Issues with the guild system: please post here [MERGED]

Issues with the guild system: please post here [MERGED]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Airee.5046


World: Aurora Glade
Guild: Ghosts Under Fortress [GuF]
Permissions: Guild Leader
Problem: can’t represent my guild with any other character besides my main

Aurora Glade – Ghosts Under Fortress
Salvia Splendens – Sylvari Necromancer

Issues with the guild system: please post here [MERGED]

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Posted by: Slaine.1267


Dutch clan of power. world Vabbi,Iam de clan leader of this small guild. but i cant get into guild bank also got armor template for team logo but i when i try to get 1 he says iam not in a guild ? i represent my guild can do upgrades but cant get to set items en crafting supplies from guild bank and cant get armor templates and cant invite new members they all got not representing even when they press the button represent..

Issues with the guild system: please post here [MERGED]

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Posted by: era.7154


World: Ruin of Surnia
Guild: Killer bunnies workshop [kbw], Art form gaming [uber]
Permission: Member, Guild leader
Problem: represent button doesnt work on both of this guilds, if i create a new guild i got the gm and represent, but im not able to edit nothing, and as soon i do stand down from it, im not able to represent it anymore….

Issues with the guild system: please post here [MERGED]

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Posted by: Sarlias.8674


Guild: Lazy Bunnies
Tag: Lazy
World: Tarnished Coast
Rank: Guild Leader

Two days ago a guild officer queued Research Architecture Level III, when I checked the queue earlier today it was still being built. A few minutes ago I was looking at the upgrades and noticed it was no longer in queue or our bought upgrades. According to the Architecture tab we need to start the queue for it again for 5,000 influence that we no longer have because we already spent it queuing it the first time. Would be really nice if there’s some sort of fix to either get the upgrade done or the influence back as we have a fairly small guild so that is a lot of influence to lose.

Isa Bunny ~ Mesmer ~ Tarnished Coast

Issues with the guild system: please post here [MERGED]

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Posted by: Old Grey Wolf.7125

Old Grey Wolf.7125

Guild: Fully Amateur Tyrian Adventurers
Tag: [FATE]
Home World Server: Ehmry Bay
Rank: Guild Leader
Guild Created in: Rata Sum

Issue: The Guild Armorer Contract has been completed, but the only location this appears accessible is in Rata Sum – the location where I originally created the guild. Other guild armorers in other capital cities either do not recognize characters as being in a guild or do not recognize that the guild has completed the required upgrade.

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Posted by: Kragoth.4025


Guild: The Bandits
Tag: TB
Server: Isle of Janthir
Rank: Guild Leader

We are a very small guild and so it took us a while to get influence.
Just over 3 days ago I finally managed to queue up our guild stash and it got all the way through to the end and sat at 00:00 for hours.
After logging out and back in again a few times it eventually was removed from the queue and appeared in upgrades.
However, whenever I try to access the guild bank it just says.
“I only work with guilds. If you wish to use my services you must first join a guild”

Well, I’m in a guild. I’m the guild leader. I’m representing the guild. What else is required to be “in a guild”?

I have relogged, restarted, banged my head on a wall, and even tried talking to my monitor….none of which worked!

Issues with the guild system: please post here [MERGED]

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Posted by: gebrechen.5643


Guild Armorer does not work after getting the contract. And Letter of Commendation does not work.

Guild: Stormcrows (Crow)
Realm: Desolation (EU)

Some people die on epidemic, other have skill.
- great warlord Waha of Sea 2981bc

(edited by gebrechen.5643)

Issues with the guild system: please post here [MERGED]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Shaileya.7063


Just had the guild bank start telling me i’m not in a guild again. De-represented, went to re-represent. Was not able to. Went a couple places. Did not fix it.

Went to Lion’s Arch because that is how I fixed it the other times this has happened. Being in Lion’s Arch fixed it, even though there isn’t an overflow. Going to The Grove did not fix it. No idea why the location matters as neither was an overflow, but the Represent problem clearly is not fixed.

