Rock the Vote
Just ask yourselves if you really want to elect a fancy cat with a lead designer in his pocket. We’ll just have double up our support for Kiel on SATURDAY.
Brought to you by the people against smelly animals in office.
This man speaks the truth.
Remind me which Edge of Destiny member screwed over the others…oh right…the human -_-
Oh please, all Logan did was restore party balance. Six is too many for a dungeon run.
Dakka Warforge- Level 80 Charr Engineer
Xairro – Level 80 Asura Revenant
Without actually seeing the results as they happen, they can make them whatever they want.
There is no way Kiel has more support.
Hmm. I was going to vote for Evon but I can’t seem to complete his T4 candidate trial after the new patch so I guess I’ll change my vote to Kiel whose T4 I managed to complete. Clearly Kiel has better tactical acumen.
Without actually seeing the results as they happen, they can make them whatever they want.
There is no way Kiel has more support.
Here. You dropped your tin foil hat.
Dakka Warforge- Level 80 Charr Engineer
Xairro – Level 80 Asura Revenant
Hmm. I was going to vote for Evon but I can’t seem to complete his T4 candidate trial after the new patch so I guess I’ll change my vote to Kiel whose T4 I managed to complete. Clearly Kiel has better tactical acumen.
Of course she does. She’s a trained soldier. What’s Evon going to due if Lion’s Arch comes under attack again? Bribe his way to safety? Stab a fellow Captain in the neck and run?
Dakka Warforge- Level 80 Charr Engineer
Xairro – Level 80 Asura Revenant
Just ask yourselves if you really want to elect a fancy cat with a lead designer in his pocket. We’ll just have double up our support for Kiel on SATURDAY.
Brought to you by the people against smelly animals in office.
This man speaks the truth.
Remind me which Edge of Destiny member screwed over the others…oh right…the human -_-
Oh please, all Logan did was restore party balance. Six is too many for a dungeon run.
Snaff died because of him.
Of course she does. She’s a trained soldier. What’s Evon going to due if Lion’s Arch comes under attack again? Bribe his way to safety? Stab a fellow Captain in the neck and run?
I guess. Plus I mildly dislike Izzy considering I play every other profession except thief and warrior which are his favorites plus I’m mostly PvE player while he is mostly PvP. I guess GW was primarily PvP game so I can’t hold it too much against him or other devs but it’s enough to make me switch from Evon camp to Kiel camp – I think.
Go Kiel go!
Just ask yourselves if you really want to elect a fancy cat with a lead designer in his pocket. We’ll just have double up our support for Kiel on SATURDAY.
Brought to you by the people against smelly animals in office.
This man speaks the truth.
Remind me which Edge of Destiny member screwed over the others…oh right…the human -_-
Oh please, all Logan did was restore party balance. Six is too many for a dungeon run.
Snaff died because of him.
No, Snaff died because of Snaff.
Dakka Warforge- Level 80 Charr Engineer
Xairro – Level 80 Asura Revenant
Just ask yourselves if you really want to elect a fancy cat with a lead designer in his pocket. We’ll just have double up our support for Kiel on SATURDAY.
Brought to you by the people against smelly animals in office.
This man speaks the truth.
Remind me which Edge of Destiny member screwed over the others…oh right…the human -_-
Oh please, all Logan did was restore party balance. Six is too many for a dungeon run.
Snaff died because of him.
No, Snaff died because of Snaff.
Hmm. I was going to vote for Evon but I can’t seem to complete his T4 candidate trial after the new patch so I guess I’ll change my vote to Kiel whose T4 I managed to complete. Clearly Kiel has better tactical acumen.
Please don’t blame Evon for your failures in completing the trial.
Lion’s Arch needs the growth that Gnashblade can provide; like Yomm before him, Gnashblade holds the right talent to make Lion’s Arch thrive.
The Captain’s Council already has merchants and and money men in its ranks. Evon doesnt really offer it much that it hasnt already got in that department. If anything, Evon could represent the same threat to Lion’s Arch that Yomm was in that his market strength could grow too dominant, allowing him to shoulder out the opposition and set laws to favor a monopoly.
Also Gnashblade is in the pocket of the Ash Legion. Do you really want to give a outside power governmental power in LA and undermine its independance?
