Desolation - Augury Rock - Blacktide

Desolation - Augury Rock - Blacktide

in WvW

Posted by: Pukknub.7368


Ruin guild members in lions arch last night were spouting how they want deso players to quit whining and leave the server so they can make room for more RUIN members. Trying to force off other EU players on an EU server to make room for US players jumping from there home server for easy WvW wins and griefing / hogging up EB map….

Another night of not being able to log into EB map on WvW, another face roll unbalanced WvW match due to free server transfers.

When are arena net going to start listening and stop free server tranfers in WvW?

I heard they want better competition so they went to eu server to fight the few people that are awake at night here.
Nightcapping is just sad.

Proud member of Velocity [VcY]

Desolation - Augury Rock - Blacktide

in WvW

Posted by: Koot.8732


Congrats to Desolation for the glorious achievement of owning every single thing right now, i hope you RUIN pos’es are proud of yourselves, it is so hard to fight against a handful of people after all…

Worthless server hopping scum.

Desolation - Augury Rock - Blacktide

in WvW

Posted by: Katsumoto.9452


Lol at the hate against ruin. I’m a deso player and i’m glad they’ve come over. I typically play late evenings into the early morning (around 9pm-2:30 am GMT) and it’s made a huge difference. The queues aren’t even that bad? Even during prime time and such it’s only 20 minutes or so maximum. Tis nice to have a competitive server.

When Anet makes the fix to scoring to base it off of population imbalance, all this night capping cry will go away hopefully.

Aurora Glade [EU]

Desolation - Augury Rock - Blacktide

in WvW

Posted by: DavidMonthen.4398


If we only win because of RUIN joining the server, why are we pretty much constantly first in (potential) points all day as well? Me don’t gets it. :-(

Commander – Kaargoth Bloodsteel
Gunnars Hold – [RUN]

Desolation - Augury Rock - Blacktide

in WvW

Posted by: Wrex.6798


It’s intersting to read though this post and see the general attitude towards Ruin.
People seem to forget that for the last three weeks prio to this match up (and Ruin arriving) we had no queues at any time of the day on and borderlands, and that we were beaten down by each match up.

Ruin are not causing the new thirty minute (ish) queues, it’s every other person on the server who logged in, pressed B, saw we were losing and thought kitten that!

Fair weather WvW players. They are to blame for the queues. Perhaps if these players had manned up and bought the pain a couple of weeks ago Ruin would not have transferred over. So please, think before you go bashing on them, they are a nice bunch of guys and are working well within our alliences to bring our server back up to scratch.

Onto the match up! Regardless of the ‘nightcapping whine’ (yes IRON have been staying up with a night team for the past few weeks) both Angry Rock and Blackslide are easily beaten, not really a tier we should be in so personally I will be happy to move up and find a real challange.

Ok last thing, thanks for the free badges Angry Rock, had fun wiping you guys all afternoon and night


IRON Gaming Boss.

Desolation - Augury Rock - Blacktide

in WvW

Posted by: Genev.2450


If we only win because of RUIN joining the server, why are we pretty much constantly first in (potential) points all day as well? Me don’t gets it. :-(

While I couldn’t care less about the whole “Omg Deso’s only winning because of RUIN” thing, you must not have been playing while we were, because you dropped quite low in potential points quite a few times.

Desolation - Augury Rock - Blacktide

in WvW

Posted by: Pukknub.7368


If we only win because of RUIN joining the server, why are we pretty much constantly first in (potential) points all day as well? Me don’t gets it. :-(

Because the other servers gave up thanks to your nightcapping?
You were third most of the times during the days while you were up against us iirc.

It’s intersting to read though this post and see the general attitude towards Ruin.

It’s not towards ruin. It is towards nightcapping guilds. Especially if they change from us server to eu server just to do it.

Proud member of Velocity [VcY]

Desolation - Augury Rock - Blacktide

in WvW

Posted by: Wrex.6798


Fair comment, but IRON night cap as well and we love it, just we could use more people to engage, especially tonight


IRON Gaming Boss.

Desolation - Augury Rock - Blacktide

in WvW

Posted by: Auzegeist.2836


I wish people would stop complaining about night capping, like ive said before you cant pause a MMO, if you want a game where you can stop when you log may I suggest you go play chess!