Edit: Happening again, 1 hour later.

Server: Maguuma
Guild: Hire A Hippo Assassin [HAHA]

(edited by Shaileya.7063)

Issues with the guild system: please post here [MERGED]

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Posted by: Tanbouz.6089


Wrold: EU Gandara
Guild: Avengers of the Midnight Dragon

Research for upgrades that started yesterday vanished. Build queue is empty and I can no longer add something new to research!

Issue back , now I’m the only member in the guild and can’t invite new members. In addition to the old problem.

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Posted by: Zura.4657


Says I am not in a guild now..yet I was in 4.

Honestly Areanet..isnt the game called Guildwars?

Time to sort this rubbish out

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Posted by: Soap.5730


Kicked from new guild, which was formed after 250 members got kicked from old guild.

Grievance on Jade Quarry was our first guild, Dark Grievance was formed once we all got kicked from the original.

I have spoken to my guild leader, Finestra Starbreeze (NightAngel.8932), she did not remove me from either guild and is experiencing most of the same issues herself.

Over 2 weeks this has been going on without any indication of whether our Influence from these rebuilt guilds will be saved, whether we should work on building up the guild (queues take a long time to finish, and we’re basically stalemated due to these issues) or if there are any clues to what is really going on. Especially since this bug just started happening again this morning (weeks after it was first reported).

Issues with the guild system: please post here [MERGED]

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Posted by: Caramon.5234


Yeah I agree Zura..seriously, it took me weeks to get enough people knowing no one on the server and being a relatively casual guild. Now this bug basically blows away the guild? Thanks ArenaNet..maybe you should just rename the game “exploring vistas”. Hard to have any guild wars when you can’t even maintain guilds or have so many problems inviting people, adding capacity or maintaining the guild in general with influence.

Might as well add my guild info since this is a tracker:

The Inn of the Last Home [IOTH] Sorrow’s Furnace.

Issues with the guild system: please post here [MERGED]

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Posted by: WSQ.5674


World: Tarnished Coast

Guild: Lazilus Castle [LACA]

Permissions: Guild Leader

After transfering to another world to complete the bugged skill point and back to the original world (TC).

There were no members other than me and influence point showed in the guild panel, also I cannot represent my guild anymore.

Please fix the problem, thank you.

edit: Issue seems already fixed. Thank you.

(edited by WSQ.5674)

Issues with the guild system: please post here [MERGED]

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Posted by: Taiance.6213


The Eye Of The Beholder [TEOTB] on Ring of Fire is not fixed regardless of what devs want to say. Leader can’t access stash nor change emblem. Day 2 of this issue and when I read about how others have had it for so much longer I can’t help but wonder if Anet are spread a little too thin to get the game working properly, what with all the launch issues and such they had.

Issues with the guild system: please post here [MERGED]

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Posted by: Dirlettia.5861


World: seafarers Rest
Guild Rustlers [RST]

Just joined the Vigil from my personal storyline and now the Guild promoter is saying I am not representing any guild. Only change I notice is that now I have lost my RST part of my guild tag.

Issues with the guild system: please post here [MERGED]

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Posted by: Tatty.9680


World: Desolation

Guild: Chickens Of Doom [CluK]

Permissions: Guild Leader

The guild emblem shows on our roster page but not in our emblem at the top left of the guild viewer.

Fear The Chickens –

Issues with the guild system: please post here [MERGED]

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Posted by: Ashane.3520


World: Gate of Madness
Guild: Flameborne

Logged in today and the guild is completely gone in a nutshell. It shows I’m the only member. Logged into my wife’s account, shows shes the only member. No tag either, its just blank ( [ ] ).

No upgrades, etc.

This is a bit ridiculous to be honest. Fix would be fabulous.

