Stagnant WvW is killing my Guild.

Stagnant WvW is killing my Guild.

in WvW

Posted by: Xuro.5861


Before I begin my story I would like to make a few things clear:

a) I’ve been the leader of this small organised group for a year now.
b) I’ve been a commander for far longer than that.
c) We are purely WvW orientated as we enjoy good solid fights.

A year ago our guild was born under a different name on a t3 server, the idea was to build a community that was more than just game friends, a group of people you can rely on in both ingame and reallife and we succeeded, great friendships were forged and we are meeting in reallife soon.

Everything seemed to be going great, we had a lot of pleasure raiding daily in WvW and had great expectations of what was to come. Afterall, they build this great gamemode as foundation, we were convinced we would see even more amazing updates as time would go on.

I alone would spend 20g+ per day to upgrade, siege up and defend towers and keeps all days to increase our PPT since we fought servers that greatly outmanned us for a few months straight. Together with the rest of the spendings within my guild we easily hit 50g+ per day and it was a blast, we had a solid PPT, the fights were good (even though we lost most because they brought triple our numbers) and everything was great.

Then both Season 1 and Edge of the Mists hit us. We were excited about both till we had a chance to play them, we ended up severely disappointed because of a few very simple reasons:

a) The tournament promoted server stacking and coverage entirely.
b) The tournament had no actual reward attached to it so we had to endure hell for 7 weeks for pretty much no reason.
c) Edge of the Mists is a PvE karma train.

After these two disasters hit us, nothing of significanse was announced or released for months. As months passed by we kept transfering around trying to find the fights we desired but to no avail, till this day we didn’t find any new solid experience anywhere.

Although there were some improvements to WvW in the past 1.5 years, nothing actual new was added for the veteran players (I don’t call a new carrot on a stick called ranks content) Where is the new upgrades/siege/traps/structures/maps? For that matter, why is the same meta still active? We use 4 out of 8 classes only as the rest is so useless compared to what these 4 bring to the table. Why hasn’t there been a change in the WvW meta at all?

Season 2 hit us recently and it was another trainwreck, either it was a blowout or getting abused for a week, we just gave up half way and went to mess around in PvE. A guild specifically made and trained for WvW decided to go PvE …

Due to lack of changes in WvW we are losing motivation at an alarming rate, we no longer upgrade or defend (Why would we? Retaking it yields more rewards and doesn’t cost us an arm and a leg after all the gold nerfs). We no longer raid daily as we cannot fight unique and interesting fights anymore, the meta got so stale even all random players picked up on every tactic and the outcome of every fight is now so predictable it’s laughable. There is no more excitement for the future as we don’t hear a word anymore and going by what I read the past weeks, there isn’t even anything worth mentioning being developed right now …

Most of my guild will survive, but not in this game. Most of my members are getting so bored we are searching for a new game and those who do not want to start another MMO anymore after the disappointments here, are quitting entirely. I can understand why they are giving up, they invested hundreds to thousands of hours only to see it being wasted by no noteworthy development whatsoever.

For the love of WvW, do something to salvage this trainwreck.

(edited by Xuro.5861)

Stagnant WvW is killing my Guild.

in WvW

Posted by: Chaba.5410


Not just your guild.

Chaba Tangnu
Founding member of [NERF] Fort Engineer and driver for [TLC] The Legion of Charrs
RIP [SIC] Strident Iconoclast

Stagnant WvW is killing my Guild.

in WvW

Posted by: godz raiden.2631

godz raiden.2631

Yeah, not gonna lie, seeing the GWEN meta persist every single day in WvW for the past year and half has gotten really boring. Very rarely do I step in WvW now and leave thinking, “Wow! [Insert enemy guild/server here] really did something new and creative there to make this game mode more interesting!” It’s just a bunch of warriors and guardians smashing things with hammers while some eles and necros AoE bomb all over the place.

Also, when you can look at the WvW details tab at every reset, see what enemy servers you’re facing, and say, “This server will place 1st, this one 2nd, and this one 3rd” every single week, it pretty much portrays an issue with the competitive aspect of WvW… being that there currently isn’t one. The only competition that really exists in WvW is the GvG scene that exists in some of the higher tiers, which isn’t even Anet driven, but player driven. Other than that, the only interesting competition, in my opinion, is finding open field fights with guilds similar to your own and sort of becoming rivals to some degree. Neither of those things are a result of Anet creating a great game mode. The only thing Anet has lended to the game mode are the things the OP listed, which haven’t accomplished anything positive for WvW.

Also, where is that new CDI we were promised? Did I miss that? Or are they still busy ignoring all the feedback from the first one?

