HoT maps reset on me

HoT maps reset on me

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Voonith.2561


Was in LA between Fractal runs, LFG’d for a group. Upon entering the instance, the two Chronomancers and myself (Daredevil) had our traits reset and our Elite Specializations locked (yet still completed). The specialization panel said they would unlock when HoT went live. We all relogged and our Elite Specializations unlocked and story reset to HoT chapter 1.

We finished our FotM run and then I had to log out. Haven’t checked yet if I had any of this affect Map Completion, but this was on a character who had the consistent map no-reward bug for those with 100% Central Tyria Map Completion.

Will check maps asap

Finally had a chance to check.

Yep, VB is all veiled again on this character, and whatever she had of AB. She only has Hero Points and nothing else on all Maguuma maps. I checked on my other characters and only she has been affected by this bug (thank kitten).

All’s fair in love and Wuv.
[ART] Gate of Madness

(edited by Voonith.2561)

HoT maps reset on me

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Posted by: atheria.2837


Telling us not to play our characters on their game? that’s absurd.


Someone else thinks that being told not to play the game is absurd?

I’ve been told this same thing in email after email after email when putting in TICKETS for ISSUES that should be addressed but never are to date.

Not keeping all IT jobs here is a major reason IT is so bad HERE. 33y IT 10y IT Security

HoT maps reset on me

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Posted by: Emolesbian.3170



For the reward issue,

maybe Anet should take a look into previous revisions. (as you probably keep tracks of every iterations you’ve made I guess). I say that because I’ve completed Verdant Brink map with my character during first days of HoT and everything was fine.

For the fog,

Something similar happened to me several times during first days of HoT. As I used to open my map frequently to move and check, there were many moments where my my map was fully fogged. I used to just swap between each layers of the map a couple of time to fix it.

There is probably no connection with the current bugs people are talking about but I don’t know, maybe those facts will be useful.

HoT maps reset on me

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Posted by: Randulf.7614


Games ship with bugs regardless of testing, many appear exclusively when they hit live. Or trigger from unexpected scenarios.

This is clearly an unexpected bug which has hit and be thankful Anet are working on a fix so quickly. So few game companies are this on the ball with hotfixes. It is annoying for ppl, but it will be fixed and nothing will be lost.

No violations of any rights have occurred

HoT maps reset on me

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Posted by: Arkanthos.6517


Okay, I’m not the only one with this problem then. I just hope this bug will be fixed as soon as possible. I retried to get some waypoints in VB and it gives exp which means it did really reset. I’m not gonna retry to complete the map, it might cause problem.

I recommend that people with affected characters play other characters that are not fog-afflicted until we resolve these symptoms. If you wish to continue playing refogged characters it is very unlikely to cause any problems. We will fix your account during time that you are logged-out or after a hotfix.

Testing and deploying our change may take a day or more, but your refogged state is repairable.

An ETA is still unknown.

I have a single character in my account. You’re asking me to not play something that I paid for an indefinite period?

None of us has forced you to launch the game on day 23 October. It’s absurd you have released the game without the total content announced and also full of bugs.

We’re not “Beta Testers”. The product received is not the same as it was announced.
This violates the rights of consumers.

If you read again you will see they just recommend it, and that playing your main or whatever character was affected will cause no problems.

So before complaining read, and understand statements, secondly bugs are always present in MMo’s especially at launch, every MMo has them even ‘’beta tested ones’‘. And that doesn’t violate any of your rights, as no where was it promised to be bug-less.

I can’t complete the map either, i also can’t advance in my Legendary crafting because of a bug. It happens, and i want it to be fixed, no, i expect it to be fixed but i also understand it can’t be done in the same minute as it was discovered, sometimes it can take days to find the root of a problem.

So be patient and wait.

HoT maps reset on me

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: tluv.5821


Crying over a single bug, such as this is silly. Just don’t play in the HoT maps till fixed. Simple. There’s loads of other content out there.

