Opening 1000 regular Dragon Coffers [Merged]
kRiza krimosYea it gets like that when you’r used to get everything you want.
It has nothing to do with greed. RNG is just a terrible system as it creates an unfair playing field due to being completely based on random chance. If skins could be acquired through skill, say by winning tickets through the playing and winning of Dragon Ball matches or being a top 3 player x many times, it would be far more satisfying as you have stuff to look forward to that is achieveable if you put in a bit of effort and acquire skill.
RNG causes some people to get 3 weapon tickets after having acquired 25 boxes and others to have none after 500+ opened chests.
Because RNG is the only thing that balances out people with tons of time to play and people that get almost no time to play. Thanks to RNG – both have equal chances – take note of the word “chances” – to get the item.
Umm, no. Someone that can farm coffers 10 hours a day has a much better chance than someone that can farm them for 5 hours on the weekend. The afore mentioned will open many, many more coffers than the weekend guy.
Except that the person that has farmed 10 hours a day now has DR and receives almost no boxes.
I’ve been farming the event for boxes, opening about 2k of them now and I have no ticket. My multiple friends who haven’t even logged in for a week got 5 boxes and already have their ticket.
Move to another area.
Yeah… except that you move to another area and still receive the same DR drop rate because the boxes are worldwide.
peasants had no bread and who responded: “Let them eat brioche.”
What amazes me the most here is no reply from Anet/NcSoft. It’ll be interesting to see how this all plays out. Another gaming company is under investigation for pushing players to spend real money and possibly using deceptive practices. I sense new rules and regulations coming in the future for all online games.
Anyways I’m out. Good luck to all of the those that have not gotten a ticket, etc.. /swordsalute
(edited by Evon Skyfyre.9673)
What amazes me the most here is no reply from Anet/NcSoft. It’ll be interesting to see how this all plays out. Another gaming company is under investigation for pushing players to spend real money and possibly using deceptive practices. I sense new rules and regulations coming in the future for all online games.
What kind of response from Anet/NcSoft are you expecting? Everything they stated at the start of the event is true. “a greater chance” is a greater chance (~1.4% >> 0.05%). [with one exception: "Each festive dragon coffer contains candy, tonics, or fireworks. It may rarely contain a Mini Holo Undead Dragon Knight, recipes, or a Dragon’s Jade Weapon Skin Ticket. " as no one has reported finding a recipe from a rich coffer yet]
And what do you mean that they are “under investigation for pushing players to spend real money and possibly using deceptive practices”?
Who is being pushed to spend real money? and how?
Do NOT buy the “rich dragon coffers” from the gemstore if you are looking for tickets. The drop rate is around 1.27%. (
And you’d think you’d get a fair chance with gemstore purchased coffers. They really need to have the drop % listed on these RNG gemstore items. This is almost like a scam!
“Dragon’s Jade Weapon Skins
Show your Dragon Bash spirit with these cool new weapon skins with a distinctly draconic look. You can find weapon tickets inside Rich Dragon Coffers and (rarely) in Dragon Coffers, and exchange them for weapon skins from Black Lion Weapon Specialists in every major city!” (^ I don’t know about you guys, but this is VERY MISLEADING
TL;DR: Do not bother with dragon tickets.
Its not like a scam, it is a scam. And it seriously needs to get addressed quickly.
What amazes me the most here is no reply from Anet/NcSoft. It’ll be interesting to see how this all plays out. Another gaming company is under investigation for pushing players to spend real money and possibly using deceptive practices. I sense new rules and regulations coming in the future for all online games.
What kind of response from Anet/NcSoft are you expecting? Everything they stated at the start of the event is true. “a greater chance” is a greater chance (~1.4% >> 0.05%). [with one exception: "Each festive dragon coffer contains candy, tonics, or fireworks. It may rarely contain a Mini Holo Undead Dragon Knight, recipes, or a Dragon’s Jade Weapon Skin Ticket. " as no one has reported finding a recipe from a rich coffer yet]
And what do you mean that they are “under investigation for pushing players to spend real money and possibly using deceptive practices”?
Who is being pushed to spend real money? and how?
GW2 isn’t even in the same league as the game (companies) under investigation. That’s a bit like comparing apples and candy with razorblades.
I used to play one of those games, and yeah, forced is a good word for them. Good luck getting into any endgame dungeon or PvP in the last game I played without at least several hundred dollars worth of gear (granted, it could be “farmed” but even then, it came from the cash shop, so represents someone’s money spent).
I’m not saying I like the gambling box model, in fact I’d have bought several skins if there was the option to simply buy them. I can accept it though, because they are just skins. If it was 0.005% to get ascended weapons from coffers, and that was the only way to reasonably get them, I’d be leaving the game.
