Issues with the guild system: please post here [MERGED]

Issues with the guild system: please post here [MERGED]

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Posted by: DeafEdge.8521


Ah yes that was definitely the issue. I was in four guilds. Thank you very much. (:

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Posted by: Lomax.2463


Guild : knights of the Black Watch
Server : Dragonbrand
GM Lomax.2463

Started a Arch level 4 build that costs 10,000 points 15 hours ago. It is now gone !! guild is very upset as we have been working very hard to expand guild bank. we lost the points but its still in our build history log. no one in the guild can see the build at all. with guild members using real cash to buy points for the guild this is very serious. i told them to complain to there credit card company. if the CC company keeps getting so many complaints and holds on payments you will lose the rights to use there services. i expect prompt action, this is not the first time a cash payment item has been lost and wasted.

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Posted by: Raster.5780


We got a guild on far shiverpeaks and nothing works in the guild system either.

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Posted by: Martis Ruk.8406

Martis Ruk.8406

I also bought drinks for the city, out 2 gold with no influence to show for it

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Posted by: Kreist.5643


I just created a guild on Seafarer’s Rest and I am not able to:

edit ranks, post guild message of the day, promote or demote, spend points on upgrades, basically i can’t do anything.

Please help me get this sorted, so I can get the guild going.

Thank you

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Posted by: SolidPhantom.3210


Whenever I try to join a guild, i get “Network error” with the code 3040:1002:3:1930:101

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Posted by: Slenderman.8506


Yea i opened a ticket a week ago and still no response :/

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Posted by: JudgeHolden.4023


As do I, and I’m the GM!

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Posted by: JudgeHolden.4023


I am unable to claim points in WvWvW. It says that my guild has not given me permission. However, I am the Guild Master, and I have been able to do it before.

My guild is School Rumble on Sanctum of Rall.

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Posted by: Dardray.6725


I have huge problems with my guild:

Server: Gandara
Guild name: Density

Owner of the guild : Dardray.6725 (ME)

My Problems i can’t do: edit ranks, post guild message of the day, promote or demote, kick, change ranks, spend points on upgrades, basically i can’t do anything.

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Posted by: fragment.5380


Guild Influence stopped counting yesterday, and now its zeroed out. I just relogged and it now is counting and we have 2 Influence points total. Down from I believe 1600 points.

Guild is And Pals on Fort Aspenwood

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Posted by: Wilic.4567


I’m having an issue with my Letter of Commendation reward from the lvl 59 personal quest not giving any guild influence to the guild.

Unarmed [ARM] – Dragonbrand server, character “Wilona”

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Posted by: KokoBoo.6978


Server: Maguuma, Guild name: Covert Ops

there is no tag and im the only one in this guild, i believe everyone got either kicked or left. I Cannot Leave This guild, stand down does not work. I hope you guys can look into this issue and fix it soon! Thanks!

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Posted by: Sombra.8523


Can’t edit permissions, change ranks, set motd etc etc…
I can see countless people have the same problems, cant we get an ETA made public?

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Posted by: gordojum.2970


Issue with not being able to edit MotD or purchase upgrades with newly formed guild: The Black And The White [BW] on server: Sorrow’s Furnace. I also cannot edit guild ranks. As a side note, we’re interested in transferring to an equally if not less populated server, however, we’d like to transfer the guild (with influence as well) if possible. To my knowledge all other aspects of the guild are working.

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Posted by: Asyntotic.6157


[XIII] Thirteen Ravenguard
server: Henge of Denravi

Just looking for an update like may other people. 5 days since my second post about bugged rank permissions, my guild is as useful as a male nipple for the time being, I have checked the forums daily and this topic has yet to even be mentioned by tech support, so any info at all would be nice at this point….

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Posted by: Semperverus.3769


Server: Tarnished Coast
Guild: C H B
Tag: CHB
Leader: Semperverus (me)

My guild has not received any influence increases in the last several hours. It was working off-and-on earlier in the day, but it suddenly stopped.

In addition to this, i cannot edit any ranks whatsoever. I can, however, change a person’s rank.

I do not have enough influence to test purchases yet, as we’re a fairly new guild.