Godz Raiden (Thief)

Stagnant WvW is killing my Guild.

in WvW

Posted by: Spica.9308


This is why server stacking and bandwagon is bad in tiers 1-3 match-ups. The only good happening so far is maguuma in tier 2 finally putting up a fight against SoS after 10+ weeks of lopsidedness. The bad side is tier 1 turning lopsided due to over stacking (heavy transfers to JQ). That’s why a lot of people would figure out they prefer tiers 4-7 unless they are from a winning server of a lopsided match-up. /boring

Stagnant WvW is killing my Guild.

in WvW

Posted by: morrolan.9608


This is why server stacking and bandwagon is bad in tiers 1-3 match-ups. The only good happening so far is maguuma in tier 2 finally putting up a fight against SoS after 10+ weeks of lopsidedness. The bad side is tier 1 turning lopsided due to over stacking (heavy transfers to JQ).

JQ haven’t had heavy transfers. If anything DI leaving Kome coming, at least some of Ge leaving for the Chineses servers is a net loss. What we are seeing is more the effect of people leaving the game.

Jade Quarry [SoX]
Miranda Zero – Ele / Twitch Zero – Mes / Chargrin Soulboom – Engi
Aliera Zero – Guardian / Reaver Zero – Necro

Stagnant WvW is killing my Guild.

in WvW

Posted by: SkyShroud.2865


wvw is never that interesting to begin with….
it is normal to gradually become bored with it and move on to next game

Founder & Leader of Equinox Solstice [TIME], a Singapore-Based International Guild
Henge of Denravi Server

Stagnant WvW is killing my Guild.

in WvW

Posted by: Chaba.5410


it is normal to gradually become bored with it and move on to next game

Which is the point of continuously updating “Living Story”. If only they did that with the other game modes…

Chaba Tangnu
Founding member of [NERF] Fort Engineer and driver for [TLC] The Legion of Charrs
RIP [SIC] Strident Iconoclast

Stagnant WvW is killing my Guild.

in WvW

Posted by: Fuzzion.2504


Merge servers, Release New Masteries, Release a New Class, Make changes to Glicko, Release a new Race,etc,etc. i Understand WvW is behind PvP which is Behind Pve which is Behind Making $$$ but lets instill new light into wvw.

Fuzzionx [SF]
Guest member of [LOVE]
JQ official Prime Minister

Stagnant WvW is killing my Guild.

in WvW

Posted by: Hamster.4861



I hope Anet looks closely at this and thinks about how many players they’d like to loose by ignoring this. If the WvW guilds start to quit, the issue that the OP mentions of:

“As months passed by we kept transfering around trying to find the fights we desired but to no avail, till this day we didn’t find any new solid experience anywhere.”

will cascade and escalate, and WvW will become a dead zone for people to go and get their map completion and farm karma

Stagnant WvW is killing my Guild.

in WvW

Posted by: Andrew Clear.1750

Andrew Clear.1750

Well, while season 1 promoted server stacking, it was happening way before season 1. As T1 servers were losing numbers, they were pillaging guilds to replenish them. Season 1 had guilds transfer to servers, but it really wasn’t until a few months after season 1 that stacking really took its toll. Whole servers were crushed by transfers, others weren’t crushed by lost a lot of players. There was a massive mass exodus, that hit multiple servers, even before season 2 was announced. Where did all those players go? DB (who was t4 at the time), SoS, Mag, JQ, BG, TC, and to a smaller extent FA.

Then a week before season 2 saw the wonderful free transfers, and the FA exodus.

Now, after season 2, we are seeing more movement.

I can’t blame seasons for all the mass movement, since it has been happening since WvW has been in existence. Anyone remember when HoD, SBI, IoJ, SoS, and others were in T1 and T2, and fell during the period between launch and the end of free transfers? Anyone remember Kaineng? DB (who suffered and exodus and got some guilds, and benefitted from YB, SBI, SoR, and FA having exodus’ to get back to T2).

Don’t blame seasons on something that has been around since the game has launched. Players do what they do, and you can hold Anet accountable, but in reality, it is the players who are accountable for transferring.

Stagnant WvW is killing my Guild.

in WvW

Posted by: Delta.2093


To Moderators: this is about less and less players in WvW – NOT a match-up thread. Thank You!

JQ is still alive, but not “overstacked”. It’s all relative; compared to our rivals, we look like that in SEA timezone, and almost outmanned during NA. That’s because they have even less players active lately… when we have 2 maps almost empty (except scouts) during SEA.
Most (or all) our WvW guilds gets smaller and smaller day by day, with lots of inactives, and we play less than ever – mostly logging in to meet each other and help our community. Even our “enemies” are dear these days, since good WvW players are “rare commodity” lately, and without them, “good fights” are gone.

These are facts, not a “WvW is dying” cry. New players still come to WvW, but their numbers are less. This is normal sadly, and was expected. If outmanned is at home in T1, MOST of the time, then the rest of tiers are barren lands. Maybe in your timezone there is some activity from time to time, at least on one of the maps.

Also I won’t blame Anet devs… and those above them, who had the power to change things, maybe were not interested to invest more in WvW and turn it into a working RvR + GvG gamestyle. It’s about money after all, and that’s not bad in itself. We had much fun in WvW in the past, and sometimes, we still have, thanks to our great rivals. Salutes to WvW players from everywhere, for bringing life into this WvW.

