Crystal Desert vs Tarnished Coast vs Henge of Denravi
Well I didn’t get to play last evening. I did however get to play Saturday morning server time. It was rather an exiting morning too.
My daughter, son and myself logged in to play some WvW. It was a delight to see that CD had most of the map and 400apx scoring while we were around 200. No picture I often don’t. We joined the TC Borderlands to show them the the karma shop. While there we noticed an assault on Dreadfall and joined in.
Wow. I must say that CD had that played locked down tight. The direct entrance in was defended while the south gate had trebs bombarding the inner walls. After finding that CD owned both the inside and outside of the walls the hard way. We went in by the water gate :P joined the inside fighters. It was a fun battle. Attempted to push a force to get those trebs. But CD pushed us back down the stairs. I suppose we needed another force coming around the back rather than the front. We fought in the inner keep only to lose it when the walls came down. Good job CD However CD didn’t let up the least.
Shadaron Hills
So the three of us started re-orginizing back at the garison and and the citidel. We tried to get my son’s character kjg(yeah I know it sounds like a gold spammer) a bow or rifle only to find that he made a guardian. Being only level 7 him running into melee was usually a death warrant. Ok ok enough of that. SH was under attack by CD of course. We went to join in. We entered through the NW gate and heading to the bridge that led to the lords room only to find a massive army of CD. It looked like a see of red. We were up, down and up again and managed to eventually get to the lords room. Try as we might we still lost it, but it wasn’t quick and I think the server held up well.
At this point we were being led around by a couple of commanders. Sorry i can’t remember there names. They weren’t bad, but they weren’t exactly strongly rallying either. They tried and I think that counts a long way.
We regathered at garison only to find that Sariya(PiNK) showed up. We ended up rallying around her. Went around grabbed some supply.
Finally we waited ourside of SH. To our fortune a or couple of Mesmers were not discovered in SH. We were inside the inner castle. Placed our rams and got into the lords room before any serious defense. CD certainly showed up in force and we ended up fighting in the lords room for a few minutes before we wrested control from CD.
We drove out CD and started working together. The three of us were getting scattered so we had to regroup here and there which had the three of us miss a few supply runs and castle attempts. We finally managed to get back together and join in the defense of SH lords room. Yep in the between time CD make there way into SH again. TC successfully pushed them out this time.
We went about to gather supplies, but again the call that CD were attacking came. CD was seriously pushing really well. As this was going on we were still losing ground across all the other maps with CD pushing up the point score. ok ok back on topic. CD was at the south gate which we joined in. They broke through only to be repelled…… and then boom we get the alert that North gate was going down. And wow did they come it. We fought and I like to say we fought hard, but they pushed us out of the lords room and finally took Shadaron hills.
Bravo CD bravo. It was exiting. They pushed right to the lords room where we managed to repel them the first time. Get the gates and walls back up.
At this time I had to go to sleep as had done a graveyard shift. But my daughter and son kept on the fight. before I wen to bed though Sariya of PiNK was seriously pushing map control.
So thanks CD I had a lot of fun. Your persistence that morning was fantastic. I had almost thought we would never start gaining ground. CD rallied and was going to hold. Keep up the pressure. It’s still early in the week that there is no clear winner. By Tuesday CD can take the lead if they manage to turn what’s happening around.
since most of our sieges end up being two way affairs, ideally, the 3rd place server would be starving the place the 1st place server is attacking from while the 2nd place server handles the attack. last week, we were in a treb duel against SoR on our borderland. we held the northeast tower(our favorite spot), and SoR had the garrison. ET suddenly appeared on the map, and took the camp closest to us. which meant that we had to send a team down there to take it back to continue supply runs. if they would have taken the camp on the opposite side, the garrison would have ended up running out of supplies first, and we would have been able to take it back. hopefully CD and HoD can work out some sort of system to coordinate attacks against us. it’ll really put us back on our heels, and makes sure this doesn’t end up as a “server with more coverage beats on 2 servers with less coverage one at a time” match up. the toughest situation we’ve had to defend against so far was when we had FA attacking our west keep while DB was attacking our east keep. we had to split our defenders up, and pretty much were forced to pick which one were were going to lose. in retrospect, we probably chose the wrong one, but that’s the kind of thing that happens when there’s that much pressure on multiple fronts.
