05/17/2013 NA Tier 2: DB/TC/FA

05/17/2013 NA Tier 2: DB/TC/FA

in Match-ups

Posted by: WyldKat.4712


I don’t know about you guys… but TC can totally bend time.

Ungh. World of Warcraft flashback. “I guess it doesn’t bend that way.”

Zestee, Cryptician Zetti, Zissi The Jack, Zi Mao,
Ziffy Snidehide, Zadie Hawkkin, Zannie Oakley, Zuulja
[ODIN],[NaCl] – Tarnished Coast

05/17/2013 NA Tier 2: DB/TC/FA

in Match-ups

Posted by: Gellor.6497


The reason i love being on TC is because we crush peoples dreams. Kaineng fell few weeks ago and now its your turn to fall.

Man I’ve waited literally day’s to quote this. Hahahaha!!!!

I assure you this isn’t a pervasive attitude on TC. We and FA do seem to be something like T1 gatekeepers, but watching KN fall was downright depressing. The last thing I ever want to see again is for a server to implode. Keep it up guys! T2 is the place to be!

We know but it’s hard for people to not pass up ripping that quote.

Bodacious Gellor/Adela Grace/Cherry Poptartz [rB]
DB since Headstart

05/17/2013 NA Tier 2: DB/TC/FA

in Match-ups

Posted by: Usagi.4835


I don’t know about you guys… but TC can totally bend time.

Ungh. World of Warcraft flashback. “I guess it doesn’t bend that way.”

That’s what she said.

Commander Chocolate Teapot | Prettier than you | Forum damsel in distress

05/17/2013 NA Tier 2: DB/TC/FA

in Match-ups

Posted by: Asudementio.8526


Official : RE vs VeT

  • Video now up!
  • 15 v 15 GvG

Why do you keep posting the score? I have done a lot of GvG’s and never seen anyone so disrespectful, which is counter to what GvG’s are about.

??? Its not Zerg vs Zerg. When two guilds agree to gvg they have every right to post the official scoring and videos. In fact, people do want to know the scores therefore your argument is invalid. Clearly you don’t do GvG’s right. We lost to VoTF, they posted a score and we didn’t complain. We actually posted a video of our loss in respects to the match. Point and case .

You probably want to update your recruitment message then : https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/guilds/guilds/RE-Red-Essence-Funding-WvW-players/first#post2039290

Leader of [Suh]
My moves are fresh, like my groceries.

05/17/2013 NA Tier 2: DB/TC/FA

in Match-ups

Posted by: Usagi.4835


Official : RE vs VeT

  • Video now up!
  • 15 v 15 GvG

Why do you keep posting the score? I have done a lot of GvG’s and never seen anyone so disrespectful, which is counter to what GvG’s are about.

??? Its not Zerg vs Zerg. When two guilds agree to gvg they have every right to post the official scoring and videos. In fact, people do want to know the scores therefore your argument is invalid. Clearly you don’t do GvG’s right. We lost to VoTF, they posted a score and we didn’t complain. We actually posted a video of our loss in respects to the match. Point and case .

You probably want to update your recruitment message then : https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/guilds/guilds/RE-Red-Essence-Funding-WvW-players/first#post2039290

What a very… interesting thread.

Commander Chocolate Teapot | Prettier than you | Forum damsel in distress

05/17/2013 NA Tier 2: DB/TC/FA

in Match-ups

Posted by: pot.6805


T2 is fun. Not going to lie. I really do miss the ninja stuff from T3-T5 though.

DB has done the impossible, they have helped FA and TC to begrudgingly get along with each other on the forums… I am floored by this!

This was our plan all along. We saw how much T2 tore you guys a part and it broke our hearts.

Now kiss.

So are you guys going to make BG and SOR make up too?

BG and SOR are like two bitter exes. We hate each other but we secretly still love each other.

JQ has slept with BG and SoR. We are quite the kitten :P

lol. you forgot your toothbrush at our house

I and the rest of TC are very… hurt.

