Issue Reports: Heart of Thorns [Merged]

Issue Reports: Heart of Thorns [Merged]

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Posted by: Terrahero.9358


To many crashes and disconnects.

The only way to really play these maps is if they are well populated, but the moment they are a crash or disconnect (and subsequent inability to log in) are practically inevitable.

Issue Reports: Heart of Thorns [Merged]

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Posted by: Orgez.4372


Yep I agree these disconnects are really annoying… in the middle of boss I got dc.. are you serious? whats more I wasn’t in the group so I couldn’t get my achie done… I wouldn’t mind them when the dcs occured during my time in lions arche, dungeon during farming nodes.. but during an event..

Issue Reports: Heart of Thorns [Merged]

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Posted by: Depsey.3519


Currently a bug where mentor tag disappears after going into reaper shroud.

Issue Reports: Heart of Thorns [Merged]

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Posted by: jebro.6370


[BUG] Hero Point Challenge, Verdent Brink, South East Corner Next to Waypoit: Treacherous Path – When the event completes the Hero point is not given.



Issue Reports: Heart of Thorns [Merged]

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Posted by: WhiteRat.5761


2 hours doing Dragon stand meta and i crashed right before we got him down. Not exactly a fun time. Why are these crashes happening. Everyone seems to be having them.

Issue Reports: Heart of Thorns [Merged]

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Posted by: pinksun.4265


so much lag!!!!! map is way to hard. events are to hard when all people do is farm and leave. how do u get enough exp in HOT to level up if people don’t help clear events. And when it does manage , i crash out. I or my team will d/c and when we come back we have to do it all over again because of a crash. please balance this out. Also there are plenty event that are still bugged!! like the skelk for example. if u dont fix the events how will we work together? First is the lag and the d/c , now its the champs being bugged. plz fix this so we can play. TY

Issue Reports: Heart of Thorns [Merged]

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Posted by: fixit.7189


In the odd times it does not CTD outright, heavy artifacting, menus losing text, cannot see my chat messages, loss of sound, and people including my char panel become blue/texture blobs is a precursor to a crash; game then lags moments later, and boom CTD.

I had my machine checked out today by the shop I got it from and they stated nothing is wrong; one them plays gw2 and he is being effected by this too, also said he has had many people like me come by to have their machines checked out as well. All three techs stated that this is likely an issue on Anets end and not mine.

It does not matter what settings I use, the game is simply going to crash eventually no matter where I am. HoT maps and LA seems to be the places I get the most crashes though, any where there is a lot of people it seems. When I play in areas that do not have a lot of people, I can some times go up to 3 hours before it CTDs. Usually it’s 9-60 mins though.

GF Nvidia 660 ti
i7 @ 3.4 ghz
16 gigs ram
realtek on board sound
windows 7 home premium 64 bit

I am under the impression my system surpasses the recommended hardware requirements and indeed it runs games that are far more demanding than GW2 on high settings with no issues. I can play tera, wildstar, wow, battlefield 4, gta V, warframe, d3, heart of the storm, hearthstone, etc just to name a few for 10+ hours without a single crash; it’s only gw2 that is doing this. So what’s the deal?

I have tried fixing client, using old/new drivers, lower graphics to potatoe levels, a reinstall, and other things to no avail; this game just likes to CTD. I am no computer expert but this looks like a serious mem leak, one that’s been around for a while for me and HoT has made it even worse. I am having zero issues with other games so it can’t be broken hardware? Please look into this, I have sent in a lot of error reports and even more to come.

(edited by fixit.7189)

Issue Reports: Heart of Thorns [Merged]

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Posted by: Keneth.6490


im currently on the mastery track Historian of the Armaments and i have ;already earned the 3,810,000 exp. but i cant seem to unluck the track. its says that i need 4 more mastery points. am i doing something wrong or what?

Yeah, you need 4 more mastery points, just like it says. According to the UI, you only have 2 more points available, so you’ll have to earn more before you can progress that track, even though you’ve earned enough XP.

Issue Reports: Heart of Thorns [Merged]

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Posted by: ImLegion.4018


Probably posted, but you never know. WvW DC is insanely high. In one evening I get +5x DC. This happened with HoT, so please don’t blame the ISP.