Plus Kiel is a woman that will vote on her convictions which could be interesting as it could set her against the other council members at times. Gnashblade is just another business man.
as a serious note, what can we learn from the thaumanova fractal that we cant from just raiding inquest bases? isnt it a failed inquest experiment? where did the talk of “OMG DISTROYERS!11!” come from? its been on a few talk pages already
I believe their were unconfermed reports of Destroyers at the Reactor just before it exploded. Frankly, the thing with the reactor is it wasnt just another research base. It was the heart of Inquest research into the EDs. Knowing what actually trigger that explosion could tell us alot about the actual nature of the EDs and perhaps even their origins!
Clearly we should all vote Kiel. She is an upstanding and loyal Lion’s Archian with strong convictions while Evon is a dirty Ash Legion agent with hidden agendas. Plus Evon probably smells funny and just imagine how much of a mess he would make at the council meetings while he was molting. Cat fur…. everywhere.
My opinion on the vote for Evon.
The biggest point i’d like to make is it is my personal feeling that the 4 weeks deal doesn’t matter. No matter what, cheaper anything for 4 weeks is a good thing.
Waypoints = Good if you’re constantly doing world bosses and teleporting around.
Black Lion Keys = Good if you want Aetherized weapon skins (Possibly eventually other things too)
One more point i’d like to make is concerning the current state of the lore. Alot of people in the community feel like there is little to no focus on the history of tyria. Especially with alot of the Living World content, we feel like alot of the history of Guild Wars is going down the drain to be forgotten. So with the Abaddon fractal, it will give us lore enthusiasts something to play with for a while.
Evon Gnashblade
Evon isn’t a swindler or a scammer. The Black Lion Trading company is an honest company that believes in fair trade and is formed from hard work and honest labor.
Here’s some information about the FOTM stuff:
- We get the same reactor, just with fancy additions to it, some interesting story (Maybe, fractals have a way of not telling any story at all really and purposely jumble information and confuse us. Ree Soesbee and other lore developers also said in a recent interview that this is how the fractals are and making connections to things from them isn’t always going to be cannon. Which I personally found annoying).
- Here are some possibilities with the Reactor:
- Possible Mursaat presence (Not more than one, maybe Lazarus will appear and fight the Asura. But this can easily come later in an expansion to the FOTM. I however like this idea personally.)
- Lore on the dragons (Which we will eventually discover no matter what within the open world)
- Lore on the Asura (Which we will discover eventually no matter what through either the living story, or an extension to the personal story of the Asura)
We get a fractal possibly involving HUGE lore characters we’ve never seen before. We get to see a place in Tyria before the destruction was wraught on the Crystal Sea
- We get to see a part of the lore that is forgotten in modern day Tyria.
- King Doric, his army, and his armada of ships from Orr.
- Possible presence of Lady Glaive and her pirates.
- We will be able to fight Margonites before they were corrupted by the Realm of Torment.
- Be able to fight Lord Jadoth after he was blessed with emmense magical powers.
- We get to see Abaddon in his natural form. (Which would be AMAZING considering we’ve NEVER seen a God ON tyria.)
- The possibility of seeing the Human Gods themselves
One of the biggest arguments against the Human Gods is people saying
“Why should I care about the Human Gods. My main is a Charr”
- *Abaddon also blessed ALL races with magic. Not just humans. More especially the Charr. (IE, flame legion)
- Abaddon influenced the Charr through the titans and tricked them into worshipping them as Gods.
- This fractal is a chance for the Charr to finally see who tricked them.
- The flame legion were heavily influenced by the Titans. And Abaddon controlled the Titans.
- Abaddon set back Charr growth in his hatred of the Humans and the Human Gods.
- The Flame Legion were sexist and set back the possibility of Charr growth through the suppression and belittlement of the other 3 legions.
- This fractal could be a revelation to Charr characters to see and take part in the binding of Abaddon and to see their original enslaver and to take vengeance upon him.
- This could also help with human and Charr relations. To finally see one of the Gods that destroyed any chance for the charr and humans to work together (Balthazar being the other one).
Why should you care about the Human Gods?
I can think of many reasons why you should care about the Human Gods.
- Melandru and Dwayna believed in healthy relations with the other races of tyria. It’s just Balthazar and Abaddon messed that up.
- Abaddon blessed ALL races of Tyria with magic. Not just humans
- Abaddon enslaved the Charr to worship his minions The Titans.
- The Human Gods are the 2nd most powerful things that have been to Tyria.
