08/02 JQ/SoR/SoS

08/02 JQ/SoR/SoS

in WvW

Posted by: moolie.5927


I know moolie, i don’t understand why are they angry.
They are winning like 600 points per tick, must be me…
Ill stop, i was just talking no trolling intentions peace

I’m talking about you, bud. Get off your high horse.

Just another careless bird.

08/02 JQ/SoR/SoS

in WvW

Posted by: kefro.9312


I don’t understand then sorry you have to be more specific on that

08/02 JQ/SoR/SoS

in WvW

Posted by: covenn.7165


No offense to JQ but the ones on the other 2 servers deserve the respect because when it comes to full severs vs full servers JQ loses really bad

You mean like on weekends? Oh wait……… we were winning by 10k at the end of the weekend.

Please don’t brag. Even if you are directing it towards one person, you are insulting the rest of your competition and being disrespectful. I logged in to play this weekend during the early morning and JQ was ticking away in the 400’s and we had out manned on both BLs I checked and less than 20 people in our voip server total.

Yeah you won the weekend, but not due to anything worth bragging about. If SoR could bring the fight 24-7 the way we do during NA prime hours, the scoreboard would be a little different and tighter.

And no I am not complaining about it, I am just saying its not brag worthy. Of course if some of the JQ Euro players and Oceanics get tired of fighting doors, I bet I can find enough people to sponsor your gem cost of transferring. Quite a few of us have a lot of gold an nowhere to spend it.

(edited by covenn.7165)

08/02 JQ/SoR/SoS

in WvW

Posted by: VOLKON.1290


Let’s face it… when Friday night rolled around and things reset there was apparently a coordinated 2 on 1 effort against JQ. It wasn’t hard to see… EB split right down the middle like it was drawn up on a treaty, coordinated rushes to JQ keeps by entire forces, leaving what should have been exposed back areas that both servers seemed to know were safe… the only problem with this tactic is that JQ gets more determined instead of broken. You can’t punch us in the face hard enough on day 1 to demoralize us. It’s clear, looking at the scores over time, that when that failed and we recovered it broke the will of a large number from the other servers who expended way too much out of the gate. WvW is a week long match. You should play it as such.


08/02 JQ/SoR/SoS

in WvW

Posted by: Wotah.2975


Last night fights were intense. Ran with Tsym into JQ’s bay and I believe we must of cleared 300 man super zerg JQ with a 25 man team. My computer runs rather well so I can see everything and we cleared 3 massive waves only to see another massive culling hiding wave of JQ on the other side on the retreat. We pull back a bit and charged back out and I cleared another 100+ of them, only until our commander was swarmed that we had to fall back.
The zerg JQ brings is insane, took us two tries to wipe out the JQ super zerg. They bought enough people to build 3 trebs, 7 catapults, 5~ ballistas, 6 arrow carts in 1 go to attack our T3 tower. Later they had 7 balliatas, and 5 trebs at the temple of storms trying to take out our keep door.

Great fights all around, thx for the bags.

OMG there was like 400 of them!

Wotah, Brutaler [SICK]/[SG]
Plague/Shadow Gypsies
Jade Quarry

08/02 JQ/SoR/SoS

in WvW

Posted by: VOLKON.1290


Let’s face it… when Friday night rolled around and things reset there was apparently a coordinated 2 on 1 effort against JQ.

I am going to stop you right there without reading the rest of your nonsense. You are absolutely wrong. There was nothing mentioned about it in the pre reset meeting in our VOIP. In fact, I hear someone mention about crushing SoS repeatedly until they learn to stop back dooring us while we are fighting JQ. Not only that, as evidenced by what was going on, we SoR constantly was having to leave fighting both JQ and SoS because the other was attacking something of ours on the other side of the map.

This is in your head only and not reality. Please stop posting nonsense. It is blatantly incorrect, childish, and only makes you look silly.

I’m naturally a silly person. However, facts on the field seem to indicate that there was a coordinated, at least in spirit, effort out of the gate. I’d recommend reading the rest of the post… I can be an eloquent typist at times. This, however, may or may not have been one of those times.


08/02 JQ/SoR/SoS

in WvW

Posted by: spartanx.1364


Looks like [Choo] was bringin’ it tonight and had servermates rallied properly. Good show this evening. I think we squared up mix teams a few times in open field, finally got me back in to reverse engineering mode on some things utilized against us

Yea definitely good fights all around! We liked how you dropped in on us at Wood Haven so we returned the favor!

Tytos The Ascended – Tytos Hill – Dee Oh Tee
Paintrainchoo.com – Conductor – TC

08/02 JQ/SoR/SoS

in WvW

Posted by: covenn.7165


However, facts on the field seem to indicate that there was a coordinated, at least in spirit, effort out of the gate.

‘Facts’ and ‘seem’ do not go together. This was your perception because you believe that just because two enemies are attacking you, they are coordinating efforts against you. As I said before, this is shortsighted and childish. It is also not reality. The entire weekend we were being attacked by SoS and JQ repeatedly, were the two of you working together against us?

