Necromancer bugs compilation. (discontinued)

Necromancer bugs compilation. (discontinued)

in Necromancer

Posted by: Andele.1306


Not sure if this has been reported yet, but Spectral Wall and Putrid Mark do not seem to be working together.

This is more of a wall detection problem, both you/minions and the enemy have to enter the wall after it has been layed down and the mark may not be placed in the wall without it instantly procing on something (for short if any of the components are in the wall as it is placed or putrid was placed before the wall is placed/after its placed but not on a enemy thus instantly blasting) it doesnt work, you get used to it after a while but still bloody annoying.

• (NB0054)[Fix – Unconfirmed] Reapers Protection gives 20+ seconds of AoE fear when it hits another necro with reapers protection.
- confirmed

• Spectral walk is now correctly affected by spectral traits. However, it does not work as a stun break, despite what the tooltip says.
- seems to be kinda random and/or based on the cc (knockdowns, pushes and pulls dont seem to get broken, but stuns and dazes so far do).

When life gives you lemon, ask if its from a anime or manga.

(edited by Andele.1306)

Necromancer bugs compilation. (discontinued)

in Necromancer

Posted by: They are hashes.4523

They are hashes.4523

@Phidian : Updated the report (NB0081)
@Andele : (NB0054) removed

  • Need 2nd confirmation on this:*
    • Plague stability is ignored by Point Blank Shot.
    • (NB0052)[Fix – Unconfirmed] Does not apply the 20% cooldown reduction to Summon Flesh Golem despite the tool tip reflecting the decrease.
    • (NB0059)[Fix – Unconfirmed] Does not give 3% lifeforce from Soul Marks when triggered.
    • Spectral Walk doesn’t break stuns properly.
    • Mark of Revival trait does not seem to create a mark when reviving.
    • Axe training does not seem to affect the tooltip damage of axe abilities.

(edited by They are hashes.4523)

Necromancer bugs compilation. (discontinued)

in Necromancer

Posted by: Vita.6302


• (NB0052)[Fix – Unconfirmed] Does not apply the 20% cooldown reduction to Summon Flesh Golem despite the tool tip reflecting the decrease.

denied, cooldown is reduced from 60 to 48 seconds, so the tooltip shows the right amount of time and the 20% reduction is applied
• Spectral Walk doesn’t break stuns properly.

confirmed, BUT its impossible to use any skill while being knocked down, so not sure if it is a bug. Normal stun is removed without any problems
• Axe training does not seem to affect the tooltip damage of axe abilities.

confirmed, the tooltip is not more affected since the last patch

(edited by Vita.6302)

Necromancer bugs compilation. (discontinued)

in Necromancer

Posted by: Andele.1306


@Andele : (NB0054) removed

Dont know, i tried it twice, happened both times upon trying to Doom a enemy necro.

Another thing that sparked my interest thanks to the scepter damage thread, weapon and power scailing seems to have a totally different system than what it indicates.

Armor at 80:
H – 2127
M – 1980
L – 1836

Attack at 80 with staff and Soliders amulet and jewel in it: 2950
From 50 attacks (not counting the RNG 4% crits)
the average on heavy is 495.5 pre necrotic grasp
average on medium is 635.8 pre NG
average on light is 593.4 pre NG~

If you add 30 to spite, the damage barely goes up on the light and heavy side (around 20 damage increase), but increases the damage on medium golem from 635 to 748.
Either way, something is way off on the charts since:
a) Weapon damage stat seems to have no impact at all to your skill damage except that it makes them possibly hit for less depending on what the weapons min/max damage is (always 126 damage variation on staff skills), but it does change the scailing of power for skills (50% scailing on level 80 item, level 0 item 5%) making the whole plain numeric part, that would suggest thats the amount of base damage everything you do would have, obsolete.
b) Medum armor seems to take the most damage, then light and then heavy, but not a single one of em have a fair ratio (heavy reduces tooltiped damage by 5~%, medium increses by 25%, light increses by 17%) of you doing around exactly what the tooltip says (what would be medium by normal standards)

When life gives you lemon, ask if its from a anime or manga.

(edited by Andele.1306)

Necromancer bugs compilation. (discontinued)

in Necromancer

Posted by: Tutch.2496


all of the minion abilities (outside of putrid explosion and flesh wurm teleport) have cast times, so I believe that’s why they interrupt.

Golem’s rush cast time is like half a second, just the time for the cast bar to appear/disappear. Bugs me as the minion’s are supposed to be separated entities, so why should my actual action be interrupted by a minion action ?

Golem’s rush direction happened more than once (previous patches) but it’s too rare and I don’t really know what causes it. I guess that as the Flesh Golem was not ordered to attack, when I ordered rush it choose the closest target from it instead.

Tutch – level 80 Human Necromancer
Representing Raiding with Scissors [RWS]
Currently at Henge of Denravi

(edited by Tutch.2496)

Necromancer bugs compilation. (discontinued)

in Necromancer

Posted by: Prev.4879


Blood fiend should not pull aggro if it’s going to die so easily. With the minion AI wonky, it wanders off and attacks something behind your back, leaving you without healing option. Aggravating at low levels when we still use them.

Necromancer bugs compilation. (discontinued)

in Necromancer

Posted by: Tomcio.9605


Need 2nd confirmation on this:

  • Sinking Tomb has infinite range rather than the listed 1200, and does not require LoS and can hit targets on land.

Sinking Tomb: confirmed, hits targets on land and seems to “sink” them.
Also Trident Skill #1 hits also on land, but range seems to work.

