Sanctum of Rall vs Yak's Bend vs Gate of Madness 10/12/12

Sanctum of Rall vs Yak's Bend vs Gate of Madness 10/12/12

in WvW

Posted by: Mishi.7058


For all servers:

There are bot in the lake, free easy kills/badges/loot on YB BL.

Check the skritt, in YB BL, however beware, there’s a specific guild from YB who has 1-2members who are not afk and will watch the 10-20 player bot train. (Still easy kills, ect…)

Just a happy fun FYI. On and the YB bot train on their BL at skrit resets back up about every 10minutes or so.

It would really be best for all to kill these bot trains until they stop logging and eating up WvW spots, or until Anet bans them. (Yes many have reported them.)

Commander Silvannas
“Invincibility lies in the defence; the possibility of victory in the attack.” Sun Tzu

Sanctum of Rall vs Yak's Bend vs Gate of Madness 10/12/12

in WvW

Posted by: Masterjalf.4928


For all servers:

There are bot in the lake, free easy kills/badges/loot on YB BL.

Check the skritt, in YB BL, however beware, there’s a specific guild from YB who has 1-2members who are not afk and will watch the 10-20 player bot train. (Still easy kills, ect…)

Just a happy fun FYI. On and the YB bot train on their BL at skrit resets back up about every 10minutes or so.

It would really be best for all to kill these bot trains until they stop logging and eating up WvW spots, or until Anet bans them. (Yes many have reported them.)

Ok thank you i’ll kill them right now but don’t attack me!!!

Sanctum of Rall vs Yak's Bend vs Gate of Madness 10/12/12

in WvW

Posted by: Toroth.1453


Indeed, ToG scare the hell out of me. Great fights guys.

Paradoxical Clarity [DEGU]
-Sanctum of Rall-

Sanctum of Rall vs Yak's Bend vs Gate of Madness 10/12/12

in WvW

Posted by: Mishi.7058


It’s funny all say SoR winning is due to population imbalance, yet friday YB was winning and I’m willing to bet they had full queue’s as well. (Or if they didn’t still they had the people, and SoR number’s didn’t change.)

The thing I think that happened is YB got very demoralized when they went form having an apx 30k point lead + 3 orbs, to having a apx 30k deficit+ 0 orbs in apx 24hours.

Commander Silvannas
“Invincibility lies in the defence; the possibility of victory in the attack.” Sun Tzu

Sanctum of Rall vs Yak's Bend vs Gate of Madness 10/12/12

in WvW

Posted by: tkalamba.2541


Look, WvW doesn’t allow for an entirety of a server to pile on, we all have the same caps, which means we could all be evenly matched, given there are enough willing players. Sure, we may have a few more commanders this week vs. lastweek, but some of the ones we had dropped into inactivity either way.

Lastweek was close, we barely won, Friday you guys were dominating, and we made up the difference. Then everyone stopped showing up. In no way to I think we simply out number you guys, or are better. What I think happened is pretty simple, you guys saw you lost such a large lead, and simply gave up. The truth of it all is, you guys could just as easily have as many players fielded as we do, but you choose not to. You chose to stop trying, and you can fling around as many excuses as you want.

SoR are far from tactical geniuses; a lot of our players barely know alternative ways to siege keeps (We still insist to hit the gates of the Askalon Hills Keep versus use the plateau to the west and use trebs to knock down the wall uncontested) We acknowledge, for the most part (aside from a vocal minority) that we have a crap load to learn. We still have some infighting and we are far from a perfect server. We were demoralized on Friday when we had fallen behind so quickly to yaks, and the only real significant gain we’ve even noticed in terms of guilds was Tempest Wolves. Our guys pulled all nighters to close the gap, we didn’t recruit European or Oceanic guilds overnight and boost our numbers. Stop throwing excuses around saying we stole all your guilds and the like and we got guys riding our coat tails. We don’t even see them. There’s more guys doing diddly squat in Lions Arch. We’re not better, we don’t have more people, we just show up. We noticed we had a weak point in our coverage, and some of the dedicated guilds pulled an all nighter or two to make up for our weak period. We have guys who spent a ridiculous amount of time on a single map (ie. 18 hours)

Unless you actually have solid numbers to say we all of a sudden have a population surge, don’t go spouting off claims you have zero real evidence for. You guys could put up a fight, even with the deficit in points and close the gap instead of just full out quitting. I fully commend the groups that still participate even when it feels pointless. We accept that this match will result in a win pretty much handed to us, but it isn’t a result of Anet handing us the win. It’s the result of you guys giving it to us by not showing up. You threw everything you had at us at the start. You did your damage, and then just stopped trying. You got comfortable with your early gains, thinking you couldn’t possibly lose the lead, and when you did, you just quit. We’re not pretending we out played you here, you had some brilliant plays. You stopped trying, we didn’t.

Lord Lefteris – Engineer [Sanctum of Rall]

Sanctum of Rall vs Yak's Bend vs Gate of Madness 10/12/12

in WvW

Posted by: SALENIA.6807


A score update. As of 1030 AM EST.