Issues with the guild system: please post here [MERGED]

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Posted by: Tanek.5983


World: Stormbluff Isle
Guild: Massively Overpowered
Position: Guild Leader

•Unable to see items in the build queue
•Unable to add new items to the build queue
•Unable to change a member’s rank
•Unable to represent other guilds
•(new this morning)Can not see any guild members in the roster

Issues with the guild system: please post here [MERGED]

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Posted by: MrLee.6892


World: Tarnished Coast
Guild: Destined Souls (Lees) Leader
Issue: Cant access guild bank or guild armorer.

I still shows me as represented, I can talk in guild chat, but I can’t see the time left on upgrades but I can make more upgrades.

Having this issues since 9-10-12

Issues with the guild system: please post here [MERGED]

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Posted by: UnearthedSoul.8397


World: Ferguson’s Crossing

Guild: The Souless [Soul]

Member: Guild Leader

For the guild roster I only see myself in the roster, with no other members online.
As well as seeing no influence (we have at least over 1000), and i cannot change any options and see any upgrades.
We currently have built the required ugrades for the first bank but it shows nothing of this in guild tab. Also the guild chat does not seem to be working.

Would really appretiate a quick response with information about this bug, or else a fix asap

Thanks from , Unearthedsoul

Issues with the guild system: please post here [MERGED]

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Posted by: Bluelittle.4036


World: Gandara
Guild: Heroes Of The Mighty Paw, guild leader

  • Created the guild yesterday, but was unable to invite people due to lacking “invite” permissions.
  • I’m unable to edit or add ranks.
  • The short name for the guild disappeared after a relog.
  • I bought some “Toast to the Guild” to get started on some influence. No influence received.

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Posted by: Erebus Ashsworn.9476

Erebus Ashsworn.9476

Just logged in today following prompt from my GL and friend that she was appearing in a guild with the same name (‘The Dragonfly Effect [Phi]) but with no members but her.
Upon getting to character select screen, I noticed that although guild name was stated on my character, no guild tag was displayed: ’The Dragonfly Effect []’.
I asked a friend who was also in the guild if I and the GL were visible in guild roster, which we were, and could be seen to be online.
However, my phantom guild had no information: No guild tag, no influence amount shown (not even 0). No upgrades, only 1/1 member, myself. No ranks. No message. No Emblem. No guild chat. I had not logged in since the previous day when all was functioning as normal.

I appeared as normal to other guild members, and was still considered a member of Phi by the roster according to them.

Edit: Server is Dragonbrand.

(edited by Moderator)

Issues with the guild system: please post here [MERGED]

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Posted by: Squidgy.3470


Guild: Trolls Inc
Issue: Says I’m the only person in the guild. Can’t stand down. Can’t represent. Can’t see any guild chat. This is the second time this has happened to me and I’m fed up with it. I was in a guild called Haste last week and that bugged on me. Reported that problem and found myself guildless. Now it’s happened again

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Posted by: Freigan.2476


World: Piken Square
Guild: Base Jumpers Inc [BJI]
Permission: Officer

As other have reported have the guild bank option but reports as not being in a guild when talking to to NPC. Then I un-represent myself and then was not able to re-represent afterwards. Logged off and on to no effect.

Issues with the guild system: please post here [MERGED]

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Posted by: Prometheus.9238


I’m the guild leader of “Oración Quatro” on the “Blacktide” server. When I try to use the guild armorer it says I have to be in a guild? I was representing and turned it of for a while to see if turning it on would make it work but now my main char can’t represent anymore? When I press the button nothing happens (I turned it of at least 12h ago).

Issues with the guild system: please post here [MERGED]

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Posted by: Samkitz.7596


World: Northern Shiverpeaks
Guild: Knights Of Destruction [KOD]
Permission: Leader

Again this morning the Guild promoter and registrar are telling my officers and I that we are not in a guild. We have had the problem since 3 day headstart with the guild system. Or build ques and such seem to work fine though I have not started one in a few days. We have a guild stash that we cannot access cause the Guild Registrar says we are not in a guild or have permission.

As I stated in a previous post this issues has ben ongoing and our work around was to map so that we would be in overflow and everything worked fine. Now that players are starting to spread out mapping into overflow is not an option since for example Queensdale main city we have not seen overflow there in quite a while.

