Attack 3,214
Critical Chance 50%
Critical Damage 51%
Armor 2,511
Health 14,025Build: 10/25/10/25
+30% dmg when enemy are burned, in condition and when my endurance is low.
I got hit by this build when I was dueling a mate of mine who runs a Guardian. So very powerful in 1v1! Not as much use in a group fight, but still fun.
Papaganoosh (SPvP Officer, The Unnamed EU) – recruiting skilled players for TPvP
Best Guardian Bunkier Builds
Date: 23-12-2012
Build in Action:
Link Build:;1RFk30G3wF-90;9;44-TT4;403B259;1UVk6;2KJG4KJG46ND
Health 19495 (8690) Vitality 1785 (869)
Armor 3132 (944) Toughness 1860 (944)
Attack 2799 (923) Power 1839 (923)
Critical Hit 12% (8%) Precision 1081 (165)
Boon Duration 5% (5%)
Condition Duration 15% (15%)
Critical Damage 30% (30%)
Damage 960 (0%)
Defense 1272 (0)
Healing Power 425 (425)
Virtue Recharge Rate 5% (+5%)
Zeal – 5
Radiance – 0
Valor – 30
Honor – 30
Virtues – 5
My PvE build:
I’ve been using it since September 2012 and it’s the best I’ve tried so far.
It’s focused around Guardian’s class mechanic, boons, trying to get the most from them, also balancing with some burning damage and heavy damage from Greatsword. Scepter/Focus are mainly for wvw.
Everything is supported by Altruistic Healing, that makes a great combo with Empowering Might, along with Save Yourself and it’s fix (Contemplation of Purity), and, of course, Virtues.
The lack of HP is also fixed by increasing the passing healing with the Rune of the Doylak and the Sigil of Water.
I balanced offensive and defensive stats on my equipment.
After getting so much from this build, I decided to share it. I hope you may like it as much as I did.
Currently rolling with this, I find it a lot of fun…
Details to the build are in the thread.;TkAqhMDJGyOkbI5QLKGQsTA
This is the build I’m using at the moment. I’m hoping to use Clerics armour eventually to hopefully add more toughness to the build.
My jewellery is a soldiers amulet of the soldier and 2 rings of the same. And fiinished off with 2 wayfarers field guide of the shaman.
And the greatsword is Ebonblade, I don’t rlly use the sceptor and torch.
Pve dungeon bunker build.
Gear is the first AC set as its one of the only sets I know of with toughness and vitality.
Full runes of the Soldier NOT of the Dolyak, you need the loss of conditions on shouts and the regen on Dolyak is very low.
I have Guardian of the Six for my shield and Droknars forge hammer, went for some healing power to make Altruistic healing and regen more powerful.
My favorite Guardian build I’ve used so far is something I call the Boon Tank.
Staff / GS or Hammer
Signet for Healing slot
All shouts for Utilities (not Save Yourselves!)
and Tome of Wrath (for huge fights / champs) Renew Focus for eveything else.
Traits as follows:
in radiance: Justice is Blind
in honor: Superior Aria, Two-Handed Mastery, and Pure of Voice
in virtues: Vengeful, and Elite Focus.
with 5 in virtues, your virtues when used will spread 2 boons each to everybody.
with shouts traited as such, you will use them more often, they each apply 2 boons, and will now AoE remove conditions as well.
with 15 in radiance, your fire virtue will recharge upon each kill. spam it over and over for group might and burning constantly.
You will also heal when you dodge, nice bonus.
Use GS to crowd control, Hammer to tank tough enemies, and Staff all other times.
Staff skill 4 combined with your first virtue can stake about 15 Might on all your allies very quickly, and if targets die fast enough, the might just keeps coming (and everything is always on fire)
This build can provide almost every boon to a party with almost no cost and minimal cool down. With the might boosts you make any party much more efficient. Don’t ever let your virtues just sit there, you are wasting them if you don’t use them with this build.
Also, with elite focus and tome of wrath, you have just enough time to get the AoE quickness buff of twice in one casting, which is excellent in dungeon fights.
So I’m looking for some expert critique on my build.
I’ve been playing my Guardian pretty extensively for a couple months now trying different things but I’m still a little uneasy about it. It feels a little too balanced but maybe that’s how it should be.
