Legendary Howler Bug [merged]
Examples of the Mist aura working and not working after leaving a cluttered area(too many npc, players, particles or mix of the 3 will bug it). If you stow your weap and re-equip it will come back. Still a disappointing bug imo.
Ya also heard that bug is going on with frost-fang to thanks for the photos
Missing aura is not a bug, thats how LOD option work, it reduce particle effects when there is to many stuff on screen. Aura from howler, bifrost, fire effect on arm from incinerator or ice from frostfang.
Missing aura is not a bug, thats how LOD option work, it reduce particle effects when there is to many stuff on screen. Aura from howler, bifrost, fire effect on arm from incinerator or ice from frostfang.
The problem is the reduced particle effects remain even after leaving areas with high particicle effects.
At least that’s what I’m gathering.
Like you go off and do Maw or Claw of Jormag when there is a huge zerg and lose the aura.
Then you go to a personal story instance with just you and the aura doesn’t show up in the personal story instance. That’s the bug, it not showing up when you’re pretty much alone.
Edit to add example.
Examples of the Mist aura working and not working after leaving a cluttered area(too many npc, players, particles or mix of the 3 will bug it). If you stow your weap and re-equip it will come back. Still a disappointing bug imo.
Ya also heard that bug is going on with frost-fang to thanks for the photos
I keep hearing it happens to all legendary’s with auras right now. You can see in my second photo the missing ice arm affect for frostfang.
Missing aura is not a bug, thats how LOD option work, it reduce particle effects when there is to many stuff on screen. Aura from howler, bifrost, fire effect on arm from incinerator or ice from frostfang.
The bug is that you leave a high particle or crowded area of players and the aura still remains missing until u stow weap. Even when LOD is not necessary the aura will still be missing. Also, it never used to disappear when i first got howler. It started disappearing later on after a season 2 patch, don’t remember which one though.
(edited by OMNIBUS.2913)
Missing aura is not a bug, thats how LOD option work, it reduce particle effects when there is to many stuff on screen. Aura from howler, bifrost, fire effect on arm from incinerator or ice from frostfang.
Don’t have this on my incinerator ever, and i constantly do zerg type gameplay.
Missing aura is not a bug, thats how LOD option work, it reduce particle effects when there is to many stuff on screen. Aura from howler, bifrost, fire effect on arm from incinerator or ice from frostfang.
Don’t have this on my incinerator ever, and i constantly do zerg type gameplay.
But a bug seeming to be is that the aura after coming out of such area is nonexistent
Only for certain people tho
and the night / day effect too..
anet?? anything?
and the night / day effect too..
anet?? anything?
Hopefully we’ll hear something when hot comes out
and the night / day effect too..
anet?? anything?Hopefully we’ll hear something when hot comes out
my hope is that on hot it is already fixed
any news ANET?? can we at least expect that on HOT this will be already fixed??
I decided to make howler last night, the draw effects and footsteps work apparently, but something else i noticed is the underwhelming howl which is being canceled out by your own skills sound, I didn’t notice this on past videos, is this new or is it my imagination?
I don’t have this legendary or plan on getting this one, but come on, seven days and no dev response is incredibly disappointing.
actually not just 7 days..
Bug is here for 11 months already as you can see on the link for older posts..
It directs you to a post from march 2014..
And since that…nothing has been said about the subject by ANET.
But we will not give up.
I decided to make howler last night, the draw effects and footsteps work apparently, but something else i noticed is the underwhelming howl which is being canceled out by your own skills sound, I didn’t notice this on past videos, is this new or is it my imagination?
What happened is that people were complaining about it being too long with a sound that resembled a moaning wolf so to try to fix that the devs shortened the howling loop to so short very unnoticeable over your loud skills. What I would like to personally see is a new sound that actually sounds like a wolf , as well as it going on just a smige longer
Glad to see this back on the front page of the forum. I hope players continue to bring this to the attention of the community.
With the new Legendary weapons coming out I think it’s important that all the previous ones get a look over to make sure they stand the test of time. It’s common for weapon models in MMO’s to become outdated, and the proof is pretty evident for a lot of older exotic weapons in the game not really comparing to the newer ones.
I just hope we can get the moon icon back on the weapon during night.
