Game Breaking Bug: Parties, Guilds, Dungeons

Game Breaking Bug: Parties, Guilds, Dungeons

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Kyven.7514


I figured I would collect the so far TWENTY threads I found on this topic into one giant megathread for easier searching. I myself am affected with this bug and it is annoying. I cannot enter dungeons. My friends list is often messed up, with 1 or 2 people showing as online when I know that 10+ are. Randomly kicked out of parties and dungeons. Suddenly I’m the only person in my guild, cannot use /g. I’m kicked out of parties and can’t use /p and when I’m invited back, I don’t see who’s inviting me back. I’ve sent in tickets, I’ve sent in bug reports and have heard jack skritt about it. I’ve done everything I can think of sans flying to company HQ to breathe down their necks.

It may be that this issue is more complicated than it looks, maybe someone is looking into this bug as we speak. Maybe it’s a complicated fix. Maybe the devs truly don’t give a skritt’s bum about it and we’re bugged forever and ever hallelujah amen. I don’t know. But I want answers. If there are this many people complaining about a bug, something should be done or said. Even if it’s just a “sorry, we don’t know how to fix it”. I don’t want compensation or anything. I just want to be able to play this game sans this game-breaking bug.

Here you go:

Couple from Reddit (Not all of them)
(This one is a duplicate of a thread above)

Lareswen-Human Warrior/Zinnia Epsilon-Asura Mesmer
The Tyrian Institute (TI)
One of the few Americans on Gunnar’s Hold (EU)

Game Breaking Bug: Parties, Guilds, Dungeons

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Faulye.8357


Communication is the key of succes …
WAKEUP ANET and say something

oO Vizunah Oo

Game Breaking Bug: Parties, Guilds, Dungeons

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Myste.3291


This is beginning to make me feel rather SUICIDAL and really DEPRESSED … that every time I log in I am unable to see my guild. Sometimes even relogging 10x does NOT help. … I am unable to see the party I am in …. I cannot invite to group, …. WHY are you refusing to FIX THE EXISTING ERRORS rather than keep adding more bugged content … WHY are you refusing to accept that you are forcing people away from the game because you refuse to fix bugs that MANY MANY MANY MANY … MANY clients are complaining about …. are you really trying to destroy the game? The bugs now have been increasing since February patch when the Party interface, the Guild interface bugged out …. along with the fact that you have somehow managed to destroy Guild Influence registering properly.

Myste Stormme – 80 Ele; Oricle Myste – 80 Mes; Mystestormme – 80 Guardian;
Stormjayde – 80 Necro; Myste Dawn – 80 Ranger; Mysterayne – 80 Engi
Aurora Glade EU Server

(edited by Myste.3291)

Game Breaking Bug: Parties, Guilds, Dungeons

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: MaiYun.3147


Thanks for putting this list together
Hopefully Anet sees this thread and do something!

Those bugs are really ruining the experience of this game…

Game Breaking Bug: Parties, Guilds, Dungeons

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Leetsura.3507


I just posted about this in one of those threads.
It has been easy to fix the, very very annoying, ‘I can’t see you on map’-bug before by just rejoining party but it seems to be completely random now.

Gonna swim with the big fish. You’re gonna get your wish. Ooooooo. Little barracuda.
When you awake, quaggans will be here, and there’ll be a crab cake, just for you…

Game Breaking Bug: Parties, Guilds, Dungeons

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Ethera of Ninane.7239

Ethera of Ninane.7239

I’ve gotten the same bug now (actually have it right now) twice and have been kicked multiple times out of dungeons and fractals – first time it fixed itself randomly…this time I’m on day 2 of “no guild”, and “no friends” online on friends list.

This is really disappointing and annoying

Game Breaking Bug: Parties, Guilds, Dungeons

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: HunterWolf.7356


Thank you for putting these together on one post, makes things easy :).
I am having this bug too and now even logging in and out repeatedly isn’t helping much. The thing I find weird is that this is such a game breaking bug and yet theirs been no word from any Devs (as far as I know) about this… not even an acknowledgement or anything… I know of a few players who have stopped playing because of this bug and wont play again until its been confirmed it has been fixed.

Game Breaking Bug: Parties, Guilds, Dungeons

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Sarseth.7689


Thank u dude. Why anet is not interested in community? I don’t know. I bet if they let ppl know in one topic, then one topic will be enough, but so many topics means our gamestudio dont give a kitten about community. Really! Posted many in game bugs, no response. Posted on so many topics here, not even a single support dude was interested in reading in. You have kittenin monthly or something? Read 10 post, then left for month?

Game Breaking Bug: Parties, Guilds, Dungeons

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: pIgmInt.6549


I continue to suffer with the same problem. Sometimes I log in and I have a guild/contacts and other times not. Its totally random and completely frustrating. It would be nice just to know that Anet has seen the reports and are either figuring it out or refuse to do something about it… It helps to know what’s going on and not just be left in the dark on this matter.