Rheago (Ranger) ~ Bloodninja (Thief)
[CoR] ~ Sanctum of Rall

Sanctum of Rall vs Yak's Bend vs Gate of Madness 10/12/12

in WvW

Posted by: DinoBT.4572


Well they are demoralized, so it’s natural for these guys to say bunch of stuff about SoR. haha.
What can I say is that SoR deserved all the people who are interested at the WvW potential that we have. haha!
So, server population imbalance? Try to show everyone that you deserve their attention. ha!
For kittens sake, FIGHT BACK!
Last week, neither of SoR, NSP or Yak’s gave up until the last day, we all fought back when we’re behind. Also in the start of this week, we didn’t give Yak the huge lead, they fought for it, but do we give up? No! We fight back!
And now it’s your turn.
Try to take this “gift” from us, I dare you.

Haha Family – [FEAR] – Sanctum of Rall

Sanctum of Rall vs Yak's Bend vs Gate of Madness 10/12/12

in WvW

Posted by: Teknobug.3782


The momentum shift didn’t take long, All 3 servers trading places since Friday reset and suddenly SoR escalating above the other two and now guilds from YB transferred there and made things worse. I hope Anet shuts off free transfers tomorrow so those sore loser transfers can’t come back to YB.

Yak’s Bend WvWvW’er [Mount Phoenix Imperials]
Intel i7 3770K @ 4.5GHz | 8GB G.Skill DDR3 1600 ram | Gigabyte R9 280X 3GB (14.2)
Win 8 Pro 64bit

Sanctum of Rall vs Yak's Bend vs Gate of Madness 10/12/12

in WvW

Posted by: tkalamba.2541


What guilds moved though? I haven’t noticed an influx of large guilds at all.

There may be a small number of smaller guilds, but they are insignificant compared to our larger guilds that have always been here.

Lord Lefteris – Engineer [Sanctum of Rall]

Sanctum of Rall vs Yak's Bend vs Gate of Madness 10/12/12

in WvW

Posted by: Kazak.8459


DinoBT, we try to fight back, but a zerg of 30-40 SoR would wipe a zerg of 10 YB every time. You guys are too organized and have a lot more WvW players. That is fine by me.

As a Yaker, I stopped plopping my siege down for this week. Not worth spending silver on prints and having towers last at most 5 minutes.

Hopefully this Friday, YB moral will come back.

Sanctum of Rall vs Yak's Bend vs Gate of Madness 10/12/12

in WvW

Posted by: Icecat.4528


@Darkothe – any chance you can keep this a tad more civil? Thanks.

GW2 mods can fuck it up their cock sucking asses – Sieg heil you nazi fuckers

Sanctum of Rall vs Yak's Bend vs Gate of Madness 10/12/12

in WvW

Posted by: Laundry.5120



And…I do apologize if you all get bored running around empty maps. It must be ever so demoralizing for you all to have no one to steam roll. I’ll be sure to log in later tonight and wave at you all for a few minutes before I get back to leveling my alt.

Generalizing an entire server’s population based upon your assumptions of the why’s and how’s of SoR’s dominance so far would work if you were on SoR at the moment and reached that conclusion.

I can tell you as a day 1 Rall’er (I like that name :p), that most of the guilds here remember the…struggle against Fort Aspenwood. (it might’ve been our first week long match, or maybe we had them for a few day matches over and over).

If you were on SoR, anyone can tell you the last 2 weeks of matchups, Darkhaven, Shiverpeaks, etc. were better than any 100k point lead I’d ever want to see, and anyone on SoR can tell you the exact same thing.

Why we had so many transfers in the past week, I don’t know, perhaps due to higher servers queue times, or seeing our last 2 matches being better (imo) than top tier matches, or just plain free use of the transfer system.

The only thing I’m sure of is I do see new guild I haven’t on SoR, which is more than welcome, but the sight of guild tags that I know I’ve seen as opponents during our last matches isn’t so heartwarming, so I would focus less on how SoR as a server is and look at the free transfer system.

Lavanderie – 80 Mesmer/Gaiscioch/Sanctum of Rall

Electrique – 80 Engineer/Gaiscioch/Sanctum of Rall

Sanctum of Rall vs Yak's Bend vs Gate of Madness 10/12/12

in WvW

Posted by: Vexacion.3971


A score update. As of 1030 AM EST.

A pirate hat and a bear? Looks like a bot to me

Sanctum of Rall vs Yak's Bend vs Gate of Madness 10/12/12

in WvW

Posted by: Darkothe.1253



I’m more than happy to be civil. I’ll admit to my temper being riled slightly because of some of SoR’s attitudes regarding this match up – especially the whining about SoR being bored. That’s just bad form. But yes…I’ll put away the sharp knives and play nice.

Sanctum of Rall vs Yak's Bend vs Gate of Madness 10/12/12

in WvW

Posted by: Trimethicon.7405


Sadly when the matches are this lopsided, the winning server has very little competition. I keep jumping into WvW from Yaks Ben but I find very little going on =/.

