Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: ChrisTopZ.2685
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: ChrisTopZ.2685
Update — Tuesday, 18 September: Part 1
120909-004170 Resolved
This is not resolved. Now when I check my ticket out it says this at the top of the ticket “This incident cannot be reopened or updated. If you need further assistance, please submit a new question by clicking the Ask A Question tab.”
and it shows duplicate and closed next to my two tickets still.
You tell me it’s resolved and nothing is resolved. Should I open another ticket??? I mean come on this is a joke.
Update — Tuesday, 18 September: Part 1
120909-004170 Resolved
This is not resolved. Now when I check my ticket out it says this at the top of the ticket “This incident cannot be reopened or updated. If you need further assistance, please submit a new question by clicking the Ask A Question tab.”
and it shows duplicate and closed next to my two tickets still.You tell me it’s resolved and nothing is resolved. Should I open another ticket??? I mean come on this is a joke.
sigh You’re right. I did a search but I must have pulled up other data. That is not resolved, and I am sorry. Part of the problem is the duplicate tickets on the same issue — that does confuse things. I have added it to the top of the review list and hope for more info soon.
(edited by Gaile Gray.6029)
My friend posted for me after my ticket was 5 days old, looks like it might have been skipped.
Would appreciate an update on 120908-002770, still waiting on support after being hacked.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Lunalesca.5039
Why is my ticket still being ignore?? 120911-002506 this is ridiculous, I have been patiently waiting for more than a week, why is these ticket below getting resolve first? So there is no such thing as chronological order in your ticket resolution process?
Update — Tuesday, 18 September: Part 2
120824-003258 Resolved
120828-016512 Resolved
120828-017417 Resolved
120907-005097 Resolved
120910-006627 Resolved
120910-007349 Resolved
120906-007794 Resolved
120907-004183 Resolved
120907-004357 Resolved
120908-000014 Resolved
120908-000119 Resolved
120908-001332 Resolved
120908-001593 Resolved
120908-003904 Resolved
120908-004389 Resolved
120908-004763 Resolved
120908-004764 Resolved
120908-004831 Resolved
120908-006278 Resolved
120908-007658 Resolved
120908-008202 Resolved
120909-000687 Resolved
120909-000844 Resolved
120909-000943 Resolved
120909-001341 Resolved
120909-001628 Resolved
120909-002278 Resolved
120909-002315 Resolved
120906-005755 Resolved — you were not blocked and were sent a new password
120907-008203 Resolved — duplicate ticket
120909- 01112 Need more info — incomplete ticket number
120906-004786 In queue, awaiting resolution
120907-006655 In queue, awaiting resolution
120908-002373 In queue, awaiting distribution
120910-006578 In process
120908-002470 Can I get a status on this?
120907-005183 Unable to resolve – game was purchased from an unauthorized retailer who originally obtained using a stolen credit card
120909-002142 Resolved but there are security concerns with this account; please review the ticket for suggestions on how to secure the account
If your ticket is at least five days old, and if you still need assistance, please post in the Tickets for Review – 5 days and older [merged] thread, which is here at the top of this forum.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Draeyon.4392
Ticket: 120908-005487
Title: CE/DDE items deleted
Still waiting on some sort or reply, and the title of this ticket has changed too frequently that I believe my original request got lost, I just want the mistfire wolf unlocked on my characters (all of them do not have it). I think the problem was I was given a serial code for the regular game rather than the Collectors Edition.
Why is my ticket still being ignore?? 120911-002506 this is ridiculous, I have been patiently waiting for more than a week, why is these ticket below getting resolve first? So there is no such thing as chronological order in your ticket resolution process?
Some issues require more scrutiny, or the involvement of multiple agents. The tickets you cited may be newer, but many more were older than yours.
As you can see from any update, there is a wide variety of dates on the tickets. No one is ignoring you, but it’s only possible to address so many in a day, and you will be helped as soon as possible.
My ticket I believe is nearing two weeks old maybe over three now.
