[MegaTalk] Trait rewamp preview
Didn’t Bountiful Disillusionment get buffed for Boonshare, too?
Yeah, became an AoE support. Small, but noteworthy, especially if phantasms aren’t going to be shattered anymore[which might be the case, they worded things strangely].
With the IP change.. Lockdown Mesmer will overcome shatter in pvp meta. Calling it now.
Shatter with stealth with trump lockdown from what I got from this. We are almost as stealthy as a thief.
I missed the beginning…what was done with Signets? Is the Distortion on Signet still a trait?
<The Undead Lords>
Since 1994 – undeadlords.net
I missed the beginning…what was done with Signets? Is the Distortion on Signet still a trait?
All signet traits are merged.
Condi Cleanse
CD reduction
All in one.
The OP says “interrupts get buff” what’s that mean?
Learn 2 Play Mesmer Here! || Lookit! Gots me a youtube!
Mesmer Personality Quiz! Exclamation Points!
I missed the beginning…what was done with Signets? Is the Distortion on Signet still a trait?
All signet traits are merged.
Into which traitline? Hopefully just not Domination…
<The Undead Lords>
Since 1994 – undeadlords.net
I missed the beginning…what was done with Signets? Is the Distortion on Signet still a trait?
All signet traits are merged.
Condi Cleanse
CD reductionAll in one.
Reflect? /15char
<The Undead Lords>
Since 1994 – undeadlords.net
I missed the beginning…what was done with Signets? Is the Distortion on Signet still a trait?
All signet traits are merged.
Into which traitline? Hopefully just not Domination…
Um… I think Dom? Don’t remember, but 80% sure it’s Domination.
I missed the beginning…what was done with Signets? Is the Distortion on Signet still a trait?
All signet traits are merged.
Condi Cleanse
CD reductionAll in one.
Reflect? /15char
Reflect isn’t a signet trait, but is part of a Illusion GM made up of merged shatter traits from Illusions.
I missed the beginning…what was done with Signets? Is the Distortion on Signet still a trait?
All signet traits are merged.
Into which traitline? Hopefully just not Domination…
Um… I think Dom? Don’t remember, but 80% sure it’s Domination.
Would be a shame, and would pretty much break Signet Conditions for me.
<The Undead Lords>
Since 1994 – undeadlords.net
My personal take:
- Stealth duration increase are going in the wrong direction. We will be better at annoying people with stealth!
- possible+50% mind wrack damage: Just able to one shot squishy thieves? Fear no more, we can not one-shot everything!
- Build diversity? Might increase, but due to deceptive evasion fighting his position with a mantra trait, mantras are definitely out of the game. Suggestion: Deceptive Evasion should become a minor trait.
Primoridal (S1) & Exalted (S2) & Illustrious (S3) Legend
I missed the beginning…what was done with Signets? Is the Distortion on Signet still a trait?
All signet traits are merged.
Into which traitline? Hopefully just not Domination…
Um… I think Dom? Don’t remember, but 80% sure it’s Domination.
Would be a shame, and would pretty much break Signet Conditions for me.
How so? You get 3 full trait lines now, and they’re not connected to stats anymore. Just to clarify, if that was your concern.
I guess they really did NOT like clone on-death builds. A fairly unique playstyle of Mesmer thrown into the garbage. The other changes are fairly good, though.
I guess they really did NOT like clone on-death builds. A fairly unique playstyle of Mesmer thrown into the garbage. The other changes are fairly good, though.
On clone death builds are so early 2014.
I missed the beginning…what was done with Signets? Is the Distortion on Signet still a trait?
All signet traits are merged.
Into which traitline? Hopefully just not Domination…
Um… I think Dom? Don’t remember, but 80% sure it’s Domination.
Would be a shame, and would pretty much break Signet Conditions for me.
How so? You get 3 full trait lines now, and they’re not connected to stats anymore. Just to clarify, if that was your concern.
Can’t give up Dueling (DE), Chaos (Staff + new Bountiful), or Illusions (Maim). I didn’t catch the Domination line, but I severely doubt it has anything worthwhile for conditions.
<The Undead Lords>
Since 1994 – undeadlords.net
I guess they really did NOT like clone on-death builds. A fairly unique playstyle of Mesmer thrown into the garbage. The other changes are fairly good, though.
I was expecting it. They came up with nice condition alternatives, though.
If they don’t like clone-death, can they please switch Confusing Combatants out for DE?
Did some take screen shut of the traits?
This will really help out.
Did some take screen shut of the traits?
This will really help out.
Being added slowly here: http://www.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/33qrg0/specialization_ama_livestream_notes/
<The Undead Lords>
Since 1994 – undeadlords.net
Did some take screen shut of the traits?
This will really help out.
Didn’t get the two first minors, but I think they were the same as now.
(edited by Zhal.8492)
Food for thought: Quickness is Boon. Timewarp applies Quickness. Boon Duration affects Quickness. How much can we get?
kitten … They were not kidding about making traits more meaningful. This is a pretty massive class overhaul. I like it so far. About time, I’d say. My mesmer finally sounds more like a mesmer now.
So, wait, did I read that right: DE is now competing for space with Harmonious Mantras?
Breaking my heart.
(Where’d they put that Mirror trait?)
Sadly, I’d have liked to be able to choose that new and shiny Mistrust trait. Diversion becomes a useful condi skill. Shame it competes with DE.
Oh, guys, when the Ready Up comes to its General Discussion piece, flood the chat with questions about whether the devs believe anyone will choose other traits over DE. Best way right now to get our concerns out there.
