Why do wvw guilds hate rangers?

Why do wvw guilds hate rangers?

in WvW

Posted by: SkylightMoon.1980


In excess they are pretty annoying, but having 1 or 2 running with you can be extremely useful. They can cleave pretty heavily with the greatsword or keep up pulsing cripple with spike trap, muddy ground, or barrage. Not to mention the immobilize on entangle and muddy ground is probably the most annoying situation to be stuck at in game, since they pulse.

Why do wvw guilds hate rangers?

in WvW

Posted by: LotuS.4378


In excess they are pretty annoying, but having 1 or 2 running with you can be extremely useful. They can cleave pretty heavily with the greatsword or keep up pulsing cripple with spike trap, muddy ground, or barrage. Not to mention the immobilize on entangle and muddy ground is probably the most annoying situation to be stuck at in game, since they pulse.

well, no.

ranger sucks

[INC] Incendies

Why do wvw guilds hate rangers?

in WvW

Posted by: Muramasa.6487


Rangers are great to have in roaming groups. And nice for defending small objectives. You can hold a camp for a long time with a ranger and a few other ppl.

Why do wvw guilds hate rangers?

in WvW

Posted by: ParaldaWind.4523


This thread again? It’s been explained a million times. Anything a ranger can do another class can do better.

No tears, only dreams
Maguuma – youtube.com/pyrogw2

Why do wvw guilds hate rangers?

in WvW

Posted by: mistsim.2748


Anything a ranger can do another class can do better.

yes. this is a very important topic because an entire profession is MISSING from wvw. i dont understand why theyre not taking this seriously. allow me to address this issue as someone with over 1k hours on retired ranger, who plays other professions currently.

people love killing and hating rangers because they are the trolls of GW2. not sure if anyone remembers Retribution paladins or hunters from vanilla WoW, they were KOS for most people just like rangers are. there are several reasons for this attitude toward rangers:

- by far attract the worst players in the game, and have low skill cap
- hard countered by immobilize and virtually no reliable condi cleanse
- people cant stand rangers pew pew’ing with bows from 1200, it kittenes everyone off
- pets lack AI, which feeds into the “rere” image
- petting zoo is seen as zero skill cap, monitor crowding spec
- rangers dont do enough AOE damage, dont have enough survivability and dont have enough utility (***this is probably the main reason rangers are banned from most serious WvW guilds)

how we can change this attitude:

- keep petitioning devs to buff the profession in WvW, keep asking for pet mechanic revamp, keep asking for trait cleanup.
- run solid builds and pets to contribute something useful, like canines, high survivability immobs, or condi regen in small scale; use healing spring appropriately and ask people to blast it. change people’s attitudes by playing the best you can play.

Rangers are great to have in roaming groups. And nice for defending small objectives. You can hold a camp for a long time with a ranger and a few other ppl.

ranger is one of the worst roaming professions. mobility is good, but you have no real escapes (blinks, target drops), no instant stability skills like SYG or stances, little utility for your group, not enough damage, and NO RELIABLE CONDI CLEANSING, making immob a hard counter and ranger’s worst nightmare.

the serious issue of group utility: rangers reliably give only the worst boons to the group (regen, swiftness and fury, which eles, guards and warriors kitten out constantly). rangers do bring the best aoe immobs in the game, second best water field, and have decent survivability is specced right. thats about it folks.

the serious issue of profession mechanic: pets melt instantly in serious wvw engagements, and F2’s while useful have long cast times, which is why they only work on afk people and other PVE mobs.

the serious issue of worst aoe damage in the game: aoe is bread and butter of WvW and ranger has only ONE viable aoe ability (Path of Scars, because it’s instant, long range and low CD), and ONE unreliably aoe ability (Barrage due to its long cast time). traps, torch, GS cleave, Whirling Defense are bad bad bad bad.

i would LOVE it if Karl, JP, or Devon would comment a little on their perception of the ranger in WvW and future plans to make the profession usable in this game mode.

(edited by mistsim.2748)

Why do wvw guilds hate rangers?

in WvW

Posted by: Radian.2478


Not only do wvw guilds hate rangers, most commanders and wvw players don’t like them either. Some people who only play ranger may disagree but that’s only because of having a bias of being on that profession. There’s a reason that my ranger was my last of 8 characters (each a different profession) to level to 80 and as I leveled it in wvw, my thoughts of the profession never improved. It just doesn’t really have anything it does all that much better than any other profession.

