Official-New Traits

Official-New Traits

in Ranger

Posted by: blud.8174


I mean bloody hell, Simply look at the chat during the Event to see what we’re talking about..Every class was getting “Wow that’s op” spammed down it..Not a single person was like said anything remotely like that during the Ranger ones..Everyone was pretty much like “meh”

because everyone think they are crap to begin with, realized that whatever buffs we got only got us “to the level i imagine my current warrior being at” and then looked at others buffs and went “lulz, but we are still ahead so np np”

oh and bye bye atherakia, skitz and the other haters. Was nice to see you try out the ranger. I’ll still play mine as it will forever be viable for the way i play (havoc/blobbing)

I’m glad that it still works for you, but what about others? Not even being sarcastic: do you believe that the changes we got were fair compared to the other professions? (Interrupt-spamming mesmer, invincible necro, survival thief, spirit-turret engie, etc.)

I’m also expecting a nerf to regen ranger so that we’re further shoehorned into a limited choice of builds. Poison ranger looks interesting, but other professions have/received pretty good active condi cleanse so I’m not confident in the viability of that.

I wouldn’t be so mad if I didn’t care about or have high hopes for this class only to see it repeatedly get the short end of the stick.

(edited by blud.8174)

Official-New Traits

in Ranger

Posted by: Hepatolith.6389


BM: Depends on the heal, but could work if you play BM bunker still.

Only thing I got excited about in the entire presentation was lightning reflexes.

actually, i can see this build with the new NM and BM work pretty well.

Lots of condi cleansing. Strong pet damage, evades, and with a functioning F1,2,3 (Karl said all pet commands actually), pets will be reliable enough to trust with our DPS.

Sure, it is a roaming build, but roaming is what we excel at.

Also, do not forget, entangle now cleanses condies and grant fury. That is NOT something to be ignored.

I think you posted the wrong build, its actually a guardian build could you post the right one pls =)

Cayline Oakheart, Ranger – Drakkar Lake
Covenant of Bloodthirst [IvsI],
Favorable Winds [Wind]

Official-New Traits

in Ranger

Posted by: Aridia.3042


lightning reflexes now breaking immobilize is likely the only real improvement coming on 4/15

…just immoblize? Does it cleanse chill or cripple?

Official-New Traits

in Ranger

Posted by: Prysin.8542


I mean bloody hell, Simply look at the chat during the Event to see what we’re talking about..Every class was getting “Wow that’s op” spammed down it..Not a single person was like said anything remotely like that during the Ranger ones..Everyone was pretty much like “meh”

because everyone think they are crap to begin with, realized that whatever buffs we got only got us “to the level i imagine my current warrior being at” and then looked at others buffs and went “lulz, but we are still ahead so np np”

oh and bye bye atherakia, skitz and the other haters. Was nice to see you try out the ranger. I’ll still play mine as it will forever be viable for the way i play (havoc/blobbing)

I’m glad that it still works for you, but what about others? Not even being sarcastic: do you believe that the changes we got were fair compared to the other professions?

I’m also expecting a nerf to regen ranger so that we’re further shoehorned into a limited choice of builds. Poison ranger looks interesting, but other professions have/received pretty good active condi cleanse so I’m not confident in the viability of that.

no, i was expecting some more, especially from the Skirmishing line. I was hoping we could finally get some nice stuff going for us in terms of crit damage and direct damage. However, this new trait is 99% PvE and 1% PU mesmer friendly to stop the iDuelist from killing you instantly, just gonna need one more shot.

However, immob cleanse on LR, and 5 options for Active condi cleanse, sure we need a 30p (6p new system) trait to get that effect. But Active removal is what we need so badly. Also nice to see us get it on Survival skills. Not to mention the added fury is nice and considering the fury is in NM, thanks to Fortifying Bond, it will automatically be applied to pets too.

I can see the spirit-ranger becoming slightly viable in WvW with this change to NM.

Remains to see how badly we get screwd over by the bugfixes. The passive heal on Spirit of Nature is known, and i agree that considering we can run shouts + spirit can give a 5 man crew over 810 hp/second healing, active condi cleanse and rezz. That is over the top by far. Getting that combo tuned down to a more sensible 650 hp/second is not bad. 650hp/second for a 5 man team is still very very strong.

Lv 80 Guard, Ranger, Ele, Thief, warr, engi
Currently @ some T1 server in EU

Official-New Traits

in Ranger

Posted by: Atherakhia.4086


I had completely forgotten the hawk and eagle had such short activation times. Used to everyone’s being 20+

Now I know for a fact it will heal for a low amount Before when I thought everyone had 20+ I could see 1.5k a cast.

Official-New Traits

in Ranger

Posted by: Chrispy.5641


I imagine even the fanbois have had a taste of reality now? After seeing the new traits, the lack of updates, the fact no trait changes are coming, and how lightning reflexes now breaking immobilize is likely the only real improvement coming on 4/15, can anyone still sit here thinking ANet has a single employee who plays this class?