08/02 JQ/SoR/SoS

in WvW

Posted by: Barab.9016


It doesn’t matter Volk the truth is when we lose the ppt over the weekend it’s because we have no skill and when we win over the weekend it’s due to having superior numbers.

Kurthos “When Jade Quarry awakens, they will ask themselves, when were we ever asleep?”

08/02 JQ/SoR/SoS

in WvW

Posted by: Eurlin.4256


Let’s face it… when Friday night rolled around and things reset there was apparently a coordinated 2 on 1 effort against JQ.

I am going to stop you right there without reading the rest of your nonsense. You are absolutely wrong. There was nothing mentioned about it in the pre reset meeting in our VOIP. In fact, I hear someone mention about crushing SoS repeatedly until they learn to stop back dooring us while we are fighting JQ. Not only that, as evidenced by what was going on, we SoR constantly was having to leave fighting both JQ and SoS because the other was attacking something of ours on the other side of the map.

This is in your head only and not reality. Please stop posting nonsense. It is blatantly incorrect, childish, and only makes you look silly.

I’m naturally a silly person. However, facts on the field seem to indicate that there was a coordinated, at least in spirit, effort out of the gate. I’d recommend reading the rest of the post… I can be an eloquent typist at times. This, however, may or may not have been one of those times.

I’m part of Vengeance[VNG] we’re the guild that held your keep on friday night reset. We in no way “teamed up” with SoS in fact if you were there you would know we wiped SoS as they attempted to break into your keep initially. After fighting SoS and you we left for 10 minutes came back and took your keep because you had no supply to hold it. From that point on we spent our entire time in JQ keep attacking Aldon’s Tower because it was our next target. However JQ would take it from SoS while we sieged it. Did we team up with JQ now? we were the ones sieging SoS in Aldon’s after all.

Also if you knew anything about the fights going on, we were constantly defending umberglade from SoS. We spent hours walking yaks in because SoS decided to put a few thieves to work to delay us from upgrading SM. Your reset group was just down right horrible. there was nothing else about it. we took advantage of poor team work and bad coordination to keep points on our side of the board. SoS came behind us as JQ hit their front gate.

It was very evident that we didn’t “team up” especially considering how towers were taken that night actually.

Commander Eurlin [VNG]
Sanctum of Rall Server

08/02 JQ/SoR/SoS

in WvW

Posted by: Renny.6571


It doesn’t matter Volk the truth is when we lose the ppt over the weekend it’s because we have no skill and when we win over the weekend it’s due to having superior numbers.

Spot on.

Feel free to quote this in every subsequent thread. I’m on SoS, so therefore I represent what the entire server thinks of JQ.

elite specs ruined pvp.

08/02 JQ/SoR/SoS

in WvW

Posted by: Porky.5021


Let’s face it… when Friday night rolled around and things reset there was apparently a coordinated 2 on 1 effort against JQ.

I can’t believe that this far into a 1v1v1 setup, people still complain about 2v1’s and see conspiracies everywhere.

They happen to every server. There is no coordinated effort…it just happens sometimes. It’s the nature of a 1v1v1 setup.

I’m surprised some of you have not learned how 1v1v1’s work by now.

Overlord Of [NAKY]
SOS Spy Team Commander [SPY]

08/02 JQ/SoR/SoS

in WvW

Posted by: Churchill.8714


Ah, VNG was the one handing the bags out on Friday. We had fun in JQ territory because it was just stomp after stomp, but then we pulled back and prepped for SM after it was flipped for a bit.

08/02 JQ/SoR/SoS

in WvW

Posted by: VOLKON.1290


Let’s face it… when Friday night rolled around and things reset there was apparently a coordinated 2 on 1 effort against JQ.

I am going to stop you right there without reading the rest of your nonsense. You are absolutely wrong. There was nothing mentioned about it in the pre reset meeting in our VOIP. In fact, I hear someone mention about crushing SoS repeatedly until they learn to stop back dooring us while we are fighting JQ. Not only that, as evidenced by what was going on, we SoR constantly was having to leave fighting both JQ and SoS because the other was attacking something of ours on the other side of the map.

This is in your head only and not reality. Please stop posting nonsense. It is blatantly incorrect, childish, and only makes you look silly.

I’m naturally a silly person. However, facts on the field seem to indicate that there was a coordinated, at least in spirit, effort out of the gate. I’d recommend reading the rest of the post… I can be an eloquent typist at times. This, however, may or may not have been one of those times.

I’m part of Vengeance[VNG] we’re the guild that held your keep on friday night reset. We in no way “teamed up” with SoS in fact if you were there you would know we wiped SoS as they attempted to break into your keep initially. After fighting SoS and you we left for 10 minutes came back and took your keep because you had no supply to hold it. From that point on we spent our entire time in JQ keep attacking Aldon’s Tower because it was our next target. However JQ would take it from SoS while we sieged it. Did we team up with JQ now? we were the ones sieging SoS in Aldon’s after all.

Also if you knew anything about the fights going on, we were constantly defending umberglade from SoS. We spent hours walking yaks in because SoS decided to put a few thieves to work to delay us from upgrading SM. Your reset group was just down right horrible. there was nothing else about it. we took advantage of poor team work and bad coordination to keep points on our side of the board. SoS came behind us as JQ hit their front gate.