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Posted by: Aurorae Eagle.9435

Aurorae Eagle.9435


Either way, formed a guild recently and I had no permissions as guild leader. Didn’t realise this until I’d invited my friends in and I don’t want to force everyone in to remake to keep our name, and I’d like to keep it (It’s Sons of Sæhrímnir, for clarification Sæhrímnir is the Norse pig of pretty much infinite bacon). I tried leaving myself to see if that disbanded or just passed on leadership and it passed on leadership to a friend and she has no permissions either.

Relevant screenshot attached. She can’t change any of the permissions and nor could I.


Guild Name: Sons of Sæhrímnir [BACN]
Server: Henge of Denravi

Founder’s name (Account): Aurorae Eagle (Aurorae Eagle)
current leader name (account) : Luna Chasseur (Thursday)


Henge of Denravi – Charter Vanguard
Commander Superb Blue Wren – Aquila Lightbringer – Aurorae Eagle

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Posted by: darkest.6839


I am the leader of my guild and I have no permissions.
Server: Ferguson’s Crossing
Guild: Crest Of Liberty [CoL]
Leader: Dragar Of The Buna

Thank You!

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Posted by: darkest.6839


I am the leader of my guild and I have no permissions.
Server: Ferguson’s Crossing
Guild: Crest Of Liberty [CoL]
Leader: Dragar Of The Buna

Thank You!

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Posted by: Ngoma.8635


Hi, I just got an invite to a guild on the “Sea of Sorrows” server called Dragon and I cant join due to a network error.


It says to look at my internet connection. I’ve looked at it and its fine. Any help would be great.

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Posted by: Curuglas.1847



I logged on today and found my guild board empty (1/1 members online), and trying to /guild I get the message not being in a guild.

Help appreciated. Thank you.

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Posted by: mediumrare.9816


The exact same problem has happened with me.

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Posted by: Space.1627


i think every one have the problem

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Posted by: Adelheid.3689


Same here, guild broke, friend list shows all offline(my friend is just beside me in the map) and if you try to invite someone to party it says his already in one even though he isn’t :\

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Posted by: Mattsta.8694


I am in my guild, but it shows everyone else offline even though I am talking to guild members who are online. They are getting the not being in a guild message when they try to talk in /guild but I can talk in guild but nobody can see it apparently.

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Posted by: bbanfillov.9308


Yep I am all alone in my guild. Wait…Light Bulb. PARTY!!! Wait tell they come back and see the damage I did to it

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Posted by: Midnight.9205


Just logged in to test this as a member of a guild of 100 – and I am the only person in guild.

Yes, the guild exists and shows when I hit “G”, I am 1/1 person online.

All previously earned upgrades in the guild appear to be gone.

EDIT: This seems to have affected myself (only?) – another guild member has logged in and all is normal.

EDIT2: Guild member who is in guild reports our guild bank appears to be missing.

(edited by Midnight.9205)

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Posted by: Twinklin.5724


My guild was wiped out too but I relogged and now all my upgrades, influence and members are back.

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Posted by: Shifted.6912


Representing the guild after standing down doesn’t work either.

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Posted by: Aerelia.1620


My guild is completely broken. Guild Versus Guild (Isle of Janthir). It’d be nice to see everything functional instead of nerfed and broken.

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Posted by: thor.3904


Guild is gone here too. Relogging made it reappear, I tried standing down since it showed me as not representing, but now I cannot re represent.

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Posted by: bbanfillov.9308


Relogging didn’t fix the guild issue for me

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Posted by: Arsenic Touch.7960

Arsenic Touch.7960

Having the same issue.

Is it better to out-monster the monster or to be quietly devoured?

Dragonbrand – Level 80 – Human Ranger

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Posted by: CassSmith.2639


Server: Isle of Janthir
Guild: Self Preservation Society [SPS]
Leaders: Kareya Craftmaster and Nishan McHale

We have the 1/1 person in guild bug, showing us but no one else in the guild even though we have 23 people, other members of the guild are reporting the same thing, they’re 1/1. This is since tonights patch. No upgrades or anything, guild emblem also is not showing on guild skins

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Posted by: Candra.6753


Guild is one thing but now I cant be invite and I cant invite other ppl to party. What i can see old problems are back like bad omen :/

Aurora Glade – Rage Under Control [WAFP]

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Posted by: bbanfillov.9308


Maybe Anet has like some noob on their team where he goes in and ruins the game so the team spends more time fixing it?

