Feb 1st - BG/TC/FA
Have to say that guild KnT on Black Gate is one of the most disrespectful guilds I’ve ever seen.
For doing what exactly?
just one quick question… sor owned 500+ppt most of the time when they were in t2. BG has not yet achieved that this week. is that mean sor is now much more stronger than bg?
Who knows? I know SoR didn/t beat BG for like 8 or 9 weeks……cant remember it was so long and when SoR held its 500+ppt wasn’t that going against SBI? Probably not going to find out for months now when SoR drops to T5,6,7,8 and BG jumps to T1 from crushing an easy tier like SoR did to get to T1
just one quick question… sor owned 500+ppt most of the time when they were in t2. BG has not yet achieved that this week. is that mean sor is now much more stronger than bg?
That was a 1v1, so you really can’t draw much based purely on ppt.
He mean 1v1 because everyone from SBI just went to SoR, leaving SBI a dead server on the match. But I won’t say SoR is weak… It’s holding very well against the old T1 servers, maybe even better than we did.
WvW Rank 3800 (Platinum Veteran) – PvP Rank 69 (Shark) – 25,9k Achievment Points
Mërcenaries [Sold] – Ferguson’s Crossing
Have to say that guild KnT on Black Gate is one of the most disrespectful guilds I’ve ever seen.
KnT seem like upstanding people and I haven’t seen anything to the contrary. In fact they might be too upstanding.
[DIS] had lots of fun tonight on BG BL tonight! /salute to [RET] for their feedbacks. I’m headed to bed but go TC!
[DIS] had lots of fun tonight on BG BL tonight! /salute to [RET] for their feedbacks. I’m headed to bed but go TC!
Yeah GFs [DIS]
What the heck were you doing at the inner wall of Hills? We watched you guys pace back and forth for 5 minutes inside the inner wall before we decided we should probably turn fraps off
On another note:
We tried to queue RET into FABL, but we think it was bugged. We got in there… there was basically nobody around. We found maybe 10 people total, and when we queued RET up, thinking we’d get at least half—we got 5.
So unless they was in the JP or something, there was something screwy with the queues today.
Character name: Azilyi
Pahaha BG back to tier 2. Have fun.
[DIS] had lots of fun tonight on BG BL tonight! /salute to [RET] for their feedbacks. I’m headed to bed but go TC!
Yeah GFs [DIS]
What the heck were you doing at the inner wall of Hills? We watched you guys pace back and forth for 5 minutes inside the inner wall before we decided we should probably turn fraps off
On another note:
We tried to queue RET into FABL, but we think it was bugged. We got in there… there was basically nobody around. We found maybe 10 people total, and when we queued RET up, thinking we’d get at least half—we got 5.
So unless they was in the JP or something, there was something screwy with the queues today.
We were waiting for the other commander to bring backup and supply and just trying to stay out of range of your siege. The other commander became preoccupied with BG though so we decided to wipe them out of bay.
FA NA crew needs work. There I said it.
[DIS] had lots of fun tonight on BG BL tonight! /salute to [RET] for their feedbacks. I’m headed to bed but go TC!
Yeah GFs [DIS]
What the heck were you doing at the inner wall of Hills? We watched you guys pace back and forth for 5 minutes inside the inner wall before we decided we should probably turn fraps off
On another note:
We tried to queue RET into FABL, but we think it was bugged. We got in there… there was basically nobody around. We found maybe 10 people total, and when we queued RET up, thinking we’d get at least half—we got 5.
So unless they was in the JP or something, there was something screwy with the queues today.
Yeah, I had been queued for FABL for an hour tonight when I decided to switch to TCBL. Got into TC really fast. I think something was up with that map.
Aurelia Celeste – 80 Mesmer
Hats off in FA BL tonight, great fights all around from FA and TC, really had us on our toes! I dont know Zen about this disrespectful stuff from KnT thats not our style my man. We play hard, bring the pain and …yes every once in a while we will do some open field dancing! yup sure enough, we have done that before right in the middle of running a zerg..lol. Had a great time though guys! Loving the open field fights. Cheers!