It was very evident that we didn’t “team up” especially considering how towers were taken that night actually.

VNG? Never heard of you yet… hang on… oh, EB. I was on JQBL Friday, that’s why I didn’t see you. All I know is we looked at the EB map and it was split right down the middle like two kids with a red and blue crayon were sharing coloring one page. And stayed in the lines, didn’t fight or spill grape juice on the page. All the maps Friday night showed focused attacks on JQ. Now slow down one sec… this isn’t a whine, complaint or any of that. This is a perfectly valid and appropriate strategy, it really is. If you can coordinate two servers like that that’s actually somewhat amazing… like herding cats while getting them to walk on two legs and dance gangnam style. I’m just saying that too much energy was spent in doing so, and the fact that JQ bounced back from it so strongly after the initial Friday push had a demonstrably demoralizing effect on the other two servers. Aside from a few notable groups, such as this thing called a “Choo train” (ok, I giggled at that…) last night, it seems the overall spirit of the other servers broke down fast and early.


08/02 JQ/SoR/SoS

in WvW

Posted by: Azure Prower.8701

Azure Prower.8701

Meanwhile back on the battle field.

A riveting battle takes place as follows:


08/02 JQ/SoR/SoS

in WvW

Posted by: Eurlin.4256


So you’re calling a 2v1 on reset because you can use crayons? lol honestly dude if you’re not in the fight don’t talk about it. Those who were there know what was going on.

Commander Eurlin [VNG]
Sanctum of Rall Server

08/02 JQ/SoR/SoS

in WvW

Posted by: Tiesto.9084


Score updates !!!!!


08/02 JQ/SoR/SoS

in WvW

Posted by: VOLKON.1290


So you’re calling a 2v1 on reset because you can use crayons? lol honestly dude if you’re not in the fight don’t talk about it. Those who were there know what was going on.

OK… that’s funny. Well played.


08/02 JQ/SoR/SoS

in WvW

Posted by: Duskfall.1296


I actually enjoy being greatly outnumbered by jq and pushing them back. Feels more epic. Last night we held onto wood haven forever with 15 ppl in our bl against 30 and then another jq zerg joined in. We where like “how many people do you need!?” It was so much fun pushing them away and pulling back. I’m just glad they can be disorganized outside eb otherwise it would have ended real fast! Just wish Anet would reward holding on vs overwhelming odds in the future.

War Born 80 (full support) guardian.
“Choo” SoR

08/02 JQ/SoR/SoS

in WvW

Posted by: moolie.5927


Meanwhile back on the battle field.

A riveting battle takes place as follows:

Okay, I lol’d. You have artistic talent!

Just another careless bird.

08/02 JQ/SoR/SoS

in WvW

Posted by: VOLKON.1290


I actually enjoy being greatly outnumbered by jq and pushing them back. Feels more epic. Last night we held onto wood haven forever with 15 ppl in our bl against 30 and then another jq zerg joined in. We where like “how many people do you need!?” It was so much fun pushing them away and pulling back. I’m just glad they can be disorganized outside eb otherwise it would have ended real fast! Just wish Anet would reward holding on vs overwhelming odds in the future.

That’s an interesting idea. I feel like the game is built to primarily reward and push offense, but a solid defense gets a bum rap. It would be nice to see something like you describe get a little extra… but the question would be how to figure out all that and have it actually work in game.


08/02 JQ/SoR/SoS

in WvW

Posted by: Tarin Twisted.4183

Tarin Twisted.4183

If you are not double teaming us I would suggest you start and never stop double teaming us… unless you do not want first place.

It is not rocket science and I do not think anyone on JQ minds the double team…it makes for the best nights possible for everyone!

Your goal should be to push us down as far as possible so that our coverage only brings us up to equal.

Just saying…thanks for lots of fun fights this weekend.

08/02 JQ/SoR/SoS

in WvW

Posted by: Xaaz.8472


Let’s face it… when Friday night rolled around and things reset there was apparently a coordinated 2 on 1 effort against JQ.

I can’t believe that this far into a 1v1v1 setup, people still complain about 2v1’s and see conspiracies everywhere.

They happen to every server. There is no coordinated effort…it just happens sometimes. It’s the nature of a 1v1v1 setup.

I’m surprised some of you have not learned how 1v1v1’s work by now.

He’s not complaining about a 2v1, read the post before commenting. He’s saying that JQ doesn’t give up regardless of 2v1, outmanned, less skill, whatever you want to call it over the last 3 months.

In the last 2 weeks SoS has fallen apart. The forum PvP is much stronger than the in game PvP. Are you the underdog now? Sure. SoR is a stronger server than you. I would also state BG is probably stronger. They had the least coverage of all and were very competitive. SoS has shown they cannot handle not winning. It’s quite sad to see.

Why not work at improvement like every server in the past had to do against you.

08/02 JQ/SoR/SoS

in WvW

Posted by: Burl.9567


If you are not double teaming us I would suggest you start and never stop double teaming us… unless you do not want first place.