anyway, i ended up taking a shift on our late night crew yesterday, and CD took it to us pretty hard during those hours. as night shifted into day, CD’s presence seemed to drop off quite a bit. so you guys have the hardest part taken care of already, and any NA guilds looking for a place to join would find themselves in a pretty good situation. and even going back to our last match where you absolutely crushed us, your server seems pretty respectful, win or lose. i don’t remember any gloating, /laughing, /dancing on corpses, that we’ve seen from some of the other servers we’ve faced.
an interesting moment happened last night at WH. when our group first took the place, we set up a bunch of catapults near the wall. we wanted to add an extra one, but someone misclicked and used a ram instead, and sure enough, that ram ended up being built. when you guys were pressuring to retake the place, you killed all the catapults, but left the ram standing. i made a note of that in /team and someone responded that it was to remind us of our shame. about 10 minutes later, you guys ended up taking that ram out and i noted “shame ram removed”. i’m not sure wuite yet how we’re going to use it, but somehow “shame rams” will end up becoming a part of our culture. (though that sort of thing sounds like it belongs on a completely different section of the internet….)
Just wanted to thank the CD in the EB Jumping Puzzle this morning (7am EST)
I usually dread going there since I’m normally trying to do it alone whilst enemy zerg is above and aware for some sweet slaughtering
But, as I was going, I noticed some CD not attacking me, then at the end, a bunch were there, so I stealthed like a scaredy cat and took the chest, only to find that when I unstealthed, none of them jumped at me.
Thanks guys, wish there was more gestures for how surprised I was lol.
(Blurrying Team just to cover main WvW activity)
Tarnished Coast
So has anybody else ran into the super bad cheating thief on TC? He is currently on tc’s map down in the south end. He’s in serenity of the moon. Speed hacks + exploiting stealth somehow. He has hardly any hp. he just runs around with dual daggers being immortal because you can’t hit him, and if you do, he speed zips out of combat to get hp then comes back 2 seconds later full again. It’s really pathetic.
if any wants to help support suggestion thread i started and share same interest as i do, visit :
if not, well thanks anyways
-Scholar Krasso-
So has anybody else ran into the super bad cheating thief on TC? He is currently on tc’s map down in the south end. He’s in serenity of the moon. Speed hacks + exploiting stealth somehow. He has hardly any hp. he just runs around with dual daggers being immortal because you can’t hit him, and if you do, he speed zips out of combat to get hp then comes back 2 seconds later full again. It’s really pathetic.
Regrettably, that is actual (if dubious) use of game mechanics. There’s a very popular thief spec right now that does this using a possible bug in Cloak and Dagger’s mechanics to bypass the “revealed” debuff. If you have someone who can aoe fear, you can open him up to attack and for about six seconds but you will need a group to actually kill him.
Support Warrior of Defiance[RUN]
Sanctum of Rall Server
Regrettably, that is actual (if dubious) use of game mechanics. There’s a very popular thief spec right now that does this using a possible bug in Cloak and Dagger’s mechanics to bypass the “revealed” debuff. If you have someone who can aoe fear, you can open him up to attack and for about six seconds but you will need a group to actually kill him.
That’s sad at best. I’ll stick to my pistol/dagger build. I don’t have to abuse mechanics to win, which I usually do. However he was for sure speed hacking, i stealthed and popped up a hill where I caught him zip across the ruins in the south in about .25 seconds. He didn’t know I could see him. That perma stealth needs fixed asap, and he should be banned for using a speeding hack on top of it. Forced into a regular build without his cheats he’d be a sitting duck.