Warrior-extremely fast, can solo supply camp in 7 seconds, insane survivability
Guardian-great team support
Mesmer-can pull off walls, port golems, timewarp golems
Elementalist-good AoE damage and support, terrific for killing arrow carts
Necromancer-great CC with Plague, death shroud skill 4 to AoE arrow carts, good AoE
Thief-good solo roaming, can stealth kill dolyaks, fast moving
Engineer-1500 range grenades good for hard to reach places, terrific condition damage, supply crate good for defending
Ranger-can’t do anything

Ranger has healing spring but it’s not better support than Guardian or Ele. It has barrage but it’s aoe is no where near as good as Ele or Necro or even a SB Thief. It’s kinda decent 1v1 but PU mesmer would still be better. It’s survivability isn’t great either.

Why do wvw guilds hate rangers?

in WvW

Posted by: Zenith.6403


It’s been explained a million times. Anything a ranger can do another class can do better.

- Do tell me what other class can comfortably go full offensive stats on gear and deliver damage spikes from 1500 range.

Why do wvw guilds hate rangers?

in WvW

Posted by: MiLkZz.4789


It’s been explained a million times. Anything a ranger can do another class can do better.

- Do tell me what other class can comfortably go full offensive stats on gear and deliver damage spikes from 1500 range.

1. You call that damage spikes?
2. 1500 range ain’t that much, get close and that ranger is dead and it really ain’t hard to get close. But it is funny to see zerker rangers panick whne you hit them with 4k AA.

Warrior of [VcY], guild from Seafarer’s Rest
First troll to receive 10/10
Best golem driver EU

Why do wvw guilds hate rangers?

in WvW

Posted by: Zenith.6403


1. About 4-6 hits to down a typical target is damage spike in my book.
2. If the Ranger player knows his profession he won’t be in range to get killed.

1500 range is the highest available and arrows can hit even beyond that. Compare f.ex mesmer greatsword autoattacks. The beam stops at 1200 range but ranger’s arrows go beyond.

(edited by Zenith.6403)

Why do wvw guilds hate rangers?

in WvW

Posted by: Zenith.6403


So about that damage spike. I just checked the wiki. Warrior greatsword chain lasts 2.4 seconds and the attack coefficients are (0.7+0.7+0.9) / 2.4 = 0.96
Long range shot’s coefficient is 0.9 and attack speed 1.0
Greatsword gives vulnerability and cleaves, but I guess that’s the compensation for being in melee range. Still it’s nowhere far above “useless” rangers as many of these posts suggest.

Why do wvw guilds hate rangers?

in WvW

Posted by: Mighty Assasin.3816

Mighty Assasin.3816

Rangers bring very little to the table, are they completely useless? No, but they aren’t strong enough in comparison to what other classes bring.

Warrior greatsword chain lasts 2.4 seconds and the attack coefficients are (0.7+0.7+0.9) / 2.4 = 0.96
Long range shot’s coefficient is 0.9 and attack speed 1.0

Warriors hit more then 1 target argument invalid.

The Prestige [pTg]

Why do wvw guilds hate rangers?

in WvW

Posted by: MiLkZz.4789


So about that damage spike. I just checked the wiki. Warrior greatsword chain lasts 2.4 seconds and the attack coefficients are (0.7+0.7+0.9) / 2.4 = 0.96
Long range shot’s coefficient is 0.9 and attack speed 1.0
Greatsword gives vulnerability and cleaves, but I guess that’s the compensation for being in melee range. Still it’s nowhere far above “useless” rangers as many of these posts suggest.

Warrior has a lot more dmg spike than rangers, being in 100b, rush, whirlewind, eviscerate, backbreaker, killshot, arcing arrow, final trust. Combo these skills and you’ll see spike. Doing some autoattacks ain’t spike damage.

Warrior of [VcY], guild from Seafarer’s Rest
First troll to receive 10/10
Best golem driver EU

Why do wvw guilds hate rangers?

in WvW

Posted by: SkylightMoon.1980


This thread again? It’s been explained a million times. Anything a ranger can do another class can do better.

