Hobo Sacks: A Terrible Fashion Statement
They can think we’re arrogant, and we can think they’re idiots.
Also, as somebody who’s got a little bit of grounding in coding (working on it, and attempting to make my own games): From what I can see in-game, it seems likely that it could easily take the state of the Back Item checkbox and use that to figure out whether to Enable or Disable the kit model.
It should take maybe two minutes to write the basic ‘if this box is checked, disable that; otherwise, enable that’ function, and probably a similar amount of time to call it in each Kit’s equip button.
Idc If someone in some post on some thread said that we’re arrogant.
And I don’t see the use of distributing this info here…
All I see is my hobosack.
Which is why this thread exists.
Which is why I bump it.
yea im clearly arrogant in wanting to have a somewhat good looking char (as good as the darn coat galore allows it) without a badly textured mess of wtf on my back glitching with my ls reward or gem store items….bump
I think the “hobo sacks” are an aesthetic that fit Engineers well if you dress your engineer with steam-punk armor. I never thought about it being bad.
Yeah when my Sylvari had her magitech armor on, I never complained about the sacks, though I never liked them. Then over the weekend I changed her to tier 3 cultural and it just looks terrible.
Even just a choice in sack colour would make a world of difference
“Mentoring engineers / mesmers and showing you what you can do with your fantastic class!
Just pm me for my advice! Always eager to help!”
Don’t worry, it’s only been 19 days! I’m sure they didn’t forget about us (again)!
In the meantime, bump.
Oh, I don’t think they’ll forget about us…I just don’t think they’ll ever bother to do anything. I mean, they just implemented a mail carrier customization for characters above 70. That pretty much tells me that they’re always going to have something ‘more important,’ even if it’s something completely pointless that nobody (to my knowledge, anyway) even asked for. They’d rather shoehorn in more ways to add Gem Store items.
Edit: Apparently, it was in a suggestion thread. It’s nice to see that they take the concerns of the community seriously…if said concerns can be turned into Gem Store merch. Congratulations, folks, we’re less important than ‘Can I turn that pigeon into a griffon if I give you money?’
Well, they might fix it, I guess…by, going by Gaile’s ‘well, this is what some of them are thinking,’ making Gem Store items be the fix. Because it’s totally okay for one of the eight professions to have to pay to be able to actually enjoy the cosmetics the game pushes as endgame when in combat.
(edited by Anymras.5729)
Oh, I don’t think they’ll forget about us…I just don’t think they’ll ever bother to do anything. I mean, they just implemented a mail carrier customization for characters above 70. That pretty much tells me that they’re always going to have something ‘more important,’ even if it’s something completely pointless that nobody (to my knowledge, anyway) even asked for. They’d rather shoehorn in more ways to add Gem Store items.
Edit: Apparently, it was in a suggestion thread. It’s nice to see that they take the concerns of the community seriously…if said concerns can be turned into Gem Store merch. Congratulations, folks, we’re less important than ‘Can I turn that pigeon into a griffon if I give you money?’
Well, they might fix it, I guess…by, going by Gaile’s ‘well, this is what some of them are thinking,’ making Gem Store items be the fix. Because it’s totally okay for one of the eight professions to have to pay to be able to actually enjoy the cosmetics the game pushes as endgame when in combat.
To be fair, they have been listening to the community more than a lot of games I’ve played. From a technical standpoint, changing the graphic on an already implimented system is not as difficult as modifying a working system to add capability of changing a graphic that was never intended to be changed from the client side. So if both of these projects landed on my desk first, I would say “Do the gryphon first since it’s the easier project, and we can have it up by the time we do tbe Christmas update of the gemstore.” because that is what makes the most logical sense.
Adding the functionality to change engineer backpacks from the client is a much more in-depth project than just making new backpack graphics and sticking them in the game. If you don’t want them to be Gem Store exclusive it then turns into a project of not only updating the GUI to add the ability to change graphics at will, but also figuring out how to impliment them into the game. If they will be craftable you have to determine recipies. Where can these recipes be found? Are they drops? Purchased? Which crafting trades can make them? If we give the engineers this extra customization, what can we give the other classes to make it so it doesn’t feel like engineers are getting bonus goodies other classes don’t get?