Selling skins = Great! Woohoo! Lemme at the cash shop!
Selling gambling “boxes” with skins = Errrm, okaaayyy….. I’d rather be able to buy them, but I guess you don’t want my money.
Selling “power” (stat increases) = Bye bye GW2, I’m going outside…..
Question for everyone, would you be more or less angry if they added Jade weapon skins to the gem store at the end of the event (July 9th) without announcing that they were going to do that ahead of time?
Far less angry.
Poor things. The GAME is mistreating you. (No, I dont have a skin, I havent bought coffers, and YES, I want one.) Quit complaining. People these days expecting everything given to them. “Try walking up hill to school both ways in the snow with worn out shoes.” -Author NO CLUE. But funny.
Quit complaining. People these days expecting everything given to them.
Given? You’re either a troll or wheelchair level disabled.
No one is whining about not being given a free ride or whatever. No, I paid enough dosh to buy 2 expansions worth of content. If the obscenely low drop rates had been published I wouldn’t have bothered. If the drop rates were better, I wouldn’t be so irritated because I’d have gotten more for my money than 1 skin and 54 fireworks. I paid more for that skin than I would have for a Digital Deluxe copy of the original game…
so anet.. you got me – i am giving up
stopped counting the boxes i’ve opened and getting nothing but crap
i really love the new skins, but enough is enough
I’m sorry but I have to say this: you’re really whining too much. There is element of randomize here and that’s how it suppose to be. This is optional content that you’ll get if you’re lucky enough. What’s the difference between this and random drop from monsters? In GW1 there were named foes that could drop named weapon. Some of this drops where really low and you’d have to kill foe to even get chance to roll a dice. And that really wasn’t a piece of cake. So yeah, you’d have to farm to get skin/stats combination you want there.
Come on…here you can kill anything (not farming) and get chests (got ~400 this way) or buy them through the TP (bought ~2000). I found 3 tickets and a lot of other things that I probably never use. I spent some great amount of gold on this and yet I’m satisfied. Why? Simple. Look at prices of some rare exotic skins…So even if I get only one ticket it’s still be something relatively cheap for something that I wanted to get.
And it wasn’t even hard to get prerequisite to roll a dice.
(edited by Draghmar.2594)
all the crying and complaining..
Cant people just play something else?
all the crying and complaining..
Cant people just play something else?
Yes, but they might prefer to enjoy the game in which they have already invested a lot of their time.
I haven’t posted my complaints to the forum yet (only guild chat – to which I’m sure my guildmates have been grateful tolerant wishing my untimely demise) but I’ll say now that I’ve sunk enough hours into GW2 which I feel was time well spent, only to have DB come up and get me a little ragequit-y. I want to keep playing and having fun, I’ve just had to look away from the parts that have annoyed me and keep them out of sight / out of mind.
(To wit – I’m so glad the moa races were removed from the meta, but in a sort of teeth-clenched way as I’d already spent 5-10g and got zero wins. I consider myself more casual of a player, so that’s a significant loss which I’d prefer to have put toward buying wings.)
(To wit – I’m so glad the moa races were removed from the meta, but in a sort of teeth-clenched way as I’d already spent 5-10g and got zero wins. I consider myself more casual of a player, so that’s a significant loss which I’d prefer to have put toward buying wings.)
Plenty of us already dumped a ton of gold into it before that happened.
wow so i just wanna tell everyone whining about how the rng took ur money and its not fair to never go into a gambling establishment because well its called gambling not winning for a reason…
believe it or not some of us like the jade skins simply because not everyone will have them..yes putting them up for gems would give lots of people access to them and just like the winters day stuff..a lot of people would not get them simply because everyone can own them
I really only wanted some jade weapons, but to this day Ive gotten 5 minis and I also got the wings as drop from a random mob.
I cant remember how many coffers Ive opened but it has to be atleast 1000.
Is this really WAI?
Those coffers are really easy to grind though. You can get 1000 in less than a day.
Yosh! Okay, brought $10 worth of gems… but instead of buying only 10 rich coffers -which only slightly increase my chances of ticket drops-, I exchanged gems for gold and bought 800 regular coffers instead. 3 skins!!!!
4500+ regular coffers opened, nothing but candy, and some fireworks and 10 minis. see ya, bout done with this game.. kitten ur RNG anet… and thanks, cuz you helped me quit playing MMo’S…
I haven’t kept count of how many coffers I’ve opened, but this is day 10 of this ‘celebration’ and still no ticket. 3 risen knight minis, mass quantities of candy, fireworks, and random foodstuffs, but no ticket. Which is the only thing I want. I’d trade the wings for a jade weapon ticket. I’d trade the dragon helms for a jade weapon ticket. I’d trade that fused gauntlet ticket sitting in my bank vault for a jade weapon ticket.