- The last cycle on Tyria failed and the Dragons nearly killed everyone. The Gods came to Tyria and brought humans with them for a reason. Why is that? Noone knows. But so far it has contributed emmensely to the destruction of the Elder Dragons.
The 4 weeks doesn’t truly matter. Deals a deal, vote for what truly counts. Permanent Content
Abbadon: We get to see new stuff, discover things we’ll never see again since they’re in the past. Including a God. King Doric. And the Crystal Sea.
Reactor: Seeing the same stuff, and seeing things that will eventually get explained no matter what.
(edited by coryorth.5289)
Nice write-up. Also we might fight Lord Jadoth since he was corrupted one year prior.
Seems like apart from izzy, all ANet devs want Ellen “Mary Sue” Kiel to win.
I guess they just like that type of character.
My vote goes for Evon. This is not real life, I want an interesting character in charge, not another ultimate paragon of good.
You say that as if the current real-life Congress is closer in character to Kiel than Evon. Don’t we all wish.
I would think in a country that’s up to its ears in politicians looking out for their own selfish needs and ignoring the will of the people, that “interesting change” you’d be looking for is the breath of fresh air that Ellen Kiel represents.
Because, (as far as “ultimate paragons of good” go) where else are you going to find that sort of character outside of a fantasy story? Certainly not in “real life”.
Why duplicate the conditions of the real world inside a game that’s supposed to be a refreshing escape from the annoying stresses of political incompetence we all have to put up with every day? What’s the Congressional approval rating at these days? 10%?
And you think a shady businessman like Gnashblade is going to make things “interesting?” More like the status quo. Kiel’s a hero and a soldier with her eye on the ball, who will direct us at the really important threats. Unlike Gnashblade, she won’t be wasting our time with (wheee!) political scandals.
My opinion on the vote for Evon.
Another point is the Pirates Council has no Charr on the council. Having a Charr on the council could help with Human and Charr relations (Which is ALWAYS a good thing).
Yes, there is a charr on the Council.
3 human, 2 asura, 1 charr, 1 norn and no sylvari.
Previously it was 4-2-1-1-0 until Ashford, a human, was assassinated.
Evon would make it 3-2-2-1-0
Charr VS Human
Male VS Female
Evon VS Kiel/Trahearne 2.0
Abaddon VS Reactor
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(edited by StinVec.3621)
But that’s where we need Kiel, on the battlefield.
Here’s some of the facts:
The 4 weeks doesn’t truly matter. Deals a deal, vote for what truly counts. Permanent Content
Abbadon: We get to see new stuff, discover things we’ll never see again since they’re in the past. Including a God. King Doric. And the Crystal Sea.
Reactor: Seeing the same stuff, and seeing things that will eventually get explained no matter what.
Your “facts” seem to be nothing but an awful lot of speculation.
Here’s a real “fact” :
..I’m hoping for Kiel.
But I have a vested interest because my team will probably be working on the fractals. I had nothing to do with this content though.
To shed some light on my bias, our team brainstormed up a bunch of fractals for you guys to pick from and then we settled on the best two. I got pretty excited about Thaumanova, given what we intend for it to entail so I’m Kiel supporter all the way.
Abbadon will also be great if Evon wins though.
Sorry, but he sounds way more excited about the Thaumanova Reactor. I like the obligatory consolation prize pep-talk about Abbadon at the end.
Lion’s Arch needs the growth that Gnashblade can provide; like Yomm before him, Gnashblade holds the right talent to make Lion’s Arch thrive.
The Captain’s Council already has merchants and and money men in its ranks. Evon doesnt really offer it much that it hasnt already got in that department. If anything, Evon could represent the same threat to Lion’s Arch that Yomm was in that his market strength could grow too dominant, allowing him to shoulder out the opposition and set laws to favor a monopoly.
Also Gnashblade is in the pocket of the Ash Legion. Do you really want to give a outside power governmental power in LA and undermine its independance?
Plus Kiel is a woman that will vote on her convictions which could be interesting as it could set her against the other council members at times. Gnashblade is just another business man.
as a serious note, what can we learn from the thaumanova fractal that we cant from just raiding inquest bases? isnt it a failed inquest experiment? where did the talk of “OMG DISTROYERS!11!” come from? its been on a few talk pages already
I believe their were unconfermed reports of Destroyers at the Reactor just before it exploded. Frankly, the thing with the reactor is it wasnt just another research base. It was the heart of Inquest research into the EDs. Knowing what actually trigger that explosion could tell us alot about the actual nature of the EDs and perhaps even their origins!