These are all part of the process and it takes some time.
Game designers are not miricle workers, and there is a lot that goes into what we see that we’re not aware of.
To be fair, they have been listening to the community more than a lot of games I’ve played. From a technical standpoint, changing the graphic on an already implimented system is not as difficult as modifying a working system to add capability of changing a graphic that was never intended to be changed from the client side. So if both of these projects landed on my desk first, I would say “Do the gryphon first since it’s the easier project, and we can have it up by the time we do tbe Christmas update of the gemstore.” because that is what makes the most logical sense.
Adding the functionality to change engineer backpacks from the client is a much more in-depth project than just making new backpack graphics and sticking them in the game. If you don’t want them to be Gem Store exclusive it then turns into a project of not only updating the GUI to add the ability to change graphics at will, but also figuring out how to impliment them into the game. If they will be craftable you have to determine recipies. Where can these recipes be found? Are they drops? Purchased? Which crafting trades can make them? If we give the engineers this extra customization, what can we give the other classes to make it so it doesn’t feel like engineers are getting bonus goodies other classes don’t get?
These are all part of the process and it takes some time.
Game designers are not miricle workers, and there is a lot that goes into what we see that we’re not aware of.
The problem, my friend, is that they are going about it the more difficult way. Adding a flag to show an icon is not difficult, if we go the route existing backpacks overwrite hobosacks. Assuming the kit-backpack is not linked to the weapon directly, it shouldn’t be exceptionally difficult to hide the kit-pack, show the weapon, show the buff after a check is made to ensure a backpack is already equipped. That’s all most of us want.
To the people who want gem store exclusives for their engineer or customization, I would agree with you. The devs will prioritize what’s easy. But it shouldn’t take more than a few hours maximum to satisfy most everyone who has put their two cents in on this topic.
That may be the case, but if it was my choice I would take the opportunity to do more with it. For example, if we’re giving custom kits to engineers, why stop there?
What about customizable shield graphics for Guardian spells? Custom graphics for thief stealth abilities such as flower petals, smoke or flames? Customizable banners for warriors perhaps?
If you’re going to do something like this, you want all your players to feel like they are getting something out of it, not just a particular group.
It may take longer to get done but it will be worth the wait. But that’s just how I’d do it.
Edit: As a side note, I would also like a way to disable the shield graphic on my character’s back when it’s not being used in combat since it hides my adorable little Killer Whale Quaggan backpack.
(edited by Toybox.2940)
To be fair, they have been listening to the community more than a lot of games I’ve played. From a technical standpoint, changing the graphic on an already implimented system is not as difficult as modifying a working system to add capability of changing a graphic that was never intended to be changed from the client side. So if both of these projects landed on my desk first, I would say “Do the gryphon first since it’s the easier project, and we can have it up by the time we do tbe Christmas update of the gemstore.” because that is what makes the most logical sense.
Adding the functionality to change engineer backpacks from the client is a much more in-depth project than just making new backpack graphics and sticking them in the game. If you don’t want them to be Gem Store exclusive it then turns into a project of not only updating the GUI to add the ability to change graphics at will, but also figuring out how to impliment them into the game. If they will be craftable you have to determine recipies. Where can these recipes be found? Are they drops? Purchased? Which crafting trades can make them? If we give the engineers this extra customization, what can we give the other classes to make it so it doesn’t feel like engineers are getting bonus goodies other classes don’t get?
These are all part of the process and it takes some time.
Game designers are not miricle workers, and there is a lot that goes into what we see that we’re not aware of.