Really? No other class has utilities as deadly as rangers trap, that pulse immobilize.
I think the funniest comment I saw here was by Radian who called rangers useless but then said mesmers are useful because they can pull things off walls. Thats not being useful at all. Mesmers are useful because of their timewarp, nullfield, veil, and thats about it. Most the damage from a mesmer comes from his bouncing greatsword and phantasm. 2 skills. You could easily say rangers are equally as useful because of their traps. Thats literally what a lot of classes are in wvw skill groups, just utilities. The mesmer is a perfect example of that. Rangers do have pretty poor aoes though, almost none. For constant aoe they can throw their axe which can bounce for about 1600 through a group is you spec him right for good damage.

(edited by SkylightMoon.1980)

Why do wvw guilds hate rangers?

in WvW

Posted by: LetoII.3782


Personally, I love rangers in WvW.
That heal my thieves steal from them before 2 shotting is wonderful

Why do wvw guilds hate rangers?

in WvW

Posted by: Radian.2478


I only see people supporting another Ranger I saw by the name of Max Range Leecher. Plus you can’t look at one 25 second recharge skill (when traited) to say the profession is good. As for the comment for mesmer pulls not being useful…they can pull people off siege and if your group has CC then it’s even better because you can kill people you pull that way, including commanders because yes there’s a lot of commanders that are that bad.

If you are just going to max range enemies to avoid being hit, you have to be doing something else to make up for it and I don’t think the damage ranger does is enough to be useful. And to the same guy that laughed at my comments, rangers do have a piercing trait….I’ve been using it on my ranger ever since I unlocked it.

Why do wvw guilds hate rangers?

in WvW

Posted by: SkylightMoon.1980


I only see people supporting another Ranger I saw by the name of Max Range Leecher. Plus you can’t look at one 25 second recharge skill (when traited) to say the profession is good. As for the comment for mesmer pulls not being useful…they can pull people off siege and if your group has CC then it’s even better because you can kill people you pull that way, including commanders because yes there’s a lot of commanders that are that bad.

If you are just going to max range enemies to avoid being hit, you have to be doing something else to make up for it and I don’t think the damage ranger does is enough to be useful. And to the same guy that laughed at my comments, rangers do have a piercing trait….I’ve been using it on my ranger ever since I unlocked it.

Thats one pull though. Rangers can spec for survival and traps so they have 2 cripple/immobilize utilities every 20 seconds. You cant call mesmers “useful” just because of their pulls though. Thats pretty low standards lol. Guardians have pulls? So does that make mesmers useless? No. But based on the reasons why you called them useful it does.

Why do wvw guilds hate rangers?

in WvW

Posted by: Ragnar.4257


How many times does it need to be said?







Why do wvw guilds hate rangers?

in WvW

Posted by: Bertrand.3057


This thread again? It’s been explained a million times. Anything a ranger can do another class can do better.

Really? No other class has utilities as deadly as rangers trap, that pulse immobilize.
I think the funniest comment I saw here was by Radian who called rangers useless but then said mesmers are useful because they can pull things off walls. Thats not being useful at all. Mesmers are useful because of their timewarp, nullfield, veil, and thats about it. Most the damage from a mesmer comes from his bouncing greatsword and phantasm. 2 skills. You could easily say rangers are equally as useful because of their traps. Thats literally what a lot of classes are in wvw skill groups, just utilities. The mesmer is a perfect example of that. Rangers do have pretty poor aoes though, almost none. For constant aoe they can throw their axe which can bounce for about 1600 through a group is you spec him right for good damage.

It doesn’t do much service to rangers to say they’re just about on par with mesmers because mesmers are nearly useless in a large group spec. The reason you do see (1 or 2) mesmers is because there is no substitution for their two group utilities. The ranger group utilities really aren’t a comparison, the entangle is not effective in a large fight due to the fact that it’s destructible and has a target limit, and the water fields aren’t unique. But a thief running venom share could arguably do more harm than a ranger running entangle.

As for rangers playing a damage role, the fact that the “spike” depends on a projectile attack that can be blocked or reflected by a dozen utilities is reason enough to write it off.

