Confusion Should Be Nerfed in WvW

Confusion Should Be Nerfed in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Acelerion.6820


Its funny because all these people telling the op he suck would get flat rolled if you ran into them.

No one is talking about common zergers btw. You won’t even see this stuff outside of high level play.

OINK – Devona’s Rest
Mesmer-Thief – Small group videos

Confusion Should Be Nerfed in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: EnRohbi.2187


Its funny because all these people telling the op he suck would get flat rolled if you ran into them.

No one is talking about common zergers btw. You won’t even see this stuff outside of high level play.

Isn’t the entire point of high level play to be more effective than the common zergers…?

Why put the effort into extra complex battle tactics when you would be just as effective facerolling?


Confusion Should Be Nerfed in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: EasymodeX.4062


Can’t help but think most of the people in this thread haven’t seen what happens to a zerg when you get a couple confusion mesmers and a necro together.

There is a good chance most have not. I dont think it is, as yet, a widely employed strategy.

I have used it, as well as have had it used against me though. The first time it was used against me and the group I was with, it was pure, unadulterated destruction.

Thing is about losing though, is it gives a clear objective of areas that need to improve.

The next time we ran into it, just laid down a bali or two depending on group size. Which is another thing you dont see much of (using siege in the open battlefield).

I suspect both will become more prevalent as the game goes on.

I ran Glamour spam when SOR hit T2 and we encountered a ton of turtles when turtling was “all the rage”.

It was pretty funny.

If you can’t read English, please do not reply to my post.

Confusion Should Be Nerfed in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Seige.4862


And here I am, to tell of a story.
I was engaged in small group combat, just a half hour ago.

Against three invaders trying to ninja through our garrison’s water gate.
And no, this is not a 3v1 story where I talk about how awesome I am at pvp

At one point during the fight, I notice I’m taking heavy damage everytime I do anything.
10 stacks of confusion.

So I’m faced with this choice.
In this 3v1 situation, do I keep mashing buttons until I die or do I try to take the advice of everyone in this thread and just stop attacking for 3 seconds?
I decided to make an example out of the situation, so I turned away from them and ran for 3 seconds exactly.

Did I die?
Very few decent players would allow a mesmer 3 seconds of freedom. Unless they blinked which was another conf hit, stlhed another conf hit, or CA.

Moral of the story?
You fought some baddies :P

AD(Anonymous Defender)- Devonas Rest
The orginal Fairy tank

Confusion Should Be Nerfed in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: EnRohbi.2187


And here I am, to tell of a story.
I was engaged in small group combat, just a half hour ago.

Against three invaders trying to ninja through our garrison’s water gate.
And no, this is not a 3v1 story where I talk about how awesome I am at pvp

At one point during the fight, I notice I’m taking heavy damage everytime I do anything.
10 stacks of confusion.

So I’m faced with this choice.
In this 3v1 situation, do I keep mashing buttons until I die or do I try to take the advice of everyone in this thread and just stop attacking for 3 seconds?
I decided to make an example out of the situation, so I turned away from them and ran for 3 seconds exactly.

Did I die?
Very few decent players would allow a mesmer 3 seconds of freedom. Unless they blinked which was another conf hit, stlhed another conf hit, or CA.

Moral of the story?
You fought some baddies :P

Imagine that…
Battles against confusion mesmers can be won or lost… based on whether your opponent is more skilled than you or not…

It’s almost like… Any battle could be won or lost… o;

Holy kittening revelation


Confusion Should Be Nerfed in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Seige.4862


The point of that post being?

AD(Anonymous Defender)- Devonas Rest
The orginal Fairy tank

Confusion Should Be Nerfed in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Dhampyr.2104


The fail in this thread is amazing. Quite disappointed in any mesmer who is defending confusion. Our class is amazing at so many other builds. Why defend something so blatantly unbalanced?
The general population of MMO’s have continued to disappoint me since DAOC. Frankly I blame WoW, lack of education, and parents not beating their children.

And I’m sure you play confusion mesmer in sPvP, right? Oh, you don’t? What, confusion is worthless in sPvP? Why is that, I wonder?

The great thing about GW2 is exactly what you bring up here – multiple viable builds. Then, you proceed to argue against exactly that and express a desire to limit builds. Apparently, confusion isn’t just in the game at this point – you’re confused yourself.

Eve Morrow, Mesmer, Eve Flamescythe, Ele
Tarnished Coast

Confusion Should Be Nerfed in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Solori.6025


Stability needs nerf too.

Not really. You can still cripple, chill and immobilize someone with stability. It is good to provide away to avoid being stunlocked.

and you can remove confusion…

I dont understand why this is an issue with the abundance of condition removal classes can get.
Theirs even a sigil now that transfers conditions to your target.

The world needs more KUNG FURY!

