Sanctum of Rall vs Yak's Bend vs Gate of Madness 10/12/12
@Waterbear, Thank you so much for killing the bots!!!!
“Invincibility lies in the defence; the possibility of victory in the attack.” Sun Tzu
you really should teach your people how to fight without having full groups .. i mean really 2v1 .. and they lost
That’s cute, you killed two bolstered lowbies, tea-bagged them and called it skill.
Look at their zerg in action!
Ha – bragging about beating lowbies. ahah
Self esteem – get some ….
@ETSMITH stop it, people will start to think your pooka, and yes i went there!
Simple fact of the matter is YB rolled over when SOR started swarming like angry wasps.
the SOR xfers could of works just as effectively against them as it has for them, if only the NA Side of YB stood up and continued to fight. I say the NA side because I am seeing more people in the OC Prime time on YB BL than I do in the NA time zone atm.
@ Elthurien ready for round 2?
Juici – TOG
but juicy .. im collecting badges .. need more badges .. only got 12 so far .. i needs ma badges!!
but juicy .. im collecting badges .. need more badges .. only got 12 so far .. i needs ma badges!!
I got over 50 badges just last night
last night was awesome :0 i got 30 i think by the time we finished and logged off
maybe this one .. ill just stack them up for you
There’s like 10 of your friends near.
If the queues weren’t so bad, it’d be fun to have everyone queue up as level 1’s or something
One team – Asura
Next team – Charr
Last team – Hippy wood elves
Choose a relatively neutral spot on the map and go at it…..
would probably get ruined by griefers but it’s fun to think about :P
that actually sounds like fun lol
My guild had a ton of fun in WvW until we logged in Sunday to realize we STILL owned so much of the map. Yaks bloodied our nose Friday and early Saturday and we wanted revenge…but this is ridiculous…and extremely boring. For the rest of this week my guild has retired from WvW till the next matchup, hopefully that will be more fun for all servers involved. It’s no fun when the odds are in OUR favor! I like being the player in Space Invaders….not an invader!
Tri-Lead of Ascension [WAR] of Borlis Pass
@Waterbear, Thank you so much for killing the bots!!!!
Tried to kill some of bots in SoR but a toon called White Rogue with accent on o and few others came to protect me. He was working with bots to protect them as he said he is making money off them.
Massive WvW dance party for all 3 servers together?
Sounds fun
Coming Soon: WvWvW Dance Off!
“Invincibility lies in the defence; the possibility of victory in the attack.” Sun Tzu
Let’s get a few things straight with a bit of a history of the past few weeks.
Sanctum of Rall was fighting Darkhaven and Sorrow’s Furnace. The match was semi-close by around Sunday, but Darkhaven had a sizeable lead. There were a few hacks on Darkhaven’s side, including two orb hacks. I’m not blaming the server, who I am GREATLY anticipating a rematch with, but the individuals who did so. However, at the time, we did blame the server and we were FURIOUS. EPIC proceeded to focus all their attention on Darkhaven’s Borderland. During the night, they would withdraw into their keep there, Etheron Hills, and keep that foothold for the day fighters to come into. Meanwhile, several guilds such as HF, focused on the homefront. It was our orb that was hacked first. In that week, we learned more about WvW and working together as a community than I thought we ever would.
The first decent sized guild to transfer in was CDS, for our battle against Northern Shiverpeaks and Yak’s Bend. They came from SI, if I recall. They were a great team, and helped us tremendously in SoR Borderlands. I can’t say that we would have won that match without them, but I think we may have managed. They are an amazing guild, but only one guild, and one guild that only fields at best 20 people at a time. Enough to change a map.
Going into this week, CDS and LUN were the only transfers we had so far. Friday night, things were incredibly close. I believe, and I could be wrong, that some people on Yak’s coordinated to get the orbs and hold them at all costs. They accomplished this goal. From last week, I noticed a few guilds on Yak’s that were among the best, and I saw all of them in Ascension Bay Friday night. It seems obvious, though possibly coincidental, that Yak’s decided we were the stronger opponent, and decided to shut us down in our borderland. And they did. Remember guys, Yak’s had everything in WvW Saturday morning. I checked WvW before I went to work, 19 hours after WvW started, and Yak’s still held the advantage.