Current stats:
Power – 2,147
Precision – 1,348
Toughness – 1,786
Vitality – 1,546
Attack – 3,247
Crit – 25% chance / 20% damage
Armor – 2,962
Health – 17,447
My gear is a tad mismatched as it’s a work in progress. I crafted all my gear as Knight gear with 3 Knight gems and 3 Cleric gems (what I had available, was mostly as a placeholder) but I’m working to slowly replace it with Soldier gear (power/tough/vit), so far just the shoulders have been updated. Also haven’t decided on my Rune set just yet, leaning mostly towards Superior Rune of the Soldier. Also all my trinkets are power/tough/vit items. And I use an exotic GS (power/tough/vit).
Skill Set:
It’s a somewhat solid build, I don’t have too much trouble in dungeons but I could certainly use more survivability. By switching from Knight → Soldier I will definitely increase my survivability while sustaining (and improving, to a degree) my damage output. I know it’s an unusual build but it works very well for me and I enjoy it. I have plenty of fight control with 2 blind abilities, I am constantly utilizing my virtues, I try to keep burns up though I do feel like this is a pointless effort since I don’t have any dedication to precision or radiance.
Kenmichi, I would advise getting the first set of armor from AC its Power as the primary stat Vitality and Toughness as secondary stats. Then stick runes of the soldier or of the fighter. That alone will boost your survivability without ever changing your trait build. If you stick with 10% damage vs burning foes it might be wise to get a superior sigil of smoldering to keep them burning as much as possible.
As for your skills I would drop save your selves in favor of stand your ground as the stability stun breaker is very nice in dungeons.
Here is link to my current build:
Illivaturs Virtue Guardian Build:
This is a build that I have tinkered with to my own perfection. I feel a Guardians role is not only their own survivability but also the amount of survivability they can offer the group. My build is meant to give you and your fellow group members an easier time by way of Virtues.
0 in Zeal
10 in Radiance – Signet Mastery
0 in Valor
30 in Honor – Superior Aura / Two-Handed Mastery / Battle Presence
30 in Virtues – Unscathed Contender / Absolute Resolution / Indomitable Courage
Abilities 6 – 10
6: Signet of Resolve
7: Save Yourself
8: Retreat
9: Stand Your Ground ( Can be swapped out with Wall of Reflection as needed )
10: Renewed Focus
Primary: Hammer
Secondary: Scepter / Focus
Now I will explain why this set up.
My reasons for hammer is because while even though it’s auto-attack can seem slow, the protection it offers is well worth it for the group. -33% Incoming Damage can be a life saver, literally. Not only that but you can use Banish to knock an enemy back, then use Zealot’s Embrace to lock that enemy in place, then use Mighty Blow to take you right back in their face. It’s kind of a rotation, but not necessary to use in that order. You can use Ring of Warding to give you or your party a few extra seconds to get back to full if the need arises.
The small recharge time on Mighty Blow is small, so it can be a very useful skill.
The reason I don’t use a Greatsword with this build is because, while a great weapon, it doesn’t offer much in the way of defensive capabilities. The AoE isn’t that great on single enemies, the leap skill can miss if the enemy is on a higher or lower plane then your character and this just aggravated me. I find the Hammer more reliable.
Scepter goes without saying, it’s our only ranged weapon. This grants it merit as the secondary weapon of choice. Why Focus? Because of Shield of Wrath. It’s pretty much a multi-hit Aegis. Which when you need it will prove invaluable.
I am constantly using my Virtues, a lot of Guardians I party with never use them and it’s such a waste of potential aid / dps for the group. I’ll use all of them up and then follow it up with Renewed Focus to get them back. Once I see that the parties Aegis has worn off I will use Retreat. It not only grants my party a speed boost, but it also throws Aegis back on them. If I know that things are still getting rough, I will throw out Save Yourself for added boost. By this time I can re-use Virtue of Courage. Shortly after Renewed Focus is back. I alone can help keep my entire party alive while still being able to put out a pretty substantial amount of DPS.
I strongly feel this build is the more superior build out of any I have tried.
Stats I currently have:
Power: 1945
Attack: 3056
Precision: 1482
Critical Chance: 31%
Toughness: 1001
Armor: 2212
Vitality: 1576
Health: 17405
Condition Damage: 185
Condition Durability: 0%
Boon Duration: 30%
Healing Power: 385
Critical Damage: 73%
Guardian: 30%
I run Superior Rune of Divinity in all 6 armor slots.
I use Superior Sigil of Fire in my Hammer.
I use Superior Sigil of Rage in my Scepter. Turns that baby into a machine gun.
I use Superior Sigil of Sanctuary in my Focus.
I have the Guild Assasin Backpack with an Exquisite Ruby Jewel.
Ancient Karka Shell with an Exquisite Ruby Jewel.