Chrispy? Prysin? Any other die hard, anet can do no wrong-ers?

From another thread :::::

Anyways, I’ll be a White knight for Anet in this thread too, but I’ll try to be as unbiased as possible to avoid the toxicity of other threads…….

Read the Wind – I will be using it at Maximum range, though all this trait investment just to make our Longbow superior to other ranged weapons, still does nothing for the fact that all ranged weapons are inferior to melee, and, doesn’t actually make alot of sense if Anet wants to encourage build diversity instead of just sticking to bearbow.

Strider’s Defense – It would be ueful if I took a sword instead of a greatsword, but Greatsword is in a horrible position because if we want to take all GS traits (including this or Moment of clarity), it requires a 70 point trait investment, and does nothing to help our damage output.

Poison Master – This could work with a Trap build (especially for me since I sacrifice all survival anyways when running one!), but I will admit that I was expecting a little more than 100 extra dps or so from a Grandmaster trait

Survival of the Fittest – Horrible name for a traitline called Nature Magic. Plus it affects Survival skills, which has its only other trait in Wilderness Survival. Could possibly be useful for Dire Gear, but, I’m not sure yet.

Invigorating Bond – It would have to be alot of healing to offset our pet’s long cooldowns. otherwise I guess you could spam Hawk/Eagle F2’s, as that would have a 4 second recharge time with Commanding Voice traited. It could provied some substantial healing…possibly,…If this trait scales with our own healing power instead of the pet’s. (Otherwise, this is the only Grandmaster I would consider crappy, and not worth the trait slot in any build.)

Official-New Traits

in Ranger

Posted by: Prysin.8542


Sorry, here is the right build (was messing with a guardian roaming build that would be less party oriented and more self centered as i am running support ranger in group comps)

Lv 80 Guard, Ranger, Ele, Thief, warr, engi
Currently @ some T1 server in EU

Official-New Traits

in Ranger

Posted by: Chrispy.5641


lightning reflexes now breaking immobilize is likely the only real improvement coming on 4/15

…just immoblize? Does it cleanse chill or cripple?

Unfortunately, no.

Because of the new Survival of the Fittest trait, it can cure 2 conditions in addition to immobilize (and the usual evade and stunbreaker). It would be OP if it removed 5 conditions on use.

Official-New Traits

in Ranger

Posted by: Nike.2631


Other professions have to unfairly decide which weapon traits to leave at home already, and some people never take all the relevant traits at once because a different trait would make the build more powerful. Should Rangers be the exception to that rule?

Out of curiosity, name three weapons in any profession other than Ranger that you cannot get all the traits for.

Engineer Rifle, Pistol, and Harpoon Gun.

What? you said any! They just so happen to be all on the same profession!

No, no, that’s fair. I did ask .

“You keep saying ‘its unfair.’
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.

Official-New Traits

in Ranger

Posted by: Prysin.8542


lightning reflexes now breaking immobilize is likely the only real improvement coming on 4/15

…just immoblize? Does it cleanse chill or cripple?

Unfortunately, no.

Because of the new Survival of the Fittest trait, it can cure 2 conditions in addition to immobilize (and the usual evade and stunbreaker). It would be OP if it removed 5 conditions on use.

i would argue that even if it removed 5 conditions on use, it would be fairly balanced, but a very strong utility due to the long cooldown. Possibly so strong that it would become the “new empathic bond”

I can see spirits and the NM line being used a LOT more, as active cleansing is always a million times better then passive. Especially now that they are gonna fix EB to not work with dead pets (nerf to horrible trait makes it even more horrible)

Lv 80 Guard, Ranger, Ele, Thief, warr, engi
Currently @ some T1 server in EU

Official-New Traits

in Ranger

Posted by: Terravos.4059


Sorry, here is the right build (was messing with a guardian roaming build that would be less party oriented and more self centered as i am running support ranger in group comps)

What is the goal of the Build?

Is it to Bunker?

Because What you just posted has Less condition removal then if I was to just go 30 Wilderness and Run SoR
Xsorus – Ranger PvP movies Creator of the BM Bunker

Official-New Traits

in Ranger

Posted by: Atherakhia.4086


lightning reflexes now breaking immobilize is likely the only real improvement coming on 4/15

…just immoblize? Does it cleanse chill or cripple?

Unfortunately, no.

Because of the new Survival of the Fittest trait, it can cure 2 conditions in addition to immobilize (and the usual evade and stunbreaker). It would be OP if it removed 5 conditions on use.

i would argue that even if it removed 5 conditions on use, it would be fairly balanced, but a very strong utility due to the long cooldown. Possibly so strong that it would become the “new empathic bond”

I can see spirits and the NM line being used a LOT more, as active cleansing is always a million times better then passive. Especially now that they are gonna fix EB to not work with dead pets (nerf to horrible trait makes it even more horrible)

I see the same thing unfortunately.