This ‘night capping’ fear is a load of nonsense, get used to it! every server be it EU, US, Asia or Oceania sooner or later will have 24/7coverage of the battlefield, yes battlefield because like it or not that’s what it is. I cant ever imagine a soldier saying ‘omg they night capped us while we were asleep’………………

Desolation - Augury Rock - Blacktide

in WvW

Posted by: Felix.2613


For you Blacktide players spouting fury and flames. I play on Gunnars Hold, and only last week we had to deal with Xaoc, at 6:30 A.M. precisely in Central Euro Time time, they would log on with their 50 man. Every single day of the week.

As they jumped from map to map it was extremely difficult for us 15-20 man scattered to just delay them. They could hit and take a keep before we could get there. And so went the whole map, and was yours for 6-10 hours.

Now it was clear you won because of this, as we got orbs and land back during daytime. And were ready to try and defend and delay you come next morning again.

Okay, here is what I thought. You Blacktide players are doing yourself a huge disservice, you are lifting yourself up into a bracket you don´t belong in and are not good enough to compete in. As soon as anybody is able to stop your morning raid you are in for a serious trashing.

It became sooner rather than later I see. Well here´s a toast to comeuppance.

(edited by Felix.2613)

Desolation - Augury Rock - Blacktide

in WvW

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


It still feels cheap to win like this. Big score disparities when during the day the difference between the servers isnt that large at all.
Steamrolling other servers based on nightcapping and not actual superiority. Its what i hated with playing against nightcapping servers when desolation wasnt active at night. During the day you could be evenly matched, or even better, but it didnt matter because at night theyd take a massive lead and sit in their upgraded keeps at dawn.

So i hope Desolation gets pushed up to the tiers where other servers are active at night fast, to avoid frustrating servers that dont nightcap. Because lets be honest when only 1 server is active at night, no matter what happens during the day, that server will win.

Desolation - Augury Rock - Blacktide

in WvW

Posted by: Sylosi.6503


I cant ever imagine a soldier saying ‘omg they night capped us while we were asleep’………………

Neither can I, but then that is for what I would of thought was a fairly obvious reason, that a real life war is nothing like a computer game and therefore is irrelevant, perhaps you would prefer only one life in GW2 like a real soldier as well?

(edited by Sylosi.6503)

Desolation - Augury Rock - Blacktide

in WvW

Posted by: Alomar.7136


So TRON do you do anything else involving GW2 besides spreading your hate of RUIN? Enough is enough mate go outside and get in a fight or two and work out your issues.

Loving Deso too, thanks for all the karma UK’ers.

Alomar – 80 Warrior
Kurudin – 80 Guardian

Desolation - Augury Rock - Blacktide

in WvW

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


So, you jumped into a Golem that someone else made? Any idea how lame that is?

All we have here is your word, and you arent exactly unbiased. You openly show a strong dislike, bordering hate, towards RUIN. And now you are jumping into a Golem RUIN made and wasted it.
Do you see how this looks to the rest of us? Looks like you were just purposely trying to kitten them off in some twisted vendetta, screaming bloody murder when you got the response you were looking for.

Desolation - Augury Rock - Blacktide

in WvW

Posted by: TRON.1085


Your right maybe we should move EU guild to a US server and night cap everything during EU primetime so we can win too. :P

Desolation - Augury Rock - Blacktide

in WvW

Posted by: Zorlak.7926


Wow, never take someone else’s golem, that’s just being a kitten.
Anyway, from what I’ve seen so far the RUIN guys are a nice bunch of people.
Glad they decided to join Desolation, I hope they stay. All I hope is they branch out to the borderlands.

Zorlak – Warrior [JuG] Desolation EU

Desolation - Augury Rock - Blacktide

in WvW

Posted by: Boxen.3094


Your right maybe we should move EU guild to a US server and night cap everything during EU primetime so we can win too. :P

It was called Henge of Denravi, maybe you’ve heard of it?

Officer in [RUIN] – Desolation

Desolation - Augury Rock - Blacktide

in WvW

Posted by: kharza.3974


Wow, never take someone else’s golem, that’s just being a kitten.
Anyway, from what I’ve seen so far the RUIN guys are a nice bunch of people.
Glad they decided to join Desolation, I hope they stay. All I hope is they branch out to the borderlands.