Hammer: The Colossus ( Soon to be The Juggernaut )
Scepter: The Storm
Focus: The Bard
I’m not much of a Guardian expert, but I came up with this s/tPVP build that has been working quite well for me.;1NFF30I3ZG-90;9;5ETJ4;15;004B57;2YoG6;2Ewk2Ewk25BH
It’s a damage build. It works by stacking might on yourself and vulnerability on your opponent. Applying blind to enemies will give them vulnerability and make them miss the next attack, which adds up for survivability.
Swapping weapons, scoring crits, blocking with your focus and using Virtue of Justice will give you might stacks.
Meditations are helpful for survival and mobility, since the Intervention along with Sword #2 will help you stay on target, while Smite Conditions will do some damage, cure a condition and heal you a bit.
I’m a bit unsure whether to use that sigil or not. If I have to roam a lot, I’ll use “Retreat!” instead of the sigil, or if the enemy team is condition heavy, I’ll just go with Contemplation of Purity.
You can either spam all your blinds (Virtue of Justice, Greatsword #3, Focus #4, Sword #2) in a row to stack vulnerability and burst, or just cycle the blinds to maximize your survival.
Let me know what you think.
a link to a thread i made its a AH healing focusing on boon duration and retaliation while not losing dmg.
Nina Guardian (WWW or PvE build)
Kawsay Guardian
Heyhey, just started and so far I’m LOVING guardian, this is the build im tentatively building towards:
I call him: Sir Trogdor the Tankinator!
Basically taking lots of Aegis proc, a fair bit of healing and LOTS of burning. This is a 100% PvE build, I’ll mostly be dungeon running at cap, maybe a little PvP but it’s not my focus by a long way.
After 4 weeks of testing and adjusting builds this was my final result, it works like a charm.
Rolling 0/5/30/30/5 like everybody, p/v/t karma gear 5x ranger 1x random +25 pres rune. When buffed + 25 stack i have like 55% crit chance not sure.
Allpa Guardian:
Here’s my “Tanky, Shout, AH, Hammer DPS” Build
Power 1,867
Precision 1,772
Toughness 1,557
Vitality 1,361
Critical Damage + 91%
Condition Damage +100
Healing Power 300
Critical Chance 45%
Damage 10%
Attack 2,978
Armor 2,768
Health 15,255
(edited by Hasteo.6437)
x/x/30/30/x the same as every other non-kittenty guardian build in the game. for spvp x/x/30/20/20 for condi removal.
My build’s something like this: (I want to call it something fancy. Maybe Burning Judge, but we’ll see…)|2.1d.h16|b.1d.h1i.f.1f.h17|1b.78.1f.78.1b.78.1f.7p.1b.78.1f.7p||0.k31.u16c.0.k28|0.0|x.|e
and I intend to go Rabid and Apothecary on my gear. Although there is NO dungeon based Apothecary gear, which I feel is a bit of an oversight.
(edited by Lord Rheios.4152)
Just got my guardian to 80 a couple days ago and here’s the build/gear i’m currently running. Good all around build, done lvl 30 fotm on it with a pug group as only guardian and didnt have any issue rly except for the agony at maw (currently only 20 ar). No backpiece atm, just need a few more relics to get ascended one.
For wvw I take 10 from Virtues into Radiance for Signet Mastery and switch Pure of Voice to Two-Handed Mastery depending on situation.
Spirit weapon build for pvp. Uses AH which heals you due to applying boons to your spirit weapons.
I use greatsword with scepter/torch. Utilities are spirit hammer and shield. You can use whichever shout you prefer for the last utility. Very high dps.
I’m mainly running wvw and this have worked for me
Valor V, VI, XI
Honor II, XI and i change 3rd one a lot III, VIII, IX
Gear is soldier with lyssa runes
Ascended soldier backpiece
Knight accessories and neck
Ascended cavalier rings
Soldier weapons GS(sigil of fire), Hammer(sigil of rage), Sword, Focus, Staff(sigil of life)
Hotjoin / Solo Tournament Queue Build
Greatsword (Sigil of Force) // Hammer (Sigil of Bloodlust)
Runes of the Ogre
Soldiers Amulet + Jewel
20 I X
20 II IX
Heal: Signet of Resolve
Utilities: Smite Condition / Judges Intervention / "Stand Your Ground
Elite: Tome of Wrath
Relevent Stats
19k Health
1760 Toughness, 2971 Armor
3500+ Attack with Greatsword, 3400+ with Hammer, before Bloodlust
30% Condition Duration
Fun Combo: Hammer 3-> Judge’s Intervention -> Hammer 5 -> Hammer 4 -> Swap to GS -> Unleash.