Now, here’s the thing. Last match came down to the wire. It came to SoR’s best guilds coordinating in shifts, essentially, to defend through the night so we could take and hold the lead. None of these guilds were new on that day. People were NOT the change, but determination. We coordinated defenses together and worked in shifts. We played morale games to reduce our enemies’ presence. And these strategies worked.
Now, back to this week’s match. Those same people were exhausted Friday night. [HF], my own guild, had a showing of less than 10 people. The coordination amongst those who were actually online was a bunch of sleepy voices and confusion, because GOD were we tired. We had a new face at this time, and I believe it was the guild VIG.
So we rested Friday, and we came back Saturday. The last bastion of Yak’s power Saturday night was Ascension Bay, in the Sanctum of Rall borderlands. The best guilds I know of on Yak’s were there defending it, and MAN were they good. I have never seen anyone defend AB so well. Most SoR commanders and guild leaders, myself included, consider it a second rate target due to how hard it is to defend. But Saturday night, their focus was there, and we took everything else from them. But they defended on. And then Yak’s morale broke. Who cares that they were holding AB against the absolute best SoR had to offer? SoR was so frustrated trying to take that keep, failing every strategy we could think of. But Yak’s zerg didn’t consider that. They saw Yak’s down, and so they left, and then, without new reinforcements, the numbers dwindled. At around 2 or so in the morning, AB broke, and we took it from a paltry defense of 20.
TL;DR? Yak’s morale broke. Not the morale of its guilds, but of its zerg. They proved great skill and numbers Friday, but without the help of the two new JQ guilds(welcome to the server guys!), we were able to break AB due to nothing but pure, indeniable, unstoppable determination. Stop blaming transfers and numbers, the numbers are the problem NOW. Blame morale. SoR’s power is in its determination and coordination between guilds, not numbers, and not some all powerful guild.
To prove a small part of this story, here is a score history starting from 12PM EU time(not sure which exact time zone) on Sunday. It shows our climb up from the point at which we passed Yak’s, showing that we passed Yak’s Saturday night, about 5-10 hours before this graph shows, and not Saturday morning.
I think one thing some people have lost track of is WHY some people on SoR are trying so hard to keep tight control over all of the maps.
A significant number of the people from SoR who are reacting quickly, keeping things blue as much as possible, are not actually competing with either YB or GoM.
They’re playing a deeper game. The real competition here is with Tarnished Coast for a slot in the 3rd bracket:
Back several pages in this lengthy thread the goal was clearly stated by a member of TW (shared by several other transfer guilds, I’m sure) that SoR would skip straight to the 3rd bracket. I looked at the numbers and, frankly, I didn’t think it could happen. But now it’s looking… possible. I welcome and respect our new guilds, and they want to get us into higher-tier matches as soon as possible.
Myself, I’m not participating in an all-blue map that still has queues. I’m taking a small break and working on map completion or alts. But I understand and respect the game being played, and the goal is not bad sportsmanship or demoralization. SoR players in general have a lot of respect for YB and GoM both, and were our situations reversed I’d be pretty annoyed if not outright angry at being spawn-camped when down by so much.
The people doing this aren’t all trying to be jerks when they crush any temporary gains. The larger game at play here requires as close to a full-blue map at all times as possible. I’m neutral on whether this is a great idea or not, but I think people have lost track of it in this thread and wanted to restate what I think is going on. It may not make a lot of friends in the short term, but in the metagame this is a legitimate strategy.
Personally, I think turning off free xfers and doing a series of shorter matches would be a better solution – but it turns out I’m not ArenaNet. In lieu of that, some people are doing their best to ‘fix the system within the system’ – and I hope YB and GoM realize they are in this sense unintended targets.