What happened is that people were complaining about it being too long with a sound that resembled a moaning wolf so to try to fix that the devs shortened the howling loop to so short very unnoticeable over your loud skills. What I would like to personally see is a new sound that actually sounds like a wolf , as well as it going on just a smige longer
I think what people really hated was the “infinite loop” that was patched, some people thought it was a feature, but to be honest, I don’t think it was a good thing either, yet repeating the sound 2-3 times would have been ok(warhorn skills do have cooldowns)
They don’t just change the dreamers screeching ponies that everyone feels they should spam because people get annoyed by it, it makes no sense to me to make a howl on a HOWLER less of a howl because certain people don’t like it
I completely agree with this, the legendary is a warhorn so I also believe that should be it’s biggest aspect, there are now three other warhorns that do not have a extremely long lasting loop but they all have a much cooler, legendary warhorn sound then our current. Quite curious to see the next batch of legends and how they turn out
I completely agree with this, the legendary is a warhorn so I also believe that should be it’s biggest aspect, there are now three other warhorns that do not have a extremely long lasting loop but they all have a much cooler, legendary warhorn sound then our current. Quite curious to see the next batch of legends and how they turn out
On that note, Anet never specified if each type of weapon will receive a new legendary, and to add there, thematically i find that surpassing some legendaries will be hard, if anything I’m doubting we will see new legendaries, and off-hand-wise at best i can think of a totally new focus, so i doubt we’ll get a new warhorn.
That said I wouldn’t care if we didn’t get a new warhorn, Howler is an epic design already, if it functioned like it used to I couldn’t think of a better warhorn.
I agree that if howler worked, would be very hard to surpass. They did say there will be new legendarys, but to say only release a few there might be up-rage, an intresting thought I had is that what if wee will be crafting legendary accessories instead and introducing great looking new ascended wepons such as http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Marjory%27s_Everliving_Blade
I agree that if howler worked, would be very hard to surpass. They did say there will be new legendarys, but to say only release a few there might be up-rage, an intresting thought I had is that what if wee will be crafting legendary accessories instead and introducing great looking new ascended wepons such as http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Marjory%27s_Everliving_Blade
Well I’m not really saying “a few” will only release, but i don’t think they made one of each type either, I’m fairly certain we will see new bows, swords, a staff and basically all widely used weapons, honestly I’d love to see a decent focus.
on the trailer they did mention new legendaries.. but i doubt it is accessories or armor since they did mention no new gear level.. now gear level increase i mean.. so ascended will still be top gear. By that i think it will be new weapons.
It would be really nice if Gaile could stop by and let us know if/when they’re going to fix it.
on the trailer they did mention new legendaries.. but i doubt it is accessories or armor since they did mention no new gear level.. now gear level increase i mean.. so ascended will still be top gear. By that i think it will be new weapons.
They said specifically “Legendary weapons” if I’m not mistaken, though that doesn’t exclude legendary armor, keep in mind currently dispite there being legendary weapons their stats are just as high as ascended, even if legendary armor comes in the game it will be only at ascended stats.
I guess the main reason for people to want legendary armor is to be able to change stats on it, instead of having sets of armor in their inventory
I just thought that due to the fact they have been showing off some accessories with auras, at the very least they will include more of theses as rare drops in new hot content
I recently made the howler in the MF by surprise & decided to make it into a legendary— but finding out that effects were taken away I think I’ll just sell it once I make it :<
What a bummer :/
My husband made howler ages ago and doesn’t post here, but he really hates that the howl was taken away and that they removed all of the night time effects in the process. He once submitted a ticket to tell them that they broke the visual effects (this was shortly after they broke it) and they responded saying that he should make a suggestion to see if other people want the effects….and never acknowledged that it was a bug that they broke the legendary weapon. That was ages ago and it’s now approaching a year that they broke Howler and all we’ve gotten is a message from Gaile a month or so ago saying she’d report it broken. Do the devs agree it’s broken or do they think they fixed it last April and have washed their hands of it?
Can they please take the muzzle off of Howler and let him howl at least some once again? It’s sad that there are so many other warhorns that have unique sounds, but Howler doesn’t. I’d love to make Howler myself, but they need to fix it first. Broken Howler is sad.
He once submitted a ticket to tell them that they broke the visual effects (this was shortly after they broke it) and they responded saying that he should make a suggestion to see if other people want the effects….
No, yeah…
…because we totally want something that we spent 250 of each T6 mat on to be limited to brief effects that are very hard to see in the daylight and almost as hard to see in the night.
I actually posted on the other Howler bug post, I mainly crafted Howler to match Frostfang (Stacking aura, cause It matches really well.) But I was super excited about the day/night moon, don’t care much for the looping howl but the loss of the moon is just… Sad. Honestly, It was one of the coolest legendaries.
Necro main since beta, MMO fanatic and avid beta tester.
till now it i did 6 pm to gms…2 of them to gaile… 2 topic in different forum sections …both being kept in 1st page… and still noone from ANET even bothers to give us a reply..
Starting to think they dont care.
But i will keep trying..
Any news ANET???
Anything from anet at this point would be nice…
Even a: “we dont care..we are working on new lrgendary warhorn…move on…”
I would accept that..
