Challenge Motes are bugged [merged]
congrats they fixed the broken dungeon in record time. but no kittening mote fix
Same issue, please fix it.
Okay so about my ticket, the first time around I got a generic message about thanking me for reporting a bug, after escalating that I got this response:
“Hello X_____,
Thanks for your reply!
Please notice that the Support Team is unable to directly modify game content such as this. However, we have found a workaround that might help you while the Developers launch a fix for this situation.
If you have any active mini pet on your character please deactivate it and try to access the content again.
Issues like the one you reported often are complex to resolve, and the time it takes to fix them can vary widely based on the severity and complexity of each issue. Because of this we are unable to provide a timeframe in which the issue might be resolved.
If you have any other questions, please feel free to contact us.
GM D______
Guild Wars 2 Support Team"
ohh yeah cause we are 5 and can’t use google. The mini pet problem was before our actual problem…are they mocking us?…
just in case, because i really kittening want this luminescent set, i tried the mini thing again. after 5 tries, ill just give up and keep waiting for that fix
Why won’t someone from A-Net reply to this?
I cant see challenge mote for mote master achievement.
Why won’t someone from A-Net reply to this?
Because probably they don’t have any immediate plans to fix this & being silent about bad things is simpler :P
makes it seem like nobody gives a kitten though
any word on when a fix for this is coming out?
I heared that this and some other minor issues will be looked on after HoT release. It is sad that they can do april jokes with the characters and cant put 1 stationary NPC in the story mode… Well probably we who want it to be repaired are considered a minority for Anet…
Sadly we dont event know when the HoT is comming out so…
Wonderful. So Arenanet is not just turning into a money grab scheme with no consideration or respect, they’re also reaching new levels of incompentence. Why do I bother.
Edit: And yes, I found this awesome thread because I was trying to finish the achievements (Meet the Asura specifically), after being away from the game for a few months. Nice welcome from anet.
I’m still waiting for a fix
I heared that this and some other minor issues will be looked on after HoT release.
It is sad that they can do april jokes with the characters and cant put 1 stationary NPC in the story mode… Well probably we who want it to be repaired are considered a minority for Anet…
Sadly we dont event know when the HoT is comming out so…
If that is true that’s simply tragic. This game is all about cosmetics. This being broken is by itself is a supermassive issue, then there is the problem that ppl are paying gems specifically to get access to this armor set…
Whats your source? (map chat, friends, friendly alpha tester, or what else?)
This issue is not something that can be swept under the rug imo. New ppl are running into this bug every day, which means by the time of HoT release, there will be literally thousands of loyal & angry gw2 players that ran into this, seriously there is no excuse for not making this a priority. (optimistic estimates put end of summer as a plausible release date for HoT) If it was a priority they could have fixed it already, or hell rebuilt the whole challenge mote system, had they failed to find a better solution.
(edited by Sina.9208)
someone mentioned maybe implementing an item that you can use to simply activate the challenge mote status. that sounds amazing
someone mentioned maybe implementing an item that you can use to simply activate the challenge mote status. that sounds amazing
Yeah that would be one way to go about it. An option to hide your boots & run on naked feet would also work with me.
(edited by Sina.9208)
Please fix this.
It’s fixed, not.
The Warrior turns to the guardian and says, “Did you hear something?”
Guardian replies, “No, but how’d the elementalist die?”
Starting to feel like I’m a broken record repeating itself.
Fix the ^%$&ing thing already.
The Warrior turns to the guardian and says, “Did you hear something?”
Guardian replies, “No, but how’d the elementalist die?”
I have the same problem with Meeting the Asura Chapter ( Unforgiving Infiltration ) Achivement , and i can’t do it cuz the Challenge mote ain’t there , My Lumi set hangs on this Achivement plz fix it ASAP ….
will this be fixed by next patch on Tuesday?
Notice us dev-senpai
This is getting ridiculous. I was at least expecting some sort of admission that this is a bug and will be fixed “soon”. “Soon” being anywhere from now until it is actually fixed.