How exactly is this build working? Maybe I can find a weakness of it within my build..
Zarth, if in doubt report them. We on TC will report our own if/when we see it. Anet can see if its exploit or whatever and fix the problem. If its the thief build that does infact need fixing you can aoe .. watch for numbers popping up and stay on it. Sorry you had this experience from TC, we like to be known for our fair and fun playstyle and do not in any way support cheaters.
Zarth, if in doubt report them. We on TC will report our own if/when we see it. Anet can see if its exploit or whatever and fix the problem. If its the thief build that does infact need fixing you can aoe .. watch for numbers popping up and stay on it. Sorry you had this experience from TC, we like to be known for our fair and fun playstyle and do not in any way support cheaters.
Sadly he’s not doing anything wrong, this is Arena Nets problem, it’s tied in with the rendering issue that still lingers. If thiefs weren’t beloved they should hot fix a method where this is temporarily stopped because so many thiefs do it.
Zarth, if in doubt report them. We on TC will report our own if/when we see it. Anet can see if its exploit or whatever and fix the problem. If its the thief build that does infact need fixing you can aoe .. watch for numbers popping up and stay on it. Sorry you had this experience from TC, we like to be known for our fair and fun playstyle and do not in any way support cheaters.
I did report him, as did other people. Keep an eye out for him. He was on your map in the south east.
Sadly he’s not doing anything wrong, this is Arena Nets problem, it’s tied in with the rendering issue that still lingers. If thiefs weren’t beloved they should hot fix a method where this is temporarily stopped because so many thiefs do it.
He was for sure speed hacking. that’s against rules.
They can actually do that. It’s abusing a very OP class.
They can actually do that. It’s abusing a very OP class.
The thief class on it’s own is actually pretty weak overall. The problem is the class is intended to use a grab bag of gimmicks to survive, yet if you just focus on one, and focus everything in to that one skill it breaks the system in easily anticipated ways (Heart Seeker spam, pistolwhip spam, etc).
Support Warrior of Defiance[RUN]
Sanctum of Rall Server
I don’t know about what you’ve seen, but as a Thief from Serenity of the Moon (though i represent PiNK in WvW), I’d like to point you towards Dagger/Pistol as an extraordinarily powerful stealth-assassin build that is consistent with what you have seen.
Black Powder + Heartseeker is a very powerful combo leap. Though it costs 9 initiative (7 with traits), it is:
* a gap closer
* a smoke field
* a projectile blind (through smoke field)
* an execution skill (the damage from Heartseeker applies before the stealth)
* a guaranteed source of stealth (without interruptions like daze or stun)
* via-stealth, a source of backstab
I can trait myself to remove conditions, gain 2 stacks of might for 15 seconds, and heal during stealth.
It is possible to spam this relatively frequently with enough initiative regeneration. It is also possible to gain multiple stacks of stealth by doing 1-2 additional Heartseekers over the smoke field (true perma-stealth), as long as I don’t hit anything with those additional Heartseekers.
Your description of ‘speed hacks’ and ‘exploiting stealth somehow’ seems consistent with my build. I don’t know for certain because I’ve never gotten a good look at an enemy Thief with the same build (no idea why it’s such an unpopular build, it’s quite “OP”). I imagine that my enemies see me constantly disappearing, only to reappear behind them. I don’t know why my enemies don’t just estimate my location from where the smoke field pops ups.
I am a human Thief with blonde short hair, wearing the human T3 cultural. Is this the Thief you saw?
I hope this clears things up.
(edited by Iohanna.4863)
There’s a difference in using a speed hack and using Heartseeker repeatedly for 5 times in a row to go over a large distance.
I use it as a speed up.
Not to say there aren’t people speed hacking. I had to go up against some baddie in the keg brawl.
I and others reported him. One took a video as well of him speed hacking.
a lot of people will be disappointed they are not it.