(edited by DarthVarner.9246)
hey el this one from your guild .. what level was he?
well he’s not 80 because he has a little green arrow next to his name
Looks like fun though, looking forward to bumping heads with you all again tonight.
edit: our guard is probably down right now btw, if you want a fight tonight is the time to get back in there
I would like to point something out here, amidst all the “Yak’s Bend has just given up” and “SoR are being poor winners” posts flying about here (nothing to say about GoM, you guys have been proper throughout).
-This is the 3rd consecutive week that SoR wins its weekly matchup.
-This is the 3rd consecutive week that our opposition says our population “suddenly exploded” during the matchup, turning the tide.
1- Is it feasible to believe that SoR just happens to have received a huge influx of transfer players every week for the last 3 weeks?
2- Is it feasible to believe that these transfers happen to arrive just in time to reverse what looks like a probable loss, as happened in a recent matchup with Darkhaven and now with Yak’s Bend? “Oh look, they’re losing. Let’s go there!”
3- If transfers can occur to SoR causing us to win, isn’t it at all logical to assume that there are players and guilds leaving SoR regularly, as is the case with all other servers? Or is SoR the one and only lower tiered server that players transfer to, and not from?
Caveat: I am not stating that there have been no transfers to SoR, because there have been. I am simply leery of the belief that SoR is getting a huge influx of new players on a weekly basis, because for the last 3 weeks…that’s all I’ve heard about.
Stupidity is when you can’t help it;
Ignorance is when you choose not to understand.
Just because the last few posts are funny..
1.Yes just look at jq
2.Yes as they have posted that they transfered to your server and even said hello on forums.
3.Yes, but obviouslly more influx arriving than leaving. This one is actually more random again jq is a good example and hod.
Caveat : i would give you more props on skills if guilds and players did not post they actually recently transfered in time to turn it around. We all want to be super stars and im sure you do very well but numbers matter and thats why transfers are killing matches across all servers. Not just this match up.
@ commander cougs .. the only reason that map is blue is your transfers. you got more people playing when other servers aren’t That is the power of rall . that is the power of zerg. enjoy … at some point the tables will turn.
These sorts of posts just irk me. We at Darkhaven are having to deal with this too, and since I’m getting really tired of it, I figure I may as well try to eradicate it wherever I see it.
If your server is outnumbered in WvW, it’s your server’s fault. If you can’t field an army to equal theirs, you can’t blame them for being able to do what you cannot. It’s not your opponent’s fault that they have more population than you do — having more people is a significant part of warfare. Besides, I highly doubt the only reason SoR is winning because of numbers. They outnumbered us in week two of our fights, so I get where you’re coming from, but they also outplayed us. There is two sides to it, a server outnumbering you does not mean they’re not also outplaying you.
And to SoR players, I’m hopeful we’ll get our match within 2 weeks. I don’t know if we’re ready yet, but we’re trying our hardest to improve in order to give you guys a run for your money.
P.S. Can I get a score update? I’m trying to keep track of how much you guys win by to compare it to our score.
Darkhaven Commander
Co-leader of [Sold]
(edited by Arius.7031)
Update for you Arius
“Invincibility lies in the defence; the possibility of victory in the attack.” Sun Tzu
My fun factor died when I saw 5 commanders on one borderland, and only recognized 2 names of the bunch. So many band wagoners now…
Oh now now… Indo, Nekky and myself aren’t that bad =)
Edit: and we didn’t bandwagon, we came from JQ… just wanted to add to what was already established in SoR. Don’t worry, all the top 5 pairings are one sided. Next week will be the action packed fight we all want.
Magicmang – xx Ele in progress
[Tempest Wolves]
(edited by Daboss.4682)
Give a monkey + 150 members and he can siege a border.
Fun’s done at Yaks’. And GoMs’ been wiped off the surface of the map.