0/0/30/30/10 with the new NS trait and bark skin running condi. It’s depressing that ANet still can’t get around to giving power builds a reasonable shot with this class.

[edit…] 10/0/30/30/0 is probably more likely due to keen edges now.

Official-New Traits

in Ranger

Posted by: Terravos.4059


Just for the record, EB has never worked with Dead Pets…Anet just doesn’t know how Rangers Work
Xsorus – Ranger PvP movies Creator of the BM Bunker

Official-New Traits

in Ranger

Posted by: Chrispy.5641


lightning reflexes now breaking immobilize is likely the only real improvement coming on 4/15

…just immoblize? Does it cleanse chill or cripple?

Unfortunately, no.

Because of the new Survival of the Fittest trait, it can cure 2 conditions in addition to immobilize (and the usual evade and stunbreaker). It would be OP if it removed 5 conditions on use.

i would argue that even if it removed 5 conditions on use, it would be fairly balanced, but a very strong utility due to the long cooldown. Possibly so strong that it would become the “new empathic bond”

I can see spirits and the NM line being used a LOT more, as active cleansing is always a million times better then passive. Especially now that they are gonna fix EB to not work with dead pets (nerf to horrible trait makes it even more horrible)

I see the same thing unfortunately.

0/0/30/30/10 with the new NS trait and bark skin running condi. It’s depressing that ANet still can’t get around to giving power builds a reasonable shot with this class.

[edit…] 10/0/30/30/0 is probably more likely due to keen edges now.

On the plus side, Dire Gear/Axe/Torch is going to see alot more use from me, expecially if some of those Sigil changes makes it easier to apply conditions on hit instead of a critical hit.

On the downside,…..yeah, we still have to depend on pets in some way for our power builds to see any use.

Official-New Traits

in Ranger

Posted by: blud.8174


Lots of condi cleansing. Strong pet damage, evades, and with a functioning F1,2,3 (Karl said all pet commands actually), pets will be reliable enough to trust with our DPS.

That would be really cool, but it can’t be right because there’s no cooldown on F1 and F3. Unless the trait has an icd which would make it a little less cool.

Official-New Traits

in Ranger

Posted by: Substance E.4852

Substance E.4852

Lots of condi cleansing. Strong pet damage, evades, and with a functioning F1,2,3 (Karl said all pet commands actually), pets will be reliable enough to trust with our DPS.

That would be really cool, but it can’t be right because there’s no cooldown on F1 and F3. Unless the trait has an icd which would make it a little less cool.

Guarantee they mean F2 commands. It’d be stupid OP if we could just spam F1 to rapid fire heals and it would be idiotic to have the heal go on cooldown at the start of a fight because we told the pet to attack a target.

Connection error(s) detected. Retrying…

Official-New Traits

in Ranger

Posted by: Terravos.4059


The only way the Nature’s Trait would ever be useful for any new builds, Is if Heal as one became a survival skill
Xsorus – Ranger PvP movies Creator of the BM Bunker

Official-New Traits

in Ranger

Posted by: Prysin.8542


lightning reflexes now breaking immobilize is likely the only real improvement coming on 4/15

…just immoblize? Does it cleanse chill or cripple?

Unfortunately, no.

Because of the new Survival of the Fittest trait, it can cure 2 conditions in addition to immobilize (and the usual evade and stunbreaker). It would be OP if it removed 5 conditions on use.

i would argue that even if it removed 5 conditions on use, it would be fairly balanced, but a very strong utility due to the long cooldown. Possibly so strong that it would become the “new empathic bond”

I can see spirits and the NM line being used a LOT more, as active cleansing is always a million times better then passive. Especially now that they are gonna fix EB to not work with dead pets (nerf to horrible trait makes it even more horrible)

I see the same thing unfortunately.

0/0/30/30/10 with the new NS trait and bark skin running condi. It’s depressing that ANet still can’t get around to giving power builds a reasonable shot with this class.

Actually, it just hit me. This will be good for power builds. Currently power builds are “forced” 30 deep into WS for condi cleanse, unless you are kinda crazy like me who run pure signets.

