Chat code crashes server.
That seems odd. (yes this is a bump)
Hah, Anet seems to have broken something with the chat. My guild chat is not working at all. It keeps saying “You are not in a guild”, while I am definitely respresenting one. And… as I cannot send, I cannot receive either.
EDIT: Nvm, I think I fixed it by switching presence states…
(edited by Archomeda.6472)
I will not post the code here, but there’s a broken code link that kicks anyone who sees it from the server. You get an error and it instantly boots you to the character selection. Meaning if someone posts it in map chat, the WHOLE map DCs.
Send it to
Twice in a row now I was ported to the same spot after 2 or 3 minutes. Everyone else on the map is experiencing this. the progress since then gets lost (drops, achievements etc.) Please fix that immediately, since we can’t play like that, no progress possible.
Yeah happening in LA on tarnished coast right now, nearing 10 d/c in less than 10 minutes. Map Chat has rumors about a command or item linking that causes it, but I have no proof to it. I just hope they have logs and issue bans because it’s well warranted if such is the case.
Don’t support the Gem Shop, it’s that easy.
Yeah happening in LA on tarnished coast right now, nearing 10 d/c in less than 10 minutes. Map Chat has rumors about a command or item linking that causes it, but I have no proof to it. I just hope they have logs and issue bans because it’s well warranted if such is the case.
it is true. and they better ban all the exploiters. you can kick an entire map out of wvw for example.
I can confirm that there is indeed a bugged chat code. I just tried it myself (whispered a guildie who agreed to test it with me), I d/c’d and was rolled back about 30s to when I logged in. Guildie did not seem to be affected.
I am obviously NOT going to share the code publically, but I do have it for the devs if they need it.
Folks have reported the code I just hope they’re working on it AND reviewing chat logs. Slap on the wrist shouldn’t cut it when you have some people disconnecting entire maps for fun. I’m over 15 d/c I think within the past 20 mins now?
Don’t support the Gem Shop, it’s that easy.
I did the same, a friend accidentally found it and told me about it, I whispered a friend and we both DCd. People are spamming it in LA and at metas and its really causing problems.
There is a very major preview code bug, that when used in chat will kick everybody on your current map. I know what the preview code is as it has started circulating through various chat spaces, but I will not post it here as to not increase any further damage towards the game.
Please get this fixed ASAP Anet!
Many thanks
You mean this thread right below yours? Folks need to take a little time to read the first page. Anyway:
Don’t support the Gem Shop, it’s that easy.
I was simply confirming that it’s a preview code that’s causing the issue, at the time of me making this thread, that thread did not confirm it.
I feel guilty for trying it not knowing what it was (thinking it was just a new gemshop item to preview), sorry if I disconnected anyone, I reported the bug including the code and sent a whisper to an anet dev I know to make sure it gets attention fast.
I was simply confirming that it’s a preview code that’s causing the issue, at the time of me making this thread, that thread did not confirm it.
Since logging intoday I get Dced every 2 to 3 minutes with like a 90 second rollback attached. I don’t know if its worth even logging in till this is fixed.
Lol.. Lion’s arch just crashed when someone used the code. You cant get in. You get a network error and get booted to desktop if you try.
This is what was said by someone from Anet (Chris Cleary) a few minutes ago:
“Using this is a good way to get your account banned, I will be watching.
“Testing” this is not going to be a valid excuse to get your account unbanned."
I’m not linking to the source since I think it still contains the code right now. :/
Maybe they will post something similar on these forums as well.
Edit: STOP TESTING IT!!! They know about it and there is a fix on the way! Do NOT “test” the code if you value your account.
(edited by Strawberry Nubcake.7163)
From a coding perspective, Idealy it should be easy to just point the item to a different item, at least for the time being, or just fix the pointer.
But nothing is ever Ideal, Things like this happen. I can take a break.
Oh wow.
I did it a couple of times for proof on the forums and to see if it worked, hope I won’t get in trouble now.
Then again, half of NSP and sPVP right now are spamming this code.. It’d be a lot to ban a whole server.
Garbage at every profession 2015
(edited by Celebratty.1632)
This is annoying, 4 times in a row in LA and once in Sparkly Fen, after that last one I can’t connect to the game again…
We are working on a fix for this.
Stay tuned.
This is what was said by someone from Anet (Chris Cleary) a few minutes ago:
“Using this is a good way to get your account banned, I will be watching.
“Testing” this is not going to be a valid excuse to get your account unbanned."I’m not linking to the source since I think it still contains the code right now. :/
Maybe they will post something similar on these forums as well.
I hope those quotes are true. I really do.
Don’t support the Gem Shop, it’s that easy.
We are working on a fix for this.
Stay tuned.
please please please ban the abusers I cant even get back onto my main who DCd when someone in LA used the code. Network error..
This is what was said by someone from Anet (Chris Cleary) a few minutes ago:
“Using this is a good way to get your account banned, I will be watching.