You ARE the thief I was fighting. let me tell you what I seen. 1) attacking while in stealth without breaking it. 2) being out of stealth for 1/8th of a second tops every 5 or so seconds, and unhitable while out. 3) aoe where you were did nothing because the second you went invisible you were unhitable, no longer there. If you’re truly not hacking, then there’s a severe glitch going on. Everyone on my team that fought you said “lol scrub still died with extreme exploits” or something of that sorts. I am going to log in right now and try this build against a friend, will post results of how “glitchy” I am in a few.
As for your comment about "unpopular build, it’s quote "OP"" maybe that’s because this playerbase isn’t so shallow and boring that they only have fun when they have an extreme advantage? Just maybe it’s more fun to beat people 5v2 due to skill and knowing how to play your character as apposed to “lol I have godmode on so i win lol, I’m so cool.” food for thought.
There’s a difference in using a speed hack and using Heartseeker repeatedly for 5 times in a row to go over a large distance.
I use it as a speed up.
Not to say there aren’t people speed hacking. I had to go up against some baddie in the keg brawl.
I and others reported him. One took a video as well of him speed hacking.
Yeah I’ve used dual daggers before as well. I know the difference between dashing across and being 400 yards away in .25 seconds.
So has anybody else ran into the super bad cheating thief on TC? He is currently on tc’s map down in the south end. He’s in serenity of the moon. Speed hacks + exploiting stealth somehow. He has hardly any hp. he just runs around with dual daggers being immortal because you can’t hit him, and if you do, he speed zips out of combat to get hp then comes back 2 seconds later full again. It’s really pathetic.
Sounds like normal thief activity. Sadly. At least you are a thief so you can abuse broken stealth and op mobility as well.
(edited by fishergrip.4082)
1) Attacking while in stealth without breaking it.
I probably just dropped out of stealth naturally, and used another Black Powder + Heartseeker combo. We don’t have a “revealed” cool-down if stealth wears off naturally.
2) Being out of stealth for 1/8th of a second……and unhitable while out.
The whole point of this build was to maximize my ability to stealth; both in and out of combat. Cloak & Dagger was deemed unreliable, and I arrived at Black Powder + Heartseeker in my search for alternate sources of stealth. I’m glad it’s working ^^;
As for being invulnerable out of stealth: Thieves can dodge twice as much as other classes. Hence, I save my dodges for any time that I’m out of stealth.
3) AOE does nothing
Yes, most people miss their AOEs because they assume I’m a Cloak & Dagger thief. I stealth with Heartseeker, so you can’t just target the area I disappeared in (I’m already far away).
Some people catch on and start AOEing their low health team-mates (these are my primary targets). If I get too greedy, this kills me. However if there aren’t enough AOEs, I shrug it off with my condition removal and healing.
Here’s the build I run for WvW (copy and paste, don’t click, something wrong with the redirection):;TABg0ynEOJdS9kyJKlMKJUyqkTJpSLCGEszYGB
I sometimes swap out the Sword/Dagger for a Shortbow, when I need massive AOE damage.
I’ll tell you some of my fears:
- I would never try to take down someone fully specced for survival, 1v1 or otherwise (unless it’s a gank). I’m not as bursty as other thieves, so I can’t do enough damage to these people. Usually I just disengage and find a squishier target.
- I fear other glass-cannons just as much as they fear me. An enemy thief’s cluster-bomb is especially scary. Hasted 100 blades and Pistol Whip will finish me if I don’t luck out and escape with Infiltrator’s Signet.
- Front-line Elementalists are beasts of nature. I have never been able to challenge them by myself. It almost feels like they have it all: healing, protection, damage, conditions, control, etc. I imagine these are Elementalists who really know how to make maximum use of their combos; because they are very rare. Lots of respect for these guys.
(edited by Iohanna.4863)
lohanna, link is broken =(
I dont think most thieves are playing that class just for ‘godmode’ and if you read what lohanna is saying Zarth they are telling you their weakness… take the advise. All classes can be "godmode’ look at guardians and some really great ele out there. Anyhow thanks for the advise lohanna.