Game Breaking Bug: Parties, Guilds, Dungeons

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Faulye.8357


UP kitten …. maybe when we hit 300K view, a red name will be interested…

oO Vizunah Oo

Game Breaking Bug: Parties, Guilds, Dungeons

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: The Cosmic Frog.8126

The Cosmic Frog.8126

Just writing this to say that the same thing is happening to me and it’s extremely frustrating. Hopefully this thread will get enough views to be unavoidable.

Game Breaking Bug: Parties, Guilds, Dungeons

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Imoen Ventrue.8154

Imoen Ventrue.8154

I’ve been experiencing most of these bugs myself for about 2 months now and it’s driving me beyond madness. Disbanding and rejoining the party, logging out and back in or restarting the game client sometimes helps, but certainly not every time as I’ve been experiencing myself.

Something should be done about this and very quick.

Game Breaking Bug: Parties, Guilds, Dungeons

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: MaiYun.3147


Seriously, with all those bugs I feel like playing Single Player game…
Still waiting for some response from Anet

Game Breaking Bug: Parties, Guilds, Dungeons

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: myenchantedlife.3729


Thank you for collecting these threads!
I’ve felt like I’ve been going crazy. This is bad enough being a player and not being able to see people in your dungeon, but try being a guild leader and not knowing who is on, not being able to group up or how maddening it is to even help people with the most basic things because you can’t stay partied or, Bounty Missions where you can’t find other people because you can’t see their dots on the map so you don’t know where other people are looking.

How does it get so broken in the first place and then continue for weeks?

Vellerana, Guild Leader
Hedonism on Ferguson’s Crossing
Web Site:

Game Breaking Bug: Parties, Guilds, Dungeons

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: sorenrye.7238


Anet (support/planning/quality control/owners/whatever) just doesn’t care about their customers/codebase. And if you write it in these forums you get an infraction, and will be accused of ranting.

Bug: Sometimes my guild chat tab turns ‘orange’. If I click it to see what chat has been send, it stays ‘orange’. I mean …. how do you change the color of the tab in the onclick-event? Duh? I have reported this bug since the game was released, once per month. I stopped reporting it (/bug).

(edited by sorenrye.7238)

Game Breaking Bug: Parties, Guilds, Dungeons

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Faulye.8357


UP again and again

oO Vizunah Oo

Game Breaking Bug: Parties, Guilds, Dungeons

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: rootnode.9546


And this is something that could be tested automatically. Again, automatically. There should be red flags in your system popping up all over the place.

Foran Lonewind – Mesmer
Gwens Avengers

Game Breaking Bug: Parties, Guilds, Dungeons

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Faulye.8357


UP, this is insane… not like they didnt saw it

oO Vizunah Oo

Game Breaking Bug: Parties, Guilds, Dungeons

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Okhu.7948


To the top! I kind of want a response or SOMETHING.

Game Breaking Bug: Parties, Guilds, Dungeons

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Faulye.8357



oO Vizunah Oo

Game Breaking Bug: Parties, Guilds, Dungeons

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Ruitsz.9165


I’m having the same issues like you, i get randomly kicked, cant see ppl in party, etc, everything exactly. I sent in a support ticket and they just told me to post it here. Guess i cant do anything but do daily events and solo farm…..yay!!! or play other games while this isnt fixed.

Game Breaking Bug: Parties, Guilds, Dungeons

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: rootnode.9546


And no word from the devs…about a game breaking bug. Every time they talk about how epic this game is for playing with your friends and guildies, but when it comes to a major bug that prevents you from doing so, they keep quiet.

Time and again…communication. Please let us at least hear that you’re working on it and recognized the bug.

Foran Lonewind – Mesmer
Gwens Avengers

Game Breaking Bug: Parties, Guilds, Dungeons

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Faulye.8357



oO Vizunah Oo

Game Breaking Bug: Parties, Guilds, Dungeons

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Faulye.8357



oO Vizunah Oo

Game Breaking Bug: Parties, Guilds, Dungeons

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: druakian.3402


This issue is still very much a regular occurrence. Is Anet looking into this issue or not?

Game Breaking Bug: Parties, Guilds, Dungeons

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Chiuna.2538


About 20 minutes ago I was disconnected from the game while in a dungeon. I was able to log back in but am now experiencing this issue. Please fix it so I can get back to doing dungeons! I’m located in the EU but playing on an NA server.

Game Breaking Bug: Parties, Guilds, Dungeons

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Eveliina.8619


This issue is happening to me right now. Game shows that I am alone in a guild roster, it does not show what rank I am in the guild, it does not show guild’s influence, no upgrades, no history.

I am located in the EU, but I am playing NA (Fort Aspenwood) server.