/e back of hand to forehead
I don’t mean to bother other people who haven’t been fortunate, but for the sake of knowledge, I got a ticket on my 155th regular coffer or so. I think this is terribly lopsided as I’ve heard of people opening thousands and even spending large sums of money and not getting any. As thankful as I am, I really don’t like this sad RNG box system…
I would encourage people who are willing to spend money to stick to regular coffers though. The rich coffers seem to be a ripoff, and the chances between them and the regulars don’t seem like enough compared to the price. If anything use the gems to convert to gold to buy regulars from the TP. For 80 gems ($1 worth) you get about 1.71 gold, which is about 85 regular boxes. So rather than spending $10 on 10 rich coffers, I think it’s better to buy about 850+ regular boxes from TP. I personally don’t want to support this kind of gambling in the gem store, but for those who really intend to gamble real money, please consider this advice. I hope everyone is able to get tickets.
(edited by Arnekun.6170)
And you still complain…geez. Don’t you think one of the reasons you want that skin so badly is just because it’s so rare? Example here is so simple. Look at those wings (both versions). Everywhere I go there are people who have them. Even if they are gold, which should means rare, they are so common…just boring stuff. (and I won’t even mention how weird is holographic look of them)
So what if you don’t get this skin. Universe won’t collapse and you may have better chance next time when there is some unique skin.
The logic behind all the explanations about RNG is very sound, but please forgive those of us who are, as Mr. Spock would’ve put it, “emotionally compromised.”
If ranting about it on the forums make people feel better, so long as it’s not actively impeding other people’s enjoyment of the game, I think there’s no reason to not complain.
Keep those RNG coffers/boxes comin, A-net and NCSoft. Let those with no brain continue buying with gem and real money. Its a great way to make profit, and if I am to run this company, I will do the same thing. We know these whinners will still play and pay. Human nature. Let them cry and kitten. If they really want to quit MMO, they would with 0/100 coffer, not 0/5000 coffer.
I love this game. It keeps reminding myself that I AM responsible for everything I do. If I spend money on imaginary lottery hoping to get imaginary kitten, that’s my own problem. I created the issue myself. I have NO ONE to blame but myself. If I want to spend my time farming/buying 60000 coffers and win nothing but getting frustrated, I have NO ONE to blame but myself.
I really love this game. I get to use some of these players as my mirror, learn and grow to be a smarter and better person. I have never thought a mmo could offer so much life lessons for me to learn.
Thank you A-net, for a wonderful game.
Maybe you’re right but I still believe that there may be some people at AN that could read all of this complaining in a wrong way and make wrong decision based on this. That’s why I wanted to put my thoughts about this.
Keep those RNG coffers/boxes comin, A-net and NCSoft. Let those with no brain continue buying with gem and real money. Its a great way to make profit, and if I am to run this company, I will do the same thing. We know these whinners will still play and pay. Human nature. Let them cry and kitten. If they really want to quit MMO, they would with 0/100 coffer, not 0/5000 coffer.
I love this game. It keeps reminding myself that I AM responsible for everything I do. If I spend money on imaginary lottery hoping to get imaginary kitten, that’s my own problem. I created the issue myself. I have NO ONE to blame but myself. If I want to spend my time farming/buying 60000 coffers and win nothing but getting frustrated, I have NO ONE to blame but myself.
I really love this game. I get to use some of these players as my mirror, learn and grow to be a smarter and better person. I have never thought a mmo could offer so much life lessons for me to learn.
Thank you A-net, for a wonderful game.
Actually, really well said. I’m using the coffers to pad my income. The Jade skins are nice, but I’ve accepted the low drop rate. If I bought 100,000 coffers I wouldn’t get a ticket. For me this RNG stuff comes at the least expected times, when I’m not trying for it. Like in Wow out farming near an instance where a boss drops a mount. Really low drop rate, but I’m right here, might as well. And boom, it dropped. Some people enter, leave, reset 500 times and nothing. I’ve made at least 15g this week selling coffers alone.
Bottom line is people are blaming Anet and the game and not realizing they are doing it to themselves. People play the lottery their ENTIRE adult life and never win the jackpot. It’s all luck. Could the drop rate be a little higher? Abso-freakin-lutely. Would it have been nice if the tickets were sellable? Of course, but they aren’t. I’m just so sick and tired of people whining and complaining about it. It’s not Anet fault, it’s all of you who don’t realize you have a gambling problem. “Man, I just bought 500 crates and didn’t get one? Crap, I mean, if I get another 500 I can’t possibly lose again.” After nothing again it turns into 500 more. The drop rate is kitten , if you buy up 1000 crates and don’t get anything, then stop. You tried and got screwed. Happens to us all. And it’s nothing new. Same thing next event, yet people will buy a million crates and get nothing by dolyak poop and complain about it.