Frozen Man Lvl 80 Guardian (JINX-BG)
Frozen Moo Juice Lvl 80 Warrior (JINX-BG)
Great fights for my engi in FA BL and BG BL tonight. I tried to wave and salute to the many worthy opponents. I’m the blonde Norn with the blue stripe on his face. I’m totally serious that this has been a great match. /salute.
[DIS] and [TTC]
Tarnished Coast
Dear [RUN], please stop killing me, as I am sure your bags are so full of loot from my dead corpse you have to keep selling I am merely trying to make tryst with my secret Blackgate Bad Boy – alas, he had up and run off with some Asura by the time I made it to our rendezvous! I don’t blame you, [RUN]. I blame that little asuran she-devil who has most certainly stolen my BBB’s heart, your stake on my heart was just icing on the cake.
Public Relations/Inter-Guild Relations Officer
Tarnished Coast
…I swear I never looked at Juggernauts that way before…
“Worshipping nonsense and imagination” — Hayden Herrera (paraphrased)
just one quick question… sor owned 500+ppt most of the time when they were in t2. BG has not yet achieved that this week. is that mean sor is now much more stronger than bg?
It means that BG isn’t sitting on top of a tiny server’s land.
just one quick question… sor owned 500+ppt most of the time when they were in t2. BG has not yet achieved that this week. is that mean sor is now much more stronger than bg?
That was a 1v1, so you really can’t draw much based purely on ppt.
He mean 1v1 because everyone from SBI just went to SoR, leaving SBI a dead server on the match. But I won’t say SoR is weak… It’s holding very well against the old T1 servers, maybe even better than we did.
understand that. but I just have a feeling we are not as strong as before. Maybe it is just my timezone. We used to hold 400+ even 600ppt against sor and tc during oceanic. we could hardly get 400 now despite we had some great guilds joining us. Just my feeling, I have not yet observed much improvement from guilds after going to T1. We are supposed to learn from T1, they have great tactics and strategy that we could implement. I notice some guilds are doing open field fight i am glad to see that as we really need this at the moment. but other than that i feel like i am running as a mediocre zerg tho i am in a wvw guild myself.
Both TC and FA have grown in size, so BG isn’t having as easy of a match-up as when it was BG/SoR/IoJ or BG/SoR/TC. BG isn’t weaker, the opponents are just stronger. That’s literally all it is.
Men of Science [MoS] – Tarnished Coast
(edited by Kerithlan.1659)
I also thought the FA NA crew tonight did a nice job using the timer to their advantage. You all were consistently able to flip camps just in time to get the points and for us to not have enough time to flip them back. When the scores are separates by 5-10 points its great tactics like this which make a big difference. Nice job, FA bad boys!
Public Relations/Inter-Guild Relations Officer
Tarnished Coast
This has definitely been a fun match-up. Props to FA and BG for a lot of great battles.
go tc!
just one quick question… sor owned 500+ppt most of the time when they were in t2. BG has not yet achieved that this week. is that mean sor is now much more stronger than bg?
It means that BG isn’t sitting on top of a tiny server’s land.
just one quick question… sor owned 500+ppt most of the time when they were in t2. BG has not yet achieved that this week. is that mean sor is now much more stronger than bg?
That was a 1v1, so you really can’t draw much based purely on ppt.
He mean 1v1 because everyone from SBI just went to SoR, leaving SBI a dead server on the match. But I won’t say SoR is weak… It’s holding very well against the old T1 servers, maybe even better than we did.
understand that. but I just have a feeling we are not as strong as before. Maybe it is just my timezone. We used to hold 400+ even 600ppt against sor and tc during oceanic. we could hardly get 400 now despite we had some great guilds joining us. Just my feeling, I have not yet observed much improvement from guilds after going to T1. We are supposed to learn from T1, they have great tactics and strategy that we could implement. I notice some guilds are doing open field fight i am glad to see that as we really need this at the moment. but other than that i feel like i am running as a mediocre zerg tho i am in a wvw guild myself.