No one can match TC and BGs love.

Beast mode

05/17/2013 NA Tier 2: DB/TC/FA

in Match-ups

Posted by: The Goat.1940

The Goat.1940

Official : RE vs VeT

  • Video now up!
  • 15 v 15 GvG

Why do you keep posting the score? I have done a lot of GvG’s and never seen anyone so disrespectful, which is counter to what GvG’s are about.

??? Its not Zerg vs Zerg. When two guilds agree to gvg they have every right to post the official scoring and videos. In fact, people do want to know the scores therefore your argument is invalid. Clearly you don’t do GvG’s right. We lost to VoTF, they posted a score and we didn’t complain. We actually posted a video of our loss in respects to the match. Point and case .

You probably want to update your recruitment message then : https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/guilds/guilds/RE-Red-Essence-Funding-WvW-players/first#post2039290


Necrotic Sushi – Necro
Elephant Ambush [EA] , Sea of Sorrows

05/17/2013 NA Tier 2: DB/TC/FA

in Match-ups

Posted by: Hickeroar.9734


Man, I’ve waited days to quote this.

I gave up on tutoring when I had some weed smoking kid say “Do you think I should relearn the multiplication tables?”

I looked at his parents and said, “I am sorry. I cannot help here,” ending any hopes of a career in education.


05/17/2013 NA Tier 2: DB/TC/FA

in Match-ups

Posted by: ganeshori.6309


Not sure why the other servers think Fort Aspenwood needs to scramble to recruit players from other servers. Ok, ok….we aint dominating right now. I still dont see the need for some massive influx to one up the other two servers. Now dont get me wrong, I’m all for players choosing to come here on their own free thought. And glad to see Jenar and the TVB team land on our shores. And any other group that chooses to.

I also believe that Fort Aspenwood is known well enough…. that guilds and even the “lone wolfs” can see if we are worth the blood, sweat and tears to sign his or her makers mark. To swear an oath. To defend the homeland with honor and duty.

Ok, I may have got carried away there, hehe. But really, I think we are doing fine…and may pull a few supprises on ol’ TC and DB in the next coming weeks.

Sgt Rock / Necrotic Charm —- Dcon
2nd Battalion / 5th Marines – Hotel Company – Fort Aspenwood

05/17/2013 NA Tier 2: DB/TC/FA

in Match-ups

Posted by: style.6173


Ok, I may have got carried away there, hehe. But really, I think we are doing fine…and may pull a few supprises on ol’ TC and DB in the next coming weeks.

or until Anet changes the match-up system on all of us! Less than 1 week until we learn about the new system.

05/17/2013 NA Tier 2: DB/TC/FA

in Match-ups

Posted by: Shrouded.6450


Good luck FA!

To my fellow TCers, brace yourselves this maybe worse than prime Kain. For the toast!!!

05/17/2013 NA Tier 2: DB/TC/FA

in Match-ups

Posted by: Arkard.3970


The reason i love being on TC is because we crush peoples dreams. Kaineng fell few weeks ago and now its your turn to fall.

Man I’ve waited literally day’s to quote this. Hahahaha!!!!

Recall this last week?

Miyako [Kupo] – 80 Thief
Tarnished Coast Server

05/17/2013 NA Tier 2: DB/TC/FA

in Match-ups

Posted by: Shezu Tsukai.8291

Shezu Tsukai.8291

FA has a lot of PvEers that are enjoying the large amount of rare+ drops in Southsun right now.

Plus I watched another TC/DB Zerg say hello to one another then go in separate directions in FA BL. We know what you are doing.

Verum et Vitae

05/17/2013 NA Tier 2: DB/TC/FA

in Match-ups

Posted by: Hickeroar.9734


Plus I watched another TC/DB Zerg say hello to one another then go in separate directions in FA BL. We know what you are doing.

