Issues with the guild system: please post here [MERGED]

Issues with the guild system: please post here [MERGED]

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Posted by: Neverstorm.1238


My guild, The Storm Shields, has seemingly vanished into thin air.

Server: The Far Shiverpeaks
Guild Name: The Storm Shields
Guild Master: Neverstorm
Guild Members: 10

I’d very much like it back; if that’s not possible, at least send me a message about it.

Only the living knows victory.

Issues with the guild system: please post here [MERGED]

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Posted by: Von Adder.2487

Von Adder.2487

Using the guild promoter in divinity’s reach has not resulted in any increase in guild influence!
Time: 12 hours ago. Money spent: 60 silver. Influence gained: 0

Desolation EU

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Posted by: Felon Blade.8602

Felon Blade.8602

BUMP from page1

School Of Hard Knocks [SOHK]
Fort Aspenwood
four days ago my guild got bugged, it shows that every player is alone in guild, it wiped all progress and influence (was on track to finish politics3 24hrs ago, and we had around 1k influence @ that time, and our emblem) it dosnt show that we have a tag, our tag in the guild panel is just [], and shows other players that we arent even in a guild. it has also kicked some people. im the lead, and i cannot do anything, i have no permissions as there are no ranks now. we have lost alot of time, influence, upgrades, recruits, ect from this. please find some way to compensate my guild as we try to re-re-build it with just the few core members again…

School Of Hard Knocks [SOHK]
Fort Aspenwood

9/6 UPDATE: i just logged in to find myself not even in a guild now… this is getting old. my guild has been scattered to the wind… we have lost 4 ppls tome of influence, 5 days of gaining influence and upgrades, the politics 3 upgrade, the guild emblem upgrade, whatever recruits we had, and may have gotten are all gone now… this feel like a blizz game suddenly ie the :F U pay me. business motto. and it says my guild exists allready, YAY! kick the leader from a guild!

Another update: our guild is back. but we have lost out on 11 days of influence, and lost many members. this was a huge setback to our guild, is there any way that we could get some influence to make up for what we lost? also, i seem to remember instant build kits that speed up guild upgrades from one of the betas. could we get some of those too please to make up for the 11 days lost? im not asking for anything extra, just what we would have had.

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Posted by: Fitzy.7853


Last Legion Company [LCC] Vabbi server, yet again missing influence , the last influence showing is from one member logging in 17 hours ago for 10 influence that was me logging onto an alt to craft something, the reality is that two members who are representing gained several levels finishing several events in multiple zones and completing story quests and played on more than one of their toons again gaining levels/events etc, This is happening far too often now, its like every three days and is totally wasting players time. I’ve been trying to build a guild bank for ages now and we are not receiving the rewards that we have earned. even when it is showing influence earned it’s not showing the correct data most times and again we are losing out. please fix this and give us the rewards that our time spent should give.

Issues with the guild system: please post here [MERGED]

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Posted by: Valkenhyne.5649


Terranova Guild on Gandara server. Unable to edit ranks, use influence to upgrade, or rank up members. Guild invites don’t always let people join. Please fix this as soon as possible, it’s seriously hindering my enjoyment of the game.

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Posted by: Leonick.1279


Currently being told by the NPCs that my guild does not yet have any kind of guild storage despite the fact that we do have a vault…

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Posted by: dotSilver.3984


Our guild’s queue has just disappeared and adding a new resource doesn’t show up in queue but still takes off our influence. This is happening for all members who have access to the guild upgrades.

Guild Name: Priceless Elite
Server: Gunnar’s Hold

Issues with the guild system: please post here [MERGED]

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Posted by: Bobacus.2349


My guild untouchable trio on Blackgate had it’s politics 1 Que deleted. It shows up in the logs. Will cross post in other thread.

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Posted by: Disquirilou.7468



I have been invited to a friend’s guild, Knights of Overflow (KtO) but I can’t accept the invitation. When I click “Join” it says "Network Error. Please check your internet connection and try again (Code: 3040:1002:3:1930:101).