Both TC and FA have grown in size, so BG isn’t having as easy of a match-up as when it was BG/SoR/IoJ or BG/SoR/TC. BG isn’t weaker, the opponents are just stronger. That’s literally all it is.
Just because there isn’t a total points blowout, it doesn’t reflect on how BG is performing. Rather, it reflects on the other two servers, and does so in a positive light.
I’ve thoroughly enjoyed duking it out with you guys so far this week. Although we can all agree there are some major areas that require attention and improvement in WvW, I know that for the most part I can log at the end of the night and feel like I had fun – you need quality opposition to make that happen in my book. /tiphat
PS: You guys in FA who were running skirmish up and down in EB last night (AUS/NZ time) between SM and your Overlook – you really didn’t have to treb with cows and set up ballistae there. It made getting in range to blow you up with a kill shot much more tenuous. Cheers for the fun guys, and keep it coming!
Hydro. Did you forget to latch the gate again? You know how confused he gets …. Last time he wandered off we found him sitting cross-legged and naked with the centaurs. I think it’s happened again …..
Not quite, but he was on his way out there when we found him…
Hats off in FA BL tonight, great fights all around from FA and TC, really had us on our toes! I dont know Zen about this disrespectful stuff from KnT thats not our style my man. We play hard, bring the pain and …yes every once in a while we will do some open field dancing! yup sure enough, we have done that before right in the middle of running a zerg..lol. Had a great time though guys! Loving the open field fights. Cheers!
I’ve never had a problem with KnT, besides them rick rolling me on the battlefield. They are a tough crew that is for sure. I do silly kitten all the time and it is never to disrespect my opponent, I figure if they are laying there why not entertain them, or sometimes my emotes/tonics have nothing to do with them I could be trying to entertain my realm mates.
Had some pretty good fights in BG BL tonight. Fights ranging from 4v10 underwater fights, 5 on 5 guardians vs thieves, and us waiting patiently as TC failed to take Hills from FA. It took us quite a few hours (and about 4 trebs) to take Bay from TC. Eventually we pushed through though!
http://www.youtube.com/user/Syk0Jester/videos || http://www.twitch.tv/teamriottv
[DIS] had lots of fun tonight on BG BL tonight! /salute to [RET] for their feedbacks. I’m headed to bed but go TC!
Yeah GFs [DIS]
What the heck were you doing at the inner wall of Hills? We watched you guys pace back and forth for 5 minutes inside the inner wall before we decided we should probably turn fraps off
On another note:
We tried to queue RET into FABL, but we think it was bugged. We got in there… there was basically nobody around. We found maybe 10 people total, and when we queued RET up, thinking we’d get at least half—we got 5.
So unless they was in the JP or something, there was something screwy with the queues today.
Hahaha I knew we were gonna get a forum post about that.
And yeah, the queues have been extra ridiculous lately. On Friday I waited 4 hours and still didn’t get in. Today I got in but only after 2 hours of waiting -_-
Didn’t run into any queues today, even for EB; I heard people were waiting like 2 hours around the same time though.
Ey, where them Dolyaks at!? I heard there was a parade or something nomsayin.
Had some great battles today. Thanks FA and BG for the fun.
Blahblahblah, scores update:
That smile….just scares me :O.
Yeeeeeah…..same. ._.
Agreed. Creepster smile.
Also, all this Gary Busey talk – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d2MkrCzPVPc.
Ok just wanted to say great fight tonight from BG and TC. Not sure why but I have a feeling of being double teamed… hmm… Well actually TC seem really afraid of BG for some reason or they are just fighting for second place. BG seems to be afraid of us now and don’t push TC BL anymore or is it just me? Well to be honest Bay is a lot easier to take than Hills. So it might be just a coincidence. Well was still a lot of fun tonight fighting on both fronts keep it up! Hope to see you guys on Battlefield again!
Commander Elite Slasher [PRO]
Hats off in FA BL tonight, great fights all around from FA and TC, really had us on our toes! I dont know Zen about this disrespectful stuff from KnT thats not our style my man. We play hard, bring the pain and …yes every once in a while we will do some open field dancing! yup sure enough, we have done that before right in the middle of running a zerg..lol. Had a great time though guys! Loving the open field fights. Cheers!
