and the stupidest grown-ups who are the most grown-up.”
- C. S. Lewis
But on another note Johan, it appears that mumble overlay for chat is not recognized with the new client. Is there a fix or work around for this? I would hate to have to revert to the 32bit just to be able to voice chat with my guild members.
I’ve also noticed this. Has anyone had any luck with it? I tried a few settings in Mumble with no luck (mostly just whitelisting Gw2-64.exe).
I just noticed this:
I also can’t get Overwolf (anything that worked fine with the 32-bit client) to work right in the 64-bit client. It doesn’t lay over the game. I don’t know if it’s GW2’s fault or Overwolf’s.
I’m running both versions with the same settings, Windowed Fullscreen
Rename gw2-64.exe to gw2.exe
You can rename the old 32-bit version before to something else to have a backup.
Does anyone know if that works for Mumble?
Idk I just try the 64x client but it seems like my fan does run way faster(means more heat) than it did before. Is that normal or maybe I need to configure something.
before the 64 bit client i was crashing on the hour
after the 64 bit client instead of crashes my game freezes for about 10 seconds before resuming normally
For everyone that experience blur in the 64-bit client, it seems you may have enabled anti-aliasing globally in the nvidia control panel. Normally the nvidia drivers would override that setting for Guild Wars 2, but it’s currently not detecting the game client due to the new executable name. This (I am told) should be fixed in a future driver release.
In the meantime, try renaming the executable to Gw2 just as for the 32-bit client. Alternatively, if you are comfortable digging through options in the nvidia control panel, make an exception just for the 64-bit client. Specifically, the setting we reproduced this with is “Antialiasing – FXAA”, but it could possibly happen with other settings as well.
I’ve also noticed this. Has anyone had any luck with it? I tried a few settings in Mumble with no luck (mostly just whitelisting Gw2-64.exe).
I can’t say anything specifically about Mumble as I haven’t tried it, but this is likely on Mumble’s end. Probably they’re just not properly identifying the game client due to the executable name being different. Try renaming the 64-bit executable to just Gw2.
Idk I just try the 64x client but it seems like my fan does run way faster(means more heat) than it did before. Is that normal or maybe I need to configure something.
It does a bit more work for parsing files, but it shouldn’t be anything significant.
(edited by Johan Skold.4708)
A couple of fixes went out with today’s build:
- The crash that happens immediately upon launching the client (error code c000001d) should no longer happen.
Client worked perfectly for me before the patch but now all I get is the error.
I’ve also noticed this. Has anyone had any luck with it? I tried a few settings in Mumble with no luck (mostly just whitelisting Gw2-64.exe).
I can’t say anything specifically about Mumble as I haven’t tried it, but this is likely on Mumble’s end. Probably they’re just not properly identifying the game client due to the executable name being different. Try renaming the 64-bit executable to just Gw2.
I tried it, but it still doesn’t seem to be working.
Hi, so I started experiencing crashes in the new HoT maps and my friend told me to go download the 64bit client. And as I went to read about how to install and everything… It said I shouldn’t have to download the whole game again, just the client update. But after multiple tries I keep ending up having to download the whole game…
Anything I’m doing wrong?
I copied the file in my Gw2 folder, opened it there, created a shortcut and boom, the 341338 files remaining show up..
I programmed somehow (finally got it to work after months of trying) managed to make super special keys on my mouse to do a skill in game (like the toggle scroll on /off). Those buttons are not recognized by gw2 itself.
Now the problem: 64 bit they don’t work. Re-opening 32 bit works fine… It was way to hard to setup to now just copy to 64 bit, the software also doesn’t give an option to copy past or change the allocation. I tried a lot of combinations, but didnt managed to get it right
Any advice? This is very annoying as my elite skills and nr 7 skill are not only usefull by clicking.
Update: You cannot change the map folder but you can add/remove games, by choosing their .exe file. Wich is how I added 64 bit exe-file. Now both clients work. This spared a lot of work, cause setting up the keybypass structure to make mouse buttons ingame work that are not recognized by gw2 is very complex. I didn’t wanna do it again.
Do you use something like Razer Synapse where you have a profile that is bound
to GW2.exe ? If so just rename gw2-64.exe to gw2.exe.
On the positive, I love that I don’t crash when the game uses over 2GB of RAM anymore.. on the negative.. this client has some pretty serious memory leaks, and I only have 8GB of RAM
I end up having to close and restart the client every so often to free up resources anyway.
You can use RAMMap for that,google it.
Idk I just try the 64x client but it seems like my fan does run way faster(means more heat) than it did before. Is that normal or maybe I need to configure something.
It does a bit more work for parsing files, but it shouldn’t be anything significant.
I’m also seeing this, but judging by my OpenHardware graphs, it seems to be more of a GPU issue. I definitely saw an increase in GPU usage when running the 64-bit client, with a corresponding increase in fan speeds (and noise).