Also, another friend invited me to United We Forum (UWF) but this invitation I cannot see. He said that on the guild it shows that I did not accept it, but the invitation never showed up for me.

I appreciate your help.


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Posted by: StarVenger.2813


Server Name: Anvil Rock
Guild Name: UnimatrixZero
Guild Leader: StarVenger.2813

Guild Leader only has one permission, and it’s I think the Edit Ranks one. Basically I cannot promote or demote people, edit permissions, create new groups, edit the guild MOTD, and the roster screen is outdated. For instance, I invited a work buddy and he declined and it still shows his invite as pending, and I can’t revoke it or reinvite him. Last night guild tag was empty, seems OK this morning.

One of my friends was able to join guild, but I cannot change his rank or anything, we seem to be accruing influence at this time.

I don’t think I’ve seen a resolution to this issue, so I’m just posting a ‘me too’ =]

Thanks for any help!

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Posted by: Diaka.7825


My guild has vanished:

- Guild name: Resurgence Reborn [RISE]
- Server: Tarnished Coast

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Posted by: Aerelia.1620


My guild Guild Versus Guild [GVG] on Isle of Janthir is still bugged. When I queued upgrades they no longer show up in the build queue. They’re in my log for proof of them existing. :/ What gives?

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Posted by: DruonGrawal.3596


Our guild (“The Untamed Heart”, TuH on Aurora Glade, European Servers) had the build queue suddenly emptied out, too. The project in progress vanished, so far without paying back the influence points it did cost. Would be nice if this could be fixed – the log shows the correct start and payment for the project.

Issues with the guild system: please post here [MERGED]

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Posted by: Von Adder.2487

Von Adder.2487

Guild upgrades have stopped and will not restart!

Desolation EU

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Posted by: DonQuack.9025


Server- Blackgate

Issue- Q’d Politics 3 one day ago Log on today- Gone. Would appreciate assistance.

Try to have a good day guys!


Concerns about HoT pre-order? Check here!

Issues with the guild system: please post here [MERGED]

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Posted by: Raskrial.5893


any ETA on what’s going on with the missing guilds issue !?

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Posted by: Heru Ur.8390

Heru Ur.8390

Guild: Knights Of The Crimson Legion (KCL)
Server: Anvil Rock

I’ve posted several times here about problems related to the guild page, build queue, representing and unable to connect with the Guild Armorer in Divinity’s Reach.

A helpful player pointed out that my guild representing and build queue could be solved by going to another area of the map, i.e. leaving Divinity’s Reach and going into Queensdale. I did and was proudly shown my guilds build queue after being able to represent my guild again.

I took this lesson to heart and went to Lion’s Arch in search of the Guild Armorer there. I was quite stunned and very happy to see I was able to connect with this Armorer, Guile a Sylvari NPC. I’m now able to proudly show off my Guild Emblem without a problem. I hope this helps in the mean time to everyone who has had difficulty with these issues. Hopefully a final fix is being worked on as we speak which should then take care of all the problems.

Remember, even though GW2 was in Beta for a long time, doesn’t mean every bug is found. It’s still relatively new to our world and it’s still going through it’s growing pains. Every game goes through that. Just like a human baby has to learn to crawl before walking and running. It takes a while to get it right.

Issues with the guild system: please post here [MERGED]

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Posted by: Moakist.5268


As of today our Guild stash has dissapeared. It shows as being built, but nobody can access it as the NPC says we don’t have one.

The Fayth – Ferguson’s Crossing

Issues with the guild system: please post here [MERGED]

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Posted by: Arryn.3951


As of today our Guild stash has dissapeared. It shows as being built, but nobody can access it as the NPC says we don’t have one.

I’m having the same issue, but only on one character. My main has no access, but if I switch to a low level alt, they can get into the vault no problem.

Weird, weird bug.