Sad cause we will be pretty much stuck to 3 builds: 6/6/6/0/0 (lockdown shatter for pvp and roaming), 0/6/6/0/6 (mtd condi shatter) and 6/0/6/6/0 (lockdown support for raiding).
Also they mix our best traits and our worst keep untouched. There is very little worth combinations in trait lines.
Anyway, awesome that IP and a lot of other things will be baseline (would be cool if someone could do a list about that). Everybody can start to lean interrupting cause it’ll be the new mesmer meta xd
i7 5775c @ 4.1GHz – 12GB RAM @ 2400MHz – RX 480 @ 1390/2140MHz
I like the new GS trait. It sais that every time an illusion OR you hit with spatial surge the cooldown of all GS skills will decrease by 2%.
Think of 3 clones+yourself all 1.5s you perform 12 hits with spatial surge which means that every 1.5s your cooldowns will decrease by 24% -> all ~4 seconds every gs skill :o
Btw i just came up with a new way of writing builds.
A build now could be written like this:
Dueling: vvo <- down down middle
Chaos: vv^ <- down down up
Illusions:vv^ <- down down up
Equinox [EqnX]
(edited by Me Games Ma.8426)
“The core specializations changes are coming before HoT, elite will come with HoT.”
Illusionary Invigoration missing is a Huge loss imo. I hope they add it back in as was mentioned in the stream.
Ohh yea, CS an Adept
Ill of Vul + CS + Furios Interruption + Power Block
These changes are massive. All the baseline changes were things I often trait for, manip range/IP.
0/6/6/0/6 DE/PU/MtD! Fairly sure they will be nerfing us soon after this update to be honest. I was doubting the variation in builds after this when they announced it yesterday, but now I’m seeing every trait line being decent, and that isn’t even counting the specialisation.
Also, reflect on successful evade = gg rapid fire rangers
Did anyone else notice that power block duration went up from 10 to 15 seconds?
Equinox [EqnX]
Condi Pistol build?
Also, hard to justify not taking DE despite cool looking GMs…
Did anyone else notice that power block duration went up from 10 to 15 seconds?
Power block was always supposed to ‘add’ 10 secs from 5. It’s a buff, i guess. A long due one.
Condi Pistol build?
Also, hard to justify not taking DE despite cool looking GMs…
Does anyone remember the time when skilled duelist was 100% combo finisher for confusion? what if we now get 100% crit chance and confusing combatants? there are our 8 stacks again
Equinox [EqnX]
Condi Pistol build?
Also, hard to justify not taking DE despite cool looking GMs…
Does anyone remember the time when skilled duelist was 100% combo finisher for confusion? what if we now get 100% crit chance and confusing combatants?
there are our 8 stacks again
If we land a good Magic Bullet or other CC, we can also get an easy second duelist up. Might be their push for phantasm builds. Maybe that’s their justification for putting DE in GM? That when phantasm builds open up, we won’t necessarily need DE as much?
Now, chaos line: http://i.imgur.com/DKixfqQ.jpg
(edited by Dondagora.9645)
Still i cannot think of any build not using dueling :/
Shatterbuilds will need it.
Condition builds will get much stronger by using it
Interruptbuilds will also take DE or HM i guess.
Maybe Support builds? But with these I think I’d use dueling, chaos and inspiration
Equinox [EqnX]
There are some really interesting things that come from the revamp that I’m excited for, most notably:
- Quickness as a boon is a MASSIVE boost to mesmers in group content with the new Illusionary Inspiration trait. Using a sword OH, you can interrupt a mob for 5s quickness that you can summon a phantasm to copy quickness over to everyone. With Signet of Illusions, you can stack 15s quickness every 30 seconds IN ADDITION TO Time Warp. Wow.
- Shatter mesmers gain a 15% damage bonus to their spike with the gm minor trait and the new shatter trait, with up to an additional 50% against inactive foes. Holy cow.
- /P got a massive buff in terms of a condition-orientated style. With the pistol master trait and the mistrust gm trait you can maintain 2 stacks of AoE confusion on clumps of people.
- Signet builds have 4 new trait slots they can play around with thanks to the trait merger. (<3)
- The rest of the inspiration line seems a little bet meh to me.
I am defiantly interested in picking up my Mesmer again, thanks for the changes!
edit: IP is now inherent to the mesmer! WOOOOO!
(edited by cDKI.8352)
And, Inspiration: http://i.imgur.com/LwCb3lm.jpg
Insane Confusion stacking with 3 Wardens Dueling line OP!!
Equinox [EqnX]
So is iDuelist baseline 1200 range now?
So is iDuelist baseline 1200 range now?
So is iDuelist baseline 1200 range now?
90% sure they did not mention that. So i guess not.
Equinox [EqnX]
Yawn, Inspiration looks boring. Mender’s Purity is pretty neat though.
WvW Roaming with Mesmer
Illusions: http://i.imgur.com/h7a0WHQ.jpg
Confusing combatants with 3 staff clones and IE being baseline will be totally OP…
i7 5775c @ 4.1GHz – 12GB RAM @ 2400MHz – RX 480 @ 1390/2140MHz
I’m a bit annoyed that some of my favorite traits are now mutually exclusive.
Deceptive Evasion and Harmonious Mantras
Halting Strike (merged with Power Block) and Greatsword Training
Oh, I see some synergy. Blinding Befuddlement, while still having that horrible ICD, can proc on our Blinding Dissipation, meaning a possible 3-8 per shatter every 5 seconds. Of course, it’s competing with MtD, so…