Guild Me Like ~ Yak’s Bend
DarthVarner: They’re playing a deeper game. The real competition here is with Tarnished Coast for a slot in the 3rd bracket:
Interesting points Darth, but this strategy seems risky. Because such a large win, despite moving you where you want to go if succesful, might thrust the server into a bracket it is actually not ready for. The rest of the server, the non-transfers that were SoR before all these guilds showed up, were playing at one level, and that was the level of a mid-tier server, even though they were doing well. These players may not be as ready for the jump in competition as the guilds who moved were. And if you overshoot what the server as a whole is ready for, you are very likely to get a massive moral drop from the rest of your players, much in the same way has happened to GoM and Yaks this match, if you lose badly higher up.
YB also won a match by such a massive margin once, in fact at the time it was the largest single points jump that had happened, but it wrongly estimated how good YB really were, simply due to that their two opponents quit the filed during the matchup overinflating the end result. They ended up not that competitive in the next match and falling back down again.
It might be better to actually ease off such a tight rein on 99% map control so the rest of SoR can be slowly trained up without skipping an entire tier. But seems too late now, will be interesting to see how it plays out in the weeks ahead.
I find it all pretty nonsensical though. Because as long as there is free transfers there is no way to ‘stealth’ your way from the bottom up into the top server, without duplicating the same conditions (massive coat-tailing) that already imploded servers like HoD and JQ. Even should SoR perform a miracle and get to the top they will become the next JQ, the very server these guilds left likely due to the long queues that will certainly come to SoR. They are already beginning obviously from reading this thread. Why not just bypass the cycle and stay on JQ? Of if you want into th 3rd tier, just join a 3rd tier server straight away. While you get to play more often by resetting farther down the latter perhaps, this can’t actually be fun play for anyone – guarding spawn camps with no one in them to preserve the point spread?
(edited by Pendragon.8735)
Just a head’s up, and it has been mentioned, but complaining about enemy zergs outnumbering you is silly.
You can field just as many people in any battleground as anyone else can. There’s a queue. There’s a cap.
This isn’t DAoC, where the Frontiers would take anyone who zoned in, where you very literally could be, let’s say, Hibernia.. and the Mids on your server are about 2/3 your population.. and the Albs are slightly over Hib and Mid combined. You’re outnumbered, permanently, irrevocably, the only solution being convincing more people to roll on your server.
Yeah, no, I’m not ever going to complain about being outnumbered. I’ll say that a zerg is too large to fight, but I know that it just means there’s fewer enemies at OTHER places on the map.
You’ll never, ever, ever have 3 groups of 250+ bad guys attacking 3 different keeps at the same time here.
This ain’t zerg, this ain’t zerg at all.
It seems like many of my fellow SoR people are getting sick of total domination in PvP zones. We had all but 2 camps the last I looked – what fun!
I haven’t fought in 2 days – not worth the time with nothing to gain.
If you don’t believe you can be outnumbered by enemy zergs, then you obviously haven’t played WvW enough. We are completely outnumbering them everywhere in every battleground the past 5 days or so. It’s not even fun.
I hope next week is better.
Also hour + long queues suck
There is no incentive to WvW when you are losing beyond hope since there are no personal gains to be had.
DAoC had personal progression – that is what kept people fighting losing battles. I wouldn’t want to be fodder for other people’s entertainment when I was getting nothing out of it other than an kitten whooping.
(edited by Sue.4361)
Also hour + long queues suck
Hour long with nothing to gain – just wait to see how long they are when we are in a competitive match again.
I suspect that as we (SoR) rise higher in the tiers, some of our Commanders (home grown and transfers) will have risen to, or exceeded, their level of incompetence. No, I more than suspect. It’s the way of human organizations, or organized humans. Consequently, we (as do all servers) not only need transfers in of people, for whatever reason, who have “been there done that” successfully and at an elite level, but we need to be looking within our ranks for fresh, new Commanders whose strategies are more likely to lead us to success than to disaster after disaster. Or conversely, we need to make it clear we will ignore leaders (it should be quickly clear who they are) whose strategies lead to disaster after disaster. To do otherwise would be folly. The higher we rise, the smaller the margin for error, and the more disciplined we must be in all aspects of the game. Disciplined as leaders and disciplined as followers.