Ugh. Not THIS again. You have GOT to be kidding me.

05/17/2013 NA Tier 2: DB/TC/FA

in Match-ups

Posted by: Usagi.4835


No one can match TC and BGs love.

Commander Chocolate Teapot | Prettier than you | Forum damsel in distress

05/17/2013 NA Tier 2: DB/TC/FA

in Match-ups

Posted by: Hickeroar.9734


Usagi – I’m going to die of “cute.”

05/17/2013 NA Tier 2: DB/TC/FA

in Match-ups

Posted by: ghtchill.7613


Good luck FA!

To my fellow TCers, brace yourselves this maybe worse than prime Kain. For the toast!!!

We’re trying to get there to help. You’re still FULL!! What are all of you doing on there!? Back away from the cookies and go to bed already


05/17/2013 NA Tier 2: DB/TC/FA

in Match-ups

Posted by: Hickeroar.9734


Good luck FA!

To my fellow TCers, brace yourselves this maybe worse than prime Kain. For the toast!!!

We’re trying to get there to help. You’re still FULL!! What are all of you doing on there!? Back away from the cookies and go to bed already

We have a staggeringly massive PvE crowd. I’d love to see some old KN crew join up with us though!

05/17/2013 NA Tier 2: DB/TC/FA

in Match-ups

Posted by: Niim.9260


FA has a lot of PvEers that are enjoying the large amount of rare+ drops in Southsun right now.

I was kinda surprised. I always just assumed that TC would have a larger PvE population, but there was an overflow for Southsun more often on FA then TC, at least for when I was playing.

~ AoN ~

05/17/2013 NA Tier 2: DB/TC/FA

in Match-ups

Posted by: Chris L.4217

Chris L.4217

Plus I watched another TC/DB Zerg say hello to one another then go in separate directions in FA BL. We know what you are doing.

DB reconcile with TC? What a nightmare:( (except pve map)
I think it was a provocation but they just didn’t attack each other.

Our situation is good recently. Thanks for efforts of everyone.

05/17/2013 NA Tier 2: DB/TC/FA

in Match-ups

Posted by: Kingzook.1620


FA has a lot of PvEers that are enjoying the large amount of rare+ drops in Southsun right now.

I was kinda surprised. I always just assumed that TC would have a larger PvE population, but there was an overflow for Southsun more often on FA then TC, at least for when I was playing.

many see this as a way to gain a decent amount of gold to fund their WvW experiences. Also, a few people i know and I, myself, have gotten precursors from the instigator chests so……. :P

I try to WvW but as of now Southsun is just to tempting, you can grind gold, rares, and it is also a good lvl’ing place as of now for those that was to level a new WvW toon

05/17/2013 NA Tier 2: DB/TC/FA

in Match-ups

Posted by: Efface.8460


The reason i love being on TC is because we crush peoples dreams. Kaineng fell few weeks ago and now its your turn to fall.

Man I’ve waited literally day’s to quote this. Hahahaha!!!!

Recall this last week?

Sorry about keepin 4th…. It’s really not a good number on us anyway

05/17/2013 NA Tier 2: DB/TC/FA

in Match-ups

Posted by: LameFox.6349


I think I need a new timezone. Being one of the few people awake when all of dragonbrand’s oceanic and asian players are in WvW gets so very dull after the supply/upgrades accumulated by the ‘day’ shift runs out, and it finally comes down to numbers… which we don’t start to get back until I’m about to go to sleep (or already have).

05/17/2013 NA Tier 2: DB/TC/FA

in Match-ups

Posted by: Calvin.5380


Good to see FA get a few transfers. T2 is in a perfect place right now with three “sort of” evenly matched servers (though TC will kick our backsides once their PVE population flocks to WvW for dailies!).


05/17/2013 NA Tier 2: DB/TC/FA

in Match-ups

Posted by: nalenb.1425


I tried to duel a warrior from Tarnished Coast, but they wouldn’t respect the dueling rules. I almost had them down.