Issues with the guild system: please post here [MERGED]

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Posted by: bao.1769


Server: Crystal Desert
Guild Name: Said The Scorpion To The Fox

Was invited to guild but couldn’t not represent no matter how many times i got reinvited and reaccepted, clicking the represent button does not work.

Pls kindly assist to sort this out.


Issues with the guild system: please post here [MERGED]

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Posted by: Kongming.6497


Guild: Lords of Domination
Tag: LoD
World: Northern Shiverpeaks

Second day in a row now that I cannot represent the guild with any character, earning no influence, cannot access the guild bank. It says they only work with guilds. I left the guild with one character and was re-invited…it changed nothing.

Issues with the guild system: please post here [MERGED]

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Posted by: saultczy bleu.4680

saultczy bleu.4680

world: isle of janthir
guild: bleu squeee

my guild suddenly can’t access our guild bank as of yesterday. it tells us we are not in a guild. also, my roster does very odd and inaccurate reporting. sometimes all of the info is missing about the players, other times it is still showing old crafting positions/ranks days after a player has changed to a new craft.

Issues with the guild system: please post here [MERGED]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: fruitlewps.7938


Hey All,

Thanks for your posts on the issues which you’ve been having with guilds. Apologies that this is impacting you.

As a few of you have pointed out, this thread refers to a bunch of different guild-related issues. I’m going to talk about the problems with representing specifically.

Here’s the boring technical details about the problem : We had a load balancing issue where many game servers were incorrectly connecting to the same guild server, causing it to be overloaded and respond with timeouts.

This has been fixed, so this problem should go away. Please let me know if you’re still seeing this problem and I’ll look into it personally.

Note that this is different to the “network error” issue when you have too many guild memberships or invites – that will still occur (and is really just in need of a decent error message).

Cam Dunn
Studio Tech Director

As of 6:30am EST this morning, 9/11/2012, I still could not do any of the following:
- View or “enter” the Guild Bank
- Access any functionality of the guild from the Guild pane.
- Promote, or change any access for ranks in the Guild.
- Can only Re-Represent the Guild after turning representation off and then going to “The Mists” for PvP and clicking Represent button while there.

I am the Guild Master of the guild in question.

Science Minded Research Techs [SMRT]
Home Server: Isle of Janthir

I also have a support ticket in for this. Incident:120911-000054

Issues with the guild system: please post here [MERGED]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Szelben.1782


World: Anvil Rock
Guild: Faction of Doom (FoD), officer

The 2 upgrades we had in the upgrade queue disappeared from the queue and now show as available to purchase again. The 2 upgrades were Guild Workshop (due to finish first) and Research Politics Level 1 (queued to start after the workshop). The history shows they were purchased and that they were not cancelled. The influence spent was not refunded.

Issues with the guild system: please post here [MERGED]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Sela.6013


World: Vabbi
Guild: Sela Najob Oiram (ABM), guild leader
Issue: Not getting influence for tasks, tried to buy influence at the guild promoter (getting message not in guild), clicked Stand Down on one of my characters to see if that could be the problem and can no longer Represent (i click the button and nothing happens).
Edit: Can click Represent when in “The Mists”.

(edited by Sela.6013)

Issues with the guild system: please post here [MERGED]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: TerrorismSux.4361


World: Anvil Rock
Guild: The Shade (TS) Guild Leader
Issue: Cannot remove items from guild bank.
Issue: Cannot withdraw gold from guild bank.
Issue: Cannot access guild bank on joint leader account (Says not in guild)
Issue: Items placed in guild bank disappear from bag, do not show up in guild bank.
Issue: Gold deposited into guild bank disappears does not update guild bank.
Issue: Guild bank log does not show anything.
Issue: Guild management does not allow me to modify permissions.
– Check mark disappears but upon mousing over field, kicks me to charactor select screen stating network error has occurred. This is repeatable only on my account. Wife (also leader works fine).
Issue: Guild event log shows “…” for many events that have taken place, shows time but not event or who did it.

