Marjory is really beautiful.
pelase please please please pleeease make her hair and face avaliable to players! x.x I NEED EM!
Kasmeer is more attractive than Marjory IMO.
Majory reminds me of some korean model that would be around for eyecandy in a match of SC2.
Her face doesn’t fit her persona.
You could effectively chop her head off and put it on a model and no one would notice.
Chocodile – Asuran Engineer
Chocodial – Asuran Thief
Her face doesn’t fit her persona.
You could effectively chop her head off and put it on a model and no one would notice.
Is there some rule that beautiful women can’t be strong and sarcastic or something?
Oblyth, Mes ~ Nadeshiko Naito, War ~ Hwertu, Gua
Evenree, Necro (M) ~ Ran Still Died, Thief
Rytlock Brimstone is the most attractive npc IMO…but I also always play as a Charr…and I am a female,lol.
She is indeed. I liked the whole scene, moody and stylish, good work there AN. Can’t help but feel sad that it’s a one time temp. quest, GW2 could use some pieces like that one in permanent content.
as major prize we will get a journal and i think it is endless loop of that AWESOME cutscene
All these posts and noone has a screen of what she looks like?
Please give us a keyring…
Yeah! xD Just read it in A Guide to Dragon Bash, Part Two. Cool. \o/
Best I could do. Kasmeer and Marjory.
Oblyth, Mes ~ Nadeshiko Naito, War ~ Hwertu, Gua
Evenree, Necro (M) ~ Ran Still Died, Thief
All these posts and noone has a screen of what she looks like?
It’s all I got unless I can play the cinematic again.
besides don’t they already got a model like that in human female creation? I know they got a few here and there.
I have to agree. She looks a lot more asian then you can make the default humans. Her hair is the best though. Totally want.
Of course Lady Kasmeer is nice too.
Queen Jennah is still nr 1.
In my book
Queen Jennah is still nr 1.
In my book
Oh hi there Logan.
Oblyth, Mes ~ Nadeshiko Naito, War ~ Hwertu, Gua
Evenree, Necro (M) ~ Ran Still Died, Thief
Best I could do. Kasmeer and Marjory.
Thanks. They do look pretty good. Wonder if we’ll be able to get their armors.
All these posts and noone has a screen of what she looks like?
It’s all I got unless I can play the cinematic again.
besides don’t they already got a model like that in human female creation? I know they got a few here and there.
Please give us a keyring…
Yeah.. I can’t help but say the opposite.
Her personality doesn’t match her face, her voice doesn’t match her face.. I give her credit for being one of the rare NPC female humans that has a decently sensible fantasy armor.. but aside from that I feel that everything isn’t ‘right’.
Marjory is gorgeous, Kasmeer is too…But Marjory definitely has the best female face in the game by a loooooooooong shot. WTB, although I know that won’t happen.
Haha just thought i’d see what people were saying about her!! I had to print screen her too. She’s stunning. Honestly wish they would release faces like that. The amount of work that’s gone into Guildwars2. We need more faces and hair!!
Haha just thought i’d see what people were saying about her!! I had to print screen her too. She’s stunning. Honestly wish they would release faces like that. The amount of work that’s gone into Guildwars2. We need more faces and hair!!
I know that won’t happen, since she’s now a primary character and they all seem to have unique faces? But I want it so bad for my thief…lol…
Marjory’s face look so realistic
“berserker stance clears all CC on you and you’re still immune to CC for 8 seconds”
Marjory’s face look so realistic
For a porcelain doll I suppose, yeah.
I do agree they need to make all the faces & hair they add, available to the players. I don’t know why they don’t do this. Would increase the sales of the re-customizations.
(edited by DarksunG.9537)
If they put that face in character creation, or one similar, I’d totally remake my mesmer to have it.
My mesmer is level 2, but that’s besides the point!
Pffft, my necro is way more beautiful than whatever her name is >:-(
By the way, NPC’s are meant to be unique (at least important ones). So I highly doubt we will have access to that face (I would love to have a charr with Rox face but that’s not going to happen )
Can we get an in-game playboy magazine of her and her blonde friend, whatever her name is?
You know, for the articles.
But please NO LOGAN! Just womenz!
felt this was relevant
(see pic)
Wow, she really got some carb-face going between Divinity’s Reach and Lions Arch…
Ava Solaris – Warrior SFR
Pffft, my necro is way more beautiful than whatever her name is >:-(
By the way, NPC’s are meant to be unique (at least important ones). So I highly doubt we will have access to that face (I would love to have a charr with Rox face but that’s not going to happen
Eh, I don’t care if it’s her face or not, just one like it. She looks closer to my Rit from GW1 than any of the existing faces.
I’m willing to pay any amount of gems to get that face and hair style.
Take note.