Confusion Should Be Nerfed in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: EnRohbi.2187


The point of that post being?

Seemingly about as valid as the post I was replying to. And seemingly more valid than the point of the post I am replying to now.

The people complaining about Confusion being unbalanced and OP are making it out like the second you identify a Confusion Mesmer in front of you, you’ve already lost the battle. ((There was talk a few pages ago about Confusion being an iWin button))

Which is simply not true.
What IS true, is the people who say that confusion is only unbalanced and OP against bad players.
It is effective against good players, yes. But it is not going to guarantee you victory.

If you defeat a good player using Confusion, it means that you have outplayed your opponent and lured them into using skills at a time they shouldn’t have.

If you defeat a bad player using Confusion, it doesn’t mean anything more than if you had been a thief who Steal→Backstab→CnD (Or whatever their ganking rotation is) to defeat that exact same bad player.

Confusion can kill you very quickly; correct.
But so can a GC Burst Build of just about any offensive class, and the direct damage approach would probably kill you quicker.


Confusion Should Be Nerfed in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Solori.6025


And here I am, to tell of a story.
I was engaged in small group combat, just a half hour ago.

Against three invaders trying to ninja through our garrison’s water gate.
And no, this is not a 3v1 story where I talk about how awesome I am at pvp

At one point during the fight, I notice I’m taking heavy damage everytime I do anything.
10 stacks of confusion.

So I’m faced with this choice.
In this 3v1 situation, do I keep mashing buttons until I die or do I try to take the advice of everyone in this thread and just stop attacking for 3 seconds?
I decided to make an example out of the situation, so I turned away from them and ran for 3 seconds exactly.

Did I die?
Very few decent players would allow a mesmer 3 seconds of freedom. Unless they blinked which was another conf hit, stlhed another conf hit, or CA.

Moral of the story?
You fought some baddies :P

O O i has a story..

I went into WvW and was fighting a ranger.
It one shot me and /laughed as it walked away..


Storys are fun.

The world needs more KUNG FURY!

Confusion Should Be Nerfed in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Archer.1658


And here I am, to tell of a story.
I was engaged in small group combat, just a half hour ago.

Against three invaders trying to ninja through our garrison’s water gate.
And no, this is not a 3v1 story where I talk about how awesome I am at pvp

At one point during the fight, I notice I’m taking heavy damage everytime I do anything.
10 stacks of confusion.

So I’m faced with this choice.
In this 3v1 situation, do I keep mashing buttons until I die or do I try to take the advice of everyone in this thread and just stop attacking for 3 seconds?
I decided to make an example out of the situation, so I turned away from them and ran for 3 seconds exactly.

Did I die?
Very few decent players would allow a mesmer 3 seconds of freedom. Unless they blinked which was another conf hit, stlhed another conf hit, or CA.

Moral of the story?
You fought some baddies :P

Or instead of blaming it on confusion, you could just admit you wouldn’t have won the 3v1 regardless because I dunno, its a 3v1. I will state this again, 2+ good players vs 1 good player, the 1 player will never ever win under any circumstances. Even though you just took what the other guy said and reworded it, I thought you should know.

Çookies – Mesmer – [GF]/Ebay
Everyone is bad but me.
Anet ruined Gw2.

Confusion Should Be Nerfed in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Star.2037


Anything that damages me is OP.

best line in the thread….

Stàr ^..^
Fist of the Empire

Confusion Should Be Nerfed in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: purpleskies.3274


O O i has a story..

I went into WvW and was fighting a ranger.
It one shot me and /laughed as it walked away..


Storys are fun.

I like stories!

So this one time I went into WvW and saw two warriors who had hammers. They didn’t use hundred blades, not even once!

These two chained stuns and knockdowns and I didn’t get to attack them back

On top of that they kept hitting me while I was knocked downed or stunned, doing a few thousand per hit while keeping me from fighting back, which is unfair.

It hurt and made me sad.

Moral of the story nerf things that make me sad! As a side note learning to counter new things also makes me sad, so nerf that to!

Confusion Should Be Nerfed in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Tiglie.5834


It’s ironic that in the 6 months of playing this game, across almost every server, we consistently found small group fights against 6 groups tops, one of them being AD. Of the 6 groups, 4 have posted in here agreeing how OP confusion is, and the other two would never dare post, because it’s an absolute crutch they rely on.

This post is in reference to a situation that 99% of the WvWvW population doesn’t experience outside of your tuesday night duel club.

Tiglie Wiglie – Oh Bahmaz
Iz U Potato – Absentee Father

Confusion Should Be Nerfed in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Kelo.4370


Yes lets nerf the only source of condition damage Mesmer have. Seriously though if yer getting kitten by confusion then DONT ATTACK! Cleanse yourself or start using a skill/heal that does then go back to attacking. That or you know don’t fight a mesmer and someone else alone.