I copied the file in my Gw2 folder, opened it there, created a shortcut and boom, the 341338 files remaining show up..
That’s exactly what you’re supposed to do, I’ve done so on 4 PCs and not seen this problem, kind of lost as to why it could be happening to you.
Hi, so I started experiencing crashes in the new HoT maps and my friend told me to go download the 64bit client. And as I went to read about how to install and everything… It said I shouldn’t have to download the whole game again, just the client update. But after multiple tries I keep ending up having to download the whole game…
Anything I’m doing wrong?
I copied the file in my Gw2 folder, opened it there, created a shortcut and boom, the 341338 files remaining show up..
There should be 2 maybe 3 files in your Gw2 directory (There will be more if your just copying the 64bit client into your existing directory)…. (The directory can be anywhere on your H/D or a second H/D and can be called anything you like if your making a new directory).
Gw2.exe (Not essential).
Gw2-64.exe (Required).
Gw2.dat (Required).
Plus other files and a couple of directories. (If your using your original GW2 directory)
There will be a small update the first time you run the 64bit client. (There will be more files and a couple more directories in the GW2 directory after patching)
Make sure you ARE running the 64bit client, and make SURE the Gw2.dat file is in the same directory. (If the Gw2.dat file is not in the same directory it will download the whole game again).
Run the game directly from the Gw2-64.exe file. (Right click and open or double left click).
Then drag a short cut (Right click on the client and drag) onto your desktop or start menu when you know it runs OK.
You can rename the Gw2.exe to Gw2.bak (Or delete it) to make sure you can’t run it by mistake.
You can then rename your Gw2-64.exe client Gw2.exe if you wish to.
If you rename your 64bit client, make sure your shortcut reflects that and points to the correct place.
(edited by Solid Gold.9310)
After the Hotfix 1 of the November 17 update the loading screen stays in the foreground even after the map is loaded for me. It looks like everything else works normal, I just can’t see anything but the loading screen and my mouse cursor. With the 32-bit client it works.
hi i need help chosing client, i played on 32 bit up side – no lag pretty mooth gameplay, downside-having to stay away fom populated ares as instant dc.
so in stalled win10 64bit and played using 64bit client, hooray no dc, but unfortunateky constant lag did teq for the first time since install, died 5 times went to hot same again, i play then everything stps except me and then dead , i play on very low settings, so im thinking of going back to 32 bit as it was only dc but game was playable.
Just wanted to say, been running this for about 2 weeks now and nothing but great things to say for it. Renamed the file to gw2.exe so my k/b, mouse, Overwolf all recognise it. Not one game crash since and AB meta would almost ALWAYS crash beforehand! Here at least it “just works”!
OK. I have Windows 10. I clicked the 64 bit button and it downloaded GW2 (or whatever it was). Apparently, I’m still running 32 bit and crashing a lot. What did I do wrong? Also, I really computer stupid, so any help would be greatly appreciated.
Just wanted to say that I downloaded the 64-bit Client this morning after someone in /map recommended it to another player and wow… Not 1 crash the whole day today.
I had constant crashes before as a f2p player, and it got even worse with the new patch which is around the same time I bought HoT, but I’m happy to say that so far I haven’t had any crashes since I switched to this client. If only I could thank that player who recommended it in /map…
Thank you for making this client, wish I had known about it earlier lol
How do I download the client?
I have been having the lock and pop problem with this client. I re-downloaded the client and data file to another directory on a 256 gig ssd dedicated to gaming. The fresh dat file was 362 meg smaller than the one I have been playing on. The new dat file slowed the lock ups quite a bit. I fell through 2 holes in the Straits of Devastation map on the new dat file.
I also noticed that during the wait times my cpu utilization dropped and the network traffic was very high.There was no difference in lock ups whether I was using 1 gig Ethernet cable to the router or on dedicated 2G AC #2 wireless at 1.2 gig.
A side note: I only lost login server once in the last 4 days I’ve used the 64bit client, and that is a great improvement!
ASRock Extreme 6 mb/4790k@4.5g/z97/32gig/970sli&oc 3D/Netgear R8000.
(edited by PaulMx.1472)
Getting the following error on launch now after a fresh boot of the computer. Was working fine lastnight. Nothing has changed that I’m aware of configuration/system wise.