Issues with the guild system: please post here [MERGED]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Madness.5810



If you’re having issues with the guild system, please report the issues here with as many details as possible (e.g., guild names, tags and world, etc.).

Thank you for your feedback!

Guild Expect No Mercy on the server Underworld.

We have a problem with dragging stuff into the guild bank and right away it vanishes, relogging etc..doesnt work + that some of our members see stuff like 1 of the 1 members online and doesnt see anymore members nor guild chat and cant do anything about it.

thx in advance,

Mentally Charred

Issues with the guild system: please post here [MERGED]

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Posted by: gorb.5608


World: Jade Quarry

Guild: The Knightwatch [KW]

Permissions: Officer

Guild appears to be completely gone as for this morning. All members I have spoken to are currently not showing any guild affiliation. Obviously, this is a huge issue.

Issues with the guild system: please post here [MERGED]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: actorofvenom.4036


Bought " Drinks for the City" in the Lion`s Arch and nothing happens ( i mean i did not recieve any influence for the guild) but money disappers. After that bought two times " Toast for the Guild" with a same result. Passed more than hour.

Server: Ring of Fire(EU)
Guild: Freedom Unity Ultrahardcore [FUU]

Issues with the guild system: please post here [MERGED]

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Posted by: Haasth.1459


Hey All,

Thanks for your posts on the issues which you’ve been having with guilds. Apologies that this is impacting you.

As a few of you have pointed out, this thread refers to a bunch of different guild-related issues. I’m going to talk about the problems with representing specifically.

Here’s the boring technical details about the problem : We had a load balancing issue where many game servers were incorrectly connecting to the same guild server, causing it to be overloaded and respond with timeouts.

This has been fixed, so this problem should go away. Please let me know if you’re still seeing this problem and I’ll look into it personally.

Note that this is different to the “network error” issue when you have too many guild memberships or invites – that will still occur (and is really just in need of a decent error message).

Cam Dunn
Studio Tech Director

Thank you for replying on the issues,
However this does not solve the game breaking issue me and some others are having in which the guild is actively broken and unable to proceed. I am including an attachment to show my view from this, I am the guild leader, and as shown I can only “Edit Ranks” which is nothing more than change the name on ranks. Every rank is essentially on the same level – leader is lacking all the functionality – and there is nothing that can be done in the guild right now by anyone.


Issues with the guild system: please post here [MERGED]

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Posted by: Schmoopies.5241


World: Jade Quarry

Guild: The Knightwatch [KW]

Permissions: Officer

Guild appears to be completely gone as for this morning. All members I have spoken to are currently not showing any guild affiliation. Obviously, this is a huge issue.

Same issue, although one member of our guild (Tommy Danger) is able to see the guild roster and bank contents as normal, although our guild name has inexplicably changed from “Blacklisted” to “Bane”? We’ve had a functioning guild since prelaunch headstart up until this morning.

Server: Dragonbrand
Guild: Blacklisted
Character Name: Schmoopies
External Guild Website:
Guild Leader: Swimchamp

Amare et sapere vix deo conceditur.


Issues with the guild system: please post here [MERGED]

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Posted by: Slcrisis.6930


Posted this in another thread but might as well here too, same issue as above.

I just logged on to find I’m no longer in my guild, and I’m the leader. (Edit) Never mind, none of my characters are representing the guild on the character selection screen now. An officer in guild could see the guild and roster fine until she logged out, when she came back on she was also no longer in the guild.

Guild: Final Haven [FH]
Leader: Loctis
Server: Blacktide
Character: Loctis

(edited by Slcrisis.6930)

Issues with the guild system: please post here [MERGED]

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Posted by: DanteGalileo.8510


World: Eredon’s Terrace
Guild: Kiss of Veritas (KoV)
Permissions: Member
I can only represent a guild with my “main” toon, for whatever reason. Clicking the “Represent” button with another toon does nothing.