Twist the Blade, 80 Thief
Yaks Bend
TOG – (The Orrian Ghosts)

Sanctum of Rall vs Yak's Bend vs Gate of Madness 10/12/12

in WvW

Posted by: Divinorium.8952


I’ve said it some time ago and it still in my mind.
Anet doesn’t care about WvWvW, and looks like doesn’t care about the game itself.

The game are full of bots, exploids, gold sellers.
The economy is sinking.
Looks like at least 50% of the population who were there in the launch of game already quitted.

Because, to be fair:
Pve in this game is a BIG joke.(last boss anyone? i got so bored on him that i went afk.)
sPvP is meh, something that all the other game have.

While WvWvW is the only place where GW2 really shine Anet doesn’t give a kitten about it.

Bots in it.
They didn’t take off this server transfer kitten, and i’m talking about not even paied or with limitations i’m talking about completely. we already have the guest system.
The orbs are pretty much a joke. While i like the idea of some “objective”. The orb itself is the worst idea possible. Seriously? the winner, who already is supossed to be stronger then the other, get more power?
Next idea for you Anet. For each 1K of lead have over the others they win 10% more of power.

Anet already got our money, they don’t care if we keep playing or not.
And don’t say that i’m not giving solution because. We have ideas for solutions over the whole forum. Anet just need to move their kitten and read/dosomething.

While they don’t do nothing. I hope you guys enjoy defending against the wind while we are AFK.
You guys were “strong” but what made you guys take so much lead was the infusion of players. And you can’t deny it.
Before you guys were OK, could be winning but could be losing too, but right now the advantage of players/organization is just out of hand.

It’s not your fault. It’s Anet fault. but that’s not your achievement too.

Sanctum of Rall vs Yak's Bend vs Gate of Madness 10/12/12

in WvW

Posted by: Duv.1603


Wasn’t DRGN a Yak’s Guild? Last night on Sanctum I saw recruitment spam from them.

Guilds leaving JQ for Sanctum is one thing, but Guilds leaving Yaks for Sanctum makes no sense, especially during a week that they’re fighting each other.

Sanctum of Rall vs Yak's Bend vs Gate of Madness 10/12/12

in WvW

Posted by: Moaning Marv.2194

Moaning Marv.2194

What guilds moved though? I haven’t noticed an influx of large guilds at all.

There may be a small number of smaller guilds, but they are insignificant compared to our larger guilds that have always been here.

No it wasn’t large guilds that moved here, i’d say 1 medium sized guilds and a few small guilds, and no i would not say we are insignificant at all. All wvw lovers

Moaning (thief) Marvolo (mes) Mordaunt (necro)
Knights of the White Wolf
Sanctum of Rall

Sanctum of Rall vs Yak's Bend vs Gate of Madness 10/12/12

in WvW

Posted by: Kazak.8459


no i would not say we are insignificant at all. All wvw lovers

That’s the point, we have a lot more PVE people in YB than WvW. There is no way we could possibly provide zergs of 40-50 on EACH BG map.

I am still not sure how last week was different than this week. The only thing I can see is the influx of people to SoR. Last week we could actually fight you guys back and do some kind of tactics. Now it’s just a steam rolling zerg as soon as I see any SoR players.

-just another Yaker

Sanctum of Rall vs Yak's Bend vs Gate of Madness 10/12/12

in WvW

Posted by: Quiggle.4215


Was hoping for another tug-o-war like last week’s battle. Looks like SoR must have received a lot of fair-weather-fans.

I hope they come up with a better solution to the transfer/WvW issue.

Quiggle – Yak’s Bend

Sanctum of Rall vs Yak's Bend vs Gate of Madness 10/12/12

in WvW

Posted by: tkalamba.2541


What guilds moved though? I haven’t noticed an influx of large guilds at all.

There may be a small number of smaller guilds, but they are insignificant compared to our larger guilds that have always been here.

No it wasn’t large guilds that moved here, i’d say 1 medium sized guilds and a few small guilds, and no i would not say we are insignificant at all. All wvw lovers

I mean in terms of overall representation. There’s a load more of guys from FL and other various guilds I see more often and the seemingly drown out any medium to small guilds.

Lord Lefteris – Engineer [Sanctum of Rall]

Sanctum of Rall vs Yak's Bend vs Gate of Madness 10/12/12

in WvW

Posted by: gosu.4128


I love how everyone is blaming everything else but themselves. Of course, they’re always the innocent ones for the problems they’re facing.

Sanctum of Rall vs Yak's Bend vs Gate of Madness 10/12/12

in WvW

Posted by: etsmith.9025


No way this was going to be another close game. Population is out of control. We can have all the tenacity and determination in the world but in the end the numbers win oit. We logged in last night and found blue map again. We gathered a few and pushed. We took keeps in GoM and turned a third of the map red despite SoR’s zerg at our spawn which we promptly sent to their spawn multiple times. We ended up moving to various maps turning it red (which I notice none of you guys posted your updates go figure) and proceeded to mop the floor dropping your zerg teams and stopping their push. The entire time we were running around wiith the out manned buff. What happened then? We had to log off for work and RL and your “team” went and captuured back empty keeps and trying to zerg our spawns using 40+s people killing low level outmanned players foolish enough to enter the game. 10 vs 1 yeh. You guys are pro

(edited by etsmith.9025)

Sanctum of Rall vs Yak's Bend vs Gate of Madness 10/12/12

in WvW

Posted by: Munki.9452


Guys… I get it’s frustrating, but lets have some class. All 3 servers here are good honorable servers.