—> Crash <—
Exception: c0000005
Memory at address 000000b4`8786ae00 could not be written
App: Gw2-64.exe
Pid: 11704
BaseAddr: 00007FF60FCF0000
ProgramId: 101
Build: 55402
Module: d3d9.dll
When: 2015-11-18T23:41:45Z 2015-11-18T15:41:45-08:00
Uptime: 0 days 0:00:19
Flags: 0
—> System <—
Processors: 12 [GenuineIntel:6:15:2]
OSVersion: Windows 6.2 (64 bit)
—> System Memory <—
Physical: 12132MB/16279MB 74%
Paged: 13510MB/18711MB 72%
Virtual: 134216069MB/134217727MB 3%
Load: 25%
CommitTotal: 5201MB
CommitLimit: 18711MB
CommitPeak: 5230MB
SystemCache: 3927MB
HandleCount: 53692
ProcessCount: 121
ThreadCount: 2480
—> Process Memory <—
Private: 1064MB
WorkingSet: 747MB
PeakWorkingSet: 836MB
PageFaults: 1378148
—> Memory Category Usage (Inclusive) <—
[Category] [Size(MB)] [Count]
Root 323.93 198632
Programmer Data 233.60 108235
VRAM 177.93 16510
Game 139.61 86464
Content 129.78 18710
VRAM – Gr Postproc 79.39 20
Uncategorized 55.13 90033
Collections 51.62 658
Dictionary 51.37 73
VRAM – DirectX Geo Buffers 30.56 1520
Art Assets 29.07 294
Composite Models 27.49 139
Character Models 27.49 139
VRAM – Composite Tex 26.79 23
VRAM – DDI Shader 25.83 14849
Composite Tex Pool 22.84 52
Composite Tex 22.84 52
I/O 19.99 446
Archive 18.69 169
Engine 17.52 19891
VRAM – Cinema Tex 10.91 74
Audio 9.16 427
Audio FMOD 9.11 347
Gr 7.01 17936
—> Memory Category Usage (Exclusive) <—
[Category] [Size(MB)] [Count]
Content 129.78 18710
VRAM – Gr Postproc 79.39 20
Uncategorized 55.13 90033
Dictionary 51.37 73
VRAM – DirectX Geo Buffers 30.56 1520
VRAM – Composite Tex 26.79 23
VRAM – DDI Shader 25.83 14849
Composite Tex Pool 22.84 52
Archive 18.69 169
VRAM – Cinema Tex 10.91 74
Audio FMOD 9.11 347
Collide Havok 6.13 70
Composite Packfile 4.64 77
Debugging 4.00 2
Game 3.87 24538
Text 3.72 315
Gr 3.02 93
Gr Material 2.65 15212
VRAM – Gr Texture 2.13 15
Composite 1.58 802
Model-Programmer 1.29 1442
File Service 1.26 12
VRAM – Web Browser 1.00 1
VRAM – Instance Buffers 1.00 1
[DbgHelp.dll is C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\dbghelp.dll]
[DbgHelp.dll version 10.0.10240.16384 (64/32-bit compatible)]
—> Thread 0×2d40 <—
—> Trace <—
Pc Rt : Args
00007ffe`8674289d 00000000`00000000 : 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000
00007ffe`867427f8 00000000`00000000 : 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000
00007ffe`867404c0 00000000`00000000 : 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000
00007ffe`8673fbd7 00000000`00000000 : 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000
00007ffe`8674619e 00000000`00000000 : 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000
00007ffe`86745f35 00000000`00000000 : 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000
00007ffe`86762204 00000000`00000000 : 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000
00007ffe`8675fb3d 00000000`00000000 : 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000
00007ffe`867a1a1e 00000000`00000000 : 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000
00007ffe`8676ee3d 00000000`00000000 : 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000
00007ff6`1001adf8 00000000`00000000 : 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000
00007ff6`10017b17 00000000`00000000 : 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000
00007ff6`10016c0d 00000000`00000000 : 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000
00007ff6`10018d6b 00000000`00000000 : 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000
00007ff6`0ffcc499 00000000`00000000 : 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000
00007ff6`101540e7 00000000`00000000 : 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000
00007ff6`1015428e 00000000`00000000 : 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000
00007ffe`ad5a2d92 00000000`00000000 : 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000
00007ffe`ad649f64 00000000`00000000 : 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000
—> Thread registers <—
rax=0000001432b576b0 rbx=000000140b1ae8f0 rcx=000000142eaf5c80
rdx=00000000005e0053 rsi=00007ffe86884fa0 rdi=0000000000000000
rip=00007ffe8674289d rsp=000000140b1ae880 rbp=000000140b1aea30
r8=fff4ffce7f6503fe r9=000000000000002f r10=000000142eaf4e40
r11=0000000000000000 r12=000000140aa2af80 r13=000000140aa2aef0
r14=0000000000000000 r15=00007ffe86730000
cs=0033 ss=002b ds=002b es=002b fs=0053 gs=002b efl=00010202
rax-32 0000001432B57690 00000000`78662e65 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 9000dc00`f88ec6dd
rax 0 0000001432B576B0 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000
rax32 0000001432B576D0 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000
rbx-32 000000140B1AE8D0 00000000`0000002a 00007ffe`6b084122 feeefeee`00000000 ffffffff`fffffffe
rbx 0 000000140B1AE8F0 00000014`2eaf5a60 00000014`32b576b0 00000000`00000008 00000000`00000000
rbx32 000000140B1AE910 00000000`00000000 00007ff6`1018887a 00000014`0b1aec80 00007ffe`867404c0
rcx-32 000000142EAF5C60 00000014`09e733c0 00000014`2eaf5d40 00000014`eae634e1 90006f00`fdf16470
rcx 0 000000142EAF5C80 53554147`5f455355 414e415f`4e414953 00004552`414c464d 80007014`fdf7647e
rcx32 000000142EAF5CA0 6863614d`656d6147 00680063`00656e69 00000065`006e0069 80007100`fdf5647c
—> Code <—
00007ffe`8674287d 00000048 833c0700 751ab910 000000e8 …H.<..u…….
