Players Awaiting Help [merged]

Players Awaiting Help [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Ufando.2145


Ticket: 120904-001605
Submitted: 3/09/12 (September 3)
Account: Azza.9178
posting for my brother, he was randomly disconnected several times on monday saying someone else was
logged in. His password was then changed so he cannot access the account. Safe to assume he was hacked.
still haven’t heard anything from support

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in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: FirstProphecy.4931


Ticket number: 120905-001405
I got hacked sometime over the past weekend. Tried signing in and I got the message saying I was Perma-Banned for the selling of gold. Put in a ticket for a hacked account and I got an instant reply when i first submitted the ticket, asking for my account name, gw2 screen name, and 25 digit code. Have not received any updates on my status.

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in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Makutoma.6704


Was told to post here:
So my real account was hacked (someone changed the e-mail). I was surprised to note that Arenanet does not require a verification of e-mail change. Oh well. Please give me back my account.
Ticket is:

Players Awaiting Help [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Famous.8307


Using my brothers account to post here as my account was hacked when they changed my email over 3 days ago. Can someone please! have a look and get my account back.
Ticket number: 120903-006001

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in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Xieon.8071


My Girlfriends account account was hacked and they changed her email 3 days ago.

She was not sent any type of “Verify E-mail Change” or anything, this is ridiculous.

Every single account I have ever had for forums, games, etc… all send some type of “Click here to verify you made this change” when e-mail or password or any type of change happens.

Whenever she attempts to log into her account here or the game; she gets the following error message:

“The email address you entered was not found, If you have an active game account, please try again, if you’re still having trouble, please contact customer support.”

The only thing that she was able to do was make a Support Account.

Her CD-Key, account name, full display name are all written in the support ticket that you can reference below.

Ticket number: 120903-009654

Players Awaiting Help [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: wizgamer.7123


My account was hacked (like the others, meaning no clicking on phishing e-mails, just having information stolen from other websites) and I have yet to get my account back. They replied after four days to say it was returned back to me, but when I tried to login it said I was banned for hacking/illegal practices, which obviously had to have been done when the account was hacked by goldsellers. It’s been a week without the account and the support has been terrible. Has anyone had better luck via Reddit or the Wiki? This is really terrible you know. Even if my credentials were lost due to similar account info on a fansite, I feel like they shouldn’t let someone change the e-mail without first confirming the change with my previous e-mail. This still hasn’t be fixed.

Any suggestions would be helpful. Should I just get a chargeback and notify the credit card company? I kind of feel scammed. Regardless of whether having the same account information on a related website (I think it was Blizzard btw), I feel like my purchase warrants at least better support than this.


Ticket ID: 120903-012168
Ticket ID: 120901-004730

(edited by wizgamer.7123)

Players Awaiting Help [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Sylendel.4173


[Incident: 120903-003298]
[Incident: 120830-016840]

First one was an issue regarding gem purchase. Second one is regarding the GW1 Account I’ve been unable to link.

Players Awaiting Help [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: DeEho.3291


Posting for Zojirushi.4061
Ticket# 120904-000378

He can’t even login to post this himself.

Players Awaiting Help [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: painkiller.5239


I’m finally back on after 8 days!! Thank you Gaile!

Players Awaiting Help [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Zattin.6490


painkiller… I’m jealous. I finally had some time off to play this game and I’ve spent the week banned with zero response. Such bs.

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in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Ariex.6379


Answer please.

Players Awaiting Help [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Emmeh.6251


Still waiting regarding hacked account issue logged 1/09/2012
Ticket Ref# 120901-000502

Players Awaiting Help [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: painkiller.5239


painkiller… I’m jealous. I finally had some time off to play this game and I’ve spent the week banned with zero response. Such bs.

I feel you man, I just started a 20 unit 400 level semester at University today, and had planned on using my week in between leaving my job and school to play, but no luck. Just keep posting your ticket, and Gaile will take care of you!

Best of luck!

Players Awaiting Help [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Skandal.8614


just opened a ticket right now, only get to play tuesday and weds nights for about 2-3 hrs at a time, and now I cant play. It says I am permabanned, I have received no emails, or anything

my ticket is

Thanks for contacting Guild Wars 2 Support. Someone will be reviewing your ticket shortly. If you would like to add to or update your support ticket, please reply to this message or update your incident by clicking the link below. We appreciate your patience and will reply shortly.

still waiting for any type of response

hacked account ticket 120905-007352, just incase I did it wrong the first time, just would like any type of response, either that or just refund my money

Players Awaiting Help [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Zattin.6490


painkiller… I’m jealous. I finally had some time off to play this game and I’ve spent the week banned with zero response. Such bs.