My incident was I mistakenly and derpingly deleted my mini Rytlock, Tome, and chalice when I decided I did not like my character appearance.
I understand this is a minor issue and I would deeply prefer that everyone who had their accounts be compromised be tended to first, Heck I don’t even care if mine is even bothered with a month down the line, I just am concerned that due to the long gap in responses It may have been sweeped under before finished.
120826-011944 is my ticket number, thank you in advance
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Aemris.6083
.Trying to buy more gems with my paypal and or my paypal card and it won’t go through!
Lost my first booster pack because I used it and was stuck crashing in divities reach all night the first night
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: WhyKlef.7126
In about 24 hours, this will be 7th day without any answer of any sort from ArenaNet.
Hacked Account [Incident:120913-000725]?
Please, do something.
Ticket: 120911-002501
After waiting 5 days, got a response from Anet asking for information that had been provided in the originaly lodging of the ticket. Have now waited 3 more days for a response, without a peep.
Been waiting 8 days in total.
Please, look into this ASAP.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Nerradus.2590
Thank you, I am finally back in game after 25 or so days.
Although you have said my ticket ( 120828-017417 ) Resolvedis resolved, in fact its only partly resolved, as my GW1 account is still attached to the wrong account. But I’m not so worried about that, as long as I can get in game, I can wait a bit longer for that fix… as long as you don’t for get it still needs to be done.
Thanks again
P.S. How about some Free Gems in way of an apology for taking so long, since the Head Start didn’t really work out, and I am now 25 Days behind. Just a thought, its the least you could do really ;p
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Kalimbo.8543
i wait now 20 day´s that the German-Support remove my ban.
My ticktet number is : 120831-007724
I hope the English-Support can help me.
Sending this for my friend, since his ticket still haven’t been answered after 9 days!
He still can’t start playing because of a simple password reset, please take a look!
Ticket number: 120912-005259
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Ahsous.4063
I created the ticket # 120824-007248 at launch date and still got no answer.
I’m fine with a english answer.
My wife and I have been stuck for 8 days now. Ticket # 120912-001055.
Unfortunately, our ticket was responded to and your customer service made it worse. They merged my account with her email address. The issue was that she couldn’t log onto her account and now not only can she still not log onto her account, I have to log on using her email address. This is ridiculous.
*Update — Monday, 17 September: Part 1
120908-002648 Resolved
Hi GaileGray,
Thank you for the update and the continued effort!
Unfortunately I talked to my friend whom the quoted ticket was about. He says he hasn’t received any news from the ticket and that he still can’t log in as his e-mail still isn’t recognized by the system.
In other words, on his end there has been no change, despite seeing you posted the ticket as resolved.
Is there something he/we missed? We are quite anxious to get him back in the game after all
Thanks in advance!
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: XStuff.6859
*120908-004534 Awaiting update on this one
Any update?
Really, how hard can it be to check what’s wrong with a gem code. I’m sure I wont by another gem again and neither would I recommend anyone else.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: dawhip.1573
Any update on #120829-012492. Last word was that you were to work on it as of yesterday. No worries, just checking in.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Breydon Deathwalker.8193
Still unresolved.
Subject: Account: CE Items/DE Upgrade Issues
Reference # 120907-004123
Status: Awaiting Approval
Date Created: 09/07/2012
Subject: Deluxe Edition issue.
Reference # 120825-035330
Status: Closed
Date Created: 08/25/2012
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Highlander.9860
Hi Gaile,
Re my problem as its going round in circles here, as always had great support over the last 7 years from Anet/Ncsoft.
My reference……. credit card purchase [Incident: 120912-002924]
I did get a reply stating was my card company see below stating your stance
Thank you for contacting NCsoft Account Support!
After reviewing your account, we see that your first few purchase attempts were refused by your financial institution. Because of those refusals, all subsequent attempts resulted in an immediate error due to our fraud prevention rules.
