true fighter will be in that situation.

Everyone needs to be classy about it imo, give some respect to those people still coming out and fighting even though they are seriously outmanned. Just because you can take everything doesn’t mean you should (in a match where points no longer matter).

There really is no fair resolution and it has nothing to do with disrespect. Is it honestly fair to ask Joe Player in <insert any city in NA> to not take his guild out and cap towers, keeps, camps, etc because he plays at a certain time of day? We’re not even talking about other countries this also involves people on a NA server that actually live in NA and work different hours of the day. I’m at work now and DB is ripping it up. I don’t feel the need to ask them to ease up because the other servers just don’t have the man power to cover all maps. Out of my control.

[Tsym] – Necromancer
Sanctum of Rall
Running 15 in a BL near you

3/8 Yak's - DB - SoS

in WvW

Posted by: Addictive.9387


Definitely been the funnest wvwing I’ve had since joining Yak’s, some of it is due to new guild members and strategies, but for the most part the fights have all been pretty good and decently matched. I do wish everyone’s prime time overlapped more though.

Yak’s Bend Zakaru [ONE]

3/8 Yak's - DB - SoS

in WvW

Posted by: Calvin.5380


Agree. It was fun battling YB – had some great battles. Even though they show last on the scoreboard, they have all my respect for the way they battled this week. You guys are tenacious! I’d like to see more of YB in T3.

As for SoS, I expected more, especially from Tsym. They had some very talented players when they left DB. But I guess they were hit by an exodus… hope you recover well from it.


3/8 Yak's - DB - SoS

in WvW

Posted by: spoolin.7569


Agree. It was fun battling YB – had some great battles. Even though they show last on the scoreboard, they have all my respect for the way they battled this week. You guys are tenacious! I’d like to see more of YB in T3.

As for SoS, I expected more, especially from Tsym. They had some very talented players when they left DB. But I guess they were hit by an exodus… hope you recover well from it.

What more can you expect? You’re sounding like a pretty sore loser

3/8 Yak's - DB - SoS

in WvW

Posted by: Niim.9260


It is 24/7, but I still feel for the people that play in those time zones of horrible coverage disparity. Regardless if its SoS, YB, or DB those are still players coming on and being able to do very little in WvW because of the coverage issues, or they are on the other side and bored out of their mind like any true fighter will be in that situation.

Everyone needs to be classy about it imo, give some respect to those people still coming out and fighting even though they are seriously outmanned. Just because you can take everything doesn’t mean you should (in a match where points no longer matter).

There really is no fair resolution and it has nothing to do with disrespect. Is it honestly fair to ask Joe Player in <insert any city in NA> to not take his guild out and cap towers, keeps, camps, etc because he plays at a certain time of day? We’re not even talking about other countries this also involves people on a NA server that actually live in NA and work different hours of the day. I’m at work now and DB is ripping it up. I don’t feel the need to ask them to ease up because the other servers just don’t have the man power to cover all maps. Out of my control.

I never said not to do any of what you described, I said not to take ‘everything’ and that the enjoyment factor between those being outmanned and those doing the outmanning are linked. If you take everything, post screenshots on the forum bragging about it, then you are going to have less people to fight. If you leave each enemy with something to fight over, they will keep coming out and having fun, which in turn is fun for you.

/shrug, doesnt matter to me I play NA prime and the action is fine, was more giving some consideration for those on all sides playing in a sucky time slot. I have been there, it blows and frankly if it was me winning in stomp fest every night I would have transferred long ago.

~ AoN ~

3/8 Yak's - DB - SoS

in WvW

Posted by: Crimedawg.8954


I never said not to do any of what you described, I said not to take ‘everything’ and that the enjoyment factor between those being outmanned and those doing the outmanning are linked. If you take everything, post screenshots on the forum bragging about it, then you are going to have less people to fight. If you leave each enemy with something to fight over, they will keep coming out and having fun, which in turn is fun for you.

I agree posting a screenshot of a 695 ppt isn’t the best approach as its nearly impossible to reach that score if ANYONE is opposing you.

To the poster who expected more from TSym, not sure I understand what you mean. We seem to always get blamed for something so just curious. Drop your guild name and we’ll try to oblige.