Delta | Spell (M) | Bold (W) | Conde (N) | Sky (El) | Flames (G) | Heart (T)
[FUG/SG/TDT] on the Jade Quarry

Stagnant WvW is killing my Guild.

in WvW

Posted by: Sirendor.1394


I’ll sum the harsh truth up for you:
1) coverage is boss
2) fights are bad
3) meta is boring
4) roaming is condibunk or stealth spam
5) guilds get zero tools
6) ‘seasons’ promote stacking
7) PvDoor is worse than ever
8) ????
9) This game is doomed for PvP

Gandara – Vabbi – Ring of Fire – Fissure of Woe – Vabbi
SPvP as Standalone All is Vain

Stagnant WvW is killing my Guild.

in WvW

Posted by: BooHud.2681



I hope Anet looks closely at this and thinks about how many players they’d like to loose by ignoring this. If the WvW guilds start to quit, the issue that the OP mentions of:

“As months passed by we kept transfering around trying to find the fights we desired but to no avail, till this day we didn’t find any new solid experience anywhere.”

will cascade and escalate, and WvW will become a dead zone for people to go and get their map completion and farm karma

thrum, thrum, thrum, thrum …. DAWN is comming, open your eyes ….

Stagnant WvW is killing my Guild.

in WvW

Posted by: Xillllix.3485


It’s not only WvW that is stagnant but it,s more noticable in WvW because there are only 3 maps to play and 2 of them feel super old. When was the last significant content update? February 4th? They didn’t even bother to release a single trap or fix the getting stuck in landscape bug in almost 6 months.

(edited by Xillllix.3485)

Stagnant WvW is killing my Guild.

in WvW

Posted by: Melanion.4892


Someone here mentioned WvW not having an update since February…

Something tells me Anet considers seasons to be a WvW update that people actually enjoy/consider to be new content.

Claude – Pink Fairy Mesmer

Stagnant WvW is killing my Guild.

in WvW

Posted by: CrimsonNeonite.1048


Someone here mentioned WvW not having an update since February…

Something tells me Anet considers seasons to be a WvW update that people actually enjoy/consider to be new content.

More like Seasons is considered to be new WvW content, but we’ll have to wait and see much like those WXP masteries, whether they’ve taken into account our constructive feedback that would revatilise wvw for the community.

Plays completely opposite professions to his main Teef.

(edited by CrimsonNeonite.1048)

Stagnant WvW is killing my Guild.

in WvW

Posted by: Andrew Clear.1750

Andrew Clear.1750

To Moderators: this is about less and less players in WvW – NOT a match-up thread. Thank You!

JQ is still alive, but not “overstacked”. It’s all relative; compared to our rivals, we look like that in SEA timezone, and almost outmanned during NA. That’s because they have even less players active lately… when we have 2 maps almost empty (except scouts) during SEA.
Most (or all) our WvW guilds gets smaller and smaller day by day, with lots of inactives, and we play less than ever – mostly logging in to meet each other and help our community. Even our “enemies” are dear these days, since good WvW players are “rare commodity” lately, and without them, “good fights” are gone.

These are facts, not a “WvW is dying” cry. New players still come to WvW, but their numbers are less. This is normal sadly, and was expected. If outmanned is at home in T1, MOST of the time, then the rest of tiers are barren lands. Maybe in your timezone there is some activity from time to time, at least on one of the maps.

Also I won’t blame Anet devs… and those above them, who had the power to change things, maybe were not interested to invest more in WvW and turn it into a working RvR + GvG gamestyle. It’s about money after all, and that’s not bad in itself. We had much fun in WvW in the past, and sometimes, we still have, thanks to our great rivals. Salutes to WvW players from everywhere, for bringing life into this WvW.

This person speaks the truth. All the tiers have less players, as every mmo loses players during its lifetime. This is just natural. There will eventually be a server merge for WvW, there has to be. How Anet handles it will be interesting, cause they don’t really apply logic to some of what they do.

Stagnant WvW is killing my Guild.

in WvW

Posted by: Evalia.7103


We use 4 out of 8 classes only as the rest is so useless compared to what these 4 bring to the table. Why hasn’t there been a change in the WvW meta at all?

That’s where I’ve realised you’re a total no-wit.
Let me guess.
Warrior, Guardian, Mesmer, Elementalist.
Because we all know that a ninja thief solocapping towers and/or keeps you’ve left behind is completely useless. Same for necro with their completely insignificant(wait wat?) zerg presence… And of course let’s not forget to say how useless engineer’s abilities are! I mean they can do nothing at all(wait? They can do everything? really?).
Ranger AOE’s coupled with Water fields are strong for a group play. Only thief lacks in group play from those I’ve mentioned, but that is being made up with roaming and havoc squadding, where thief truly shines.

Stagnant WvW is killing my Guild.

in WvW

Posted by: azizul.8469


the ONLY solution ANET haven’t and don’t have courage to try is reducing the map cap to force people to spread evenly among servers.

of course, we’ll have people oppose to the idea, but then again , you have that for every new idea…..