Piken Square

Issue Reports: Heart of Thorns [Merged]

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Posted by: keiichisan.7385


There is an issue with HoT where the core application is buffer overflowing on systems that have more that 3.1 GB of memory available for Guild Wars to use. When GW is allocated that last bit of memory and hits the limit of the 32-bit addressable space.. the application completely freezes and hard crashes (Doesn’t bring up the "Guild Wars has crashed screen, the app just locks up and completely crashes).

I’ve missed out on MULTIPLE large scale missions including two of the final HoT runs that were successful because of this bug. The worst part is, this is Computer Science 101 level of stuff. Your app should NOT ask for space past the 32-bit buffer limit if your app can’t address outside of that (Guild Wars 2 is compiled as a 32-bit application per Windows 7 app information window).

Please fix your garbage collection so you never have to get to that level, fix your memory allocation routine to not go past that limit… or make your app 64-bit aware so that it can USE the large amounts of memory I have available for it. Or better yet, do all three, so the app behaves better in the first place.

Issue Reports: Heart of Thorns [Merged]

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Posted by: Athera.4506


Ive been disconnected out of every meta event, personal story and even standing around in Lions Arch. This is happening on average every 10-15 minutes. Unfortunately this has made the game unplayable for me which is very sad

Dunno if posting my specs will help but here it is:
Windows 7 64-bit
i7 @ 4.0gh
amd r9 290x
32gb 2400hz ram

Hope this helps.

Issue Reports: Heart of Thorns [Merged]

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Posted by: Willowsheart.7940


And no reply from anyone over at Anet. Gee, why am I not surprised. You know just a word of some kind from you, that you are aware and you do understand the frustration we are all having would go a long long way.

Issue Reports: Heart of Thorns [Merged]

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Posted by: BackDraft.4291


I was charged twice for Gilded Hall Upgrade charged me 200g instead of 100g please fix and return 100g to my account

How long is estimated wait on fixing this issue I posted 2 days ago here. I Reported it in a bug 3 days ago as well.

Any update on this???

Issue Reports: Heart of Thorns [Merged]

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Posted by: MTF.1284


I’m pretty sure ANET has made a slight error. I think you have added Recipe: Wanderer’s stat combination insignia for both Nuhoch merchant and the merchant in the end of the Dragon’s Stand meta-event.

Either one of them is really supposed to sell Recipe: Trailblazer’s stat combination insignia instead.
I think it’s the Nuhoch merchant that is supposed to sell it, as you get recipe’s for the armors from the chest of the Tangled Depths.

Currently there’s no way to craft Trailblazer armors, because you cannot get the recipe for creating the insignia.
Please check it out asap. Thanks!

Issue Reports: Heart of Thorns [Merged]

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Posted by: DragonKnight.3281


I got 100% map completion on Verdant Brink, but got no reward for it. I got 100% world completion in Central Tyria prior to HOT, which seems to have something to do with it according to another thread.

Hopefully you guys can fix it soon and reward us retroactively who already got it done!

Issue Reports: Heart of Thorns [Merged]

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Posted by: Oyranos.9750


You all have crashes with high settings, but I get extreme low fps…

When I run the game with highest settings I have around 7-15 fps… When I turn it into lowest I have 8-28 fps and its more like 11-12 most of the times (highest or lowest)… In big events with highest settings I get 1-4 fps and with lowest settings 4-8…

I have an i7 with GTX 780. It is an unoptimized game

For those who have crashes in their launcher, is a virus… Check the report for any reference about LAVASOFT.. if u got that, you have to either format ur pc (its a rogue thing) or u have to google for hours and get ur solution.

I know that, because I have some exp first hand. When I bought my game (pre-purchase), before I register it (thank goodness), I couldn’t download or enter the launcher, it always crash.. It gave me a report and a line in this report referred to lavasoft (a dll file)… I searched it and I cleaned my pc (for 2 days), since It runs smooth without any crash.

(edited by Oyranos.9750)

Issue Reports: Heart of Thorns [Merged]

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Posted by: klendathu.5309


Can’t finish the final mission “Hearts and Minds” because fight against Mordremoth’s bug:
Illusion are dying (because of the amount of conditions or minions I guess) and therefore can’t be converted with the rift. And mordremoth stay invincible.
Or illusion stay alive but are immune to the rift effect…. and the boss stay invincible.

I also had to restart the mission because Canach bugged and stay immobile in is fight against is illusion.