[EG] Ethereal Guardians
Formerly [QT] Questionable Tactics

HoT maps reset on me

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Posted by: Criswellious.9108


Posting in hopes the devs are still reading this thread :-)

Last night, after the patch that came out roughly 7pm EST, I took one of my characters to do map completion in the original maps. I completed my last POI in Wayfarer Foothills and got no completion reward. Is this bug related to all of this, or is it something entirely different?

HoT maps reset on me

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Posted by: Vlad Morbius.1759

Vlad Morbius.1759

Crying over a single bug, such as this is silly. Just don’t play in the HoT maps till fixed. Simple. There’s loads of other content out there.

Troll somewhere else seriously! This is a major issue for many people, there have been groups who captured their guild halls and now have to redo it all and you act like it’s nothing serious. Some of these people went to great efforts to organize and do those things, who the heck are you to come here and demean or make light of anyone who has this issue, you don’t know their circumstance or how this impacted them.

Vini, Vidi, Vici, Viridis…I came, I saw, I conquered…I got a green??

HoT maps reset on me

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Posted by: Mala.3861


Crying over a single bug, such as this is silly. Just don’t play in the HoT maps till fixed. Simple. There’s loads of other content out there.

Seriously???? We can’t play the EXPANSION that we have anticipated for so long with the characters we have worked on getting their specializations and builds set up for the last 2 weeks and we are being “silly”?

HoT maps reset on me

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Posted by: Nemesis.2019


Got this bug too, all progress is gone, please fix this..

HoT maps reset on me

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Posted by: Wite Out.8276

Wite Out.8276

Yes. This is also happening to me. I seriously hope this will be fixed SOON. All of my HoT map progress has been wiped. I am mostly mapped on Verdant Brink. Everything is wiped besides what Hero Points I have managed to get. Sigh


HoT maps reset on me

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Posted by: Booey Bubblehead.4890

Booey Bubblehead.4890

On 2 of 3 characters I have the maps open that I did prior to the new build at reset on 11/4/15; however, the other character has no waypoints in HoT. She does still have the story indicator in the proper location.

HoT maps reset on me

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Posted by: Vlad Morbius.1759

Vlad Morbius.1759

Can we please get another update on this? Has anyone had their stuff reverted yet? Is the fix nearing completion? It may sound selfish but I’ve got next week off and i planned to push through some mastery points and start working towards my Auric Greatsword….that is unless you want to drop one in my bank for my troubles

Vini, Vidi, Vici, Viridis…I came, I saw, I conquered…I got a green??

HoT maps reset on me

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Posted by: BitterestHat.1537


BUMP, lets get an update!

HoT maps reset on me

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Posted by: Voo.3421


ANET we need an update on this issue. This is a huge mess and I think everyone wants to know exactly how this is going to be fixed. Waypoints, Points of Interests, and Vistas all need to be fixed somehow. If it is not going to be fixed, I rather know now than later so I can start working on unlocking the markers again.

Anyone having this issue, I suggest to keep monitoring and please reply here so this thread doesn’t get buried.

Also, where is the thread about this issue that had replies from ANET (Sarah). It seems this thread was removed. I would like to know why. Seems very convenient to remove a long thread about this issue that had a ANET rep. posting a confirmation that there WILL be a fix for it. Making me start to doubt whether it’s actually fixable now.

(edited by Voo.3421)

HoT maps reset on me

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Posted by: Voo.3421


Nevermind on the other thread. This is the thread.

HoT maps reset on me

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Posted by: Wite Out.8276

Wite Out.8276

I really hope we can get some kind of update on this.

HoT maps reset on me

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Posted by: Vlad Morbius.1759

Vlad Morbius.1759

C’mon guys it’s been over 20 hours since the last update and a lot of us who lost their progress are waiting for a response. Please give us an update it’s the right thing to do.

Vini, Vidi, Vici, Viridis…I came, I saw, I conquered…I got a green??

HoT maps reset on me

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Posted by: Gimli.9461


Hhaahaha, this is hilarious. Very excited to explore some jungle all over again XD wish I had some map compltion to cash in rewards twice, but oh well. Can we get this as a feature? :P TO reset map progress on all maps on a character?