Talleyrand, Captain and Commander of the Bloody Pirates
Asura on patrol in defense of Gandara and Bessie!
Administrator of http://thisisgandara.com

Why do wvw guilds hate rangers?

in WvW

Posted by: spanky.4630


no bad classes only bad players . I`d rather run with a skilled ranger than a bad anything else . And if you are talking about the zerg i see so many upleveled classes running that deserve to be destroyed

Monkeyspanks – [IRON]


(edited by spanky.4630)

Why do wvw guilds hate rangers?

in WvW

Posted by: Tongku.5326


If anyone insists that rangers are good in high end of WvW I have a challenge for them as follows:

Make 2 20 man teams

Team 1:
5 warriors, 5 guards
10 more of any mix of the following classes: Warrior, Guard, Ele, Necro

Team 2:
20 Rangers

The challenge is to have the 2 teams fight in open field combat at least 10 rounds, preferrably more, not necessarily on the same day. Breaks for switching traits, gear, utility skills etc. must be allowed every round.

Record videos of these battles, watch them. You will understand why rangers are left behind when recruiting for serious WvW.

Heavy Deedz – COSA – SF

Why do wvw guilds hate rangers?

in WvW

Posted by: Sanduskel.1850


Lol, rangers either have to bunker spec to survive my thief, and thus they can never kill me. If they spec dps, I can two shot them. Let’s not even discuss their laughably broken pets. ANET basically admitted that they cannot fix pets since pet moves are tied to the coding of all mob moves, lol.

OP’d thief, lol

Why do wvw guilds hate rangers?

in WvW

Posted by: VaticanIscariot.1732


Having range is useless if you can’t keep the enemy away. You shoot 2-3 shots and the bad guy will be in your face. The ranger’s melee weapon (I consider it a secondary) is no match against a lot of the other melee classes.

You would have to spec to have a few immobilization skills, but those only allow you to get an extra 1, maybe 2 hits before the bad guy comes at you again or breaks immobilization.

I play as a ranger. In small roaming groups, I rely on my teammates to keep bad guys away from me, and that is pretty bad. In zergs, I just pop an arrow barrage and use lightning dash to GTFO… then try to target soft targets like necros and ele (and strangely, some guardians)…. then pop arrow barrage and repeat. Pop an occasional healing spring.

Or I try to pew pew from the walls..

Honestly, it is a low skill class for the average player (thats me)… and you have to work extra hard to even be as good as the higher tier classes.

Why do wvw guilds hate rangers?

in WvW

Posted by: Draygo.9473


If anyone insists that rangers are good in high end of WvW I have a challenge for them as follows:

Make 2 20 man teams

Team 1:
5 warriors, 5 guards
10 more of any mix of the following classes: Warrior, Guard, Ele, Necro

Team 2:
20 Rangers

The challenge is to have the 2 teams fight in open field combat at least 10 rounds, preferrably more, not necessarily on the same day. Breaks for switching traits, gear, utility skills etc. must be allowed every round.

Record videos of these battles, watch them. You will understand why rangers are left behind when recruiting for serious WvW.

This is pretty dumb… Even if rangers were balanced the mixed team is going to be able to handle a larger variety of situations. If 20 rangers could beat 20 mixed classes then rangers would be OP as hell and need to be nerfed.

Rangers do have useful things they bring to the zerg, the problem is other classes do it better. Why have a ranger for water fields when you can have an ele, who can also drop ranged stuns. They don’t have a strong useful niche for zerg combat.

Rangers are great to have in small group combat though, just not zerg combat.

Apathy Inc [Ai]

Why do wvw guilds hate rangers?

in WvW

Posted by: SkylightMoon.1980


If anyone insists that rangers are good in high end of WvW I have a challenge for them as follows:

Make 2 20 man teams

Team 1:
5 warriors, 5 guards
10 more of any mix of the following classes: Warrior, Guard, Ele, Necro

Team 2:
20 Rangers

The challenge is to have the 2 teams fight in open field combat at least 10 rounds, preferrably more, not necessarily on the same day. Breaks for switching traits, gear, utility skills etc. must be allowed every round.

Record videos of these battles, watch them. You will understand why rangers are left behind when recruiting for serious WvW.