Cutie Phantasmer/Farinas [HAX] – CD Casual
Archeage = Farmville with PK

Stagnant WvW is killing my Guild.

in WvW

Posted by: Ark Bladesteele.2943

Ark Bladesteele.2943

I’m right with the OP here. Yesterday, I went through 80g in our borderlands, sieging up all 3 keeps, 2 towers, and upgrading them to T3. I personally refreshed all of the siege. There are about 5 of us that hang around in our borderlands at all times; the rest are in EBG and only respond to all-calls so they can zerg bust. We actually had a great time yesterday; beat back a massive golem rush (even ending in an epic battle inside garri lord’s with omegas vs. omegas). It was exhausting, but satisfying, and it pushed until 5am and I had to sleep.

I woke up, all siege was gone (nobody refreshed), keeps had all been flipped, towers flipped, so I started over. Took back garri. Took back hills. Took back bay. Upgraded bay, garri, and hills to T3. Northeast tower to T3. Throughout the day blue was constantly flipping camps and caught them several times speed-building omegas, so I knew the impending rush was coming. I warned multiple guilds in TS and EBG map chat that we may need an all-call, that a golem rush was coming.

I had to sign off for maintenance on my internet connection for 3 hours, and when I came back all the siege was gone. Garri was barren. Bay outer was all that remained. I had parked 2 omegas in lord’s of each keep just in case — all 6 gone. Ten minutes later, the golem rush came; 10 omegas and nothing to stop them. They steamrolled our entire borderland. We took all 3 keeps back, and started upgrades and siege, but before we could get anything done (it takes a long time to build siege with only 2 people running supply for each piece, and that’s exactly what we were doing) blue rolled through each keep one at a time and capped them. They did this 2 more times.

Now, at 4am today, I’m down 150g, and our borderlands aren’t ours. I logged off after the 3rd time they flipped everything. Not a rage quit. I just realized that without any help, there was nothing left for me to do. I’m tired. Beaten back. Insulted in chat by people from EBG for not putting up enough siege to defend.

I logged out in despair. I could spend the next 6 hours on autopilot trying to get everything back in order, but I’m afraid I’ll just go to sleep, wake up, and find everything gone again.

I have been doing this for a long time, and commanded defense in our borderlands before the tourney, during, and after.

I think I should have spent that 150g on something better than insults and ridicule. I’ll be back tomorrow, of course, to start the whole thing over again, but am I going to end up going to sleep like this every night? Or do I feel comfortable leaving our borderlands in capable hands, and don’t have to worry about herding cats or solo running supply from camps to get a few ACs up on the walls and trebs on the gates?

I don’t know. I just know that right now, I don’t want to play WvW. And this is after being steamrolled last week so badly that we didn’t see our keeps once after reset night because an enemy server took them, upgraded them to T3, and sieged and manned them better than we ever had — in our own borderlands! But I had fun in other ways.

Somehow, and I don’t know why, this feels ten times worse.

NSP’s resident crazy-eyed sylvari

Stagnant WvW is killing my Guild.

in WvW

Posted by: Valdemas.4960


We use 4 out of 8 classes only as the rest is so useless compared to what these 4 bring to the table. Why hasn’t there been a change in the WvW meta at all?

That’s where I’ve realised you’re a total no-wit.
Let me guess.
Warrior, Guardian, Mesmer, Elementalist.

That’s where I realised the same thing! It’s called GWEN for a reason, alas. The odd veilbot mesmer and enemy ranged pressure thief being a nice addition, but not essencial for it to function. Then again a good mesmer and thief eventually find that they can be very valuable if played right. I’ve seen some not too shabby engies, that sticked it out and didn’t just switch the class, but most of them did and did not go back. I have yet to see a hunter that is actually noticeable help in a larger group fight. I mean besides the ones that help me rally.

Vinita Rush, ZDs Officer

Stagnant WvW is killing my Guild.

in WvW

Posted by: Victory.2879


Lack of decent rewards is killing off wvw too, and people coming from EoTM where they are use to karma train and defending nothing. These people don’t even know siege has a timer!

Victory, Beings Lost On Borderlands (BLOB), SFR & Gandara (inactive)

Stagnant WvW is killing my Guild.

in WvW

Posted by: Tyeme.6589


Season 2 ended and ALL the WvW guilds left. I assume they are stacking up in some other server.My server is pretty much a ghost town in WvW now.

There are very, very few who know anything about WvW besides following the zerg. They follow any idiot with a tag, don’t defend, don’t refreah siege, don’t clear keeps after taking them. When there are no tags on the map…they leave.

Of course, why should they ever defend or anything like it when the zerg rules all. WvW is going to become very boring very quickly as long as this holds true. Until the zerg is addressed properly so that actual thinking is required (thus making WvW not boring), people will continue zerging and server stacking.

Sieging for defense is expensive. With siege timers, servers with spotty coverage can’t really renew these timers. Defense sieging becomes prohibitively expensive.

Defenders have very little advantage. It’s been my experience that 1 defender can not hold off even a 5 man group of attackers that’s organized. Aoe’s destroy siege emplacements (as well as the defending player) very quickly.