It is not rocket science and I do not think anyone on JQ minds the double team…it makes for the best nights possible for everyone!

Your goal should be to push us down as far as possible so that our coverage only brings us up to equal.

Just saying…thanks for lots of fun fights this weekend.

Most of us on SoR play for the fights and to have a good time. We could care less about coming in first. If it happens, it happens….but it isn’t our goal each time we go out there and brawl.

08/02 JQ/SoR/SoS

in WvW

Posted by: Aieo.2815


SoS hasn’t given up yet. You will see the same guilds coming out to play.

Sea of Sorrows > Jade Quarry > Sea of Sorrows
Effing rallybot

08/02 JQ/SoR/SoS

in WvW

Posted by: Shiren.9532


To any SoR or BG that come to T1 and complains about JQ’s coverage:

Everyone else – amazing fights all around. Its been great watching SoR grow and become the strong server they are now. To our sisters and brothers over there from JQ, I am proud of you all!

Most people who aren’t on JQ dislike JQs coverage. It’s a flaw in how WvW, having more people on for more of the day means you are going to win. It’s just how WvW was designed. Maybe they were expecting more people to play GW2 (and WvW), I dunno, maybe they always intended the weekly matches to be decides by numbers, it’s just how it is.

It becomes a problem for some people when poor coverage bleeds into other time zones. Even if numbers are ever equal, you are logging into WvW and looking at maps where all your towers have been flipped and either you don’t hold them, or you do hold them with minimal upgrades. You’re also looking at enemy towers and keeps that are fully upgraded and full of supply. Even when numbers are even, maps rarely ever are. It’s also part of WvW design. It’s not a balanced PvP arena, I guess they never intended it to be.

People who come to WvW looking for something that resembles FA, JQ (the arenas from GW1), or AB will be sorely dissapointed. Most PvP games (and arenas) offer balanced PvP. Equal numbers on boths sides, smaller numbers so that you don’t get curb stomped by a zerg and individual actions count for more and have more influence on the match. A lot of players crave and look for that. Coming into WvW will dissapoint them when they are expecting a balanced competition, only to find they are facing off against superior numbers, superior coverage and better upgraded towers. That’s what tier one looks like at the moment and until JQ loses some people or another super server is created (or ideally two – though this will never happen) that’s what it’s going to look for the foreseeable future. Until then, I suspect the best competition for first and second place is going to be in tier two. The top two servers in tier two are going to be much more closely matched in population and coverage than anyone will be compared with JQ. I suspect the best WvW and the sweet spot for competitive play is going to be found more often in tier two than it will be in tier one. The fights for fourth and fifth place look more competitive than the fights for first and second.

As far as SoR growing in power, when SoS was at it’s strongest on the rise through the tiers, SoR came very close to beating them. SoR has always been a very strong server. I was surprised it took them so long to get to tier one (I guess their coverage was weaker than SoS’s – they certainly lacked an oceanic force when they faced off against SoS months ago). They got a few transfers in during the exodus, but for the most part I believe the strength they have now has been there for a long time, they just locked down some more coverage.

Where are people getting this bullkitten about SoS falling apart? The server that got the most transfers is performing the strongest, that was a no brainer when the transfers were happening (part of why more and more guilds and players transferred there) and it seems to be baffling a lot of people that a server with inferior numbers and inferior coverage is losing to that. Another server which was already strong, SoR, got a lot of transfers and they are also performing well.

JQ isn’t the underdog, they don’t face adversity in WvW. You can talk all you want about undermanned or less skill, the server has the most active WvW population post transfers and it probably has the most dedicated WvW guilds. Why would they give up when they are easily winning? As far as JQ in the past goes, there were blow outs during weeks where JQ clearly didn’t turn up to play. Lets not rewrite history here. I’m not sure if SoR is stronger than SoS, it’s possible. I doubt BG is stronger than SoS.

I honestly don’t know what all the gloating JQ posters disparaging the efforts of SoS, SoR or BG are expecting. Did you really think there would be close and competitive WvW between servers with considerable coverage and population differences? Tier one is a fight for second and third. People will fight the battles when they are on, but they aren’t going to go that extra mile to futilely compete with superior coverage, especially with no reward for first place.

(edited by Shiren.9532)

08/02 JQ/SoR/SoS

in WvW

Posted by: covenn.7165


Let’s face it… when Friday night rolled around and things reset there was apparently a coordinated 2 on 1 effort against JQ.

I am going to stop you right there without reading the rest of your nonsense. You are absolutely wrong. There was nothing mentioned about it in the pre reset meeting in our VOIP. In fact, I hear someone mention about crushing SoS repeatedly until they learn to stop back dooring us while we are fighting JQ. Not only that, as evidenced by what was going on, we SoR constantly was having to leave fighting both JQ and SoS because the other was attacking something of ours on the other side of the map.

This is in your head only and not reality. Please stop posting nonsense. It is blatantly incorrect, childish, and only makes you look silly.

I’m naturally a silly person. However, facts on the field seem to indicate that there was a coordinated, at least in spirit, effort out of the gate. I’d recommend reading the rest of the post… I can be an eloquent typist at times. This, however, may or may not have been one of those times.