I feel you man, I just started a 20 unit 400 level semester at University today, and had planned on using my week in between leaving my job and school to play, but no luck. Just keep posting your ticket, and Gaile will take care of you!

Best of luck!

I accidently did it wrong the first time(the one that’s been submitted for over 4 days now)
Which is [Incident: 120903-009266]

Then I did it right a day later and still waiting on [Incident:120905-007399].

Have fun man, hopefully it’s not too much longer for some of us.

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in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: amberalys.5723


Ticket: 120905-008138
Submitted: 5/09/12 (September 5)
Account: arvinmoses.5164

Says email is not associated to any account.
I realize alot of people here have been waiting longer.
Good luck to all here.

Players Awaiting Help [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Lootronn.2084


posting this for my brothers account
His account was hacked on Monday Sep 3 and his email was changed.
He logged into his NCsoft master account and changed his password but still could not log in because his email had been changed. (maybe you should consider allowing access to the email address from the master account. Just a thought)
His ticket # was 120904-001303 submitted on Sep 3

Players Awaiting Help [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Kaiser.5439



I was playing the previous night perfectly fine, and during the day when i logged on, I had discovered my character was stripped of anything that wasn’t account bound.

Players Awaiting Help [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Emmeh.6251


Still waiting regarding hacked account….almost a week now.

Ticket Ref#120901-000502

I would love to have this sorted by the weekend.

Players Awaiting Help [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Skandal.8614


Honestly 11 pages of posts, most of which are resolved, even with 25 unresolved issues per page currently that would be 275 people with the same issues, if they allegedly hired more support staff, 28 people I think the number is, can each of those 28 people not handle 10 of these forum posts a day? If not you seriously need to find some people who can. It really shouldn’t be that difficult. I get that this is a small number of people with the actual issue, but the people that followed your advice on how to resolve the issues should be first priority anyways

Players Awaiting Help [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Ryans.9571


Almost 5 days since my account was hacked and it is still banned. Here is my ticket number(s) again. 120902-007643 and 120904-005461. The response I got was in one of them was completely useless, and I would like this to be resolved soon. I understand that you are very busy Anet, but 5 days is beginning to get a little ridiculous.

I also have posted in this thread about this:

Players Awaiting Help [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Moonraid.9605


I’m posting on behalf of my friend, whose account was compromised about 5 days ago, he couldn’t come on the forums to post, but here is his message:

“It has been a 5 days and still no word about my account. I see people getting response from Arena Net people on the forums, so I’m going to give it a shot. I haven’t been able to log in since Saturday because my account was hacked and moved to a French server according to my friend. Now he tells me that my character doesn’t exist, I haven’t heard any word that my issue is being looked into. I just keep hearing things from people saying that if you haven’t been helped in 3 days to make a new ticket. So I did just that. I have also heard that it’s faster to do a chargeback on your Credit Card and buy a new game; I am very tempted take this option. 5 days with no word other than an automated message doesn’t make me feel hopeful in a fix. I see people getting their accounts fixed in 72 hours, good for them. Why isn’t mine fixed after 124 hours? I don’t mean to sound like a kitten bag, even though I’m sure it comes off like it but I’ve waited long enough without a response. My support ticket is

Players Awaiting Help [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: swag.6093


same thing for me too probly hacked and banned from not confirm email address … help please!

Players Awaiting Help [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Magic.2859


My Wife account Crystal.6325 report that cannot log in on 2 Sept and update on 3 Sept with case number120904-001918 until now no response from NCsoft. NCsoft already charge me by VISA in April and now not allow me to log in and mention that I need to enter serial code. Use April CD Key that provide from NCsoft and mention that key already in use. I was already provide all information in my report such as log in name, character name, login email, CD key and VISA card last four digit number etc. What happen payment received and not allow me to log in for more than 5 days? Now even cannot use Crystal.6325 to log in forum and need to usemy husband account to post this forum.

Players Awaiting Help [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: MisterX.7251


Hello there. My friend was hacked and lost access to his account. He is unable to play his game and cannot post in this thread. He asked me to post here in his place.

His ticket number is 120902-017541

He also has the transaction details regarding the purchase of the game. Please advise if any additional information is needed. Thank you.

