Annoying Sound Bug

Annoying Sound Bug

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Posted by: Luxrin.3871


I was in the Mad King’s Labyrinth in an Overflow server killing the Family size candy corn when during the fight my headphones started giving off this weird slow ringing sound. I can’t really describe the sound well because it wasn’t traditional ringing. I changed the sound to my desktop speakers, but the ringing still came from my headphones. I thought it was a problem with my headphones so I unplugged and replugged my headphones. I tried a different USB port, no luck.I tested my headphones in my husbands computer, which stopped the ringing. I tested my headphones in my husbands computer, which stopped the ringing. I figured at this point I would start closing things to restart my computer. Once I closed Guild Wars 2, the ringing stopped.

I have no idea what caused it, but I’ll see if it happens again next time the Family size candy corn comes back up.

Annoying Sound Bug

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Posted by: Dreadnaught.3689


After the latest patch, I’ve now had this bug happen to me twice within about 15 mins in WvW. Every time it happens I have to exit the game and hence WvW, losing my place on the map. I’ve seen this bug from day one, WTF? Maybe fix basic problems before worrying about what’s in the gem store?

Annoying Sound Bug

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Posted by: KrisHQ.4719


It’s impossible for me to participate in WvW atm.
This happens at EVERY large battle, and then i’ll have to turn off my speakers until i can leave the game.
I hope you’re able to find a fix soon, because this is seriously annoying!

Lysis Kawahara – D/D Elementalist
Zaphiel Faires – DPS Guardian

Annoying Sound Bug

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Posted by: Dee Jay.2460

Dee Jay.2460

Maybe there’s some sort of memory leak. This is typically something that could occur in stressful situations.

Annoying Sound Bug

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Posted by: Slithid.8632


Yeah, hopefully they fix this soon because it bars me from doing WvW and anything else with a lot of people, like large events.

Annoying Sound Bug

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Posted by: ANGRYShavedWhale.7563


I cannot find a way to reproduce this bug, but its pretty simple. Randomly the audio will stop playing and the left ear (head set) will start ringing. After sometime then game will crash to the desktop. I have seen this bug before but I could not find the post for the bug.

Annoying Sound Bug

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Posted by: Vyndeleron.6471


I had this happen as well but only once so far. It occurred when there was lots of players in one area spamming spells/abilities which caused a lot of noise then suddenly the audio stops playing and it kept on making that ringing noise on the left side of my headphones.

Annoying Sound Bug

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Posted by: One.6321


Also been having this problem for two months. Its pretty upsetting Anet still hasnt fixed a big issue like this

I have a pci asus xonar card too so its not exclusive to usb or onboard audio.

Annoying Sound Bug

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Posted by: Mike Winters.6871

Mike Winters.6871

Hey everyone,

Thanks for continuing to give us details about this bug! I just checked with one of our programmers, and he’s still hard at working tracking this one down; I’ve passed on the information about the sound slider reducing the chances of it happening as well.

As before, please let us know if you find an exact way to consistently reproduce this issue, especially if you find a way to do it outside of a huge group of people.

Thank you for your patience and understanding; we’ll continue to work on this one and update as more information comes in.

I get this bug some times in a large group of 25+ people sometimes. Maybe a way to reproduce it on your end would be having a large group of 35 or higher mobs attacking you or each other?

Annoying Sound Bug

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Posted by: Badsituation.6125


Please address this issue asap. Everytime i’m in WvW and there is a battle of 10 or more (or a lot of spells being cast within my line of site) i get the sound bug and usually crash shortly after.

Annoying Sound Bug

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Posted by: ShunsuiKouKyoraku.9106


I let this go the first couple of times as simply to much stuff exploding in WvWvW, but now I’m having it happen at random times. Sometimes I get the annoying alarm like siren going off when out farming ori by myself…… I hope this is being looked into. I hate restarting my game because I can’t stand the kitten siren going off.

~De Oppresso Libre~
Shunsui Kou Kyoraku~Thief |Afro Claptrap~Warrior|Korra Jorradóttir~Elementalist
Zaraki Bladebreaker~Guardian|Mikasa Ackkermann~Mesmer

Annoying Sound Bug

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Posted by: Father Merrin.4673

Father Merrin.4673

Still no fix for this

Annoying Sound Bug

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Posted by: steb.7048


Sad face. I miss my game sound. Substituted it with Hans Zimmer though :P

Charr Warrior & Asura Necromancer
Proud member of Heresy on Blacktide EU.

Annoying Sound Bug

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Posted by: Nocturnal.9584


Still happening to me as well. :|

Annoying Sound Bug

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Posted by: Hiz Father.5186

Hiz Father.5186

Guys, try turning down you sound quality in the game settings and see if that fixes it.

Annoying Sound Bug

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Posted by: Holy Shadow.1672

Holy Shadow.1672

I keep getting this constantly! I have no clue on what this might be, I’m using both Corsair headphones and speakers.