00007ffe`8674288d a3220c00 488bc848 85c07438 488b4308 ."..H..H..t8H.C.
00007ffe`8674289d 48890ce9 53da07c0 488b0c07 4885c974 H…S…H…H..t
00007ffe`867428ad 0c488b44 24284889 31488941 0848ff43 .H.D$(H.1H.A.H.C
00007ffe`867428bd 20488b74 2448488b c3488b5c 24404883 H.t$HH..H.\$@H.
00007ffe`867428cd c4305fc3 e8aa010e 00cccccc cccccccc .0_………….
—> Stack <—
00000014`0b1ae880 00000014`0b1aea30 00000014`0b1aec50 00000014`0aa2af80 00000000`00000000 0…….P…………………..
00000014`0b1ae8a0 00000014`2c9cf8c8 00000000`00000118 00000014`0b1aec50 00007ffe`867427f8 …,…………P……..‘t…..
00000014`0b1ae8c0 00000014`0b1aebe0 00000000`00000000 00000000`0000002a 00007ffe`6b084122 …………….*……."A.k….
00000014`0b1ae8e0 feeefeee`00000000 ffffffff`fffffffe 00000014`2eaf5a60 00000014`32b576b0 …………….`Z…….v.2….
00000014`0b1ae900 00000000`00000008 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00007ff6`1018887a ……………………z…….
00000014`0b1ae920 00000014`0b1aec80 00007ffe`867404c0 00000014`0b1af068 00000014`0b1aed60 ……….t…..h…….`…….
00000014`0b1ae940 00000014`039d0000 00007ffe`ad676cb3 00000014`2cb8cc50 00000014`2cb8cc5a ………lg…..P..,….Z..,….
00000014`0b1ae960 00000014`0a380300 00000000`00000000 0000014e`0000014d 0000014f`00000118 ..8………….M…N…….O…
00000014`0b1ae980 00000150`00000118 00000151`00000118 00000152`00000118 00000118`00000124 ….P…….Q…….R…$…….
00000014`0b1ae9a0 0000014c`00000125 0000014d`00000127 0000014e`00000129 0000014f`0000012b %…L…’…M…)…N…+…O…
00000014`0b1ae9c0 00000150`0000012d 00000151`0000012f 00000152`00000130 00000118`00000132 -…P…/…Q…0…R…2…….
00000014`0b1ae9e0 00000118`00000118 00000118`00000118 00000118`00000134 00000118`00000136 …………….4…….6…….
00000014`0b1aea00 00000118`00000118 00000118`00000138 00000153`00000118 00000154`00000118 ……..8………..S…….T…
00000014`0b1aea20 00000155`00000118 00000156`00000139 00000157`0000013b 00000158`00000118 ….U…9…V…;…W…….X…
00000014`0b1aea40 00000159`0000013d 00000118`0000013f 0000015c`00000141 0000015a`00000143 =…Y…?…….A…\…C…Z…
00000014`0b1aea60 0000015b`00000118 0000015e`00000145 0000015d`00000147 00000118`00000149 ….[…E…^…G…]…I…….
00000014`0b1aea80 00000118`0000014b 0000015e`00000118 00000118`00000118 00000118`00000118 K………..^……………….
00000014`0b1aeaa0 00000118`00000126 00000118`0000012a 0000015f`0000012e 00000118`00000131 &…….*……….._…1…….
00000014`0b1aeac0 00000118`00000118 00000118`00000135 00000118`00000118 00000118`00000118 ……..5…………………..
00000014`0b1aeae0 00000161`00000118 00000160`0000013c 00000118`0000013e 00000118`00000142 ….a…<…`…>…….B…….
00000014`0b1aeb00 00000118`00000118 00000161`00000148 00000118`0000014c 00000118`00000118 ……..H…a…L……………
00000014`0b1aeb20 00000118`00000128 00000118`00000118 00000118`00000133 00000162`00000118 (……………3………..b…
00000014`0b1aeb40 00000118`0000013a 00000118`00000140 00000118`00000146 00000118`00000118 :…….@…….F……………
00000014`0b1aeb60 00000119`0000012c 00000119`00000137 0000011a`00000118 0000011a`0000014a ,…….7……………J…….