With this, you get to take the Vitality to Power bonus, Fury and DPS increase on GS and Fury + Condi Cleanse on survival skills. Then you can just take Keen Edge (10 points into Marks) for passive RNG condi cleanse and still have 30 (6) points left to allocate into, say skirmishing. ANd thinking about it, the new skirmishing may work (exclusively for GS) given the evade on GS.. Possibly increasing its “innate survivability”. However, i’d rather take MoC anyway or Trappers Potency + Trappers Expertice for some random “tagging traps” in a zerg. or i’d go full 30 deep into Marks to get signets and run 30(6)/0/10(2)/30(6)/0 for condi cleanse.
Could be interesting to run, say Assassins or Celestial with that combo….. we’ll see what else that is lurking in the notes for the 15th (i happen to have the entire week off, so i may even make a recording of some WvW play, if the lags ain’t to bad up here in T1 during leagues)

Lv 80 Guard, Ranger, Ele, Thief, warr, engi
Currently @ some T1 server in EU

Official-New Traits

in Ranger

Posted by: Terravos.4059


This is the only viable Survival of the Fittest Build that i could see working
Xsorus – Ranger PvP movies Creator of the BM Bunker

Official-New Traits

in Ranger

Posted by: Nike.2631


Okay… now explain the build to me. In small words .

“You keep saying ‘its unfair.’
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.

Official-New Traits

in Ranger

Posted by: Terravos.4059


Its got good Bleed Application, Between Keen Edges, and Sharpening Stone + Sigil of Earth and Geomancy…

Its got pretty good Condition Removal, but it suffers cause of Lack of Healing Power in my while its Condition Removal is up, I feel its Sustain would be worse.

You’re pretty much still forced in Superior Rune of Speed or Superior Rune of the Traveler, Though SPvP players might not need those runes and could run something else

Spiders are still your best bet, Though Dogs might work.
Xsorus – Ranger PvP movies Creator of the BM Bunker

Official-New Traits

in Ranger

Posted by: Cufufalating.8479


I was imagining this:

Not all that different, just some focus on prec to get those on-crit bleeds going on, especially now that you can take geomancy + earth sigils together reliably. This also helps capitalise a bit of the fury from SoF. With both sword + WH I think the finishers justify HS, which together with SoF (and SoR in the 3rd utilitu slot if you want) should be able to cover conditions if you want to take barkskin. If not, can still choose EB if you prefer.

Cufufalating – Ranger / Part-Time Mesmer
Gunnar’s Hold

Official-New Traits

in Ranger

Posted by: Terravos.4059


Yea, Warhorn could work over Dagger…But you’re basically giving up keen edges which works good with the build….If Keen Edges was in Skirmishing Line, it’d work a lot better
Xsorus – Ranger PvP movies Creator of the BM Bunker

Official-New Traits

in Ranger

Posted by: Nike.2631


Its got good Bleed Application, Between Keen Edges, and Sharpening Stone + Sigil of Earth and Geomancy…

Its got pretty good Condition Removal, but it suffers cause of Lack of Healing Power in my while its Condition Removal is up, I feel its Sustain would be worse.

You’re pretty much still forced in Superior Rune of Speed or Superior Rune of the Traveler, Though SPvP players might not need those runes and could run something else

Spiders are still your best bet, Though Dogs might work.

Thanks for the insight .

I’ll be very curious to see what they do with the Rune Revamp, as the implication is we’ll see some a powerful bleeding set similar to the love burning got with the reworked Balthazar set.

“You keep saying ‘its unfair.’
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.

Official-New Traits

in Ranger

Posted by: Terravos.4059


Anyway, Build basically has more DPS then Shout build, but is less Survivable over all…

a BM Bunker Ranger will kill you the same way he kills a Shout Ranger, by ganking your pet…And There is no way your condition removal will keep up wit the BM Bunkers (and if that new Heal Trait is any good, you’re really screwed)

Its basically another “Bunker” Ranger type condition build, That we have lots of right now..Without fixing the Power Rangers
Xsorus – Ranger PvP movies Creator of the BM Bunker

Official-New Traits

in Ranger

Posted by: Nike.2631


So do you really think empathic bond is necessary with the Suvival double clears? I’m also looking at the revamped Sigil of Purity. That every bit as good, doesn’t hose your pet, and doesn’t take 30 points…

“You keep saying ‘its unfair.’
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.

Official-New Traits

in Ranger

Posted by: Terravos.4059


Yes… its absolutely needed

i can reapply every one of my conditions every 10 seconds on my Ranger…Every single one….Necros can do the same…A lot of the other Dangerous Classes like the Thief and Mesmer got more Conditions to apply with these trait changes.

not to mention, WS has the 20% reduction to your skills, So you want that..Its got Martial Mastery and offhand training..So that covers most of your good weapons..
Xsorus – Ranger PvP movies Creator of the BM Bunker

Official-New Traits

in Ranger

Posted by: Prysin.8542


Anyway, Build basically has more DPS then Shout build, but is less Survivable over all…

a BM Bunker Ranger will kill you the same way he kills a Shout Ranger, by ganking your pet…And There is no way your condition removal will keep up wit the BM Bunkers (and if that new Heal Trait is any good, you’re really screwed)

Its basically another “Bunker” Ranger type condition build, That we have lots of right now..Without fixing the Power Rangers

not necessarily any better cleansing in a BM build. Any ranger knows that to counter a BM ranger you kill pet first (to stop the direct DPS) and then work your way through the ranger itself. No need to deal with two enemies at once.
However Anet is fixing a bug with EB that allows it to work even when pet is dead. Thus your condition removal will go down by loads now that your favorite cleansing will be gone when pet is gone. So all an enemy needs to do is dump some conditions on the pet itself, and kill it, then kill your backup, and by then you got only one or two cleansings from healing spring/runes.