“Testing” this is not going to be a valid excuse to get your account unbanned."I’m not linking to the source since I think it still contains the code right now. :/
Maybe they will post something similar on these forums as well.I hope those quotes are true. I really do.
I’m looking forward to playing the game after the mass-banning that removes thousands of malicious players. The game world will once again have a much more fun and friendly environment after these types of players are gone. I really hope those quotes represent how serious they are taking this issue.
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(edited by StinVec.3621)
Oh wow.
I did it a couple of times for proof on the forums and to see if it worked, hope I won’t get in trouble now.Then again, half of NSP and sPVP right now are spamming this code.. It’d be a lot to ban a whole server.
I hope for perma bans for everyone “trying” this out.
- great warlord Waha of Sea 2981bc
please please please ban the abusers
I cant even get back onto my main who DCd when someone in LA used the code. Network error..
Seconded. If someone’s doing it once or twice on accident that’s fine, but if someone is spamming this deliberately they deserve an outright perma ban.
I know right. I’ll be sure to tag on “I was just trying/testing” every time I use an exploit so I’m not held accountable for my actions. Thanks for the tip.
Don’t support the Gem Shop, it’s that easy.
How appropriate. Every time I log back in some Asuran NPC keeps saying “Failure was NOT part of my equation.”
Please fix this bug. Someone is using it in WvW to exploit by resetting the maps, kicking everyone out and then they go and zerg an objective.
Oh wow.
I did it a couple of times for proof on the forums and to see if it worked, hope I won’t get in trouble now.Then again, half of NSP and sPVP right now are spamming this code.. It’d be a lot to ban a whole server.
I hope for perma bans for everyone “trying” this out.
What if they didn’t know what it did, using it once unknowing that it crashes people shouldn’t get permabans. Now if they use it more than once, at most twice, they know dang well what they’re doing and should be banned.
But once? How are you supposed to know? All I knew was it was a chat code, and I thought it was for a new gemstore item or one of Tequatl’s skins or something.
Yeah, I read the code on reddit and tried it 3 times in guild chat, without really thinking it trough. Now I’m banned for 71 more hours. DON’T TRY THIS FOLKS!
Btw, it didn’t seem to affect guild chat, only myself when I tried it. So I stopped and thought it was just a silly bug.
… but yeah. banned now. So don’t do this I guess.
i dont give a …. if they have to ban entire servers for using this. its wrong. it is completely disrupting everyones enjoyment. and it will send a message to all the other morons out there that should be in school right now anyway.
Virual [VRUS] Alien Lunatics [StFu] Nocturnal Sxaddx [Nuts] Ft. Aspenwood
That which is dead may eternally lie, but with great aeons even death may die.
Oh wow.
I did it a couple of times for proof on the forums and to see if it worked, hope I won’t get in trouble now.Then again, half of NSP and sPVP right now are spamming this code.. It’d be a lot to ban a whole server.
I hope for perma bans for everyone “trying” this out.
What if they didn’t know what it did, using it once unknowing that it crashes people shouldn’t get permabans. Now if they use it more than once, at most twice, they know dang well what they’re doing and should be banned.
But once? How are you supposed to know? All I knew was it was a chat code, and I thought it was for a new gemstore item or one of Tequatl’s skins or something.
how do you tell the difference between people doing it on purpose and people doing it on accident? anyone can claim innocence.
I know right. I’ll be sure to tag on “I was just trying/testing” every time I use an exploit so I’m not held accountable for my actions. Thanks for the tip.
Well, the only people I tested it on was a couple of friends with whisper.. Not like I was crashing sPvP tournaments.
Garbage at every profession 2015
Get names. Anyone using it more than once isn’t “testing” at this point and deserves a perma-ban. Anyone using it in WvW deserves a kick somewhere private too.
Forever known as “that slow guardian who can’t jump worth crap”.
I hope Anet has the stones to actually ban the kittens that have been spamming this in chat. EVERY ONE OF THEM. Even if I was a dev I might let once or even twice slip if the person filed a report with it, but now is an excellent time for Anet to clean house and get rid of a good number of people who don’t belong in this game (or likely on the internet in general).
*edited for clarity (I am not a dev)
(edited by Neural.1824)
Yeah, I read the code on reddit and tried it 3 times in guild chat, without really thinking it trough. Now I’m banned for 71 more hours. DON’T TRY THIS FOLKS!
Btw, it didn’t seem to affect guild chat, only myself when I tried it. So I stopped and thought it was just a silly bug.
… but yeah. banned now. So don’t do this I guess.
Ouch, that’s kinda kitteny man….
But yea, suggesting permabans for “innocents” is a bit bullkitten IMO. Sure, sure, by all means permaban the kittens maliciously using this to manipulate WvW and shenanigans like that but a permaban against…nonmalicious intent doesn’t seem cool to me. I suppose a cautionary temp ban in some cases isn’t out of order though.