Running on SoR from day 1 minute 1
The higher we rise? Rankings will forever be meaningless until transfers are in some way stopped from participating in WvW for at least a while….
Sure it’s fun to have server pride right now, but a true ranking with the system they’ve got now? Yeah right….
From the point of view of a Yak’s Bend player:
Sanctum of Rall has clearly won the war, and through strong numbers and solid organization, dominated all 4 maps. They deserve the victory. Well played, folks.
SoR deserves to move up the ranks and face tougher servers. Whether it is due to an influx of new players to your server or the skill, numbers, and organization of the long time SoR players, your server is clearly fighting below your tier. I wish you good luck on your ride to the top.
I look forward to next week and hope Yak’s Bend will face more evenly matched servers like last week when all 3 servers finished neck and neck. That was a blast. For all 3 servers, not just Yak’s Bend (who finished 2nd).
I, for one, enjoy being a “middle tier” WvW server. I like small queues and constant back and forth battles. Yaks’ Bend dominated all 3 worlds a few weeks back versus some bottom tier servers and it was… frankly boring…
I do believe that Arena net needs to stick to their original plan and, especially with free server transfers, not allow transferred players to participate in current WvWvW matches. The servers will never stabilize until that happens and lop-sided battles aren’t fun for either server.
In the end, congrats to SoR. Good luck to you. I don’t expect we’ll be facing you again anytime soon.
I’m taking this week off. I don’t feel like we deserve this win, nor do I feel like we deserve to move up a rank. This is a hollow win in my opinion. I don’t feel any enjoyment out of it at all.
I loved the previous SoR match — totally gripping! The current match has not been anywhere near as entertaining.
I suffered through the early bits of the current match, when SoR was behind by 20K or so and could not get off the time. I tried to run a few guerrilla ops, mainly taking strong points. killing supply yaks, and pairing up with teammates to take supply outputs. But mostly I got eaten. It was depressing, but I kept at it. It was certainly a surprise to me when we started dominating, although it took awhile to take the lead.
And after SoR got the lead, what could we do but try to keep it?
I’m looking at our next match with some trepidation. I hope our recent transfers don’t flee immediately if we get in trouble, but ultimately, I’m only responsible for my own actions, and I intend to slug away, win or lose.
The Yak kittens are good fighters; I expect SoR will be seeing them again.
so boring… I had to…. PvE!!!!
Let’s get a few things straight with a bit of a history of the past few weeks.
Sanctum of Rall was fighting Darkhaven and Sorrow’s Furnace. The match was semi-close by around Sunday, but Darkhaven had a sizeable lead. There were a few hacks on Darkhaven’s side, including two orb hacks. I’m not blaming the server, who I am GREATLY anticipating a rematch with, but the individuals who did so. However, at the time, we did blame the server and we were FURIOUS. EPIC proceeded to focus all their attention on Darkhaven’s Borderland. During the night, they would withdraw into their keep there, Etheron Hills, and keep that foothold for the day fighters to come into. Meanwhile, several guilds such as HF, focused on the homefront. It was our orb that was hacked first. In that week, we learned more about WvW and working together as a community than I thought we ever would.
The first decent sized guild to transfer in was CDS, for our battle against Northern Shiverpeaks and Yak’s Bend. They came from SI, if I recall. They were a great team, and helped us tremendously in SoR Borderlands. I can’t say that we would have won that match without them, but I think we may have managed. They are an amazing guild, but only one guild, and one guild that only fields at best 20 people at a time. Enough to change a map.
Going into this week, CDS and LUN were the only transfers we had so far. Friday night, things were incredibly close. I believe, and I could be wrong, that some people on Yak’s coordinated to get the orbs and hold them at all costs. They accomplished this goal. From last week, I noticed a few guilds on Yak’s that were among the best, and I saw all of them in Ascension Bay Friday night. It seems obvious, though possibly coincidental, that Yak’s decided we were the stronger opponent, and decided to shut us down in our borderland. And they did. Remember guys, Yak’s had everything in WvW Saturday morning. I checked WvW before I went to work, 19 hours after WvW started, and Yak’s still held the advantage.