HoT maps reset on me

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Posted by: Xeiranis.8627


Still missing my HOT maps after they disappeared yesterday. Can we get an update on this? Pretty discouraging to play the game when your progress can vanish like this.

(edited by Xeiranis.8627)

HoT maps reset on me

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Posted by: Vlad Morbius.1759

Vlad Morbius.1759

Still missing my HOT maps after they disappeared yesterday. Can we get an update on this? Pretty discouraging to play the game when your progress can vanish like this.

This happened again after they said they fixed it in a patch? Great, i took a 2nd character yesterday i better log in and see if now he got wiped. Can’t believe there has been no follow up to this, seriously kind of rude to leave everybody in limbo after your patch wiped out their progress.

Vini, Vidi, Vici, Viridis…I came, I saw, I conquered…I got a green??

HoT maps reset on me

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Posted by: LiquidFrak.3576


Are we going to get an update on this anytime soon!? I dealt with crashing every hour for two weeks just to have my map progress reset? I love this game and I think you guys do a much better job handing issues than most other companies but the simple fact that everything we’ve worked so hard for is gone, and we haven’t heard anything in almost two days now is incredibly frustrating.

HoT maps reset on me

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Posted by: toxaris.8096


I hate beating a dead horse, but ya we need to know what’s going on. I had almost all completed my map progress when it all got reset. Plus I haven’t gotten a reply to my ticket in game about this yet. So what the hell.

HoT maps reset on me

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Mala.3861


<snip> I recommend that people with affected characters play other characters that are not fog-afflicted until we resolve these symptoms. If you wish to continue playing refogged characters it is very unlikely to cause any problems. We will fix your account during time that you are logged-out or after a hotfix.

Testing and deploying our change may take a day or more, but your refogged state is repairable.

An ETA is still unknown.

Other than logging in my affected character to see if anything had changed (it hadn’t, of course) I sit with my hands tied, so to speak. Last night I took a 2nd character to VB to at least have something to do but I tell you my heart was not in it. I miss my little Asuran Tempest. I miss her saying “I’m still smarter than you.” when downed.

Can we get an update, please?

Hello… anybody out there??

HoT maps reset on me

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Posted by: brunobyof.3541


My guildmates which weren’t affected are now making fun of this issue, saying that certainly ANET won’t fix this at all and this thread would perish into the void of eternity as they internally say: “oh, let them all redo the maps in one week and that’s good”.
I know you guys are not doing this, but please say that you have actually discovered what caused this and what you are trying to do to solve the problem, even if you don’t have an ETA for some fix.
Being in this limbo of know-nothingness is painfull

HoT maps reset on me

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Vlad Morbius.1759

Vlad Morbius.1759

Testing and deploying our change may take a day or more, but your refogged state is repairable.

An ETA is still unknown.

It’s been a day and more can we get some news on this, please!

Vini, Vidi, Vici, Viridis…I came, I saw, I conquered…I got a green??

HoT maps reset on me

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Posted by: Liontrex.2459


There is already some solution to the problem of erasing the progression of the map?

HoT maps reset on me

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Posted by: Donald.6379


At this point what I suspect is that they’re trying to write a tool or script that parses some logs and recreates our map completion data from that. The data as it is normally saved is gone. Probably seems like it would be easy but (a) has to be tested and (b) may have actually uncovered other HoT map completion bugs they weren’t aware of. An update today would be nice even if it just says “still working on it, don’t know when,” although I don’t see the harm in being more transparent than that.

HoT maps reset on me

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Posted by: panzer.6034


keep this thread at the top of the bugs forum. this isn’t a small issue, it’s a huge amount of time investment out the window unless they fix it.

HoT maps reset on me

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Posted by: Klaugh.7415


I’m bummed that I don’t have a character I can swap to when guildies are doing map meta events.

However, this bug gave me incentive to complete the story missions on other characters. To get so I can swap to those characters when guildies are doing map meta events.

I hope there’s a restoration of our maps soon (or at the VERY least, a go-ahead to start re-mapping on our bugged characters).