The only problems PD has had with KnT is having to respawn shortly after meeting with you. No disrespect that I have seen.
Purple Dragons – Fort Aspenwood
We need to have one, epic, climactic battle…
in the middle lake of any of our respective BLs.
Underwater combat is so much!
Nice to read a fun, hilarious, good natured WvW Forum Thread without all the usual crap that goes with it.
“Which Lo Pan? Little ol’ basket case on wheels, or the ten-foot-tall roadblock?!”
-Kurt Russell, Big Trouble in Little China
PPT is not everything but it reflects how we are capable to perform better than before. I expected us to have some skill improvement after T1 like strategy, scouting, flipping camp, points before ticking, siege placement etc. I’ve seen JQ and SOS did perfectly on those I wish our commanders could do the same. I’ve seen us fighting in the same old way tried and tried and refused to do something fresh and eventually just switched map to avoid the zerg. This week, I don’t see anything new, not yet maybe but I am still hoping for.
It doesn’t matter if TC is stronger than before or FA is a more competitive opponent than SOR. If the other servers have advanced, why couldn’t BG? The idea is it should be parallel, at least. So TC and FA are stronger, that’s why we have smaller gap of ppt. But what if BG had moved up a few levels as well? Will it still be the same? just my two cents.
That’s just it. We have improved. I am noticing some much better organization from ALL of the guilds. Many of them have started really learning from each other by creating specific roles and builds to compliment the entire zerg.
Here is the facts though. SoR was vsing TC and SBI. SBI is a dead server. So SoR, with there new and improved night crew, completely stomped TC (who has NO night crew) into the ground.
We are fighting FA and TC right now. TC did get some transfers but that’s not a big deal. The huge difference in this match up is that FA received 90% of the IoJ night crew, if not all of them. IoJ was ridiculous in the oceanic timezone. FA has always been pretty good in NA prime time, so adding a night crew makes them a force.
This means our night crew isn’t able to reach the 600 PPT it did last time we were matched up against SoR and TC (both didn’t have any night crews). And by the time we logged in, all our keeps, along with some enemy ones, were fully upgraded. So it was a matter of holding as much as you can.
Lightdivinity – Level 80 Bunker Elementalist
Reshaos – Level 80 Power Necromancer
Do FA WvW players solely role mesmer’s
Playing tonight on BGBL I think we fought about 3 5mans made up of confusion mesmers all at different location in about 5 mins and no it wasn’t the same group and maybe there were afew other classes but really 15 stacks of confusion in about 2 secs
I think they were from AVTR, annoying little buggers :P
thx for the great fights, had a blast
Good fights in TC borderland last night vs LotD. Looking forward to more.
Had some pretty good fights in BG BL tonight. Fights ranging from 4v10 underwater fights, 5 on 5 guardians vs thieves, and us waiting patiently as TC failed to take Hills from FA. It took us quite a few hours (and about 4 trebs) to take Bay from TC. Eventually we pushed through though!
Hot pizza
Friend Gismor – 80 Revenant
“Always outnumbered, never outgunned.”
PPT is not everything but it reflects how we are capable to perform better than before. I expected us to have some skill improvement after T1 like strategy, scouting, flipping camp, points before ticking, siege placement etc. I’ve seen JQ and SOS did perfectly on those I wish our commanders could do the same. I’ve seen us fighting in the same old way tried and tried and refused to do something fresh and eventually just switched map to avoid the zerg. This week, I don’t see anything new, not yet maybe but I am still hoping for.
It doesn’t matter if TC is stronger than before or FA is a more competitive opponent than SOR. If the other servers have advanced, why couldn’t BG? The idea is it should be parallel, at least. So TC and FA are stronger, that’s why we have smaller gap of ppt. But what if BG had moved up a few levels as well? Will it still be the same? just my two cents.