Confusion Should Be Nerfed in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: ComeAndSee.1356


I don’t have any problems with confusion on my Guardian because I remove two debuffs every 10 seconds.

Sha Nari – 80 Guardian (
Lorella Windrunner – 80 Thief
Shayera Nightfall – 80 Mesmer

Confusion Should Be Nerfed in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Sawnic.6795


Yes lets nerf the only source of condition damage Mesmer have. Seriously though if yer getting kitten by confusion then DONT ATTACK! Cleanse yourself or start using a skill/heal that does then go back to attacking. That or you know don’t fight a mesmer and someone else alone.

The entire subculture of staff Mesmers is facepalming.

Whatever guild I’m repping today [tag]
Borlis Pass’ official male cheerleader
Commander by title: Sawnec the Mesmer

(edited by Sawnic.6795)

Confusion Should Be Nerfed in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: jkctmc.8754


Seriously, if you have 15 confusion stacks on you, it essentially means I have landed 4xcry of frustration, 2xmind wrack and the whole channel of confusing images on you…

Do realise that if I was on my shatter burst build now, you’d be looooong gone already at this point. The mesmer attacks that cause confusion are as easy or easier to dodge than the mesmer attacks that cause direct damage. They also expose the mesmer more. (scepter has much worse defense and mobility than sword).

Confusion mesmer relies on tricking and luring the opponent to do something stupid. If you just walk away or don’t do anything, the mesmer can’t really damage you.

Those complaining about confusion must be the same idiots who frenzied with empathy in Guild Wars 1…

One Mesmer to another. You do not use Combo Fields? O.O

Renno – Stonegard – Aece
80 Thief – 80 Warrior – 80 Guardian – 80 Ranger
80 Mesmer – 80 Necromancer

Confusion Should Be Nerfed in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: selan.8354


Confusion is OP as kitten in WvW. There is a reason its nerfed in sPvP. There is only 1 class I don’t even fight against at fight clubs because I know outcome before it begins; Mesmers. Why? Confusion. If you get just 4-5 people that know what they are doing they can apply it nonstop to a entire team/zerg.

soo what class are you if I may ask?

Lv 80 glamour Mesmer Triforce Mesmerpower PU mes,Lv 80 power necro
Isle of Kickaspenwood

Confusion Should Be Nerfed in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: selan.8354


The fail in this thread is amazing. Quite disappointed in any mesmer who is defending confusion. Our class is amazing at so many other builds. Why defend something so blatantly unbalanced?
The general population of MMO’s have continued to disappoint me since DAOC. Frankly I blame WoW, lack of education, and parents not beating their children.

oh unbalanced u say?
ok so then i want all the stuns from eles, warriors and guardians, that are op and can stun lock u if chained by more than 1 person

oh what about 17 stack of bleeding?
what about backstab, heart seeker, c&D?
What about thieves being able to stealth hit WALLs and doors
What about rangers that are able to send their pet on top of the wall even though its not a bird
What about being feared by necro all the time
what about warrior heals?
What about all the knock downs?


BTW,the reason why I am defending it, is because it does take skill and knowlege to be a good confusion mesmer and glamour mesmers do not have all the clones and it needs skill to be one! EVERY class has a trait and build that is very efficient in wvw. My mesmer is strictly built for wvw I have way less health with my build and my armor is the most expensive and hardest to get for light armor.

So, u want a nerf? Then nerf ALL the traits I mentioned above!!!Oh, and please remove the golems they are so op, and flamerams and catas and trebs and PLEASE GIVE a trait that can be bought for 2 g caller cottonball, that wraps around those poor poor people that get confusion dmg and makes them immune for 2 hours!

Lv 80 glamour Mesmer Triforce Mesmerpower PU mes,Lv 80 power necro
Isle of Kickaspenwood

Confusion Should Be Nerfed in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Bedstain.6735


This is why people get gimped classes from unnecessary nerfs. Because of people qq about a powerful skill as if your preferred class doesn’t have one. I wonder: do you have any means of condition removal? Why not save that for when you get confused?

Blackgate Elementalist….woohoo!
{{80 ele Soap 80 engi Flush}}

Confusion Should Be Nerfed in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Nurse.1085


I don’t think I’ve ever “wtf what just killed me?” at a Confusion/Condition Mesmer in WvW before. Ever. It’s really easy to avoid and remove. If I let a Confusion Mesmer get the best of me, then it’s my fault.

Though, I think it is really funny when an Epidemic Necro comes into the picture.

Confusion Should Be Nerfed in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Thresher.3049


Though, I think it is really funny when an Epidemic Necro comes into the picture.

Oh hai!