[Tsym] – Necromancer
Sanctum of Rall
Running 15 in a BL near you

3/8 Yak's - DB - SoS

in WvW

Posted by: EnRohbi.2187


I never said not to do any of what you described, I said not to take ‘everything’ and that the enjoyment factor between those being outmanned and those doing the outmanning are linked. If you take everything, post screenshots on the forum bragging about it, then you are going to have less people to fight. If you leave each enemy with something to fight over, they will keep coming out and having fun, which in turn is fun for you.

I agree posting a screenshot of a 695 ppt isn’t the best approach as its nearly impossible to reach that score if ANYONE is opposing you.

To the poster who expected more from TSym, not sure I understand what you mean. We seem to always get blamed for something so just curious. Drop your guild name and we’ll try to oblige.


tsym was one of the very top WvW guilds back when they were on Dragonbrand, and have continued to have a reputation as a top WvW guild on SoS (At least from everything I’ve read about SoS since).

I think most people on DB expected to see more tsym this week. I had noticed myself that tsym wasn’t out in force like I expected either. I see quite a few tsym’s in zergs or just around BLs, but I’ve only actually seen a real organized tsym group once, and it was mixed in with a bunch of pugs fighting over garrison in SoS BL.


3/8 Yak's - DB - SoS

in WvW

Posted by: elkirin.8534


[/quote] ( NIIM )

My comment has nothing to do with points or against night capping, everything to do with the enjoyment of those playing during those periods of population disparity both the outmanning and the outmanned. The enjoyment of those two sides, for those interesting in fighting, are linked, increasing the enjoyment of one will increase the enjoyment of the other.[/quote]

I have this same concern, I was ignored when I suggested leaving the EB keeps capture to pugs rather than organised, commander led golem rushes.

Props to the 4-5 who tried to defend, I know what that feels like having faced 8-9 catapults and 50 plus zergs vs 5-6 defenders before.

I also had problems with the posting of the 695 PPT as I thought it was bad form.

I have no control over other posters other than to press the report button though.

Dubain – Sea of Whoever we are Linked to now

(edited by elkirin.8534)

3/8 Yak's - DB - SoS

in WvW

Posted by: juicifruitz.6251


I never said not to do any of what you described, I said not to take ‘everything’ and that the enjoyment factor between those being outmanned and those doing the outmanning are linked. If you take everything, post screenshots on the forum bragging about it, then you are going to have less people to fight. If you leave each enemy with something to fight over, they will keep coming out and having fun, which in turn is fun for you.

I agree posting a screenshot of a 695 ppt isn’t the best approach as its nearly impossible to reach that score if ANYONE is opposing you.

To the poster who expected more from TSym, not sure I understand what you mean. We seem to always get blamed for something so just curious. Drop your guild name and we’ll try to oblige.


tsym was one of the very top WvW guilds back when they were on Dragonbrand, and have continued to have a reputation as a top WvW guild on SoS (At least from everything I’ve read about SoS since).

I think most people on DB expected to see more tsym this week. I had noticed myself that tsym wasn’t out in force like I expected either. I see quite a few tsym’s in zergs or just around BLs, but I’ve only actually seen a real organized tsym group once, and it was mixed in with a bunch of pugs fighting over garrison in SoS BL.

Not being TSYM myself so could be wrong, but I think a few TSYM are enjoying the chance to recharge the batteries a little and enjoying the fact of no longer needing to pull massive daily hours they once were, after the hard yards they put in up above tiers. In saying that, they do still come out with 20/30 for periods pretty much daily from what I’ve seen.

3/8 Yak's - DB - SoS

in WvW

Posted by: Lyndis.2584


More more culling.



.:: FaTe ~ [SoS] ::.

3/8 Yak's - DB - SoS

in WvW

Posted by: EnRohbi.2187


On another note, though.
Where is SoS right now? ._.



3/8 Yak's - DB - SoS

in WvW

Posted by: Haldunius.7864


Glad to see things seem to be shaping up much more nicely in T3 than the last month or so when FA was too big for T3 but too small for T2. Hope you guys are having fun. T2 is a blast. Would be glad to see YB, DB, or Mag in that tier sometime — only excluding SoS because of the lack of relationship history due to their long stint in T1.

FA Mesmo – [VK]
Last words – “I’m going to jump off this cliff
and pull all those guys down cuz they’ll die.”

3/8 Yak's - DB - SoS

in WvW

Posted by: Tygr.9402


On another note, though.
Where is SoS right now? ._.

Based on that picture I would say we’re all camping.