So far i’ve open about 4.75k coffers and only got one ticket, and I received that ticket around the 1.75 mark. While im glad I at least got one ticket, I gotta say I am hugely disappointed with how the player is supposed to get the jade skins.
It seems like there is a very high demand for these skins, and unfortunately the people that do want the tickets have to settle for RNG to get the tickets. The problem though is that there are people who are not only spending their time, but also their money trying to get them. Thats how huge the demand is for the skins. On top of which the skins have no acquisition through the TP, and will soon be phased out for newer skins. Personally I find the skins to be of amazing quality and would like to see them in the regular rotation, but sadly that is to no avail. I have pretty much used all my gold buying coffers, and farm the coffers daily as well. I’ve lost track of the time and gold spent. It is an obscene amount of work and gold for little pay off. If I could have purchased the skins via the TP or gem store I would have.
Ultimately though this whole event has left a bad taste in my mouth. I will continue to farm coffers, because I still want said skins. But even Anet had to acknowledge how ludicrous it is for players to invest both time and wealth to acquire something and either get nothing, or hardly anything at all.
[…]I am hugely disappointed with how the player is supposed to get the jade skins.
It seems like there is a very high demand for these skins, and unfortunately the people that do want the tickets have to settle for RNG to get the tickets.
And that’s the whole problem here. Why do you think someone have to get this skin? Just because he want it? That’s ridiculous.
Stop complaining about RNG…this is exact the same as random drop from mob! Or to be little closer to GW2 – Mystic Forge, where you have very small chance to get precursor…
Bottom line is people are blaming Anet and the game and not realizing they are doing it to themselves. People play the lottery their ENTIRE adult life and never win the jackpot. It’s all luck. Could the drop rate be a little higher? Abso-freakin-lutely. Would it have been nice if the tickets were sellable? Of course, but they aren’t. I’m just so sick and tired of people whining and complaining about it. It’s not Anet fault, it’s all of you who don’t realize you have a gambling problem. “Man, I just bought 500 crates and didn’t get one? Crap, I mean, if I get another 500 I can’t possibly lose again.” After nothing again it turns into 500 more. The drop rate is kitten , if you buy up 1000 crates and don’t get anything, then stop. You tried and got screwed. Happens to us all. And it’s nothing new. Same thing next event, yet people will buy a million crates and get nothing by dolyak poop and complain about it.
Actually none of this has anything to do with a ‘gambling problem’. The problem is that the skins are highly desirably, well made, and people want them for their characters. Were it a gambling addiction then the people would be feeding the money that they won, which is nothing, back into the ‘machine’, and expecting a better monetary outcome. In this case there is no monetary outcome, its a skin that you get to permanently add to any character you have. It’s a finite thing. You don’t come back to it after you’ve gotten what you want. A gambling addiction is the opposite, you keep coming back no matter what gains you acquire.
And I do blame Anet for offering such desirable and well-made skins and not offering alternative methods to acquiring them besides RNG. It would have been the right choice. Either offering the skins on the gem store, or making the tickets tradable would be satisfactory.
(edited by clocksword.6052)
[…]I am hugely disappointed with how the player is supposed to get the jade skins.
It seems like there is a very high demand for these skins, and unfortunately the people that do want the tickets have to settle for RNG to get the tickets.
And that’s the whole problem here. Why do you think someone have to get this skin? Just because he want it? That’s ridiculous.
Stop complaining about RNG…this is exact the same as random drop from mob! Or to be little closer to GW2 – Mystic Forge, where you have very small chance to get precursor…
Actually it’s not ridiculous, it’s perfectly natural to see something and want to acquire it through either work or tradable goods. It is far more ridiculous to dangle something in front of someones face and never give it to them no matter how much time or money they invest into acquiring it.
And while it is similar to the Mystic Forge, and dissimilar from mob drops, the problem is that you can’t work towards the item in question without relying on RNG. Any other item you can acquire from the Mystic Forge can be bought and purchased for a set price on the TP. These skins cannot be bought or acquired on the TP. And to be perfectly honest, I like these skins far more than many of what you can buy on the TP.
Actually it’s not ridiculous, it’s perfectly natural to see something and want to acquire it through either work or tradable goods. It is far more ridiculous to dangle something in front of someones face and never give it to them no matter how much time or money they invest into acquiring it.
