Beast mode
Feb 1st - BG/TC/FA
Ahoy BG, ye scurvy dogs!
There be plenty o’ plunder in ye bay.
Tarnished Coast [TC]
That be alot of booty ya got there! Now shake it!
That be alot of booty ya got there! Now shake it!
I almost spit out water on my notebook while readin this…
Tee See
Ahoy BG, ye scurvy dogs!
There be plenty o’ plunder in ye bay.
Mind me asking what armor that is?
Ahoy BG, ye scurvy dogs!
There be plenty o’ plunder in ye bay.
Mind me asking what armor that is?
Booty temple armor.
You beat this Risen Priest of Booty who has a big fat booty to boot your boots into and then this karma merchant spawns that sells this bootiful armor.
The temple itself is hidden and widely unknown. However, it is open almost all the time on TC, since we enjoy booting booties.
Tee See
Ahoy BG, ye scurvy dogs!
There be plenty o’ plunder in ye bay.
Mind me asking what armor that is?
Booty temple armor.
You beat this Risen Priest of Booty who has a big fat booty to boot your boots into and then this karma merchant spawns that sells this bootiful armor.
The temple itself is hidden and widely unknown. However, it is open almost all the time on TC, since we enjoy booting booties.
- quietly takes away Phani’s caffeine.
Ahoy BG, ye scurvy dogs!
There be plenty o’ plunder in ye bay.
Mind me asking what armor that is?
Booty temple armor.
You beat this Risen Priest of Booty who has a big fat booty to boot your boots into and then this karma merchant spawns that sells this bootiful armor.
The temple itself is hidden and widely unknown. However, it is open almost all the time on TC, since we enjoy booting booties.
- quietly takes away Phani’s caffeine.
awww c’mon now! Why can’t men have a little bit of fun?!
Tee See
Ahoy BG, ye scurvy dogs!
There be plenty o’ plunder in ye bay.
Mind me asking what armor that is?
Primevil ‘wit Pit Fighter’s Shoulders
Tarnished Coast [TC]
Ahoy BG, ye scurvy dogs!
There be plenty o’ plunder in ye bay.
Mind me asking what armor that is?
Primevil ‘wit Pit Fighter’s Shoulders
Darnit, I was close! Like … this close!
Tee See
You’re lucky then, a large part of KnT is actually ‘special ed’ in pve.
The last time we went to Orr on a mithril and lumber gathering mission to stock up the vault for making siege, we also went to a temple to get armour and slaughtered everything (that part actually we’re good at) and at least 3/4 of us where running around aimlessly after it, looking for loot bags.
KnT Blackgate
You’re lucky then, a large part of KnT is actually ‘special ed’ in pve.
The last time we went to Orr on a mithril and lumber gathering mission to stock up the vault for making siege, we also went to a temple to get armour and slaughtered everything (that part actually we’re good at) and at least 3/4 of us where running around aimlessly after it, looking for loot bags.
If you guys need mithril and elder wood logs… you could just ask me. I’m forced to craft my mithril ingots into stuff just to save space.
Great fights inside of EB tonight, sneaky BG trying to come in behind us at Ogrewatch we taught them not to do that though
my loot bag rate is terrible or I would have had screens haha 25+ kills 0 bags = proest thing ever hee hee
Loving TC member
No Tears
Just Dreams
(edited by Dontcare Aboutnames.9284)
If you guys need mithril and elder wood logs… you could just ask me. I’m forced to craft my mithril ingots into stuff just to save space.
Disturbance….somewhere…..there is a disturbance…I feel it…
Lightdivinity – Level 80 Bunker Elementalist
Reshaos – Level 80 Power Necromancer
If you guys need mithril and elder wood logs… you could just ask me. I’m forced to craft my mithril ingots into stuff just to save space.
Disturbance….somewhere…..there is a disturbance…I feel it…
A little break from the game and a visit to the loo might help you with that
Looks at Jayne running towards him, and hides his caffeine :P
Tee See
(edited by phaneo.4597)
If you guys need mithril and elder wood logs… you could just ask me. I’m forced to craft my mithril ingots into stuff just to save space.