SoR is doing what ANY server with full map control would do. Do you think they should just pack up and let us take stuff back? How would that make any sense?

They have more people in WvW at the moment. That is either due to recent transfers or low morale on the other servers… there is no way to really know for sure. Sure a handful of people are posting things that are not exactly sporting, but Yaks/GoM guys are doing the same. Be the bigger man, don’t rise to the bait.

Take a step back. It’s a game. All anyone is doing at this point is making themselves look bad.

SoR will take a big step up in the rankings this next week. I wish the best of luck to them. If they picked up a bunch of fair weather players, they will shed them at the first sign of a loss. They know it too… numerous posts in this thread shows many of the community knows what may be in their future.

I’m just trying to remind you guys to keep it classy. As a Yakker myself, I’ve always been proud of how we carry ourselves. We are losing, it sucks. Lets just focus on fixing the problems instead of raging.

Sanctum of Rall vs Yak's Bend vs Gate of Madness 10/12/12

in WvW

Posted by: tkalamba.2541


Very well said Munki, if I could properly quote you without the forum bugging out, I would. Depending on who we end up matched up against next week, we may very well lose.

Lord Lefteris – Engineer [Sanctum of Rall]

Sanctum of Rall vs Yak's Bend vs Gate of Madness 10/12/12

in WvW

Posted by: Quiggle.4215


Agreed Munki, on all points.

Sanctum of Rall vs Yak's Bend vs Gate of Madness 10/12/12

in WvW

Posted by: NaughtyProwler.8653


I’ve been on the winning and losing end of a bad week. I call it bad because the last few matches we (SoR) were involved in turned out so competitive. Any time there is a 100k+ gap, someone is going to give up.

My wish is that ANet comes up with some solutions to add incentives or ways to get back into the game for servers that are behind by a huge amount. And the current outnumbered buff is just not enough to even bother when noone else is logging in. I completely understand why people give up by mid-week when down 100k. I think that’s part of the problem with a points-based system when it is run an entire week.

Anyways, hopefully next matchup is more competitive.

Sanctum of Rall vs Yak's Bend vs Gate of Madness 10/12/12

in WvW

Posted by: Quiggle.4215


The Yak’s commanders and players who hang out in the yaks public mumble, are some great people, that is what has me staying loyal. I think everyone would like to see some tweaks to the system to encourage more competition and less one-sided battles without a way to come back.

Sanctum of Rall vs Yak's Bend vs Gate of Madness 10/12/12

in WvW

Posted by: Teknobug.3782


I have to say all of last week was absolutely awesome and last Friday before the reset was the cherry on top.

But when Yak’s ended the week with 490K vs 95K vs 77K a few weeks ago, even Darkhaven still came out and played and we had some tremendous fights and Yak’s didn’t severely outnumber anyone. Why is this not happening this week? Because SoR has about triple the amount of players both Yak’s and GoM has and that results nobody wanting to show up.

As far as I know the queue system works like 500 player slots in the WvW zone but one server can have 350 players while another server has 84 players and the third server with 66 players and that would kick everyone else into queue. Would be nice if the queue system was even across 3 servers like 200 slots per server instead of favoring the server with the most players in the zone.

Oh and the outnumbered buff sucks hard, it’s more of a pve buff than anything to benefit the losing team in pvp.

Yak’s Bend WvWvW’er [Mount Phoenix Imperials]
Intel i7 3770K @ 4.5GHz | 8GB G.Skill DDR3 1600 ram | Gigabyte R9 280X 3GB (14.2)
Win 8 Pro 64bit

(edited by Teknobug.3782)

Sanctum of Rall vs Yak's Bend vs Gate of Madness 10/12/12

in WvW

Posted by: Darkothe.1253


Big thumbs up to Yak’s from this GoM competitor. You’ve been worthy foes and I’ve enjoyed the skirmishes we’ve had.

Sanctum of Rall vs Yak's Bend vs Gate of Madness 10/12/12

in WvW

Posted by: Caelib.2497


Last week Yak’s was a competitive world … what has happened since then? Did a bunch of big WvW guilds leave?

Sanctum of Rall vs Yak's Bend vs Gate of Madness 10/12/12

in WvW

Posted by: Palefire.6259


I had a great time on WvW last night. I’m SoR and the GoM and YB BLs were nicely contested for a while. It was a fun time. Unfortunately, based on a score that I saw this morning it appears that everything appears to have shifted back to SoR again. Who the heck on my server is playing like that all night? There’s this thing God invented; it’s called sleep…

Sanctum of Rall [SAVD]

Sanctum of Rall vs Yak's Bend vs Gate of Madness 10/12/12

in WvW

Posted by: tkalamba.2541


I have to say all of last week was absolutely awesome and last Friday before the reset was the cherry on top.