And while it is similar to the Mystic Forge, and dissimilar from mob drops, the problem is that you can’t work towards the item in question without relying on RNG. […] I like these skins far more than many of what you can buy on the TP.
I can agree with you about possibility of selling ticket through TP. It would be much better this way but only when drop would be a little lower (yes I know what I’m saying).
But I still think RNG here is not as bad as many claims. I spent something like 40g which gave me 3 tickets. When I would like to buy some rare exotic skins I would have to pay so much more…
Some paid more and didn’t get it….and that’s still fine. I’m sorry but it’s their problem if they spend real money on this. And if they spend only in-game money then I don’t see any problem here. It’s still RANDOM DROP. Like from any mob, Mystic Forge or any kind of standard MMO drop. Leaving selling ability aside, the only difference is that you get chest before real drop game begins.
And what would happen if AN would made this drop as any other? I mean. What if this ticket would drop straight from mobs? Of course with the same chance. Then it would be fair, wouldn’t it? Because there wouldn’t be any option to get ticket through gold so there won’t be crying about loosing gold…Of course then people would complain about drop chance (which is exactly like RNG).
So there is no way of making people happy. Even if this skin was more common…because then there would be complaining about not getting anything that is rare enough…
i opened 1200 regular dragon coffers , farmed loads of them and nothing so yesterday i bought 500 from the TP and what did i get….. 6 mini`s , i dont know how much fire works and candy.
you know why arenanet arent bussy with a expansion , because these events are making them rich . they give us coffers that drop kitten so lots of people think OK then i try my luck with rich coffers but thats the same story . we are getting ripped off.
i was a huge fan of guildwars 1 , i played it for almost 7 years but im losing my fate in gw2 real fast at the moment . all we get is crappy questlines and monthly events to keep us bussy (read : make them rich). stop with that rediculous Low droprate during events , its not rewarding at all and it will dissapoint people to the point that they say F&%$ guildwars 2 .
I’m not going back and reading all 18 pages to find out, but I hope someone has mentioned that the lottery style RNG boxes are immensely popular in places like… for example…. oh, I don’t know… Korea. I’m not going to defend the practice, but it is one of those cultural things we don’t get. (Or you could argue “they don’t get.” Whichever.) I know NC’s overall business is something like 65% Korean, but I’m not so sure GW2 has the same split. Regardless, we know for a fact now that the gem store money goes to NCSoft, not ANet directly. So it’s not much a of a leap to believe that ANet isn’t entirely in charge of this one.
Granted, I’d still like a better system than the equivalent of buying scratch-offs. I just don’t think screaming at ANet is going to have much effect. Of course, screaming at NCSoft never has much effect, so what do you do?
No sympathy for the Devil, keep that in mind.
Buy the ticket, take the ride.
And you still complain…geez. Don’t you think one of the reasons you want that skin so badly is just because it’s so rare?
Once more with feeling: I don’t care if everyone else has one of these, or a dozen of them, or a hundred. I’d still want one. Because for once anet has added a weapon set that in my opinion doesn’t suck. That’s the only thing ‘rare’ about these jade weapons: they don’t (all) suck.
And you still complain…geez. Don’t you think one of the reasons you want that skin so badly is just because it’s so rare?
You did see that I wrote ‘one of’ not ‘only’, didn’t you?
You like this skins. Some people may not. I honestly don’t like all of the jade skins (for example bows looks awful to me). Same thing with this…previous ones. I liked great sword and staff. And I didn’t get enough tickets back then – only one. Did I cry or complain? No. Because in my opinion it’s quite fair – it’s random reward.
And you still complain…geez. Don’t you think one of the reasons you want that skin so badly is just because it’s so rare?
You did see that I wrote ‘one of’ not ‘only’, didn’t you?
You like this skins. Some people may not. I honestly don’t like all of the jade skins (for example bows looks awful to me). Same thing with this…previous ones. I liked great sword and staff. And I didn’t get enough tickets back then – only one. Did I cry or complain? No. Because in my opinion it’s quite fair – it’s random reward.
You may not have cried and complained then, but here you are crying and complaining now because you got only one. ;-)
You may not have cried and complained then, but here you are crying and complaining now because you got only one. ;-)
No, I don’t. :P
BTW When I was wondering about those chests and my gold I made some limit that I would not cross. Maybe all of you should make same mental limit? You know how much gold you have. You also now how much you would pay for skin. So it’s easy to estimate your limit. But don’t buy chests for all of this. Only 1/3 or something like that. If you get ticket you won’t loose more gold. And if not you will always have some more to spend.
I got my tickets between 1800-2400. My limit was capped at 40g. I used it all because I wanted to try to get two skins (sword and dagger for my thief).