Having a decent looking char that got the backpieces not glitching together or clipping into the heads of certain races while hiding any weapon the user got and so effectively taking away TWO of the end game features beeing backpieces that often are rewards for pvp, crafting and ls aswell weapons that for many people are gem store related via ticket weapons that somebody gotta pay afterall with money (not everybody obviosly but i kittening do for example), legendaries or exotics that can be expensive as sin AND also constantly putting you into battle stance with the only way to avoid this is by completely skipping an entire class mechanic is bonus all of a sudden? Well thats new to me man… sorry but there is no way arround saying that they done goofd in the design of that system. Imagine how big the kittenstorm would be if the closest to engineer.. the elementalist would suffer the same fate. Elementalists got subtle bracers representing the element they are using atm that DONT overwrite the gloves, they can stow their weapons away and only loose them when using a summon weapon.. but thats a given, benefit from legendary effects like auras and footprints if they got one AND got their backpiece out and visible when they choose to use one. How about the ranger? The mesmer? The warrior, guardian? Thief? The necro maybe? Does any of these classes got THIS specific issue? No? Then why should we do? Why should i have glitching backpieces? Why should i never see my on RNG luck based ticket weapon or my legendary that i grinded my soul away for (if i had one but i dont.. still others do)? Why should i have a backpiece that clashes with my armor colours or any backpiece if i dont want one? Why should i have ANY of these issues in a game where the end game is visual appeal? And why should the engineer be the only class that got these issues out of 8 classes specially its one of the TWO classes and i quote “could not ship the game without” (other one is guardian in case you dunno)? No man.. there isnt any excuse for that, not for me atleast. Sure, might be not easy to fix it.. but its two years now, two years people complain about it, they complain since the beta up to the very moment i type this AND will complain in the future. Why? Cause they want to look pretty. Sure.. some people may like the kit backpieces and many others might wanna see their…whatever their job-o tron backpiece or their shadow of grenth, their slickpack or their vine packpiece or their guild banner or whatever they got or nothing at all cause it doesnt fit their taste.
I don’t think game designers are miracle workers. Let’s get that out of the way. Even if I had, at some point, thought they were – well, it took almost a year for the devs to realize Scope wasn’t working (after they initially claimed the script looked fine, and then had players running 10k shot tests to double-check), took I don’t even know how long before they finally managed to fix Deployable Turrets (to be fair, the trait apparently worked in PvP, despite having the exact same code involved), broke it again, fixed it again, and then managed to put out a half-patched Rocket Turret. Miracle workers? No. But that’s not a dig – bugs happen.
What I do think is that they’ve had this issue sitting here for the entire released life of the game – two years and then some, and that’s not including beta testing, where this issue was undoubtedly brought up. That they’ve told us, every time they bothered to tell us anything, that ‘other projects take priority, but we’d love to do something about this.’ That they could easily make kits simply respect the existing back item flag.
As far as I can tell, that shouldn’t even be a day’s work for a single person, and requires absolutely no new resources or UI elements, just a few lines of code. It’s not even a balance concern, with Standard Enemy Model in the game. The same code could be applied to shields, so as to keep them from doing exactly what hobosacks do.
Instead? They let you customize the mail if you’re level 71+, because apparently this popped up in a suggestion thread. At a glance, it requires: Shrunken Griffon model, animation for it, sales picture in the BLTP, UI tab specifically for mail carriers as a setup for future monetization, and probably some other things I haven’t thought to point out.
These projects shouldn’t have landed on the desk at the same time.
These projects shouldn’t have even been in the vicinity of the desk at the same time.
This thread, that we’re having this conversation in, should not exist. The impetus for it being started should have been corrected before the game ever went on sale.
I’m not, to be clear, talking about customizing kits.
We shouldn’t get what other classes don’t, so that shouldn’t happen until other classes can customize their graphics. Then? Well, we better get some customization options. It’s only fair.
We should get the same ability to enjoy our back items in combat, however, and that’s why this is so frustrating – a simple stopgap, for now, is all it would take. Just a simple ‘Kits will now respect back item enable/disable flags,’ no weird skins or anything. Throw a buff icon on the bar with a simple picture of what the kit uses.
But, it’s been two years, and they’re customizing the mail instead. As a player and paying customer, I feel alienated and disrespected (and have, for some time now) – they know this is a problem, and they still brush us off, only to implement things like customizing the bird that brings you mail, but only if you have a level 71+ character on your account.
As a player and paying customer, I feel alienated and disrespected (and have, for some time now) – they know this is a problem, and they still brush us off, only to implement things like customizing the bird that brings you mail, but only if you have a level 71+ character on your account.
I agree about everything you said, but there is a huge difference between those two suggestions, you know.
The kit issue being fixed doesn’t directly bring some more money to Arenanet.
That’s as simple as that.
Oh, I know there’s that difference. That’s probably why they haven’t fixed Hobosacks, and won’t unless they make it a Gem Store-based thing – why bother with Quality of Life changes, when they can just implement simple customization options and charge gems for them?