Players Awaiting Help [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Lombarok.6538


Still banned, since over 1 week now. I posted like a lot of my friends yesterday evening here, they all got unbanned.

120831-006017 and the ticket was approved since monday 08:06

my hope is getting very none existing for a weekend to play.

Players Awaiting Help [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Zombiebob.1679


1. I couldn’t authenticate my email. But after that went away and I could log in anyway.
2. After a few days of being able to log on while I was downloading the game. The game was finished downloading. But, I can not log in to play. Every time I tried, this popped up:

“Game client is unable to gain access to log-in server at this time. This is most commonly…, etc”. Error code 42.

Granted, I am on a military base. But, I was able to log in before. I’ve sent a few tickets. I really don’t want to wait a week or more like others have been to be able to play something I paid for (Double paid for, actually, and that issues hasn’t been resolved either).

Thank you. =)

Players Awaiting Help [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: MephDaddy.2639


My Friend has his account hacked several days ago he submitted a ticket but cant get into the account anymore and asked me to post his ticket number for him


Hope you guys can help him out soon.

Players Awaiting Help [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Slackton.9502


Hey support, I don’t really know if I was maybe overseen, because people who posted before and after me with the exact same problem got unbanned but I didn’t.
I’m waiting to get unbanned since 8 days. Would be a real pleasure if someone could help me please.

Players Awaiting Help [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: LuciBear.6021


Hi i’m posting this for a friend as he had his account hacked. He posted his ticket on the 3rd of september the incident number is 120903-007452. Could this please be looked into as he has put quite alot of money into the game to build our guild and help out friends his screen name is razimerz.8710. He was playing the game when he was dissconnected due to someone else logging into his account.
Thanks hope to hear back from you soon.

Players Awaiting Help [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: delirium.3540


I wasnt hacked, but I am blocked from accessing the game. It’s been 9 days since i posted my ticket on 08/29/2012

I want to get back ingame asap.
Sick of sitting around checking my emails all the time.
This is not the account which has the issue,
but my ticket number is
and i posted another for prioritization on 09/05/2012

Please help, I’d greatly appreciate any help/reassurance.


Players Awaiting Help [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Nuisible.3489



After my first ticket 31st of august, I’m still banned cause of karma exploit.
The reactivation of my account has been delayed 3 times
- 1st of september, you asked me to answer that I’ll delete all objects and currency, though I had already said that in my ticket.
- 3st of september, you tell me that my account will be reactivated within 72h
- 5st of september, you tell me it will take 48h more
Today, I’m still banned. I know customer service is overcharged, but i’m really worried when I see I’m one of the least still not unbanned.

Can you please take a look at my ticket ?
Karma Weapons Exploit Appeal-Approved still not unbanned

EDIT : unbanned right now. Thanks !

(edited by Nuisible.3489)

Players Awaiting Help [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: brutalpig.7685


Hi my friend cant log in on his account and he needs help, his ticket is 120905-009824

Players Awaiting Help [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Krog.8493


120904-003560 09/04/2012
Please give me any information ……. how long i will whait

Players Awaiting Help [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Honoris.8469


Our customer support team is prioritizing hacked accounts and other blocking login issues over other types of support requests.
Hacked accounts – If you submit a support ticket for a hacked account, ensure it is properly prioritized by following these instructions. We’re resolving prioritized hacked account tickets within 72 hours…

HA! 72 hours..that is a joke! My husband has been waiting for a week now…that is way OVER 72 hours!!!!

Players Awaiting Help [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: wushmonkey.9314


Please let me play your game!
I was originaly part of the closed beta test team, and had normal access until the point when it became open beta and i decided to pre purchase(8th June) from arenanet “Because the game is soooo good.”
I was not too bothered about not having access for the rest of the “open” beta sessions as i had played, liked and pre purchased.
I still have no access and havent even been able to play for a single minuet. My first ticket was submited on 25th august 120825-011134 and reprioratized on 3rd september 120903-006658.
i have only had contact from support once every 3-4 days! and i still dont know whats happened to my account
i havent been banned and i dont think ive been hacked as my other game accounts have not beem affected, but i still cant get access to GW2.
Can somebody Please sort this out, it’s been 14 days of waiting by my email.
Its like waiting for first contact, Everybody tells you its going to happen, but nobody knows when!