Oh wait, we’re not supposed to talk about what Necro’s and Mesmers get up to together when no one’s looking :o

Pinot Noir (Necromancer) Pinot Blanc (Warrior)
KnT Blackgate

Confusion Should Be Nerfed in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Iavra.8510


Started using Pain Inverter on my guardian yesterday. Without any condition damage, those 3 stacks tick for a little over 400 damage per action. It literally destroyed people that didn’t expect it.

/edit: I wasn’t stacking might. Maybe 2-3 stacks due to GS autoattacks but that’s it.

Currently leveling a mesmer (asura for sure). Can’t wait to see those zergs die from their own actions.

(edited by Iavra.8510)

Confusion Should Be Nerfed in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Ralloff.7359


I don’t know about “op” but as an ele, confusion is the bane of my existence. I’m sure other eles know my pain of instantly wiping half of your own health.

That said I say wait a few more months for any nerfs. See how things play out. It’s very possible l2p issue. Like I die to condition mesmers whenever I encounter them D/D(staff I do fine) But I’ve only fought a handful of them so there’s inexperience to take into consideration.

Leader of the 3 man Pop Up Pirates(POMF)
Pretty OK Elementalist

(edited by Ralloff.7359)

Confusion Should Be Nerfed in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Relentliss.2170


Its a totally BS skill. Its essentially a DOT that ticks when you use an ability. Everyone has to use abilities or die. A dot that ticks for 1k+ is kittenly OP in any game. Its also kittenly easy to apply for the damage it does.

We don’t need to make mandatory gear treadmills, we make all of it optional

Anet lied (where’s the Manifesto now?)

Confusion Should Be Nerfed in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: purpleskies.3274


Its a totally BS skill. Its essentially a DOT that ticks when you use an ability. Everyone has to use abilities or die. A dot that ticks for 1k+ is kittenly OP in any game. Its also kittenly easy to apply for the damage it does.

So you want to nerf bleeds as well I assume? If you get a burst of bleeds from a warrior rogue or necro they can do a minimum of over 1000 a second and higher burst stacks well over 2000 damage a second, for twice the duration of confusion (10 seconds) and those conditions hurt regardless, unlike confusion that you have the power to negate.

Burns also tick for close to a thousand with a condition build and guardians can stack those to tick for at least 20 seconds, more if they have any allies.

But if you cure conditions do no to little damage, unlike a power build where you take much higher burst with less ability to mitigate the damage.

(edited by purpleskies.3274)

Confusion Should Be Nerfed in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Iavra.8510


Haven’t been able to really stack burn so far. Most of the time, i’m just doing 1s burns that add a bit of damage and are not worth any point in condition damage.

Eles are way better in stacking burns.

Confusion Should Be Nerfed in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: purpleskies.3274


Haven’t been able to really stack burn so far. Most of the time, i’m just doing 1s burns that add a bit of damage and are not worth any point in condition damage.

Eles are way better in stacking burns.

A guardian using their virtue will apply a 5 second burn (as a base, so with increased condition duration maxed it will apply for 10 seconds), and when the activate it allies get to apply the same burn which stacks the duration, adding an extra 5 seconds per person (more if allies have the increased duration), with I believe a maximum of 5 people, so that is a minimum of 25 seconds with one ability, a full group, and no condition duration increases. You can also use torch to add another 3-6 seconds base (according to the wiki it actually applies a base of 9 seconds, which again is higher if you have increased condition duration), and the ring to add another 5 -10 seconds each time a person walks in the field.

There is another skills that add to it as well and I know there are traits that help like burn on losing aegis but I don’t remember them off the top of my head.

(edited by purpleskies.3274)

Confusion Should Be Nerfed in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Supersun.4603


Its a totally BS skill. Its essentially a DOT that ticks when you use an ability. Everyone has to use abilities or die. A dot that ticks for 1k+ is kittenly OP in any game. Its also kittenly easy to apply for the damage it does.

I know, right, DoTs ticking for 1k are so broken.

Killshot’s damage is slaughtered…

Thieves Steal + CnD + Backstab is only a shadow…

No, not even Warrior’s quickened 100 Blades can cut it…

compared to 1k damage per second!!!

Confusion Should Be Nerfed in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Godmoney.2048


1000 hour mesmer here just on this one class.

Here’s what i can tell you from countless hours ganking with pure confusion build.

Good players will watch their conditions and make sure to stealth, disengage whenever its up on them. A real confusion damage built mesmer has 0 to little other damage. Literally in my confusion build which is super min maxed with ascended does about 0 damage if the target doesnt use a ability. I have very little power, about 36% crit so the most i can do is let clones stack cond’s which won’t kill most people any time soon.

On the other hand

I can run my zerker shatter build and 2 shot 80% of the people in WvW.

I’ve found confusion damage works best on newer players. Most players that i can tell have played a toon a ton have learned how to counter it.

