Okay Seriously. I didn’t say anything but that other people were confused as to comparing apples and oranges (Boons to Heals. Go back and read). I’m not reading this book long post you made no offense. You keep reading WAYYY too far into everything I say.
Explaining how timed aegis is better than heals when I said they are NOT the same thing. Have nothing to do with Druid. If you guys wanna go carry on to compare Guard bunker to how Druid bunker could possibly work go do that in a proper thread.
I’m really not going to spend any more time on you because I can tell you’re just looking to argue and prove points. Have fun with that. You’re explaining like I said the total opposite when I said nothing.
Also proper paragraph structure is a thing.
And while you can go on to say it’s a worthy topic I would like you to take a gander at the subject heading. Does it say SPVP? It says Healing Power Scaling. You’re welcome.
So back on subject, if this thread will ever allow it. Right? xD
A TL;DR for you, then. I am too used to writing scientific papers, rather than responses on forums—my apologies for this.
Defensive boons and healing fall under the same banner in the GW2 trinity: support. They both mitigate damage. This is not “apples to oranges”, this is Gala to Granny Smith. Base Ranger has access to boons; therefore Druid has access to boons. Unlike boons, healing cannot be applied proactively. Druids fulfill a purely reactive role through healing—they need to get hit, and then they need to heal. I would prefer to see Druid support be multifaceted and have proactive options that synergize with base Ranger’s support through boons—especially now that Druid’s base healing is reduced.
Healing Power scaling affects all game modes, including sPvP. But ultimately, sPvP arguments can be applied to challenging PvE content as well.
All right. I can appreciate that you reword it. But this still doesn’t really fit what I am trying to say. I wouldn’t argue with what you said.
Let me explain my post/s:
I never said anything about how Druid shouldn’t have boons. But what I said was in the defense of Guardian not having to give up damage to be support vs Druid having to give up their dps to support. -This- is the Apples and Oranges I speak of. Guardian can apply boons with no healing power added. Druid can apply boons without any healing power added. What Druid can NOT do: is Heal well without Healing Power. Which is the same for Guardian. This is what I speak of. Nothing else.
I definitely get you now, thanks for clarifying. My greatest concern is, that as of now, Druid’s main support comes through healing—which you now need to spec into to see the full effect. If Druid got more boon support and better-scaling DPS (physical and/or condition), it wouldn’t be so reliant on Healing Power for effectiveness, and I would be much more comfortable with how it fits into the game as a support or hybrid class. It would be great if Irenio would say what he’s reducing the base heals to, but until then, we’re left with speculation. If we can’t offer DPS, boon support, tanking, reliable condition cleansing, or unique abilities (like boon stripping/conversion)…we are left in a very, very niche spot that will be outshone by other support classes, especially in non-raid content. I’m really hoping we will see some tune-ups to Druid skills (and a couple traits) to address this.
I also realize that Irenio may be resistant to adding boons on Druid because raid bosses will likely have boon stripping/corruption. I’m hoping boon corruption will be limited, since that will definitely trash a lot of other support classes and may make Druid 100% required for raids—an outcome I definitely DON’T want to see.