That’s just it. We have improved. I am noticing some much better organization from ALL of the guilds. Many of them have started really learning from each other by creating specific roles and builds to compliment the entire zerg.
Here is the facts though. SoR was vsing TC and SBI. SBI is a dead server. So SoR, with there new and improved night crew, completely stomped TC (who has NO night crew) into the ground.
We are fighting FA and TC right now. TC did get some transfers but that’s not a big deal. The huge difference in this match up is that FA received 90% of the IoJ night crew, if not all of them. IoJ was ridiculous in the oceanic timezone. FA has always been pretty good in NA prime time, so adding a night crew makes them a force.
This means our night crew isn’t able to reach the 600 PPT it did last time we were matched up against SoR and TC (both didn’t have any night crews). And by the time we logged in, all our keeps, along with some enemy ones, were fully upgraded. So it was a matter of holding as much as you can.
Ok just wanted to say great fight tonight from BG and TC. Not sure why but I have a feeling of being double teamed… hmm… Well actually TC seem really afraid of BG for some reason or they are just fighting for second place. BG seems to be afraid of us now and don’t push TC BL anymore or is it just me? Well to be honest Bay is a lot easier to take than Hills. So it might be just a coincidence
. Well was still a lot of fun tonight fighting on both fronts keep it up! Hope to see you guys on Battlefield again!
It all comes down to who can exploit a gap in coverage and hold it. At first BG and FA were focusing on TC because we had a bit of a gap in our coverage that let you guys take your keeps and hold / upgrade them. Eventually we managed to push you out and both TC and BG found a big random gap in FA’s coverage that let us establish waypoints in your borderland – and that makes those easy to hold and a priority. This game is really only about coverage sometimes.
If we could find a gap in BG’s coverage and do the same I am sure we would, but that hasn’t happened – and we have tried, trust me. The problem comes from the fact that without orbs, we have no real reason for the 2 attacking forces in the BL’s to attack eachother – except to try and backdoor the defenders and get an easy cap for points. I really hope they bring orbs back soon in some sort of way to give motivation to those 2 attacking servers to go after eachother more instead of just dogpiling. But there have been some great fights, and lots of FA have really been stepping up and converting many of my server mates into loot bags. This has been a really good match.
With much anticipation, I present for your viewing pleasure—the most heavily anticipated matchup of this week:
iCoa vs. RET in the most Serious of battles yet seen in this tier. I must warn you that the images you see here have been unedited, and viewer discretion is advised:
Character name: Azilyi
(edited by KrazyFlyinChicken.5936)
That’s just it. We have improved. I am noticing some much better organization from ALL of the guilds. Many of them have started really learning from each other by creating specific roles and builds to compliment the entire zerg.
Here is the facts though. SoR was vsing TC and SBI. SBI is a dead server. So SoR, with there new and improved night crew, completely stomped TC (who has NO night crew) into the ground.
We are fighting FA and TC right now. TC did get some transfers but that’s not a big deal. The huge difference in this match up is that FA received 90% of the IoJ night crew, if not all of them. IoJ was ridiculous in the oceanic timezone. FA has always been pretty good in NA prime time, so adding a night crew makes them a force.
This means our night crew isn’t able to reach the 600 PPT it did last time we were matched up against SoR and TC (both didn’t have any night crews). And by the time we logged in, all our keeps, along with some enemy ones, were fully upgraded. So it was a matter of holding as much as you can.
I don’t agree with that. better organization? really? you lost your garrison, just. without anyone noticing i bet. it happened before, and it is still happening now.
Expecting us to never lose a tower/keep is unrealistic expectations, especially considering the dynamics of your opponents. We aren’t the only ones who can improve, other servers can too.
Anyways, you obviously have your mind completely set on this notion so any discussion to convince you otherwise is futile and a waste of time. So, this will end here.
Anyways, score update please? I like to keep track of the scores throughout the day to see how our crew is doing in each timezone.
Lightdivinity – Level 80 Bunker Elementalist
Reshaos – Level 80 Power Necromancer
Score update please!