Disturbance….somewhere…..there is a disturbance…I feel it…
I’m in the same situation. I have 250 mithril ingots and 250 mithril ore stocked up because I salvage yellows so often. If I wasn’t crafting myself weapons I’d probably not be salvaging as often as I do and probably wouldn’t be sitting on as much mithril as I am. It’s at the point where I don’t even bother with mithril nodes.
I guess the lesson here is that salvaging is awesome and I love this month’s monthly.
Edit: actually I take that back, I forgot I spent my ore crafting random level 80 rare armor pieces to salvage (delicious ectos).
Men of Science [MoS] – Tarnished Coast
(edited by Kerithlan.1659)
Coo, quaggan bring you score update, at 0532AM GMT/1232AM EST/2132PM PST, with map from heavily-defended, fully upgraded Bluewater supply camp! Quaggan collect many loot bags… Quaggan is king of the camp, foo!
TC turning up the heat! For the Coast!
I’ve been thinking this thread has been civil, funny, friendly, goofy and all that until now.
Should Anet put a tag line on top of every page of every thread in WvW section asking to not post any exploits/hacks in here, but instead report them to Anet directly and also in an unofficial way, we’ve been reminding each other to contact the guild officer directly without posting stuff in here so it can be sorted out in a more mature manner.
Painting an entire guild or an entire server as hackers/exploiters due to a kitten video with zero proof of so called “glitching” … hmmm.. lemme see the guild tags of 2 ppl posting about glitches. Sounds suspicious and there’ve been videos of these guys floating around as well. See where I’m going?
It’s easier to start a flaming war here than dealing with things in a more mature manner, which in fact would be a lot better for everyone and have a healthy competition. First of all, any mention of such activities in here only spoils the mood for everyone; second, actions of one or a few players are in no way representing the whole server or the guild in question itself.
Not only are you forcing the thread to be moderated/closed but you’re also
- spoiling the mood for every player involved in the matchup
- tainting the name of the guild or server in question
- making yourself look like a “kitten”. Nope its not censored, I did type the word K I T T E N, referring to cats.
I saw another guy post “oh its so uncomfortable for us wvwers”… we didn’t get where we are without ever WvWing, we wouldn’t be in T2. It’s equally uncomfortable to us when an entire guild or a server is painted black due to actions/words of a few while there’s zero evidence and is handled in a poor manner.
Tee See
Refer to this post made by a gentleman who handled this in a very decent manner:
I’m not sure which server he’s from and I don’t care. I also don’t know or care about what exactly happened as long as it has been dealt with in a more proper manner.
All I’d say is we’re in T2, let’s act a bit more responsibly than actually be called “hack/whine tiers” rather than “top tiers”.
Tee See
(edited by phaneo.4597)
Can a representative of the guild RIOT contact me please.
Poor dolyak! Here’s some beef without any dolyak suffering involved .
Get of Fenris [GoF] on Blackgate
Time for some scores!
You are a monster. A MONSTER I SAY!
That poor hard working dolyak =(
Edit: I have to agree, Vatara this is not the place for this. Get in contact with the Guild Leader and resolve this civily, outside of the forums. As we have seen in the past nothing good comes out of posting this in the forums over taking this directly to the leaders of said parties.
(edited by GekoHayate.2451)
I’ve been thinking this thread has been civil, funny, friendly, goofy and all that until now.
Should Anet put a tag line on top of every page of every thread in WvW section asking to not post any exploits/hacks in here, but instead report them to Anet directly and also in an unofficial way, we’ve been reminding each other to contact the guild officer directly without posting stuff in here so it can be sorted out in a more mature manner.
Painting an entire guild or an entire server as hackers/exploiters due to a kitten video with zero proof of so called “glitching” … hmmm.. lemme see the guild tags of 2 ppl posting about glitches. Sounds suspicious and there’ve been videos of these guys floating around as well. See where I’m going?
It’s easier to start a flaming war here than dealing with things in a more mature manner, which in fact would be a lot better for everyone and have a healthy competition. First of all, any mention of such activities in here only spoils the mood for everyone; second, actions of one or a few players are in no way representing the whole server or the guild in question itself.