WvW is a big part of the endgame. I would think as such is should be as exciting and engaging as possible.

Stagnant WvW is killing my Guild.

in WvW

Posted by: Ithilwen.1529


Not much I can add to the foregoing and I agree with most of it. Anet has created a game that promotes zerging and rewards it richly. If things continue as they are I see the mists simply being the new Queensdale train.

The game was supposed to be about heroism. Now it’s more like..( deleted )

Mesmerising Girl

Stagnant WvW is killing my Guild.

in WvW

Posted by: Gundail.7594


I hope someone from Anet reads this thread and takes it to heart.

Not even here to complain. Just please, breathe some life into the WvW game mode before I’m the last one of my guild mates left playing it.

I find myself in EotM more and more lately because vanilla WvW doesn’t have the magic it once did. More and more often waves of “apathy” wash over me in there as the endless Karma Training takes it’s toll on me.

Players need goals to work on. Veteran Players want status items/titles/whatever as proof of their long term commitment. We’ve financially supported you for a long time now and refreshing WvW would be a nice thank you for those of us that have been around for a long time.

Charr Warguardmeznecrotheifrangergineer
[ETA]-HoD or wherever Mega-server-blob who cares anymore?

Stagnant WvW is killing my Guild.

in WvW

Posted by: DeadlySynz.3471


Add me to the list of bored players. I started doing something I never thought I’d do, start leveling up each class to 80. Even when I sit and think about taking one of these new classes into WvW, nothing really changes. As the OP pointed out, your basically fighting one of 4 classes as the other 4 have limited use. You can only take the same tower and SM so many times before boredom overtakes enjoyment.

Is it bad the only thing I really look forward to in WvW is taking my uplevel in on Friday for K-training for a couple hours?

Stagnant WvW is killing my Guild.

in WvW

Posted by: gennyt.3428


We use 4 out of 8 classes only as the rest is so useless compared to what these 4 bring to the table. Why hasn’t there been a change in the WvW meta at all?

That’s where I’ve realised you’re a total no-wit.
Let me guess.
Warrior, Guardian, Mesmer, Elementalist.
Because we all know that a ninja thief solocapping towers and/or keeps you’ve left behind is completely useless. Same for necro with their completely insignificant(wait wat?) zerg presence… And of course let’s not forget to say how useless engineer’s abilities are! I mean they can do nothing at all(wait? They can do everything? really?).
Ranger AOE’s coupled with Water fields are strong for a group play. Only thief lacks in group play from those I’ve mentioned, but that is being made up with roaming and havoc squadding, where thief truly shines.

If we’re talking large scale fights then yes Guard/War/Ele/Necro is where it’s at. We all know what happens to a Thief who messes up and gets caught in red circles. A Ranger has to give up so much for any worthwhile direct damage, an Ele is a more attractive option for pumping out control, support and damage especially with it’s better coverage. Engineers require twice the micro managing to be half as useful, most people just don’t bother. Mesmer veils are nice here and there but null field pales in comparison to well of corruption, especially since Necros can bomb the ever living kitten out of groups if and when the opposition’s melee train starts to derail. I haven’t seen many groups work the other Mesmer utilities outside of the odd portal bomb. I’m not saying these classes are useless, there are just better options available for large group play.

Whispers with meat.

Stagnant WvW is killing my Guild.

in WvW

Posted by: Chris.3290


I know ANet keeps their card close the chest in terms of development; especially after the over-hyped launch and some of the more lackluster updates.

I hope that the devs for all three game modes are sitting on some good hands.

WvW: Stale combat, stale maps, shrinking population makes the already painful coverage balances more pronounced, while the players in those off-hours face increasing boredom

SPvP: Needs more build diversity 75% of every profession is going to run the same build or something close to it.

PvE: The world needs more dynamic changes that have lasting effects. Obviously Halloween, Christmas, and the Dragon Festival will all be different; but so far only Southsun is the only lasting changes (that affect gameplay, some interesting artwork changes.

Out of those, only PvE seems to being addressed.

Stagnant WvW is killing my Guild.

in WvW

Posted by: zhonnika.1784


Not much I can add to the foregoing and I agree with most of it. Anet has created a game that promotes zerging and rewards it richly. If things continue as they are I see the mists simply being the new Queensdale train.

The game was supposed to be about heroism. Now it’s more like..( deleted )

Saw this firsthand the other day. Player asks Train? in QD. Gets told train is dead. Player is dismayed, unable to figure out how they’re going to level without the train. Gets told to go into EOTM and train there. People in my guild only go to EOTM to level a new character.

Kashmara – Elementalist | Reapermara – Necromancer
Jade Quarry
Onslaught [OnS]

Stagnant WvW is killing my Guild.

in WvW

Posted by: Andrew Clear.1750

Andrew Clear.1750

Only way anet could keep wvw from losing players (cause almost all games lose players), is to make it into a sport like LoL, and have some money involved.

Other than that, numbers will decrease til they stabilize with the players who actually want to play the game for what it is.