As a player and paying customer, I feel alienated and disrespected (and have, for some time now) – they know this is a problem, and they still brush us off, only to implement things like customizing the bird that brings you mail, but only if you have a level 71+ character on your account.
I agree about everything you said, but there is a huge difference between those two suggestions, you know.
The kit issue being fixed doesn’t directly bring some more money to Arenanet.
That’s as simple as that.
In my case, that’s not necessarily true. When I played GW2, I was a big gem spender. Aesthetics are a huge part of the game for me, and liking how my characters look really makes or breaks an MMO.
The engineer is my favorite class, but I’m simply tired of playing non-kit based engies. I ran turret for a while, then elixir, then turret/elixir… about out of options now. But the kits pretty much destroy the aesthetic I’m running, so I kind of refuse to use them.
The end result is that I’ve been on a GW2 hiatus for about 5 months. I didn’t really intend for it to last this long, but I’ve been using the day they fix kits as a landmark to when I return.
I imagine I’m a pretty rare case, but I can at least say that people like me + people who aren’t buying back slot items because their engineer can’t use them should at least account for some cash in their pocket, I would think.
The end result is that I’ve been on a GW2 hiatus for about 5 months. I didn’t really intend for it to last this long, but I’ve been using the day they fix kits as a landmark to when I return.
I imagine I’m a pretty rare case, but I can at least say that people like me + people who aren’t buying back slot items because their engineer can’t use them should at least account for some cash in their pocket, I would think.
I am in the same boat. The fact that my main is a Charr (which makes things even worse) engineer who like his flamethrower, but is stuck with a disgusting bag on his back instead of the back item I want is one of the many reasons who drove me away from this game.
I could get back, if that simple issue is fixed, and I could give some money to Arenanet to thank them.
However, they don’t think like that, and that’s why there is a directly in my last post.
Engineers returning, eventually buying backpack and giving money to Arenanet, is not an assured and important enough benefit to Arenanet to push them to use their resources to fix that.
Meanwhile, wonderful griffins that we see 2 seconds to replace our messenger pidgeon, and that were suggested on a way less followed thread that this hobosack one, is a substantial way to get money. It is a new item in the gemstore, and as such, it will bring some money to Arenanet, for sure, no matter what happens.
Fixing hobosacks would make alot of players happy, too, but it would be more of a gamble when it comes to reward them for that fix.
Yes, I am pretty disappointed when it comes to Anet’s priorities, as you may see.
(edited by Aethyl.7519)
You know what?
If Anet:
- Fixes the hobosack issue (by which I mean ‘let us turn the kitten things off’)
and - Does not link turning them off to a Gem Store item (because that’s just so grabby, guys, what is wrong with you)
I will buy gems.
Because doing that will show they at least sometimes listen to players, and that this game isn’t as doomed to ‘welp, the ivory tower overlords have other things to do, as they always have and always will’ as I thought.
I still play it, after all, after more than two years, despite my aforementioned feelings. That’s pretty good.
They fix this, I’ll buy enough gems to get the Deluxe Edition, and maybe an outfit or two. Maybe more. Don’t know.
I got my first precursor today. I had to seriously consider whether I wanted to go ahead and start working on The Predator for my engineer, which is my main character, or just go with something for my Thief alt since then I’d at least get to actually use the dang thing.
I decided to go ahead and start working on The Predator, but it makes me sad to know that most of the time it will be hidden by a flamethrower kit.
Sad as it is, i would have sold the precursor instead. If not only for the hobo-sacks, the fact that you will be hip-shotting with a sniper rifle would still leave me disappointed.
Hey all,
The dev team has been tracking the concern about the Engineer backpacks for quite a while. They understand our players’ point of view, and this is something that a few different team members have discussed for a possible remedy. They’ve batted around a few ideas about how to fix this problem, including some of those mentioned in this thread. (Thanks for all the suggestions – they’re very helpful!)
For example, one designer thought that with new art, we might be able to display the kits on the weapon holsters on the right or left hip, so players could tell what kits are in use while allowing the Engineer to display a sweet back-piece, too. Another suggested that perhaps Gem Store items could simply override the kits, so if you owned a Quaggan Backpack, your character displayed a Quaggan Backpack. (Please note: This doesn’t mean to say that either of these ideas will be the one that is settled upon. I just offered examples so you could see that thoughts and possible solutions definitely have been discussed.)