It is quite easy to kill targets this way, since targets don’t go into water ( as long as they are not aquatic like skale or drakes). They just stand there at the water while you spam #1 and bleed them to death.

Necromancer bugs compilation. (discontinued)

in Necromancer

Posted by: Yerz.3478


Could you confirm that Plague stacks only 4 stack of bleeding per target?
It’s poor if its working like this rught now.

Necromancer bugs compilation. (discontinued)

in Necromancer

Posted by: Izar.5016


This could be a bug or not… please verify:

The 25th Minor traits in Death Magic, Deadly Strenght, is not affected by the 1st Major traist, same line, Dark Armor.

I.E. if you cast Ghastly Claws, 2nd ability with axe, You get 400 more Toughness while casting but the power doesn’t increase. Dunno if it’s a Work as Intended or not.

Necromancer bugs compilation. (discontinued)

in Necromancer

Posted by: They are hashes.4523

They are hashes.4523

@Andele the damage scalation is a really interesting, and deep, topic of its own.
Could you make a thread for that? I would love to see more people testing the same thing and read what the results are. If something is buggy i will add it here of course.
• (NB0054)[Fix – Unconfirmed] Reapers Protection gives 20+ seconds of AoE fear when it hits another necro with reapers protection.

Is this fixed, or still happens?

@Tutch : new (NP0007)
@Vita : new (NT0016), (NB0052) removed (Thanks for test it)

  • Need 2nd confirmation on this:*
    • Plague stability is ignored by Point Blank Shot.
    • (NB0059)[Fix – Unconfirmed] Does not give 3% lifeforce from Soul Marks when triggered.
    • Spectral Walk doesn’t break stuns properly.
    • Mark of Revival trait does not seem to create a mark when reviving.

Necromancer bugs compilation. (discontinued)

in Necromancer

Posted by: Andele.1306


@Andele the damage scalation is a really interesting, and deep, topic of its own.
Could you make a thread for that? I would love to see more people testing the same thing and read what the results are. If something is buggy i will add it here of course.
• (NB0054)[Fix – Unconfirmed] Reapers Protection gives 20+ seconds of AoE fear when it hits another necro with reapers protection.
Is this fixed, or still happens?

Well i both have a lot of stuff to do (each time im here, im also doing something else – multitasking keeps the brain fresh~) and am pretty lazy with keeping stuff updated, thus chances are that i wont make a thread about it, but something is definity fishiy with both medium armor damage reduction and how power scales with diferent profession skills.

About reapers protection, it was still bugged when i used Doom on a enemy necro while in melee, but will test with friend today.

When life gives you lemon, ask if its from a anime or manga.

Necromancer bugs compilation. (discontinued)

in Necromancer

Posted by: Knote.2904


I don’t think this one is up there.

But I’ve noticed this multiple times now so I’m sure I’m not crazy.

Life Blast seems to be randomly obstructed once in a while, when there is truly nothing in the way to obstruct it. It’s hard to replicate and doesn’t happen often, but usually after quickly jumping into Death Shroud to pop one off it can vanish in thin air and say “Obstructed”.

I’m not sure if it’s related to the Trait that allows it to pierce or not.
Also Andele, I’ve done my own testing with Power and scaling to see how it works a couple times already and I’m very confident I know how it works.

Direct Dmg from skills scale with your average Weapon dmg by a certain coefficient (obvious), and has NOTHING to do with Attack (the sum of weapon dmg + power).

Basically 100 average weapon dmg = 80 for one skill, 150 for another, etc.

Your base Power (916 @ lvl 80) is 100% Base Dmg. Every additional 100 Power is 11% increase (916 + 100 Power = 111% base dmg).

With no other modifiers, Power Amulet (+923 Power) changes tooltips on Axe skills from:
236 — 472
269 — 540
808 — 1616

100% increase, although +923 power is actually 101% increase which is reflected on the dagger tooltips (besides Life Siphon) so there is an extremely small difference on tooltips for some skills but essentially the same.

I also tested this with the Steady Weapon on the dummies to make sure it’s not just a tooltip change. 35 Dmg with Unholy Feast on Heavy Dummy was doubled to 70, dmg on other golems also doubled.

And yes the golems are a messed up, Medium is actually Light armored, and vice versa.

The dmg scaling was the same for the other weapons when I tested as well, feel free to do it yourself incase I’m wrong.

I also tested doing increments with the power trait tree instead of amulet as well. Also, direct dmg % increases from traits or runes/sigils are calculated after Power.

(edited by Knote.2904)

Necromancer bugs compilation. (discontinued)

in Necromancer

Posted by: MechAssault.7802


Blood Magic

(NB0055) Does not increase the effects of Vampiric by 50%, instead 16%. (heal increased from 25/hit to 29/hit at level 80)
(NB0056) Does not increase the effects of Vampiric Master.
(NB0057) Does not increase the effects of Sigil of Blood.
(NB0058) Reduces healing of Signet of the Locust.

this one bothers me. i hope this gets looked at soon. it real hard trying to play lifesteal base necro.

Necromancer bugs compilation. (discontinued)

in Necromancer

Posted by: Andele.1306


Also Andele, I’ve done my own testing with Power and scaling to see how it works a couple times already and I’m very confident I know how it works.

Direct Dmg from skills scale with your average Weapon dmg by a certain coefficient (obvious), and has NOTHING to do with Attack (the sum of weapon dmg + power).

Basically 100 average weapon dmg = 80 for one skill, 150 for another, etc.