But when Yak’s ended the week with 490K vs 95K vs 77K a few weeks ago, even Darkhaven still came out and played and we had some tremendous fights and Yak’s didn’t severely outnumber anyone. Why is this not happening this week? Because SoR has about triple the amount of players both Yak’s and GoM has and that results nobody wanting to show up.

As far as I know the queue system works like 500 player slots in the WvW zone but one server can have 350 players while another server has 84 players and the third server with 66 players and that would kick everyone else into queue. Would be nice if the queue system was even across 3 servers like 200 slots per server instead of favoring the server with the most players in the zone.

Oh and the outnumbered buff sucks hard, it’s more of a pve buff than anything to benefit the losing team in pvp.

I thought it capped servers? as in if its at a 500 player cap, then each server should have 166 players and the last place server would end up with 167. These numbers are guesses, not sure what the true cap is.

Its on a per map basis, so 166 per map. We don’t ever have more than that many on each map. What we see now is, we’re at our cap of 166, (some of that is taken by the bots, and guys doing jumping puzzles) while you guys are nowhere near your cap. It doesn’t shift the caps, if so, then one server could jump in right at server reset, tip the numbers in their favour constantly and wreck things from day one.

I’ll use the EB for example, we have 166, Yaks has 60, GoM has 50. You guys can still reach 166, but you don’t chose to, leaving us outnumbering you completely. We all can have even numbers, just Yaks and GoM don’t show up.

Lord Lefteris – Engineer [Sanctum of Rall]

Sanctum of Rall vs Yak's Bend vs Gate of Madness 10/12/12

in WvW

Posted by: tkalamba.2541


I had a great time on WvW last night. I’m SoR and the GoM and YB BLs were nicely contested for a while. It was a fun time. Unfortunately, based on a score that I saw this morning it appears that everything appears to have shifted back to SoR again. Who the heck on my server is playing like that all night? There’s this thing God invented; it’s called sleep…

We have KIWI, an New Zealand based guild, they can play when other people aren’t on.

Lord Lefteris – Engineer [Sanctum of Rall]

Sanctum of Rall vs Yak's Bend vs Gate of Madness 10/12/12

in WvW

Posted by: Palefire.6259


Ahh, that explains it.

Sanctum of Rall [SAVD]

Sanctum of Rall vs Yak's Bend vs Gate of Madness 10/12/12

in WvW

Posted by: Teknobug.3782


I’ll use the EB for example, we have 166, Yaks has 60, GoM has 50. You guys can still reach 166, but you don’t chose to, leaving us outnumbering you completely. We all can have even numbers, just Yaks and GoM don’t show up.

Well I wish it worked like what you described, but when I try to get into WvW I end up in a queue and when I finally get in, we’re outnumbered.

I wouldn’t mind seeing a dev explain what the queue system is like.

Yak’s Bend WvWvW’er [Mount Phoenix Imperials]
Intel i7 3770K @ 4.5GHz | 8GB G.Skill DDR3 1600 ram | Gigabyte R9 280X 3GB (14.2)
Win 8 Pro 64bit

Sanctum of Rall vs Yak's Bend vs Gate of Madness 10/12/12

in WvW

Posted by: Divinorium.8952


Just to keep it clear.
GoM, aside prime time in weekend, never had ppl enough to get the “cap” in all the maps.
It’s easy as that we just don’t have the number, example was on the weekend. while we are doing our job in Eternal and our home, 3 keeps in our home ankittenep 5 towers and SM in eternal, we had close of nothing in the others map. Why? because we don’t have the number. Easy as that.
Yesterday a friend and I were doing blitzkrieg, attacking dolyaks/camps and gtfo before SoR came.(if you look at the SS i posted The noobs commander gomes were talking about me and my friend with the “army of 2”)

Putting humility aside, i can say , both of us can hold our own.
At the point we were being chased by a group of 5~10 and we still managed to kill 6, probably noobs and not at the same time, before going down.

And you want know what’s funny? Even doing great, the game is so “numbers win battles” oriented that while we managed to finish 2 we need to fall back, getting surrounded when outnumbered it’s never a good idea, fighting in a way of don’t getting surrounded 2 players were reviving the guys we downed, and managed to finish, in the end no matter how much times we killed them, how much more geared neither how “better”, if you let me say that, we were over these guys, who probably were beginners, it was a fight we never could win.
This game is basically that: If the enemy have at least 2 players who ress who die and you are outnumbered, you are done for, it’s a battle you will never win. Easy as that. You can kill how much enemies you like, they will keep coming thx to the game mechanics.
So tell me, how we fight back when:
You guys have 3 orbs.
More organization than most of us.
Numbers, you guys have the numbers too.
And on top of all that, we are in a game were numbers, while don’t win by themself, is the key for any, actual, victory.
This game has flaws.
But like i said it’s not the players fault, well if you are a server jumper than it’s your fault too, it’s Anet’s fault.