I didn’t keep a very good track of my results, but I got a ticket today around the 1500 coffer mark. Knowing that I wouldn’t have much time to play during the festival, I farmed orichalcum for a few days to be able to afford some coffers off the trading post in addition to the ones I farmed.
I’m not totally opposed to RNG in this fashion. Anyone who’s played GW1 should be familiar with ridiculously low drop rates but I felt that there was a bit more fun to it in GW1. Comparing it, we had four days to amass Lunar Fortunes, and they had a ~0.5% chance to drop a celestial mini back then.
I’d like to see a few improvements in GW2:
- No more coffers sold through the Trading Post.
- Slightly upped drop rate, I think between 0.1% and 0.5% would be fair given that we have an entire month to get the boxes
- Tradeable tickets
- Festival quest lines that reward coffers, as an alternative to farming.
I wouldn’t mind the option of buying skins directly through the gem store, but I really like the option of getting them in-game (as in, not converting gold to gems), even if it’s through RNG.
Sanctum of Rall
(edited by Eivene.9127)
You may not have cried and complained then, but here you are crying and complaining now because you got only one. ;-)
No, I don’t. :P
BTW When I was wondering about those chests and my gold I made some limit that I would not cross. Maybe all of you should make same mental limit? You know how much gold you have. You also now how much you would pay for skin. So it’s easy to estimate your limit
. But don’t buy chests for all of this. Only 1/3 or something like that. If you get ticket you won’t loose more gold. And if not you will always have some more to spend.
I got my tickets between 1800-2400. My limit was capped at 40g. I used it all because I wanted to try to get two skins (sword and dagger for my thief).
My limit is 0g. I’m not against buying items in video games – I bought lots of costume stuff over in STO, for example – but I won’t buy a chance for an item. Apart from actively pursuing the hologram achievement, I’ve just been playing the game the way I always do, teaming with guildies, exploring, doing events, whatever, and opening the coffers I get as drops pretty much as I get them. That’s why I have no idea how many I’ve opened and have been going by a count of days. Today will day 11. Will I get a ticket? Probably not. And if not…
/e cry
/e complain
/e shake fist at sky
/e grab ’75 hardtail strat and wail
My limit is 0g. […] That’s why I have no idea how many I’ve opened and have been going by a count of days. Today will day 11. Will I get a ticket? Probably not. And if not…
And that’s completely ok. You have your limit. This is as close to normal playing as possible. It’s exactly like in my example where ticket would drop only from mobs.
So why you would complain on this?
My limit is 0g. […] That’s why I have no idea how many I’ve opened and have been going by a count of days. Today will day 11. Will I get a ticket? Probably not. And if not…
And that’s completely ok. You have your limit. This is closest to normal playing as possible. It’s exactly like in my example where ticket would drop only from mobs.
So why you would complain on this?
Because these items are only available for a limited time and the only way to get them is via the luck of the draw – even if you throw money at arenanet. I think that’s wrong. If I – and anyone else who thinks things like this are wrong – don’t speak up (aka cry and complain), things will never change.
Because these items are only available for a limited time and the only way to get them is via the luck of the draw – even if you throw money at arenanet. I think that’s wrong. If I – and anyone else who thinks things like this are wrong – don’t speak up (aka cry and complain), things will never change.
Yeah, I can’t argue here. You’re right on some degree. There were very nice ideas posted here. Like those pointed by Eivene But ideas for improvements isn’t exactly the same as complaining and whining. What constructive will come from crying that RNG is bad when it’s clearly not the problem here?
I would summarize this like this:
- limited time – good, makes something more exclusive
- making it random drop – overall good, for the same reason as above
- don’t giving ability to sell ticket or skin – very bad
- making chests tradable – neutral, some may say that it encourage people to spend gold for gambling and some would say that you should be strong and control yourself
These weapon skins are exclusive indeed! Took me 1500 coffers to get my first ticket. In some way it’s nice that you have a skin that nobody has, on the other hand, good luck getting it, lol!
What amazes me the most here is no reply from Anet/NcSoft. It’ll be interesting to see how this all plays out. Another gaming company is under investigation for pushing players to spend real money and possibly using deceptive practices. I sense new rules and regulations coming in the future for all online games.
Anyways I’m out. Good luck to all of the those that have not gotten a ticket, etc.. /swordsalute
They’ve responded to this issue by reproducing it in every consecutive patch since SAB. Their response is the creation of the seething hatred of players who opened 2500+ chests and still got no ticket. Their response is fostering the scenario which induced the rage quit from the game the poor guy who dropped $50 on Rich Dragon Coffers only to be rewarded with a stack of candy and some junk food.