Your base Power (916 @ lvl 80) is 100% Base Dmg. Every additional 100 Power is 11% increase (916 + 100 Power = 111% base dmg).

With no other modifiers, Power Amulet (+923 Power) changes tooltips on Axe skills from:
236 — 472
269 — 540
808 — 1616

1. The reapers protection thing seems to be fixed
2. Knote, I thought so myself at first, but if you test it with utility skills/Lich/DS, you will see that weapon damage actually gives the % scailing and that power buffs the damage by a flat amount.
3. A lot of risen mobs (only ones i actually tested it on) seem to have their light and medium armor values swapped.

When life gives you lemon, ask if its from a anime or manga.

Necromancer bugs compilation. (discontinued)

in Necromancer

Posted by: Nolhian.7902


Hello, I’ve been away for a week but I don’t see Target the Weak which is a trait in curses, so if it hadn’t been fixed ( well I’m pretty sure since not a lot has been ) :

Target The Weak : 2% increased damage for each condition on a foe.

This is bugged and doesn’t work with condition damage.

Necromancer bugs compilation. (discontinued)

in Necromancer

Posted by: Darkness Son.1279

Darkness Son.1279

I’m really confused with the “Greater Marks” trait and the blocking concept.

Which of these actions is/are considered to “block” a Mark?

  1. Activating a skill that blocks incoming projectiles and then stepping on a Mark.
  2. Dodging when stepping on a Mark.
  3. Teleporting inside a Mark.
  4. Pulling yourself to a target inside a Mark.
  5. Shadowstepping to a target inside a Mark.

I’m asking because, with the trait active:

  • #3 and #5 trigger Marks.
  • #2 and #4 do not trigger Marks
  • I haven’t tested #1

I would like some clarification regarding this topic. Thanks.

Necromancer bugs compilation. (discontinued)

in Necromancer

Posted by: They are hashes.4523

They are hashes.4523

@Darkness Son
This is Block
2,3,4,5 is not Block.

(NB0077) Traits that increase “% output damage” are not improving conditions damage.
We are “Mixing” some bug reports if the cause is related to the same problem.
This way developers can fix it sooner.

Necromancer bugs compilation. (discontinued)

in Necromancer

Posted by: Teknomancer.8475


Others have probably said it before me, but just incase…

Thanks for taking the time to diligently and respectfully manage this thread they Are Hashes. Good work.

Happy Friday!

Necromancer bugs compilation. (discontinued)

in Necromancer

Posted by: Vadren.9045


@They are hashes,

I already posted this, but I wanted to reiterate because it seems my addition was overlooked.


Feast of Corruption
(NB0010) Does not give Life Force.

Feast of Corruption currently gives 2% life force per condition on the target, so it gives 0 life force when no conditions are on the target, 2% life force for 1 condition, 4% for 2 conditions, etc… I’ve tested with signet of spite and it gives 12% life force for 6 conditions.

Likely this is working as intended and just a tool tip error.

Necromancer bugs compilation. (discontinued)

in Necromancer

Posted by: kurtdg.2370


Not sure if this has already been mentioned, but in PvP matches, I’ve been noticing that at the beginning of a new match, my life force will be completely drained even though I had life force remaining at the end of the previous match.

It doesn’t always drain it, but it does seem to happen quite frequently.

Necromancer bugs compilation. (discontinued)

in Necromancer

Posted by: They are hashes.4523

They are hashes.4523

@Teknomancer You are welcome, i really appreciate the support.
@Vadren Bug removed, ill test it again to double-check
@Kurtdg Do the CDs restart to 0 too?

Necromancer bugs compilation. (discontinued)

in Necromancer

Posted by: Knote.2904


2. Knote, I thought so myself at first, but if you test it with utility skills/Lich/DS, you will see that weapon damage actually gives the % scailing and that power buffs the damage by a flat amount.

Just tested this again on Utilities/Lich Form/Death Shroud.

Death Shroud skills with no weapon have their own base dmg (Life Blast w/no weapon was like 330 or something).

Placing a weapon “replaced” that number with it’s own based on your weapon dmg.
pStaff = PvP Staff // sStaff = Steady Staff

No Amulet + pStaff = 518 Top Life Blast
923 Amulet + pStaff = 1039 Top Life Blast
No Amulet +sStaff = 67 Top Life Blast
923 Amulet + sStaff = 134 Top Life Blast

Using on Heavy Dummy reflected this (66 and 133 dmg for Steady Staff). PvP Staff of course had it’s randomized dmg range, but was around the stated average.

I tested the 2 dmg dealing wells, weapon dmg has absolutely no affect on their dmg, they always have their own base dmg based on level. Power increased them the same, (923 amulet increased them by 101%).

Something a bit odd about the wells, they had their own hidden dmg range similar to that of weapons, basically they had their own seperate “weapon dmg” with a dmg range, as each cast would give a slightly different consistent dmg (yes Suffering applies Vulnerability). Corruption used by itself showed consistent dmg either 118 tics, or 123 tics, or 126 tics, etc. per cast and when the 923 amulet added showed the dmg doubled as well within similar range, so working normally. I figured slotting the Steady Weapon would normalize the tics, but they kept their dmg spread.

Lich Form is a special case, it also uses it’s own Weapon Dmg thus equipping either weapon, and then unequipping both did absolutely nothing. Lich Form had it’s own base weapon dmg (of like 818 or so) as well as adds free stats such as an extra 1800 or so Power and other stats like Precision. It still used the Amulet’s Power, adding the 923 bumped the dmg from around 800 something to 1300, considering it already had it’s own free Power Boost this makes sense and is working normally.