The funny thing is one of the T1 servers made a ranger zerg when the fought Agg’s notorious melee train and wiped them over and over and over again.

Why do wvw guilds hate rangers?

in WvW

Posted by: SkylightMoon.1980


How many times does it need to be said?






So? Necro’s dont have a ton of aoe? The best aoe they have are wells which have a super long cooldown, and are hard to land. You’re lucky if a melee train sits in them for 3 seconds. Marks are not meant for damage but for utilities, chill, fear, transfer conditions. Again, a lot of their good damage comes from lifeblasting which is single target but also piercing.

Why do wvw guilds hate rangers?

in WvW

Posted by: selan.8354


How many times does it need to be said?






rangers do have very little access to viable aoe. add ai to it and u have a useless class for a hardcore wvw guild. the only reason why mes is not in the same spot is because of veil,tw and portal. ai is terrible in wvw. and the spvp ranger will prevent the wvw rangers from getting buffs in that area. mes is in the same boat there.

if anet would split wvw and spvp balance again, i think classes could finally get balanced properly in this gamemode

Lv 80 glamour Mesmer Triforce Mesmerpower PU mes,Lv 80 power necro
Isle of Kickaspenwood

Why do wvw guilds hate rangers?

in WvW

Posted by: mistsim.2748


gs shatter mesmers can run all their amazing utilities and still hit hard while having better survivability than a ranger. so no, mes is not in same boat.

Why do wvw guilds hate rangers?

in WvW

Posted by: McWolfy.5924


i played 1year+ with my ranger only. i tried every gear and build. once i was fed up with the ranger hate and rerolled to a warrior. and know what happened? never changed back. now i have guardian, warrior, necro and all of them have more heal, cc, dmg, aoe and team support, survivibility without traits as my ranger have with full traits. my ranger was lvl270 after a year. my warrior made that under the first leage.
my warrior deals 3-4k dmg on zerkers with a dodge roll and its aoe! guardian… dodge, staff1, press buttons and collect loot bags. necro? i leveled my necro with books so i never played with it prevously. i didnt known how it is work or what am i need to do, just bought an armor, trinkets and staff for badges. you know what happened? i pressed buttons and targeted the middle of the enemy. i never seen that much numbers flying. necro is a half warrior, half guardian, half ele. the ranger? i 1/10 thief, 2/10 engi, 1/10 ele and 2/10 warrior.

Just the WvW

Why do wvw guilds hate rangers?

in WvW

Posted by: FrouFrou.4958


Because of bowbears. That is all.

Froudactyl // Herp Derp Druid // Judge Legends [JDGE] // Seafarer’s Rest

Why do wvw guilds hate rangers?

in WvW

Posted by: Haralin.1473


No leather wearing class is wanted in a zerg fight no zerg wants engis, rangers or thiefs in it zerg.

These classes are good at roaming or 5vs5 but not in zerg fights. Play a warrior and look how easy it is to survive in a zerg compared to the 3 leather classes and do also good damage or cc. I have a engi and a warrior in zerg warrior is way better than the engi.

Haralin Engineer

Why do wvw guilds hate rangers?

in WvW

Posted by: Zweet.5138


No leather wearing class is wanted in a zerg fight no zerg wants engis, rangers or thiefs in it zerg.

These classes are good at roaming or 5vs5 but not in zerg fights. Play a warrior and look how easy it is to survive in a zerg compared to the 3 leather classes and do also good damage or cc. I have a engi and a warrior in zerg warrior is way better than the engi.

Engi’s are hard to play; but once mastered an engi can be a pain in the kitten , and a great help to your team.

Why do wvw guilds hate rangers?

in WvW

Posted by: Coarr.3286


i do great with my ranger + 4 guild mates vs zergs ( 20+ ) dont see any problems.

[care] Coarr Ix – Ranger
Stomp some Piken!

Why do wvw guilds hate rangers?

in WvW

Posted by: CrimsonNeonite.1048


Most of our rangers rerolled to heavies, true story.
And I disagree about thieves and engis, they are not useless in an organized guild group, they have their own specific uses especially if the players are skilled; same with skilled Rangers.
Other classes are better at doing specialized things as mentioned – it’s the way the game has been balanced for, which safe to say the classes haven’t been balanced for the game-mode in mind and neither is there as as much Build Diversity as the game could have.