Issues with the guild system: please post here [MERGED]

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Posted by: Mishy.8703


I’m unable to do anything in the guild like make a message of the day or upgrade for a bank. I can only edit the name and symbols of ranks.
Guild: Mariage Sorcière [MS]
World: Borlis Pass

Issues with the guild system: please post here [MERGED]

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Posted by: Beechy.8349


Guild name: The Yogscast Guild
Tag: [YOGS]
Server: Fissure of Woe
Members: 500

The guild bank NPC tells me my guild does not have any storage despite the guild having a guild stash and treasure trove, the guild armorer and weaponsmith also tell me the guild does not have a contract for them even though we do.

Issues with the guild system: please post here [MERGED]

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Posted by: Hex.3867


Guild name: Dungeon Crawlers
Tag: [DC]
Server: Sea of Sorrows

We seem to be unable to gain more than 193 influence despite completing many events together today. I’m the guild leader and it shows me we only have Architecture level 1 when others can see Architecture level 2. Other than that everything seems to be functioning properly.

Issues with the guild system: please post here [MERGED]

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Posted by: Cable Chef.1802

Cable Chef.1802

I would have assumed that by now someone would have given us an update on the missing guilds.

Sitting here in the dark, not knowing if we should or should not create new guilds isn’t a very comforting feeling. Especially when each of our guilds have invested gold/inf into their research.

Please, an update would go a long way.

Issues with the guild system: please post here [MERGED]

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Posted by: Vitae.3178


Guild name : Golden Guild
Tag: [GG]
Server: Gandara

The “Guild Workshop” in Architecture has reset we have lost 500 influence and we are unable to perform any upgrade.

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Posted by: Danny.9076


Had a quite strange update regarding my missing guild. The guild went missing on Tuesday and all our members but one could see it, he reported that everybody was still in the original guild but nobody was representing. Then on Wednesday another of our members realised he could see the original also. However it was not correctly named.

The tag [DoB] was correct; upgrades, message of the day and roster correct. However it was named something Rabbit?

Issues with the guild system: please post here [MERGED]

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Posted by: gorb.5608


I would have assumed that by now someone would have given us an update on the missing guilds.

Sitting here in the dark, not knowing if we should or should not create new guilds isn’t a very comforting feeling. Especially when each of our guilds have invested gold/inf into their research.

Please, an update would go a long way.

They updated us last night. They think they may have found the issue and deployed a fix last night. Unfortunately, it did not seem to work for most if not all of us. I’m sure they are working on it, but are unable to produce a fix for everyone yet. I would expect them to update us as soon as they have information. This has been a huge pain point for our guild and yours too, I’m sure, but saying we’re working on it is not going to speed things up.

I can’t see any situation where they would force us to create a new guild. That would be catastrophic in my eyes. The amount of money and time spent getting guilds leveled up and created is too great to force a new guild to be created. We’re just going to have to wait it out until there is a fix. Hopefully we will also be compensated for our lost time as well.

Issues with the guild system: please post here [MERGED]

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Posted by: gorb.5608


Had a quite strange update regarding my missing guild. The guild went missing on Tuesday and all our members but one could see it, he reported that everybody was still in the original guild but nobody was representing. Then on Wednesday another of our members realised he could see the original also. However it was not correctly named.

The tag [DoB] was correct; upgrades, message of the day and roster correct. However it was named something Rabbit?

We had a similar issue. Our guild was tagged something else right before the whole thing broke. It seems to be that there is some corruption in their database that they are going to have to fix.

Issues with the guild system: please post here [MERGED]

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Posted by: CameronDunn.6473



Studio Tech Director


Thank you to everyone who responded and PM’d me. As predicted, the fix worked for some guilds and not for others. We’ll continue to look into why the non-fixed guilds are still not working.

Just a note on the other issues raised in this thread : We’re going to focus on the problems with guilds entirely disappearing, and also fix the issue with having to move between servers to represent the guild. Once that’s working we’ll get back to everyone about the other problems they are seeing – we know that those other problems are important to fix too!


Issues with the guild system: please post here [MERGED]

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Posted by: Tanaquil.9314


Seems like the guild Resurgence Reborn on Tarnished Coast server has vanished completely. Could you check please? Moving maps/regions makes no difference.