Honestly my shatter zerker build is way way way more effective at actually killing people. Even scrubs will stop activating abilities once they hit 20% health.

You can also always just run away from a confusion mesmer. They can’t kill you if you disengage. A confusion mesmer has no way to actually kill you unless you choose to stay and fight.

The other day i did a 3v1 with the zerker shatter build. I would have never been able to do that in my confusion build unless they were new players.

(edited by Godmoney.2048)

Confusion Should Be Nerfed in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Magnetron.5823


Thats why i want to have items in the laurel shop like!

10% bleed reduction
10% confusion resistance
10% Fire reduction
etc… etc…

For in the ascended gear! So you can build up your own resistance!

Born in the Desolation. Die for Desolation.

Confusion Should Be Nerfed in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Godmoney.2048


Thats why i want to have items in the laurel shop like!

10% bleed reduction
10% confusion resistance
10% Fire reduction
etc… etc…

For in the ascended gear! So you can build up your own resistance!

-10% condition duration…….also there is food that does just that but even better.

Confusion Should Be Nerfed in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Magnetron.5823


Yea but if you can put it in 2x rings and 1x amulet + foods, you can really focus a build on those conditions. And the ascended gear will be usefull!

Born in the Desolation. Die for Desolation.

Confusion Should Be Nerfed in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Reux Valdir.7986

Reux Valdir.7986

A while back Anet reduced confusion damage in sPvP by 50 percent because it is simply overpowered when used against other players. I see more and more mesmers spamming confusion in WvW that causes 1-2k damage per ability use. This is simply too much damage for a condition that can trigger 3-4 times per second. They should add the 50% reduction to WvW.

A lot of people say things should be nerfed because they are “too strong”.

It’s like people just want to be spoon fed everything now a days. If they lose, they just wanna win. They don’t wanna win through working for it, they just wanna skip that process. There are ways to combat everything in this game. Some are stupidly difficult i must say, but it’s still possible. Confusion is not one of those stupidly hard things to combat.

People need to learn how to play the gameThat is the biggest problem in the gw2 community. I mean come on, it took til the last achievement update for more people to find out about comboing skills. People who played since launch with multiple chars didn’t understand that mechanic and finally learned about it. It’s a shame…

Confusion Should Be Nerfed in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Master of Timespace.2548

Master of Timespace.2548

Seriously, if you have 15 confusion stacks on you, it essentially means I have landed 4xcry of frustration, 2xmind wrack and the whole channel of confusing images on you…

Do realise that if I was on my shatter burst build now, you’d be looooong gone already at this point. The mesmer attacks that cause confusion are as easy or easier to dodge than the mesmer attacks that cause direct damage. They also expose the mesmer more. (scepter has much worse defense and mobility than sword).

Confusion mesmer relies on tricking and luring the opponent to do something stupid. If you just walk away or don’t do anything, the mesmer can’t really damage you.

Those complaining about confusion must be the same idiots who frenzied with empathy in Guild Wars 1…

One Mesmer to another. You do not use Combo Fields? O.O

Whether I run confusion or burst build, I spec for duels / solo roaming so my only combo field is Chaos Storm. Utilities are dual images, blink and decoy.
Without dual images I can’t burst.
Without blink I can’t escape from knockdown or from zergs
Without decoy I can’t counter stealth effectively.

? <(^-^><)>^-^)> <(^-^)> ?

(edited by Master of Timespace.2548)

Confusion Should Be Nerfed in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: lLobo.7960


Turn off your autoatacks.

Not the problem. Here it is broken down for ya.

1) Can’t stop the clones effectively. Most of the time its difficult to kill them due to culling/chasing down the real mesmer. I personally can’t drop 4-5k damage into the clones to get rid of them quickly, even if I could see them
2) Unless you are specifically looking for it in the mess of conditions that appear 4-7 at a time fighting in small group fights, you won’t really see it until after you’ve swung or used a utility.
3) It takes you out of the fight and turns you into a non-combatant. Once you have that many stacks of confusion and are out of cleansing you basically have to try to escape combat while avoiding direct damage from the d/d eles/thieves.
4) to say that a condition mesmer doesn’t have any other damage is pretty short sighted. Staff with Sword/Scepter/Focus/Torch puts out a lot of extra non-clone conditions/utility/support/damage.

As with most problems in wvw it comes down to culling. If I could see the mesmer clones rushing at me it would be excessively helpful. However having decoy/mirror image/dodge clone/mass invis/etc its really obnoxious. I was in the middle of an enemy zerg chasing down a giant norn mesmer when he popped mirror image with a dodge. The clones were there, however the 20+ enemies that were surrounding me immediately vanished. So…yea that was fun, but at least I kittening dodged the shatter combo!