00000014`0b1aeb80 00000118`00000118 00000118`00000118 00000000`00000144 ffffffff`fffffffe …………….D……………
00000014`0b1aeba0 00000014`039d0000 00000014`32b57c00 00000014`0b1aec88 00007ffe`867388a5 ………|.2…………..s…..
00000014`0b1aebc0 00000014`0b1aecc9 00000000`00000034 00000000`32b57c00 00000000`00000002 ……..4……..|.2…………
00000014`0b1aebe0 ffffffff`fffffffe 00007ffe`86742256 00000014`0b1af068 00000000`00000000 ……..V"t…..h……………
00000014`0b1aec00 00000000`00000034 00000014`32b57660 00000000`00000034 00007ffe`86730000 4…….`v.2….4………s…..
00000014`0b1aec20 00000000`00000000 00000014`0b1af0a0 00000014`0b1aed60 00000014`0b1af068 …………….`…….h…….
00000014`0b1aec40 00000014`0b1aecc9 00007ffe`8673fbd7 00000014`00000118 00000014`00000118 ……….s…………………
00000014`0b1aec60 00000014`00000121 00000014`00000118 00000000`00000000 ffffffff`fffffffe !………………………….
—> DirectX Device Info <—
VendorId = 0×10de
DeviceId = 0×13c2
Version = 10.18.0013.5891
Description = NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970
Compat = 0×00100000
VidMem = 0 MB
Edit: Restarted the computer again and it resolved itself. Very strange.
Edit2: Figured out the cause of the crash. For some reason the 64-bit launcher does not play nicely with Xsplit Broadcaster. When I launch GW2 with Xsplit closed it launches fine. If I have Xsplit open I get the error.
Edit3: Even changing maps with Xsplit open causes the crash.
Edit4: Apparently changing maps if Xsplit has BEEN open at the same time as GW2 causes the crash.
(edited by Llethander.3972)
How do I download the client?
On the Services drop down select account, you may need to log in again. From there select Game Content and you will find the links to the various clients. The 64-bit Windows version in under “Other Client”.
Download it to the same folder that the game is currently located or move it to that location from your browser’s default download directory (assuming you didn’t customize it or set it to prompt you a location). Otherwise running it from anywhere that the gw2.dat file isn’t will download the dat file all over again.
Then make a shortcut to gw2-64.exe and voila.
Now if you are on a laptop with two GPUs, the CPU one and a faster discrete one, there may be additional things to do so it knows to switch to the discrete one for the gw2-64.exe.
Hope that helps.
I’ve download the client, moved it to the folder with the 32-bit, and now it wants to download the whole game again. What did I do wrong?
I’m a “computer illiterate” so pls make it simple xD
I’ve download the client, moved it to the folder with the 32-bit, and now it wants to download the whole game again. What did I do wrong?
I’m a “computer illiterate” so pls make it simple xD
Make sure you have the Gw2.dat file in the same directory as the 64bit client. (If it’s not there it will download the whole game again).
Run the game straight from the directory by right clicking on the 64bit client (Open) or double left click.
There will be a small download.
When your happy it’s ok, create a desktop icon by right clicking on the 64bit client and dragging onto your desktop.
(edited by Solid Gold.9310)
I redownload the client and now it’s ok. thank you anyway!
I’ve searched, I’ve googled, and I’ve done a scour of what we are allowed to access in this website’s own search and I can’t find the instructions nor the client link anywhere.
Feel free to move this post – can’t use what we can’t find.
I’ve searched, I’ve googled, and I’ve done a scour of what we are allowed to access in this website’s own search and I can’t find the instructions nor the client link anywhere.
Feel free to move this post – can’t use what we can’t find.
Windows® Installation Instructions
Log in to your Guild Wars 2 Account Management Page.
Download the 64bit client and remember where you put it so you can move it into the directory where Gw2 is.
There should be 2 maybe 3 files in your Gw2 directory (There will be more if your just copying the 64bit client into your existing directory)…. (The directory can be anywhere on your H/D or a second H/D and can be called anything you like if your making a new directory).
Gw2.exe (Not essential).
Gw2-64.exe (Required).
Gw2.dat (Required).
Plus other files and a couple of directories. (If your using your original GW2 directory)
There will be a small update the first time you run the 64bit client. (There will be more files and a couple more directories in the GW2 directory after patching)
Make sure you ARE running the 64bit client, and make SURE the Gw2.dat file is in the same directory. (If the Gw2.dat file is not in the same directory it will download the whole game again).
Run the game directly from the Gw2-64.exe file. (Right click and open or double left click).
Then drag a short cut (Right click on the client and drag) onto your desktop or start menu when you know it runs OK.
You can rename the Gw2.exe to Gw2.bak (Or delete it) to make sure you can’t run it by mistake.
You can then rename your Gw2-64.exe client Gw2.exe if you wish to.