Issues with the guild system: please post here [MERGED]

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Posted by: gorb.5608


Thank you to everyone who responded and PM’d me. As predicted, the fix worked for some guilds and not for others. We’ll continue to look into why the non-fixed guilds are still not working.

Just a note on the other issues raised in this thread : We’re going to focus on the problems with guilds entirely disappearing, and also fix the issue with having to move between servers to represent the guild. Once that’s working we’ll get back to everyone about the other problems they are seeing – we know that those other problems are important to fix too!


Thanks for the update Cam, I know you guys are working as hard as you can on this.

Issues with the guild system: please post here [MERGED]

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Posted by: Cable Chef.1802

Cable Chef.1802

Thank you to everyone who responded and PM’d me. As predicted, the fix worked for some guilds and not for others. We’ll continue to look into why the non-fixed guilds are still not working.

Just a note on the other issues raised in this thread : We’re going to focus on the problems with guilds entirely disappearing, and also fix the issue with having to move between servers to represent the guild. Once that’s working we’ll get back to everyone about the other problems they are seeing – we know that those other problems are important to fix too!


Thank you for the reply and update. Just knowing that you are focusing on missing guilds is quite a relief.

Good luck and God speed

(edited by Cable Chef.1802)

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Posted by: Ponita.8204


Thanks for reassuring us you’re working on it Can we be sure we’ll eventually get our missing guilds back and they’re not lost forever?

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Posted by: skeezix.8235


Guild: Vicious Geezers
Server: Blackgate

Issue 1: spent 10k influence on Treasure Trove and Art of War 3. They’ve been queued for 3 days and today there is nothing in the queue.

Issue 2: Access to bank stash has disappeared. Getting an error saying our stash isn’t build yet. (though it has.)


Issues with the guild system: please post here [MERGED]

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Posted by: CameronDunn.6473



Studio Tech Director


Can we be sure we’ll eventually get our missing guilds back and they’re not lost forever?

That’s how it looks at the moment – the guild system plays it really safe and if it notices any problems with the guild it basically refuses to load it (to prevent it getting more broken). All of the problems we’ve found so far are fixable and after we fix them, the guild loads fine and is available again.

I can’t promise that for every single case in the future – but for every case so far that’s been true.


Issues with the guild system: please post here [MERGED]

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Posted by: Wigumoto.8013


Looks like I’m getting the same bug as others; I’ve built a guild bank but I seem to be the only one that can access it. It’s telling other members that we don’t even have one.

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Posted by: SourLime.1258


Guild: Chain Of Events [CE]
Sever: Isles of Janthir

In certain reigns (Divinitys Reach, Lions Arch, and Hoelbrak.) Me and my guild members can’t use any of the guild NPC’s and we can’t access/edit any of the guild functions. Only in some of the other reigns (Black Citadel) can we access these functions.

Sourlime – Thief
Chain Of Events [CE]
Isles of janthir

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Posted by: Ehlana.6428


My guild, Children of Arcadia [CoA] on Anvil Rock has not been properly gaining influence. My guild members and I completed several events both together and separately today without gaining any influence or having anything logged on the history. After the addition of a new member, we gained a small amount of influence from events, but again missed out on quite a bit during the earlier part of the day.

Has anyone else had this happen? Is there any way to get back the influence we should have gotten?

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Posted by: Naekh.4256


Guild: Seul Two
Server: underworld

Created a guild, I’m leader but can’t change ranks or basically anything.
Can only invite.

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Posted by: Daihu.3649


Our guild hasn’t returned yet.

Server: Gandara
Guild name: Veridium [VD]
Guild size: 170+

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Posted by: DonQuack.9025


Server- Blackgate

Issue- Q’d Politics 3 one day ago Log on today- Gone. Would appreciate assistance.

Try to have a good day guys!

I just logged in on a diff char in a diff zone and it appears to be working again.

Thanks, and if you guys didnt do it then perhaps it is a zone issue? akin to the instancing issue some faced in early launch?