Ultimately, enabling any correction will involve members of several different teams (design, art, programming) and those teams members currently are engaged in other prioritized projects. But as you can see, the team wants to address this situation in the future and we’re grateful for your patience while the team selects the implements the right fix for the issue.
I love the idea of having an item holstered on the hip. My favorite idea so far.
Unfortunate though that after over two years they still have no timeline on when they can even START working on it.
That basically means at this point that they WANT to work on it, but probably never will.
simply making the hobosacks very small on the backs should do the trick. lower back area. Wrench, flamethrower, grenades, bombs, and elixir gun are already easily visible on the engi’s hands. no need for the hobosack really. true engis don’t really stay in their kits long enough for the enemy to find out what’s going on anyway.
for the love of everything hip mounted kits for sure, I’d much rather have something that made me still feel like I was an engineer without ruining the time/gems I’ve put into looking cool, after that we just need some military styled pants (with pockets because I need somewhere to put all my gadgets) and a lab coat and we are set.
… i beg to differ with the “just a coat and pockets”. If it would be after me and my wishes engineers would have a bit more “beef” to them…apperance wise
I agree while in beta I thought this class would be a heavy class in that it would have the option of wearing heavy armor similar to the engineer in games like torchlight II which gave the engineer bots that followed him around and abilities like Spidermines thatfollowed the enemies instead of dispursing in an AOE and just laying there until their blinking ended completely useless, or being danced all over, turrets like those seen in the earlier version of Torchlight 1 which had the class called Vanquisher and had abilities like Arbiter traps/turrets etc.
Anyway the Engineer should have been made a soldier class because of the large number of warlike abilities it has instead of a scout because we’d have alot more of the better beefier looking armor pieces to choose from if we had been given that selection instead. The Armor and hammer would have definitely been early choices if we had been made soldier and I think we’d look much beefier if we had.
On topic, if we don’t get a fix for hobosacks by the next feature patch I’ll be finally leaving this game behind and seeking adventures elsewhere because it’s telling when something so simple hasn’t been fixed this long now, I have plenty of other bugs that bother me like for instance, I can’t name my pet on my ranger because the moment I switch pets it’s gone. Things like that shouldn’t have made it out of beta.
[walls of pointless text go here]
If the hobo sack is ever banished, a tiny part of me will actually be sad. This thread has been a part of my life now for a few years now, I think I might actually miss it.
If the hobo sack is ever banished, a tiny part of me will actually be sad. This thread has been a part of my life now for a few years now, I think I might actually miss it.
well you always could open a new thread and kitten about having no hobosacks…but dont count on many ppl to kitten with you lol
If the hobo sack is ever banished, a tiny part of me will actually be sad. This thread has been a part of my life now for a few years now, I think I might actually miss it.
Don’t worry. It’s been two years and they haven’t even started yet let alone an eta. I think we will all be able to enjoy this thread for a long time.
Future news headlines:
“First man on mars and anet fixed hobo sacks”
If the hobo sack is ever banished, a tiny part of me will actually be sad. This thread has been a part of my life now for a few years now, I think I might actually miss it.
Don’t worry. It’s been two years and they haven’t even started yet let alone an eta. I think we will all be able to enjoy this thread for a long time.
Future news headlines:
“First man on mars and anet fixed hobo sacks”
First man to travel back in time. Gets a job at anet and prevents the addition of hobosacks. Also he adds precursor hunt, more dungeons, cancels the living story for expansion worth content cuz he is a pretty cool guy and doesn’t afraid of anything.
If the hobo sack is ever banished, a tiny part of me will actually be sad. This thread has been a part of my life now for a few years now, I think I might actually miss it.
Don’t worry. It’s been two years and they haven’t even started yet let alone an eta. I think we will all be able to enjoy this thread for a long time.
Future news headlines:
“First man on mars and anet fixed hobo sacks”First man to travel back in time. Gets a job at anet and prevents the addition of hobosacks. Also he adds precursor hunt, more dungeons, cancels the living story for expansion worth content cuz he is a pretty cool guy and doesn’t afraid of anything.