It appears that links to the build editor need to be copy-and-pasted to work.
lohanna. 1v1 me? I want to see you do this without all the mess of everyone else. I wanna be able to really focus on this to see exactly what is happening. Because I still say something wonkey is going on here. Maybe this build seriously abuses the loading in problem? As I said, you were attacking people without being seen at all, even for a split second. 0% chance to fight back for about 1/2 the fight, and only 1/8th second windows in which you weren’t hitable.
A couple of things…
Remember WvWvW is not balanced around 1v1. With all the different gear available, even scaling of stats to 80 cannot balance the traits and gear available to everyone who enters the WvWvW arena.
What you are seeing can be different from what the other person is seeing. Server lag is a real thing, client lag is a real thing. When fighting theives, any sort of lag between what the server reads and what the client reads will give them a perceived advantage greater than the one they already have.
Read what I said carefully. Greater than they already have, because yes, they do have an advantage in mobility. As a thief, I see this clearly. I continually shortbow race heartseeking spam thieves as a test. I only seem to go faster with the trait that also gives me a 33% speed buff, on top of the signet of shadows 25% and the speed from dodges.
One of the greatest advantages a thief has is morale busting, we’re constantly seen as “speed hacking, exploiting culling, and being an OP class” because stealth is one of the greatest weapons of war… ever since Sun Tzu, and has always been acknowledged as such.
I don’t think hackers would usually expose themselves and be upfront like Iohanna has lol.
After 1v1 a few times in and out of party. I can confirm he is not cheating, his build is just OP. 1) the attacking from stealth without breaking it is confirmed as slow loading in time, he can be tabbed to, but has no character model or name/healthbar. 2) I was unaware the condition removal in stealth took ALL conditions off per tick, that is why he wasn’t bleeding out at all. 3) he can stay in stealth for a very long time, making it appear he has left. 4) there’s a small almost invisible circle he puts on the floor that spams blind on people, which is why he can’t be hit.
Glad to hear the matter settled. Iohanna, thanks for coming forward like that.
I remember trying to fight off a very persistent thief from an enemy server in our borderland northern supply camp around two weeks back, and Zarthias’s description matched what I experienced, except for the blind spam. It was incredibly frustrating. Thief didn’t know when to quit though and kept staying in the camp to keep us from re-capturing, so we eventually got him by standing in AoEs, Retaliation/Confusion spam, and a Warrior spamming his attacks. Still took us quite a while. Hoping this won’t be as difficult when ANet eventually fixes the loading issue.
Another great day of WvW. HoD had a great push into AH with a couple of golems that almost succeeded. I think if they had 1 more golem or some more people the would have broken through. Either way it was a great fight!
It’s been a somewhat lackluster night in EB. CD did an early push and took back OL, but with TC’s treb at Ogrewatch (placed in a very interesting position that I will have to remember) we were able to knock down OL’s walls easily. It’s a lot more fun to treb when there are moving targets – nothing’s more satisfying than seeing a screen full of exp messages pop up when a shot lands in the middle of a zerg.
In fact, we had two walls down at OL and both walls and gates down at VS – and they remained that way for almost 30 minutes, with TC and CD zergs fighting over Pangloss. At one point CD almost breached Ogrewatch’s gates, but TC was able to outflank and wipe those sieging Ogrewatch, then hit the Pangloss defenders from both sides. Their balistas did not help them when faced with a two pronged attack with overwhelming numbers. Ironically, that is exactly how TC lost Pangloss last night…
Most of the highlights for me this evening came from 1 vs 1s and 1 vs manys. First, I must have ran into a CD thief using Iohanna’s build near Ogrewatch – maybe it was Zarthias? It took quite a bit of effort to take him down. Unfortunately we did not end up having a 1 vs 1. First fight was me taking out a CD elementalist while the thief jumped me, and second fight was the thief taking down a warrior, with me jumping him. The score’s 1 vs 1, and I definitely worked for that kill.
