Before I begin my story I would like to make a few things clear:
a) I’ve been the leader of this small organised group for a year now.
b) I’ve been a commander for far longer than that.
c) We are purely WvW orientated as we enjoy good solid fights.
A year ago our guild was born under a different name on a t3 server, the idea was to build a community that was more than just game friends, a group of people you can rely on in both ingame and reallife and we succeeded, great friendships were forged and we are meeting in reallife soon.
Everything seemed to be going great, we had a lot of pleasure raiding daily in WvW and had great expectations of what was to come. Afterall, they build this great gamemode as foundation, we were convinced we would see even more amazing updates as time would go on.
I alone would spend 20g+ per day to upgrade, siege up and defend towers and keeps all days to increase our PPT since we fought servers that greatly outmanned us for a few months straight. Together with the rest of the spendings within my guild we easily hit 50g+ per day and it was a blast, we had a solid PPT, the fights were good (even though we lost most because they brought triple our numbers) and everything was great.
Then both Season 1 and Edge of the Mists hit us. We were excited about both till we had a chance to play them, we ended up severely disappointed because of a few very simple reasons:
a) The tournament promoted server stacking and coverage entirely.
b) The tournament had no actual reward attached to it so we had to endure hell for 7 weeks for pretty much no reason.
c) Edge of the Mists is a PvE karma train.
After these two disasters hit us, nothing of significanse was announced or released for months. As months passed by we kept transfering around trying to find the fights we desired but to no avail, till this day we didn’t find any new solid experience anywhere.
Although there were some improvements to WvW in the past 1.5 years, nothing actual new was added for the veteran players (I don’t call a new carrot on a stick called ranks content) Where is the new upgrades/siege/traps/structures/maps? For that matter, why is the same meta still active? We use 4 out of 8 classes only as the rest is so useless compared to what these 4 bring to the table. Why hasn’t there been a change in the WvW meta at all?
Season 2 hit us recently and it was another trainwreck, either it was a blowout or getting abused for a week, we just gave up half way and went to mess around in PvE. A guild specifically made and trained for WvW decided to go PvE …
Due to lack of changes in WvW we are losing motivation at an alarming rate, we no longer upgrade or defend (Why would we? Retaking it yields more rewards and doesn’t cost us an arm and a leg after all the gold nerfs). We no longer raid daily as we cannot fight unique and interesting fights anymore, the meta got so stale even all random players picked up on every tactic and the outcome of every fight is now so predictable it’s laughable. There is no more excitement for the future as we don’t hear a word anymore and going by what I read the past weeks, there isn’t even anything worth mentioning being developed right now …
Most of my guild will survive, but not in this game. Most of my members are getting so bored we are searching for a new game and those who do not want to start another MMO anymore after the disappointments here, are quitting entirely. I can understand why they are giving up, they invested hundreds to thousands of hours only to see it being wasted by no noteworthy development whatsoever.
For the love of WvW, do something to salvage this trainwreck.
(edited by Xuro.5861)