Lv 80 Guard, Ranger, Ele, Thief, warr, engi
Currently @ some T1 server in EU

Official-New Traits

in Ranger

Posted by: Terravos.4059


Its very hard to kill a BM bunker Ranger’s pet before he swaps..

you basically need 2 DPS to accomplish it.

And as i’ve said before…Eb doesn’t work while the pet is dead..It has never worked while the pet is dead..They pulled that directly from their kitten

Against shout build the common strategy however is to kill the pet, Which is possible… and you’ll be able to kill the Survival Build’s pet as well..It’ll have slightly more dps and condition removal though when its pet actually does die though.

It’ll still die to a BM Bunker
Xsorus – Ranger PvP movies Creator of the BM Bunker

Official-New Traits

in Ranger

Posted by: Terravos.4059


Oh and you have to remember, By not going Signet of the Wild (Or having something like the nature’s shout for regen) your Pet is going to be very very easy to kill with this build.
Xsorus – Ranger PvP movies Creator of the BM Bunker

Official-New Traits

in Ranger

Posted by: Prysin.8542


Its very hard to kill a BM bunker Ranger’s pet before he swaps..

you basically need 2 DPS to accomplish it.

And as i’ve said before…Eb doesn’t work while the pet is dead..It has never worked while the pet is dead..They pulled that directly from their kitten

Against shout build the common strategy however is to kill the pet, Which is possible… and you’ll be able to kill the Survival Build’s pet as well..It’ll have slightly more dps and condition removal though when its pet actually does die though.

It’ll still die to a BM Bunker

depends on the shout build, if you run like mine, which is 0/0/20/30/20 or 10/0/0/30/30 for conditions on pets, then you will have a hard time killing the pet. I also run Soliders Runes for condi cleanse and lemongrass. + brown bear and Signet of renewal as to manage my condition problems. With an uptime of regen and Natural Healing, there is not much stopping the build short of very strong direct damage burst (GC thief can apply pressure by doing more damage then i can regen. However i can mange this problem by dodging).

If you run the shout build i uses, sure you will have longer cooldowns on dagger and torch, but i mostly rely on poison to do my work on bunkers, just applying and re-applying it through spiders or marsh drake (the drake is great thanks to the attack being heat seaking and 900 range).

EB is not a necessity, and in many cases it is a liability. Although, for BM i will agree that it will work, solely because of natural healing and increased HP on pets.

Lv 80 Guard, Ranger, Ele, Thief, warr, engi
Currently @ some T1 server in EU

Official-New Traits

in Ranger

Posted by: Terravos.4059


You’re basically removing 1 Condition With Soldiers rune with Guard every 12 seconds. you’d be better off with an actual condition removal Rune.

Running Brown Bear is a way to keep up Condition removal as a Ranger vs the Bm Bunker killing your pet….However you pretty much lose out on a lot of damage by doing that, Which means the chance of killing the BM Bunker is even less.

EB is always a Necessity…There is no amount of Condition Removal in this game that is equiv to the Condition Application of the Condition based Classes in this game.

I’d still say you’d be better off with the Second Spider over Marsh Drake As well..MD was good right up till they removed it hitting people behind it….
Xsorus – Ranger PvP movies Creator of the BM Bunker

Official-New Traits

in Ranger

Posted by: DeadlySynz.3471


I can’t wrap my mind around any of these new GM traits. I can’t see how they benefit any of the current workable builds we have or how we can create anything decent out of them.

Honestly, compared to other classes, we’ve moved backwards.

Then the new healing trait which seems to be the only trait people are considering.. What exactly do you think the outcome will be in either a zerg or small group play if an Ele drops a static field on your pet (and maybe you depending on how close you are), followed by lava font and/or meteor.. Do you really think you’ll out heal that? Our pets will be long dead before before any healing is done. Now add in whatever the other classes are throwing at you in the frey.. GG.

I’d honestly consider deleting my Ranger after account bound WxP hits and making way for a guardian or Engineer for which neither I have played yet.

Official-New Traits

in Ranger

Posted by: Prysin.8542


I can’t wrap my mind around any of these new GM traits. I can’t see how they benefit any of the current workable builds we have or how we can create anything decent out of them.

Honestly, compared to other classes, we’ve moved backwards.