As TC and CD butted heads up north, I went south and ran into a low level HoD group of 4 people. We had some fun skirmishes, with them unable to kill me, and me able to down a couple at a time, but unable to land killing blows. After pushing them away from Bravos, I lured them to Umbra which was guarded by Ogres along with regular NPCs. With the help of NPCs I was finally able to kill them.
After that, I met two HoD players, an elementalist and a guardian, near their spawn, and spent 20+ minutes sparring with them. That was a lot of fun, and they fought with skill and tenacity even if they were under leveled. I had a nice chat with the elementalist of the pair – that was the high point of an otherwise fairly uneventful evening.
It seems CD’s night crew is far stronger than ours, as they tend to cap everything by morning. However, our day crew tends to cap everything back…so by evening, TC owns everything. Not sure how this dynamic will affect the rest of the week, but hopefully we’ll have more interesting nights to come.
Orisletum [TFH] – 80 Necromancer
Oriscalamitas [TFH] – 80 Engineer
(edited by Mysticforce.5096)
For the record, it’s iohanna.
That ‘i’ has prevented a fair bit of messages and keep upgrade donations from reaching me.
Me and my guild did the 2-golem push into AH. In fact I personally supplied 1 of the blueprints.
We were coordinating with another guild, but some people weren’t in VOIP so some of our force got left behind at the outer gate. Another couple of people or another minute and we would have broken through. Didn’t help that the people in the golems had never been in a golem before xD
To the asuran guardian Xis from Crystal Desert who was trolling us at Redwater in Tarnished Coast borderlands: I wish you would stop hiding in your invulnerable patch and come play with me. I’m the mesmer btw. Come play! <3
I said some not so nice stuff to Xis lol. Then I apologised. Then he ran away. Then I chased him and then he Alt-F4ed. I retract my apology! >.>
(edited by Usagi.4835)
Hi, I’m looking for the leader of the guild “Exodus” or something like that, from CD. Send me mail in game if you know who he is…
Me and my guild did the 2-golem push into AH. In fact I personally supplied 1 of the blueprints.
We were coordinating with another guild, but some people weren’t in VOIP so some of our force got left behind at the outer gate. Another couple of people or another minute and we would have broken through. Didn’t help that the people in the golems had never been in a golem before xD
Good job man! I was the lonely blue sylvari mesmer, hopping around like a madman at AH when you showed up.
(edited by jinx.8169)
Had a lot of good battles in EB today. Hats off to CD and HoD. My second visit to EB and you all made it worth the wait.
Garreth (Ra), Elizabeth (El), Fiona (Me), Morrigan (N)
Ceana (G), Briana (Th), Snowbourn (Eng), Onchu (W)
Iohanna, while speed hacks move you around in roughly heartseeker sized jumps players can typically see an enemy do this ten or more times in a row (you don’t have THAT much initiative,) without any animation (common response from allies is “was he using a shortbow?” but this is an single frame movement whereas only things like mesmer blink actually skip you around in a single frame,) and they will continue to blink around the map after being downed. The lack of any animation to the speed hack is really the most jarring aspect to the strange movement patterns but you can also rule out abilities due to the sustained frequency with which these players skip about.
As for sustained stealth I haven’t personally observed any hackers performing ludicrous stealth tricks and the full toolset of stealthing available to the class is poorly understood by other classes so I’m willing to tentatively say that’s not hacking. Being unkillable due to people not knowing where to hit you isn’t quite so powerful as the other classes think, but does generally lead to situations without a clear reaction to even allow them to make a solo kill difficult for you, much less for them to actually survive and escape from you.
Me and my guild did the 2-golem push into AH. In fact I personally supplied 1 of the blueprints.
We were coordinating with another guild, but some people weren’t in VOIP so some of our force got left behind at the outer gate. Another couple of people or another minute and we would have broken through. Didn’t help that the people in the golems had never been in a golem before xD
Yeah I had a lot of fun in WvW, It was great to get so organized and get some things done.