If you are in group fights you need to act as a group. If the mesmer is focusing on you to apply confusion while the thief and d/d ele focus on you, they are doing a good coordinated job, where is your team while you are getting all the attention?
If you go on group fights and dont mind looking to your conditions then you are just btn-smashing and better have a guard or ele nearby on full heal/cleansing duty to keep you up.
Group fights are about knowing what is going on and how to better act as a group. I have lost count of how many people I’ve seen on WvW shoot themselfs dead on reflection/retaliation as they dont pay attention to anything but their own CD.

If the problem is culling, then why should confusion get nerfed? Asking for a nerf on something becouse something else is broken doesnt seem very balanced. Fix what is really broken.

Confusion Should Be Nerfed in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: EvilSardine.9635


Yep, confusion needs to be nerfed. Even my friend who has a mesmer says so. If you’re saying otherwise, then you’re silly and have ZERO experience fighting a good confusion mesmer. Atleast lower it to the damage it does in PvP. In WvW the damage is just absurd. Like 8 stacks or so of confusion on a warrior will do a ridiculous 5,000 damage just because he DODGE ROLLS….you know to avoid more confusion attacks.

We’ve done done tests using classes with as many condition removals as possible and the good mesmer can keep confusion on you the entire time. You can be a warrior with mending, shake it off (letting auto trait trigger then using it manually after), and rune of the soldier so conditions are removed when you use a shout, and you will still have constant confusion put on you. It’s too easy to apply.

It’s pretty obvious it needs to be tweaked in WvW. Damage is cut down by 50% in PvP. You cannot argue that it doesn’t need balancing if Anet already did it for PvP.

Confusion Should Be Nerfed in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Mike.7320


Mesmers dont want this.

Everyone else does, go figure.

Idolizethis Warrior

Arkham (Ark)

Confusion Should Be Nerfed in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Archer.1658


Yep, confusion needs to be nerfed. Even my friend who has a mesmer says so. If you’re saying otherwise, then you’re silly and have ZERO experience fighting a good confusion mesmer. Atleast lower it to the damage it does in PvP. In WvW the damage is just absurd. Like 8 stacks or so of confusion on a warrior will do a ridiculous 5,000 damage just because he DODGE ROLLS….you know to avoid more confusion attacks.

We’ve done done tests using classes with as many condition removals as possible and the good mesmer can keep confusion on you the entire time. You can be a warrior with mending, shake it off (letting auto trait trigger then using it manually after), and rune of the soldier so conditions are removed when you use a shout, and you will still have constant confusion put on you. It’s too easy to apply.

It’s pretty obvious it needs to be tweaked in WvW. Damage is cut down by 50% in PvP. You cannot argue that it doesn’t need balancing if Anet already did it for PvP.

Ima go ahead and call you out. 8 Stacks of confusion even with 2.1k condition damage (what i have) isn’t even 4k a tic on confusion, so theres a lie. Second, there is absolutely no way to maintain 5+ stacks of confusion unless the person does not remove them. Damage was never cut down in sPvP, it was enhanced in WvW and PvE. I like how bad players will do anything to nerf something they can’t beat.

Çookies – Mesmer – [GF]/Ebay
Everyone is bad but me.
Anet ruined Gw2.

Confusion Should Be Nerfed in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Seige.4862


Toughness does not effect cond damage. If you don’t know that, then you need to remove yourself from this conversation.

Also I am a mesmer. Been playing one since beta.

AD(Anonymous Defender)- Devonas Rest
The orginal Fairy tank

(edited by Seige.4862)

Confusion Should Be Nerfed in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Xsorus.2507


I’m sorry, if you attack when you have greater then 5 stacks of confusion on yourself, You deserve to respawn..

The 17 Stack Warrior spamming his attacks in that one video was the best though.

Confusion is like Mass Betrayal and TI from Dominators in Rift.

It’s a Tax on Bad players.
Natures Ninja and Pain Inverter – Ranger PvP movies

Confusion Should Be Nerfed in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Xsorus.2507


Yep, confusion needs to be nerfed. Even my friend who has a mesmer says so. If you’re saying otherwise, then you’re silly and have ZERO experience fighting a good confusion mesmer. Atleast lower it to the damage it does in PvP. In WvW the damage is just absurd. Like 8 stacks or so of confusion on a warrior will do a ridiculous 5,000 damage just because he DODGE ROLLS….you know to avoid more confusion attacks.

We’ve done done tests using classes with as many condition removals as possible and the good mesmer can keep confusion on you the entire time. You can be a warrior with mending, shake it off (letting auto trait trigger then using it manually after), and rune of the soldier so conditions are removed when you use a shout, and you will still have constant confusion put on you. It’s too easy to apply.

It’s pretty obvious it needs to be tweaked in WvW. Damage is cut down by 50% in PvP. You cannot argue that it doesn’t need balancing if Anet already did it for PvP.