Clearly we should all vote Kiel. She is an upstanding and loyal Lion’s Archian with strong convictions while Evon is a dirty Ash Legion agent with hidden agendas. Plus Evon probably smells funny and just imagine how much of a mess he would make at the council meetings while he was molting. Cat fur…. everywhere.
I can assure you, Evon keeps himself well-groomed. And I don’t know why you would care what the council smells like. Furthermore, Evon is anything but “just another business man.” He’s the head of the freaking Black Lion Trading Company. If anything, he would know how to run a city — something Kiel seriously lacks. Kiel doesn’t even really want to do this — Magnus does. The Lion Guard are just trying to garner more power over the city.
Lion’s Arch is supposed to be a city of diversity. Are you telling me you’ll vote against Evon just because he’s a charr? Shame on you. >:(
3 human, 2 asura, 1 charr, 1 norn and no sylvari.
No sylvari? Screw kiel, screw evon. Trahearne for the council. “I’m not a pirate, I’m a scholar.”
I can assure you, Evon keeps himself well-groomed.
I heard Evon smells like caramel.
Sorry, but he sounds way more excited about the Thaumanova Reactor. I like the obligatory consolation prize pep-talk about Abbadon at the end.
Izzy has been an Arenanet Dev for longer, and seems much more enthusiastic about the Abaddon fractal. Your point?
Alot of people are restless about the current focus on the lore. How there are TONS of holes in the stories and lore on certain elements. We’re rushing forward without explaining the past. And alot of people are upset about it. There are plenty of “new” story based MMO’s with no backstory. Maybe those will be more your game.
True, Snaff died and Destiny’s Edge disbanded because of Logan, a human. But world stil exists because humans defeated Abaddon and stopped Nightfall. I think saving the world more than makes up for the death of an asura and the breakup of a guild. Don’t you?
I can assure you, Evon keeps himself well-groomed.
I heard Evon smells like a camel.
fixed it!
Jumble Akimbo
Jahiliyya Akimbo
A vote for Evon is a vote for greed and shady business practices.
It would not surprise me if he was one of the main members of the Consortium.
The guy won’t even sell unlocks for stuff like untradeable items, even though he can easily make more with that magic asura 4D printer in his basement (yeah, I know your secret, Evon, you can’t fool me, the smell of infinitely replicated items is unmistakable).
Accidentally lost an item for any reason?
You’ll have to pay again! If you can pay at all, he may remove the item altogether and you won’t be able to get it again, even though you already paid for it!
And it can be easy to make a mistake, since transmuted items show with the wrong skin in vendors, and deleting a character won’t warn you if the character had any lifetime missable items when you delete it. And lots of other stuff may happen. It doesn’t matter how you may lose it. It may happen.
“Stock” my scaly ancient bottom. He can make infinite of anything. He says he has “limited stock” just to make people pay more for the stuff.
With the old costume and hat makers and Xunlai we didn’t had that. Just pay a few coins or request a new one, and you have it, all year round.
(edited by MithranArkanere.8957)
People voting for Kiel don’t really care of the future of Lion’s Arch they only care about the reduced WP travel and nothing else
I vote for Kiel because I care about current GW2 lore. Not some old has been dungeon.
Also to much of the story is revolving around Loin’s Arch.
The fractal dungeon that kiel proposes is in the future then?
Why is it hard for some to understand.
There is a current chaos rift in the open world.
The fractal will open one in the Mists.
This could make a portal to the realm of Torment. Or something big coming through into the open world. Could be anything.
I don’t think you quite understand what’s going on. Kiel wants to investigate how Thaumanova failed and became what it is now. That explicitly means what happened to it in the past.
Writing off the Realm of Torment 1000 years before GW1 even took place as “some old has been dungeon” shows a very clear misunderstanding of what exactly the possible Abaddon Fractal entails. If anything, assuming we do actually see the Realm of Torment 1000 years before GW1 and not, you know, the actual battle that landed him there, it will be the height and glory of the realm, 1000 years free of the decay of a withering god.
My opinion on the vote for Evon.
The biggest point i’d like to make is it is my personal feeling that the 4 weeks deal doesn’t matter. No matter what, cheaper anything for 4 weeks is a good thing.