We had your back tonight.. love rolling with you IRON folks and really enjoying Deso so far. I don’t think the NA folks understand how much better the PvP is over here. We were just chatting tonight about how we had to change our tactics and we just can’t faceroll through doors. I mean my god how much siege do the French build for crying out loud! I kill just as many arrow carts as I do players.

Thanks for the battles and thanks for making us feel welcome! Now pass me a pint..

Desolation - Augury Rock - Blacktide

in WvW

Posted by: NightShade.5283


Your right maybe we should move EU guild to a US server and night cap everything during EU primetime so we can win too. :P

lol clearly try to change the subject when he did something wrong , such a kid act,
too bad, with this ppl will know what your intention is (spreading hatred towards Ruin), so they won’t believe u anymore,

Lyan D Deathbringer. male shylvari thief
IRON – Desolation

Desolation - Augury Rock - Blacktide

in WvW

Posted by: hifish.1287


TRON sorry to say that but you sound like a jerk, with all this hatred for RUIN. If they affect you that much maybe you should change the server, instead of trying to spoil it for everyone else.

I’m glad we are getting a Nightshift, so a big welcome from me to RUIN.

Desolation – Quarius Lore

(edited by hifish.1287)

Desolation - Augury Rock - Blacktide

in WvW

Posted by: Starscream.7803


Ruin > Fair weather WvW players. The end.

Desolation - Augury Rock - Blacktide

in WvW

Posted by: Genev.2450


Stealing a golem is a kitten move, but for us it’s generally worked to ask politely to get out of our golem, and people do it, most of the time. If not, we direct them where to go and what to do, and since people want to win, they follow said directions.

If you think the French have a lot of siege, you’re in for a huge surprise when you’ll be up against the Germans….

Desolation - Augury Rock - Blacktide

in WvW

Posted by: MarzAttakz.9608


Have you guys considered how the [IRON] and now [RUIN] Alliance is alienating other WvW players? I was at the first Mumble meeting that took place and I’m glad to see it bearing fruit but to be honest with you guys, you’re starting to sound like elitist pricks.

I’ll give kudos to you for doing a great job and stepping up but you may want to look at reaching out to more of the WvW population on the server in future.


Once proud member of Extraordinary Gentlemen [EXG]{DESO4LIFE}

Desolation - Augury Rock - Blacktide

in WvW

Posted by: Auzegeist.2836


Has anyone from Deso sorted out a community page yet? would make it much much easier to communicate with each others guilds ect.

Desolation - Augury Rock - Blacktide

in WvW

Posted by: Raegan.1237


Have fun RUIN, that’s a noble gesture to get rid of any kind of pleasure to help your hopeless fellow europeans.

Hope you guys of desolation will finally comeback to tier 1, you utterly deserve it

Augury Rock

Desolation - Augury Rock - Blacktide

in WvW

Posted by: DavidMonthen.4398


Have you guys considered how the [IRON] and now [RUIN] Alliance is alienating other WvW players? I was at the first Mumble meeting that took place and I’m glad to see it bearing fruit but to be honest with you guys, you’re starting to sound like elitist pricks.

I’ll give kudos to you for doing a great job and stepping up but you may want to look at reaching out to more of the WvW population on the server in future.

Mumble? Wut? We don’t even use it? Does someome seriously still use Mumble? :-O

Please elaborate on the “elitist pricks”, because I really do not see what you are getting at?

Concerning reaching out to the other WvW population, remember this: We were the ones (this including all the other guilds who did this) fighting everyones battles the last two weeks and NO ONE was there when we reached out to them. This is the problem with Deso WvW population. As soon as we are not first in points everyone disappears into some whining hole and starts flaming about night-capping, orb-hacking, canadians, whatever the kitten else instead of fighting with us. So excuse me, but instead of reaching out to a population like that, I’d much rather rely on my guildies (and other guilds I know I work great with) to have my back when I rush head-first into an enemy zerg. Oh and by the way: We try our best to coordinate things on a dayly basis, and funny enough that works quite well! (Even though often commands are ignored, but we found a way to fix that. People who ignore commands run into the enemy alone, because all others DO listen to commands. They die, and either start whining why no one was there, or realise there may have a point to the command after all. If they start whining they will at some point leave WvW and if they realise commands are actually given for a reason, they will start following them.)