Interesting idea, although I can’t say I hate the LS. So, who has a TARDIS?
Other 80s: Any but Warrior
If the hobo sack is ever banished, a tiny part of me will actually be sad. This thread has been a part of my life now for a few years now, I think I might actually miss it.
Don’t worry. It’s been two years and they haven’t even started yet let alone an eta. I think we will all be able to enjoy this thread for a long time.
Future news headlines:
“First man on mars and anet fixed hobo sacks”First man to travel back in time. Gets a job at anet and prevents the addition of hobosacks. Also he adds precursor hunt, more dungeons, cancels the living story for expansion worth content cuz he is a pretty cool guy and doesn’t afraid of anything.
Interesting idea, although I can’t say I hate the LS. So, who has a TARDIS?
well.. i got a poptard…if that helps
Please free us from the hobo sacks. 8C I will be forever grateful.
hobo sacks hahahahhaha
here comes the bump
Random suggestion: Option to turn off hobosack in PVE and have standard model in PVP like you can turn everyone into humans.
Berserker = Skilled http://i.imgur.com/g1rkIub.jpg
Never forget – http://i.imgur.com/Oxra9sj.jpg
Please add the option to hide them. They are so ugly and huge!
Is this such a problem for the designers ego that there still is no solution for this. Yes you made something terrible and made a huge mistake, learn from it and fix it.
Is this such a problem for the designers ego that there still is no solution for this. Yes you made something terrible and made a huge mistake, learn from it and fix it.
nah.. they do try to fix it, but seemingly they also do the a-net routine.. meaning ignoring the issue for other stupid things like mail doves that came 1 month after somebody requested it in the forums (whats not an insult to anybody who bought it, its a nice thing but there should be a priority…) or running arround in cyrcles and just dont understand that all people are asking for is a checkbox to turn the darn thing off. Dont worry its coming… you just probably wont be arround anymore to see it cause you either left the game and moved on…or just get more and more bitter cause you wait (like i do since 1 and a half year). But now in all seriosness… a-net.. why do you hate the engi class? Isnt it flashy enough? Doesnt it fit the world YOU designed? Are technology users just not good enough for you to give them attention? Dont bother to answer, its way too obvios anyways. Ah yea and thanks for the blowtorch that perfectly fits engineers but cant be used by them.
(edited by Basaltface.2786)
I just recently bought gems to get an extra character slot JUST to get a cute pink-haired Asuran Engi. So I get in, go through my wardrobe and find that not so many drop and crafted wardrobe items fit Toshiko Chan. In PvP, I notice the hobosack (this name made my day btw) which completely ruined my painstakingly crafted Spinal Blade back piece. I completely disagree with the idea of not knowing which kit I’m running without a visible hobosack, I’ve been playing Engi everyday for almost a week now and come to think of it, I’ve never linked the appearance of hobosacks to which kit I’m running. Ever. I’d doubt anyone looks at their hobosacks to know which kit their running, same case with Eles and their floating wrist aura stuff.
So here’s a bump to this thread, love the ideas, love the hobosack name. I’m surprised this thread has been up for so long and such good ideas have not been implemented yet (especially after seeing that weird mail carrier gem store item recently). So Anet, please and again please implement a fix to this. I completely understand the fact that focusing an update revolving around ONE class can seem unfair to some but then again, Eles have their floating element wristband thing which I think is sick on my own Ele btw.
Hide/Show toggle for hobosacks seems like an easy, fair fix. Click Hobosack GONE!
There are two things that Anet could devote two days in the next feature pack and people would march down the streets in celebration.
1 – Right Click – Use All/Drink All/ “noun” all for a stack of items
2 – Ability to turn off hobo sacks.
Berserker = Skilled http://i.imgur.com/g1rkIub.jpg
Never forget – http://i.imgur.com/Oxra9sj.jpg
“It’s the class feature and it fits within our creative vision of the class, so we have no intention on allowing for it to be optional.”
-Ranger CDI
“It’s the class feature and it fits within our creative vision of the class, so we have no intention on allowing for it to be optional.”
-Ranger CDI
Difference here is that the staff has actually expressed some desire to do something about hobosacks, but seemingly never have time to.