Not sure if this has already been mentioned, but in PvP matches, I’ve been noticing that at the beginning of a new match, my life force will be completely drained even though I had life force remaining at the end of the previous match.

It doesn’t always drain it, but it does seem to happen quite frequently.

Everything get’s reset with match changes.

@They are hashes,

I already posted this, but I wanted to reiterate because it seems my addition was overlooked.


Feast of Corruption
(NB0010) Does not give Life Force.

Feast of Corruption currently gives 2% life force per condition on the target, so it gives 0 life force when no conditions are on the target, 2% life force for 1 condition, 4% for 2 conditions, etc… I’ve tested with signet of spite and it gives 12% life force for 6 conditions.

Likely this is working as intended and just a tool tip error.

Just tested this myself, working perfectly fine.

(NB0077) Traits that increase “% output damage” are not improving conditions damage.
We are “Mixing” some bug reports if the cause is related to the same problem.
This way developers can fix it sooner.

IMO % dmg increases not affecting Condition Dmg is not a bug and is 100% intended.

Curses tree is sort of meant to be hybrid when you look at it. Feast of Corruption working similarly, Crit/Condition combo, decent base dmg on Sceptre Autos.

% Dmg reductions not affecting Condition Dmg means % Dmg increases shouldn’t either.

• (NB0059)[Fix – Unconfirmed] Does not give 3% lifeforce from Soul Marks when triggered.
• Mark of Revival trait does not seem to create a mark when reviving.

All marks (including Mark of Blood on Dodge) were properly giving me 3% Life Force when triggered as I just tested. However it was only a single tic of 3% per trigger and now for each mob hit by the aoe I’m sure that’s intended however.

Just tested Mark of Revival in the mists. Can confirm it does spawn a mark properly when ressurecting, only lasts 6 seconds (bug, not sure), properly triggers a 1s fear (dragged soldier mobs over), and seems to have a proper cooldown for 45 seconds. Does NOT trigger 3% Life Force with Soul Marks, and does not become a bigger aoe (in size NOR in effect) with Greater Marks.

Not working with Greater Marks is indeed a significant bug as w/o the size increase it’s not nearly as good at protecting downed allies.

(edited by Knote.2904)

Necromancer bugs compilation. (discontinued)

in Necromancer

Posted by: RashanDale.3609


not sure if intended or not, but:
regeneration doesnt do anything while you’re in death shroud. your normal HP stay the same.
which is really frustrating considering how many sources of regeneration necros have.
and ‘full of life’ gets even worse because of this.
(it thats not intended, i apologize, but nowhere in the game, this site or the wiki is stated that you cant regen/be healed while in DS)

“Revenant is actual proof that devs read the necromancer forum” – Pelopidas.2140
Gunnar’s Hold

Necromancer bugs compilation. (discontinued)

in Necromancer

Posted by: alanis.6094



You can’t be damaged while in DS, so it makes sense that you can’t be healed in it either. I am fairly certain this is done this way by design.

Drusilla Ina Alanis
<The Undead Lords>
Since 1994 –

Necromancer bugs compilation. (discontinued)

in Necromancer

Posted by: Vita.6302



You cant argue this way, becouse necros own regeneration skill (passive at 90%) gets activated in DS, at the moment for nothing… So it makes no sense. At least one of both things is bugged (activation of the reg or not getting healed)

Necromancer bugs compilation. (discontinued)

in Necromancer

Posted by: Ezekeel.2837


Why isn’t the Reanimator trait on the list? It may not be exactly a bug, but giving your enemy a free rally in PvP is just terrible. I really would like to spend some points into this line, but with the drawback due to Reanimator it is just unacceptable for PvP.

I would rather have a blank dummy trait that does nothing.

Since this problem makes an entire trait line essentially unusable for PvP, I feel this is a problem which needs solving with a high priority.

Necromancer bugs compilation. (discontinued)

in Necromancer

Posted by: Cyphon.5412


I’m not sure how to test it, so can anyone confirm whether Hemophilia and Lingering Curse (Curses line) actually stack to give bleeds applied by scepters a 53% increase in duration? Seems it’s not, but I don’t want to say it does or doesn’t because I’m not terribly familiar with bug testing protocol and such hehe

Necromancer bugs compilation. (discontinued)

in Necromancer

Posted by: They are hashes.4523

They are hashes.4523

@Cyphon :

Resume: “20% Hemofilia + 33% Scepter + x% Smite line” duration stacks correctly.

Check the Debuff tooltip on the enemy status.
I tested it on Golden Moas, level 80 downleveled to 33. (To rice the rize)
I use the longest bleed duration skill available to get clearly results “Blood is power”
Blood is Power
“Bleed duration” -> duration buff
30 sec -> base
36 sec-> +20% (20 smite points) = + 6 sec
42 sec -> +20% Hemofilia = +6 sec
44 sec -> +7% Major Sigil of Agony = +2 sec
All start counting 1 second off on the debuff, 29-35-41-43…
After this i used the scepter and the results were a bit different
4 sec -> base
5 sec -> +20% (20 smite points) = +0,8 sec
6 sec -> +20% Hemofilia = +0,8 sec
9 sec -> +33% Scepter = + 1,32 sec
10 sec -> +7% Major Sigil of Agony = +0,28 sec
4 + 0,8 + 0,8 + 1,32 + 0,28 = 7,2sec
but… we reached 10 sec, i think Anet (being kind) took into consideration a new formula for >10 sec bleed skills. That rouds up decimals.
4 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 1 = 9 sec
we dont reached 10 seconds yet… maybe they calculate duration buffs from higher to lower and using final added duration (33% + 20% + 20% +7%)
4 + 33% (rounded up) = 6
6 + 20% (rounded up) = 8
8 + 20% (rounded up) = 9
10 + 7% (rounded up) = 11
Well… we are getting close, but i hate maths. Let it be.

