WvW Lag March 2015
skill lag in general when two, or more, larger zergs collide. Really not very enjoyable
So you raised the cap without adding a fix. That’s depressing. To me it seems like you just banging your head against the wall. I don’t get why you would raise the cap when it already is laggy (at least you should know).
To be fair, they made a patch and raising the cap was to see if the patch solved some of the problems (or so I guess).
They patched the game being laggy when the map was open for a while – but I guess most of us had troubles no matter how long we’ve been on the same map. And I found that the lags get worse when I’m roaming – being in a zerg somehow works but there’s so much AoE and stuff flying around that I probably don’t notice.
To be fair they should do a stress test before they release changes. The patch were just to fix problems that were introduced to the game in march, not the core issue of lag.
Server sided lag happens when big battles occurs, either you are roaming or zerging you will be effected by it.
(edited by Timelord.8190)
Horrible skill lag since cap was raised….now instead of lag happening only in three ways, two large enough blobs close together will make the game unplayable with at least 2s skill delay. Reset yesterday between Gandara/FSP/Piken was nothing but a three hour lag fest.
Please lower the cap again.
I’ve got the worst skill lag since months in fights. It’s absolutely unplayable on EB (dunno about other maps) in our Piken matchups this week as well as last week after the update.
Also having 10 players more on tag makes full zone blobs even worse and more annoying to fight, even if there would be no lag.
Queues weren’t that bad anyways lately, cause it’s summer and not that many people are playing so decreasing the cap again wouldn’t be that much of a problem for ~90% of all servers.
Everytime I log onto a BorderLand and there’s some zerg fights going on, I get like 2second skill delay, along with some rubberbanding. I log on, check for lag, log out.
EB’s the worst though.
To be fair they should do a stress test before they release changes. The patch were just to fix problems that were introduced to the game in march, not the core issue of lag.
Server sided lag happens when big battles occurs, either you are roaming or zerging you will be effected by it.
I’m not an arena net employee, I can’t do anything about your dissatisfaction.
But: we have been trying to be heard since April – so every bit is a progress to me.
And I know that all people on the map are affected BUT I don’t feel any lag when I’m in a zerg.
Lower cap please as it was earlier. It was very comfortable play before the change, but now we are in pain again :/
Experiencing significant lag right now , 600-2500 ping times.
Australia NA player
Speedtest shows no problem with my connection to the closest server.
The skill lag at the moment and general lag is crazy! Please lower the cap again
Severe skill lag in Eternal Battlegrounds at around 10 PM PST last night. Seems to be localized to just that map, as it often is.
for there you have been and there you will long to return.
Massive skill lag confirmed. Please lower cap back.
Spirit of Faith [HOPE] – RIP
10:30pm gmt gandara v fsp v piken eb 2-3 second skill lag even when in a 2 way zerg fight when im roaming still a delay with skills when not near a zerg fight
EB is effectively unplayable during peak hours.
It’s not even skill delay anymore, the entire request to use a skill does not register. I can spam my Heal skill for a full minute without it ever being cast. I still see people running around, desperately trying to spam skills, and guards attacking me so i was not disconnected. But skill use was just disabled.
Today when I played in WwW, I couldent cast skills for 1-3 sec, when in Internal battlegrounds. Other people in chat was talking about it whit out me even asking if they had lag as well.
I’m playing from South America, lag spikes to 2k – 4k on ZvZ and random disconnects (even idling on Lion Arch)
Please fix it!
I had insane lag spikes on sunday and monday night during EU prime time.
Sunday during EB 2-way zergfights and after I moved to riverside borderland I experienced lag aswell. On monday it happened during relatively small guildfights on riverside borderland (15v15 or something like that, sometimes three guilds in one area). Couldn’t cast, insane rubberbands, some disconnects… it was like having a delay of ~10 seconds.
I never had so heavy lags, not even in 3-way EB fights.
Have to say this is the worst lag I have ever experienced in my WvW experience. The supposed build that was meant to ‘fix’ some but not all of the lags just made it more laggy.