Marjory ’s face screams Canthan .
felt this was relevant
(see pic)
Aaand there you go, the completely unnecessary boob window from the concept art covered with a nice scarf, which looks like colorable armor part. Can I get more of such solutions?
Her armor reminds me of the basic Shing Jea/Canthan necromant robes. With less teeth, more feathers and dragons.
Logan was quite obviously lying. He was really only there to pick up hot chicks.
On a different note, I rather liked that cutscene.
Also I’m sorry for that, but… Delaqua, Velazquez… Am I the only one seeing similarities in those surnames? Doern was even hinting something that he’s Canthan.
I concur but i think its mostly the hair.
I thought Marjory was attractive, and I really like her hair, but when Kasmeer came onto the scene, I was like: ‘omg she is the most beautiful npc ever!’ And I’m a hetero female gamer, but seriously I was checking her out something fierce. I want her armor and her hair.
Please…….ANet why do you do this? You never made Countess Anise’s armor available to players, and now I bet you will torture us with this too! :-D
Seriously though…..our characters are supposed to be the real heroes (in my understanding) so surely our characters shouldn’t be out-shone. Give us hair and armors please. Thank you
My personal opinion? Marjory Delaqua is one of the most beautiful faces I’ve seen so far in GW2, player of NPC.
Kasmeer is attractive, but in a way that I personally find a little boring, while I caught myself staring at Marjory for minutes.
This straight female says: Marjory is the hottest.
~ Whips ~ City Minigames ~ City Jumping Puzzles ~
Marjory is so hawt. Kasmeer is hawt too, but not quite as hawt-hawt. I’d like to have them both in swimsuits following me around.
It just seems like such a waste to me to make new faces and hairstyles and then not release them to players. :/ I mean, why not make them specific to the makeover kit? I’d be ok with that.
Marjory is so hawt. Kasmeer is hawt too, but not quite as hawt-hawt. I’d like to have them both in swimsuits following me around.
Well, the Mini Kasmeer has a swimsuit on, so you can have at least one of them tailing you :p
No connection to a certain sparring partner. My dad’s name was Pete Mitchell.
Majory reminds me of some korean model that would be around for eyecandy in a match of SC2.
I’ve seen plenty of GSL, MLG, Dreamhack and whatnot and there’s no model eye-candy as far as I know :P
“You can’t have more than 10 HS decks because that would confuse people”
“30 fps is more cinematic”
This straight female says: Marjory is the hottest.
Well, this straight male says: Kasmeer is the hottest, but I wouldn’t say no to Marjory either.
This straight male fancies both of ’em. Which one he fancies more at any given moment depends on all sorts of subjective factors, including the weather.
They’ve stated before (can’t find quote) that the hairstyles and faces for unique characters will not be made available to players so that they can’t look like them. Why? Heck if I know. Blame “artistic integrity” or some such nonsense. Perhaps they’ll change their mind, but don’t get your hopes up.
They’ve stated before (can’t find quote) that the hairstyles and faces for unique characters will not be made available to players so that they can’t look like them. Why? Heck if I know. Blame “artistic integrity” or some such nonsense. Perhaps they’ll change their mind, but don’t get your hopes up.
Yet they could make a lot of money.
Lady Kasmeer self-style hair kit – 600 gems
(… and the same for Marjory and Braham.)
The NPCs look unique because of the combination of face AND hair – releasing one of the two without the other surely wouldn’t do any harm…?
~ Whips ~ City Minigames ~ City Jumping Puzzles ~
Concept art for Marjory from Marjory’s Story: The Last Straw, part 1
Yeah.. I can’t help but say the opposite.
Her personality doesn’t match her face, her voice doesn’t match her face.. I give her credit for being one of the rare NPC female humans that has a decently sensible fantasy armor.. but aside from that I feel that everything isn’t ‘right’.
Oh, so personality is looked by how people look nowadays?
I was under the impression that personality had nothing at all to do with how you were looking and stuff like that. Thanks for clearing that up.
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square
Marjory’s cutscene was nice and moody like Sin City. I half expected Logan to say “Her name was Goldie” when Kasmeer showed up.
However we all know Countess Anise is the one true hottie
They’ve stated before (can’t find quote) that the hairstyles and faces for unique characters will not be made available to players so that they can’t look like them. Why? Heck if I know. Blame “artistic integrity” or some such nonsense. Perhaps they’ll change their mind, but don’t get your hopes up.
Yet they could make a lot of money.
Lady Kasmeer self-style hair kit – 600 gems
(… and the same for Marjory and Braham.)
The NPCs look unique because of the combination of face AND hair – releasing one of the two without the other surely wouldn’t do any harm…?
I would laugh out loud if they put NPC faces in the RNG boxes. But I wouldn’t be surprised.