(edited by They are hashes.4523)

Necromancer bugs compilation. (discontinued)

in Necromancer

Posted by: They are hashes.4523

They are hashes.4523

@Knote : Thanks for the extensive report
Added this two:
• (NB0104) Soul Reaping trait Mark of Revival does no trigger +3% Life force from Soul Mark.
• (NB0103) Greater Marks does not increase Soul Reaping trait Mark of Revival area of effect nor the size of the mark display on the ground.
Removed this one:
(NB0010) Scepter Feast of Corruption does not give Life Force.

@Eekeel : Thanks
Updated this:
(NP0006) Jagged Horrors are being exploited by enemies in PVP to rally from downed state. Death magic trait Reanimator should be an option not a forced minor trait until this is fixed.

Need 2nd confirmation on this:
• Plague stability is ignored by Point Blank Shot.
• Spectral Walk doesn’t break stuns properly. (Actually i just need more feedback, some breaks seem random?)
•* DS HP Related:

  1. (NB0001) Rune of Svanir “Become a block of ice for 5 seconds when you fall below 20% health” will trigger if Death Shroud health reaches 20% by damage.
  2. (NB0002) Rune of Vampirism “You become mist when below 10% health” will trigger if Death Shroud health reaches 10% by damage.
  3. (NB0003) Decaying Swarm Will trigger if Death Shroud health reaches 25% by damage.
  4. (NB0004) Full of life Will trigger if Death Shroud health reaches 90% by damage.
  5. (NB0105) Last Gasp “Gain Spectral Armor at 50% health (60-second cooldown)” will trigger if Death Shroud health reaches 50% by damage.
  6. (NB0106) Siphones Power “Gain might when hit and under 25% health” will trigger if Death Shroud health reaches 25% by damage.
  7. (NB0107) Full of Life “Gain 5 seconds of regeneration when your health reaches 90%” will trigger if Death Shroud health reaches 90% by damage.

All of the abilities take effect immediately after entering DS while in combat state and under attack (no matter how high % your Life Force at the moment is).
Reproduction: In combat, under attack and 95-100% HP and life force.
Who can test this? Or just some?

(edited by They are hashes.4523)

Necromancer bugs compilation. (discontinued)

in Necromancer

Posted by: Zelkovan.2630


Just found a bug, but want to see if anyone has any other problems with this one. I’ve tried it during combat and out, but it doesn’t seem to work.

The bone fiend’s second ability, Rigor Mortis, does not immobilize a foe nor does it deal damage.

Necromancer bugs compilation. (discontinued)

in Necromancer

Posted by: Andele.1306


Death Shroud skills with no weapon have their own base dmg (Life Blast w/no weapon was like 330 or something).

Placing a weapon “replaced” that number with it’s own based on your weapon dmg.
pStaff = PvP Staff // sStaff = Steady Staff

No Amulet + pStaff = 518 Top Life Blast
923 Amulet + pStaff = 1039 Top Life Blast
No Amulet +sStaff = 67 Top Life Blast
923 Amulet + sStaff = 134 Top Life Blast

Using on Heavy Dummy reflected this (66 and 133 dmg for Steady Staff). PvP Staff of course had it’s randomized dmg range, but was around the stated average.

I tested the 2 dmg dealing wells, weapon dmg has absolutely no affect on their dmg, they always have their own base dmg based on level. Power increased them the same, (923 amulet increased them by 101%).

Something a bit odd about the wells, they had their own hidden dmg range similar to that of weapons, basically they had their own seperate “weapon dmg” with a dmg range, as each cast would give a slightly different consistent dmg (yes Suffering applies Vulnerability). Corruption used by itself showed consistent dmg either 118 tics, or 123 tics, or 126 tics, etc. per cast and when the 923 amulet added showed the dmg doubled as well within similar range, so working normally. I figured slotting the Steady Weapon would normalize the tics, but they kept their dmg spread.

Lich Form is a special case, it also uses it’s own Weapon Dmg thus equipping either weapon, and then unequipping both did absolutely nothing. Lich Form had it’s own base weapon dmg (of like 818 or so) as well as adds free stats such as an extra 1800 or so Power and other stats like Precision. It still used the Amulet’s Power, adding the 923 bumped the dmg from around 800 something to 1300, considering it already had it’s own free Power Boost this makes sense and is working normally.

Well yeah, that was kinda my whole point, that Utilites and Transformations arent affected by weapon damage while weapon skills are, but not by the number that the weapon states, well DS seems to have its own calculation, since you caught my attention with the removing amulet then testing with DS – forgot to do it on the first time, but an additional 916 power does still double the damage.

Lich form seems to have around 150 base weapon damage based on what the power boost would make the damage and what it actually is (you can test it by using the marks and removing the the power boost depending on how much power you already have) and yes it does work normally (never said lich wasnt working, just saying that either a big part of weapon damage does nothing or that the numbers are there for show/just to give a bit of RNG on the min and max damage).
Plague having about the same (maybe a tiny bit more) base weapon damage if you would remove Lich power boost/add the same amount of bonus damage to Plague (if you double the power/add 1835~ power if with amulet depending if you have points in spite or not).
Wells do the same amount of damage no matter what weapon is equipped. Same with plage.