In the past, the lag would only occur during massive encounters between zergs but that was only for seconds or a few minutes maximum. Now, every encounter even in medium size fights around 15v15 have already resulted in rubberbanding all over the place or even freeze the game, everytime! That build is not a fix, it is adding a more damaging bug into WvW. I suffered unplayable lags after the latest patch and no, it is not from my connection problem, my ping to google is relatively stable 20ms. So it is from your side Anet, your server.
And yes, majority of all these lag complaints started after Anet’s introducing new stability reworks and there was never a cure for it since then, since March. And now, it is already August. 5 months without a fix and it is getting worst with every ‘fix build’ patched.
SEA player here
Blackgate server
(edited by Ezat.1548)
Stopped roaming for a few months now because of this… Sad to see not fixed yet…
Lag, skilllag as always on EB, NA T1
Honesty is not insulting, stupidity is.
>Class Balance is a Joke<
Horrible skill lag to the point it’s unplayable. Can’t land a single skill that’s not targeted, enemies seem to be on mini perma quickness…
Guess i’ll have to stop playing gw2 then. If you want your customers to stop playing, then good job, why not increase the map cap again.
Solo roamer, all classes.
Please fix the lag before expansion. It’s really hard to enjoy the game when skills don’t go off, and you’re forced to 11111. If I was doing PvE, it’d probably be fine. But that’s completely unacceptable in PvP. While the melee classes may be ok with spamming 1 during skill lag battles. Playing any other class is pure frustration.
While the melee classes may be ok with spamming 1 during skill lag battles.
I. Don’t. Even. Want. To. Tell. You. What. I. Am. Thinking. Right. Now.
(edited by GrandHaven.1052)
that laags so much fun ! NOT !!!!!!
professional WvW rallybotting since 2013
Fort Ranik vs. Dzagonur vs. Vabbi
At least the Eternal Battlegrounds are corrupt. The longer I play on them, the laggest it becomes.
(edited by AllNightPlayer.1286)
Im in eb gandara vs deso vs sfr roaming only and its starting to get unplayable 2 second delays on skills around camps, the other bl’s not a problem but guess what alot less numbers so go figure
when we can play this game again i check it out today and laggs laggs laggs
for sure i will my money back when this problem not resolved to tha HOT update 100%
ITS SUX! and all your fix make more problems ALL!
now the half of the servers are full
GOOD JOB ANET you can realy fear people
DonE whit this!
Oh wow, what did Anet do with the patch that launched today?
Worst reset in a very, very long time. People are dcing left and right, lags, rubberbanding, crashing, etc.
Oh wow, what did Anet do with the patch that launched today?
Worst reset in a very, very long time. People are dcing left and right, lags, rubberbanding, crashing, etc.
This. Half the people are constantly lagging with screen freezes, the other half can’t even get on the wvw server for more than 3 mins….
Good god, this week the server is unbearable all the way down in tier 5. Guildmates d/cing right and left. Entire zergs rubber banding on both ends. Anet needs to undo what ever they did last patch because its not working
I Play WvW to have fun. I don’t find it fun anymore. Therefore I don’t play.
Oh wow, what did Anet do with the patch that launched today?
Worst reset in a very, very long time. People are dcing left and right, lags, rubberbanding, crashing, etc.
This. Half the people are constantly lagging with screen freezes, the other half can’t even get on the wvw server for more than 3 mins….
A few weeks ago I experienced the worst lag in WvW in 3 years, but yesterday it got even worse. It is unplayable.
I’m afraid I won’t buy the expansion until I see an improvement relating to those lags. WvW needs some love. :-/
From going to pvp starting area, lots of people having lagg and unplayable matches too.
Its constant DC, unable to login after and huge lag all over EU servers, pls fix this asap, totally unplayabla atm. Even forums does not work properly.
More improvements coming with our next release. As always, I’d love to hear if anyone notices an improvement. This one should be much more significant. A lot of the improvements so far haven’t been very visible to players, but behind the scenes have really made an impact.
I’ll be shifting my focus back to this in the next couple weeks so I can hopefully get more improvements into the release after next. I’ve been trying to tackle other issues plaguing the client like out of memory crashes and frame-rate hitching in the past week.
As much as I might like to dress up in full costume in my spare time, I’m not superman. One thing at a time
As much as I might like to dress up in full costume in my spare time, I’m not superman. One thing at a time
What you do in the privacy of your bedroom is your own business cough.