Waypoints = Good if you’re constantly doing world bosses and teleporting around.
Black Lion Keys = Good if you want Aetherized weapon skins (Possibly eventually other things too)
One more point i’d like to make is concerning the current state of the lore. Alot of people in the community feel like there is little to no focus on the history of tyria. Especially with alot of the Living World content, we feel like alot of the history of Guild Wars is going down the drain to be forgotten. So with the Abaddon fractal, it will give us lore enthusiasts something to play with for a while.Evon Gnashblade
Evon isn’t a swindler or a scammer. The Black Lion Trading company is an honest company that believes in fair trade and is formed from hard work and honest labor.Here’s some information about the FOTM stuff:
- We get the same reactor, just with fancy additions to it, some interesting story (Maybe, fractals have a way of not telling any story at all really and purposely jumble information and confuse us. Ree Soesbee and other lore developers also said in a recent interview that this is how the fractals are and making connections to things from them isn’t always going to be cannon. Which I personally found annoying).
- Here are some possibilities with the Reactor:
- Possible Mursaat presence (Not more than one, maybe Lazarus will appear and fight the Asura. But this can easily come later in an expansion to the FOTM. I however like this idea personally.)
- Lore on the dragons (Which we will eventually discover no matter what within the open world)
- Lore on the Asura (Which we will discover eventually no matter what through either the living story, or an extension to the personal story of the Asura)
We get a fractal possibly involving HUGE lore characters we’ve never seen before. We get to see a place in Tyria before the destruction was wraught on the Crystal Sea
- We get to see a part of the lore that is forgotten in modern day Tyria.
- King Doric, his army, and his armada of ships from Orr.
- Possible presence of Lady Glaive and her pirates.
- We will be able to fight Margonites before they were corrupted by the Realm of Torment.
- Be able to fight Lord Jadoth after he was blessed with emmense magical powers.
- We get to see Abaddon in his natural form. (Which would be AMAZING considering we’ve NEVER seen a God ON tyria.)
- The possibility of seeing the Human Gods themselves
One of the biggest arguments against the Human Gods is people saying
“Why should I care about the Human Gods. My main is a Charr”
- *Abaddon also blessed ALL races with magic. Not just humans. More especially the Charr. (IE, flame legion)
- Abaddon influenced the Charr through the titans and tricked them into worshipping them as Gods.
- This fractal is a chance for the Charr to finally see who tricked them.
- The flame legion were heavily influenced by the Titans. And Abaddon controlled the Titans.
- Abaddon set back Charr growth in his hatred of the Humans and the Human Gods.
- The Flame Legion were sexist and set back the possibility of Charr growth through the suppression and belittlement of the other 3 legions.
- This fractal could be a revelation to Charr characters to see and take part in the binding of Abaddon and to see their original enslaver and to take vengeance upon him.
- This could also help with human and Charr relations. To finally see one of the Gods that destroyed any chance for the charr and humans to work together (Balthazar being the other one).
Why should you care about the Human Gods?
I can think of many reasons why you should care about the Human Gods.
- Melandru and Dwayna believed in healthy relations with the other races of tyria. It’s just Balthazar and Abaddon messed that up.
- Abaddon blessed ALL races of Tyria with magic. Not just humans
- Abaddon enslaved the Charr to worship his minions The Titans.
- The Human Gods are the 2nd most powerful things that have been to Tyria.
- The last cycle on Tyria failed and the Dragons nearly killed everyone. The Gods came to Tyria and brought humans with them for a reason. Why is that? Noone knows. But so far it has contributed emmensely to the destruction of the Elder Dragons.
The 4 weeks doesn’t truly matter. Deals a deal, vote for what truly counts. Permanent Content
Abbadon: We get to see new stuff, discover things we’ll never see again since they’re in the past. Including a God. King Doric. And the Crystal Sea.
Reactor: Seeing the same stuff, and seeing things that will eventually get explained no matter what.
What is the Best Post? This is the Best Post.
A vote for Evon is a vote for greed and shady business practices.
It would not surprise me if he was one of the main members of the Consortium.
The guy won’t even sell unlocks for stuff like untradeable items, even though he can easily make more with that magic asura 4D printer in his basement (yeah, I know your secret, Evon, you can’t fool me, the smell of infinitely replicated items is unmistakable).
Accidentally lost an item for any reason?