HoT maps reset on me

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Posted by: Christonya.3856


Can we PLEASE get an update? How long are we waiting? Is it safe to uncover stuff again? If we do uncover stuff again what will happen? Any thing would be great.

HoT maps reset on me

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Posted by: Vlad Morbius.1759

Vlad Morbius.1759

No offense but this is extremely unprofessional folks, but hey you got our money right so what the heck. Fool me once!

Vini, Vidi, Vici, Viridis…I came, I saw, I conquered…I got a green??

HoT maps reset on me

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Posted by: Albunk.9217


It would be great to make any progress in this expansion. Any character on my account I’ve wanted to play is affected by this issue. If I wanted to sit around LA and play PvP I would have just saved the money on the expansion. Really disheartening.

HoT maps reset on me

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Posted by: BitterestHat.1537


Here’s another kitten bump towards the issue. It has been 2 days now and no fix, don’t just leave us hanging!

HoT maps reset on me

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Posted by: BillFreist



Gameplay Programmer


Been working on this since it happened. Don’t worry folks.

HoT maps reset on me

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Posted by: Vandoux.7203


I couldn’t wait any longer, figure I can get my map completion back myself in less time than a fix to such a big bug. :P

HoT maps reset on me

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Posted by: Khol.7428


Been working on this since it happened. Don’t worry folks.

My account was affected as well. Playing on another character in the meantime. Thanks for all that you guys do!

HoT maps reset on me

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Posted by: Vlad Morbius.1759

Vlad Morbius.1759

Been working on this since it happened. Don’t worry folks.

Thank you, that’s great news. Can you tell us where we are at more importantly if I play my main and try and make things up will I make it worse or not? Seriously, this is all most wanted, it isn’t hard…it’s like sitting in a clinic waiting on news and nobody wants to talk to you, painfully unnecessary and a breeding ground for negativity. Please keep us informed and please let me know if this is going to wipe out everything Im doing now so I stop and put my main on hold thanks

Vini, Vidi, Vici, Viridis…I came, I saw, I conquered…I got a green??

HoT maps reset on me

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: BillFreist



Gameplay Programmer


Play normally, any additional progress you make won’t be lost. Any additional XP from rediscovering the same POIs and waypoints will also be retained once your characters are fixed.

The current plan is to repair all affected characters during work hours on Monday. I finished doing several tests and passes against the game databases to ensure we know who is affected and what they lost.

Those affected should be receiving an email in the next couple days with information on how this restore process will happen. For those that don’t want to wait for that email, the process is pretty simple:

We plan on temporarily blocking access to your game account. During this time we will perform the repairs and run some quick tests to ensure everything went smoothly. I don’t expect this process to take longer than an hour or so.

I’m also doing my best to ensure that those affected are compensated for the inconvenience this has caused. No promises on what that entails, as I have no control over that.


HoT maps reset on me

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Posted by: Ghost.6418


Play normally, any additional progress you make won’t be lost. Any additional XP from rediscovering the same POIs and waypoints will also be retained once your characters are fixed.

The current plan is to repair all affected characters during work hours on Monday. I finished doing several tests and passes against the game databases to ensure we know who is affected and what they lost.

Those affected should be receiving an email in the next couple days with information on how this restore process will happen. For those that don’t want to wait for that email, the process is pretty simple:

We plan on temporarily blocking access to your game account. During this time we will perform the repairs and run some quick tests to ensure everything went smoothly. I don’t expect this process to take longer than an hour or so.

I’m also doing my best to ensure that those affected are compensated for the inconvenience this has caused. No promises on what that entails, as I have no control over that.


What about the people who aren’t receiving any of the map completion items?

HoT maps reset on me

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Posted by: BitterestHat.1537


An update! huzzah!

That’s all anyone can ever ask for. Looking forward to it come the week day!

HoT maps reset on me

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Vlad Morbius.1759

Vlad Morbius.1759

Play normally, any additional progress you make won’t be lost. Any additional XP from rediscovering the same POIs and waypoints will also be retained once your characters are fixed.

The current plan is to repair all affected characters during work hours on Monday. I finished doing several tests and passes against the game databases to ensure we know who is affected and what they lost.