“It’s the class feature and it fits within our creative vision of the class, so we have no intention on allowing for it to be optional.”
-Ranger CDI
Difference here is that the staff has actually expressed some desire to do something about hobosacks, but seemingly never have time to.
well its not only the fact that devs have shown some desire on the situation, the ranger cdi was a class balance situation, we arnt asking for an aspect of the engineer core mechanics to be changed, we just want an alternative to looking at hobosacks, hobosacks that have a detrimental impact to our ingame look we are going for which also is a part of endgame rewards.
Sheesh, you guys have no sense of humor.
Yeah, when somebody rolls in and goes “The devs won’t remove ranger pets,” in a thread about Engineer hobosacks, we – or, at least, I – will probably not find it particularly funny. It’s as irrelevant as whether the devs have stated whether they particularly enjoy fish and chips. The dev reaction isn’t even shared between the two concepts, with the general response to hobosacks being ‘we do not have the time or resources,’ as opposed to the flat ‘no’ response to requests to allow removing pets.
TL;DR: Fish and chips.
Sheesh, you guys have no sense of humor.
because its not funny anymore man… 2 years… long time to get sick of something lol
After catching up with the last few pages,
TL;DR for Gaile
- create a bomb and a grenade “weapon” held in hand
- if back item/shield is equipped: always show back item/shield; if NO back item/shield is equipped: show hobo sack
- on standard player models (competitive PvP): always show hobo sack
Community: did I summarize this correctly? Is this the easy fix that wil make almost every player happy – those that hate and those that love and those few that rely on seeing hobo sacks?
~ Whips ~ City Minigames ~ City Jumping Puzzles ~
(edited by Pixelpumpkin.4608)
Here’s a question, wonder if they’ll be announcing that they’ll have the entire team working on removing hobosacks on their interview LOL
After catching up with the last few pages,
TL;DR for Gaile
- create a bomb and a grenade “weapon” held in hand
- if back item/shield is equipped: always show back item/shield; if NO back item/shield is equipped: show hobo sack
- on standard player models (competitive PvP): always show hobo sack
Community: did I summarize this correctly? Is this the easy fix that wil make almost every player happy – those that hate and those that love and those few that rely on seeing hobo sacks?
- Also need a Medkit in hand; this is the third of the three empty hand kits.
- Instead of ‘If Back Item or Shield is equipped: Always show Back Item/Shield,’ I would suggest ‘if Show Back Item == True: Always show Back Item.’
Explanation of suggested change: ‘If equipped’ implies ‘is present in a slot on the Equipment screen,’ and using that to determine the result could indirectly cause cosmetics to affect stats (which would in turn cause problems for the pro-hobosack faction (Probosacks?). Using the ‘Show’ checkbox to determine this instead would allow the cosmetics to be opted in or out, as desired by the user, without affecting stats. It is important that this not be linked to whether the back item has a skin or not, however, as some players would like to not have anything on their back, and should not have the sack thrust upon them. With cosmetics being such a big deal as to cause a thread like this to exist, the three factions (Probosacks, Nobosacks, Nobacks?) should all be considered with equal weight, even if not all cases can be resolved.
Shields are a somewhat different beast, given that they’re a problem for every class with them, but could likely be handled in the same fashion.
SEM suggestion works just fine for sPvP.
Fixing weird page glitch.
Thank you for your comments!
How about this:
TL;DR for Gaile
- create a bomb, a grenade, and a medkit “weapon” held in hand
- if back item is equipped and box set to “show backitem”: always show back item (override hobo sack)
—> even if it is a back item without skin, so people can go with nothing on their back - if back item is equipped and box set to NOT “show backitem”: show hobo sack
- on standard player models (competitive PvP): show hobo sack
- Shields will still clash with back items, but it is the same problem (and can be handled the same) as any other class that has access to shields or sheathed weapons on the back, such as bows, greatswords.
This way, people who always want to see their backpiece can do so. People who like hobosacks can wear them. People who would like absolutely nothing on their backs can have that. And people who need to see a visual tell in order to know what weapon or kit the engi is using at the time, can do so.
Community: did I summarize this correctly? Is this the easy fix that will make almost every player happy – those that hate and those that love and those few that rely on seeing hobo sacks?
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