You’ll have to pay again! If you can pay at all, he may remove the item altogether and you won’t be able to get it again, even though you already paid for it!And it can be easy to make a mistake, since transmuted items show with the wrong skin in vendors, and deleting a character won’t warn you if the character had any lifetime missable items when you delete it. And lots of other stuff may happen. It doesn’t matter how you may lose it. It may happen.
“Stock” my scaly ancient bottom. He can make infinite of anything. He says he has “limited stock” just to make people pay more for the stuff.
With the old costume and hat makers and Xunlai we didn’t had that. Just pay a few coins or request a new one, and you have it, all year round.
Well, if you want to go tin foil hat like that, then I can too >:)
Why is it that Kiel did almost nothing throughout the whole Aetherblade dungeon event, leaving you to do most of the work…
Afterwards, she takes the credit for doing so, then adorns an Aetherblade garment. Call me crazy, but I think she could have struck up a deal with the Aetherblades when we weren’t looking.
- Possible presence of Lady Glaive and her pirates.
{snip}- This could also help with human and Charr relations. To finally see one of the Gods that destroyed any chance for the charr and humans to work together (Balthazar being the other one).
To the first: lady Glaive came WELL after the Exodus.
To the second: While we don’t know exactly what happened with the start of the charr-human war, I don’t think a charr peace with anyone was possible at the time – under the Khan-Ur, the charr seemed to have pretty much believed that their united force was unstoppable and would overrun everything. And before Doric, they were right.
It took a combination of the humans and the norn to get them to open up. Humans showed they weren’t invincible, and gave them an enemy they never completely defeated that focused the majority of their attention for over a millenia… thus stopping their first contact with the norn being followed by a full-on invasion. the norn – having been saved from destruction by the Ascalonians, although neither knew it – provided an example to the charr that they could coexist with, and then befriend, non-charr.
From my reading of the situation, peace basically required the charr to be humbled before they could be befriended. The charr-human war, in some shape or form, was probably inevitable – it was just a question of who struck the first blow.
Now, without Abaddon’s manipulation, it is possible that the charr might have come to peace without the Searing and the (re)conquest of Ascalon. To be honest, though, I doubt it. The charr were kinda obsessed with retaking Ascalon, while there is evidence that without a charr victory, Ascalon was happy to just keep expanding further and further north – it’s possible that, without Abaddon’s intervention, the war would have continued at the level it had before the Searing until the Dragonrise, and then the charr would have swarmed in while Ascalon was still reeling from the Branding.
People don’t hate Scarlet like Game of Thrones fans hate Joffrey.
They hate her the way Star Wars fans hate Jar Jar Binks.
People voting for Kiel don’t really care of the future of Lion’s Arch they only care about the reduced WP travel and nothing else
I vote for Kiel because I care about current GW2 lore. Not some old has been dungeon.
Also to much of the story is revolving around Loin’s Arch.
The fractal dungeon that kiel proposes is in the future then?
Why is it hard for some to understand.
There is a current chaos rift in the open world.
The fractal will open one in the Mists.
This could make a portal to the realm of Torment. Or something big coming through into the open world. Could be anything.Whatever happens in there will only happen in the mists not the world.
Two of the same chaos rift will exist in two places at the same time. This could possibly create a portal “wormhole” between the open world and something in the Mists.
I don’t really have anything to add just saying I love what this updates done, fun seeing discussions in map chat and having healthy competition.
Wasn’t Abaddon the god of water? Didn’t the battle happen in the Crystal Sea, resulting in the Crystal Desert?
A vote for Evon = more underwater combat….let that one sink in!
*just thought I’d add something completely preposterous like most other “stances” ppl seem to be relying on
Wasn’t Abaddon the god of water? Didn’t the battle happen in the Crystal Sea, resulting in the Crystal Desert?
A vote for Evon = more underwater combat….let that one sink in!
*just thought I’d add something completely preposterous like most other “stances” ppl seem to be relying on
You should just be an engineer, love being underwater all the time.
As a Kiel supporter, thought I would throw a word in here. My main reason for voting for Kiel is rather simple: I want cheaper waypoints. The lore part is a pointless argument since we will eventually get both at some point and being Asura, I like to apply my genius intellect towards the origins of the disaster at the reactor.
We already know what happened to Abaddon having already lived through it in a previous life so for me its a moot point. Most people aren’t spending money on Black Lion Keys, so the waypoints ARE more convenient.