I’m part of Vengeance[VNG] we’re the guild that held your keep on friday night reset. We in no way “teamed up” with SoS in fact if you were there you would know we wiped SoS as they attempted to break into your keep initially. After fighting SoS and you we left for 10 minutes came back and took your keep because you had no supply to hold it. From that point on we spent our entire time in JQ keep attacking Aldon’s Tower because it was our next target. However JQ would take it from SoS while we sieged it. Did we team up with JQ now? we were the ones sieging SoS in Aldon’s after all.

Also if you knew anything about the fights going on, we were constantly defending umberglade from SoS. We spent hours walking yaks in because SoS decided to put a few thieves to work to delay us from upgrading SM. Your reset group was just down right horrible. there was nothing else about it. we took advantage of poor team work and bad coordination to keep points on our side of the board. SoS came behind us as JQ hit their front gate.

It was very evident that we didn’t “team up” especially considering how towers were taken that night actually.

VNG? Never heard of you yet… hang on… oh, EB. I was on JQBL Friday, that’s why I didn’t see you. All I know is we looked at the EB map and it was split right down the middle like two kids with a red and blue crayon were sharing coloring one page. And stayed in the lines, didn’t fight or spill grape juice on the page. All the maps Friday night showed focused attacks on JQ. Now slow down one sec… this isn’t a whine, complaint or any of that. This is a perfectly valid and appropriate strategy, it really is. If you can coordinate two servers like that that’s actually somewhat amazing… like herding cats while getting them to walk on two legs and dance gangnam style. I’m just saying that too much energy was spent in doing so, and the fact that JQ bounced back from it so strongly after the initial Friday push had a demonstrably demoralizing effect on the other two servers. Aside from a few notable groups, such as this thing called a “Choo train” (ok, I giggled at that…) last night, it seems the overall spirit of the other servers broke down fast and early.

Nobody was 2v1ing you. Everyone in a three sided fight gets 2v1’d. It is the nature of the game and there really isn’t any point to complain about it.

08/02 JQ/SoR/SoS

in WvW

Posted by: covenn.7165


Let’s face it… when Friday night rolled around and things reset there was apparently a coordinated 2 on 1 effort against JQ.

I can’t believe that this far into a 1v1v1 setup, people still complain about 2v1’s and see conspiracies everywhere.

They happen to every server. There is no coordinated effort…it just happens sometimes. It’s the nature of a 1v1v1 setup.

I’m surprised some of you have not learned how 1v1v1’s work by now.

He’s not complaining about a 2v1, read the post before commenting. He’s saying that JQ doesn’t give up regardless of 2v1, outmanned, less skill, whatever you want to call it over the last 3 months.

I disagree about the not complaining part. You don’t fabricate statements like this if you are not upset about it otherwise. The reality is, I spent the entire weekend being forced to bounce back and forth between fighting JQ and SoS out of need. This hardly support any tag teaming theory. (not to mention SoR has always refused to do so in the past even when specifically asked)

08/02 JQ/SoR/SoS

in WvW

Posted by: covenn.7165


Score updates !!!!!

Wow looks like JQ was finally able to get their home garrison back after we logged for the night. Good work.

08/02 JQ/SoR/SoS

in WvW

Posted by: VOLKON.1290


Let’s face it… when Friday night rolled around and things reset there was apparently a coordinated 2 on 1 effort against JQ.

I am going to stop you right there without reading the rest of your nonsense. You are absolutely wrong. There was nothing mentioned about it in the pre reset meeting in our VOIP. In fact, I hear someone mention about crushing SoS repeatedly until they learn to stop back dooring us while we are fighting JQ. Not only that, as evidenced by what was going on, we SoR constantly was having to leave fighting both JQ and SoS because the other was attacking something of ours on the other side of the map.

This is in your head only and not reality. Please stop posting nonsense. It is blatantly incorrect, childish, and only makes you look silly.

I’m naturally a silly person. However, facts on the field seem to indicate that there was a coordinated, at least in spirit, effort out of the gate. I’d recommend reading the rest of the post… I can be an eloquent typist at times. This, however, may or may not have been one of those times.

I’m part of Vengeance[VNG] we’re the guild that held your keep on friday night reset. We in no way “teamed up” with SoS in fact if you were there you would know we wiped SoS as they attempted to break into your keep initially. After fighting SoS and you we left for 10 minutes came back and took your keep because you had no supply to hold it. From that point on we spent our entire time in JQ keep attacking Aldon’s Tower because it was our next target. However JQ would take it from SoS while we sieged it. Did we team up with JQ now? we were the ones sieging SoS in Aldon’s after all.

Also if you knew anything about the fights going on, we were constantly defending umberglade from SoS. We spent hours walking yaks in because SoS decided to put a few thieves to work to delay us from upgrading SM. Your reset group was just down right horrible. there was nothing else about it. we took advantage of poor team work and bad coordination to keep points on our side of the board. SoS came behind us as JQ hit their front gate.

It was very evident that we didn’t “team up” especially considering how towers were taken that night actually.