Please contact your financial institution to determine why your initial attempts were refused by them, and what can be done to resolve that issue. After resolving that issue with your financial institution, please wait a full 24 hours from your very last transaction attempt, then try the transaction again. Please be sure to use >>>>> as the e-mail address when purchasing.
The first few attempts yes (lag at page)then it was resolved see order number below.
Order number: 27730244
Order date: 8/24/2012
Now I have spoken to my company and they have stated its not there end as…
There security……….
…….My card is a Pre -Pay..used over 5 years on gw1…….
There response ..YES we flagged your card for the following reasons…
NCSoft are trying to make your account a Direct Debit..
This is not Allowed on any Pre-paid Mastercard…
Advise Ncsoft that our(Mastercard) does not permit this
They have stated it will be flagged again until Ncsoft do not try the above
As any Pre -paid card only allows 1 purchase at a time .
I purchased this pre -pay when Ncsoft stopped Meastro 5 years ago.
So this is catch 22 here each stating its each ones security problem with no thought to the customer.
I apolige for the long winded post
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Johnson.3874
Posting here after 5 days, for my wife, whose account has been suspended due to “unauthorized access”.
Account name : Arkelia.2198
Ticket num : 120914-004764
Every information you need should be in her ticket (written both in English and French), so if you need anything else just ask and we’ll try to provide what you need.
120825-007873 – It has been 25 days and I still haven’t received the items I payed for.
I’ve been in “ticket queue” for 5 days after a generic auto response. The auto response did not resolve my issue and I updated the ticket on the September 14th 2012, but have not received a response after requesting one via the support web page.
Thank you.
Account: Menes.2348
Reference Number: 120915-000309
Subject: Guild
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Nighthawk.6453
120915-000523 – unresolved since 09/14/2012
Incident: 120904-006754
Been open since Sept 4.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Anthrass.4068
I’ve been waiting for 6 days.
My ticket number is 120914-000391.
It was originally created: 09/13/2012
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Takeko.8735
ticket: 120913-000767
submitted Sept 12
I got hit with the personal storyline bug where my partner selected to join one order, I accepted the results of the mission, and got arbitrary assigned to a different order.
I would just like some indication of whether this can and will be fixed. Thanks.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: ChrisTopZ.2685
Update — Tuesday, 18 September: Part 1
120909-004170 Resolved
This is not resolved. Now when I check my ticket out it says this at the top of the ticket “This incident cannot be reopened or updated. If you need further assistance, please submit a new question by clicking the Ask A Question tab.”
and it shows duplicate and closed next to my two tickets still.You tell me it’s resolved and nothing is resolved. Should I open another ticket??? I mean come on this is a joke.
You’re right. I did a search but I must have pulled up other data. That is not resolved, and I am sorry. Part of the problem is the duplicate tickets on the same issue — that does confuse things. I have added it to the top of the review list and hope for more info soon.
i really hope something is done by the end of the day
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Spectorx.9762
Incident: 120914-003281
Still needs fixing.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Sagacity.3120
Hey, your support and team are doing great! Keep up the good work.
Ticket: 120911-001259
I thought to just wait this out and see if I get on the next batch of ‘DDE’ items.
No pressure though. You’re busy enough as it is and I’m totally patient.
Ticket: 120906-003033
The ticket closed, and can’t be re-opened so, I didn’t want to bug support. I posted in the thread. I’m patient, but not sure I’m where i need to be if a fix does come.
Thank you for your support!
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: stpetemermaid.5947
Ticket 120904-001280 First submitted 9/3/12.
(Posting here for my husband spartyfiftyfour.1456)
9/3/12 – Opened ticket. Items bought from Gem Store were not delivered via mail. Requesting either items sent or Gems restored. Gems were puchased with real money, not in-game coin.
9/6/12 – Arenanet email reply by Mitch – Mass Message
9/9/12 – My husband responded to the email that the problem was not fixed.
9/14/12 – Arenanet email reply by Taredia – problem should be fixed in 72 hours.