Then the new healing trait which seems to be the only trait people are considering.. What exactly do you think the outcome will be in either a zerg or small group play if an Ele drops a static field on your pet (and maybe you depending on how close you are), followed by lava font and/or meteor.. Do you really think you’ll out heal that? Our pets will be long dead before before any healing is done. Now add in whatever the other classes are throwing at you in the frey.. GG.

I’d honestly consider deleting my Ranger after account bound WxP hits and making way for a guardian or Engineer for which neither I have played yet.

Ok, goodbye. Thank you for trying out the class, it was an noble effort, good luck with that guardian or engineer, hopefully that will work out for you.

Take care. See you in the field.

Lv 80 Guard, Ranger, Ele, Thief, warr, engi
Currently @ some T1 server in EU

Official-New Traits

in Ranger

Posted by: Nike.2631


I can’t wrap my mind around any of these new GM traits. I can’t see how they benefit any of the current workable builds we have or how we can create anything decent out of them.

They’re not supposed to. This is a balance team terrified of power creep. They’re not going to put out anything that directly improves on the best choices. Its much more a matter of building round one of the new GM traits and see what you can make of it. Personally I think that Survival of the Fittest has possibilities because it covers a gaping hole and there are a couple smaller changes that have synergy with it. That poison trait might spawn something now that we can also drop a poison field to shoot through that sits there ages (if the unsprung snake trap is a field…).The other three… eh, not leaping out at me.

Honestly, compared to other classes, we’ve moved backwards.

Most of the other classes are (rightly) unthrilled too. We shall not speak of the golden child .

“You keep saying ‘its unfair.’
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.

Official-New Traits

in Ranger

Posted by: Electro.4173


Read the Wind is meh. Needing to trait to actually hit things is rather silly (even if it will ultimately be useful) and its pretty much exclusively useful for PvP.

Strider’s Defense is an interesting concept, but relying on a relatively small chance to block ranged attacks seems iffy at best. And the fact that it only works melee further limits its usefulness.

Poison Master seems pretty decent. 50% boosted damage is nothing to scoff at, and free poison on pet swaps is a nice bonus on top of that that’ll help keep it up.

Survival of the Fittest is amazing on its own. Ranger is sorely in need of active cleanses, and this trait is extremely good for that. But Nature Magic? Why? Even the devs themselves during the stream were like “Yah, it should probably be in Wilderness Survival but its not because… its just not”. I guess maybe its because Poison Master is in Wilderness Survival already (and its probably perfect there) and they’re not going to add 2 traits to one tree, but… save one of them for another time then so you can add it where it should be, don’t just shove a perfectly fitting trait somewhere else.

Invigorating Bond seems interesting. Seems like a fair tradeoff from Natural Healing. Sacrifice some of your pets’ self-healing (but not all of it, as I assume your pet still heals itself as well) and get party support in return. It doesn’t seem like an amazing, game-defining trait or anything, but its decent, especially considering Beastmastery doesn’t have the best grandmaster traits to begin with.

Official-New Traits

in Ranger

Posted by: Prysin.8542


I can’t wrap my mind around any of these new GM traits. I can’t see how they benefit any of the current workable builds we have or how we can create anything decent out of them.

They’re not supposed to. This is a balance team terrified of power creep. They’re not going to put out anything that directly improves on the best choices. Its much more a matter of building round one of the new GM traits and see what you can make of it. Personally I think that Survival of the Fittest has possibilities because it covers a gaping hole and there are a couple smaller changes that have synergy with it. That poison trait might spawn something now that we can also drop a poison field to shoot through that sits there ages (if the unsprung snake trap is a field…).The other three… eh, not leaping out at me.

Honestly, compared to other classes, we’ve moved backwards.

Most of the other classes are (rightly) unthrilled too. We shall not speak of the golden child .

unsprung traps are -not- a field. I tried with the fire and ice trap already (during one of my “mad scientist” tests)
However you can use the murwellow pet (dat ugly bear), as it summons a pbAOE poison field that lasts 7 seconds. That will probably be your best bet.

Lv 80 Guard, Ranger, Ele, Thief, warr, engi
Currently @ some T1 server in EU

Official-New Traits

in Ranger

Posted by: Terravos.4059


I’m willing to bet… that like most things with this game…That Poison trait won’t work on your pets Poison Fields
Xsorus – Ranger PvP movies Creator of the BM Bunker

Official-New Traits

in Ranger

Posted by: Prysin.8542


Read the Wind is meh. Needing to trait to actually hit things is rather silly (even if it will ultimately be useful) and its pretty much exclusively useful for PvP.

Strider’s Defense is an interesting concept, but relying on a relatively small chance to block ranged attacks seems iffy at best. And the fact that it only works melee further limits its usefulness.

Poison Master seems pretty decent. 50% boosted damage is nothing to scoff at, and free poison on pet swaps is a nice bonus on top of that that’ll help keep it up.