Use Smite Condition liberally.
Tome of Wrath for Quickness and Knockdown only, ditch it and swap back to either GS for attacking enemies who were knocked down, or Hammer to continue CC.
Stand your ground for on the fly Stability and Retaliation, as needed.
Rock Dog is a fantastic companion.
I love to tank&spank and do it like this!
Well this build works great for the only thing I use it for: PVE (Dungeons/Dragons, etc)
I go Berserker Armor with Runes of Divinity and Valkyrie Accessories with Sapphire and Beryl Jewels.
I use Sword/Torch and Greatsword (Or change to Scepter/Shield//Focus when needed)
Sword and Torch Have Sigil of Bloodlust and Perception Accordingly and Greatsword has Sigil of Rage.
Skills look something like this: Signet of Resolve, Signet of Judgment, Stand your Ground, Save Yourselves!, Tome of Wrath.
And my traits are something like this:
00 – NA
30 – II – VII – XI
00 – NA
30 – II – IX – XI
10 – II
It has been working great in survivability (Except against the usual stupid condition damage lol) and the damage is great, also. When having another guardian giving quickness with Tome of Wrath, attacking with the Sword is AWESOME!
Of course it has many flaws like mobility due to Sword3 rooting u on the ground. Any comments or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. (Specially for PVP and WVW)
My Greatsword / Scepter + Torch Build for Paladin, would really appreciate any opinions – I warn you this build isn’t for those who like to take punishment URL below:
This build works exceptionally well with a group and shines extremely brightly in dungeons! It will also work pretty much anywhere else! I can even solo clear mats in Orr!
Build Link:
This build utilizes dodge/roll to heal upwards of 2,000Hp to any and all ally’s in the area, best part is there is no limit to the amount of allies healed in this manner! This along with Mace(2) uses traits to allow symbols to heal(200+HP per tick) in addition to using the 3 vertues to grant yourself and allies boons you can spam “Hold the Line” which grants protection and regen and use “Save Yourselves” to grant all boons to yourself for a short period but your runes will increase the boon deration! Sheild(1) grants protection to allies in the shockwave while doing damage to foes. Shield(2) heals and cures conditions! I can’t stress enough the dodge and this build is based around that that’s why I’ve used superior Sigil of Energy on both my shields! Heal signet does a self heal for around 10,000Hp!
When used “Save Yourselves” does grant Fury which adds a bit to your CC(critical chance)!
As a side note: I can solo champ and vets with this build no problem. Sometimes it can take upwards of 10 minutes but I don’t usually die! It’ll take at least 10 foes or more to take me down!
While many will notice this build is similar to the “Immortal Guardian” build, I did do this on my own and didn’t see that build till recently! I hope you enjoy!
Good hunting!
(edited by Rampant Rampage.2567)
WvW and PvE Boon Duration boons boons boons build.
Any comments or suggestions excluding AH are appreciated!
WvW Build
The armor isn’t quite correct as I currently have it on this website. I have two rune sets with 15% boon duration and two with 20% protection duration.
With food I am running 86% boon duration. It is mobile, fast, tough, healy, and its one major weakness is the necro ability that transforms boons to conditions and then them spreading them out.
Flashing Blade is used for mobility in the battlefield. When too many guys target you, use it and Divine Intervention to get away from combat or get away from the guys hitting you to your teammates. Shield #4 is used whenever available, save 5 for thieves when they get into a Shadow Refuge or for saving an ally when downed. Staff skills are used for group support/supremacy and for escaping/delaying/catching enemies. Line of Warding while running behind you, in front of an enemy or in a gap where the enemy has to come through or come across. #4 for might boost that lasts almost 20 seconds. It can be refreshed while dropping for near continuous 15 stacks of might. Orb of light for a small heal while running or dropping onto an ally getting backstabbed.
The dodge roll healing in this build is also vital. Weapon swapping as often as possible when healing is needed can support your allies and yourself immensely. Try and have shield equipped when an enemy you hit is about to get killed for the endurance refill. This makes fighting near guards and wildlife beneficial for extra dodges when they die.
You can swap out Divine Intervention in bigger battles for Save Yourselves to clear your allies conditions, and then use other shouts to convert any that you picked up into more boons for you. In this manner you will almost ALWAYS have protection, regeneration, and swiftness.
Like I mentioned before, watch out for necro’s that will turn your boons to conditions and also watch for immobilize engineers.