Don’t get me wrong, i don’t think giving up is the best answer. But the truth be said. We are in a battle we can’t win. And this battle cost us silver, in my case gold, and i’m not going to lay down blueprints, that i bought doing boring farm, i HATE farming.

Sanctum of Rall vs Yak's Bend vs Gate of Madness 10/12/12

in WvW

Posted by: Mara.5372


Personally, I’ve opted not to turn my commander on for the rest of this week. This is not WvW.. I don’t know what this is, but its not fun. There is no strategy, no tactic…

" Oh look there’s one red tower on our completely blue map, lets go zerg it."

Not my definition of WvW. No offense to Yaks or GoM, but its equally demoralizing to those who do try on SoR when our enemies take the back seat.

Leader Mara [EPIC]| Sanctum of Rall Commander

Sanctum of Rall vs Yak's Bend vs Gate of Madness 10/12/12

in WvW

Posted by: Teknobug.3782


I think it’s because players on SoR ran out of players to kill so they’re prowling to find some roamers, just like a bear prowling into a nearby town looking for food because there’s no food left in the forest/mountains.

Yak’s Bend WvWvW’er [Mount Phoenix Imperials]
Intel i7 3770K @ 4.5GHz | 8GB G.Skill DDR3 1600 ram | Gigabyte R9 280X 3GB (14.2)
Win 8 Pro 64bit

Sanctum of Rall vs Yak's Bend vs Gate of Madness 10/12/12

in WvW

Posted by: tkalamba.2541


I’ll use the EB for example, we have 166, Yaks has 60, GoM has 50. You guys can still reach 166, but you don’t chose to, leaving us outnumbering you completely. We all can have even numbers, just Yaks and GoM don’t show up.

Well I wish it worked like what you described, but when I try to get into WvW I end up in a queue and when I finally get in, we’re outnumbered.

I wouldn’t mind seeing a dev explain what the queue system is like.

It’s an organizational thing. We have most of our force usually focused, where as I’ve noticed alot of the time I see Yaks and GoM thinly spread out. For every guy you have in the jumping puzzle, thats one less fighting. We suffered alot from it in the past. Our guys would be all over the place, and we couldnt gain ground as our guys were everywhere. We would have had 100 people in the borderland, but 12 were doing the jumping puzzle, another 15 would be afk in the spawn, and 10 would be bots killing out numbers.

With the jumping puzzles not working in the Borderlands, our situation improved and we have fewer bots on our server than many other servers seem to have in WvW. (I’ve seen the ones in your borderland at the Skritt, we slaughtered them for you. They numbered 3 times higher than I’ve seen on our side.)

Our forces all focus together, with a small number of pugs doing random jumping puzzles and POI’s and whatnot. When we’re plagued with people going all over the place, we could never field a force bigger than 20 people. A shift in player attitude happened, people were cooperating on objectives, and fewer people did puzzles, or aimless wandering. Our groups increased in size as a result without there actually being more people in the map.

You’d be surprised how much a PvE event like the Grub, or puzzles really hurt your effective fighting force. Cooperation is key, when you don’t have it, it looks like your outnumbered, but odds are your really just spread out too thin.

Lord Lefteris – Engineer [Sanctum of Rall]

Sanctum of Rall vs Yak's Bend vs Gate of Madness 10/12/12

in WvW

Posted by: Oheson.2319


I had a great time on WvW last night. I’m SoR and the GoM and YB BLs were nicely contested for a while. It was a fun time. Unfortunately, based on a score that I saw this morning it appears that everything appears to have shifted back to SoR again. Who the heck on my server is playing like that all night? There’s this thing God invented; it’s called sleep…

We have KIWI, an New Zealand based guild, they can play when other people aren’t on.

This explains why at server crossover we were even. I went to work and back home in the evening and all the maps were all blue. Once that happens there is no way to recover. The team trying to recover from that is at such a disadvantage it makes no sense.

Sanctum of Rall vs Yak's Bend vs Gate of Madness 10/12/12

in WvW

Posted by: Columba.9730


SOR will get hit hard next week, and we will lose some players. I think we will get balanced out as a result.

There is something fishy with the queue system. Yaks should not have any queues base on the numbers I saw last night. Let’s hope that anet looks into the queue system. If its broken, it’s bad for the game.

Yaks – you fought us very well for a few weeks. I wish transfers were more difficult, but I can’t trash those who joined our community.

only thieves know how to play, they chant “L2P” every time their god mode is challenged.

Sanctum of Rall vs Yak's Bend vs Gate of Madness 10/12/12

in WvW

Posted by: Osskil.1029


GoM player here. Every time that I join in to WvWvW this week, we are being absolutely dominated by SoR – major props to you guys, as you are doing it right.

I don’t really know too much of what I am doing at level 39, but I can say that I definitely try to help the overall flow of the battle instead of mindlessly joining in the zerg. We have a few commanders that seem to know what they are doing, and I follow them when I get a chance (Phiyzn, Dr. Duplicate, Dedstorm,) but it seems like we just can’t coordinate as a whole.