Note: I understand that bug may happened… but seriously, I can’t finish the game because the boss main difficulty are bugs… Out of 5 tries I lost 4 times because the boss of the main story is bugged.

Issue Reports: Heart of Thorns [Merged]

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Posted by: ChristianEx.6703


The Ley-Line Matter Converter rewarded for killing Mordremoth in less than 20 minutes is resetting the tabs you need Essence for to unlock with every daily reset.

I strongly presume that you are not meant to spend 100 of whichever currency each day to unlock the tab to be able to get just a fraction of that?

Issue Reports: Heart of Thorns [Merged]

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Posted by: Darksoul.6310


I crash in WvW at least 5 times a night in less than 2 hours ever since HoT came out, please fix the crashes. About to quit the game cause of this.

Issue Reports: Heart of Thorns [Merged]

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Posted by: kiki.6250


I can’t get my Vedant Brink map completion because this hero point is’nt working. On my map it’s the only one I have left and when I near it and want to commune with it, it says I got it already.

I have same problem, took point, and it didnt count, looks not taken on map, but its disabled and i have skillpoints.
I want map completion, hope it gets fixed somehow.

Issue Reports: Heart of Thorns [Merged]

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Posted by: Nidome.1365


When towers & keeps upgrade in WvW you get merchants spawn – however the “outfitter” merchants which normally sell harvesting tools now sell blueprints in addition to the merchant who normally sells blueprints which means you have two blueprint merchants and no “normal” merchants.

Issue Reports: Heart of Thorns [Merged]

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Posted by: Birdtree.9841


when I am playing on my herald all my facets work as they should but when I leave facet of elements on to get the perma swiftness it will randomly turn itself off like I deactivated it

Issue Reports: Heart of Thorns [Merged]

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Posted by: Eternal Is Sektor.9034

Eternal Is Sektor.9034

Still can’t complete prologue to start the campaign story. I’m stuck on Prologue: Rally to Maguuma with all steps completed but “Check in with Rox and Braham.” I cannot re-enter prologue area and cannot complete the step.

(edited by Eternal Is Sektor.9034)

Issue Reports: Heart of Thorns [Merged]

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Posted by: GalenWolffit.3842


“The North Wind” collection items are not awarding properly.
(1) Machined Warhorn is listed twice in the collection, once with the hint “Completely unlock the elite specialization”. I have completely unlocked Tempest, and was awarded a pair of exotic shoulderguards, not a Machined Warhorn.
(2) I have 100% map completion on Verdant Brink with my elementalist, but was not awarded an Elementalist’s Cache.

Issue Reports: Heart of Thorns [Merged]

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Posted by: XTheXBeastXXslayerX.1746


I can’t continue with my story because I can’t find the quest is telling me to do is no where in the game I try to restart the story but it won’t allow me to do so any help ???

Issue Reports: Heart of Thorns [Merged]

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Posted by: Heaven.4385


Can you make please Mark of Heroics Account Bound and not Soulbound, thank you.

Issue Reports: Heart of Thorns [Merged]

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Posted by: Ash.5274


Not sure if it’s been posted anywhere already (likely it has), but there are odd issues with Dragon’s Brand. 5 or 6 times now I’ve been in a full, active map running the events when I get the prompt window inviting me to move to a different map – which should only happen if the map you’re in is pretty much empty. Others in map chat have mentioned this too.

And now to add to that, just now we were in a full map, on the 3 towers phase, all going well, when suddenly we’re all transported to a new, empty map. Seems like some kind of mega server issue, but it was frustrating as hell to be 75% through the event and to have all that progress wiped.

Edit: I should add this was on EU (my server is Gandara).

(edited by Ash.5274)

Issue Reports: Heart of Thorns [Merged]

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Posted by: drkn.3429


Story Act 4 achievement ‘Untethered’ not popping despite three successful attempts.


Issue Reports: Heart of Thorns [Merged]

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Posted by: Silverstone.4539


got 3

1) I keep getting two lots of music playing, in the older maps, 1 is the original, the other is a slower one that I think is for HoT, but I get both.

2) not getting map rewards on the new HoT maps for 100% mapping, this is the bigger downer, as I need them for other stuff.