That’s just it. We have improved. I am noticing some much better organization from ALL of the guilds. Many of them have started really learning from each other by creating specific roles and builds to compliment the entire zerg.
Here is the facts though. SoR was vsing TC and SBI. SBI is a dead server. So SoR, with there new and improved night crew, completely stomped TC (who has NO night crew) into the ground.
We are fighting FA and TC right now. TC did get some transfers but that’s not a big deal. The huge difference in this match up is that FA received 90% of the IoJ night crew, if not all of them. IoJ was ridiculous in the oceanic timezone. FA has always been pretty good in NA prime time, so adding a night crew makes them a force.
This means our night crew isn’t able to reach the 600 PPT it did last time we were matched up against SoR and TC (both didn’t have any night crews). And by the time we logged in, all our keeps, along with some enemy ones, were fully upgraded. So it was a matter of holding as much as you can.
I don’t agree with that. better organization? really? you lost your garrison, just. without anyone noticing i bet. it happened before, and it is still happening now.
Expecting us to never lose a tower/keep is unrealistic expectations, especially considering the dynamics of your opponents. We aren’t the only ones who can improve, other servers can too.
Anyways, you obviously have your mind completely set on this notion so any discussion to convince you otherwise is futile and a waste of time. So, this will end here.
Anyways, score update please
? I like to keep track of the scores throughout the day to see how our crew is doing in each timezone.
Will end. Just want you to know, try to accept others opinions and don’t shut your door tight. Being content with current situation never get you further.
I did mention TC and FA are stronger. They improved and are improving. They have upgoing learning curve but BG’s just seems to be flat. I assume you understand the word parallel. I understand what you’re trying to say. But please just chill and think from every angle.
How can you possibly say our learning curve is flat, you’ve played us for one week. Lets have this discussion after 8 weeks of play hmm? You don’t have the slightest frame of reference here to form an opinion.
You cannot compare SORs point gap with BGs in tier 2 because they were fighting one opponent, and neither opponent had oceanic coverage, FA does.
You are trying to make conclusions based on unreliable facts. Just like I can’t say how much FA has improved since last week. I do know, its been fun playing against two servers put together (Isle of Aspenwood), plus TC.
Score update please!
As you wish!
That’s just it. We have improved. I am noticing some much better organization from ALL of the guilds. Many of them have started really learning from each other by creating specific roles and builds to compliment the entire zerg.
Here is the facts though. SoR was vsing TC and SBI. SBI is a dead server. So SoR, with there new and improved night crew, completely stomped TC (who has NO night crew) into the ground.
We are fighting FA and TC right now. TC did get some transfers but that’s not a big deal. The huge difference in this match up is that FA received 90% of the IoJ night crew, if not all of them. IoJ was ridiculous in the oceanic timezone. FA has always been pretty good in NA prime time, so adding a night crew makes them a force.
This means our night crew isn’t able to reach the 600 PPT it did last time we were matched up against SoR and TC (both didn’t have any night crews). And by the time we logged in, all our keeps, along with some enemy ones, were fully upgraded. So it was a matter of holding as much as you can.
I don’t agree with that. better organization? really? you lost your garrison, just. without anyone noticing i bet. it happened before, and it is still happening now.
Expecting us to never lose a tower/keep is unrealistic expectations, especially considering the dynamics of your opponents. We aren’t the only ones who can improve, other servers can too.
Anyways, you obviously have your mind completely set on this notion so any discussion to convince you otherwise is futile and a waste of time. So, this will end here.
Anyways, score update please
? I like to keep track of the scores throughout the day to see how our crew is doing in each timezone.
Will end. Just want you to know, try to accept others opinions and don’t shut your door tight. Being content with current situation never get you further.
I did mention TC and FA are stronger. They improved and are improving. They have upgoing learning curve but BG’s just seems to be flat. I assume you understand the word parallel. I understand what you’re trying to say. But please just chill and think from every angle.How can you possibly say our learning curve is flat, you’ve played us for one week. Lets have this discussion after 8 weeks of play hmm? You don’t have the slightest frame of reference here to form an opinion.