9/19/12 – Resubmitted ticket. Problem has not been fixed. Also posting here in the forum.
I understand there are a lot of tickets to deal with, and at times, support personel are going to give the quickest answer possible. However, I have been patiently surfing the support forums for a week now (waiting for my resolution), and when my happy day finally came to get a response, I got zero help, just a confirmation that my account was in fact banned. I am more depressed than mad, what a waste of time.
There has to be an alternative resolution to a perma ban as your first warning. In a lot of circumstances (like mine) we will never know what actually happened, just the fact that we were banned. I have since secured my account, and would like at least one chance to prove my account is violation proof!
Please help :\
Ticket: 120912-005302
Status: Updated
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Yoshiro.4159
Hey GaileGray,
U told me to post if its been 5 days so here it is.
Could u review my ticket.
i would appreciate it thanks.
Ticket: 120916-005007
Date Created: 09/16/2012
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: annielumos.6498
120901-001721 was opened 8/31— support email advised on 9/12 that the ticket was being referred to a senior member of support team (no validation email being sent on 2nd account)
9/19— recieved another generic email combo from earlier replies, did not appear issue was even looked at— replied with the same facts stated in earlier emails
Incident: 120825-003557
GM Lloyd said my ticket was escalated to Senior Staff. 09/06/2012 07:29 PM
– I sent an update on the 14th. Consisting of information saying I had not heard from anyone since the 6th.
It is now the 19th and I still have no response. 9 business days without response from Senior Staff
I have been waiting since August 25th. To have my items back and people who have been waiting only a few days have gotten theirs back.
Please do something about my ticket Gaile. I have been patient, I really would like my mini pet and stuff back that we payed extra for.
Update — Wednesday, September 19
120826-000572 Resolved
120827-009339 Resolved
120901-001721 Resolved
120901-030134 Resolved
120907-001862 Resolved
120909-004499 Resolved
120912-000702 Resolved
120912-004572 Resolved
120908-002770 Resolved
120911-002506 Resolved
120825-003481, 120908-001695 In queue, awaiting resolution
120902-005577 In queue, awaiting resolution
120902-006231 In queue, awaiting resolution
120911-009121 In queue, awaiting resolution
120914-000042 In queue, awaiting resolution
120908-005487 In queue, awaiting resolution
120826-011944 In queue, awaiting resolution
120913-000725 In queue, awaiting resolution
120829-012492 Assigned; awaiting response from player
120906-002403 Assigned; awaiting response from player
120906-003323 Assigned; awaiting response from player
120912-005302 Assigned; awaiting response from player
120907-001327, 120907-008394 Unable to refund gems
120824-008715, 120903-001767 Sent suggestions for resolution
120913-005753 Sent suggestions for resolution
120913-006801 Sent suggestions for resolution
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Benjamin Mahir.7986
Incident: 120826-011765
I’ve been waiting on this ticket since August 26. It was not a game breaking issue, so the wait wasn’t painful, but I was still expecting a eventual resolution. Yesterday I received a response, and while I can understand the need to cut your losses concerning an issue that will only effect a limited portion of the player base and no future new members… I’m hesitant to take the response at face value.
Dismissing the briefness of the response, the spelling errors, and the fact that the ticket wasn’t closed… proceeding with the resolution as stated in the ticket could put my account at risk for exploitation of a bug. While I have no doubt that referencing the ticket in question in a new ticket with support would eventually get my account back, I would still like to avoid the issue altogether.
I obviously can’t go into the detail of the ticket in a public forum, but the ticket itself is exhaustive enough. All I really need to know is… is this really resolved? Can I walk away with a sign of relief or am I going to be stalking the My Issues tab of customer support for a little while longer?
Just want to put in a Big Thank You to you Gaile and the rest of the support team.
It took nearly 3 weeks, but I have my proper account back! Thanks so much!!
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: triXXar.8154
Third time I’m posting here…
Hacked account, got one automated reply and 2 more reply’s which didn’t solve anything and ask the same questions again. The situation was explained thorough and yet I get the same useless response as if the support didn’t read any of my messages.