Commander – Kaargoth Bloodsteel
Gunnars Hold – [RUN]

Desolation - Augury Rock - Blacktide

in WvW

Posted by: Brunners.7251


I know TRON is just a raging kitten and you should take his words with a huge grain of salt, but if there is anything behind his claim that RUIN are telling people to transfer off Deso so they can bring more RUIN guys over then that’s a kitten move and whoever’s spouting that stuff should kitten

As far as alienating other guilds goes, I’m in a small guild that WvW’s regularly and I don’t feel alienated. We do our bit to disrupt supplies and take camps and join in on the attack/defence when called for by the IRON guys.

Just the other day I was defending a camp solo, six/seven blacktide guys came in and eventually I succumbed to their numbers (I did take 2 out though, hooray. They immediately got ressed when I died though ) I called out in team chat for some backup and what do you know, with in a minute in charges Bloodsteel with like 5 other people, I get ressed and we chase the blacktide players down and wipe them out.

That’s not alienating. A small guild player calls for help and rather than just ignore me because I’m not part of their alliance, they rush in to help.

As far as I’m concerned that’s the opposite of alienating.

Acadamey Gaming EU [AG]
Sign Ups:

Desolation - Augury Rock - Blacktide

in WvW

Posted by: MarzAttakz.9608


Yeah the IRON triangle clique, pretty much sums up what I meant by Elitist. Perhaps the p-word was a little harsh I’ll admit. The fact that you guys think you’re the defining factor when it comes to WvW on Desolation or the only voice that counts further illustrates the point.

Hmmm what Mumble meeting you may ask, despite thinking nobody uses it, well that would be the first one that involved multiple guilds from the DSC that kickstarted the “Organise Deso” initiative. You remember the DSC don’t you? Granted nothing much has come of it however that was the first step in getting some organisation in place on the server.

Yet again I’ll give props to [IRON] because you have earned it but despite the cliché with your great power comes a responsibility and accountability.

Take a look at how Seafarer’s Rest organises and engages with their WvW population and you’ll understand what I’m getting at –


Once proud member of Extraordinary Gentlemen [EXG]{DESO4LIFE}

(edited by MarzAttakz.9608)

Desolation - Augury Rock - Blacktide

in WvW

Posted by: Ajaxx.3157


Old MacDonald had a farm….

Ajaxx – Warrior – [JuG] – Desolation [eu]

Desolation - Augury Rock - Blacktide

in WvW

Posted by: Uder.9187


IRON is a hardcore WvW guild and there are some other hardcore wvw guilds too and yes, i think they are elitists when it comes to WvW. So what´s your point? Don´t like playing with harcore WvW players? Transfer off, we want to win against the best of the best and that´s why we are happy to have RUIN on our server.

And about the DSC… i´m sorry, but they did nothing, it was a first step into nothing.

The Iron Triangle – Desolation
Leina Shade | Svea Lightbringer | Maximus Ironhide | Mara Deathblossom

Desolation - Augury Rock - Blacktide

in WvW

Posted by: Genev.2450


This seems more like a Deso bickering thread than a matchup talk thread

Desolation - Augury Rock - Blacktide

in WvW

Posted by: Parthis.2091


It’s stupid to brand IRON as elitist. They’re big, they field and they do well. There is a small number of their members that act like elitist pricks, sure, but that’s not the guild at large.

Ruin need to be careful. You’re more than welcome here, but drop the attitude (“Are you guys even going to bother keeping the stuff we cap for you on a night!?”) ask’s one Ruin officer on LA chat at 11am (because 11am is primetime baby). Drop the “us and you” mentality, you’re welcome here and we’re all pulling in the same direction.

The reality of Deso’s WvW landscape is this; there are very few big AND talented guilds. IRON are one, RUIN could be another (let’s see how things pan out when we encounter worlds with nightcrews). What Deso has in abundance is small 5-10 man guilds that do AMAZING things, like hold camps, secure supply lines and hit northern points. Every large fortification IRON roll through is ultimately held, spotted and reinforced by a small group of committed players.