Ignore the ragers. Most of us are appreciative this issue is finally getting some attention, even if there are bumps along the way.
Don’t stop talking to us Bill. We’re rooting for you.
More improvements coming with our next release. As always, I’d love to hear if anyone notices an improvement.
Sorry Bill but your post just shows how you havent even read the the last 3 posts before yours before posting, yet you claim you’d love to hear from us?
More lag than ever before, more disconnects than ever before, both since the release of these so-called fixes.
A lot of the improvements so far haven’t been very visible to players.
I think this is the only true thing we’ve ever heard in the WvW forums from a red post!
We have not seen any improvements, but we have seen things get even worse!
Not forgetting, where did this new login page come from?!
To me it looks more like a phishing attempt!
More improvements coming with our next release. As always, I’d love to hear if anyone notices an improvement.
Sorry Bill but your post just shows how you havent even read the the last 3 posts before yours before posting, yet you claim you’d love to hear from us?
More lag than ever before, more disconnects than ever before, both since the release of these so-called fixes.
A lot of the improvements so far haven’t been very visible to players.
I think this is the only true thing we’ve ever heard in the WvW forums from a red post!
We have not seen any improvements, but we have seen things get even worse!
Not forgetting, where did this new login page come from?!
To me it looks more like a phishing attempt!
The lag came after the +10 man per side change, not after the actual back-end changes that happened a few days before that change.
Bring back: ‘Gamer’ title + MAT’s!
Throw out: Hotjoin!
As much as I might like to dress up in full costume in my spare time, I’m not superman. One thing at a time
What you do in the privacy of your bedroom is your own business
Ignore the ragers. Most of us are appreciative this issue is finally getting some attention, even if there are bumps along the way.
Don’t stop talking to us Bill. We’re rooting for you.
" Ignore the ragers" ? If it was not for the ragers, “this issue would never finally getting some attention”.
Before you told Arena net: Bill Freist to “ignore the ragers”, did you check the count views of the thread? Before you told Arena net: Bill Freist to “ignore the ragers”, did you check the count replies of the thread?
If it wasn’t for the Ragers , this thread thread wouldn’t never reach 60000+ Views with 700+ replies
" What You Deny Or Ignore, You Delay. What You Accept Or Face, You Conquer "
Until this lag problem is conquered, we ragers will continue to increase our view counts and our replies.
That is all.
(edited by DarkSyze.8627)
More improvements coming with our next release. As always, I’d love to hear if anyone notices an improvement. This one should be much more significant. A lot of the improvements so far haven’t been very visible to players, but behind the scenes have really made an impact.
Hi Bill,
I havn’t seen any improvement, sorry. As I told some posts before the lags got even worse. I was not joking when I said it was “unplayable” since friday. It is really impossible for me to play. Can’t even hit something with autoattack sometimes, the lag is HUGE. On reset our commander had about 4 disconnects in 30 Minutes, others aswell. It destroys the game for me at the moment, as WvW is my favourite game mode. So I played PvP instead and I had no disconnects or heavy lags, but teammates or enemies were often dc’ing, which is no fun.
Really looking forward to our guildraid this night. ..:-( People are getting frustrated when they can’t play the game they love.
(edited by Manvaeris.9857)
As much as I might like to dress up in full costume in my spare time, I’m not superman. One thing at a time
What you do in the privacy of your bedroom is your own business
Ignore the ragers. Most of us are appreciative this issue is finally getting some attention, even if there are bumps along the way.
Don’t stop talking to us Bill. We’re rooting for you.
" Ignore the ragers" ? If it was not for the ragers, “this issue would never finally getting some attention”.
Before you told Arena net: Bill Freist to “ignore the ragers”, did you check the count views of the thread? Before you told Arena net: Bill Freist to “ignore the ragers”, did you check the count replies of the thread?
If it wasn’t for the Ragers , this thread thread wouldn’t never reach 60000+ Views with 700+ replies
" What You Deny Or Ignore, You Delay. What You Accept Or Face, You Conquer "
Until this lag problem is conquered, we ragers will continue to increase our view counts and our replies.
That is all.
You sound like you need a hug.