Annoying Sound Bug

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Posted by: Holy Shadow.1672

Holy Shadow.1672

Guys, try turning down you sound quality in the game settings and see if that fixes it.

Won’t change a thing, even with my master volume at minimum this goes on, just what exactly is it o_o

Annoying Sound Bug

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Posted by: Infiniafication.2394


Happens to me too! And I thought I was the only one having this problem.

Annoying Sound Bug

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Posted by: Artorias Tarkus.9816

Artorias Tarkus.9816

Would definitely like a fix for this instead of the raw candy corn invasion.

Annoying Sound Bug

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Posted by: Daisai.5879


You could try to turn off the clock aswell in the game, it could be related to the alarm you get.
I just did a wvw with the clock turned off and didnt have the bug.

moving right along…

If you dont like the answer you get then dont go to a forum.

(edited by Daisai.5879)

Annoying Sound Bug

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Posted by: Criusis.8752


same problem, happens in large numbers wvw fight

The Tiny Master of Evil——-Apate Veigar

Annoying Sound Bug

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Posted by: Blackwolfe.5649


Happened to me last night in WvW. Only goes away if I restart the client completely.

Colin Johansen casts – Working As Intended
Colin Johansen hits you for 239407889 damage
Game over

Annoying Sound Bug

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Posted by: joejoeuk.5769


Same problem here, very annoying!

Annoying Sound Bug

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Posted by: suisgary.6753


SAME! WTF fix it, the problem was there since the launch, push the post till Anet fix it. It really hurt my hearing!!!!

Annoying Sound Bug

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Posted by: IceCold.5172


Still Have the dam same problem and it only ever happens in large battles in wvw. Its very annoying becuase i have to quit the game and wait in a queue again for my server.

Can you pls fix it

Annoying Sound Bug

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Posted by: Giles Marchand.6970

Giles Marchand.6970

I experience this issue quite often.

Annoying Sound Bug

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Posted by: fedaykin.4186


I get this bug in WvW or when fighting a dragon if there are a large number of PCs around.

Annoying Sound Bug

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Posted by: Siliconhobbit.4361


Has this issue been given an update as of yet?

I am currently running the game with near to zero sound. All of the sound settings in game are on minimal settings ( 3-5%)with the master volume sitting at approximately 10% of full. I’d REALLY love to be able to listen to the music of this game while playing as well as all of the NPC dialoge around the world and in personal story missions. Unfortunately I am unable to do so because of this bug.

It gets to the point where it is extremely difficult to hear anything in game, especially in WvW when all my sound settings aer like this.

Annoying Sound Bug

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Posted by: TeeBeeNZ.1963


I also get this issue in WvW. I’m running a X-Fi Platinum Fatality Pro (Im sure theres another 15 words there), using the latest drivers. I should also note that all other audio on the machine continues to run fine (voip, or music etc) only GW2 suffers the bug.

Annoying Sound Bug

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Posted by: Endarion Sisko.5094

Endarion Sisko.5094

Same problem here since release.
I have to stay away from big battles, if I do not want to lose my motivation for WvW.
- Realtek® ALC889 8-Channel High Definition Audio CODEC
- Sound Quality “Highest”
- Mixing Buffer Size “Lowest Latency”

As before, please let us know if you find an exact way to consistently reproduce this issue, especially if you find a way to do it outside of a huge group of people.

Outside of a large group of people!?! Hardly reproducible. But here’s the problem!
Have no better idea to describe this:
—> Go to WvW, go to a big battle with approx. 30/40/50+ players.
Repeat it several times.
—> Estimated at least 50% of cases will occur this bug, sooner or later.

(edited by Endarion Sisko.5094)

Annoying Sound Bug

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Posted by: Thrishmal.5019


Not sure if it is related or not, but I usually get this bug after dodging while in the big fights.

Annoying Sound Bug

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Posted by: Johnson.4867


was farming in Orr then all of a sudden (even with the game minimized) my computer was just making this “wuuu, wuu, wuuu wuuuu wuuuu” (imagine that phonetically [wa-eww])

then once gw2 was exited it stopped.

Annoying Sound Bug

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Posted by: Chazz Beef.5802

Chazz Beef.5802

I also get this typically in WvWvW and large groups does seem to be a trend. Really annoying.

Annoying Sound Bug

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Posted by: BulletNG.7069


I’m shocked that this still hasn’t been fixed yet! This was an issue from launch months ago. I had to restart my game three times within a few hours of WvW.

Dawn of Dementia [DUI] – Yak’s Bend
Formerly: Phoenix Ascendant [ASH] – Gate of Madness

Annoying Sound Bug

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Posted by: The Moose.7532

The Moose.7532

Having this same sound glitch or the “wooo [pause] wooo [pause]” sound on my computer. I’d say recently 90% of the time my game crashes between 5 or 30 seconds of starting that noise. I’ve been getting it the last couple months or so as well. It only occurs on my computer during any of the Dragon fights (never had this problem during any Halloween events, including champion fights or MKT events in Lion’s Arch), and it occurs almost every fight I take part in against the Dragons. It’s pretty frustrating not being able to get credit, loot or take part in killing the Dragons.