As for nightcapping complaints; Nut up or Shut up.

Commander Amayasu Gerani, Guardian.
Leader of [JDGE] on Gandara EU.
A GW2 API for Objective-C –

(edited by Parthis.2091)

Desolation - Augury Rock - Blacktide

in WvW

Posted by: Brunners.7251


IRON is a hardcore WvW guild and there are some other hardcore wvw guilds too and yes, i think they are elitists when it comes to WvW. So what´s your point? Don´t like playing with harcore WvW players? Transfer off, we want to win against the best of the best and that´s why we are happy to have RUIN on our server.

And about the DSC… i´m sorry, but they did nothing, it was a first step into nothing.

It was a good idea in theory, but it really didn’t pan out at all.

Acadamey Gaming EU [AG]
Sign Ups:

Desolation - Augury Rock - Blacktide

in WvW

Posted by: Parthis.2091


@Uder.9187 Hardcore and Elitist aren’t the same thing.

Commander Amayasu Gerani, Guardian.
Leader of [JDGE] on Gandara EU.
A GW2 API for Objective-C –

Desolation - Augury Rock - Blacktide

in WvW

Posted by: Brunners.7251


@Parthis.2091 Are they really acting like that? That’s what I was really afraid of, RUIN coming in here and just start acting like pretentious jerks. I’m worried that it sounds like it’s already happening :/

Acadamey Gaming EU [AG]
Sign Ups:

Desolation - Augury Rock - Blacktide

in WvW

Posted by: QTRKOBRA.1827


Infighting is the last thing Desolation needs, as for the people insulting IRON and RUIN just stop you will accomplish nothing. I myself have made a thread for Desolation Organization before, the OP made this thread for match ups not kittening. I’ve joined IRON after failing to recruit people, they’ve generously allowed smaller guilds to use their Teamspeak sever. So I don’t see this ‘clique’ idea.

Please go to this thread to talk about Desolation and WvW

Sorry guys for this, since this is a matchup thread here are the latest scores

Desolation: 120,110 / 150
Blacktide: 64,448 (All Orbs) /
Augury Rock: 43,962 / +25

Desolation - Augury Rock - Blacktide

in WvW

Posted by: Syntax.9602


IRON is fine. They may be a bit elitist, but actually IRON worked for this and you should thank them, since they put the pieces together.

Since RUIN already thought they were the single force to make HoD Nr. 1 in the NA-Brackets well… why should their attidude change? Ruin would most likely not be able to organize a smaller Server to win in WvW, so they choose one that already was fairly well organized. They would not meet much competition during their primetime. And in difference to IRON who fought even at night, there is no sign that RUIN does this to help Desolation with their small numbers during the morning, but then again RUIN seems to believe that all europeans have to stop sleeping so that they could fight them (since germans and french do not have large Oversee-Forces).

IRON is fine, they fought even as Desolation wasn’t in a good position. You should allow them to be a bit elitist in this case, since they actually deserved it, it seems like some of them where fighting for 24h^^.

Desolation - Augury Rock - Blacktide

in WvW

Posted by: Parthis.2091


@Brunners.7251 A couple of people, aye, but I don’t think it’s representative of Ruin as a guild, just a couple of over-sugared fifteen year old l33ts. I like the Ruin guys, they’re a force of good here, they just have a few people souring it in the minds of others with the way they’re acting.

@QTRKOBRA.1827 It’s not infighting. You were overly dramatic in your other thread too.

Commander Amayasu Gerani, Guardian.
Leader of [JDGE] on Gandara EU.
A GW2 API for Objective-C –

Desolation - Augury Rock - Blacktide

in WvW

Posted by: Brunners.7251


Ah right, yeah, I guess a guild that big you’re always going to have a few bad apples.

I haven’t had the opportunity to talk personally with any of them yet, so I’m just basing on second hand accounts at the minute

Acadamey Gaming EU [AG]
Sign Ups:

Desolation - Augury Rock - Blacktide

in WvW

Posted by: QTRKOBRA.1827


@Brunners.7251 A couple of people, aye, but I don’t think it’s representative of Ruin as a guild, just a couple of over-sugared fifteen year old l33ts. I like the Ruin guys, they’re a force of good here, they just have a few people souring it in the minds of others with the way they’re acting.