~ Abbish – Dragonbrand

05/17/2013 NA Tier 2: DB/TC/FA

in Match-ups

Posted by: Ryan.8367



More db / fa to kill in southern borderlands

Tanbin 80 Ranger

05/17/2013 NA Tier 2: DB/TC/FA

in Match-ups

Posted by: Vash.9183


So, TVB has arrived on FA

Welcome aboard! Hope you enjoy your stay! ♥

So when TC wouldn’t pay for TVB’s transfer they came to FA instead?

Well, we didn’t pay for them either.

That’s good

Sorry for the needed clarification……TC(some benefactor) did offer to “assist” with our move, a nice healthy amount. WE turned it down. (I personally glad we did.)
As I stated in another post we were looking for various things in a server and found what we wanted/needed on FA, so we farmed our own gold and moved over 30+ players over to FA and have enjoyed each day here thus far.

TY Eva, you all have been very welcoming to us….see you out on the map!

Wait wait wait… so I have to kill you and Kittidel now? This is not cool! >:O

WAIT WAIT…..no…..don’t kill us! *points at TC. You’d kill a Baby and a Kitti? Granted this Baby and Kitti carry big swords but that is just for….uh….trimming our nails.

ps: I like pickles.

Glad to see FA getting a fresh injection. What happened to Viking Jorun? Did she decide to take a break from the game or something?

We (EP) saw several TVB players out in FABL last night. Thinking of which, we had a ton of fun staging those north-camp fights. Some of those went on for a good 20 minutes. Our little group held you all off in Garrison for quite a while as well. Really fun fights! Looking forward to more!

In other news, DB seems to have opened a can of WA-40 the past two nights. Dat SEA coverage! I think the news of DB’s death was greatly exagerrated.

In other other news…..I freaking love Agg. Great attitudes, beastly on the field of battle. <3

Thanks for the love & we’ve been excited about meeting both FA and TC in the field every night we come out! It’s like it’s never-ending, and I hope it stays that way. We had a lot of fun in FA bl last night even though at one point the outmanned buff was haunting me every time I looked at my buffs, haha.

Pleasure being in the tier and hope everyone is enjoying themselves.

Mithril Footman
Ultimate Dominator

(edited by Vash.9183)

05/17/2013 NA Tier 2: DB/TC/FA

in Match-ups

Posted by: Asudementio.8526


So, TVB has arrived on FA

Welcome aboard! Hope you enjoy your stay! ♥

So when TC wouldn’t pay for TVB’s transfer they came to FA instead?

Well, we didn’t pay for them either.

That’s good

Sorry for the needed clarification……TC(some benefactor) did offer to “assist” with our move, a nice healthy amount. WE turned it down. (I personally glad we did.)
As I stated in another post we were looking for various things in a server and found what we wanted/needed on FA, so we farmed our own gold and moved over 30+ players over to FA and have enjoyed each day here thus far.

TY Eva, you all have been very welcoming to us….see you out on the map!

Wait wait wait… so I have to kill you and Kittidel now? This is not cool! >:O

WAIT WAIT…..no…..don’t kill us! *points at TC. You’d kill a Baby and a Kitti? Granted this Baby and Kitti carry big swords but that is just for….uh….trimming our nails.

ps: I like pickles.

Glad to see FA getting a fresh injection. What happened to Viking Jorun? Did she decide to take a break from the game or something?

We (EP) saw several TVB players out in FABL last night. Thinking of which, we had a ton of fun staging those north-camp fights. Some of those went on for a good 20 minutes. Our little group held you all off in Garrison for quite a while as well. Really fun fights! Looking forward to more!

In other news, DB seems to have opened a can of WA-40 the past two nights. Dat SEA coverage! I think the news of DB’s death was greatly exagerrated.