Overall, the numbers on the weapons seem to be there for lolz of the RNG gods so that we dont get the same final numbers there (as in to nerf our damage) since the 1111 damage that the staff should give for the weapon skills is nowhere, its only the power that counts or the game uses a really complicated calculation.

Just found a bug, but want to see if anyone has any other problems with this one. I’ve tried it during combat and out, but it doesn’t seem to work.
The bone fiend’s second ability, Rigor Mortis, does not immobilize a foe nor does it deal damage.

It works under the conditions of: you attacked the enemy/in combat, enemy attacked by both you and fiend are targeted, bone fiend is within 900 range of enemy (seems that after it the projectiles dont have any effect despite hitting the enemy/kinda like spectral grasp). Also Bone Fiends 10 second cripple attac, Flesh Golems every 4th attack (the uppercut attack so it kinda fits) and 14 out of 15 Flesh Wurms attacks (as in 41 out of 45 since 1 hit was a crit so im not sure) seem to be empowered by 400~ damage.

When life gives you lemon, ask if its from a anime or manga.

(edited by Andele.1306)

Necromancer bugs compilation. (discontinued)

in Necromancer

Posted by: Knote.2904


@The Are Hashes

Sceptre Auto is actually a 5 second base bleed, and the 33% longer Sceptre Durations Trait is actually giving it a 45% boost in duration instead of 33%, but is still 33% for Grasping Hands.

With Hemophilia Sceptre Auto is 5 second bleed + 65% = 8.25 second bleed.

Was able to test that it’s 45% because adding 15 in Spite trree (15% duration) added up to 60% with the 33% trait, since every 20% of 5 second is exactly 1 second, the 33% trait + 15 in spite gave 8 tics. And when used w/o any modifier whatsoever was 5 tics base.

So 20% from Spite, 20% Hemo, 45% Sceptre Trait, 7% Sigil :

5s + 1s + 1s + 2.25s + 0.35s = 9.6 seconds. Which should be 9 tics, assuming that’s what you’re counting as it’s a more reliable way to measure bleeds.

(edited by Knote.2904)

Necromancer bugs compilation. (discontinued)

in Necromancer

Posted by: Knote.2904


Well yeah, that was kinda my whole point, that Utilites and Transformations arent affected by weapon damage while weapon skills are, but not by the number that the weapon states, well DS seems to have its own calculation, since you caught my attention with the removing amulet then testing with DS – forgot to do it on the first time, but an additional 916 power does still double the damage.

Lich form seems to have around 150 base weapon damage based on what the power boost would make the damage and what it actually is (you can test it by using the marks and removing the the power boost depending on how much power you already have) and yes it does work normally (never said lich wasnt working, just saying that either a big part of weapon damage does nothing or that the numbers are there for show/just to give a bit of RNG on the min and max damage).
Plague having about the same (maybe a tiny bit more) base weapon damage if you would remove Lich power boost/add the same amount of bonus damage to Plague (if you double the power/add 1835~ power if with amulet depending if you have points in spite or not).
Wells do the same amount of damage no matter what weapon is equipped. Same with plage.

Overall, the numbers on the weapons seem to be there for lolz of the RNG gods so that we dont get the same final numbers there (as in to nerf our damage) since the 1111 damage that the staff should give for the weapon skills is nowhere, its only the power that counts or the game uses a really complicated calculation.

I’m really not sure what you’re talking about TBH.

Are you confusing Attack (Power + Wep Dmg sum) for Weapon Dmg? From my testing the Attack stat is completely pointless as Power and Wep Dmg are being multiplied and not added to each other.

Lich Forms base weapon dmg (had it’s own) was 818 or something close to that, not 150. Unless you mean, 150 base dmg on the skills before power? Regardless of the actual weapon dmg it had, the skills still would be a coefficient of that, so if it had 1000 weapon dmg but the base skill dmg was 150 that’s just 0.15 coefficient. But again I’m not 100% what you’re talking about.

And the dmg spread isn’t there to “nerf dmg” it still averages out to be the same, it just keeps things from being completely static, nearly every RPG does this, still not sure if this is what you’re talking about lol.

As far as I’m concerned everything is working correctly.

Also is anyone able to confirm my “Life Blast Obstructed” bug? I swear I’m not crazy. =p

And sorry, I didn’t mean to make 2 posts like that.

(edited by Knote.2904)

Necromancer bugs compilation. (discontinued)

in Necromancer

Posted by: Andele.1306


There are 3 stats that “kinda” have to do with damage:
Power (get it from gear and 916 just from level 80)
Weapon damage (numbers on the weapon)
Attack (so far pointless for some reason)
The thing im trying to say, that the numbers on the weapon actually dont add to the damage of skills, since they are all just based on their own basic damage and how it is increased from power, but that the type of weapon itself makes decides how the power scales with the weapon skills (or in really simple, 1111 “weapon damage” on staff doesnt mean anything).

Attack should be the base off that your weapon skills scale (and then gets reduced by the enemy toughness), ofc depending on the skill skill (eg. Mark of Blood having a 0.4 scailing with attack, Chillblains 0.7 and Putrid 1.1) while utilites that do damage only scale of power like they already do.

Yes, Lich i mean Lich form base “weapon damage” has the damage/scailing of a level 1 weapon (the power you get if youd take away all but 916 power).

Also yes Life Blast often does get obstructed like a lot of mini channel projectiles if you are running away and the enemy isnt within a cone of like 60 or 75 or if you get punched out of ds then within your weapons cone that the attack can be cast for whatever reason (but rarely happens since i watch out to go into DS with staff to weapon swap after dark path to proc hydromancer).