Plays completely opposite professions to his main Teef.

(edited by CrimsonNeonite.1048)

Why do wvw guilds hate rangers?

in WvW

Posted by: spanky.4630


I like to bring my ranger to wvw to kill the hordes really bad players running in huge blobs. As for what i bring to my guild . max mastery everything eg 20 supply etc i scout ahead for looking for the blob . I surf the zerg picking off ranged finishing the downed etc.
on a personal note i play ranger because it is not a face-palm profession and it takes a bit of skill to survive in wvw as a ranger rather than the one button mashers of the zerg also it kittenes my guild leader off so much

Monkeyspanks – [IRON]


Why do wvw guilds hate rangers?

in WvW

Posted by: Julie Yann.5379

Julie Yann.5379

lol, another WvW ranger thread.

Be careful what you wish for, Anet might just give it to you “HoT”
“…let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we shall die;.”

Why do wvw guilds hate rangers?

in WvW

Posted by: K U T M.4539

K U T M.4539

It’s been explained a million times. Anything a ranger can do another class can do better.

- Do tell me what other class can comfortably go full offensive stats on gear and deliver damage spikes from 1500 range.

Engi says hello. Also aoe<3

Basic [BS] NSP/Mag

Why do wvw guilds hate rangers?

in WvW

Posted by: Seuche.4809


i do great with my ranger + 4 guild mates vs zergs ( 20+ ) dont see any problems.

Hahahhahaha of course xD

Bloody Baal – Disturbed Squad [DISS]
WvW Rank 3000+

Why do wvw guilds hate rangers?

in WvW

Posted by: Eir Jordan.2156

Eir Jordan.2156

i do great with my ranger + 4 guild mates vs zergs ( 20+ ) dont see any problems.

Do you have any videos of those fights? Surely they would put these threads to rest in a flash…

Why do wvw guilds hate rangers?

in WvW

Posted by: Offair.2563


People should stop smacktalking bout rangers and also stop underestimate them, ofc anything a ranger can, another class can do better but theyre awesome in roaming in small groups, zerg fights they can do pretty nice aswell picking off stragglers

Big Babou, Ranger for life.
Madness Rises [Rise] – Banners Hold.
Don’t argue with idiots, they pull you down their level and own you with experience.

Why do wvw guilds hate rangers?

in WvW

Posted by: Dabrixmgp.4758


rangers also seem to be the #1 hated class in the PvE threads as well. Why not just remove them from the game?

Why do wvw guilds hate rangers?

in WvW

Posted by: Prysin.8542


Lol, rangers either have to bunker spec to survive my thief, and thus they can never kill me. If they spec dps, I can two shot them. Let’s not even discuss their laughably broken pets. ANET basically admitted that they cannot fix pets since pet moves are tied to the coding of all mob moves, lol.

Whenever i spec DPS, i kill thieves before they even get in melee range :O
7k LB shot to the face, gotta love to see them run.

Lv 80 Guard, Ranger, Ele, Thief, warr, engi
Currently @ some T1 server in EU

Why do wvw guilds hate rangers?

in WvW

Posted by: Khanswrath.1032


Lol, rangers either have to bunker spec to survive my thief, and thus they can never kill me. If they spec dps, I can two shot them. Let’s not even discuss their laughably broken pets. ANET basically admitted that they cannot fix pets since pet moves are tied to the coding of all mob moves, lol.

Whenever i spec DPS, i kill thieves before they even get in melee range :O
7k LB shot to the face, gotta love to see them run.

Lies all thieves are stealth spammers hence you’ll never see one let alone kill them.

Khanswrath-80 Thief [ODN]
“Do not argue with an idiot.
He will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience. "

Why do wvw guilds hate rangers?

in WvW

Posted by: Naevius.3185


My second level 80 was a ranger; my main in GW1 was a ranger… but I have to admit, rangers are bad in WvW.

Rangers need to be given the firepower of arrow carts…

Why do wvw guilds hate rangers?

in WvW

Posted by: Prysin.8542


Lol, rangers either have to bunker spec to survive my thief, and thus they can never kill me. If they spec dps, I can two shot them. Let’s not even discuss their laughably broken pets. ANET basically admitted that they cannot fix pets since pet moves are tied to the coding of all mob moves, lol.