If you rename your 64bit client, make sure your shortcut reflects that and points to the correct place.
The easiest way to install the 64bit client that I’ve found, in Windows 8.1, is to right click on the 32bit client shortcut (what you use to normally start the game) and select Open File Location. This will open a folder right to where the 32bit client is located and is the same location where you want to place the 64bit executable.
Do a drag and drop from wherever you saved the 64bit executable to the game folder (which moves the file if it’s on the same drive). Then, right click-and hold on the 64bit executable, at it’s new location, and drag it to the desktop. This should present a small options menu. Select Create Shortcuts Here which will place a new shortcut to the game (64bit) on the desktop.
That’s how I installed the new client and it only needed to download a few files.
Disclaimer: This may or may not work for everyone and I don’t offer any guarantees. These instructions also presume anyone following them is comfortable doing such things and understands what is being done. Your mileage may vary, etc.
A couple of fixes went out with today’s build:
- The crash that happens immediately upon launching the client (error code c000001d) should no longer happen.
Well kitten .. I’m still getting an insta crash with that error.
Still no 64Bit Mac Client, and Mac still in Mac Beta is this ever going to be fixed? They did patch the over heat of Mac Memory it seems will see if this work been crashing in DS meta 2 to 3 times a night and farming for Mastery points can get frustrating.
@Swift: have you tried stresstesting your ram? It’s worth a shot imho.
Certainly I will give it a go when I get home, but this issue simply doesn’t happen to any other games (Planetside 2, The Witcher 3, Assassin’s Creed Black Flag, etc), and hadn’t happened to Guild Wars 2 until HoT released. Thanks for the tip anyways.
Here is a sample DXDiag for a system that runs 63FPS with 32-bit client, and 5FPS on 64-bit client.
(Almost looks like the 64-Bit client doesn’t recognize the graphics card)
There is a write up about that Meowminox, you have to add gw2-64 to some list or something. I’m sure someone who fixed their laptop when it was first release will pop in. I think it’s also talked about earlier in this thread.
I copied the 64-bit client over to the Guild Wars 2 folder, ran it, let it do its thing, and then it popped up wanting to download 340,000 files (Aka the whole game). I’m not doing that, so I hit cancel, tried it a few more times with renaming and whatnot, reinstalled the client, still didn’t work.
So I tried to go back to the 32-bit client just to get back in game. Only to have it do the exact same thing and want to download 340,000 files. My Gw2.dat folder was in the same one as the executables the entire time. But now, instead of being 25+ GB, it’s 78 MB. Trying to install the 64-bit wiped all of the game data stored on my hard drive. So now I have to reinstall the entire game.
On 300 kb/s internet >.>
Also, it isn’t simply stored somewhere else. My SSD was close to full, and now it has 20+ GB free space. It was wiped clean. And the Gw2.dat file is not in the Recycle Bin either. The 64-bit client pretty much wiped the table of all the data I had, then tried to reinstall the game.
The game won’t open my default web browser to complete paying when I click “Proceed to PayPal”. They are all fine in 32-bit exe. Please fix it.
When I first used 64 bit client during world bosses it was fine for 2 days. However, now every 15-30 mins during a boss or just standing there, my whole computer just crashes and shows a black screen with a weird buzzing sound. I have to do a force shutdown and boot up the computer again. Is there any way I can increase the memory or whatever to stop this from doing that? Or am I forced to just get a new computer/quit gw2 altogether?
Just wanted to post my experience. After a few tweaks. Mostly on my end (Setting and what-not). Its is running SMOOTH. Better than ever. Remember you must put the new client folder in same folder as the 32bit client. Just simply drag and drop it there and boom. Then you can make a shorcut if you want. Getting 60-100 fps. never normally dropping below even 63fps.
Rig: (PC)
Operating System: Windows 10
GPU: GeForce GTX 570
CPU: Intel i5 3.30GHz
i’ve noticed some micro-stutter in silverwastes with 64bit client, back to 32 and all run fine. I haven’t problem with 32bit at least XD
ps: only in silverwastes i had this problem atm
Win 8.1
GTX 770
been playing for about 3 weeks now, then this week started getting about 5 crashes an hour, players told me to download the 64bit version and i did, well not game loads, goes to charictor screen, i pick my lvl 80, and it starts to load game and just frezes there playing music…
I have a new laptop, 32 gig ram, gaming computer, with 6gig video, it just dosnt want to finish loading into map
Found 64-bit client by accident few hours ago, it ran fine out of the box. Have one question tho: should it have separate gfx settings in nVidia GeForce Experience Games tab, or are those shared with x86 version?
Not running on a laptop. Single video card. Windows7 64bit w/ SP1.
Both client versions in the same directory. 32 bit client is playable, but crashes often. 64 bit client will load, login, but hit play and error out:“Unable to initialize 3D output. Please verify that you have installed DirectX 9 and an updated video driver.”