When life gives you lemon, ask if its from a anime or manga.

Necromancer bugs compilation. (discontinued)

in Necromancer

Posted by: incantator.9381


Fetid Consumption [Minions draw conditions. Each minion can draw one condition every 10 seconds.]

I have been testing Fetid Consumption a bit today, and I think its time to add another bug to the list. Either it should be a tooltip error that says that minions cleanse conditions instead of drawing them or a general bug that says that minions should draw (transfer) conditions instead of cleansing them. A slightly more detailed tooltip would be helpful as well, indicating from where the minions are drawing/cleansing conditions (your character, your character and other player allies, your character and grouped player allies???).

Necromancer bugs compilation. (discontinued)

in Necromancer

Posted by: lettucemode.3789


DS HP Related:
(NB0001) Rune of Svanir “Become a block of ice for 5 seconds when you fall below 20% health” will trigger if Death Shroud health reaches 20% by damage.
(NB0002) Rune of Vampirism “You become mist when below 10% health” will trigger if Death Shroud health reaches 10% by damage.
(NB0003) Decaying Swarm Will trigger if Death Shroud health reaches 25% by damage.
(NB0004) Full of life Will trigger if Death Shroud health reaches 90% by damage.
(NB0105) Last Gasp “Gain Spectral Armor at 50% health (60-second cooldown)” will trigger if Death Shroud health reaches 50% by damage.
(NB0106) Siphones Power “Gain might when hit and under 25% health” will trigger if Death Shroud health reaches 25% by damage.
(NB0107) Full of Life “Gain 5 seconds of regeneration when your health reaches 90%” will trigger if Death Shroud health reaches 90% by damage.
All of the abilities take effect immediately after entering DS while in combat state and under attack (no matter how high % your Life Force at the moment is).
Reproduction: In combat, under attack and 95-100% HP and life force.
Who can test this? Or just some?

I can confirm NB0004.

I haven’t noticed Rune of Vampirism activating for me when DS goes under 10%.

I can also confirm what Vita said earlier. As soon as I am hit in DS while in combat all my DS abilities are locked. I can still move around but can’t use anything, like I’m dazed. Happens in all zones at all levels.

Sanctum of Rall
Builds: Facemelter Watch The Health Bar

Necromancer bugs compilation. (discontinued)

in Necromancer

Posted by: chuiu.4985


I know this is beating a dead horse, but heres a helpful spreadsheet that shows how ‘useful’ necromancers are to a group:

Necromancer bugs compilation. (discontinued)

in Necromancer

Posted by: Vita.6302


I can also confirm what Vita said earlier. As soon as I am hit in DS while in combat all my DS abilities are locked. I can still move around but can’t use anything, like I’m dazed. Happens in all zones at all levels.

I think your Rune of Vampirism is causing that (you cant use any skill while in mist form, right?), like my svanir if it is transforming me into an ice block. Thanks for confirmation! Im wondering why not more ppl did note that until now. Even without Rune of Svanir or Rune of Vampirism its not hard to see what is happening there

Necromancer bugs compilation. (discontinued)

in Necromancer

Posted by: They are hashes.4523

They are hashes.4523

@chuiu : (NP0004) Updated with link to spreadsheet

Necromancer bugs compilation. (discontinued)

in Necromancer

Posted by: Andele.1306


The finishers thing would be a really easy thing to “balance back” Necro Grasp always being projectile finisher and all marks being blast finishers upon activation (and then chillblains also leaving the poison field).

When life gives you lemon, ask if its from a anime or manga.

Necromancer bugs compilation. (discontinued)

in Necromancer

Posted by: lettucemode.3789


I think your Rune of Vampirism is causing that (you cant use any skill while in mist form, right?), like my svanir if it is transforming me into an ice block. Thanks for confirmation! Im wondering why not more ppl did note that until now. Even without Rune of Svanir or Rune of Vampirism its not hard to see what is happening there

Ahh, yea, you’re right. I didn’t realize what was happening because the mist animation never plays. So – confirming that Runes of Vampirism activate immediately upon taking damage in combat in DS.

Sanctum of Rall
Builds: Facemelter Watch The Health Bar

Necromancer bugs compilation. (discontinued)

in Necromancer

Posted by: cubed.2853


Jagged Horror sound is still out of control and is not solved by Fixed a bug that made pet footsteps excessively loud, especially in water.

edit: also this bug is not any longer on your list but still in there.

it was written…

(edited by cubed.2853)

Necromancer bugs compilation. (discontinued)

in Necromancer

Posted by: Noerknhar.3826


I humbly ask for an official statement on this topic. Thanks in advance

Enuerus Derune – Necromancer, Sylvari
[NO] ~ Ponys Will Never Die

Necromancer bugs compilation. (discontinued)

in Necromancer

Posted by: Ayame.3120


Spectral recall doesn’t apply cooldown till recall is active, you can basically use it as free running tool and swap to another skill instantly w/o cooldown limitations, out of combat of course.

When the official GW2 release?

Necromancer bugs compilation. (discontinued)

in Necromancer

Posted by: They are hashes.4523

They are hashes.4523

Not a bug, not a tooltip error. I can not add suggestions here. Draw = extract from you

(NB0084) Curses trait Focused Rituals changes Well of Corruption “Icon” when is active.