Tygron Hynde
Order of the Bloodstone [OTBS]
Sea of Sorrows

3/8 Yak's - DB - SoS

in WvW

Posted by: EnRohbi.2187


On another note, though.
Where is SoS right now? ._.

Based on that picture I would say we’re all camping.

I’m just surprised.
The score has looked something like that since I woke up this morning

Last time we closed 20,000 points of a gap in one day was in like tier 5


(edited by EnRohbi.2187)

3/8 Yak's - DB - SoS

in WvW

Posted by: elkirin.8534


Great effort DB! The placings for this week are not yet a done deal, the gap is rapidly closing between DB and SoS and YB may yet hang on to tier 3.

Good luck all, see you on the battlefield.

Dubain – Sea of Whoever we are Linked to now

3/8 Yak's - DB - SoS

in WvW

Posted by: Tygr.9402


On another note, though.
Where is SoS right now? ._.

Based on that picture I would say we’re all camping.

I’m just surprised.
The score has looked something like that since I woke up this morning

Last time we closed 20,000 points of a gap in one day was in like tier 5

Just different time zones, or work/school schedules. When I woke up it was almost all green.

Tygron Hynde
Order of the Bloodstone [OTBS]
Sea of Sorrows

3/8 Yak's - DB - SoS

in WvW

Posted by: EnRohbi.2187


On another note, though.
Where is SoS right now? ._.

Based on that picture I would say we’re all camping.

I’m just surprised.
The score has looked something like that since I woke up this morning

Last time we closed 20,000 points of a gap in one day was in like tier 5

Just different time zones, or work/school schedules. When I woke up it was almost all green.

Yeah, I know SoS rocks it during Oceanic and REALLY early mornings before our Asians get on. But you have to admit that today is not at all reminiscent of scores at this time of day from the rest of the week.


3/8 Yak's - DB - SoS

in WvW

Posted by: Noobles.4325


SoS has less EU then we do and not much SEA, but own in oceanic, so it should even out good, but it hasent upto today, our asians stayed up later today and handed our NA krews a max SoS bl and ebg. so we will see if our NA can hold up against SoS na, im sure we will loose it all when NA logs off and SoS oceanic comes on. but it has been fun thus far today

3/8 Yak's - DB - SoS

in WvW

Posted by: lani.7431


Great work Dragonbrand! <3


Lani [Krew] – BP
Former [EA] DB Commander

3/8 Yak's - DB - SoS

in WvW

Posted by: Loki.4139


Score update please?


3/8 Yak's - DB - SoS

in WvW

Posted by: lani.7431


Again? Alright, here it is.


Lani [Krew] – BP
Former [EA] DB Commander

3/8 Yak's - DB - SoS

in WvW

Posted by: Calvin.5380


I never said not to do any of what you described, I said not to take ‘everything’ and that the enjoyment factor between those being outmanned and those doing the outmanning are linked. If you take everything, post screenshots on the forum bragging about it, then you are going to have less people to fight. If you leave each enemy with something to fight over, they will keep coming out and having fun, which in turn is fun for you.

I agree posting a screenshot of a 695 ppt isn’t the best approach as its nearly impossible to reach that score if ANYONE is opposing you.

To the poster who expected more from TSym, not sure I understand what you mean. We seem to always get blamed for something so just curious. Drop your guild name and we’ll try to oblige.


[BP] We already routed your swarm a few times this week. This wasn’t the same Tsym that had skilful players and commanders. You had numbers, but were easy to kill.

Remember us. Cheers!


(edited by Calvin.5380)

3/8 Yak's - DB - SoS

in WvW

Posted by: declan.3968


So, we nightcap during the day and you guys nightcap during your day.

What can we do about it?

Absolutely nothing, just have fun and cherish the few times when the forces are equal on all 3 sides!

3/8 Yak's - DB - SoS

in WvW

Posted by: Puddin Cheeks.8539

Puddin Cheeks.8539

The Cross-Eyed Norn says “, OMG we are close!”


- Puddin Cheeks [W]
- [EA] Elephant Ambush
- DragonBrand since 8/25/12

3/8 Yak's - DB - SoS

in WvW

Posted by: Bitz.2896


Nice Rally DB

/salute to [Krew] and [BP], you guys really fought like beast tonight and it looked like a major improvement from what i saw earlier this week. So whatever you are doing, keep it up! Hopefully tomorrow we will get some more [TSym] on the field so we can really dance.