Players Awaiting Help [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: cosmicwaffle.1603



[Incident: 120904-000426] 04/09/2012
account name gargrim.5179

my brother got hacked 3 days ago and has been waiting since then, he cant log into his account or his support account, he needs a GM to email him

Players Awaiting Help [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Bubanni.3920


Was probably hacked, lost 3+ gold, noticed all my mails had been removed ingame
Already changed my password just incase…


Players Awaiting Help [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Calcine.2598


Posted for a friend

Title: Hacked Account
Date: 09/03/2012 08:35am
Ticket No: 120903-006707

As you can see the ticket has been submitted for over 72 hours. It has been formatted as per the instructions given and prioritized yet still has not been dealt with.

Any help is much appreciated, thank you.

P.S. So far aside from a few launch and account issues, amazing game. Good work.

Players Awaiting Help [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: passion.5481


Hacked Account


Hacked Account since 5th September
120905-008912 (prioritized)

Players Awaiting Help [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Sensou.8615


I’m posting on behalf of a friend
Account was compromised last month on the 31st issue still not resolved,a new ticket was opened to perform to correct procedure… on attempt to fix the account in turn, has lost me access to both of my accounts in the ticket.
Ticket Number – 120907-003916

Players Awaiting Help [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Felgen.7305


Account Perma Banned – ( From reading forums and admin help, most likely was hacked)

Ticket :120905-002088 Submitted 4-9-2012

Account Name: Felgen.7305

Players Awaiting Help [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Mazatron.2974


My husbands account was hacked 3rd September and is now well out of the reported 72 hour response time.

Ticket number: 120904-000063 submitted that same day.

Screen name Smugly.4973

Can we at least get some idea of where you are in processing tickets?

Players Awaiting Help [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Chaotic Malice.1824

Chaotic Malice.1824

Have just received a response from support and all problems with my hacked account have been sorted. Hope everyone else is soon to follow. Thank you Arena Net, now finally back to enjoying the game

(edited by Chaotic Malice.1824)

Players Awaiting Help [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Frank.8092


Someone broke into my account, stole my stuff and changed my home server. One day later I got an error saying that my account was permanently banned. i submitted a ticket for both of my problems but both without that code they ask you for. The one you use to create your account. I can’t find it in my mailbox. Will Anet still help me out with my account even if i don’t have that code? I hope they because right now I’m being punished for something i didn’t do

Btw i also didn’t get an email asking me to authorize for a log in from a diffrent ip address


(edited by Frank.8092)

Players Awaiting Help [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Crokiller.9836


My friend has been waiting since Monday for someone to get back to him.

Ticket # 120904-004792

Please if you can help him. He is unable to login to forums so I am posting for him.

<Crystal Desert>

Players Awaiting Help [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: frikandel.9013


same here still banned
Tickets numbers are:


(edited by frikandel.9013)

Players Awaiting Help [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Frank.8092


same here still banned
Tickets numbers are:

I’m sure that we’ll get our accounts back but i’m just wondering how long it’s going to take.

Players Awaiting Help [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: prowling.6428


My friend’s account was hacked and he’s unable to access the forums so he asked me to post the following message on his behalf. He has had access to the game for more than 72 hours.

I played from launch until Tuesday September 4th the with no problems. I tried to validate my email address daily but the link GW2 sent me was always broken and I would get an error.

When I tried to log in Tuesday morning 9/4 my account was blocked and ever since, I receive the error 3002:1008:1:462 on a black screen when trying to log into the game client.

When I try to log into the support forums, I get the error that my email address is not associated with a game subscription and I’m therefore not able to communicate with ArenaNet. When I try to create a new forum account, I can’t because It says I need an active game account.

I was somehow able to create a new account using an extra email address I have and I opened the ticket #120905-008484 but have not been contacted by ArenaNet. The account I opened was blocked shortly after I opened it and I can’t even check the status or modify the ticket.

Since ArenaNet doesn’t provide any other method to contact for support beside the forum you’ve prevented a large majority of us from letting you know we’ve been hacked!!!!

Please resolve my ticket and give me my account back!

Players Awaiting Help [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: JuniorsOnFire.1408


I know Support is inundated with tickets, but I’m starting to get a little frustrated and anxious and felt if there was anything more I could do I should do it.

Ref#: 120903-002815 (09/02/2012)
Account hacked on the 31st, recovered my account on the 2nd, but haven’t heard anything back yet regarding my permanent gold-seller ban.

Thanks and good luck wading through all these tickets!