Party and Guild

Party and Guild

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Xaragon.3520


This has just started apologize if it has been brought up before i cant see any of my party members and i cant see anyone in my guild anymore and my friends list as well.

It says they are all offline when they are not.

Party and Guild

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Sarseth.7689

just linking all topic, cause I honestly think, that should be one of the most important bugs to repair now, not only as a bug, but the only thing to do with this game right now.

Party and Guild

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Bella Risa.7413

Bella Risa.7413

Ever since the crash about ‘’free trial is over’’ I keep getting this guild bug, where i am the only member with no upgrades in the guild, no influence nothing at all plus shows me as offline and guild chat claims I am not in a guild…. Also get the party bug even more often now but its fixed by re-logging (which i shouldn’t need to) but the guild issue doesn’t go away simply by restarting… Please please fix these issues other guildies have it as well. Cant go on guild missions or join em for anything because even my friends list shows everyone as offline (even tho they are online).

Party and Guild

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Kara Shai.3201

Kara Shai.3201

I never got a crash saying anything about “free trial is over” but I too can’t see any guild members, only myself and friends show as offline when they aren’t. I also can’t see all party members but as you say it can be fixed by logging out and back in (annoying!) I also can’t take crafting material & certain things out of my bank or guild bank. It just wont work. I’m tired of not being able to see or type in guild chat also. I hope this gets fixed soon!

Party and Guild

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Posted by: Garuda.3892


No problems with guild here what so ever, but I do experiance some party bugs from time to time.

sometimes some party members can’t see toher party memebers, which other party mem,bers CAN see. When a party member is kicked, it will still show to some party members and visa versa. mostly a relog or create a new party works.

- Garuda will win -

Party and Guild

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Pixelpumpkin.4608


I experienced this occasionally, but this has gotten a lot worse for me over the course of the last week. Whether it has anything to do with the latest patch or with the fact that I upgraded to 64bit windows I don’t know.

My friends list is virtually empty sometimes; I can’t whisper people back because allegedly they’re offline; I can’t see people in my party; or sometimes I can see them in the party list (listed as offline, but still showing with their portraits) but cannot see their blue dots on the mini-map.

This makes more advances tasks (like dungeon runs / fractals) really, really hard. I rely on the information how (health bar) and where (mini-map) other group members are.

Party and Guild

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Bella Risa.7413

Bella Risa.7413

Last Thursday, May 16, we had a major crash where most people got a msg saying our ‘’free Trial’’ was over. However they were quick at fixing it left me full of bugs, Like no guild, no friend list unable to whisper my friends, and what before was just 1 person ’’missing’’ in my party window ended up on being ALL members missing, like here we are inside a dungeon but they ’’aren’t in my party’’ we were all from the same guild and only 1 was orange lol, is annoying I hope they look into it.||


Party and Guild

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Faulye.8357



I got the same problem as you do.
I found that deleting the .DAT file fix it.
but, I have to do it before everytime i log in.

PS. deleting the .DAT file reset all your options ( Hey, you got nothing without nothing!)

oO Vizunah Oo

Party and Guild

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Uther.2538


I got the same problem but only after the latest patch. My friends are all shown as offline when they are still online, my guild tab shows am the only one member. Also whenever I get invited to a party I can’t see their details,status,location in map etc, but only use party chat. But if I organize the party the problem doesn’t occur.
All this began with the last patch.


Party and Guild

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Swimsasa Stoon.8936

Swimsasa Stoon.8936

Same problem as well, no guild members or party members or anything. Not only that but it also occassionally kicks me out of the party which is especially annoying in dungeons. Happens somewhere around 5 times an hour.
Just doing jumping puzzles now since you can’t do much else without a party.

Party and Guild

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Liquid Storm.8097

Liquid Storm.8097

Yup, happening constantly to me as well. I have to restart the client X number of times for the guild roster to appear.

Staff elementalist @ [SOUL]
Far Shiverpeaks EU

Party and Guild

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Swimsasa Stoon.8936

Swimsasa Stoon.8936

didn’t have any problem today for some reason…

Party and Guild

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Pixelpumpkin.4608


Yeah, there was one day where everything was fine for me, but yesterday again, broken. Super annoying.