Not only are you forcing the thread to be moderated/closed but you’re also
- spoiling the mood for every player involved in the matchup
- tainting the name of the guild or server in question
- making yourself look like a “kitten”. Nope its not censored, I did type the word K I T T E N, referring to cats.I saw another guy post “oh its so uncomfortable for us wvwers”… we didn’t get where we are without ever WvWing, we wouldn’t be in T2. It’s equally uncomfortable to us when an entire guild or a server is painted black due to actions/words of a few while there’s zero evidence and is handled in a poor manner.
Miss-directions don’t help with what you’re trying to say.
What former members of the guild I represent now did is on them, and it has been long since dealt with. I had nothing bad to say about TC as a whole nor did I have anything bad to say about TSP as a whole.
I simply provided a video that shows members belonging to a guild inside the inner walls of a 100% Walled/Gated Garrison with no sign of contested swords on the map which proves being behind the walls by other means. Their Leader can do whatever he sees fit, it was a call for awareness toward those individuals to get them to stop what they were doing and nothing more.
Being a member of a guild that is unfairly judged for the actions of a couple I can understand how members of TSP might feel with this news. I would want to have the situation brought to light and resolved publicly to discourage anyone else who might consider attempting such actions again.
Probably that one D/D Elementalist
I would want to have the situation brought to light and resolved publicly to discourage anyone else who might consider attempting such actions again.
I would not recommend doing that. You’re just going to get yourself in trouble — they give infractions for name shaming. Most of the time name shaming is a simple misunderstanding, but the side effect is that peoples’ reputations get ruined. In other words, most of the time the targets don’t deserve it.
I’m not defending anyone or taking sides or speculating on what’s happened. I’m merely pointing out that the policy is there to protect innocents, not exploiters, and that if you truly feel that someone is making use of exploits you need to use the proper channels to report them.
There’s very little that we as players can do beyond reporting it to ArenaNet. Stirring up trouble in score topics is senseless — what are random players going to do? You need to contact the guild leader so they can work with you to figure out what happened, and you need to report your evidence to ArenaNet so they can handle it.
Hi everyone,
We’ve noticed a lot of overly aggressive and rude/disrespectful behavior in the WvW sub forums. That’s why we decided to post this reminder in order to clarify our community standards.
First of all, as the Code of Conduct says:
“Do not engage in personal attacks against forum members or in character assassination. Posts that attack another member, that single out a player for ridicule, or that accuse someone of inappropriate in-game actions will be removed without notice.”
Also, if you witness suspected behavior in game that could be violations of the in-game Rules of Conduct, please do not post these reports on the forum, as we’ll have to remove them. Any in-game misbehavior should be reported via the in-game report tool or through the ticketing system to our Customer Support Team with all required details such as screenshots, videos etc… Both methods will help.
Secondly, regarding exploits: posting exploits on the forum is not permitted as the forum moderation team does not investigate those issues. That’s why exploits have to be sent to the following address: or to our Customer Support Team as explained above. Reports of exploits sent by either of these two methods reach the correct people who can then investigate.
And finally, one of the most important points, which is also available for every sub forum: be polite and respectful towards each other. These forums are meant to be constructive, and while we understand that a bit of zeal can sometimes be necessary in the spirit of competition, please keep in mind that all inflammatory, rude, and disrespectful posts will be removed. So let’s reserve the energy to fight on the in-game battlefields and not on our forums.
With these simple rules in mind, we would like to offer you a friendly place where all exchanges can be done in a respectful way and according to the sportsmanship needed for those intensive battles that are going on in WvW.
Men of Science [MoS] – Tarnished Coast
TC- [TSP] The Shipwrecked Pirates
You need to reconsider using tactics like glitching up the cliff to get to our trebs at inner Garrison on BGBL. It was intentional, not one but two of your members made it.
Garrison is Uncontested and you have members inside inner walls taking out siege. It’s obvious. now a second time.
First off, yer vids are very inconclusive. A 30 second video of fighting at a treb does not show that every wall/gate is up, that they hadn’t been cleverly in wait, or any thing of evidence. So, when you make accusations try to gain as much evidence as possible.
Secondly, follow Anet’s rules. You do not post about exploiting or glitches in thread but report it to them at whatever the email is to Anet. (
Then, follow the common thing of asking for a guild leader/officer of the said guild so it can be handled properly.
Fourthly, give feedback to Anet about all the places you know of that can be glitched through and demand that it gets fixed. That way nobody on any server can do it again.