VNG? Never heard of you yet… hang on… oh, EB. I was on JQBL Friday, that’s why I didn’t see you. All I know is we looked at the EB map and it was split right down the middle like two kids with a red and blue crayon were sharing coloring one page. And stayed in the lines, didn’t fight or spill grape juice on the page. All the maps Friday night showed focused attacks on JQ. Now slow down one sec… this isn’t a whine, complaint or any of that. This is a perfectly valid and appropriate strategy, it really is. If you can coordinate two servers like that that’s actually somewhat amazing… like herding cats while getting them to walk on two legs and dance gangnam style. I’m just saying that too much energy was spent in doing so, and the fact that JQ bounced back from it so strongly after the initial Friday push had a demonstrably demoralizing effect on the other two servers. Aside from a few notable groups, such as this thing called a “Choo train” (ok, I giggled at that…) last night, it seems the overall spirit of the other servers broke down fast and early.

Nobody was 2v1ing you. Everyone in a three sided fight gets 2v1’d. It is the nature of the game and there really isn’t any point to complain about it.

Yes, yes, yes, that’s been regurgitated many times. Heck, even I’ve used it. But look at the data for Friday night. We’ll call it the illusion of a double-team… the IoaDT was there as indicated by who held what where. We were down to a low point of what… 80 or so ppt during the IoaDT phase. However, people didn’t quit, go away or any of that. At our lowest point there were queues across the maps from people waiting to get in there. I credit our resurgence from Black Friday with demoralizing the other servers enough that we actually enjoy a rare weekend that we come out of with a lead. Not one Commander gave up or let his or her people give up. This isn’t universal across the servers, not yet at least. It should be.


08/02 JQ/SoR/SoS

in WvW

Posted by: covenn.7165


Yes, yes, yes, that’s been regurgitated many times. Heck, even I’ve used it. But look at the data for Friday night.

The data I have available to me is from spending the entire evening bouncing back and forth between fighting JQ and SoS. Every time we started gaining ground against one, the other would start messing with us forcing us to shift focus.

Based on my evidence and direct observations, I could rightfully claim JQ and SoS was double teaming us. Fortunately, I understand the nature of this game to realize that this most likely isn’t reality.

08/02 JQ/SoR/SoS

in WvW

Posted by: VOLKON.1290


Yes, yes, yes, that’s been regurgitated many times. Heck, even I’ve used it. But look at the data for Friday night.

The data I have available to me is from spending the entire evening bouncing back and forth between fighting JQ and SoS. Every time we started gaining ground against one, the other would start messing with us forcing us to shift focus.

Based on my evidence and direct observations, I could rightfully claim JQ and SoS was double teaming us. Fortunately, I understand the nature of this game to realize that this most likely isn’t reality.

Our glorious 80 or so ppt Friday night would tend to agree with that assessment.


08/02 JQ/SoR/SoS

in WvW

Posted by: Duskfall.1296


Get real guys, you can’t be effective 2v1 as well as be effective in wvw. If you got time to read what server is running red you can’t communicate it fast enough. If you don’t have the red=dead mentality you won’t have the reflexes to play wvw.

War Born 80 (full support) guardian.
“Choo” SoR

08/02 JQ/SoR/SoS

in WvW

Posted by: Burl.9567


Yes, yes, yes, that’s been regurgitated many times. Heck, even I’ve used it. But look at the data for Friday night.

The data I have available to me is from spending the entire evening bouncing back and forth between fighting JQ and SoS. Every time we started gaining ground against one, the other would start messing with us forcing us to shift focus.

Based on my evidence and direct observations, I could rightfully claim JQ and SoS was double teaming us. Fortunately, I understand the nature of this game to realize that this most likely isn’t reality.

Our glorious 80 or so ppt Friday night would tend to agree with that assessment.

Is someone from JQ seriously complaining about a double team? Really?!?!

08/02 JQ/SoR/SoS

in WvW

Posted by: covenn.7165


Even last night while we were holding most of the JQ BL. If we had been 2v1ing, we wouldn’t have been forced to regularly and repeatedly leave the garrison we were defending from you, to stop SoS from taking hills/bay/southern towers from us. In fact, we had to sacrifice objectives due to this several times because we were getting hit by both of you simultaneously.

Can I complain that your two servers have some conspiracy together to make it hard on SoR? Not really, it is the way the game is played and the very nature of three way fights.

Just let it go.

08/02 JQ/SoR/SoS

in WvW

Posted by: VOLKON.1290


Yes, yes, yes, that’s been regurgitated many times. Heck, even I’ve used it. But look at the data for Friday night.

The data I have available to me is from spending the entire evening bouncing back and forth between fighting JQ and SoS. Every time we started gaining ground against one, the other would start messing with us forcing us to shift focus.

Based on my evidence and direct observations, I could rightfully claim JQ and SoS was double teaming us. Fortunately, I understand the nature of this game to realize that this most likely isn’t reality.

Our glorious 80 or so ppt Friday night would tend to agree with that assessment.

Is someone from JQ seriously complaining about a double team? Really?!?!

Complaining, no. If you would be so kind as to take a moment to catch up you’ll see that.