Please Arena Net, would you please fix this problem asap.

Game Breaking Bug: Parties, Guilds, Dungeons

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Rezz.8019


I’m EU player on NA (Fort Aspenwood) server. Same problem.

Game Breaking Bug: Parties, Guilds, Dungeons

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Hell With Wings.8413

Hell With Wings.8413

This issue is happening to me right now. Game shows that I am alone in a guild roster, it does not show what rank I am in the guild, it does not show guild’s influence, no upgrades, no history.

I am located in the EU, but I am playing NA (Fort Aspenwood) server.

Please Arena Net, would you please fix this problem asap.

Same here im located in South Africa, playing on NA (Magumma) Server. also all my NA friends appear to be online when I know for fact some are online. LFG not working/party not working/ cant join dungeons. CAN WE GET A MOD TO REPLY PLEASE (caps for emphasis)

Please Fix!

Game Breaking Bug: Parties, Guilds, Dungeons

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Bloodstealer.5978


Anyone would think there is a patch coming soon…. ooh wait.
Every few weeks the game gets drowned in bugs and performance issues.. this loss of guild info, friends info incorrect etc. pops up regularly now as does the open inventory, expand then reopen and find its reset back to a small minimised view.

Last night SKILL Lag came back with a vengeance in WvW and also PvE , game lag was terrible with chat channels buzzing with question “did we all just DC then”, wow lag is lagtastic etc, etc etc… must be a patch coming I guess.!!

Game Breaking Bug: Parties, Guilds, Dungeons

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Overdust.7204


This issue is happening to me right now. Game shows that I am alone in a guild roster, it does not show what rank I am in the guild, it does not show guild’s influence, no upgrades, no history.

I am located in the EU, but I am playing NA (Fort Aspenwood) server.

Please Arena Net, would you please fix this problem asap.

Same here,located in EU playing on NA[Crystal Desert].
And i just made a clean install of windows and gw2,logged in,used wp from Divinitys to Lions and got disconnected after about 3-5 minutes in Lions.
Restarted client and now i got this bug.I didnt have this problem before.

Game Breaking Bug: Parties, Guilds, Dungeons

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Chiuna.2538


Also noticed that I get a Network Error any time I open the LFG part of the friends list.

Game Breaking Bug: Parties, Guilds, Dungeons

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Bloodstealer.5978


One thing is different this time with the Guilds bug… At least can open your guild bank… you cant put stuff in it or take anything out, you can just view it…..

I used to think how good GW2 was for their 2-week small content turnround and their low server downtimes but now I am beginning to think monthly content and a few hours a week maintenance might do them some favours cos the game is so full of repeating bugs and performance issues that we bring to their attention everytime something is due to be patched or has been patched.. they then spend the next 2 weeks firefighting to “learn” from the issues, except they don’t learn.
Get yourselves a test server and run it alongside your live game, get it populated and mess around with things over there and leave the main servers alone.

Game Breaking Bug: Parties, Guilds, Dungeons

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: deadpillar.5761



Game Breaking Bug: Parties, Guilds, Dungeons

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Valmarius.4150


And the same is happening to me. Again. Really need to get this sorted, Anet, it’s not as though it’s a minor bug that only causes inconvenience. It literally ruins the game to be unable to interact with guild members, or do dungeons.

Game Breaking Bug: Parties, Guilds, Dungeons

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Mothafu.5123


Same here. Loosing my time/gold because of that.

Game Breaking Bug: Parties, Guilds, Dungeons

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Vewen.8016


My alt guild is the only guild that is broken at this point. The abbreviation is gone, I can’t see anyone else in the guild (even when I invited a new person) and the bank is gone too. I’m mainly concerned with the latter, as it had a lot of expensive crafting materials in there.

What’s maybe even more strange, even though I represent the treasury I can still talk in VOLT guild chat, even though I’m visible there as not representing. Something is very wrong.

Guildies are reporting bank guild issues as well.

(edited by Vewen.8016)

Game Breaking Bug: Parties, Guilds, Dungeons

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Solus.3926


This issue is still very much a regular occurrence. Is Anet looking into this issue or not?

probably not … anyone seen my Guild?

I am the menace. The one whose will is done. The haunting chill upon your neck. I am the Conundrum.

Game Breaking Bug: Parties, Guilds, Dungeons

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Asta Entreri.3945

Asta Entreri.3945

Go to support page, sent tickets, go to anet twitter, send them messages. Call out for it or we prolly get abandoned like the last time it happend.

Game Breaking Bug: Parties, Guilds, Dungeons

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: deadpillar.5761


to the top

Game Breaking Bug: Parties, Guilds, Dungeons

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: AlexEBT.7240


Too many ppl are affected by this for them to sweep it under the rug, i mean over 70% of the ppl i talked to around my server have this bug and that’s a lot of ppl.
Also bump