Survival of the Fittest is amazing on its own. Ranger is sorely in need of active cleanses, and this trait is extremely good for that. But Nature Magic? Why? Even the devs themselves during the stream were like “Yah, it should probably be in Wilderness Survival but its not because… its just not”. I guess maybe its because Poison Master is in Wilderness Survival already (and its probably perfect there) and they’re not going to add 2 traits to one tree, but… save one of them for another time then so you can add it where it should be, don’t just shove a perfectly fitting trait somewhere else.

Invigorating Bond seems interesting. Seems like a fair tradeoff from Natural Healing. Sacrifice some of your pets’ self-healing (but not all of it, as I assume your pet still heals itself as well) and get party support in return. It doesn’t seem like an amazing, game-defining trait or anything, but its decent, especially considering Beastmastery doesn’t have the best grandmaster traits to begin with.

actually, atm, Natural Healing is bugged, so it only heals the ranger for 133/3 seconds, instead of pet for 125/second and ranger for 125/3 seconds.

I’m willing to bet… that like most things with this game…That Poison trait won’t work on your pets Poison Fields

Probably, Combo finishers are bound by certain rules as is. Still things that pique my interest is stuff like Warthog RNG drop, Scale. Which has insane poison duration and damage in a rabid+carrion (60% duration) condi build.

Lv 80 Guard, Ranger, Ele, Thief, warr, engi
Currently @ some T1 server in EU

Official-New Traits

in Ranger

Posted by: WatchTheShow.7203


To be honest, if the rest of the traits we get new are like that… I mean, what the actual kitten. A grandmaster trait for something that should already work from the beginning? You don’t even need to dodge, simple sidestepping and you’re safe… For what does the longbow has this much range if it won’t work. Welcome to the ranger. When I look at the mesmer’s one, I’d like to puke. "The new trait for mesmers allows them to gain additional benefit when disrupting enemy skills. Power Block will be introduced to the Domination line and will change the recharge of an interrupted skill from 5 seconds to 10 seconds. "

Yup. When I looked at Mesmer’s new trait you know it will be a bad day for everyone, specially for a thief who can spam their skills = more chance to interrupt.

I wish ANet could elaborate on Read The Wind more, if its just increase in arrow speed then this is just crap. But if they also give us extra Power with it like +150 together with increase arrow speed then sure.

Too bad thiefs don’t need to give a kitten because they don’t have any cooldowns… (except for heal and elites, ofc)

LOL. Do you even know what this means for you thieves? It means you will get cooldowns if you get interrupted by Mesmer with this trait.

Im also under the impression you haven’t played GW1, if not, then welcome to what the real Mesmers can do. Enjoy your baptismal once this goes live.

Mesmer: Power Block
Enemies of mesmers beware: they’ve learned how to mess with your skill recharge! The new trait for mesmers allows them to gain additional benefit when disrupting enemy skills. Power Block will be introduced to the Domination line and will change the recharge of an interrupted skill from 5 seconds to 10 seconds. This will not affect skills that have no recharge, but I’d imagine that stopping a necromancer from consuming conditions would surely put a nail in their coffin.

Mesmer: Power Block: This will not affect skills that have no recharge

I read that as well. So thieves are immune to a potentially OP mesmer build. Fantastic. Now whenever I see a mesmer in WvW, I’ll have to wait for the thief cavalry to arrive before I can venture out with my obstructed longbow.

Official-New Traits

in Ranger

Posted by: Terravos.4059


Natural healing heals the pet..It is not bugged

look at your pets health bar when the trait is’ll see your pets health increasing by 125 a second..

It doesn’t show on the actual pet (the green numbers) based on a change they did a while back.
Xsorus – Ranger PvP movies Creator of the BM Bunker

Official-New Traits

in Ranger

Posted by: Terravos.4059


Read the Wind is meh. Needing to trait to actually hit things is rather silly (even if it will ultimately be useful) and its pretty much exclusively useful for PvP.

Strider’s Defense is an interesting concept, but relying on a relatively small chance to block ranged attacks seems iffy at best. And the fact that it only works melee further limits its usefulness.

Poison Master seems pretty decent. 50% boosted damage is nothing to scoff at, and free poison on pet swaps is a nice bonus on top of that that’ll help keep it up.

Survival of the Fittest is amazing on its own. Ranger is sorely in need of active cleanses, and this trait is extremely good for that. But Nature Magic? Why? Even the devs themselves during the stream were like “Yah, it should probably be in Wilderness Survival but its not because… its just not”. I guess maybe its because Poison Master is in Wilderness Survival already (and its probably perfect there) and they’re not going to add 2 traits to one tree, but… save one of them for another time then so you can add it where it should be, don’t just shove a perfectly fitting trait somewhere else.

