What is Overpowered? Insta-Weapon Swap

What is Overpowered? Insta-Weapon Swap

in Thief

Posted by: Kageseigi.2150


I’ve heard it would magically make the Thief overpowered, but can someone please give me a clear explanation of exactly why it would do so?

Assuming weapon-swap sigils/traits are made to work with proper cooldowns, what would make the Thief overpowered if given instant weapon swapping? Basically, no or low (1 second) cooldown.

Reasons why it may not be overpowered…
1. Initiative pool does not refill on weapon swap.
2. Shortbow is usually locked into the second weapon set (not that it makes much of a difference).

Yes, there would be advantages, of course, but to truly make it overpowered? I don’t know about that.

Suggestions to overhaul the Thief…

* * * Thief Trait Shakeup * * *

What is Overpowered? Insta-Weapon Swap

in Thief

Posted by: Jayden Ennok.3687

Jayden Ennok.3687

Two weapon sets combos.

Stuff like p/d condi thief never having to c&d of his target to use the aa stealth attack.

Underworld Vabbi 1.5yr

What is Overpowered? Insta-Weapon Swap

in Thief

Posted by: mike.3592


Quick pockets gains 3 ini on weapon swap and the cool down I guess would be the weapon swap cooldown.

What is Overpowered? Insta-Weapon Swap

in Thief

Posted by: boumz.9851


bonkers, imagine double shortbow with hydromancy and energy _ uncatchable man

What is Overpowered? Insta-Weapon Swap

in Thief

Posted by: Jayden Ennok.3687

Jayden Ennok.3687

I think OP suggested this assuming the appropriate cds would be adjusted. Fast hands on warr don’t proc it either if it’s under 9s.

Underworld Vabbi 1.5yr

What is Overpowered? Insta-Weapon Swap

in Thief

Posted by: Amante.8109


I see no reason that no CD weapon swap would be OP. There’s already ICDs for a vast majority of the on-swap sigils and traits, and the few outliers could obviously be adjusted.

And of course, you have Engineer as a pre-existing example of no CD weapon swapping, and it has worked out fine.

What is Overpowered? Insta-Weapon Swap

in Thief

Posted by: Strategist.6132


Mmm personally I pretty much like the idea. I think Thief is not in a very good position when compared to most other classes. In Competitive PvP we mostly are the decappers because of our stealth, but in fights there are just some better alternatives (ele cough).

But I think Daredevil will make a nice change to that! It has some good damage abilities.

Though like Jayden already said, it would open up some new abilities like:
- Cloak and Dagger
- Staff knockdown (2sec)

And repeat that:P

What is Overpowered? Insta-Weapon Swap

in Thief

Posted by: MadVisions.4529


L2shortbow mate.

What is Overpowered? Insta-Weapon Swap

in Thief

Posted by: luzt.7692


I wouldn’t like it. OP? Idk, I just don’t enjoy switching weapons around every second pressing multiple Keys like enigneer just to be able to compete with others. It’s also a bandaid fix, instead of fixing every weapon set on its own.

What is Overpowered? Insta-Weapon Swap

in Thief

Posted by: Odokuro.5049


With an insta-weapon swap you could start off with a Backstab into a Pistol whip, or any other two powerful attack combo, a full glass Thief could easily get 20k+ damage out of the a fore mentioned combo.

The Self-Proclaimed Pervy Sage of Yaks Bend.

What is Overpowered? Insta-Weapon Swap

in Thief

Posted by: evilapprentice.6379


With an insta-weapon swap you could start off with a Backstab into a Pistol whip, or any other two powerful attack combo, a full glass Thief could easily get 20k+ damage out of the a fore mentioned combo.

… You can do that now. In fact, the biggest limiting factor in doing this consistently isn’t so much the weapon swap CD as it is the 15 init (or 6 init + 40s CD) required to get stealth the use PW.

If you’re a thief and haven’t
pre-ordered HOT at this point,
save yourself the money and don’t bother.

What is Overpowered? Insta-Weapon Swap

in Thief

Posted by: Jayden Ennok.3687

Jayden Ennok.3687

No cd on wep swap would be like playing beta rev, people spam skills thinking it’s free then suddenly they are screwed cos they have no energy/initiative.