Concerns about HoT pre-order? Check here!

Issues with the guild system: please post here [MERGED]

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Posted by: Moakist.5268


Can we be sure we’ll eventually get our missing guilds back and they’re not lost forever?

That’s how it looks at the moment – the guild system plays it really safe and if it notices any problems with the guild it basically refuses to load it (to prevent it getting more broken). All of the problems we’ve found so far are fixable and after we fix them, the guild loads fine and is available again.

I can’t promise that for every single case in the future – but for every case so far that’s been true.


Hi Cam,

What about guilds whose vaults are missing? They show as built but the NPCs say we don’t have one?

The Fayth – Ferguson’s Crossing

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Posted by: jgcd.6041



I have experienced the same problems, but found a partial workaround. For everyone, please read below:

Guild: Feridaid [FBGM]
Server: Borlis Pass

The interface seems to be functioning only in instanced areas, so on a story mission or in your race’s home area (i.e. Salma District for Humans) you can still acess it properly and use it.

I have advised people on the Borlis Pass server to do so as it seems to have worked.

Current Problems:

All of these are outside of instanced areas

Build Queue not displaying out of instanced areas
Guild Bank not functioning
Not able to activate any guild items
Not able to Build for the guild

- This is a forum, expect logic to get left at the door, beaten bloody, and set on fire.

- The more asinine the post or thread, the more I am amused.

(edited by jgcd.6041)

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Posted by: deucengine.5940


I’m experiencing a different issue with the guild system. I created a guild on 10th. After creating it I made sure I was representing it and used my PreOrder Tome of Influence. I received an achievement that said I earned the 1000 influence. But the guild didn’t reflect it. I invited my wife into the guild and she used her tome and it properly applied. I began looking and I noticed that as the guild leader I had no rights. I cannot do upgrades, I can’t edit message of the day or promote members.

Server: Gates of Maddness
Guild Name: Knights of Craft
Guild Master: Uhlrick
Guild Members: 2

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Posted by: Honn.8271


All of our guild systems are down. Bank, armor, emblem, ect.

Jade Quarry – The Order of Eternal Guardians.

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Posted by: AreTeeMiss.8032


Can we be sure we’ll eventually get our missing guilds back and they’re not lost forever?

That’s how it looks at the moment – the guild system plays it really safe and if it notices any problems with the guild it basically refuses to load it (to prevent it getting more broken). All of the problems we’ve found so far are fixable and after we fix them, the guild loads fine and is available again.

I can’t promise that for every single case in the future – but for every case so far that’s been true.


That is really reassuring to hear. Thanks for the update!

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Posted by: KurikLein.7216


After the battle of Claw Island the influence from the Letter of Commendation did not show up for the guild, I also submitted a bug report in-game.

Guild: Unseen Hand [HAND]
Server: Stormbluff Isle
Character: Kurik Lein

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Posted by: Greymantle.9168


Server: Yaks Bend
Guild Name: Preference
Guild Tag: PvX

My character (which is the leader of the guild) can now buy influence scrolls, but still can’t access the guild vault which I had upgraded since Monday.

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Posted by: Tinybel.3847


In our small 2 Man guild as of today not me or my co leader can change anything about the guild. No Message of the day, no upgrading and also no buying any guild armour.

Guild: Verwirrt mit Vodka
Server: Blackgate

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Posted by: Izziee.8392


Despite the problems mentioned earlier, I’d like to add I’m unable to claim keeps now even being GM. Sons of nightmare gandara server. Build queue still not showing.

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Posted by: Maximillian.4317


So, I created a guild and it was all fun and games until I removed my ’’Represent’’.
When I tried to make myself ’’Represent’’ again, it didn’t do a thing, so I left the guild.
Then, when I tried to create a new one, the ranks were all the same icon and all of the permissions were grey, I couldn’t check/un-check them. Same thing on all my characters.
Every...single...time.... So annoying. Seems like I can’t make a working guild now.... which sucks, so please, help