This PvE aspect to my build is based on condition removal, keeping the group healed, and buffing everyone in the group to survive better, take less damage, and to do more damage. This is a tank/heal/buff build, not a dps build. Any Group will LOVE you for it though. Sustained 15 might goes a LONG way. I play this build very similarly to my WvW build, but it’s based on each situation. I swap out utility and sometimes trait choices as needed.
As far as other weapon choices, I have not tried hammer much, but I do try mace when in PvE over the sword with a sigil of life in it. Again, this depends on the situation. Flashing Blade can be very useful in PvE too.
It may take some experimenting, but this build CAN be extremely powerful, especially in groups, but also solo as well.
My Tank-Crit PvE Build:
my build is 20/10/20/20/0
I took Fiery Wrath and greatsword power/ signit mastery/ meditation mastery and purity/ wrathful spirit and two handed mastery.
for skill slots i use judges intervention smite condition contemplation of purity and signit of healing with renewed focus as my ult.
I mainly use GS and sword and shield.
Whats your guys opinion on this build i have only tried it in tpvp as i am not high enough in pve I have done very well with it so far usually top two places on my team at least if its a waste of time could someone recommend either a really offensive build or a really tanky build thanks in advance
The “Unkillable” Build;TkAqbM3Iuxej7G5NrNGNMdA
This build is a tank/support build that focuses on toughness and healing power.
Healing is key to this build and when you get good with it, you’ll wonder why you ever used skill 6 in the first place. There is nothing in this game that you can’t tank/kite with this and it pushes survivability to the breaking point of which some may say the class is plain broken. But I beg to differ since you will do some of the most pathetic damage seen in this game.
You’ll be using exotic CLERIC armour with SUPERIOR RUNES OF DWAYNA. The old version of this build used to recommend runes of the monk but it turns out that runes of dwayna are more effective since they give regeneration bonuses and regen will heal you a lil over 1.5khp/sec so as you can imagine just a few seconds of regen will almost top up your health(13k-16k) to full. So every lil extended duration makes a huge difference with this build.
By the end of it you should have anywhere over 1.4k healing power. I have 1.6k since I have some ascended but the difference isn’t too noticeable.
Now for your weapons you have to have mace/shield as your man set. the secondary I recommend a staff, but a greatsword is fine if you want to do a bit more damage. On your CLERIC’s mace you’ll want SIGIL OF SUPERIOR LIFE and on your shield SIGIL OF SUPERIOR RESTORATION. Getting kills with the mace will add to your healing power as well as the shield gives you a small burst heal each kill you get credit for. For your staff i just use SIGIL OF SUPERIOR WATER. It has a 30% chance to heal allies. It is by no means vital to the build so any sigil will do as well as any other weapon of choice. BUT staff skill 4 is extremely useful and heals you like an absolute boss. And the ally heal is noticeable as much as night and day.
And before anyone asks, YES! It works out very well in World vs World.
You can tank A LOT and your elite and 6 come in handy more times than not. But the only thing I would change to be more survivable in WvW would be “hold the line!” to Judges Intervention. For when escaping a zerg of enemies chasing you down (when you get good, you can mostly get away even if you run half way across a WvW map regardless if there are more than 20 enemies).
Lissane’s Holy Flame Build for Tpvp in Heart of the mists.
Awesome burst build I discovered while toying around with Guardian builds in the mists. This build is awesome in team fights, where you can destroy up to 2-3 targets with your crazy AOE bursts. This build is a burst build, with mediocre survivability, with moderate toughness and few condition removals. It is a fusion between raw damage and condition damage. The weapons I use are Greatsword, and Sword/Focus.;TsAA1Cno4xwjgHLPOek8sEZUwMBA
Traits are >>>>>>>>>>>>>> 20/25/25/0/0
Zealotry: II and VII
Radiance: III and VI
Valor: II and V
The runes I’m using are 6/6 Flame Legion runes, because I want increased burn duration, power and the 5% damage bonus on burned target. The sigils are, Sigil of Superior Battle on Greatsword, and Sigil of Superior Force and Superior Peril on the Sword and Focus. I use Soldier’s amulet for the Damage, and Toughness, with Berserker’s jewel.
The Utilities are Shelter, Judge’s Intervention, Purging Flames, Save Yourselves, and Renewed Focus.
The reason I chose the traits in order:
II – Fiery Wrath
I chose this because I will be constantly burning my foes, and the 10% bonus damage is awesome because it stacks with the 6/6 flame legion rune bonus.
VII – Great Sword Power
My main burst damage comes from Greatsword
III – Shimmering Defense
Burns when your hp is low, nuff said.