Issues with the guild system: please post here [MERGED]

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Posted by: rootap.6815


World: Tarnished Coast
Guild: Brotherz Grimm
Char Name: Erwin The Barbarian
Problem: Que’d for Architecture II and it is not listed in current upgrades after build time and influence spent.

Issues with the guild system: please post here [MERGED]

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Posted by: Reynardus.8150


World: Jade Quarry

Guild: The Knightwatch [KW]

Permissions: Officer

Guild appears to be completely gone as for this morning. All members I have spoken to are currently not showing any guild affiliation. Obviously, this is a huge issue.

Same issue, although one member of our guild (Tommy Danger) is able to see the guild roster and bank contents as normal, although our guild name has inexplicably changed from “Blacklisted” to “Bane”? We’ve had a functioning guild since prelaunch headstart up until this morning.

I have exactly the same problem, including the name change for those that can still see the guild.

Guild: Silver Wolves
Tag: SW
World: Ring of Fire
Rank: Guild Leader
Leader Name: Lucas Farrell (username: Reynardus.8150)

Please look into this.

Issues with the guild system: please post here [MERGED]

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Posted by: domstar.1930


I was invited to a guild that I had applied for. However I can’t ‘represent’ the guild. The button is there, but when I click on it, nothing happens. I was able to log onto an alt and represent.
Second day now that I can’t join the guild on my main.

Issues with the guild system: please post here [MERGED]

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Posted by: Obi.9365


I cant see the Guild Bank on any toon, it says I need a guild. I am in one, [BOM] on Darkhaven. I can see guild Chat. I also cannot see our current upgrade being upgraded any longer. It shows I spent the gold in the log, but it appears on the normal list still, with no option to upgrade it again.

Issues with the guild system: please post here [MERGED]

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Posted by: iridium.7120


I just created a guild and I cannot add anything to the build queue, change the MotD, or edit ranks. I have the necessary influence and am the Guild leader.
Guild: The Silent Hand
Tag: TSH
World: Fort Aspenwood

[Echo] Korlis Rift (80 Thief Fort Aspenwood)

Issues with the guild system: please post here [MERGED]

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Posted by: Declon.7185


Guild: Pracomor [PCM]
Server: Seafarer’s Rest

Our Guild Disapear, press G as Guild leader .. and nothing see, out member the same. After relog, i dont’t see guild represent in character selection too.

Guild progress …. Architecture II, and some points.

PLS fix it.

Issues with the guild system: please post here [MERGED]

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Posted by: Undreas.7298


Guild Name: Vagrant Legion [VL]
World: Gandara

I can’t spend influence points on upgrades, can’t edit ranks, and I can’t represent other guilds.

Everything seems to be borked up.

Issues with the guild system: please post here [MERGED]

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Posted by: Raskrial.5893


guild name: unhuman
guild tag : UH
world : jade quarry
upgrade in progress: ARt of War lvl 4 (mid-way)

problem : our guild disapeared too, opened guild panel as Guild leader .. and nothing to see, all members the same.

Issues with the guild system: please post here [MERGED]

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Posted by: Eurion Crows Eye.6107

Eurion Crows Eye.6107

Guild: Beer Goggles [BGs]
World: Black Gate
Rank: Leader Full permission

One player used tome of influence got the achevement for it but influence never showed up. Also first upgrade built but won’t move over to the upgrade side so I can build the next item. Small guild…4 players at the moment.

Issues with the guild system: please post here [MERGED]

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Posted by: voidelysium.7285


Guild: Critical Failure [FAIL]
World: Piken Square

I and several other members (but not all) cannot access the Guild Bank and Guild Armourer, despite being able to do so two days ago. I have been earning influence and whatnot for the guild with no problems, and we have had the upgrades necessary to access these services for a week now (even some of our guildies wearing the guild emblem now), but I have had no luck despite trying every hour when I am on or so over the past two days.

We have a roster of 37 currently, with roughly 10 – 20 online in evenings (GMT).