(edited by kaxl.2071)
Still not up…
Happy Easter all!
Still waiting for a fix…
Not sure about the other motes but with the Caithe/Faolain one I had to check my mail – a letter from Marjory was there for me to read and the mote wouldn’t spawn until I read that, but their was nothing to tell me to do this. Hope they fix all these motes.
I’d be more excited about HoT replayable missions with challenges if those motes worked properly.
I mean, if they can’t fix this, then what assurance do I have that they’ll be able to avoid the same problems in the future?
I won’t lie. This is super-annoying, but it’s other still a pretty good MMO for a very decent price. I won’t give up GW2 over this.
I just wish they told us they’re working on it, and actually got around to fixing it. It’s pretty important.
sad easter bunny is sad
I agree with alaris, I fear for the HoT expansion if I’m going to have to deal with this in the newer content.
We want the mote fixed!!!!!
No challenge mote in “Meeting the Asura” here. Had no problems with the others.
No challenge mote in “Meeting the Asura”.
Welcome to the party, for some the ‘party’ has been going on 3 weeks now.
The Warrior turns to the guardian and says, “Did you hear something?”
Guardian replies, “No, but how’d the elementalist die?”
No challenge mote for me in “Meeting the Asura” too…
Welcome welcome, there is coffee in the back. You’re going to be here awhile.
And by a while robotosis means maybe a few more weeks…hell maybe even till HoT gets release, as you can see a 7 page thread and no official “yeah guys don’t worry, we’re looking into it”
This can mean 2 things:
1. They have no idea what is causing this, or how to fix it..and will take quite a while to fix this bug without runing other parts of the game.
2. They do not consider this a priority, and just noted it on a post it stuck on a frigde “When you have time fix the mole bug…eventually, if you don’t mind…no hurry”
so yeah…either way we are kittened right in the kittening kitten
amen brother, still waiting for a fix
And by a while robotosis means maybe a few more weeks…hell maybe even till HoT gets release, as you can see a 7 page thread and no official “yeah guys don’t worry, we’re looking into it”
This can mean 2 things:
1. They have no idea what is causing this, or how to fix it..and will take quite a while to fix this bug without runing other parts of the game.
2. They do not consider this a priority, and just noted it on a post it stuck on a frigde “When you have time fix the mole bug…eventually, if you don’t mind…no hurry”so yeah…either way we are kittened right in the kittening kitten
It could be a little bit of a both. If they had an idea whats causing it, the fix would have happened already, but also if it was a priority they could have rebuilt the whole challenge mote system to fix it..
What’s kind of concerning that there was a reddit thread the other day that got upvoted to the top of the main page, (some smart wording about warning players about this bug) and it got deleted after just a couple of hours.
Still bugged, I sent a bug report IG, I will send many others about this issue :-)
Bumping this up again. I have been trying now for a few days on different characters and cannot get the challenge mote for meeting the asura to show.
any word on this? just checking in.. I gave up waiting and started playing another game til it gets fixed lol
I have heard that hiding miniatures would spawn the mote in meeting the asura
Regarding the issue, I have recently tried the following around April 2nd, 2015:
- Hiding/Unequipping my miniature
Unequipping all equipment (weapons, armor, backpiece, underwater weapon/armor, trinkets, harvesting tools)
- Unequipping all traits
- Relogging many times
- Re-starting the instance many times
- I have done this on a human female mesmer.
- I have tried just walking in with a male char engineer, and a female human guardian.
- I have opened every instance solo and without a party.
None of which would have the challenge appear.
I don’t have any screenshots, but I included it, it would show that the challenge mote not appearing in front the left pillar when you enter the “Meeting the Asura” instance.
I am from the Maguuma server.
The characters I try this with have finished the Seeds of Truth Episode.
(edited by LazyKoishi.9370)
I finally got all achievements… beside Meeting the Asura…
I guess you can welcome me now!
Hi Anet. pls fix. thanks
I send one every day!
Encountered this today in One Good Drink Deserves Another. Kinda disheartening to see that nothing has been done twenty days later. :/