Whenever i spec DPS, i kill thieves before they even get in melee range :O
7k LB shot to the face, gotta love to see them run.

Lies all thieves are stealth spammers hence you’ll never see one let alone kill them.

I can’t see them, i smell their trollish aura from miles away and just shoot in their general direction, just to see them pop SR and never return

Lv 80 Guard, Ranger, Ele, Thief, warr, engi
Currently @ some T1 server in EU

Why do wvw guilds hate rangers?

in WvW

Posted by: SpellOfIniquity.1780


Rangers are hated for two main reasons:
They draw the worst community of players
and because they have drawn the worst community from day one, people have become used to this assumption therefore if you’re a Ranger you’re automatically bad/useless even if that’s not always the case (although 99% of the time it is.)

I disagree completely that anything the Ranger can do another profession can do better. Although yes, Rangers are lacking in some key areas, that doesn’t make them useless it just means the player behind them has to learn not to neglect the weaknesses and to overcome them.
I have fought many people on my Ranger 1v1 as well as 1v2 and come out the victor. Although it can be a struggle where as on a Warrior or Thief it might not, that doesn’t mean the victory was in vain. I didn’t spam a single attack (Earthshaker/Heartseeker) and I didn’t either facetank everything or spend 90% of my time in stealth where I’m virtually (let me stress virtually for those who play Thief and will freak out to defend this) invincible because all they need to do is side-step attacks and their opponents would be none the wiser.
As a Ranger you need to be constantly aware of your position. And it should be the main thing on your mind when in combat.
If you’re not paying attention to where you’re standing you’re going to get facerolled. And this is why so many Rangers get spiked within 5 seconds of combat. When in ZvZ, duels or roaming, or what ever form of battle I’m in as I enjoy all roles in WvW, I’m always thinking about where I’m standing or where the best place to stand would be. They should be treated like a sniper not a heavy machine-gunner. If I get on a nice hill when zergs clash I can pick people off all day long. Just yesterday in blue keep I was standing on the dome above lord and with max range when the other server broke through I sat up there just watching bags pile around my feet. 3.5k + at make range with Long Range Shot on a squishy enemy… Lol. One Rapid Fire with every arrow hitting, which uninturruped from a good position isn’t hard to pull off, can take half someones health bar out easily.

Ranger’s aren’t useless… If you’re going to war you’re going to want one or two snipers with you to pick off the stragglers. The people behind the Rangers are the useless ones… They’re the ones standing with people 5 feet infront of them and they’re not even looking down their scope.

So although yes; they are lacking in certain areas.
Yes if there are too many in a group they will become more of a burden than a help.
And yes the majority of them are bad players. -
It doesn’t mean they’re all useless it just means you need to try a bit harder to recognize which ones are using the profession properly.

And for the record, if what a Ranger can do any other profession can do better… I feel sorry for all the Longbow Warriors I’ve killed pretending to be a Ranger.

Necromancer, Ranger, Warrior, Engineer
Champion: Phantom, Hunter, Legionnaire, Genius
WvW rank: Diamond Colonel | Maguuma

Why do wvw guilds hate rangers?

in WvW

Posted by: Aeonblade.8709


rangers also seem to be the #1 hated class in the PvE threads as well. Why not just remove them from the game?

Every MMO has to have “that” useless class that everyone hates. Unfortunately, it’s rangers in GW2

Anarai Aeonblade [GASM] – Guardian – DB
RIP my fair Engi and Ranger, you will be missed.

Why do wvw guilds hate rangers?

in WvW

Posted by: Kaiser.9873


Personally I would like to see a total revamp of Rangers. Take the pets away, buff the Ranger itself, and make them more of an Archer or Skirmisher type. That would eliminate much of the complaint about pet AI, and allow Rangers to build themselves to be more useful.

Why do wvw guilds hate rangers?

in WvW

Posted by: Nuzt.7894


It is like so many have already said, anything they can do another class can do better. Their pets are crap and have far to much of a role with the class whether you spec for pets or not. They have lack luster utility, spirits die in seconds in a large fight, they have RaO for their stability which means you can’t use entangle. They need more group utility thats the bottom line.