Our guild and the other guild we were coordinating with have been on HOD since headstart, only we’re just now starting to get more into WvW. I’m really looking forward to more in the future
Well fancy seeing you here Angel. Stalking me? xD
Well fancy seeing you here Angel. Stalking me? xD
:P Maybe ……lol
It must be our quiet time right now on TC. HoD has taken back their borderland and CD is about to take over Eternal. I guess it will give us more to do later on in the day. XD
Update: TC is down to owning about 5 things across all of the WvW maps. So if anyone wants to come into WvW and help reclaim stuff, it would be wonderful.
Yeah, I saw that – map was pretty evenly divided when I left for work this morning. Makes it more fun as we attempt to take it all back tonight
Great weekend CD and HoD – very good fights on all the maps I spent time in.
Playing a various Stormspire alt – if it’s Stormspire, it’s probably me
Guilds: Elder Prophets [EP], Principality of New Katulus (PiNK)
As of right now, CD brought a pretty impressive early morning force all over the place and finished capping TC borderlands.
TC, outmanned in a ridiculous way in the monday AM gave it a shot at the garrison but CD’s forces simply overwhelmed our opposition.
Looks like we’ve got our work cut out for us this evening. The up side is we get to blow up several maps worth of stuff XD
Writer/Director – Quaggan Quest
Well I’m hoping tonight around 4pm PST that CD has a lot of territory. It’s when I will get to join seriously today please CD do awesome
It’s the first day of the weekday let’s see how everything holds up
I think HoD is doing well enough for there recent exodus. I hope in a few more weeks they can pull together some more and really stand tallGL
Not sure if this has been covered yet as I’m posting from my iPad and haven’t been able to scan everything above…
Last night was fun. We got 100% capture in EB and decided to let CD have the Overlook back in the northern part of the map. We had 40+ people there to defend, but when boredom sets in you want to try some off-the-wall tactics. So we hid, on the upper level, all stacked on Zud, and hit /sleep.
CD takes an age to down the gates, but finally breaks through. Zud is giving us the orders of, “Okay everyone…get arrow carts ready. As soon as they drop the Lord, we’re going to deploy them en masse on the wall.”
Keep Lord goes down, and then strangeness happens. Multiple arrow carts, when deployed, sank through the wall. Maybe you cannot deploy siege on an enemy-controlled wall? shrugs We got wiped in relatively short order as the superior firepower we’d been counting on was not available to us. Many laughs later we revived at the spawn, and eventually took the Keep back the old fashioned way.
Good fights overall. TC seems to hold superiority during US primetime evenings and late into the night, and then CD will storm back and take back everything as our prime PvPers log offf.
1.15 am at oceanic time. ZzZZZzz
(9.16 am PST)
Over to you guys. Time for bed.
From CD.
(edited by harimaken.2516)
“1.15 am at oceanic time. ZzZZZzz
(9.16 am PST)
Over to you guys.
From CD."
We’re outmanned usually 1.5 to 2 : 1 during prime time. We try to limit our losses though.
Last night I went to CD borderlands because it was taken over by TC. 4 of us tried to take Titans Grip, TC countered with a force of 30. So I just went and got some siege plans from the puzzle.
There were two TC guys camping the puzzle. Thanks for not running away and fighting guys. I enjoyed getting those two kills.
a lot of people will be disappointed they are not it.
It’s good to see that it isn’t just a steamroll by the winning server like it normally is. All three are still in the fight and trying (Which is awesome for HoD after all those people jumped ship). Keep up the pressure, this is a fun match up.
I am very impressed with HoD as well, good to see they still got quite some fight in them.
hey there mes from CD it been a good fight so far, in prime time TC just have way too many people but the rest standing to hold what we have until our main group show up in prime time , a shout to vexia for leading those ungodly hrs