The Warrior taking damage on Dodge Roll has zero to do with Confusion being overpowered and everything to do with that talent being a crappy talent to have on a class.
Natures Ninja and Pain Inverter – Ranger PvP movies

Confusion Should Be Nerfed in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Dynnen.6405


Yep, confusion needs to be nerfed. Even my friend who has a mesmer says so. If you’re saying otherwise, then you’re silly and have ZERO experience fighting a good confusion mesmer. Atleast lower it to the damage it does in PvP. In WvW the damage is just absurd. Like 8 stacks or so of confusion on a warrior will do a ridiculous 5,000 damage just because he DODGE ROLLS….you know to avoid more confusion attacks.

We’ve done done tests using classes with as many condition removals as possible and the good mesmer can keep confusion on you the entire time. You can be a warrior with mending, shake it off (letting auto trait trigger then using it manually after), and rune of the soldier so conditions are removed when you use a shout, and you will still have constant confusion put on you. It’s too easy to apply.

It’s pretty obvious it needs to be tweaked in WvW. Damage is cut down by 50% in PvP. You cannot argue that it doesn’t need balancing if Anet already did it for PvP.

if u have gotten 5000 dmg then it was a crit and u must have run into th nullfield that was placed together with th bubble. we put both fields down at the same time so it causes more dmg.i dodge out of enemiy mesmers bubble all the time and don’t get that kind of dmg. whats your thoughness.

2) 5k damage was a bit of an over-statement, but not much. Happy/Angry Unicorns a guy we fight quite often, has his 8 stack confusion hits that hit for 3400, and I’m pretty sure isn’t running the 2100 condition damage I’ve seen from our new mesmers.

Lastly. The next person that says “Confusion only kills bad players” needs to leave this thread. Its not the confusion that kills you, its the confusion that causes such heinous damage that prevents you from doing anything that kills you. Also, no one can say “I’ve never been hit by condition damage” so I guess we are all bad players.

Confusion Should Be Nerfed in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Dhampyr.2104


Yep, confusion needs to be nerfed. Even my friend who has a mesmer says so. If you’re saying otherwise, then you’re silly and have ZERO experience fighting a good confusion mesmer. Atleast lower it to the damage it does in PvP. In WvW the damage is just absurd. Like 8 stacks or so of confusion on a warrior will do a ridiculous 5,000 damage just because he DODGE ROLLS….you know to avoid more confusion attacks.

We’ve done done tests using classes with as many condition removals as possible and the good mesmer can keep confusion on you the entire time. You can be a warrior with mending, shake it off (letting auto trait trigger then using it manually after), and rune of the soldier so conditions are removed when you use a shout, and you will still have constant confusion put on you. It’s too easy to apply.

It’s pretty obvious it needs to be tweaked in WvW. Damage is cut down by 50% in PvP. You cannot argue that it doesn’t need balancing if Anet already did it for PvP.

if u have gotten 5000 dmg then it was a crit and u must have run into th nullfield that was placed together with th bubble. we put both fields down at the same time so it causes more dmg.i dodge out of enemiy mesmers bubble all the time and don’t get that kind of dmg. whats your thoughness.

2) 5k damage was a bit of an over-statement, but not much. Happy/Angry Unicorns a guy we fight quite often, has his 8 stack confusion hits that hit for 3400, and I’m pretty sure isn’t running the 2100 condition damage I’ve seen from our new mesmers.

Lastly. The next person that says “Confusion only kills bad players” needs to leave this thread. Its not the confusion that kills you, its the confusion that causes such heinous damage that prevents you from doing anything that kills you. Also, no one can say “I’ve never been hit by condition damage” so I guess we are all bad players.

Confusion only kills bad players. And you’re right, it doesn’t make you a bad if you get hit by confusion… Only if you die to it.

Eve Morrow, Mesmer, Eve Flamescythe, Ele
Tarnished Coast

Confusion Should Be Nerfed in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Xsorus.2507


Yep, confusion needs to be nerfed. Even my friend who has a mesmer says so. If you’re saying otherwise, then you’re silly and have ZERO experience fighting a good confusion mesmer. Atleast lower it to the damage it does in PvP. In WvW the damage is just absurd. Like 8 stacks or so of confusion on a warrior will do a ridiculous 5,000 damage just because he DODGE ROLLS….you know to avoid more confusion attacks.

We’ve done done tests using classes with as many condition removals as possible and the good mesmer can keep confusion on you the entire time. You can be a warrior with mending, shake it off (letting auto trait trigger then using it manually after), and rune of the soldier so conditions are removed when you use a shout, and you will still have constant confusion put on you. It’s too easy to apply.