Now, here’s the thing. Last match came down to the wire. It came to SoR’s best guilds coordinating in shifts, essentially, to defend through the night so we could take and hold the lead. None of these guilds were new on that day. People were NOT the change, but determination. We coordinated defenses together and worked in shifts. We played morale games to reduce our enemies’ presence. And these strategies worked.
Now, back to this week’s match. Those same people were exhausted Friday night. [HF], my own guild, had a showing of less than 10 people. The coordination amongst those who were actually online was a bunch of sleepy voices and confusion, because GOD were we tired. We had a new face at this time, and I believe it was the guild VIG.
So we rested Friday, and we came back Saturday. The last bastion of Yak’s power Saturday night was Ascension Bay, in the Sanctum of Rall borderlands. The best guilds I know of on Yak’s were there defending it, and MAN were they good. I have never seen anyone defend AB so well. Most SoR commanders and guild leaders, myself included, consider it a second rate target due to how hard it is to defend. But Saturday night, their focus was there, and we took everything else from them. But they defended on. And then Yak’s morale broke. Who cares that they were holding AB against the absolute best SoR had to offer? SoR was so frustrated trying to take that keep, failing every strategy we could think of. But Yak’s zerg didn’t consider that. They saw Yak’s down, and so they left, and then, without new reinforcements, the numbers dwindled. At around 2 or so in the morning, AB broke, and we took it from a paltry defense of 20.TL;DR? Yak’s morale broke. Not the morale of its guilds, but of its zerg. They proved great skill and numbers Friday, but without the help of the two new JQ guilds(welcome to the server guys!), we were able to break AB due to nothing but pure, indeniable, unstoppable determination. Stop blaming transfers and numbers, the numbers are the problem NOW. Blame morale. SoR’s power is in its determination and coordination between guilds, not numbers, and not some all powerful guild.
To prove a small part of this story, here is a score history starting from 12PM EU time(not sure which exact time zone) on Sunday. It shows our climb up from the point at which we passed Yak’s, showing that we passed Yak’s Saturday night, about 5-10 hours before this graph shows, and not Saturday morning.
I think VIG has been around for a couple weeks to tell you the truth
Everyone keeps saying that GoM has no motivation to play, but I had more fun last night than I have all week.
Four guildies and I ran around the SoR BL, capping supply points, road guards, and killing dolyaks. Of course, the overwhelming SoR zerg came by to recap everything, but they never caught us. We we got a ton of XP/Karma/Gold, and also a surprising amount of badges from overconfident players who thought they would win just because they owned the map. We certainly didn’t turn the tide of the battle, in fact we probably did SoR a favor by giving them something to do. But we definitely had a LOT of fun, and got rewarded for it.
Thanks for the great time SoR, I hope we made it a little more interesting for you.
Niniyl (Ele) | Barah (Eng) | Luthiyn (War) | Niennya (Thf)
This is
Everyone keeps saying that GoM has no motivation to play, but I had more fun last night than I have all week.
Four guildies and I ran around the SoR BL, capping supply points, road guards, and killing dolyaks. Of course, the overwhelming SoR zerg came by to recap everything, but they never caught us. We we got a ton of XP/Karma/Gold, and also a surprising amount of badges from overconfident players who thought they would win just because they owned the map. We certainly didn’t turn the tide of the battle, in fact we probably did SoR a favor by giving them something to do. But we definitely had a LOT of fun, and got rewarded for it.
Thanks for the great time SoR, I hope we made it a little more interesting for you.
Glad to hear your still enjoying things. If more people ran around like you and your buddies, things may not be the same. Unfortunately, it may be too late to flip the scores, but you guys could technically still close the gap a bit and take 2nd.