You cannot compare SORs point gap with BGs in tier 2 because they were fighting one opponent, and neither opponent had oceanic coverage, FA does.
You are trying to make conclusions based on unreliable facts. Just like I can’t say how much FA has improved since last week. I do know, its been fun playing against two servers put together (Isle of Aspenwood), plus TC.
I believe all three of you who are arguing are from BG.
With much anticipation, I present for your viewing pleasure—the most heavily anticipated matchup of this week:
iCoa vs. RET in the most Serious of battles yet seen in this tier. I must warn you that the images you see here have been unedited, and viewer discretion is advised:
Hey, we had a nice fight in that same place! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dX86PH7tD6U
http://www.youtube.com/user/Syk0Jester/videos || http://www.twitch.tv/teamriottv
Who will come in 2nd place this week? I am rooting for TC.
Beast mode
Anyways, score update please
? I like to keep track of the scores throughout the day to see how our crew is doing in each timezone.
i think you mean nudity/gary busey update.
Anyways, score update please
? I like to keep track of the scores throughout the day to see how our crew is doing in each timezone.
i think you mean nudity/gary busey update.
I hope that these two ideas never combine.
Men of Science [MoS] – Tarnished Coast
Anyways, score update please
? I like to keep track of the scores throughout the day to see how our crew is doing in each timezone.
i think you mean nudity/gary busey update.
I hope that these two ideas never combine.
They did sadly. Hydro let him get out of the gate again and he wandered over by the skritt waving his arms and shedding clothes.
It’s worse than any BG or FA zerg trying to wrestle him back into his clothes.
That’s just it. We have improved. I am noticing some much better organization from ALL of the guilds. Many of them have started really learning from each other by creating specific roles and builds to compliment the entire zerg.
Here is the facts though. SoR was vsing TC and SBI. SBI is a dead server. So SoR, with there new and improved night crew, completely stomped TC (who has NO night crew) into the ground.
We are fighting FA and TC right now. TC did get some transfers but that’s not a big deal. The huge difference in this match up is that FA received 90% of the IoJ night crew, if not all of them. IoJ was ridiculous in the oceanic timezone. FA has always been pretty good in NA prime time, so adding a night crew makes them a force.
This means our night crew isn’t able to reach the 600 PPT it did last time we were matched up against SoR and TC (both didn’t have any night crews). And by the time we logged in, all our keeps, along with some enemy ones, were fully upgraded. So it was a matter of holding as much as you can.
I don’t agree with that. better organization? really? you lost your garrison, just. without anyone noticing i bet. it happened before, and it is still happening now.
Expecting us to never lose a tower/keep is unrealistic expectations, especially considering the dynamics of your opponents. We aren’t the only ones who can improve, other servers can too.
Anyways, you obviously have your mind completely set on this notion so any discussion to convince you otherwise is futile and a waste of time. So, this will end here.
Anyways, score update please
? I like to keep track of the scores throughout the day to see how our crew is doing in each timezone.
Will end. Just want you to know, try to accept others opinions and don’t shut your door tight. Being content with current situation never get you further.
I did mention TC and FA are stronger. They improved and are improving. They have upgoing learning curve but BG’s just seems to be flat. I assume you understand the word parallel. I understand what you’re trying to say. But please just chill and think from every angle.How can you possibly say our learning curve is flat, you’ve played us for one week. Lets have this discussion after 8 weeks of play hmm? You don’t have the slightest frame of reference here to form an opinion.
You cannot compare SORs point gap with BGs in tier 2 because they were fighting one opponent, and neither opponent had oceanic coverage, FA does.
You are trying to make conclusions based on unreliable facts. Just like I can’t say how much FA has improved since last week. I do know, its been fun playing against two servers put together (Isle of Aspenwood), plus TC.
I believe all three of you who are arguing are from BG.
Person 1: My server is better than your server!
Person 2: No, MY server is better than YOUR server!
Person 3: Oh yeah, well Blackgate is better than all of your servers!
Person 1 and 2: Wait, I’m on Blackgate.
Server Traversing Nomad
(edited by Ardon.4105)