  1. (NB0002) Rune of Vampirism “You become mist” will trigger after entering DS and receive foe damage. (Ignores %HP trigger)
  2. (NB0001) Rune of Svanir “Become a block of ice” will trigger after entering DS and receive foe damage. (Ignores %HP trigger)

Need 2nd confirmation on this:
• Plague stability is ignored by Point Blank Shot.
• Spectral Walk doesn’t break stuns properly. (Actually i just need more feedback, some breaks seem random?)
• The bone fiend’s second ability, Rigor Mortis, does not immobilize a foe nor does it deal damage.
• Spectral recall doesn’t apply cooldown till recall is active, you can basically use it as free running tool and swap to another skill instantly w/o cooldown limitations, out of combat of course.
• Jagged Horror footsteps sound is excessively loud, especially in water.
•* DS HP Related:

  1. (NB0003) Decaying Swarm will trigger after entering DS and receive foe damage. (Ignores %HP trigger)
  2. (NB0004) Full of life will trigger after entering DS and receive foe damage. (Ignores %HP trigger)
  3. (NB0105) Last Gasp “Gain Spectral Armor” will trigger after entering DS and receive foe damage. (Ignores %HP trigger)
  4. (NB0106) Siphones Power “Gain might” will trigger after entering DS and receive foe damage. (Ignores %HP trigger)
  5. (NB0107) Full of Life “Gain 5 seconds of regeneration” will trigger after entering DS and receive foe damage. (Ignores %HP trigger)

Necromancer bugs compilation. (discontinued)

in Necromancer

Posted by: Andele.1306


• Spectral recall doesn’t apply cooldown till recall is active, you can basically use it as free running tool and swap to another skill instantly w/o cooldown limitations, out of combat of course. – This isnt a bug, all skills with double activation work like that, but Spectral walk is still put on cooldown.

When life gives you lemon, ask if its from a anime or manga.

Necromancer bugs compilation. (discontinued)

in Necromancer

Posted by: Uchi.2419


Seems to me that superior rune of Lyssa doesn’t actually trigger the boons of all type buffs if your elite is a shapeshift. This kind of sucks, because it makes it not work on 2/3 of Necro elite skills. You get the buffs only after you leave the shapeshift form

(edited by Uchi.2419)

Necromancer bugs compilation. (discontinued)

in Necromancer

Posted by: Vita.6302


• Spectral recall doesn’t apply cooldown till recall is active, you can basically use it as free running tool and swap to another skill instantly w/o cooldown limitations, out of combat of course. – This isnt a bug, all skills with double activation work like that, but Spectral walk is still put on cooldown.

I can confirm that If it is a bug, then not a class specific one, becouse any class has some double-activation skills and can use them the same way.

• Spectral Walk doesn’t break stuns properly. (Actually i just need more feedback, some breaks seem random?)

In PvE it is able to break “Immobilize”, “Stun” and even ice-block-thing given by Rune of Svanir (ice block is still there, but you are able to move out of it). Wiki says “Skills that break stun can be used while suffering from other control effects, e.g. knockdown.” and “Stun shares its effect with knock down.”
BUT!!! It is impossible to use any skill while being knocked down, becouse all your skills are going on short cooldown (2 seconds) in the same moment as the “knock down” takes effect. The same Thing is happening to “Spectral Armor” skill. So im not sure, if it is rly a bug (works the same way if you are playing Elementalist, can not speak for all other classes!)
It is impossible to break “Daze” with spectral walk , becouse it is not a stun. (can it be that many ppl did not know that or did not understand the difference?)

(NB0106) Siphones Power “Gain might” will trigger after entering DS and receive foe damage. (Ignores %HP trigger)

I can confirm this one too (did not tested it before)

NB0004 and NB0107 seems to be the same bug (or i cant see the difference between it)
It cost only 5 Traitpoints and 5 seconds of time to test it, so please, can someone confirm this bug? Just activate DS, take a hit, deactivate DS and check your buffs, regeneration will be there (take care not to take to many damage, becouse your HP and Lifeforce need to stay over 90% all the time, to be sure, it was activated by a general bug in DS and not becouse you did reach the 90% HP point)

P.P.S.: Decaying Swarm (NB0004 ) and Last Gasp (NB0106) seems to be totaly broken now, becouse i was not able to activate any of it today (not even out of DS by reaching the right amount of HP) Need to be tested again

Necromancer bugs compilation. (discontinued)

in Necromancer

Posted by: Krestfallen.8025


Hope you’re still collecting/testing bugs.

The trait “Weakening Shroud” does not seem to activate when entering Death Shroud while under water.

Necromancer bugs compilation. (discontinued)

in Necromancer

Posted by: They are hashes.4523

They are hashes.4523

Hey thanks for confirm those bugs, NB004 and NB0107 were in fact the same, my mystake. The other 2 reports removed.


  1. (NB0106) Siphones Power “Gain might” will trigger after entering DS and receive foe damage. (Ignores %HP trigger)

Need 2nd confirmation on this:
• Plague stability is ignored by Point Blank Shot.
• The bone fiend’s second ability, Rigor Mortis, does not immobilize a foe nor does it deal damage.
• Jagged Horror footsteps sound is excessively loud, especially in water.
• Curses trait Weakening Shroud does not activate when entering DS underwater.
•* DS HP Related:

  1. (NB0003) Decaying Swarm will trigger after entering DS and receive foe damage. (Ignores %HP trigger)
  2. (NB0004) Full of life “Gain 5 seconds of regeneration” will trigger after entering DS and receive foe damage. (Ignores %HP trigger)
  3. (NB0105) Last Gasp “Gain Spectral Armor” will trigger after entering DS and receive foe damage. (Ignores %HP trigger)