08/02 JQ/SoR/SoS

in WvW

Posted by: covenn.7165


Our glorious 80 or so ppt Friday night would tend to agree with that assessment.

Maybe you should get some of your Euros/Oceanics to alter their play time a bit to help you out? They do an amazing job with the ppt while I am at work or asleep. Maybe they can do the same thing during NA prime time.

08/02 JQ/SoR/SoS

in WvW

Posted by: Duskfall.1296


To any SoR or BG that come to T1 and complains about JQ’s coverage:

I have a second acct on TC because I have another set of friends there that I play with.
Lets be honest, its not like T2 has equal coverage all the time. When you rotate into 4th place, I dont see you going to T2 and saying “oh we feel super bad about them waking up every morning with a 10 tick, lets not play from midnight to 6am.” TC gets up every morning, starts taking thier stuff back and fighting, and puts up a good fight all day long. With great fun attitudes on top of that. Maybe you should all take a lesson from them. And if your “night crew” that propelled you into T1 isnt good enough for T1 do something about it. Did you really think T1 wasnt gonna be harder than T2? Your tears here make me laugh because I also know what goes on in T2.

Everyone else – amazing fights all around. Its been great watching SoR grow and become the strong server they are now. To our sisters and brothers over there from JQ, I am proud of you all!

If they made the out manned buff actually worth something no one would complain at all. Heck if you got out manned and suddenly the waypoints in you keeps opened for free that would be a start! And would make things competitive a wee bit.

War Born 80 (full support) guardian.
“Choo” SoR

08/02 JQ/SoR/SoS

in WvW

Posted by: covenn.7165


Yes, yes, yes, that’s been regurgitated many times. Heck, even I’ve used it. But look at the data for Friday night.

The data I have available to me is from spending the entire evening bouncing back and forth between fighting JQ and SoS. Every time we started gaining ground against one, the other would start messing with us forcing us to shift focus.

Based on my evidence and direct observations, I could rightfully claim JQ and SoS was double teaming us. Fortunately, I understand the nature of this game to realize that this most likely isn’t reality.

Our glorious 80 or so ppt Friday night would tend to agree with that assessment.

Is someone from JQ seriously complaining about a double team? Really?!?!

I am beginning to think he is just trying to stir up some drama on the boards. I really am not quite sure I understand the complaints either.

08/02 JQ/SoR/SoS

in WvW

Posted by: Porky.5021


Yes, yes, yes, that’s been regurgitated many times. Heck, even I’ve used it. But look at the data for Friday night.

The data I have available to me is from spending the entire evening bouncing back and forth between fighting JQ and SoS. Every time we started gaining ground against one, the other would start messing with us forcing us to shift focus.

Based on my evidence and direct observations, I could rightfully claim JQ and SoS was double teaming us. Fortunately, I understand the nature of this game to realize that this most likely isn’t reality.

Oddly, based on my view, I could also claim JQ and SoR were doubleteaming us.

It’s the nature of 1v1v1’s. Every server thinks it’s being doubleteamed. Every server is being doubleteamed at some point, and it is rarely (if ever) a coordinated thing.

It just happens.

Overlord Of [NAKY]
SOS Spy Team Commander [SPY]

08/02 JQ/SoR/SoS

in WvW

Posted by: VOLKON.1290


Even last night while we were holding most of the JQ BL. If we had been 2v1ing, we wouldn’t have been forced to regularly and repeatedly leave the garrison we were defending from you, to stop SoS from taking hills/bay/southern towers from us. In fact, we had to sacrifice objectives due to this several times because we were getting hit by both of you simultaneously.

Can I complain that your two servers have some conspiracy together to make it hard on SoR? Not really, it is the way the game is played and the very nature of three way fights.

Just let it go.

Last night wasn’t Friday night last I checked. I’m talking about out-of-the-gate Friday night and our subsequent recovery, how we weren’t broken or demoralized and came back quite well from the punch in the nose, which appears to have broken the other servers will heading into the remainder of the weekend and on into the week.


08/02 JQ/SoR/SoS

in WvW

Posted by: Shiren.9532


As far as 2v1 goes, there are many times in the past (it would happen almost every, certainly several times a week) where the map in EB would be split evenly between SoS and JQ. I suspect is still happens now. It’s how EB works, when one server shows weakness, the other two attack. Your attacks are more successful because the defending server is split between two forces, it’s a better option than getting hit yourself, it’s also a better option than sitting around letting a weak server hold all its points without resistance.

The map ends up becoming evenly split because extending any further for the other server usually results in them spreading their forces too thin. Taking on the weak server is much easier than fighting the other strong server for the weak server’s tower which is closer to their spawn. It’s not happening any more now than it has in the past.

At the end of the day it matters very little. The 2v1 is rarely a consistent strategy – you won’t see the first place server get 2v1 more often or more consistently than the others, not enough to make a difference. If the 2v1 was consistent throughout the entire week against the first place server, maybe it could make a difference. Currently the first place server is decided by coverage, not the ability to defend against a 2v1, never mind a prolonged one.