3) Facets randomly go off on reverent

(edited by Silverstone.4539)

Issue Reports: Heart of Thorns [Merged]

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Posted by: drkn.3429


“Bark Breaker” achievement seems to be undoable – done the Laranthir and Pale Reavers event chain five times so far, no husk with breakable defiance bar to be found.


Issue Reports: Heart of Thorns [Merged]

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Posted by: drkn.3429


Not getting map rewards for Southsun Cove, Dry Top, Silverwastes or the new Magus Falls maps on toons who have 100% map completion in core Tyria.


Issue Reports: Heart of Thorns [Merged]

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Posted by: drkn.3429


The flames in Tendril Torchers often don’t ignite the tendrils, despite being properly aimed; they seem to pass through the terrain below the tendrils instead.


Issue Reports: Heart of Thorns [Merged]

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Posted by: drkn.3429


Honorary Rata Novan does not recognise the first "Protected Zildl" event when one needs to divert the golem while Zildl reconfigures it. Without damaging the golem, i’ve kept its aggro on myself, got golden credit for the event, but the achievement hasn’t tracked it.


Issue Reports: Heart of Thorns [Merged]

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Posted by: Soa Cirri.6012

Soa Cirri.6012

Acquired Mistward heavy armor pieces on thief and ranger, respectively. The pieces immediately became soulbound to them. Note: thief and ranger being medium armor classes are unable to use the Mistward armor pieces.

Issue Reports: Heart of Thorns [Merged]

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Posted by: drkn.3429


Crystallized Cache Seeker achievement registered only one out of ~five opened caches.


Issue Reports: Heart of Thorns [Merged]

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Posted by: Eirdyne.9843


Updrafts are ‘somewhat’ randomly lethal right now.

I’ve been flying around Verdant Brink all morning. Very recently they have become lethal. If I try to jump into them I die.

Issue Reports: Heart of Thorns [Merged]

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Posted by: Antonio.1387


I have experienced at least 4 to 5 times in pvp as mesmer that distortion shatter does not grant invulnerability to me. And one time that guardian push me out of Well of precognition with the new dragonhunter’s bow. It seems like the skill interaction is flawed. Also it seems distortion’s invulnerability does not block condition ticks anymore, but the description of the skill is immune to conditions and damage. Please take a deep look at it as these skills are vital for mesmer’s survival in pvp.

I don’t see invulnerability shown on the combat stat/anywhere and if there’s anything I can do next time I got bugged, please do let me know.

Issue Reports: Heart of Thorns [Merged]

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Posted by: hardy.7469


I wouldn’t mind the crashes and disconnects so much if you didn’t, even if you log back in within seconds, get booted to another megaserver and all participation for the metas/events is completely removed and erased, as if ArenaNet thinks it’s acceptable to waste peoples times because they are too lazy/cheap to program in checks to keep people on servers they are on during these issues.
I mean that’s server 101 guys, you don’t screw over consumers like that because of your end, you put in protections, like I dunno at least a MINUTE where the game saves the server and participation for a player if they suddenly go off line.

I mean really…

(edited by hardy.7469)

Issue Reports: Heart of Thorns [Merged]

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Posted by: Koomaster.9176


Game crashes when…
Guild Hall Treasurer screen is open + opening guild tab on top of that and selecting history.

Crash happened 2x in a row by doing the exact same thing; so thought I should post about it.

Issue Reports: Heart of Thorns [Merged]

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Posted by: Tonipburg.5043


If you are as tired as I am of being stuck in Anet limbo and not being able to play any of the HoT expansion and getting nothing but " we are working on it" and you would like to verbally contact someone to express your concerns about the issue not being addressed and in a timely manner. Anets number is useless as it will just send you back to forums and opening a ticket. Please do as I am intending to do, contact their parent company NCSoft at 1(512)225-6359 and speak with customer service. If enough of us do this than prehaps they will work quicker to address the issue

Issue Reports: Heart of Thorns [Merged]

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Posted by: Meridya.9352


Map completion chest are not being rewarded and all maps. Maps that i left with only one point to complete before patch, and then go to complete point after 100% the map but no chest. Same holds too for hero point consumables that are used to complete from other maps will award hero point and 100% but no chest. See my gaurdian history log for info on maps i have tried.

This is still a problem. I just completed all Hero Points, POIs, Vistas, and Waypoints on Auric Basin last night but did not receive a map completion bonus chest when I did. I was hoping to get the profession specific exotic chest so that I could progress my Elite Specialization Weapon Collection, but I guess I’ll have to wait.