Until we figure out how to move as a unit (NOT A ZERG) and start playing strategically, we will continue to be at the bottom, and people will continue to transfer off of our server and we will continue to get worse.

Thanks to SoR for showing our server how to WvWvW with a real strategy, and showing how to not grow complacent. We killed it against our opponents last week, but we are just outmatched right now.

As a side note, I am looking to join a WvWvW guild (I’m in a tiny 3 man guild right now specifically made for WvWvW,) but I’d rather just join a large guild already set up for this so I can learn more and contribute more.

Lord Osskilian – Mesmer
Sanctum of Rall – [Choo]

Sanctum of Rall vs Yak's Bend vs Gate of Madness 10/12/12

in WvW

Posted by: tkalamba.2541


Just to keep it clear.
GoM, aside prime time in weekend, never had ppl enough to get the “cap” in all the maps.
It’s easy as that we just don’t have the number, example was on the weekend. while we are doing our job in Eternal and our home, 3 keeps in our home ankittenep 5 towers and SM in eternal, we had close of nothing in the others map. Why? because we don’t have the number. Easy as that.
Yesterday a friend and I were doing blitzkrieg, attacking dolyaks/camps and gtfo before SoR came.(if you look at the SS i posted The noobs commander gomes were talking about me and my friend with the “army of 2”)

Putting humility aside, i can say , both of us can hold our own.
At the point we were being chased by a group of 5~10 and we still managed to kill 6, probably noobs and not at the same time, before going down.

And you want know what’s funny? Even doing great, the game is so “numbers win battles” oriented that while we managed to finish 2 we need to fall back, getting surrounded when outnumbered it’s never a good idea, fighting in a way of don’t getting surrounded 2 players were reviving the guys we downed, and managed to finish, in the end no matter how much times we killed them, how much more geared neither how “better”, if you let me say that, we were over these guys, who probably were beginners, it was a fight we never could win.
This game is basically that: If the enemy have at least 2 players who ress who die and you are outnumbered, you are done for, it’s a battle you will never win. Easy as that. You can kill how much enemies you like, they will keep coming thx to the game mechanics.
So tell me, how we fight back when:
You guys have 3 orbs.
More organization than most of us.
Numbers, you guys have the numbers too.
And on top of all that, we are in a game were numbers, while don’t win by themself, is the key for any, actual, victory.
This game has flaws.
But like i said it’s not the players fault, well if you are a server jumper than it’s your fault too, it’s Anet’s fault.

Don’t get me wrong, i don’t think giving up is the best answer. But the truth be said. We are in a battle we can’t win. And this battle cost us silver, in my case gold, and i’m not going to lay down blueprints, that i bought doing boring farm, i HATE farming.

I think GoM might be a bit of a different beast all together than Yaks,

Yaks I know atleast had the numbers at one point (in numbers, I mean people interested in WvW and not overall population) They even owned all three orbs at one point.

I don’t think I’ve ever seen as many GoM players at any given time as Yaks or us. GoM needs to drum up interest in WvW, or it will be a constant uphill battle for this server. The system is designed so everyone can field the same number of players, the only fault there is in that regards is player interest in a server. The key is, don’t do what the enemy is expecting. You gotta be quick and organized, zergs aren’t everything.

A small group of players can do alot of damage and take alot of key points. You just have to organize and do it quickly. Don’t fight conventionally, and stop ramming your heads against gates. Yaks had the right idea when they rushed gates with golems, but thats expensive. Small groups can ninja a point without the orange swords showing up, less than 6 players can quickly set up siege, hit a tower, and take it before anyone notices. For instance, set up a catapult, and aim for the wall. Additional players should NOT attack the gate, as when too many people hit the same target, the swords flare up. You gotta be sneaky and not alert us to your presence. I’ve seen entire keeps fall to 5 guys who took a point uncontested. It can be done.

Lord Lefteris – Engineer [Sanctum of Rall]

Sanctum of Rall vs Yak's Bend vs Gate of Madness 10/12/12

in WvW

Posted by: tkalamba.2541


For all servers:

Check the skritt, in YB BL, however beware, there’s a specific guild from YB who has 1-2members who are not afk and will watch the 10-20 player bot train. (Still easy kills, ect…)

This here is partially why Yaks is suffering. I’ve seen these, and they easily outnumber any bots we have on SoR. They are eating up slots and reducing the overall size of your fighting force.

Lord Lefteris – Engineer [Sanctum of Rall]

(edited by tkalamba.2541)

Sanctum of Rall vs Yak's Bend vs Gate of Madness 10/12/12

in WvW

Posted by: Darkothe.1253


First, an apology. My acerbic wit gets me in trouble far too often.

Frustration with a system that, from our point of view, is unfairly punishing us when we are being matched up against servers with more a more active WvWvW player base is driving a lot of the posts here from GoM and Yaks. We WANT to compete. We WANT to fight. The issue is, currently there is no incentive to fight in a battle that was determined by Monday night. Fighting for second…or logging in to get repeatedly punched in the face by SoR is just not enjoyable.