Otherwise it matters not to me if I vote human or pirate Charr. Being a pirate doesn’t win him kudo points with me though. Maybe the Captain’s Council would be better served with a moral center as opposed to yet-another-pirate running the show? Lastly: I could be swayed to change my opinion with the right incentives. So Evon: what else you gonna throw down to make the deal worth my time?
Sorry, but he sounds way more excited about the Thaumanova Reactor. I like the obligatory consolation prize pep-talk about Abbadon at the end.
Izzy has been an Arenanet Dev for longer, and seems much more enthusiastic about the Abaddon fractal. Your point?
Bzzt! Wrong. Try again. At a minimum your statement is based on pure speculation. At least I provided a legitimate quote to make mine.
The developer you’re referring to has only said he’s pro-Gnashblade. He has not mentioned why, and he has certainly not mentioned being “much more enthusiastic about the Abaddon fractal”.
So, you see, your attempt to dismiss my point by using a “senior” developer as a political prop has fallen flat.
I would say “your point?”, but you failed to score.
I can definitely see a “surge” of votes “magically” appearing at the last moment to make Evon win.
I can definitely see a ‘surge’ of votes ‘magically’ appearing at the last moment whoever wins… considering there’s not a whole lot of reason to bother turning them in as you get them.
I hope you guys realize it doesn’t matter who you vote for because Evon’s going to stuff the ballot box.
Ellen’s only chance is to catch him in the act.
I hope you guys realize it doesn’t matter who you vote for because Evon’s going to stuff the ballot box.
Ellen’s only chance is to catch him in the act.
Evon is not that kind of Charr.
Sorry but you ruined some of the best skills in GW1 and the most INFAMOUS being…
You are not forgiven!
This really made me go clicking nightmare and spend my 300 tickets to Kiel.
I’m usually typing on my phone
Sorry but you ruined some of the best skills in GW1 and the most INFAMOUS being…
You are not forgiven!
This really made me go clicking nightmare and spend my 300 tickets to Kiel.
Some A-net are also supporting Kiel…so you still lost against them :P
Just ask yourselves if you really want to elect a fancy cat with a lead designer in his pocket. We’ll just have double up our support for Kiel on SATURDAY.
Brought to you by the people against smelly animals in office.
This man speaks the truth.
Remind me which Edge of Destiny member screwed over the others…oh right…the human -_-
Oh please, all Logan did was restore party balance. Six is too many for a dungeon run.
Snaff died because of him.
No, Snaff died because of Snaff.
Well, what part of “Let’s mind control an Elder Dragon” sounds like a wise idea to you?
Dakka Warforge- Level 80 Charr Engineer
Xairro – Level 80 Asura Revenant
Razor.9872Rin Taou.2485I hope you guys realize it doesn’t matter who you vote for because Evon’s going to stuff the ballot box.
Ellen’s only chance is to catch him in the act.
Evon is not that kind of Charr.
He already absconded with stolen property in the candidate trials, so I think we all know “what kind of Charr” he is.
BTW, I never said I was against him; sleazy politicians are sometimes the most effective (and always far more interesting).
Just ask yourselves if you really want to elect a fancy cat with a lead designer in his pocket. We’ll just have double up our support for Kiel on SATURDAY.
Brought to you by the people against smelly animals in office.
This man speaks the truth.
Remind me which Edge of Destiny member screwed over the others…oh right…the human -_-
Oh please, all Logan did was restore party balance. Six is too many for a dungeon run.
Snaff died because of him.
No, Snaff died because of Snaff.
Well, what part of “Let’s mind control an Elder Dragon” sounds like a wise idea to you?
I’m sure you’re aware that he succeeded. They succeeded in doing everything. That is, until it was Logan’s turn to play guard. Then he bailed to help a queen who ended up doing most of the work herself. And lets not forget about Riona. She almost killed the chances of Charr and Humans working out a truce. Admit it — Humans can rarely be trusted.
Razor.9872Rin Taou.2485I hope you guys realize it doesn’t matter who you vote for because Evon’s going to stuff the ballot box.
Ellen’s only chance is to catch him in the act.
Evon is not that kind of Charr.
He already absconded with stolen property in the candidate trials, so I think we all know “what kind of Charr” he is.
BTW, I never said I was against him; sleazy politicians are sometimes the most effective (and always far more interesting
And Kiel didn’t?