08/02 JQ/SoR/SoS

in WvW

Posted by: VOLKON.1290


To any SoR or BG that come to T1 and complains about JQ’s coverage:

I have a second acct on TC because I have another set of friends there that I play with.
Lets be honest, its not like T2 has equal coverage all the time. When you rotate into 4th place, I dont see you going to T2 and saying “oh we feel super bad about them waking up every morning with a 10 tick, lets not play from midnight to 6am.” TC gets up every morning, starts taking thier stuff back and fighting, and puts up a good fight all day long. With great fun attitudes on top of that. Maybe you should all take a lesson from them. And if your “night crew” that propelled you into T1 isnt good enough for T1 do something about it. Did you really think T1 wasnt gonna be harder than T2? Your tears here make me laugh because I also know what goes on in T2.

Everyone else – amazing fights all around. Its been great watching SoR grow and become the strong server they are now. To our sisters and brothers over there from JQ, I am proud of you all!

If they made the out manned buff actually worth something no one would complain at all. Heck if you got out manned and suddenly the waypoints in you keeps opened for free that would be a start! And would make things competitive a wee bit.

Hey… that’s good. Incontestable way points when out-manned? One thing you’d have is groups map hopping to defend structures in a hurry… which would fill the maps and allow those WPs to contest… I like that. That needs to be in the suggestions forum.


08/02 JQ/SoR/SoS

in WvW

Posted by: muekung.2518


Nice guild name :P

Edit : SoS BL’s Garrison, Karma is a kitten


(edited by muekung.2518)

08/02 JQ/SoR/SoS

in WvW

Posted by: Aieo.2815


Darn you figured out our coverage gap defense force which consists of 5 members. xD

Edit: It ’s expending! How wonderful to see people interested.

Sea of Sorrows > Jade Quarry > Sea of Sorrows
Effing rallybot

(edited by Aieo.2815)

08/02 JQ/SoR/SoS

in WvW

Posted by: Renny.6571


I’d like to express my interest in joining such guild.

elite specs ruined pvp.

08/02 JQ/SoR/SoS

in WvW

Posted by: Kreen.3925


This is the kind of kids that made me transfer..

The only one being childish as far as I can see is you. Your post history makes interesting reading.

Your current server must be very pleased to have you given what a great example you set for all on the forums……

So pleased that you appear to be an exception to an otherwise SoR server population that has generally conducted itself on the forums with honour and humility and very little kitten, not to mention excellent WvW performance so far.

I fight for JQ.
Kreen – Warrior L80, Mono Lith – Guardian L80
Higgsbosun – Thief L80, Silvron – Ranger L80.

(edited by Kreen.3925)

08/02 JQ/SoR/SoS

in WvW

Posted by: covenn.7165


Even last night while we were holding most of the JQ BL. If we had been 2v1ing, we wouldn’t have been forced to regularly and repeatedly leave the garrison we were defending from you, to stop SoS from taking hills/bay/southern towers from us. In fact, we had to sacrifice objectives due to this several times because we were getting hit by both of you simultaneously.

Can I complain that your two servers have some conspiracy together to make it hard on SoR? Not really, it is the way the game is played and the very nature of three way fights.

Just let it go.

Last night wasn’t Friday night last I checked. I’m talking about out-of-the-gate Friday night and our subsequent recovery, how we weren’t broken or demoralized and came back quite well from the punch in the nose, which appears to have broken the other servers will heading into the remainder of the weekend and on into the week.

You missed the point of my statement there completely. Here is a clue: Last night was no different than reset night or any other night. Nobody is 2v1ing JQ any more than they are 2v1ing SoR or SoS.

08/02 JQ/SoR/SoS

in WvW

Posted by: Kreen.3925


Last night fights were intense. Ran with Tsym into JQ’s bay and I believe we must of cleared 300 man super zerg JQ with a 25 man team. My computer runs rather well so I can see everything and we cleared 3 massive waves only to see another massive culling hiding wave of JQ on the other side on the retreat. We pull back a bit and charged back out and I cleared another 100+ of them, only until our commander was swarmed that we had to fall back.
The zerg JQ brings is insane, took us two tries to wipe out the JQ super zerg. They bought enough people to build 3 trebs, 7 catapults, 5~ ballistas, 6 arrow carts in 1 go to attack our T3 tower. Later they had 7 balliatas, and 5 trebs at the temple of storms trying to take out our keep door.

Great fights all around, thx for the bags.

OMG there was like 400 of them!

I know Wotah, the game is up, our secret is out. We hacked the game to give JQ 400 bind spots per map…….

I would love to hear the intel calls this chap gives on Tsym VOIP, counting doesn’t seem to be his strong point.

I fight for JQ.
Kreen – Warrior L80, Mono Lith – Guardian L80
Higgsbosun – Thief L80, Silvron – Ranger L80.

08/02 JQ/SoR/SoS

in WvW

Posted by: viperior.2461


I am still out of arrow carts, please help me!! I am accepting donations, even if you are on Jade Quarry or SoS. You can still drop them. Thanks <3


Knight Of Flowers – Caedas Guild [CDS] – Sanctum of Rall – Healing Warrior Monk
~The kind of Norn who one-shots his coffee before it even cools down.~
http://caedas.enjin.com ~ http://youtube.com/viperior