Stagnant WvW is killing my Guild.

in WvW

Posted by: Doomdesire.9365


Stagnant WvW killed Sanctum of Rall, and the majority of it’s players left the game altogether. Choo/FEAR/TW/IRON/SAHP were all hardcore WvW guilds that outright just quit the game because Anet would rather cater to it’s PvE fanbase by encouraging karma training and alienate the WvW population. Now we’re seeing the effects of disastrous “updates” like seasons. That was just the first server. There are more to come. We’re already seeing most T1 servers declining.

(edited by Doomdesire.9365)

Stagnant WvW is killing my Guild.

in WvW

Posted by: SDZz.8260


Did you not see what VoTF wrote on their website? Anet simply aren’t listening at all and when you look at biweekly updates for living world and then we get a mockery of a new ‘wvw’ map (EotM) and updates like ‘seasons’ it just encourages more people to rage quit.

Team Aggression -
@Staff Ele

Stagnant WvW is killing my Guild.

in WvW

Posted by: Wanderer.3248


Not much I can add to the foregoing and I agree with most of it. Anet has created a game that promotes zerging and rewards it richly. If things continue as they are I see the mists simply being the new Queensdale train.

The game was supposed to be about heroism. Now it’s more like..( deleted )

For the last couple of weeks, some people have been starting to defend and engage in EoTM much more than usual. The keeps are quite often defended, and sometimes the towers are too. Some of this is guild groups, but I have seen a number of pug groups fighting as well.

Not really sure why this is happening now, but it’s more interesting than the karma trains that were dominant a month ago.

Stagnant WvW is killing my Guild.

in WvW

Posted by: X T D.6458

X T D.6458

- Blobbing out of control ruining fights, making wvw a numbers game, and causing massive lag for many players.
- Constant Transfers causing server instability ruining guilds and driving away players.
- Overuse of siege.
- Same old Maps, 3 borderlands and they are all identical…really?
- PPT/Coverage issues cause much distress for servers often causing a need to stack a server, and leading to constant friction and arguements between the ppt vs open field fight crowds, eventually the guilds for hire leave, the server dies, everyones angry and upset, people leave the game.
- Overabuse of stealth, cannot go anywhere w/o running into some troll thief or mesmer.
- Everyone running the same builds, hammer train, condi meta, stealth spam, etc etc.
- Same matchups over and over, same colors make it difficult for people to get their world completion and I am so tired of hearing people compain about it.
- Eotm is not WvW, its a kitten karma/champ farm.
- Seasons are not a content update for WvW, its a wrecking ball for wvw.

Anet change your formula, you already drove tons of players away with the megaserver garbage, stagnant wvw will not keep players in the game, especially for those that only do wvw. I am a pvx player and I have little interest or reason to login aside from checking in on my guild.

Get your act together, guild wars 1 is over nine years old, and anet is made of former blizzard employees, there is no excuse for your constant amateuish mistakes.

I say what needs to be said, get used to it.
Honesty is not insulting, stupidity is.
>Class Balance is a Joke<

(edited by X T D.6458)

Stagnant WvW is killing my Guild.

in WvW

Posted by: slamb.4781


It’s depressing that WvW is in such a sad state

I’m personally sick of the 60 man Spam 1 hammer train meta.
Honestly who finds running around in a 60+ man blob to PVD keeps and towers enjoyable?

Sir Kitty Litter
[QOP] Quaggan Op – Guild Leader

Stagnant WvW is killing my Guild.

in WvW

Posted by: selan.8354


yeah my guild split up to forming a new one ….stale matchup just kills the fun. i havent logged in much for a week now. just log in getting daylies and log out, cause the same matchup over and over with the same guilds u fight over and over the same blobs….also new maps would be important or at least new keeps(keep redesign) and towers…just something.. the bloodlust capping looks nice, but doesnt do it for me and noone is ever there….

Lv 80 glamour Mesmer Triforce Mesmerpower PU mes,Lv 80 power necro
Isle of Kickaspenwood

Stagnant WvW is killing my Guild.

in WvW

Posted by: Aeolus.3615


yeah my guild split up to forming a new one ….stale matchup just kills the fun. i havent logged in much for a week now. just log in getting daylies and log out, cause the same matchup over and over with the same guilds u fight over and over the same blobs….also new maps would be important or at least new keeps(keep redesign) and towers…just something.. the bloodlust capping looks nice, but doesnt do it for me and noone is ever there….

And with that if they want to start recruiting pve players (to discover how wvw can be fun) it is almost impossible due megaconfusionmerge thing that also hurts wvw after all.

+1, i agree 140% that wvw needs to be redesigned.

1st April joke, when gw2 receives a “balance” update.

Stagnant WvW is killing my Guild.

in WvW

Posted by: Merlin Dyfed Avalon.5046

Merlin Dyfed Avalon.5046

This goes for most guilds.

54 infractions and counting because a moderator doesn’t understand a joke when he/she sees it.

Stagnant WvW is killing my Guild.

in WvW

Posted by: therealjaypo.1690


What do people mean WvW will get boring? I dont know about other servers, but mine’s pretty much been having the same fights against the same people over the same objectives on the same maps for… Well, ever.