VI – Blind Exposure
The invulnerability this build stacks is quite insane, I can stack as much invulnerability as a well necro with Greatsword’s Leap of Faith, Sword’s Flashing blade and Focus’ Ray of judgement. from using these skills, you can stack up to 12 vulnerability, while Zeal’s Master minor trait, Symbolic exposure, further stacks vulnerability which is possible to stack 16 stacks of vulnerability if they also stand in your symbols. Then you can further stack up to 18 stacks of invulnerability if you activate virtue of justice near your enemy from Justice is blind trait in Radiance since Blind = invulnerability.
II – Defender’s flame
Burn attackers when blocking, so Focus 5 skill, our Aegis, and our heal which is shelter, will burn attackers when they attack you. And while they are burnt, you deal bonus damage on them.
V – Purity
This is a must, because our only source of condition removals are Purging Flames other than this trait.
I took Radiant power in Radiance, and might of the Protector in Valor because I wanted some crit damage, and precision, while these 2 minor traits are better than symbolic power in zealotry.
How to burst: Always start the fight with Sword/Focus. Start off with Ray of Judgement for the blind and invulnerability, then use Flashing Blade to get into melee range while applying some more blind and invulnerability, then Zealot’s defense for some nice damage, then finally Shield of Wrath for some nice defense, and damage since blocking will burn your foe. Quickly Switch to GS, use Purging Flames to remove condition and deal burn damage and for the combo field, fire. Now set up your burst! Binding blade to get ready to pull them in and out of purging flame, Leap of faith for flame aura from Purging flames or retaliation from symbol of wrath, Symbol of Wrath for invulnerability stacks and Retaliation, and finally Whirling Wrath for ultimate burst madness combined with Judge’s Intervention, Virtue of justice for the burn and some more vulnerability, and Save yourselves for crazy burst and bonus stats and boons. Finish with Auto attack spam and if they still don’t die, switch to sword/focus and Autoattack and that’s about it.
So to make this burst simple………………..
Ray of Judgement > Flashing Blade > Zealot’s Defense > Shield of Wrath > Switch weapon > Purging Flame > Binding Blade > Pull > Symbol of Wrath > Leap of Faith > and use Save Yourselves with Judge’s Intervention and Virtue of Justice with Whirling Wrath.
That’s about it guys, now watch as you decimate multiple targets with your AOE bursts and Burns and vulnerabilities.
Hi Guys,
I just started a few days ago and I was hoping to get some feedback on my build and if people think this would be an effective Mace/Focus guardian build to use.
Attack 3,214
Critical Chance 50%
Critical Damage 51%
Armor 2,511
Health 14,025Build: 10/25/10/25
+30% dmg when enemy are burned, in condition and when my endurance is low.
What’s the specific build here? :-) which traits are used? Which weapon besides GS, I couldn’t make it out from the picture.
Hey guys,
Im currently doing a simple tank/support/heal build which consists of:
-cure a condition every 10 seconds
-add toughness with shield (+90 I think)
-boons you give to allies heals you.
-all symbols heal allies
-all symbols are larger
-cure a condition when using a shout/ symbols last longer
-retaliation 25% percent increase
Note: The vitality/healing traits vary based on what you prefer to do.
The utilites I use vary as well. I mostly use shouts and wall of reflection.
The armor I decided to wear is full cleric. U can use runes if you want to either add more boon duration or supply yourself to be more tanky. Just like many post:
Superior rune of the monk(x2)
Superior rune of water (x2)
Superior rune of dwayna(varies depends on what boon u prefer) (x2)
If you want to do more tanking, I decided to use sapphire orbs for the extra toughness/healing. So far, with every dodge roll I heal 1600hp per person and I can heal 300hp while using the number 2 skill on the mace. That is why the traits on vitality/healing could vary. The mace has a cooldown of 8 seconds and the symbol lasts 4 seconds. By applying the symbol last longer trait, your symbol lasts the full 8 seconds. So you can heal your party all day. On top of your boon durations, you can give your party more protection etc, as your healing them. In CoF I can heal a group of beserker warriors with ease. Its a pretty fun support build if you enjoy all the green numbers that pop up on your screen during a fight. I will admit that if you enjoy more damage this build isnt meant for you because the highest I hit max at 1700. Such a poop number right? But its all good because a lot of player want to do a lot of Dps and thereforw you shouldnt have a lot of issues finding a group because damage users need support sometimes especially fractals.
So yeah thats my stuff. Hope it opens some ideas for anyone wanting a support guardian.