Well.. At least I’ve been able to sleep and catch up on all my school work this week. But I’ll agree with Elthurien, “this was a hollow win nor do I feel like we deserve to move up a rank.” I liked the progression rate SoR had.. People coming to the server now want to sky rocket the server into the top tiers. It’s going to ruin our wonderful community. Hopefully when we start losing they’ll leave and all the original guilds can work SoR’s community back up to its former glory.
Vigilance has been on Sanctum since Day 1.
A few of the Guilds from JQ that recently joined Sanctum used to be our staunchest advesaries in other games. So it’s just as weird for us to see a Commander name in teamchat that previously was a person to kill on sight… :p~
I think VIG has been around for a couple weeks to tell you the truth
I dont think VIG was a transfer because I recall seeing them before in matches. Some of our best pvp guilds that I have seen have been FL, VIG, FMC,EPIC, LUN (Transfers, but they get things done) There are a couple others I may be forgetting at this moment, but I also feel like GSCH does pretty well too, were just only out in force a few nights a week. I feel like we have a really solid core of guilds. Ive only mentioned the few guilds ive had some personal experiance with, I am sure there are others out there kicking kitten as well.
Cyrix Casden – engineer
GSCH – Sanctum of Rall
I just wish my guys at [HC] High Council had more representation, We’ve been on Rall for quite some time, but don’t have the numbers of alot of other guys.
we dont get noticed lol
(edited by tkalamba.2541)
Well.. At least I’ve been able to sleep and catch up on all my school work this week. But I’ll agree with Elthurien, “this was a hollow win nor do I feel like we deserve to move up a rank.” I liked the progression rate SoR had.. People coming to the server now want to sky rocket the server into the top tiers. It’s going to ruin our wonderful community. Hopefully when we start losing they’ll leave and all the original guilds can work SoR’s community back up to its former glory.
you realize your are the most malignant part of the “community” now that Furanku doesnt log on or rerolled an alt.
Most guilds wont even talk to you, let alone work with you. You are delusional.
Let’s get a few things straight with a bit of a history of the past few weeks.
Sanctum of Rall was fighting Darkhaven and Sorrow’s Furnace. The match was semi-close by around Sunday, but Darkhaven had a sizeable lead. There were a few hacks on Darkhaven’s side, including two orb hacks. I’m not blaming the server, who I am GREATLY anticipating a rematch with, but the individuals who did so. However, at the time, we did blame the server and we were FURIOUS. EPIC proceeded to focus all their attention on Darkhaven’s Borderland. During the night, they would withdraw into their keep there, Etheron Hills, and keep that foothold for the day fighters to come into. Meanwhile, several guilds such as HF, focused on the homefront. It was our orb that was hacked first. In that week, we learned more about WvW and working together as a community than I thought we ever would.
The first decent sized guild to transfer in was CDS, for our battle against Northern Shiverpeaks and Yak’s Bend. They came from SI, if I recall. They were a great team, and helped us tremendously in SoR Borderlands. I can’t say that we would have won that match without them, but I think we may have managed. They are an amazing guild, but only one guild, and one guild that only fields at best 20 people at a time. Enough to change a map.
Going into this week, CDS and LUN were the only transfers we had so far. Friday night, things were incredibly close. I believe, and I could be wrong, that some people on Yak’s coordinated to get the orbs and hold them at all costs. They accomplished this goal. From last week, I noticed a few guilds on Yak’s that were among the best, and I saw all of them in Ascension Bay Friday night. It seems obvious, though possibly coincidental, that Yak’s decided we were the stronger opponent, and decided to shut us down in our borderland. And they did. Remember guys, Yak’s had everything in WvW Saturday morning. I checked WvW before I went to work, 19 hours after WvW started, and Yak’s still held the advantage.
Now, here’s the thing. Last match came down to the wire. It came to SoR’s best guilds coordinating in shifts, essentially, to defend through the night so we could take and hold the lead. None of these guilds were new on that day. People were NOT the change, but determination. We coordinated defenses together and worked in shifts. We played morale games to reduce our enemies’ presence. And these strategies worked.