More improvements
Appreciated that you work on this, but ‘more improvements’…? WvW skill lagg has INCREASED the past months. If the improvements don’t work, isn’kitten good idea to maybe lower the numbers per border again?? The game mode has been lagging for a majority of the time since release and I think it’s not unfair to say many are sick of waiting.
~ Desolation
I was getting hardly any lag and upwards of 90-110 FPS until the September patch of last year. Hopefully there will be a significant improvement for WvW.
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All are welcome!
The lag in EB NA T1 is beyond horrible, the usual double teaming going on with all 3 server blobs in one area. No skills are working, cant use heals, cant do anything, thanks anet for wasting everyones time. Cant even auto attack gg gj.
Honesty is not insulting, stupidity is.
>Class Balance is a Joke<
Simple fix
1- Purchase a dedibox with more than 4 cores.
2- Purchase a dedibox with linux running the client not windows.
3- Purchase a dedibox with more than the bare minimum of Memory.
4- Place each borderland on it’s own physical server blade.
Basically stop being bloody cheap because anyone with a decent job can afford an 8 core cpu server with 32gb memory running on linux which any server admin will tell you is just better and more efficient than windows based servers.
No doubt you’re running on outdated servers and resource managment for them is shoddy and lazy, no doubt you squeeze as many borderlands onto one physical server as you possibly can until it reaches the absolute breaking point.
You have more than enough money to update your quiet frankly woefully inadequate system while still maintaining the profit your overlords so desperately need.
Grow some balls and push for better hardware you weak little man.
Grow some balls and push for better hardware you weak little man.
I agree with GROMIT.
The lag is getting worse and its pathetic. And Bill, sorry to say but I do not see the improvements. I do not join EBG the Eternal Land of Lag since a quite 5 to 6 months now, the borders on peek hours are not any better, only skill 1 – 1 – 1- 1 that is of course if u don’t see yourself running into a wall and dc.
Skill 1 on any profession today is the deadliest blob killer! ha ha !
LOL! When I worked in applications hosting the “simple” solution was ALWAYS to throw more hardware at the problem. That doesn’t fix the software though :p
Founding member of [NERF] Fort Engineer and driver for [TLC] The Legion of Charrs
RIP [SIC] Strident Iconoclast
LOL! When I worked in applications hosting the “simple” solution was ALWAYS to throw more hardware at the problem. That doesn’t fix the software though :p
In many cases you’re right but i’m pretty certain we can assume they run it on bare minimum specs, with ample hardware they can atleast remove that variable instead of trying put a bandaid on multiple variables.
this is the big problem as we don’t even know the specs of thier servers, as someoen who has managed first person shooter server clients and dedi boxes i am very aware that if you put too many instances of a client onto one box you will see a huge impact in lag, remove that variable and then you can look into things like tick rate in the client software itslf etc.
But i doubt Anet have the common sense to eliminate the variables that are so easily eliminated.
Bottom line is Anet is cheap and under NCSoft we know they have the resources capable of fixing this.
More improvements coming with our next release. As always, I’d love to hear if anyone notices an improvement. This one should be much more significant. A lot of the improvements so far haven’t been very visible to players, but behind the scenes have really made an impact.
I’ll be shifting my focus back to this in the next couple weeks so I can hopefully get more improvements into the release after next. I’ve been trying to tackle other issues plaguing the client like out of memory crashes and frame-rate hitching in the past week.
As much as I might like to dress up in full costume in my spare time, I’m not superman. One thing at a time
This is what we want. Acknowledgement that you guys are hearing our concerns and working on it. The silent treatment is what makes people angry!
Thank you for taking the time to inform us that you are working on this!
To all the people saying they haven’t noticed anything.
More improvements coming with our next release.
They normally do releases on every other Tuesdays, sometimes in-between if they feel they need to. Check the game update notes to see when changes happen. This change isn’t live yet so you shouldn’t be seeing any changes unless they decided not to log it on the update forum.
Here is to hoping it helps, for both the players and the developers. As a developer it’s super frustrating to think you have made a solution or project better only to find no improvements or it get worse.
Main Class – Ranger [Bezerker/Trapper Hybrid]
Main Mode – WvW [Gate of Madness]