I used to play from the time I got home until the time I went to bed. I’d lead randomly throughout the week and map pinned resets for at least a year. Lately, I can’t even bring myself to log in for reasons other than shooting the poop with my guildies.

It has nothing to do with skill lag, queues, blobs, crappy frame rates, hackers, or the fact I make more doing an hour of PvE vs a whole night on the borderlands, it’s just gotten boring.

[SG] I’m here because I was in the comic book

Stagnant WvW is killing my Guild.

in WvW

Posted by: SonOfJacob.7396


It’d be cool if people could submit keep designs. Like a contest or something.

Stagnant WvW is killing my Guild.

in WvW

Posted by: Flytrap.8075


Also, where is that new CDI we were promised? Did I miss that? Or are they still busy ignoring all the feedback from the first one?

I love how ANet has received copious amounts of player feedback over the past year, and yet you still have people like Mark saying things like, “The best thing you guys can do is give us feedback and tell us what we can do better”. It’s just utterly insulting at this point.

To me, it’s become quite apparent that the CDI’s are just there for the devs to circlejerk their own ideas around and to give ANet another way to pat themselves on the back; Ready Up sadly serves the exact same purpose.

Fort Aspenwood | [Bags]

Stagnant WvW is killing my Guild.

in WvW

Posted by: Hamster.4861


It’d be cool if people could submit keep designs. Like a contest or something.

Would also be cool if we had a map editor like how starcraft has map editors

Stagnant WvW is killing my Guild.

in WvW

Posted by: Offair.2563


- Blobbing out of control ruining fights, making wvw a numbers game, and causing massive lag for many players.
- Constant Transfers causing server instability ruining guilds and driving away players.
- Overuse of siege.
- Same old Maps, 3 borderlands and they are all identical…really?
- PPT/Coverage issues cause much distress for servers often causing a need to stack a server, and leading to constant friction and arguements between the ppt vs open field fight crowds, eventually the guilds for hire leave, the server dies, everyones angry and upset, people leave the game.
- Overabuse of stealth, cannot go anywhere w/o running into some troll thief or mesmer.
- Everyone running the same builds, hammer train, condi meta, stealth spam, etc etc.
- Same matchups over and over, same colors make it difficult for people to get their world completion and I am so tired of hearing people compain about it.
- Eotm is not WvW, its a kitten karma/champ farm.
- Seasons are not a content update for WvW, its a wrecking ball for wvw.

Anet change your formula, you already drove tons of players away with the megaserver garbage, stagnant wvw will not keep players in the game, especially for those that only do wvw. I am a pvx player and I have little interest or reason to login aside from checking in on my guild.

Get your act together, guild wars 1 is over nine years old, and anet is made of former blizzard employees, there is no excuse for your constant amateuish mistakes.

^this, just this. The only reason anet comes with season is to squeeze some money out of the players since its the gap between LS season crap.

Big Babou, Ranger for life.
Madness Rises [Rise] – Banners Hold.
Don’t argue with idiots, they pull you down their level and own you with experience.

Stagnant WvW is killing my Guild.

in WvW

Posted by: Xillllix.3485


It’d be cool if people could submit keep designs. Like a contest or something.

Would also be cool if we had a map editor like how starcraft has map editors

kitten right. I proposed this like 6 months ago when there was a suggestion forum. People were saying it’s too complicated and people would cheat. Yet, Valve, Epic Megagames, Bethesda, Id Software, Infinity Ward, they can all do it properly…

All they have to do is remove PPT on those maps and have the maps go thought a beta selection process. At some point, once the maps have proven to be glitch-free they could be added to the rotation, with the permission of the map makers.

Seems like the best thing to do when you can’t deliver content fast enough by yourself but want people to keep playing the game.

Stagnant WvW is killing my Guild.

in WvW

Posted by: Hamster.4861


It’d be cool if people could submit keep designs. Like a contest or something.

Would also be cool if we had a map editor like how starcraft has map editors

kitten right. I proposed this like 6 months ago when there was a suggestion forum. People were saying it’s too complicated and people would cheat. Yet, Valve, Epic Megagames, Bethesda, Id Software, Infinity Ward, they can all do it properly…

All they have to do is remove PPT on those maps and have the maps go thought a beta selection process. At some point, once the maps have proven to be glitch-free they could be added to the rotation, with the permission of the map makers.

Seems like the best thing to do when you can’t deliver content fast enough by yourself but want people to keep playing the game.

Community created maps lead to all kinds of different games and styles. Will Anet learn the DOTA lesson?