Lastly, it’s been dealt with. If it happens again with any TSP. You come to me and you come to me only.
(Edited to insert email address for Anet, and tone)
The Shadow Legion (TSL) for WvW and
The Shipwrecked Pirates (TSP) on Tarnished Coast
(edited by Sins Vorkag.5218)
Miss-directions don’t help with what you’re trying to say.
What former members of the guild I represent now did is on them, and it has been long since dealt with. I had nothing bad to say about TC as a whole nor did I have anything bad to say about TSP as a whole.
I simply provided a video that shows members belonging to a guild inside the inner walls of a 100% Walled/Gated Garrison with no sign of contested swords on the map which proves being behind the walls by other means. Their Leader can do whatever he sees fit, it was a call for awareness toward those individuals to get them to stop what they were doing and nothing more.
Being a member of a guild that is unfairly judged for the actions of a couple I can understand how members of TSP might feel with this news. I would want to have the situation brought to light and resolved publicly to discourage anyone else who might consider attempting such actions again.
While this could have been handled in a much more professional way, those of us on TC do still appreciate being alerted to any potential issues and you can rest assured that they will be dealt with appropriately.
Fun fights in FABL tonight. Our motley crew of 15 had you guys on the run in bay.
TC, no more complaints about BG back dooring keeps you hear? :P
Maybe we can set up some GvG thursday night? Anyone game?
“mass of text”
While this could have been handled in a much more professional way, those of us on TC do still appreciate being alerted to any potential issues and you can rest assured that they will be dealt with appropriately.
Hello all,
On behalf of Imperial Coalition, I will personally be dealing with the Issue of posting exploits on the main official Guild Wars 2 forums. I apologize as some of our members were unaware of how we deal with exploiting and exploiting footage.
I can assure you that this will be addressed and will not happen again, and in the future will continue to be handled in a more professional and efficient way.
While I am personally still saddened that (said game developer) has not fixed environmental anomalies and glitches within the game. The people here at [ICoa] strongly disagree with any exploiting in WvW.
Please direct all future rebuttals, questions, comments and concerns to myself (via personal message).
Thank you and best of luck in WvW
Imperial Coalition [ICoa] Leadership
On a more pleasant note…
(edited by roseria.7695)
Can someone tell me where Orr is? Is that the place right outside of Speldan where the spirit is?
Public Relations/Inter-Guild Relations Officer
Tarnished Coast
Ok, now to come back to “normality”, where are those kitten score updates we all are looking for… where’s the skin? where’s the bling?
Tee See
Can someone tell me where Orr is? Is that the place right outside of Speldan where the spirit is?
Orr is… u know … right there … by the side of… errr i mean… infront of… u know… u gettin wat m sayin? It’s right there darnit…
Tee See
On a more peasant note…
Didn’t we already talk about this? I mean, sure it doesn’t look like a “peasant” (not being a spelling nazi :P), but not enough skin in there either…
Tee See
I hereby demand TC scoreboard babe to stop hidin behind a quaggan and give us all what we want… :|
Tee See
not enough skin in there either…
I can give you some skin… easily.
Score update please
Score update from Terrible Coast, at 1926PM GMT/1426PM EST/1126AM PST…
~Edit: Added updated map and scoreboard…
(edited by Usagi.4835)
This thread sure has gotten quiet! I hear there are some login issues?
This thread sure has gotten quiet! I hear there are some login issues?
Yeah the forums login is down, so people can’t post unless their browser was already open and logged in to the forums (like on my phone).
[KnT] – Blackgate
Time for some scores!
Fluffyhoooooves nooooooooo!
Team Dolyak [KH]
forums log-in back up
Damage Inc. [DI]
Isle of Janthir
forums log-in back up
yaayyyy…thanks!!! sends cross-server hugs ur way
Tee See
not enough skin in there either…
I can give you some skin… easily.
See what your pic has done? Crashed the whole forum site!!! :P
Tee See
Oh, you did not just say Danni’s screenshot crashed the forums…
(edited by Usagi.4835)
I just complemented how hot she looks! Jealous much?
Tee See
I can confirm Danni be crashin’ forums
The Shadow Legion (TSL) for WvW and
The Shipwrecked Pirates (TSP) on Tarnished Coast
I just complemented how hot she looks! Jealous much?
No… (Yes!)