For those of you Rangers saying things like “but they are on par with X” think before you post, your telling Anet you don’t need a fix because your fine, you should be yelling and screaming how every class is superior to you.

Lastly don’t ask a question you don’t want to hear the answer to, if your just going to argue about the answers then the question was pointless.

Why do wvw guilds hate rangers?

in WvW

Posted by: Straegen.2938


Just some of the Ranger hate reasons

  • They have very limited and difficult to control condition removal
  • They have no decent stability aside from an elite that is painfully obvious
  • Their best escape is complicated and marginal
  • They continue to believe Entangle is awesome despite the fact that any condition cleanse gets rid of it
  • To achieve moderate spike damage they have to surrender all survivability
  • Bunker/Condi builds cannot kill any skilled player without a ton of effort and zero mistakes
  • Their pets steal boons
  • Melee players cannot stand LB Rangers because apparently none of them know when to NOT use knockback
  • Pets cannot dodge AoE so they get blown up quick in skirmish or larger fights
  • Pets are generally considered enemy cloaking devices by thieves
  • They have a water field which is pretty much where their group utility begins and ends
  • Their pets give away their location most of the time

Ultimately rangers are just meh when played well and a disaster with anything less than excellent player skill.

Sarcasm For Hire [SFH]
“Youre lips are movin and youre complaining about something thats wingeing.”

Why do wvw guilds hate rangers?

in WvW

Posted by: SkylightMoon.1980


Rangers are hated for two main reasons:
They draw the worst community of players
and because they have drawn the worst community from day one, people have become used to this assumption therefore if you’re a Ranger you’re automatically bad/useless even if that’s not always the case (although 99% of the time it is.)

I disagree completely that anything the Ranger can do another profession can do better. Although yes, Rangers are lacking in some key areas, that doesn’t make them useless it just means the player behind them has to learn not to neglect the weaknesses and to overcome them.
I have fought many people on my Ranger 1v1 as well as 1v2 and come out the victor. Although it can be a struggle where as on a Warrior or Thief it might not, that doesn’t mean the victory was in vain. I didn’t spam a single attack (Earthshaker/Heartseeker) and I didn’t either facetank everything or spend 90% of my time in stealth where I’m virtually (let me stress virtually for those who play Thief and will freak out to defend this) invincible because all they need to do is side-step attacks and their opponents would be none the wiser.
As a Ranger you need to be constantly aware of your position. And it should be the main thing on your mind when in combat.
If you’re not paying attention to where you’re standing you’re going to get facerolled. And this is why so many Rangers get spiked within 5 seconds of combat. When in ZvZ, duels or roaming, or what ever form of battle I’m in as I enjoy all roles in WvW, I’m always thinking about where I’m standing or where the best place to stand would be. They should be treated like a sniper not a heavy machine-gunner. If I get on a nice hill when zergs clash I can pick people off all day long. Just yesterday in blue keep I was standing on the dome above lord and with max range when the other server broke through I sat up there just watching bags pile around my feet. 3.5k + at make range with Long Range Shot on a squishy enemy… Lol. One Rapid Fire with every arrow hitting, which uninturruped from a good position isn’t hard to pull off, can take half someones health bar out easily.

Ranger’s aren’t useless… If you’re going to war you’re going to want one or two snipers with you to pick off the stragglers. The people behind the Rangers are the useless ones… They’re the ones standing with people 5 feet infront of them and they’re not even looking down their scope.

So although yes; they are lacking in certain areas.
Yes if there are too many in a group they will become more of a burden than a help.
And yes the majority of them are bad players. -
It doesn’t mean they’re all useless it just means you need to try a bit harder to recognize which ones are using the profession properly.

And for the record, if what a Ranger can do any other profession can do better… I feel sorry for all the Longbow Warriors I’ve killed pretending to be a Ranger.

The first part is especially true. A lot of wvw people have been told that rangers are poo, as pve people say, and if you keep repeating it enough everyone else seems to believe it too. Its funny how ive seen some prestigious guilds on here still make somewhat ignorant comments about the status of rangers. Theyve just been used to the meta of not using rangers, and won’t change.