Those affected should be receiving an email in the next couple days with information on how this restore process will happen. For those that don’t want to wait for that email, the process is pretty simple:

We plan on temporarily blocking access to your game account. During this time we will perform the repairs and run some quick tests to ensure everything went smoothly. I don’t expect this process to take longer than an hour or so.

I’m also doing my best to ensure that those affected are compensated for the inconvenience this has caused. No promises on what that entails, as I have no control over that.


Thanks so much for responding, it clears up a lot and it means a lot. I swear there is nothing as painful (and depending on life experience) stressful as sitting around knowing nothing but growing concern, and feeling helpless. So very much appreciated Bill.

Vini, Vidi, Vici, Viridis…I came, I saw, I conquered…I got a green??

HoT maps reset on me

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Posted by: Christonya.3856


Play normally, any additional progress you make won’t be lost. Any additional XP from rediscovering the same POIs and waypoints will also be retained once your characters are fixed.

The current plan is to repair all affected characters during work hours on Monday. I finished doing several tests and passes against the game databases to ensure we know who is affected and what they lost.

Those affected should be receiving an email in the next couple days with information on how this restore process will happen. For those that don’t want to wait for that email, the process is pretty simple:

We plan on temporarily blocking access to your game account. During this time we will perform the repairs and run some quick tests to ensure everything went smoothly. I don’t expect this process to take longer than an hour or so.

I’m also doing my best to ensure that those affected are compensated for the inconvenience this has caused. No promises on what that entails, as I have no control over that.


This is what I have been waiting for, a big thank you for the post.

Some feedback however: As soon as this information was found out a post needed to be made, I don’t know if that was the case or not but we were left guessing and worrying for a few days due to lack of information.

Keep in mind we arn’t trying to bite your guy’s heads off, we simply want communication, even a “We regret to inform you, we have no information at this time. However we are actively working on it and will provide an update soon.” Then even if the update is the same message, at least we know some thing is being done, and we arn’t left in the dark.

HoT maps reset on me

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Posted by: Kuulpb.5412


Will this “fix” give accounts such as mine who haven’t had map reset but no rewards from map completion before the “fix patch”, or do we have to wait for that one.

Some days I feel like I can’t go on…. and then I eat Garlic.

HoT maps reset on me

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Posted by: caggles.2674


What about the people who aren’t receiving any of the map completion items?

I second this question. I’d really like to get my Yggdrasil, please.

HoT maps reset on me

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Posted by: Sublimatio.6981


what about people who still don’t get map completion rewards with chars who completed whole map before HoT?

HoT maps reset on me

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Posted by: Kitta.3657


Do we have to contact support first to receive that email and make sure our account is flagged as needing the repairs or will it be auto-detected by you?

mouth too blunt, truth too loud

HoT maps reset on me

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Posted by: Excitium.1460


What about the people who aren’t receiving any of the map completion items?

Also hope to get an update on this. Only missing the Cache for the Bo and not getting it due to a bug is so annoying.

HoT maps reset on me

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Posted by: Wwefan.4982


Play normally, any additional progress you make won’t be lost. Any additional XP from rediscovering the same POIs and waypoints will also be retained once your characters are fixed.

The current plan is to repair all affected characters during work hours on Monday. I finished doing several tests and passes against the game databases to ensure we know who is affected and what they lost.

Those affected should be receiving an email in the next couple days with information on how this restore process will happen. For those that don’t want to wait for that email, the process is pretty simple:

We plan on temporarily blocking access to your game account. During this time we will perform the repairs and run some quick tests to ensure everything went smoothly. I don’t expect this process to take longer than an hour or so.

I’m also doing my best to ensure that those affected are compensated for the inconvenience this has caused. No promises on what that entails, as I have no control over that.


What about the people who aren’t receiving any of the map completion items?

You won’t receive an email and your access probably won’t be blocked.

Sylvari mean

HoT maps reset on me

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Posted by: DEDEN.2870


Any chance this will fix the bug where people who previously had 100% map completion don’t get rewards on the new maps? I’ve got sixteen characters that I’m not willing to do completion with because of this…