Let me emphasize this: SoR is playing very effectively and should not have their dedication to their fight questioned. I wish that the player base from GoM had more interest in WvWvW so that we could have given a good fight this week. However, that is not the case. With instant queue times everyday except Friday it’s very evident that we just don’t have the people to compete against the victory hungry leviathan which is SoR. But, that should not diminish the savagery with which SoR attacked the game this week.

So, again…my apologies for reacting in the manner in which I did. SoR is performing well – that should not be questioned. Yaks and GoM had tried to put up a fight…but at this stage in the game it’s getting hard to justify logging in to WvWvW to see all of our maps in enemy hands, to be hopelessly out manned on the battlefield and all the while attempting to keep a stiff upper lip in the face of these odds. We just don’t have the man power to come back at this point, and the reality of joining WvWvW to be summarily curb-stomped by SoR is bruising to our already shattered egos.

Good game SoR. Well played Yaks. Perhaps our forces will face each other again with a more level playing field.


(edited by Darkothe.1253)

Sanctum of Rall vs Yak's Bend vs Gate of Madness 10/12/12

in WvW

Posted by: Boonprot.6274


Personally, I’ve opted not to turn my commander on for the rest of this week. This is not WvW.. I don’t know what this is, but its not fun. There is no strategy, no tactic…

" Oh look there’s one red tower on our completely blue map, lets go zerg it."

Not my definition of WvW. No offense to Yaks or GoM, but its equally demoralizing to those who do try on SoR when our enemies take the back seat.

While I appreciate your… concern(?), that’s quite the backhanded comment there. YB isn’t purposely trying to ruin your WvW experience by being submissive. We just happen to have a lot of problems that I doubt will get resolved over night. Chief among them is the general lack of knowledge our players seem to have. Why on earth would you take a tower, only to leave it poorly defended with no supplies and no defensive siege equipment? I’m not quite sure, but it’s certainly a common occurrence. What’s worse is that people also deem it necessary to re-supply themselves from a keep with 100-200 supply. Drives me nuts, and every time I point this out, I often get called an elitist kitten in team chat. Really frustrating. Couple this with our server’s abject lack of organization and flaky participation and you get the current state of YB.

I’d also like to point out (as I did in the GW2Guru thread) that to completely write off the contribution of your server’s transfers is grossly misunderstanding the situation. You’ve taken a good number of well-organized and competent guilds from the top server and added their numbers to the already better-organized-than-YB SoR. There’s nothing wrong with these guilds transferring or participating in WvW, that’s how the system is designed. There is, however, something wrong with continually advertising your martyrdom whilst shouting “try harder!”

SOR will get hit hard next week, and we will lose some players. I think we will get balanced out as a result.

There is something fishy with the queue system. Yaks should not have any queues base on the numbers I saw last night. Let’s hope that anet looks into the queue system. If its broken, it’s bad for the game.

Yaks – you fought us very well for a few weeks. I wish transfers were more difficult, but I can’t trash those who joined our community.

Well there’s a name I haven’t seen in a good while. Hello to you, good sir!

Supreme Commander Boonprot, Lord Regent of the Portals
Boonprot 80 G
[Ark] Maguuma

Sanctum of Rall vs Yak's Bend vs Gate of Madness 10/12/12

in WvW

Posted by: vvp.8512


Thanks for the info on the bots. If any SOR player is bored please consider murdering them as well. (Mara, use your Commander Icon to murder bots all day, for instance)

Plainview (80 Engineer) SoR

Sanctum of Rall vs Yak's Bend vs Gate of Madness 10/12/12

in WvW

Posted by: tkalamba.2541


Thanks for the info on the bots. If any SOR player is bored please consider murdering them as well. (Mara, use your Commander Icon to murder bots all day, for instance)

This is exactly how it happened lastnight,

a commander saw the orange swords and decided to see what was happening, when we arrived, we saw a massive train of bots running around killing skritt. We stood in their path and spammed AOE on them.

Lord Lefteris – Engineer [Sanctum of Rall]

Sanctum of Rall vs Yak's Bend vs Gate of Madness 10/12/12

in WvW

Posted by: Divinorium.8952


What you have said it’s nothing new. I know that can be done, and i know that isn’t going to change nothing in the end.
While i could brag we ninja camps/towers and blabla, in the overral taking a point that, you can/will not defend is pointless. Why? The zerg of enemies will come and take it back in 5 mins or less.

I was Sneaking camps/towers with my friend and actually tried to ninja the garrison, yesterday the attack you guys got in our Bordelands on garrison, just before the gates were upgraded to reinforced. begun with me and 2 more, we took down the west south gate but well, we just didn’t have the numbers do get inside. After that the commanders “tried” to sneak with golems and failed.

While doing it, for the lols, 1~2 times is funny, doing it the whole matchup is pointless.
And we are at this point. And sorry dude i don’t like to play hide n seek a whole war.

When and If Anet begin to do something, maybe i will play WvWvW seriously. How it is right now is pathetic.