Attempted 64bit client after each step, but same error every time.
Latest version of drivers on Nvidia GeForce GTX 560 Ti. Reboot.
Installed DirectX 9. (Already had DirectX 11 installed, no mod to DX11) Reboot.
Deleted all 64 bit folders and files. Reboot. Redownloaded 64 bit client. Reboot.
Nvidia Control Panel > Manage 3D Settings > Program Settings. Confirmed GW2 was listed. Specifically added the GW2 64 bit client to the list. Reboot.
Run 64 bit client as administrator.
Renamed Gw2-64.exe to Gw2.exeNext steps?
Still experiencing this issue. Appreciate any advice for resolution.
Not running on a laptop. Single video card. Windows7 64bit w/ SP1.
Both client versions in the same directory. 32 bit client is playable, but crashes often. 64 bit client will load, login, but hit play and error out:“Unable to initialize 3D output. Please verify that you have installed DirectX 9 and an updated video driver.”
Attempted 64bit client after each step, but same error every time.
Latest version of drivers on Nvidia GeForce GTX 560 Ti. Reboot.
Installed DirectX 9. (Already had DirectX 11 installed, no mod to DX11) Reboot.
Deleted all 64 bit folders and files. Reboot. Redownloaded 64 bit client. Reboot.
Nvidia Control Panel > Manage 3D Settings > Program Settings. Confirmed GW2 was listed. Specifically added the GW2 64 bit client to the list. Reboot.
Run 64 bit client as administrator.
Renamed Gw2-64.exe to Gw2.exeNext steps?
Still experiencing this issue. Appreciate any advice for resolution.
I’ve seen this issue in another game a few years ago. It looks like you have done everything correctly to try to resolve this issue. Some things to look into though:
Make sure you are installing the drivers from the nVidia website and NOT using the ones from the ‘Windows Update’ feature.
The 64-bit game client will look for some DirectX files in a different location than the 32-bit client. If I remember correctly the two directories to look into are:
‘C:\Windows\SysWOW64’ and ‘C:\Windows\System32’
I would check with a machine where the 64-bit client is able to run and compare the DirectX files in each directory with your machine.
Also, sometimes Steam’s install of DirectX and the ‘Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio’ messes with any future reinstall of DirectX. You may want to try uninstalling Steam (if you have it installed) and downloading and installing these two programs from Microsoft directly. Then reinstall Steam once you get your Gw2-64bit.exe issue resolved. If all else fails you may want to try uninstalling the DirectX Runtime and C++ Redistributable and reinstall them from scratch.
(I would try installing the 64-bit version.)
Hope this helps,
Is it ok to change the 64-bit client name to Gw2.exe. I moved the 32-bit client to a new folder so that it never gets opened by anything. I figure the Nvidia drivers will recognize the game this way.
Laptop here. 64bit client increased my FPS 10%.
I have Asus G74S. All stock but the hard drive was replaced with a Samsung SSD (which did not change the FPS when it was installed)
Is it ok to change the 64-bit client name to Gw2.exe. I moved the 32-bit client to a new folder so that it never gets opened by anything. I figure the Nvidia drivers will recognize the game this way.
No prooblem, i also renamed it to GW2.exe for Overwolf and Razer Synapse.
Can I install this client without the 32 bit client already installed?
Can I install this client without the 32 bit client already installed?
Its just an alternative exe-file that you drop in your gw2-directory. If you don’t have
downloaded the gw2.dat till now you need that of cause.
Well, another crash to count…. sigh
Certainly one or more things that overload the RAM, making the 32 client crash or the 64 client try to do its best.
Low FPS spikes until total freeze, especially in events with lots of players :/
Not running on a laptop. Single video card. Windows7 64bit w/ SP1.
Both client versions in the same directory. 32 bit client is playable, but crashes often. 64 bit client will load, login, but hit play and error out:“Unable to initialize 3D output. Please verify that you have installed DirectX 9 and an updated video driver.”
Attempted 64bit client after each step, but same error every time.
Latest version of drivers on Nvidia GeForce GTX 560 Ti. Reboot.
Installed DirectX 9. (Already had DirectX 11 installed, no mod to DX11) Reboot.
Deleted all 64 bit folders and files. Reboot. Redownloaded 64 bit client. Reboot.
Nvidia Control Panel > Manage 3D Settings > Program Settings. Confirmed GW2 was listed. Specifically added the GW2 64 bit client to the list. Reboot.
Run 64 bit client as administrator.
Renamed Gw2-64.exe to Gw2.exe
Make sure you are installing the drivers from the nVidia website and NOT using the ones from the ‘Windows Update’ feature.
nVidia website and the nVidia control panel
‘C:\Windows\SysWOW64’ and ‘C:\Windows\System32’
I would check with a machine where the 64-bit client is able to run and compare the DirectX files in each directory with your machine.