Anets number is useless as it will just send you back to forums and opening a ticket. Please do as I am intending to do, contact their parent company NCSoft at 1(512)225-6359 and speak with customer service.

Ummm… I’m pretty sure NCSoft is no longer ANet’s Parent Company anymore… There was a WoodenPotatoes video about that news right around the time ANet announced Guild Wars Core Game was going free-to-play. So contacting NCSoft won’t solve anything.

(edited by Meridya.9352)

Issue Reports: Heart of Thorns [Merged]

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Posted by: kingnizou.4036


72 hours have passed after buying HoT ultimate edition and i still didn’t get my gems please help!

Issue Reports: Heart of Thorns [Merged]

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Posted by: cobbah.3102


Just purchased auric longbow core recipe when I clicked on it to open it has disappeared cannot find anywhere ,is this bugged?

Issue Reports: Heart of Thorns [Merged]

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Posted by: FrouFrou.4958


In the new WvW borderland map the middle Mega Lazer event causes map wide lag and it’s a lot worse than Eternal Battleground three way fights inside Stonemist’s lords room. Numbers don’t matter tho, it could be just 2 people doing the event and it lags the whole map out.

Froudactyl // Herp Derp Druid // Judge Legends [JDGE] // Seafarer’s Rest

Issue Reports: Heart of Thorns [Merged]

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Posted by: MordekaiZeyo.7318


I’ve encountered a bug about between treasury npc window and the guild window (Tab: History) in the Guild Hall. It will cause a heavy video lag.

This bug should be marked as Critical because the application might get freeze.

Issue Reports: Heart of Thorns [Merged]

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Posted by: ZameR.4613


my char dont change armor skin anymore, and i cant choose the new shield skills for my mesmer.
photo in anex

You have outfit equipped, that’s why you “can’t” change your armor, because there is an outfit ticked to be visible instead of your armor.

You do not have a Chronomancer trait line in use, you are still a regular Mesmer, thus you “can’t” choose healing/utilities/elite skills that belong to Chronomancer, nor equip shield.

Issue Reports: Heart of Thorns [Merged]

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Posted by: Dlarnkk.1068


Arenanet, When will you sincerely fix the crash issues?
Sometime when a player manages to reach the very end of Dragon’s stand. Finally facing the ultimate final boss of Dragon’s stand meta event. Almost done. . .

Newsflakittenhe box of white doom appears.
This box, crash your clients. This box, take your progress and throw it out the window. This box, crush your hopes and dreams. This box, make you scream at top of your lungs.

This expansion is out for nearly over two weeks now. While there is certainly improvements toward fixing stories, and repairing the events. I hadn’t felt any improvement toward reducing, or eliminating the causes of crashes that is causing players to lose their progression – nearly immediately. Some players were able to save their progress JUST on time to be rewarded by pure luck.

. . .Most of the time, they were rewarded with a spit on by a white box.

Seriously, Arenanet. Don’t make your community create another thousand threads about players complaining on crashes. This kind of situation is just irritating players who were doing so much work. . That they just got slapped across the face.

Issue Reports: Heart of Thorns [Merged]

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Posted by: Sai Ree.5960

Sai Ree.5960

Prepurchased. No extra slot.

Issue Reports: Heart of Thorns [Merged]

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Posted by: Conument.3618


intricately carved orrian relic, is unavailable for purchase from Explorer Loana in Cursed Shore
(link to the wiki below)

Just another amazing Necromancer who loves collecting loot.
Sword Coast Reclaimers [SCR]Gandara

Issue Reports: Heart of Thorns [Merged]

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Posted by: Zaoda.1653


Canopy over Noble Crash Site Hero Challenge is bugged for me. On my map it says it’s incomplete (as it says ‘earn 10 hero points’), but when I’m actually there, it says I’ve gained all I can from it.

Now in the past I’ve used a few notary scrolls of maguuma from eotm, so I don’t know if that has anything to do with it. I don’t even know if this particular hero challenge was unlocked with my notary scrolls (I don’t keep track of them). All I know is it’s bugged for me :-( and can’t complete Verdant Brink map until it’s fixed.


Forever a supporter of more male skimpy armor

(edited by Zaoda.1653)