In other other news…..I freaking love Agg. Great attitudes, beastly on the field of battle. <3

Thanks for the love & we’ve been excited about meeting both FA and TC in the field every night we come out! It’s like it’s never-ending, and I hope it stays that way. We had a lot of fun in FA bl last night even though at one point the outmanned buff was haunting me every time I looked at my buffs, haha.

Pleasure being in the tier and hope everyone is enjoying themselves.

Just an additional shoutout. I’ve enjoyed the skirmishes i’ve had with Agg and look forward to more.

Leader of [Suh]
My moves are fresh, like my groceries.

05/17/2013 NA Tier 2: DB/TC/FA

in Match-ups

Posted by: Taras.4367


epic fight at DBBL for the hills. It was soo much freakin fun.

05/17/2013 NA Tier 2: DB/TC/FA

in Match-ups

Posted by: style.6173


Just an additional shoutout. I’ve enjoyed the skirmishes i’ve had with Agg and look forward to more.

Agreed. Look at the fights last night on FABL. Did we really need to fight in the open field outside of south bay? No. Why did we? Because it was super fun.

I know PPT is important and all, but sometimes it is great to just zerg v zerg just for the fun of the fight.

Go TC!

05/17/2013 NA Tier 2: DB/TC/FA

in Match-ups

Posted by: MarauderKing.4572


Since I am stuck on JQ assisting with the transfer for a few more days – and the rest of my guild is too busy having fun in WvW. I wanted to pass on a message from my guildies that they have been having a ton of fun fighting FA and TC. We are looking forward to bring a full force out from reset night – and we will be starting a weekly FIRE tradition next week in WvW so watch out for it!

Haniko – [FIRE] FIRE Gaming Community
Dragonbrand (Ex-JQ)

(edited by MarauderKing.4572)

05/17/2013 NA Tier 2: DB/TC/FA

in Match-ups

Posted by: Sinfullysweet.4517


I just wanted to give a shout out to Oogie from DB I believe? Me and him went round and round on my ranger, and we both came so close to getting each other down, but he eventually won. He even bowed afterwards, so I invited him to a party, and thanked him for such a great one on one. We chatted a bit, and it was really nice! So DB if you ever see a little asura ranger try to party up with you, it’s always to thank you for a good time. =)

Sin the Insane
Asuran Ranger from CRZY

Current Home: Yaks Bend Former Home: Maguuma/TC/SBI
Sin’s Characters on Gw2efficiency

05/17/2013 NA Tier 2: DB/TC/FA

in Match-ups

Posted by: iCryptik.1496


I love it when two servers come together for a common goal.


Tarnished Coast [TC]

05/17/2013 NA Tier 2: DB/TC/FA

in Match-ups

Posted by: Andy.9137


score update. hnnng


05/17/2013 NA Tier 2: DB/TC/FA

in Match-ups

Posted by: Jayne.9251


I’ll just leave this here:


L’enfer, c’est les autres

05/17/2013 NA Tier 2: DB/TC/FA

in Match-ups

Posted by: Drakh.3128


DB just ticked +545. Is TC and FA falling apart?

And DB just ticked for 5, what’s your point?

- Drakh (BT)
- Blackgate

05/17/2013 NA Tier 2: DB/TC/FA

in Match-ups

Posted by: Vash.9183


DB just ticked +545. Is TC and FA falling apart?

And DB just ticked for 5, what’s your point?

That person was trolling. They aren’t from Dragonbrand, haha.

Geeze, TC is really rolling out the numbers earlier than usual. Interesting day.

Mithril Footman
Ultimate Dominator

05/17/2013 NA Tier 2: DB/TC/FA

in Match-ups

Posted by: Master Farkha.1857

Master Farkha.1857

As usual FA, we’ll exchange the cash for today’s services at TC’s tavern in divinity’s reach.

05/17/2013 NA Tier 2: DB/TC/FA

in Match-ups

Posted by: Elitejelly.7462


DB just ticked +545. Is TC and FA falling apart?