C:\Windows\SysWOW64\directx\websetup Working machine had 2 hidden files, Non-working machine had an empty folder. Copied the working machine’s files to the non-working machine and still a no go.
C:\Windows\System32 did not have a directx directory on either machine.
Also, sometimes Steam’s install of DirectX and the ‘Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio’ messes with any future reinstall of DirectX. You may want to try uninstalling Steam (if you have it installed) and downloading and installing these two programs from Microsoft directly. Then reinstall Steam once you get your Gw2-64bit.exe issue resolved. If all else fails you may want to try uninstalling the DirectX Runtime and C++ Redistributable and reinstall them from scratch.
Uninstalled Steam reboot and re-installed these. Still getting the error. I’m a little confused by the C++ Redistributable, it looks like a development tool to be distributed by another developer.
Not running on a laptop. Single video card. Windows7 64bit w/ SP1.
Both client versions in the same directory. 32 bit client is playable, but crashes often. 64 bit client will load, login, but hit play and error out:“Unable to initialize 3D output. Please verify that you have installed DirectX 9 and an updated video driver.”
Attempted 64bit client after each step, but same error every time.
Latest version of drivers on Nvidia GeForce GTX 560 Ti. Reboot.
Installed DirectX 9. (Already had DirectX 11 installed, no mod to DX11) Reboot.
Deleted all 64 bit folders and files. Reboot. Redownloaded 64 bit client. Reboot.
Nvidia Control Panel > Manage 3D Settings > Program Settings. Confirmed GW2 was listed. Specifically added the GW2 64 bit client to the list. Reboot.
Run 64 bit client as administrator.
Renamed Gw2-64.exe to Gw2.exeMake sure you are installing the drivers from the nVidia website and NOT using the ones from the ‘Windows Update’ feature.
nVidia website and the nVidia control panel
‘C:\Windows\SysWOW64’ and ‘C:\Windows\System32’
I would check with a machine where the 64-bit client is able to run and compare the DirectX files in each directory with your machine.C:\Windows\SysWOW64\directx\websetup Working machine had 2 hidden files, Non-working machine had an empty folder. Copied the working machine’s files to the non-working machine and still a no go.
C:\Windows\System32 did not have a directx directory on either machine.Also, sometimes Steam’s install of DirectX and the ‘Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio’ messes with any future reinstall of DirectX. You may want to try uninstalling Steam (if you have it installed) and downloading and installing these two programs from Microsoft directly. Then reinstall Steam once you get your Gw2-64bit.exe issue resolved. If all else fails you may want to try uninstalling the DirectX Runtime and C++ Redistributable and reinstall them from scratch.
Uninstalled Steam reboot and re-installed these. Still getting the error. I’m a little confused by the C++ Redistributable, it looks like a development tool to be distributed by another developer.
1) Graphics driver install looks good to me (I download and install drivers from regularly without issue).
2) Inside the directories listed (don’t go any deeper into sub-directories) are DirectX files with names like ‘d3dx9_24.dll’ those are the files you should compare with the working machine. Most of the files will have ‘d3d’ and ‘x3d’ in the name. Look for missing files and different file versions (differing file sizes are good hints to this). You may need to unhide ‘protected operating system files’ in the folder options of the control panel.
Also one last thing to check, make sure you have the latest version of DirectX 9 installed since that is what Guild Wars 2 runs on.
3) The C++ redistribution pack is included in some games and drivers that gets installed along with those programs. Sometimes the different versions of the redistributable can mess with other programs if it did not install correctly or if an older version is forcibly installed over a newer version (by an older game installer for example). The last time I encountered your error message (playing a different video game back in 2012) I ended up reinstalling DirectX and the C++ redistributable and everything ran smoothly again. It may not work as a fix for this game but it was worth a shot.
If nothing works to fix it, there is always the nuclear option of reinstalling Windows and doing a fresh install of the game. If you have an old hard drive you can swap out to make sure it works before nuking your current install, I would try that as a last resort.
Good Luck,
Is there a 64-bit Mac client?
Unfortunately, a 64-bit Mac client is not available at this time. We are hoping to be able to provide one in the future, but have no timeline to provide it.
Please don’t make promises like this. Considering the poor working state of the Cider wrapper and the lack of resources/interest on behalf of the dev team, I find it incredibly unlikely that this is even remotely possible. The only stable way to accomplish this would be through the creation of a native client, which ANet has confirmed is not happening. They would need to hire a dedicated Mac team but, as we’ve seen over the last 3 years, there just is not anyone passionate enough about Mac at ANet to convince the core team it is worth their time/resources.
Not saying I blame them, their core audience is on PC so they need to go where the money is, but I would prefer more transparency and less “hoping to” announcements. We’ve been here long enough to know that something like this is going to be incredibly difficult for ANet to find time and/or interest to accomplish.
Anyone have any thoughts to the contrary?
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Contact /u/e-scrape-artist on reddit if you encounter a bug.