AreneNet doesn’t care if you are happy. All they care about is if you are playing the game. Their metrics probably show that when players grind Southsun Cove for dozens of hours a week hoping for the chest that the decision to put chests in the game “created content” to play for those players. It didn’t matter that the content was mind numbing farming grinds, it only mattered that players logged more hours on that grind. The same is true of the Dragon Coffers, only the illusion of access was far greater this time. Everyone opened a Dragon Coffer. Everyone found one. They heard reports of others getting a ticket and had no idea how low the drop rate was, but Fred from their guild got one so it can’t be that bad, right? They farmed beyond the point where they enjoyed themselves, beyond the point where they even remembered this was a game they played for fun, a lot of them got their ticket. Most people didn’t. That’s the nature of RNG limited time content. ArenaNet doesn’t care if you are happy, they only care that you are playing. Just like every other scumbag developer to exploit MMO players.
ArenaNet doesn’t care if you are happy when playing. All they care about is that you are playing. If that means skinner box conditioning, time gates, massive grinds and RNG gating all the new content, that’s what they will do.
ArenaNet doesn’t care if you are happy when playing. All they care about is that you are playing. If that means skinner box conditioning, time gates, massive grinds and RNG gating all the new content, that’s what they will do.
So what you’re basically suggesting is to give everything to everyone so everyone will be happy, yes? I don’t think that’s a solution. No one is forcing you to grind. You want something that is very rare? Then you have two options:
- play game as usual counting on you luck
- grind or buy from TP
It’s only your choice.
I think the main problem for most of you have is related to time limitation. But without it drop chance would have to be much lower to prevent this skins to be too common. I really don’t understand why this such a big deal…I mean, I know that it’s disappointing to not getting ticket after 2.5k chests opened (I had this feeling around 1.5k) but I told myself ‘so what? it’s just bad luck, I can live with that’.
I think you’re right with their model. I mean, they want to give as much anything to do as possible. This way we get the impression of new content…But those simple Living Story things aren’t good enough…sadly…It’s like they afraid if there will be to much time between new additions then players will immediately leave. And worst part of this theory is that regardless of if what AN believe is true we still loose here.
I’m not going back and reading all 18 pages to find out, but I hope someone has mentioned that the lottery style RNG boxes are immensely popular in places like… for example…. oh, I don’t know… Korea. I’m not going to defend the practice, but it is one of those cultural things we don’t get. (Or you could argue “they don’t get.” Whichever.) I know NC’s overall business is something like 65% Korean, but I’m not so sure GW2 has the same split. Regardless, we know for a fact now that the gem store money goes to NCSoft, not ANet directly. So it’s not much a of a leap to believe that ANet isn’t entirely in charge of this one.
Granted, I’d still like a better system than the equivalent of buying scratch-offs. I just don’t think screaming at ANet is going to have much effect. Of course, screaming at NCSoft never has much effect, so what do you do?
Too bad even Korean games, as much as I hate the ones I played that use this model, are BETTER at it than GW2.
The games I played offered a box or a scratcher that gave you a random item out of a pool of a limited set. The gamble was that you had to keep playing if you didn’t get the item you wanted… but at least you still got items that could be traded or sold, and if your patience ran out, you could buy the item you DID want from another player (for a ridiculous inflated price, to be sure, but it was possible)!
The system in GW2 makes it possible to spend a large amount of money or gold or time towards your goal and get PRACTICALLY NOTHING. This is pretty much the worst possible way to implement RNG cash chests.
ANY ONE of the following would be a massive and welcome improvement:
1. Option to buy skins directly for more money.
2. Rich Coffers contain a guaranteed skin, but not necessarily the one you want.
3. Tickets sellable on TP.
4. Rich Coffers contain a guaranteed 1-5 Jorbreakers, and Jade skins each cost 100 Jorbreakers.
5. Rich Coffers have a chance at getting a free play, like BL chests having a chance at a free key.
I should be considered very lucky. Opened around 1200 coffers and got 3 tickets.
“ANET needs to make defending in WVW more rewarding!”
ANY ONE of the following would be a massive and welcome improvement:
1. Option to buy skins directly for more money.
2. Rich Coffers contain a guaranteed skin, but not necessarily the one you want.
3. Tickets sellable on TP.
4. Rich Coffers contain a guaranteed 1-5 Jorbreakers, and Jade skins each cost 100 Jorbreakers.
5. Rich Coffers have a chance at getting a free play, like BL chests having a chance at a free key.
I couldn’t agree more, and I hope the dev team takes note of this. If you spend money on a rich coffer, it better contain a guaranteed skin. Because as it is now, rich coffers have a slightly higher chance to drop the skin, but it’s still a really rare chance. That is what we call a scam. No wonder players are angry.