Underworld Vabbi 1.5yr

What is Overpowered? Insta-Weapon Swap

in Thief

Posted by: Shalien.9018


It would definitely be an interesting way to bring Thief to a more competitive position. I like the idea as long as all the ICDs are in place. We’d have more of a free feeling for our mobillity (since we’ll all usually use shortbow as the second set).

It’d be interesting to have combos such as CnD leading into any weapons stealth attack at will.

Shalien Ascendant [SL]
Sanctum of Rall
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What is Overpowered? Insta-Weapon Swap

in Thief

Posted by: Joel.8705


I thought about this also not instant but something like warriors trait fast hands, when i saw a post yesterday on remake pistol 2 skill bodyshot to infiltrator shot maybe 600 range. If we had faster weponswap then D/D and for example P/P would be a very nice build u could use pistol skill 5 switch to D/D and do heartseaker that would make D/D much beter and we dont have to take shortbow with every build.

(edited by Joel.8705)

What is Overpowered? Insta-Weapon Swap

in Thief

Posted by: babazhook.6805


I think a cooldown warranted on the swap of 5 seconds but do not see it as OP.

I also do not see our dodges as being swappable in combat as OP. If you comapre the overall effects of the two even with our current weapon swap at 10 seconds (the ICD I suggested for Dodges) the outcomes very similar.

We already have a built in restriction on our weaponswaps other classes do not have, that being if we have no INI left the swap does not do a lot.

I would lean towards a dodge swap if we could only do one but also of the belief having both would not be OP given every other profession gains a suite of new skills usually usable right away on their weapons while we still wait on the endurance for dodges or the INI for swaps.

Maugeterr suggested Quickpockets on trickery changed to 5 seconds cooldown on weapon swap along with 1 ini regained. I think that would be an excellent trait.

What is Overpowered? Insta-Weapon Swap

in Thief

Posted by: Cyhann.2609


Since shared Initative is a thing, it would be the least “op” on any class.

What is Overpowered? Insta-Weapon Swap

in Thief

Posted by: rennlc.7346


Wow, I want this change for sPvP. Shortbow would be more viable with condi builds because we can immediately swap out of it after dropping the poison field. (Being able to sneak attack through a poison field with poison and confusion on Steal looks painful on paper). P/P and S/P would be able to stack stealth in situations where an opponent is unable to hop on the smoke field. Being able to use Surprise Shot as often as we would be able to in a team fight on a D/P + SB build might be a little overpowered though.

What is Overpowered? Insta-Weapon Swap

in Thief

Posted by: Kageseigi.2150


Being able to use Surprise Shot as often as we would be able to in a team fight on a D/P + SB build might be a little overpowered though.

Hmm, I’m not sure how we would be able to do that much. That’s a lot of initiative to get into Stealth unless we start using utilities… which we can already do.

As for me, I think instant weapon swap capability would really help out some builds that need it.

Dagger/Dagger and Shortbow:
D/D really lacks a gap closer. Steal and Infiltrator’s Signet have cooldowns. But while it would cost 12 initiative, Infiltrator’s Arrow would close the gap and Blind the target, while Cloak and Dagger gets you into Stealth for the Backstab. If you trait into Trickery (or wait about 3 more seconds), you can use Disabling Shot to disengage.

Sword/X and Dagger/Dagger:
Again, being able to close the gap with Infiltrator’s Strike, Cloak and Dagger, then Backstab. And instantly having the ability to Infiltrator’s Return away while waiting for Revealed to wear off.

Pistol/Pistol and Shortbow:
Simple (though initiative expensive) way to get into Stealth when needed with Black Powder and Cluster Bomb. Can be used to run away or to stack on Bleeding with Sneak Attack.

Sword/Pistol and Dagger/Pistol or X/Dagger or Shortbow:
Again, something to get you into Stealth simply to help you land Pistol Whip

Pistol/Dagger and Dagger/Pistol:
First, the ease to get into Stealth with D/P so you can Sneak Attack with P/D and get the Bleeding stacks. Secondly, it combines a gap closer with a gap creator (Shadow Shot and Shadow Strike) that makes it an evasive fighting style akin to Infiltrator’s Strike and Return.

Ps. I know some things can be done already, but they are limited to one time every 10-20 seconds. Some of the above, especially the mobility, will help D/D tremendously!

PPs. Did I mention that Infiltrator’s Arrow can BLIND the target for a Cloak and Dagger??? ;-D

Suggestions to overhaul the Thief…

* * * Thief Trait Shakeup * * *