And DB just ticked for 5, what’s your point?

and what a glories moment this is. good job toasters!!

(/o_o)/ |_|
hype over.

05/17/2013 NA Tier 2: DB/TC/FA

in Match-ups

Posted by: lani.7431


I love it when two servers come together for a common goal.

FA owns way too much on that pie. ;D

Lani [Krew] – BP
Former [EA] DB Commander

05/17/2013 NA Tier 2: DB/TC/FA

in Match-ups

Posted by: The Goat.1940

The Goat.1940

DB just ticked +545. Is TC and FA falling apart?

And DB just ticked for 5, what’s your point?

and what a glories moment this is. good job toasters!!


Necrotic Sushi – Necro
Elephant Ambush [EA] , Sea of Sorrows

05/17/2013 NA Tier 2: DB/TC/FA

in Match-ups

Posted by: Jayne.9251


DB just ticked +545. Is TC and FA falling apart?

And DB just ticked for 5, what’s your point?

and what a glories moment this is. good job toasters!!


Aw that’s not really NARF-y, that’s more server pride. It’s not putting anyone down.

L’enfer, c’est les autres

05/17/2013 NA Tier 2: DB/TC/FA

in Match-ups

Posted by: Asudementio.8526


DB just ticked +545. Is TC and FA falling apart?

And DB just ticked for 5, what’s your point?

That person was trolling. They aren’t from Dragonbrand, haha.

Geeze, TC is really rolling out the numbers earlier than usual. Interesting day.

I am guessing kids are out of school for the summer.

Must be why DB was doing so well this morning.

Leader of [Suh]
My moves are fresh, like my groceries.

05/17/2013 NA Tier 2: DB/TC/FA

in Match-ups

Posted by: Elitejelly.7462


DB just ticked +545. Is TC and FA falling apart?

And DB just ticked for 5, what’s your point?

and what a glories moment this is. good job toasters!!


I meant it as server pride, sorry if it seemed like NARF. I would never do that.

I love it when two servers come together for a common goal.

FA owns way too much on that pie. ;D

can it be cake? cake taste better, especially zerg cake!

(/o_o)/ |_|
hype over.

05/17/2013 NA Tier 2: DB/TC/FA

in Match-ups

Posted by: nalenb.1425


Would you believe I had 19/20 downed before they killed me? Hehe, TC is my favorite opponent by far.


~ Abbish – Dragonbrand

05/17/2013 NA Tier 2: DB/TC/FA

in Match-ups

Posted by: Arkard.3970


That garrison….


Miyako [Kupo] – 80 Thief
Tarnished Coast Server

05/17/2013 NA Tier 2: DB/TC/FA

in Match-ups

Posted by: Jayne.9251


I think I need to change my underwear now ….

Gah, that was unbelievable, lol.


L’enfer, c’est les autres

05/17/2013 NA Tier 2: DB/TC/FA

in Match-ups

Posted by: timidobserver.7925


FA has a lot of PvEers that are enjoying the large amount of rare+ drops in Southsun right now.

Plus I watched another TC/DB Zerg say hello to one another then go in separate directions in FA BL. We know what you are doing.

Yes, FA does things like go off and fight randomly while people are taking their garrison or keeps. On the other hand, TC and DB will run right past you if they need to get somewhere and defend something.

05/17/2013 NA Tier 2: DB/TC/FA

in Match-ups

Posted by: Vespirisa.1497


I think this is the first time I’ve seen a WP from an enemy on our garri XD

Scrub D/D Ele. What’s server loyalty?

(edited by Vespirisa.1497)

05/17/2013 NA Tier 2: DB/TC/FA

in Match-ups

Posted by: Drakh.3128


Would you believe I had 19/20 downed before they killed me? Hehe, TC is my favorite opponent by far.

So by WvW “not going well” is “what we want”…still tanking your score for a ranking system which is changed in a week (Glicko)?

- Drakh (BT)
- Blackgate