I hope Anet has the stones to actually ban the kittens that have been spamming this in chat. EVERY ONE OF THEM. Even as a dev I might let once or even twice slip if the person filed a report with it, but now is an excellent time for Anet to clean house and get rid of a good number of people who don’t belong in this game (or likely on the internet in general).
Ehehe… indeed. I generally haven’t had such problems in GW2 for the most part but I would most certainly not oppose kittenish/tryhard trolls getting kicked out of the game for good.
(edited by The Ice Mage.4879)
well.. 9 out of 10 of my characters are in LA.. I cant log onto any of em. Getting a network error since the last time some kittenbag posted the code in map chat.
Is this code the reason my game is now unplayable? Every time I log into the game I’m disconnected almost immediately. I hope the people who are exploiting this are found and banned. I was really looking forward to trying out the new content this afternoon but it doesn’t look like that will be possible.
2 week ban for trying it out on consenting friends for proof because the forums demanded it. ;-;
Well, I guess I deserve it, it IS an exploit, but there goes my chance to finish my tribulation mode skin or do Teq. Just gonna have to avoid this stuff later on.
Garbage at every profession 2015
That’s not an excuse.
Don’t support the Gem Shop, it’s that easy.
Cautionary temp ban for those who did it once or twice.. permaban for all after. Doesn’t sound fair but I’m real sure people in-game know it’s a bug now because map chats don’t tend to be quiet when this crap goes on.
This is an actual exploit, I expect to see people banned considering a friend of mine got banned for breathing wrong and this is game breaking and griefing behavior.
Forever known as “that slow guardian who can’t jump worth crap”.
That’s not an excuse.
I never said it was an excuse.
Do I think I should be banned for testing it between friends to see if the people spamming it in map chat were correct? Yes. It was an exploit and I stuck my nose in stuff I shouldn’t deal with.
Do I think I should be banned just as long as everyone who spammed it multiple times in map chat and WvW, causing real damage and harm? No.
Garbage at every profession 2015
Yeah, I read the code on reddit and tried it 3 times in guild chat, without really thinking it trough. Now I’m banned for 71 more hours. DON’T TRY THIS FOLKS!
Btw, it didn’t seem to affect guild chat, only myself when I tried it. So I stopped and thought it was just a silly bug.
… but yeah. banned now. So don’t do this I guess.
Ouch, that’s kinda kitteny man….
But yea, suggesting permabans for “innocents” is a bit bullkitten IMO. Sure, sure, by all means permaban the kittens maliciously using this to manipulate WvW and shenanigans like that but a permaban against…nonmalicious intent doesn’t seem cool to me. I suppose a cautionary temp ban in some cases isn’t out of order though.
TBH, I discover funny bugs in this game all the time. Used to report ‘em every once in a while but I kinda stopped doing that. I thought this was just a silly broken chatcode that disconnected you. Turns out it’s considered an exploit. Huh. Well, I’ve been around for a while, and I know how Anet CAN handle exploits so i’m just glad I don’t have a permaban on my head. :C
We are working on a fix for this.
Stay tuned.
Can you guys do a rollback on WvW? several servers hav ebeen abusing this apparently to get keeps (crashing the maps when people defend, then logging back in and getting tthe keeps before the server gets consolidated agaon)
Mesmer – FURY
Rank 55 – Bunker Engi, Top 300
That’s not an excuse.
I never said it was an excuse.
Do I think I should be banned for testing it between friends to see if the people spamming it in map chat were correct? Yes. It was an exploit and I stuck my nose in stuff I shouldn’t deal with.
Do I think I should be banned just as long as everyone who spammed it multiple times in map chat and WvW, causing real damage and harm? No.
So you tested it a few times, but that’s different than the other people who tested it a few times because they did it in different chats yet itall yields the same result which is crashing the entire map. That’s not damaging? Logic be kitten ed.
Don’t support the Gem Shop, it’s that easy.
That’s not an excuse.
I never said it was an excuse.
Do I think I should be banned for testing it between friends to see if the people spamming it in map chat were correct? Yes. It was an exploit and I stuck my nose in stuff I shouldn’t deal with.
Do I think I should be banned just as long as everyone who spammed it multiple times in map chat and WvW, causing real damage and harm? No.
So you tested it a few times, but that’s different than the other people who tested it a few times because they did it in different chats yet itall yields the same result which is crashing the entire map. That’s not damaging? Logic be kitten ed.
It didn’t crash the entire map.
It crashed two people, me and the person I whispered. And this person was in a party with a ANet employee at the time, and that person then told them about it. But I got the same punishment as the people who were using it to troll Teq, LA, sPvP and manipulate WvW.
Garbage at every profession 2015
On the bright side I guess we learned not to try out what we know to be an exploit.
Don’t support the Gem Shop, it’s that easy.