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Posted by: CassSmith.2639



Server: Isle of Janthir
Guild: Self Preservation Society [SPS]
Leaders: Kareya Craftmaster and Nishan McHale

Guild leader main characters can see the guild, everyone else shows 1/1 at this point in time. My alts also are 1/1

Testing, it seems levels and ranks dont have any affect on whether or not it works, area, tested in Lions Arch and Gendarian Fields nor level

The issue seems to be resolving itself, load triggered?

Build queue seems somewhat messed up (nothing in build queue and not able to activate something finished) but as other issues are resolving I’ll leave this as resolving for now.

(edited by CassSmith.2639)

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Posted by: JoxerNL.3752


Exact same thing here, I am the only person in the guild, none of the buttons work, trying to talk in guild comes up with a “You are not in a guild.”.
Really putting the “guild” in guild wars, lol.

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Posted by: Braxxis.7062



Guild tag is gone
I appear to have no rank in my guild
All upgrades are gone
All influence is gone
History is empty
Ranks don’t exist at all
Emblem went poof

You gone done broke my guild!

Nahla Lisandril / Ashelia Morin / Craulk
Yolaine / Orindine / Maliasera
~ Among the Ashes [Dust] ~

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Posted by: Wafflebasket.9021


Mellow Odd Fellows; Guild
Blacktide; Server
Tiny Wafflebasket; Character

I’ve been struggeling with the guildbugs for a while now.
I’ve created a guild, invited some members, having a hell of a time!
When I wanted to proceed by improving the guild ect. using influence i found that I was marked as leader, but couldnt do a thing.
The only thing I was able to do was invite members, the guildpanel treated me like a newly joined member.

After posting this a few times and sending a few emails (no response whatsoever),
I’ve found myself in a even greater peril. After the update on 20-9 my entire guildtab has been grayed out, there’s noone in the guild and all my guildmembers are laughing at me because my nickname is cpt. glitch.

No but really, the guildsystem has had problems for so long and I havn’t even seen a single update on if theres even anyhting being done about it.

Please, keep us guildmasters posted on the progress of this bug!


(edited by Wafflebasket.9021)

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Posted by: Doink.8597



Guild tag is gone
I appear to have no rank in my guild
All upgrades are gone
All influence is gone
History is empty
Ranks don’t exist at all
Emblem went poof

You gone done broke my guild!

lol… this sums up about everything, and im having same issue, nothing is fixing.

Blood makes you Related, Loyalty makes you family.

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Posted by: Warkaiser.3405


I relogged a couple of times and it seems to randomly do 1 of 2 things depending on each login:

1) Im the only person in my guild, no guild influence, and no guild tag

2) Everything looks OK, but Im unable to purchase any guild upgrades. I click Add, and nothing happens

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Posted by: Dicellol.4153


Parties are broken also. No one is seeing invites.

Sea of Sorrows #1
Team Shatter [TS]

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Posted by: Zumbaro.8376


I logged on and everything is fine, if re-logging didn’t fix it make sure you fully closed the client and the logger. If you have to shut down your computer to make sure all associated processes are ended. If the problem persists on a large scale at least we can start narrowing the scope for them. I can’t test the guild upgrades as I don’t have permissions in guild.

I haven’t had the ability to check party status with someone, I’ll update on this after I get the chance.

(edited by Zumbaro.8376)

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Posted by: EnoLive.2367


WTF have you done this time.
We had over 68 members nearly completed the guild unlocks.
All that influence all those hardworking members all gone in a blink of an eye.
No we didn’t change server.
No we didn’t disband
Yes we are angry
Yes we are starting to feel that this game is still in Beta

Co Leader & Founder “Privateers Uk” [PUK]
Eno Live (Ele)

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Posted by: CassSmith.2639


Same, check again as it seems to be resolving for my guild. 1/1 is fixed here but the upgrade queue shows nothing and finished cannot be activated (I’m hoping this resolves with the 1/1 issue)

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Posted by: froggy.4263


Exit the game and relog.

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Posted by: Raz.7153


lol, everything was fine until i just relogged…

the only unusual thing before relogging i noticed was the guild upgrades in the build queue were gone, but now im also having the issue with being the only person in my guild

edit: multiple relogs did nothing

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Posted by: Ealaniel.8910


Guild: Paragon Exiles
Tag: [PAX]*
Server: Tarnished Coast

Guild has disappeared! The Tag is showing up as []. Each player’s account shows that they are the sole member of a guild called ‘Paragon Exiles []’

What happened to our guild and our upgrades and influence?