It’s been over a month since the balance patch hit us, so I think it’s a good time to have a little discussion about where the elementalist currently stands in sPvP, tPvP and WvW.
Allow me to start with my area of expertise, WvW roaming.
Pre-patch, a classic D/D roamer was already very viable. By no means overpowered, but I never felt like I had an unfair disadvantage over other opponents. The inflated stats in a WvW environment benefit the elementalist far more than other classes, due to having the lowest base stats. Disregarding skill-level, the matchups a pre-patch ele would lose were: condi engi, corrupt necro, S/D thief, PU phantasm mesmer, condi perplex thief. A healing power condi ranger could pose a threat, but as long as you were running ether, you were fine. Boonrip shatter was about a 50/50 matchup. All other matchups were pretty much in favor of the ele. D/D has always been a potent 1vx spec against unexperienced players, since it can easily kite heavies around while chasing a backline.
Post-patch: I have to say there is a lot more room for error now. Rune of strength has lifted the damage to a whole other level, and burning speed evade is completely ridiculous vs certain specs. The matchups that a post-patch ele loses (disregarding skill level) are corrupt necro and condi thief. Condi engi is 50/50, only if he runs perplexities. S/D thief is also 50/50. It should also be noted that corrupt necro has become quite doable with burning speed to pop marks, as it denies the safety of standing in the marks. Not only have the matchups we lose been reduced drastically, the amount of effort it takes to beat all other specs has sunk tremendously. Just stack 25 might and lightning whip your opponent to death with a sigil of air. Shatter mesmer is completely hopeless now that we can burning speed every single one of their sword immobs, and S/D thief just cant keep up with the sheer damage. Just standing in your ring of fire will burn him for 3k damage every time he shadowsteps to you.
I could rant on for ages about how different elementalist feels now in WvW, but the short version is, it has become easy to perform decent at ele, at the level of most other professions. Good players can however perform better than pretty much every other profession. I don’t think that’s a good thing, although I know the number 1 complaint pre-patch was how hard it was to perform decently on ele.
The story is entirely different in PvP however. Pre-patch, playing an elementalist put you at an immediate and sizeable disadvantage. It was doable, but there were definitely better specs out there. Not at all like WvW, in PvP you were at a decisive disadvantage.
Post-patch ele in PvP feels like pre-patch ele in WvW. It has a place, but is by no means overpowered. If anything is overpowered, it’s just the rune of strength. The class itself feels perfectly fine to me. I reckon the reason people complain so much in PvP, is just that they’re not used to ele being viable, and losing to one is very strange to them.
In the conquest game-mode, the only thing that would make the ele worth picking, is the fiery greatsword mobility, and high 1v1 potential, with good 1v2 bunker potential. An elementalist is very easily denied usefulness though. A bunker-ish home-point defender, such as necro, ranger or warrior, and a mobile far-point-assaulter can completely shutdown an ele, since he has very poor teamfight contribution.
This post is long enough, let me know what you think! I’m very curious what the general consensus is.
TL;DR: elementalist feels too strong in WvW roaming, but nicely balanced in sPvP and tPvP.