Invigorating Bond seems interesting. Seems like a fair tradeoff from Natural Healing. Sacrifice some of your pets’ self-healing (but not all of it, as I assume your pet still heals itself as well) and get party support in return. It doesn’t seem like an amazing, game-defining trait or anything, but its decent, especially considering Beastmastery doesn’t have the best grandmaster traits to begin with.

actually, atm, Natural Healing is bugged, so it only heals the ranger for 133/3 seconds, instead of pet for 125/second and ranger for 125/3 seconds.

I’m willing to bet… that like most things with this game…That Poison trait won’t work on your pets Poison Fields

Probably, Combo finishers are bound by certain rules as is. Still things that pique my interest is stuff like Warthog RNG drop, Scale. Which has insane poison duration and damage in a rabid+carrion (60% duration) condi build.

you can already have perma poison already as a Ranger with just sword/dagger…

There is no reason to use that god awful pet for more poison
Xsorus – Ranger PvP movies Creator of the BM Bunker

Official-New Traits

in Ranger

Posted by: Nike.2631


Other than to have a field you can shoot through to poison at range .

Viper trap is gaining a poison field. The question is does it apply while its unsprung? There is no way to test this beforehand unless you are on the test server, and the fire and ice traps do not have this as a patch note.

“You keep saying ‘its unfair.’
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.

Official-New Traits

in Ranger

Posted by: Substance E.4852

Substance E.4852

Other than to have a field you can shoot through to poison at range .

Viper trap is gaining a poison field. The question is does it apply while its unsprung? There is no way to test this beforehand unless you are on the test server, and the fire and ice traps do not have this as a patch note.

I seriously doubt it works any differently than Flame/Frost Trap.

Connection error(s) detected. Retrying…

Official-New Traits

in Ranger

Posted by: Terravos.4059


Poison is not used for its damage, Its used for its healing debuff and condition coverage of actual good damage conditions.

Now if that trait say..Buffed the healing Debuff of Poison up to 50% or 75%…… then that trait would probably be used even over empathetic bond with a NM build.
Xsorus – Ranger PvP movies Creator of the BM Bunker

Official-New Traits

in Ranger

Posted by: Prysin.8542


Other than to have a field you can shoot through to poison at range .

Viper trap is gaining a poison field. The question is does it apply while its unsprung? There is no way to test this beforehand unless you are on the test server, and the fire and ice traps do not have this as a patch note.

The fire and ice trap already have field effects. These fields will work exactly the same as the poison one. So i can tell you, unless Anet does some weird and wild.

Lv 80 Guard, Ranger, Ele, Thief, warr, engi
Currently @ some T1 server in EU

Official-New Traits

in Ranger

Posted by: Nike.2631


I’m probably just dreaming. When I did my New Masters post in the horizontal progression thread I suggested a new trap called “Hunter’s Blind”.

My concept for the trap was while it’s unsprung it pulses camoflauge to up to five allies that stand in it… basically a group of you could hide in it and wait invisibly if you stood still. The trap’s triggered effect was a very strong knockback — when somebody wandered into it, the trap booted them way the hell away from you. You could basically use is as a little fortress to plink from and it would buy you time ((boot!)) the first time anyone actually closed with you .

So anyway, then notion of unsprung traps acting as fields was on my mind as a way to give Ranger skills some actual synergy and timing.

“You keep saying ‘its unfair.’
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.

Official-New Traits

in Ranger

Posted by: Aridia.3042


Unfortunately, no.

Because of the new Survival of the Fittest trait, it can cure 2 conditions in addition to immobilize (and the usual evade and stunbreaker). It would be OP if it removed 5 conditions on use.

My ele clears more condi with just a single heal, and I don’t have to trait anything. When I trait for water and EA, I can get rid of 3 more on top of that….

Official-New Traits

in Ranger

Posted by: Aidenwolf.5964


Condi cleanse could be useful in certain situations and bow speed as well. I don’t see anything here that I’ll run 24/7 but whatever. They can’t or won’t fix pets and they give us garbage traits in comparison to what eles got. I mean seriously, a top tier meta class gets a buff and we get increased bow speed that we should already have? Defend them all you want, you’re alone on this one.

Buy To Play Guild Wars 2 2012-2015 – RIP
Unlucky since launch, RNG isn’t random
PugLife SoloQ

Official-New Traits

in Ranger

Posted by: RoyalPredator.9163


Since I won’t have GM trait equipped at all, this “update” is meaningless for me within the game. Just if they mess with the ones I’m using right now – and I have a fear that the crit dmg will ruin our already low dps…

So only hope remains if they boost all stats/skills, then these GM traits are VERY sharp.
So it basicly means boost the ROF of LB AutoAttack first, lower casting times, etc.
AND remooooove that CDs on weapons already…

Game Designer || iREVOLUTION.Design \\
“A man chooses; a slave obeys.” | “Want HardMode? Play Ranger!”