@QTRKOBRA.1827 It’s not infighting. You were overly dramatic in your other thread too.

My other thread was before the establishment of WvW heavy guilds. I don’t think I was ‘overly dramatic’ since a lot of things were messed up with the match up such as bugged keep lords. However regardless people were not organized and I was trying to help accomplish that.

Ah but here I go being a hypocrite on my previous post :P Anyone willing to talk to me please pm me or on the thread I posted.

Desolation - Augury Rock - Blacktide

in WvW

Posted by: Parthis.2091


@Brunners.7251 A couple of people, aye, but I don’t think it’s representative of Ruin as a guild, just a couple of over-sugared fifteen year old l33ts. I like the Ruin guys, they’re a force of good here, they just have a few people souring it in the minds of others with the way they’re acting.

@QTRKOBRA.1827 It’s not infighting. You were overly dramatic in your other thread too.

My other thread was before the establishment of WvW heavy guilds. I don’t think I was ‘overly dramatic’ since a lot of things were messed up with the match up such as bugged keep lords. However regardless people were not organized and I was trying to help accomplish that.

Ah but here I go being a hypocrite on my previous post :P Anyone willing to talk to me please pm me or on the thread I posted.


Comms, that’s all we need. Get the little guerrilla guilds working with the big guilds and we’re in good shape.

Commander Amayasu Gerani, Guardian.
Leader of [JDGE] on Gandara EU.
A GW2 API for Objective-C –

Desolation - Augury Rock - Blacktide

in WvW

Posted by: Raap.9065


Most of the tears here come from players that were never around when we got our kitten kicked, and only showing up when we are getting higher scores. You have no right to speak, go complain somewhere else.

To complaining servers: Your very own nightcapping made this happen. Deso never had a large night team, this (along with the fact we were much less organised) made us lose high tier matches. We solved both problems now, and so you complain.

AR and Russia claiming they beat us during the day? When? Even during EU primetime this has been nothing but a badge farm weekend.

AR and Russia saying we demoralized them because of nightcapping, what, on the first two days of a matchup during a weekend? You already gave up on saturday morning, you whiners. Don’t tell me you got demoralized after a few hours of WvW.

Did Desolation give up when we got nightcapped upon and zerged even during normal hours? No, many players kept up the fight and we made a comeback out of it. Sure, our ‘casuals’ are quick to jump ship, and they are also the first to complain.

Honestly, if you don’t like the progress Desolation is making in WvW, leave.

And TRON, you’re bragging about stealing a golem from a RUIN commander… Good job.

Swift Mending – Guardian
Thorny Scrub – Thief

Desolation - Augury Rock - Blacktide

in WvW

Posted by: NightShade.5283


AR and Russia claiming they beat us during the day? When? Even during EU primetime this has been nothing but a badge farm weekend.

AR and Russia saying we demoralized them because of nightcapping, what, on the first two days of a matchup during a weekend? You already gave up on saturday morning, you whiners. Don’t tell me you got demoralized after a few hours of WvW.


lol they beat us during the day ? oh the irony, they cant even wipe us when we fought 3 vs 8-10 in ar bl yesterday, was a good fight tho.

Lyan D Deathbringer. male shylvari thief
IRON – Desolation

(edited by NightShade.5283)

Desolation - Augury Rock - Blacktide

in WvW

Posted by: Chewbiduhwa.9756


I like to make the point that i make to everyone. Why are we fighting among each other when there are Frenchies and Germans to be killed?

We are one server in fight against other servers, This bickering and comparing guilds does not help anyone.

Yes i agree some IRON members are elitist and i allow it because most of us pull 20 hour shifts, I also tend to be when i am nearing the end of the 20 hours and i become grumpy.

I personally think this is not helpful.

Although on the other hand i would like to say a Huge thanks to my friends in other guilds that has given time to IRON and worked with us so well.

So a big thanks to : AA,SHC,LoR,YuM,JuG I am truly sorry if i missed you out but needless to say if you feel i did miss you out, Thank you for working with us.

I would also like to point out these guilds are recruiting so if you are looking for some Great WvW action join one of these guilds.