Ive been opening coffers just like everyone else.. and im talking ALOT of coffers!
in hopes of getting a ticket so i can get the Jade shield for my Warrior.
ive spent atleast 5 hours a day farming for coffers. and not getting rewarded for it.
all i have gotten is TONS of candy some food and 2 stinking minis that i dont even care about.If its going to be this hard to get a ticket it should be sellable since MANY people like me dont get any tickets but really want one or 2 but cant get them…
stop the RNG BS and make the skin tickets easier to get so that people can get the skins they want.
to be honest, no one cares if another player looks the same as you….
I’ve seen far too many people getting two tickets and the rest nothing.
Yes, we are happy for them – but for those who weren’t “lucky” enough to find the BIG things, how about doing something we CAN do like BUYING them as has been suggested?
I broke my tail end to try to get the silly broken holo wings – just to cover a dumb karka shell that is “good” but is ugly and cumbersome to look at in game play.
ArenaNet doesn’t care if you are happy when playing. All they care about is that you are playing. If that means skinner box conditioning, time gates, massive grinds and RNG gating all the new content, that’s what they will do.
So what you’re basically suggesting is to give everything to everyone so everyone will be happy, yes?
Removing ridiculous RNG and grind does not mean giving items away. Compare obtaining a dungeon weapon set to obtaining a Jade weapon set. Obtaining a dungeon weapon set has a set reliable way to obtain it, it requires you play a specific dungeon (ensuring there is a healthy active community playing specific dungeons and being rewarded for it) and it is a reasonable amount of effort to obtaining a weapon. Also consider buying a SAB weapon skin with baubles, 50 baubles was a considerable grind (especially considering the content was temporary and rewards would be forever gone) but players who wanted them could earn them by playing through the new content. This kept players playing the content (even if this specific design encouraged skipping almost all of the dungeon every day to get dailies done) so they could get weapon skins they wanted. Now the Dragon Coffers aren’t tied to specific content, just random loot piñatas around the world (the challenge the holographic minions put up is trivial so they are essentially piñatas). It doesn’t encourage players actively playing in open world – the drop rate of the tickets is so low, only the most efficient farms stand a chance of obtaining them. It’s festival specific content like a dungeon, it’s just mobs that always drop lots of loot, but now you get coffers. I’ve opened over 2500 coffers and I have nothing but a tonne of holographic minis and stacks of candy to show for it. I invested so many of my resources to attempt to obtain this temporary content and I am walking away with nothing.
I’ve been playing GW since 2005 and nothing has bothered me as much as the RNG model ArenaNet has adopted for temporary content. Almost every weapon set added to the game is now following the trend of RNG gambles with such low odds that I will never see what I want. I have no problem earning rewards or playing to game to obtain what I want, but after opening over 2,500 coffers all I see is an insurmountable wall. I won’t obtain this item, or any other item which uses the same model (and going off of the Flame and Frost and Southsun weapon skins, this is how they have chosen to implement all future content). The message this sends to me is that this stuff isn’t for me. This game isn’t for me. All that hype about content updates every month but the actual content rewards aren’t accessible, they are locked behind and insurmountable wall.
To people who say RNG is good, I don’t understand how they can think it’s good when someone opens over 2,500 coffers (I’m bad at maths, but assuming 2 silver a box – current price and their low point, 50 gold) and that person walks away with nothing. ArenaNet had a post where Colin Johanson talked about how much it sucks doing a dungeon in other MMOs and walking away with nothing. That’s what, an hour of your time? How much time do you think it takes to acquire 50 gold? To acquire 50 gold worth of coffers? How is it fun or exciting to those people, who worked really hard in game, who tried really hard to acquire this item, how much fun is it for them to blow so many resources on something and walk away with nothing? That’s the situation their current system is built off of and it’s even worse for people who spend real money.
With time limited content and a new weapon set every month, I have no kittening clue why anyone would think these weapons would be common. In 12 months time, assuming they keep the current pace, there will be 12 different weapon sets that you can’t get any more. Instead you can play the game hard core for a month and invest every resource of your time into obtaining an item and still walk away with nothing. This is actually happening to people and it sucks. It’s not a very fun game and it’s made worse when content disappears forever if you miss out.
Removing RNG and unreasonable grind does not mean giving rewards away. People have got to stop perpetuating that myth. I’m not even excited about next month’s content. Going on the current trend, all I’ll get for my time is worthless junk while the shiny stuff is randomly given to people who probably don’t even want it. The RNG stranglehold ArenaNet has over GW2 is suffocating all the fun in the game for me.