Razor.9872Rin Taou.2485Razor.9872Evon is not that kind of Charr.
He already absconded with stolen property in the candidate trials, so I think we all know “what kind of Charr” he is.
BTW, I never said I was against him; sleazy politicians are sometimes the most effective (and always far more interesting).
And Kiel didn’t?
No, she didn’t. In fact she gave her Charr lieutenant (who suggested she use it to fund her campaign, like Evon did) explicit instructions to return the stolen property to the rightful owners.
A vote for Evon is a vote for bookahry.
Vote Kiel, support Asuran engineering!
I think you mean Asura failed engineering!
Explosions that destroy cities are far from failure little bookah.
Only if the explosion was meant to destroy a city. Which means either the reactor IS failed Asuran engineering.
Or something very interesting was going on.
Just ask yourselves if you really want to elect a fancy cat with a lead designer in his pocket. We’ll just have double up our support for Kiel on SATURDAY.
Brought to you by the people against smelly animals in office.
This man speaks the truth.
Remind me which Edge of Destiny member screwed over the others…oh right…the human -_-
Remind me which Edge of Destiny member can’t leave home without his human-made weapon?
A vote for Evon is a vote for greed and shady business practices.
It would not surprise me if he was one of the main members of the Consortium.
The guy won’t even sell unlocks for stuff like untradeable items, even though he can easily make more with that magic asura 4D printer in his basement (yeah, I know your secret, Evon, you can’t fool me, the smell of infinitely replicated items is unmistakable).
Accidentally lost an item for any reason?
You’ll have to pay again! If you can pay at all, he may remove the item altogether and you won’t be able to get it again, even though you already paid for it!And it can be easy to make a mistake, since transmuted items show with the wrong skin in vendors, and deleting a character won’t warn you if the character had any lifetime missable items when you delete it. And lots of other stuff may happen. It doesn’t matter how you may lose it. It may happen.
“Stock” my scaly ancient bottom. He can make infinite of anything. He says he has “limited stock” just to make people pay more for the stuff.
With the old costume and hat makers and Xunlai we didn’t had that. Just pay a few coins or request a new one, and you have it, all year round.
Well, if you want to go tin foil hat like that, then I can too >:)
Why is it that Kiel did almost nothing throughout the whole Aetherblade dungeon event, leaving you to do most of the work…
Afterwards, she takes the credit for doing so, then adorns an Aetherblade garment. Call me crazy, but I think she could have struck up a deal with the Aetherblades when we weren’t looking.
Airships – especially the one that, after it was captured, was given to Kiel – tend to be steam-punk. The idea behind most steam-punk outfits is that at least some part of it is function/utility.
Therefore, after taking over the ship, it makes sense she’d use some of the uniforms there because it would help with ship.
And to be fair, how helpful she was, or wasn’t, is mostly a meta thing, as the devs didn’t want her to carry you.
Who wants to vote vor Evon? 2500 Points for his kitten minigame archivement? All my votes belong to Kiel. He forces you to grind -_-
I’m sure you’re aware that he succeeded. They succeeded in doing everything. That is, until it was Logan’s turn to play guard. Then he bailed to help a queen who ended up doing most of the work herself. And lets not forget about Riona. She almost killed the chances of Charr and Humans working out a truce. Admit it — Humans can rarely be trusted.
According to Sea of Sorrows, the chance of working a truce got killed twice during that period. One wonders just how many potential truces got killed due to someone’s stupidity over the centuries?
On Logan… he was in a catch-22. He had obligations in two different places, which he could not fulfill simultaneously. He’d have let someone down whatever he did (and if you read EoD more carefully, it’s apparent that without his intervention, the Branded would have got to Jennah before she deus-ex-magica’d the battle. Not every spell is a combat spell with a casting time of seconds, after all). In fact, he left hoping that he’d be able to handle Jennah’s problem in time to return for the fight, and thus cover both.
Seriously, I’d like to see what the other members of Destiny’s Edge, or you armchair analysts, would have done in a similar position.
On humans being trusted in general: Some humans can’t be trusted. Some charr also can’t be trusted. Same with norn, asura, and sylvari. No one race has a monopoly on proverbial rotten apples.
People don’t hate Scarlet like Game of Thrones fans hate Joffrey.
They hate her the way Star Wars fans hate Jar Jar Binks.