IRON – Contact Rezonantics/Rezonation
AA – Contact Lonelia
LoR – Contact Gray Hatheon

Founder of The IRON Triangle

Desolation - Augury Rock - Blacktide

in WvW

Posted by: Zumazen.6742


IRON is fine. They may be a bit elitist, but actually IRON worked for this and you should thank them, since they put the pieces together.

Since RUIN already thought they were the single force to make HoD Nr. 1 in the NA-Brackets well… why should their attidude change? Ruin would most likely not be able to organize a smaller Server to win in WvW, so they choose one that already was fairly well organized. They would not meet much competition during their primetime. And in difference to IRON who fought even at night, there is no sign that RUIN does this to help Desolation with their small numbers during the morning, but then again RUIN seems to believe that all europeans have to stop sleeping so that they could fight them (since germans and french do not have large Oversee-Forces).

IRON is fine, they fought even as Desolation wasn’t in a good position. You should allow them to be a bit elitist in this case, since they actually deserved it, it seems like some of them where fighting for 24h^^.

If your going to hate us, please at least hate us for actions you actually observe, so much she said he said in this thread. We fought HoD we we had nothing to do with them being the number 1 NA server and were fighting them when they lost their first match. You will allways find some ruin on during our off peak times in your mornings, I usually am in EB or where ever I can find Iron.


Desolation - Augury Rock - Blacktide

in WvW

Posted by: Kirtai.9023


Don´t like playing with harcore WvW players?

I don’t like being treated as a second class citizen for not being in a big, hardcore guild, especially given that I’m in WvW almost every day (night).

As for why I’m not in a big, hardcore guild; been there, done that, not going to put up with that again.

Shiori Flutura – Human Mesmer
Mairi Lestari – Human Elementalist
Desolation EU

Desolation - Augury Rock - Blacktide

in WvW

Posted by: Snapple.9251


Even when we are doing well, people still find things to complain about.
I think we should all take a step back and think about what our server’s WvW looked like 1 – 2 weeks ago.

Also this thread has turned into the “Desolation discussion” thread.
Hows everyone enjoying this match-up?

[IRON] – SoR
Snappless / Osii

Desolation - Augury Rock - Blacktide

in WvW

Posted by: Boxen.3094


Since RUIN already thought they were the single force to make HoD Nr. 1

We never played on HoD and primarily viewed them as nemesis.

Ruin would most likely not be able to organize a smaller Server to win in WvW,

We did this already with Eredon Terrace, a low pop server we transferred too that we were able to push into tier one consistently. The problem is ET did not have sufficient 24/7 coverage to maintain tier 1 due to inability to bring in enough oversea support, and in NA tier 1 24/7 support is everything.

And if you don’t believe that Ruin was the driving force on ET watch how that server does now that we’ve left.

They would not meet much competition during their primetime.

We’re operating under the assumption that there will be sufficient competition for us during our primetime in the higher tier matchups. Heck we’re getting better opponents EU tier 3 than we ever did NA tier 2.

I know that I shouldn’t take the trollbait in the post so I’m gonna drop it there, but I sincerely want to convey that we are here to help Desolation become number one. We know we can’t do that on our own, we tried that with ET and failed. I’m hoping that desolation can pull together as a community so that we can put up a strong face for EU tier 1 when we get there.

Officer in [RUIN] – Desolation

Desolation - Augury Rock - Blacktide

in WvW

Posted by: Genev.2450


Just saying, for ye of the “Desolation owns during daytime” persuasion
Also, a 5-minutes-ago update of the score.

Blacktide got some new guilds for EU primetime, you havent seen much of us during the weekend since we were still settling in, but we’re now cooperating with the existing Blacktide guilds and pugs (who are both awesome and lovely) to put up a good fight.

(edited by Genev.2450)

Desolation - Augury Rock - Blacktide

in WvW

Posted by: MajorKong.8095


Just saying, for ye of the “Desolation owns during daytime” persuasion
Also, a 5-minutes-ago update of the score

Evenings then. It’s 2pm UTC on a Monday afternoon. So that’s about 6pm if you live in Moscow :>

Human Elementalist -The Iron Triangle [IRON]
My WvW review

(edited by MajorKong.8095)