So I was pretty bored with the usual Meditation or AH builds in PvP and tried to find something new. This build has great DPS with scepter/torch (Torch 4 hits like a truck), while the Hammer offers some extra control. It’s pretty kitten strong in 1v1, but you have to watch your health, as you don’t have any extra healing available like in the aforementioned builds.
I use Balthazar Runes instead of Flame Legion, because I find the quickness pretty handy. It’s not something most opponents expect from a guardian. Oh, and Bane Signet is pretty awesome now, I can’t even imagine how annoying I am with 2 holds and 1 knockdown. And Ring of Warding.
It’s a shout build, with a mix between berserker’s for power, soldiers for vitality, and knights for toughness. I think its a great build. Weapons are great sword and hammer.
my Bunker/retaliation build guardian works well in PvE PvP and WvW
If you wish not to click on the links go to you tube and search Vardanis!!
I was using a standard support/tank or A/H 0/0/30/30/10 build. If you’re looking for more survivability and damage mitigation + self heals this is one option. I ran this build from launch for the first month or so only, then explored other skills, weapons and variations based on my play style (mostly dungeons, pve events, some wvw).
I currently use: 0/15/5/30/20
(I was running 10 in Valor for Purity V, instead I decided to go back with 20 in Virtues for Absolute Resolution IX, considering 3 cond’s removed on activation of Virtue of Resolve + increase in passive effect which is fantastic and from my experience it’s better than using 5 additional points dedicated to Purity)
Radiance: Signet Mastery II
Valor: 5 pts for minor trait/crit chance-tgh increase
Honor: Superior Aria II, Two-Handed Mastery IX, Battle Presence XII
Virtues: Vengeful II or Master of Consecrations VI, Absolute Resolution IX
1. Keep burning and blind up with Renewed Justice/Justice is Blind
2. Added crit chance/toughness from Valor (not as crucial, can be added to Radiance)
3. Shouts & Two-handed recharge for hammer/GS (depends on dung/situation)
and Battle Presence for continued party regeneration.
4. Consecration recharge for WoR, etc. – Virtue of Retribution to mitigate some
damage each time you continue to spam Virtue of Justice or any virtue and of
course Absolute Resolution IX to increase the passive healing.
Berserker gear w/ ruby orbs (mainly to increase crit chance)
Berserker trinkets ( upgrading to ascended – takes time with 8 characters)
Utilites are Signet of Resolve (a must), Hold the Line, SYG and optional for last spot depending on situation. And Elite Focus. Rarely do I trade off from this setup.
Weapons are Hammer or GS with Scepter/Focus typically.
I’ll run Staff for speed boost, might/healing buffs, support, etc.
Any feedback is welcome. /thanks
When i kept creating damage guardians, I always brought some cc because my guardians always needed it. This time i went all the way to cc land.
I decided to create a guardian with all the CC he could possibly hold with the exception of using mace/torch instead of hammer or scepter because I wanted to try out symbols, the best CC is summon hammer’s active effect so I needed the Eternal spirit trait, and then I saw the retaliation when you activate a virtue trait.
The wacky result actually worked much better than my normal damage guardian and is rather unique despite the fact that i used the two regularly used trait lines.
I’m using greatsword and mace because of the symbols. With both symbols down and you standing in them, you will be getting healed each second for 130 for each symbol + 30 from the dolyak runes + 128 from the virtue + 168 from the mace symbol’s regeneration. You also have the heal on dodge trait and good amounts of vigor thanks to a decent crit rate.
Considering this build only has 300 healing and it only got that from the trait line, it is actually rather good.
So long as you swap as often as you can and use the cc well, this build is a huge damage dealer with loads of aoe. I never knew I’d actually like using a mace. Greatsword’s leap in a symbol and activating virtues creates a good amount of retaliation.
This build has one rather major weakness, mobility, but mostly makes up for it in all the cc it causes. If I can’t run fast, I’ll just deny them of their fast running. A good kiter with stunbreaks can mess you up though, as your symbols are stationary and you only have 1 gap closer.
This is my Support-Guradian build/gear
I use it for quite some time now.
For certain bosses in pve or wvw situations I switch Greatsword for Scepter+Shield/Troch to be able to range dps.
Most of my support comes out of staff skills, virtues and utilityskills.
And again, utility might change in pve since you seldom really need stability.
But all in all I am able to buff and heal my comrades very well.
This build suits me very fine in almost all pve or wvw situations and if need be it can be quickly changed. For example I can switch Virtue IX for VII and take out Tome of Courage to heal the Blobb if there is a lack of heal in the zerg. But I try to avoid this. Renewed Focus gives me very good survivability and a dead guardian is no use to anybody.