I am running the game in windowed fullscreen if this makes a difference in diagnosis?

Annoying Sound Bug

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Posted by: ZeroArmada.9426


I don’t understand what has been going on, but lately, at ANY random moment, my game audio will completely screw up and start making this slow beeping noise. It happens randomly, so I can’t exactly tell you what I’m doing that triggers this.

Another thing, and this just started happening today, is that the same thing happens as above but my whole game just freezes. This happened while I was in Orr farming. I figured my PC just crashed because it isn’t exactly high-end and if you’ve been to Orr and have farmed there, things get incredibly hectic for your PC.

I wasn’t sure if this is a game bug or a technical issue, but I figured I’d put it here and if anything the mods will just move it

Annoying Sound Bug

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Posted by: wodny.7143


Any news about this issue? It happened to me twice today during “Defeat the Risen Priest of Balthazar before it can summon a horde of Risen”.

Annoying Sound Bug

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Posted by: Blackout.3247


Still happening for me too, never had this problem during the BWE’s funnily enough.

Really sucks waiting hours to get into wvwvw only to have to restart your game because you got this nasty bug

Annoying Sound Bug

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Posted by: JAP.5714


Large battles in WvWvW are unplayable for me with this sound bug. If it occurs (fairly often), I either have to restart my client (re-queue for map, not to mention 1 less person for the fight) or it just crashes in a few minutes anyway.

Annoying Sound Bug

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Posted by: Johnson.4867


This thread is to promote the fix of the bug where I [and others] cant even play for like 20 minutes farming Orr with a lot of people (or in WvW) for this annoying noise to start. it Overrides ALL other in game noises (as well as out of game noises i think when minimized) and the only way to stop it is to restart your game completely…going to character select does NOT work.

Annoying for the following reasons:
- Makes you want to blow your brains out
- Annoying when you have to restart your game after waiting in a long WvW queue
- Annoying when trying to farm Orr when there is OBVIOUSLY going to be a lot of people and spells going off

This bug really needs to be fixed ASAP. it really is game breaking whenever it happens i just alt+f4 and get pissed, or i have to switch sound devices in the game options to “not speakers” then play music while i play since I’m obviously not going to sit at my computer in silence.

For real, figure this out… this is actually serious.

edit: Next time it happens again I’m seriously going to record the noise and post it up….its worse than nails on a chalk board….did i forget to mention it NEVER stops if game is not exited?

(edited by Johnson.4867)

Annoying Sound Bug

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Posted by: Lethal Left Eye.6129

Lethal Left Eye.6129

Please fix. This sound bug is getting terribly annoying to deal with.

Annoying Sound Bug

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Posted by: podnah.2896


Same problem, annoying tone that pulses. I have to turn off sound or alt-f4 to fix

Chere Migonne, 80 Mesmer
Couillon, 80 Warrior
Sanctum of Rall: Krewe of Misfits (KOM)

Annoying Sound Bug

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Posted by: Johnson.4867


thank god its not just me.

Annoying Sound Bug

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Posted by: Echo.7634


I was having the same issue.

Try doing this:
Go to options→ Sound options → and then set the “Sound quality” to “fastest”(all the way left) and set “Mixing buffer size” to “largest” (all the way to the right).

After making this adjustment I have not had the death siren sound again. Hopefully it will work for you as well.

Annoying Sound Bug

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Posted by: elsbeth.3567


I believe I’m having this same problem. It happens frequently in WvW when a lot of spell effects are going off. Of course, logging out means starting the queue all over, so I have to fight with the disadvantage of being deaf, but also the advantage of being insane and angry.

Annoying Sound Bug

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Posted by: ChonieRanchito.1270


I also have this issue. It has only happened to me in WvW and it is incredibly frustrating after waiting 15min in queue.

however, for me it goes a step farther sometimes as the sound will start playing ~5x faster and the entire game will crash shortly thereafter. I send a crash report every time it happens. I just want to WvW

Annoying Sound Bug

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Posted by: RoyHarmon.5398


What, exactly, makes this thread “Official”?

“It is the stupidest children who are the most childish
and the stupidest grown-ups who are the most grown-up.”
- C. S. Lewis

Annoying Sound Bug

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Posted by: One.6321


Still happening. I dont know how they can let a major bug like this into the retail game

Annoying Sound Bug

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Posted by: Rinbox.2570


i’ve noticed the issue still persisting as well. usually its been hunter pets that cause this bug for me but its something else now and i cant quite pinpoint it. very annoying though

Annoying Sound Bug

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Posted by: dehumanizer.3682


So it’s been weeks since the last word from Anet on this, at least for me, game breaking(wvw and other larger events are unplayable) bug. Any news at all or what? And don’t tell me about some workaround, it doesn’t work for me. I want a fix.