Stagnant WvW is killing my Guild.

in WvW

Posted by: Deniara Devious.3948

Deniara Devious.3948

- Blobbing out of control ruining fights, making wvw a numbers game, and causing massive lag for many players.
- Constant Transfers causing server instability ruining guilds and driving away players.
- Overuse of siege.
- Same old Maps, 3 borderlands and they are all identical…really?
- PPT/Coverage issues cause much distress for servers often causing a need to stack a server, and leading to constant friction and arguements between the ppt vs open field fight crowds, eventually the guilds for hire leave, the server dies, everyones angry and upset, people leave the game.
- Overabuse of stealth, cannot go anywhere w/o running into some troll thief or mesmer.
- Everyone running the same builds, hammer train, condi meta, stealth spam, etc etc.
- Same matchups over and over, same colors make it difficult for people to get their world completion and I am so tired of hearing people compain about it.
- Eotm is not WvW, its a kitten karma/champ farm.
- Seasons are not a content update for WvW, its a wrecking ball for wvw.

I agree with most of this.

The buffs for siege were unneeded and overpowered siege was one of the reasons why some of the top guilds quit this game.

I disagree that having 3 identical maps on borderlands is a bad idea. Arenanet has limited resources. Designing 3 different maps would require 3 times more resources and would most likely make them heavily imbalanced. Notice how green is much better than blue in EotM. Still not fixed. With all borderlands being different the winner would often be determined by the color.

The maximum duration of stealth should be limited to 8-10 seconds. Revealed should be 4 seconds like in pvp. Thief has pretty much removed all the other roaming berserkers burst builds from the game. Everybody else is running a condi (semi)bunker and many people hate this meta (yes, I know condi P/D is also common build in roaming, but shatter mesmers have become rare). If you run for example a berserker elementalist, you would be insta gibbed by any semi decent thief before even noticing it.

The Guardian Warrior Elementalist Necromancer (GWEN) meta has been the same since Autumn 2012. This is by far the number #1 reason why many people have grown tired of WvWvW. The points don’t matter outside leagues and then it boils down to good fights. But in most cases the group with far larger numbers wins and the fights tend to be very similar as the builds remain more or less the same. I am not advocating to change the meta every month, because that would lead to massive new equipment grind, but Anet should tweak WvWvW meta at least once per 2 months or so. Instead of buffing the most frequent WvWvW professions (warrior and guardian probably make up 50% any zerg), Arenanet should do some tweaks to give the least played professions (ranger and engineer) some major role to fill, besides being jack of all trades and master of none, which won’t work.

The scoring should be adjusted so that it takes the actual wvwvw population (how many players from the server actually fight in wvwvw) into account.

I agree EotM is not WvWvW. It could have been a good trainer mode for WvWvW, but the designers went too extreme with the map design: too much verticality, too many choke points, too long distances to travel (waiting for fights is boring), too powerful NPCs and worst of all: too high rewards, thus the karma train.

Closing down the match up related threads was a really bad decision. Now with the megaserver thing it is even more difficult to maintain a server identity without getting infracted by just telling what happened in a game (which is silly!). Arenanet should do its best to cater communities, not try to destroy them. Player stories are extremely important for the game. On the positive note, this would be one of the easiest things to fix: just revert the decision.

Leagues are not entirely bad idea, in fact they could occur more often like 4 times per year, but they should be much shorter. 9 weeks was way too much and lead to burn out. It would be enough to fight once per each opponent. With 9 servers in a league this would mean 4 weeks.

Deniara / Ayna – I want the original WvWvW maps back – Desolation [EU]

(edited by Deniara Devious.3948)

Stagnant WvW is killing my Guild.

in WvW

Posted by: SkyShroud.2865


well, that’s about it.

I’ll make a couple of points here to hopefully clarify this issue.

1) It takes a very large amount of time and effort to make a new map. It’s definitely more than a 6 month process from start to finish. Especially if we are talking about building a new borderlands taking all the thing we’ve learned since the game came out into account. With that in mind it’s a big task. It took us a little under a year to get EotM built and shipped from conception to release. So that is a more reasonable timeline for a new map.

2) The area we added to Obsidian Sanctum was in progress prior to the incident mentioned above and, while it didn’t take a particularly large amount of time, was still a process of over a month. We don’t release map changes without thorough testing. Keep in mind that was just a small change to an existing map, not a completely new map.

3) We currently, unfortunately, don’t have the ability to rotate maps in and out of the game in the manner discussed above. We have talked about this concept many times and it is something we’d like to be able to do long term, but it is not a small task given the technical structure of our game.

All of those things being true, we absolutely want to make new maps for WvW and when we have them ready to talk about and show off, believe me we will. It’s very important to us that when we do release a new WvW map it is a clear example of what we think the ideal WvW map would be. That means we will test the heck out of it and do everything we can to make sure it is even more awesome than the current maps. I realize this isn’t a timeline or an answer to where are more maps, but it’s as much as we can give you right now and it hopefully gives some insight to the size of the task. As I said, as soon as we have more to talk about or show, you will hear it.

I can appreciate that many people don’t like EotM, but don’t conflate a lack of updates that you personally like with a lack of updates. WvW has added a great deal of content and rewards over just the last calendar year.

Hopefully you will find more you like in future updates and we’ll continue to add to the game.

Founder & Leader of Equinox Solstice [TIME], a Singapore-Based International Guild
Henge of Denravi Server

(edited by SkyShroud.2865)