But saying nothing is really disappointing
This is indeed very sad, i remember the howler of the old days and was thinking of making it but just found out about this, huge disappointment….
any news ANET????
Yea, I’m hoping someone’s got this written down on the back log to be fixed.
Indeed, I actually at least expected some kind of response by now, though knowing Anet at some point there will be in the patch notes “fixed some legendary animations and sounds” and bam howler fixed
10 days of topic..no answer…we won’t give up!!!!
ANET..plz help us
Would be nice if the effects were re-added
would also be nice if the sound file was updated to sound a little more distinct
Crimson Lion Warhorn shouldn’t be the only one with an awesome sound!
Maybe a very distinctive pack of wolves howling,
Fort Aspenwood
Would be nice if the effects were re-added
would also be nice if the sound file was updated to sound a little more distinct
Crimson Lion Warhorn shouldn’t be the only one with an awesome sound
Maybe a very distinctive pack of wolves howling,
I agree that the sound should be a bit better too. It’s a WARHORN it should be noticeable in the crowd when you hear it.
Yeah I thought the Howler was one of the best legendaries with the moon effect. Now it obviously isn’t anymore.
There are so many things they could do with the howl sound…but it should totally be unique in the crowd…
Come on ANET…cant be that hard to give us a position….
It will be fixed eventually, I’m confident enough in this to continue making this legendary. BassHunteR, you post obsessively about this, maybe bump your posts once a week or so?
It will be fixed eventually, I’m confident enough in this to continue making this legendary. BassHunteR, you post obsessively about this, maybe bump your posts once a week or so?
yes i am bumping obsessively. Why?
This is the bug section..
not only the topic has no answer from anet, but i got no infraction from obssessively bumping it… and that means that no gm or dev is reading this section.. i have kept this topic in 1st page the entire time and pmed every gm about it…there is another topic created on general discussion about same subject.. and also no response…also kept in first page…that one there is more ppl helping to bump… so if you stop for a bit and think…you would be worried about it…cause that means they are not reading bug section… and bug reports…
I decided that i will keep the topics in first page until a position comes or an infraction…cause at least the infraction will mean that they read the topic…till now they didn’t even read it…and thats what bothers me most..
And i really worked hard for this legendary…didnt purchase it or the prec or anything….so i really care.
Dude I didn’t mean it like that, more a case of they haven’t done anything in a year so don’t stress yourself out about it.
Dude I didn’t mean it like that, more a case of they haven’t done anything in a year so don’t stress yourself out about it.
And that’s the biggest issue I see. They’ve updated numerous other legendaries since they broke Howler and this issue has been known and reported many times since last April and yet they’ve told us nothing about a potential fix or even acknowledging here in the forums that yes, we see your issue and we will fix it. Not even a “Yeah but we can’t fix it because then you’ll get the endless howl back.” response. Just…silence. It’s sad that many people have made Howler and love the night time effects…and they just turn them off one day and refuse to say anything about it. That is not okay.
There are so many things they could do with the howl sound…but it should totally be unique in the crowd…
Come on ANET…cant be that hard to give us a position….
Yea this is also a big issue, you hear 1 guy in an entire zerg with a Super warhorn and you can tell, you have 5 guys with a howler and you can barely notice it….
Good luck getting any dev attention on this one guys. I’ve made over half a dozen threads about fixing/improving Howler and I have never seen a red post in any of mine nor anyone else’s. There are literally hundreds of posts about this that have never been answered.
I’m not kidding. A simple google search turns up nearly 500 posts.
What if it sounds like the PvP Wolf finisher?
Good luck getting any dev attention on this one guys. I’ve made over half a dozen threads about fixing/improving Howler and I have never seen a red post in any of mine nor anyone else’s. There are literally hundreds of posts about this that have never been answered.
I’m not kidding. A simple google search turns up nearly 500 posts.
The thing that bugs me is that, this post has gotten some views (2700 now) and has quite a few comments, but the devs purposefully choose not to look into it or at least tell us whats going on, if that’s the case and howler may one day be fixed but maybe not for a VERY long time….
yep..i know..several threads about this were already made…but..i will try again..and as i said.. i am willing to continue this until one of 2 things happen
1-i get an infraction..and if so.. at lest they read the topic… and if they have any sense of respect with their customers (us players) they will give us a response
2-we get a position from ANET..and being that positive or negative..at least will be something oficial from the devs representatives…
and until one of those happens..this thread and the one on the bug section shall remain on front page being bumped…and i ask whoever cares with this and with any bugs in this game..to help..cause this subject is not about a simple weapon bug..its about customer support..if a topic about a bug report thats going on for 1 year with more then 2000 views gets 0 answers…what you think will happen if you report a new bug right now ??