My messages summarized
Account email was changed, no more access on GW2 account and registered email
GW2 serial code ‘lost’(stored in hacked email archive), but got all payment info and access to paypal account
(I’ve listed my payment info,Invoice ID, paypal account, ect)
Display name: Dennis.5206
A week later I get the response:
I’d like to help you with this, but I’ll need a little more information.
-Your Guild Wars 2 Serial Code:
-Your Guild Wars 2 Display Name (ex: MyName.1234):
-Your Guild Wars 1 Account Name (if you have one):
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: ChrisTopZ.2685
come on
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Grizzly UK.1209
Ticket submitted 25th August, still awaiting solution: 120825-035702
Received 2 responses from the Support Team, first on 25/08/2012 04:19 PM and the second on 29/08/2012 03:13 AM . Total silence since then, ticket was auto-closed on 10th Sept., followed by an email asking me to confirm if I still needed help. I clicked the link in the email and did indeed confirm I still needed help.
Still being deafened by the silence from the Guild Wars Support Team.
After 21 days I’ve pretty much run out of patience!
I posted the above on the 15th Sept., now it’s the 17th Sept and still zero response! Without a doubt this is the worst customer service I’ve ever experienced!
Third time posting in this thread! I get a very strong feeling that I’m just being ignored! It’s now 24 days since I submitted my ticket and 20 days since my ticket received a response from anyone at ArenaNet!
I did receive the following reply from GaileGray 8 days ago in another thread (
I’ve had my email client open since I read your post in another thread about the email being sent out and it actually arrived about 5 minutes ago in my Inbox! I’ve clicked the link and clicked on the “Yes I still need help” button. Ticket number is 120825-035702.
Great — we’ll get to that asap.
That was because my ticket was auto-closed and I subsequently received an email asking if I still needed help with my issue! Despite clicking the link in the email and confirming that I still need help, my ticket hasn’t received any further response from the Support Team!
Grizzly, I totally understand your frustration, and again, I apologize. I added this to my review list on Sunday, and I believe that two or three agents are helping me with that list today, so I do expect to hear tonight (or tomorrow at the latest). Very sorry for the delay in answering this and a few others extremely old tickets I see in the recent posts from players who have been extremely patient (for which we are extremely grateful!)
Anyway, that is why we have this thread, so please bear with us. (Get it, a little joke, with Grizzly and… ok, I’m outta here for now. runs)
Well it’s nice to see someone finally take notice! If I’d known that my ticket had been added to your review list on Sunday then maybe I wouldn’t be quite so annoyed and frustrated! Ah well, I guess any progress is a good thing!
Update — Tuesday, 18 September: Part 1
120825-035702 In queue, awaiting distribution
Great, that’s my ticket, so the next question is, obviously, when will that distribution take place? This week, next week, next month? Please don’t give another “asap” reply either, at least give us somehing that narrows it down more than that!
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: definem.2781
Hey take a peek at this ticket
I’m sure all the info that you need is there
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Aemris.6083
Hey I still can’t buy gems I want to give you my money but still no dice
Updated 09/07/2012
I dont want a gem refund as stated in the post you made Gaile you put both tickets together and said unable to refund gems which is fine but the only one I am really worried about is this ticket the one here that hasn’t let me be able to purchase gems for a few weeks now and I want to purchase a lot of them I love the game and want to support it etc and everyday I login hoping to make my gems go from zero to at least 4000 or heck even 12000 but no luck
(edited by Aemris.6083)
Hey I still can’t buy gems I want to give you my money
but still no dice
Updated 09/07/2012I dont want a gem refund as stated in the post you made Gaile you put both tickets together and said unable to refund gems which is fine but the only one I am really worried about is this ticket the one here that hasn’t let me be able to purchase gems for a few weeks now and I want to purchase a lot of them
I love the game and want to support it etc and everyday I login hoping to make my gems go from zero to at least 4000 or heck even 12000 but no luck
Oh I understand, Aemris — I apologize for the misunderstanding. Will add to tonight’s list for a review tomorrow.