See you one the field and have fun!


3/8 Yak's - DB - SoS

in WvW

Posted by: Skapocalypse.5236


Nice Rally DB

/salute to [Krew] and [BP], you guys really fought like beast tonight and it looked like a major improvement from what i saw earlier this week. So whatever you are doing, keep it up! Hopefully tomorrow we will get some more [TSym] on the field so we can really dance.

See you one the field and have fun!

Thanks! Fighting SoS has been the best times in WvW for DB in a long time. Always stuck in the middle of Tier 3 with a Tier 2 server beating up on us it’s nice to fight servers that are evenly matched with us. As I go to bed we are within 3K points. This one is going down to the wire.



3/8 Yak's - DB - SoS

in WvW

Posted by: Frosty.8491


Amazing effort by everyone on DB the last 30 hours! We led PPT all day and that gap between 1st and 2nd is rapidly closing. . . Great job everyone!

Some very fun fights today in SoS BL. /salute to all involved!

IGN: Lyla Frostheart
Legion of Doom [LOD] | www.lodgw.com

3/8 Yak's - DB - SoS

in WvW

Posted by: jportell.2197


DB is killing it right now

Johnny The Gray
GASM’s Bunker Mesmer

3/8 Yak's - DB - SoS

in WvW

Posted by: Serophous.9085


Ok, who kicked DB’s puppy?

3/8 Yak's - DB - SoS

in WvW

Posted by: Crimedawg.8954


Great work Dragonbrand. Whoever finishes first in this tier deserves it. Well fought.

SoS has a server to rebuild but we’ll be in this Tier while we do it. See you soon!

[Tsym] – Necromancer
Sanctum of Rall
Running 15 in a BL near you

3/8 Yak's - DB - SoS

in WvW

Posted by: ZacharyAY.9231


same as yesterday we need people to hold the line


Guild : NNK

(edited by ZacharyAY.9231)

3/8 Yak's - DB - SoS

in WvW

Posted by: Mister Mustard.7203

Mister Mustard.7203

same as yesterday we need people to hold the line

You guys are awesome

3/8 Yak's - DB - SoS

in WvW

Posted by: EnRohbi.2187


That very moment when we’re in first place for the first time in weeks.

By 2 points~



3/8 Yak's - DB - SoS

in WvW

Posted by: Hadan.2841


Hey guys just wanted to let every1 knw krew is loving this matchup! the fights are amazing and fun. DB is making a great comeback and the WvW showing we have seen this week is unbelievable, Even if we lose this week it was a great morale booster for most. On a side note, Shout to TSYM guild, i dont care what some people have said about you guys, but out of yaks and SOS guilds you guys are the most challenging to fight. That one fight we had at foghaven sentry was amazing!!!!! i hope we can keep this matchup for a few weeks.

Leader/Driver of Krew/MR

3/8 Yak's - DB - SoS

in WvW

Posted by: Leowan.4389


The most fun I have had in weeks. Forced myself to log off around 1 AM this morning dreading my 5 AM alarm – but worth it as the fights at SM last night were a blast.

I hope SoS & YB Stay in T3 a while – much respect for both your servers and your people.

Leowan (Ranger) / Patrel Braveling (Thief) / Agusta Steelton (Guardian) / Danner Braveling (Warrior)

3/8 Yak's - DB - SoS

in WvW

Posted by: Mattamis.8143


:D thoroughly enjoyed the last couple days in wvw, More commanders on than ever before and we are only about 2k points behind lead

3/8 Yak's - DB - SoS

in WvW

Posted by: taek.9386


What a classy bunch of players!


3/8 Yak's - DB - SoS

in WvW

Posted by: EnRohbi.2187


What a classy bunch of players!

They are doing a good job of enforcing the outer border of our territory.
Like a real military unit


3/8 Yak's - DB - SoS

in WvW

Posted by: Hadan.2841


Your SS of a 695 cap fully green map angered NNK!! give em the angry gangsta face >:}

Leader/Driver of Krew/MR

3/8 Yak's - DB - SoS

in WvW

Posted by: Atine.8623


What a classy bunch of players!

You know that you have 3 routes to leave the spawn, don’t you?

Sanctum Of Roger “Oldroar” Rall
Cras es Noster!
My posts are strictly my own, they do not represent my server nor my guild.