Now, back to this week’s match. Those same people were exhausted Friday night. [HF], my own guild, had a showing of less than 10 people. The coordination amongst those who were actually online was a bunch of sleepy voices and confusion, because GOD were we tired. We had a new face at this time, and I believe it was the guild VIG.
So we rested Friday, and we came back Saturday. The last bastion of Yak’s power Saturday night was Ascension Bay, in the Sanctum of Rall borderlands. The best guilds I know of on Yak’s were there defending it, and MAN were they good. I have never seen anyone defend AB so well. Most SoR commanders and guild leaders, myself included, consider it a second rate target due to how hard it is to defend. But Saturday night, their focus was there, and we took everything else from them. But they defended on. And then Yak’s morale broke. Who cares that they were holding AB against the absolute best SoR had to offer? SoR was so frustrated trying to take that keep, failing every strategy we could think of. But Yak’s zerg didn’t consider that. They saw Yak’s down, and so they left, and then, without new reinforcements, the numbers dwindled. At around 2 or so in the morning, AB broke, and we took it from a paltry defense of 20.
So much about what you have said is SO far off I can’t even believe you are part of this server. I mean.. REALLY. We were sleepy on Friday? VIG is new? Bay is a second rate target? LUN was with us the entire time against Yaks and NSP. So was CDS as you said, as well as CAPS late in and a few others.
VIG has been one of the best guilds on this server since MY guild got here. In fact, its guilds like VIG/WAR that prompted us to come to this server. Nobody was sleeping on Friday – we had a huge showing on SoR. We have Q’s in every border, EVERY BORDER, within 25-30 minutes, and they lasted for two solid hours before the green border had no Q. And the green border was the only on holding its own – where by the way VIG was at.
If you don’t believe you can be outnumbered by enemy zergs, then you obviously haven’t played WvW enough. We are completely outnumbering them everywhere in every battleground the past 5 days or so. It’s not even fun.
I hope next week is better.
Also hour + long queues suck
The point about zergs which was made further up is that it isn’t possible for one server to have, say, 400 people in a borderland while you have 100. Each server has a maximum number of players it can field in a borderland. Let’s say it’s 250.
That’s 750 players per borderland, 250 players per server capped.
Theoretical Example
1- Yak’s Bend has 40 people in its borderland.
2- Gates of Madness has 30 people in Yak’s Bend borderland.
3- Sanctum of Rall has 250 people in Yak’s Bend borderland.
Yes, SoR outnumbers YB nearly 4 to 1, and GoM nearly 8 to 1. However, SoR’s massive zerg hasn’t gobbled up all the available WvW slots for that borderland, it’s because Yak’s and GoM players aren’t logging in.
The problem isn’t that SoR has more players, it’s that we have more players logging into WvW.
I hope this clears up the “We’re outnumbered” confusion.
Stupidity is when you can’t help it;
Ignorance is when you choose not to understand.
Well.. At least I’ve been able to sleep and catch up on all my school work this week. But I’ll agree with Elthurien, “this was a hollow win nor do I feel like we deserve to move up a rank.” I liked the progression rate SoR had.. People coming to the server now want to sky rocket the server into the top tiers. It’s going to ruin our wonderful community. Hopefully when we start losing they’ll leave and all the original guilds can work SoR’s community back up to its former glory.
you realize your are the most malignant part of the “community” now that Furanku doesnt log on or rerolled an alt.
Most guilds wont even talk to you, let alone work with you. You are delusional.
I love how you generalize your opinion of me to " everyone else feels the same." Thanks for you input though. I’ll remember your kind words every morning when I wake up and look in the mirror, thinking.. " Man.. I’m just one ROTTEN person. "
I just wish my guys at [HC] High Council had more representation, We’ve been on Rall for quite some time, but don’t have the numbers of alot of other guys.
we dont get noticed
Maybe not as a guild, but I certainly pay heed whenever Lord Lefteris has anything tol say in chat.
Stupidity is when you can’t help it;
Ignorance is when you choose not to understand.