It’s pretty obvious it needs to be tweaked in WvW. Damage is cut down by 50% in PvP. You cannot argue that it doesn’t need balancing if Anet already did it for PvP.

if u have gotten 5000 dmg then it was a crit and u must have run into th nullfield that was placed together with th bubble. we put both fields down at the same time so it causes more dmg.i dodge out of enemiy mesmers bubble all the time and don’t get that kind of dmg. whats your thoughness.

2) 5k damage was a bit of an over-statement, but not much. Happy/Angry Unicorns a guy we fight quite often, has his 8 stack confusion hits that hit for 3400, and I’m pretty sure isn’t running the 2100 condition damage I’ve seen from our new mesmers.

Lastly. The next person that says “Confusion only kills bad players” needs to leave this thread. Its not the confusion that kills you, its the confusion that causes such heinous damage that prevents you from doing anything that kills you. Also, no one can say “I’ve never been hit by condition damage” so I guess we are all bad players.

If you’re fighting a Mesmer who’s stacking that much confusion damage against you, Guess what..He basically can’t do squat else against you besides Confusion.

Confusion only kills you if you let it kill you.
Natures Ninja and Pain Inverter – Ranger PvP movies

Confusion Should Be Nerfed in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Victory.2879


Op. No. Doesn’t need a nerf. So many ways to avoid the damage or remove it, so many group skills remove it. You can even attack with it on and kill the mesmer if you know what you’re doing. Decent groups will target the mesmer if they meet them a few times and the mesmer does the same thing every time.

When I’m on my mes I run two glamours, one of which is null field- very underrated skill, still sooo many mesmers prefer blink in group fights, or dual clones, etc.

There are far worse things that will kill a pile of players than confusion- like a might stacked invunerable warrior for instance.

Victory, Beings Lost On Borderlands (BLOB), SFR & Gandara (inactive)

Confusion Should Be Nerfed in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: selan.8354


Toughness does not effect cond damage. If you don’t know that, then you need to remove yourself from this conversation.

Also I am a mesmer. Been playing one since beta.

toughness is important too when facing a mesmer as a lot of attacks will finish u off after being hit with confusion dmg. and maybe u wanna calm down instead of telling me off that way. It’s a game!

Lv 80 glamour Mesmer Triforce Mesmerpower PU mes,Lv 80 power necro
Isle of Kickaspenwood

Confusion Should Be Nerfed in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Dynnen.6405


Yep, confusion needs to be nerfed. Even my friend who has a mesmer says so. If you’re saying otherwise, then you’re silly and have ZERO experience fighting a good confusion mesmer. Atleast lower it to the damage it does in PvP. In WvW the damage is just absurd. Like 8 stacks or so of confusion on a warrior will do a ridiculous 5,000 damage just because he DODGE ROLLS….you know to avoid more confusion attacks.

We’ve done done tests using classes with as many condition removals as possible and the good mesmer can keep confusion on you the entire time. You can be a warrior with mending, shake it off (letting auto trait trigger then using it manually after), and rune of the soldier so conditions are removed when you use a shout, and you will still have constant confusion put on you. It’s too easy to apply.

It’s pretty obvious it needs to be tweaked in WvW. Damage is cut down by 50% in PvP. You cannot argue that it doesn’t need balancing if Anet already did it for PvP.

if u have gotten 5000 dmg then it was a crit and u must have run into th nullfield that was placed together with th bubble. we put both fields down at the same time so it causes more dmg.i dodge out of enemiy mesmers bubble all the time and don’t get that kind of dmg. whats your thoughness.

2) 5k damage was a bit of an over-statement, but not much. Happy/Angry Unicorns a guy we fight quite often, has his 8 stack confusion hits that hit for 3400, and I’m pretty sure isn’t running the 2100 condition damage I’ve seen from our new mesmers.

Lastly. The next person that says “Confusion only kills bad players” needs to leave this thread. Its not the confusion that kills you, its the confusion that causes such heinous damage that prevents you from doing anything that kills you. Also, no one can say “I’ve never been hit by condition damage” so I guess we are all bad players.

Confusion only kills bad players. And you’re right, it doesn’t make you a bad if you get hit by confusion… Only if you die to it.

Well, if I can’t cast a heal or clenase my conditions for fear of taking the damage from the ‘Eight Stack’ then die then the confusion did kill me.

Confusion Should Be Nerfed in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Kissbel.3475


A while back Anet reduced confusion damage in sPvP by 50 percent because it is simply overpowered when used against other players. I see more and more mesmers spamming confusion in WvW that causes 1-2k damage per ability use. This is simply too much damage for a condition that can trigger 3-4 times per second. They should add the 50% reduction to WvW.

Dont roll glass connon and dont be dumb and go into it… thats it… thats the only thing confusing mesmer can do…

Arelis Caba [FEAR] mesmer pro
(Sanctum of Rall)
I Speak for my Self not my Guildies