Feel free to comment. Let me know what you think.
Take care and have fun
Amulett will be changed soon for the Ascended Power/Vita/Tough necklace.
Greatsword, Sword and Focus build
Primarily useful in WvW but also very fun in PvE for damage. In WvW, it does rely on having Lemongrass food up and I also use Smite Condition for condition removal. I switch that out depending on the group I’m in and the players we’re facing.
(edited by phokus.8934);1RFF40J3RG-90;9;599TJ;11;04;014A18-7wl6;2ZF18ZF183NM this is the new build i been running for tpvp and been finding great success and tad bit more survivibilty. Its a slight change from the cookie cutter meta build, but i find i don’t need the extra 10 in virtues, and i can take the signet mastery as im like the only guard i know that DESPISES shelter i will never understand the 2 second block is not worth the crap! heal that follows with the signet mastery i can make my signet which is another con removal and have it only be 2 seconds longer than shelter while gaining such a superior heal.
I sort of made this one up by myself, i just wanted to mix things up a bit and I think it is a pretty viable build.
Armor: Full Valkyries (Power, Vitality, Crit Damage) with 6/6 Runes of the Fighter
Weapons: Berserkers with any Sigil
Amulet: Soldiers
Back Slot: Soldiers
Rings and Trinkets: Knights with Sentinels
As you can see from the armor I have decent damage with decent survivability.
Traits: I mix them up from 20/20/20/0/10, 10/30/20/0/10, and 10/15/25/15/5.
The first one is for using GS, second is for MH Sword OH Torch/Shield, and the last is for Hammer/Staff.
Skills: Signet of Resolve (Healing)
Judges Intervention (1st Utility)
Smite Condition (2nd Utility)
Bane Signet (3rd Utility)
Renewed Focus (Elite)
I usually enter with JI and follow with some CC, I am currently using the last set of traits with Hammer/Staff and hit in the 2,000’s with Mighty Blow. I love the damage and with Hammer constantly giving me protection, I rarely get below 50% HP as long as I heal. I constantly have 4 stacks of might in the beginning of the battle due to Might on block and Might on VoJ, so there is some extra damage. I can solo fairly well and do even better in a party. It’s an all around build that can use any type of weapon except for mace because no one likes mace.
Right now I’m currently running this build for PvE is
The equipment (and food when I have the money to stock up) I’m striving for is
The Build is designed to apply as much blind as possible causing vulnerability, with trait Blind Exposure, with the constant refreshing of your Virtue of Justice and your weapons skills on your Great Sword (#3 ability), Sword (#2 ability) and Focus (#4 ability).
Also the build is designed to stack as much might as you can with Superior Sigil of Strength, Empowering Might, and Inspired Virtues.
This is essentially a snowballing effect where my damage increases and the foes armor decreases over time.
Also with Altruistic Healing the constant application from your mights well give you decent sustain, and with your shouts (especially in a group) you can get a decent small heal out of them.
A good tip for your vulnerabilities is that when a blind is applied it gives out the condition to surrounding enemies (small radius). So using your Great Sword #3 which does a AoE blast when it hits causing blind to surrounding enemies, it will actually stack the vulnerability (ie if there is 5 targets and you hit them with your #3, that’s 15 stacks of vulnerability in 1 hit). So I try to find big groups a lot and dive right into the action.
I stack Power and Toughness as my two main stats with vitality and precision 2nd.
It’s tanky, and it hits like a truck. It has decent mobility, condition removal, and support with your shouts.
This is literally my favorite build leveling, and now my favorite build roaming and even in dungeons and WvW it kicks butt. Once I hit 40 and was able to put 15 into Radiance, 10 into Honor, and 5 into Virtues, I felt like I can handle everything.
Only down side (for me) is that there is no such thing as a good looking focus so sometimes I lose a blind skill by switching to shield because the Guild Tower just looks too awesome.
I’m not sure how much it would help switching the Soldier options with Cleric for more sustain but less health. I’m not sure if that is better survival or not.
(edited by airick.9850)
My Guardian character profile sheet:
Traits: 0/10/30/30/0
Weapon Set 1: Greatsword
Weapon Set 2: Staff
(edited by DoRnbush.7984)
Here is the build I use for pve, wvw, and spvp. Has not been tested in tournys.
This build provides me with almost everything I need for any situation and has served me well for well over the better part of 6 months. It has been tweaked, played, tweaked some more, and played even further. I hope you guys and gals find this build to your likings as well. This build remains unnamed, so any suggestions would be cool
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