Posted on here and still nothing. 120903-002278 I bought the Krutan armor for 500 gems. It either didn’t give me the breastplate/coat part or the transmutation went wrong because I no longer have that part. I have all the other parts and refuse to buy it again for 500 gems. I have spent over like 100$ on that store already. Can’t you guys just give me that item that I’m missing and close my petition that hasn’t been answered since SEPT 2
come on
I sent this one off special. I’ll check ALL my mails, and if it’s not there, will add it to the top of the list. I am very sorry!
Ticket submitted 25th August, still awaiting solution: 120825-035702
Received 2 responses from the Support Team, first on 25/08/2012 04:19 PM and the second on 29/08/2012 03:13 AM . Total silence since then, ticket was auto-closed on 10th Sept., followed by an email asking me to confirm if I still needed help. I clicked the link in the email and did indeed confirm I still needed help.
Still being deafened by the silence from the Guild Wars Support Team.
After 21 days I’ve pretty much run out of patience!
I posted the above on the 15th Sept., now it’s the 17th Sept and still zero response! Without a doubt this is the worst customer service I’ve ever experienced!
Third time posting in this thread! I get a very strong feeling that I’m just being ignored! It’s now 24 days since I submitted my ticket and 20 days since my ticket received a response from anyone at ArenaNet!
I did receive the following reply from GaileGray 8 days ago in another thread (
I’ve had my email client open since I read your post in another thread about the email being sent out and it actually arrived about 5 minutes ago in my Inbox! I’ve clicked the link and clicked on the “Yes I still need help” button. Ticket number is 120825-035702.
Great — we’ll get to that asap.
That was because my ticket was auto-closed and I subsequently received an email asking if I still needed help with my issue! Despite clicking the link in the email and confirming that I still need help, my ticket hasn’t received any further response from the Support Team!
Grizzly, I totally understand your frustration, and again, I apologize. I added this to my review list on Sunday, and I believe that two or three agents are helping me with that list today, so I do expect to hear tonight (or tomorrow at the latest). Very sorry for the delay in answering this and a few others extremely old tickets I see in the recent posts from players who have been extremely patient (for which we are extremely grateful!)
Anyway, that is why we have this thread, so please bear with us. (Get it, a little joke, with Grizzly and… ok, I’m outta here for now. runs)
Well it’s nice to see someone finally take notice! If I’d known that my ticket had been added to your review list on Sunday then maybe I wouldn’t be quite so annoyed and frustrated! Ah well, I guess any progress is a good thing!
Update — Tuesday, 18 September: Part 1
120825-035702 In queue, awaiting distributionGreat, that’s my ticket, so the next question is, obviously, when will that distribution take place? This week, next week, next month? Please don’t give another “asap” reply either, at least give us somehing that narrows it down more than that!
Honestly? We’re still trying to figure that out. There are changes that may be made so that this doesn’t happen to people in the future. I believe there will be one distribution, but the question is whether to roll that out before the design change is in place, or wait and do the final distribution after the situation is fully resolved. I’m sorry I don’t know more, but it’s actively under discussion!
Hi Gaile!
I submitted my ticket originally on 12/09/2012 regarding an issue linking my old @ncsoft Guild Wars 1 account to my Guild Wars 2 account using the website. It keeps directing me to a broken webpage & refusing to link my accounts. After several circular replies telling me to change my GW1 details (didn’t work) & to send off all my account information (which was ignored in a follow up reply), I was told 5 days ago (14/09/2012) that the matter was being escalated to a senior person, but I’ve heard nothing since.
Ticket number: 120912-003177
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: DarkSeraphim.9026
Submitted a ticket 5 days ago, no response. Please fix.
Reference #
Date Created
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Contact /u/e-scrape-artist on reddit if you encounter a bug.