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Posted by: Ensir.1457


Gaile GrayThis is what getting people mad ticket jumping , I have the same problem as Painkiller (no offence Pain)his ticket been in for 8days and got sorted my as been in for 10days and bugger all has been done because some person at your end merged my support tickets so it looked likr i need help with linking GW1 account to a GW2 account. So Gaile please do something to help

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Posted by: Mindcloud.7461


Congrats to you Drunktopus, I’m 8 days as well so maybe I’m soon.

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Posted by: BigRustyRG.2389


Mine was 6 days. Just got an email about 10 minutes ago saying it was fixed. I was locked out of the the site and game cause someone stole my account and changed my email. They day I found out something was wrong I tried to sign in and it said my email was not associated with an account in the game and on the site. Taken care of now. I did not like that there was no feedback the entire time I was locked out.

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Posted by: caravos.1895


Dose this mean there removing the perm ban for gold selling ect wanted to play the game this weekend before i go back to work

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Posted by: Qaletaqa Hania.9658

Qaletaqa Hania.9658

for those still waiting, you will get back in. my ticket was created on the 1st. they are making progress and you will get back in. hold tight and be kind to gaile!

Making progress for some, for others like me well lets call it a “standstill”:

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Posted by: Alexixiv.4582


Hey Gaile, can we get a sticky… seems this is helping quite a few people put their wait in line into perspective, taking down at list a little bit of anxiety

120901-018012 – Serial Key Issue

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Posted by: Judas.5432


I finally got back in but it was no thanks to the support team.

If your ticket is because of a password reset or email authentication issue, you can use this link to fix it:

Judas – Kaineng
[CO] Cryptic Omen

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Posted by: DABhand.2079


I just realised naughty words show up as Kitteny

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Posted by: Imzadi.6709


GM Andreas just resolved my login issue with password reset outstanding since 8/31!!!! YES!!

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Posted by: Alexixiv.4582


GM Andreas just resolved my login issue with password reset outstanding since 8/31!!!! YES!!

Sweet, getting closer to my oldest ticket happy dance

120901-018012 – Serial Key Issue

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Posted by: Mindcloud.7461


Just got my account back after having a ticket since Aug 30th

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Posted by: Grymsby.5031


Had a ticket up since Aug 29… still waiting
Worse thing is that I’ve gotten a “We’ll look into it” on the 30th and essentially another “We’ll look into it” yesterday :/

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Posted by: OG Crimson.3846

OG Crimson.3846

I finally got back in after the recovery page suddenly went live! A week of limbo is over! Tears of joy here…

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Posted by: Alexixiv.4582


Not resolved but progress I suppose… They didn’t read my ticket but at least they confirmed that it was not lost or anything
(Edited for privacy)

Subject: [Incident: 120905-001491]
Response Via Email (Lance) 09/07/2012 05:04 PM

Thanks for contacting Guild Wars 2! After a quick review of your ticket, we feel that the information below could resolve your issue. Your ticket has not been closed and you will receive an additional reply as soon as we are able. However, if the information below does resolve your issue please close your ticket to confirm that you no longer need our assistance. Doing so will assist us in helping everyone in a timely manner.

Reset Password & E-mail Authentication****
If you were previously experiencing an issue resetting your password or authenticating your email address, please follow the directions below.

1. Go to
2. In the “Email / Account Name” field, enter the email address used for your Guild Wars 2 account.
3. In the “Serial Code” field, enter the serial code you registered to the account.
4. In the “Character Name” field, enter the name of an existing character on your account.
5. Click “Verify.”
Be sure to set your account password to a strong, unique password that you’ve never used anywhere else!
See this comic ( for advice on picking a strong, unique password.

Additional information regarding the Guild Wars Account E-mail Authentication System can be found here:

Spam / Phising Attempts****
If you were notified of an email change request or confirmation, please try logging into the Guild Wars 2 forums ( to confirm that your account name has not been changed.

If you do not have a Guild Wars account, please disregard the email. We also suggest that you secure the email account by changing the password, in addition to, the passwords of any other accounts that may be associated to the email that received this message from our account system.

Please do not create a new ticket for this issue as it will cause delays. However, replying to this email will allow us to assist you based on when you first contacted us regarding the issue. If your issue is resolved and you no longer need assistance, please do the following:

1. Log in to your support account here:
If you do not recall your login information, use the “Forgot your support login or password?” link.
3. Click the “Questions” button or link.
4. Find the 12-digit reference number matching the one on the support request you wish to close.
5. Click the subject line to the right of that reference number.
6. Under “Do you want a response?”, select “No, I don’t need this question answered now”.
7. Click “Submit”.

Your support request will be moved to Closed status.

NOTE: Anything typed in the “Add additional information to your question” box will not be seen by our support staff if the “No, I don’t need this question answered now option is selected”.

The Guild Wars 2 Team
Customer By Web Form ([removed]) 09/07/2012 10:15 AM
Please do not send me an automated email or instructions on how to register my serial key, this is not an issue that can be resolved user side.
Auto-Response 09/04/2012 09:38 PM
Please read this entire message as it will speed up the process to resolve this issue for you. This message is being sent to everyone reporting a possible account compromise.

If you have not already included this information, please reply with the following information:

1. If your Guild Wars 2 account name has been changed, provide the account name (your secure email address) you want it changed back to.
2. What is your complete Guild Wars 2 Display Name (if you have it)?
3. What is your 25-digit Guild Wars 2 Serial Code?

You will not “lose your place in line”. Obtaining this information will allow us to help you quicker and more efficiently.

We appreciate your understanding during this busy time.

Customer By Web Form ([removed]) 09/04/2012 09:38 PM

GW2 Username: Alexixiv.8125 & Alexixiv.4582
Serial Code: [removed]
Character Name: Alexixiv, Alexivix
Detailed Description: After registering the serial code I ended up with two accounts. One has the pre-purchase code, all my characters and guild on it (Alexixiv.8125) and the other has the serial code (Alexixiv.4582).

Please note that I never got the “Auto-Response” that I think they intended to send before this email.

120901-018012 – Serial Key Issue

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Posted by: Alexixiv.4582


Also note, that this is not my oldest ticket, my original ticket was opened from the ncsoft website (which is over 6 days old now), the one they responded to was opened on the gw2 support site…

Maybe the above information will be useful to someone out there…

120901-018012 – Serial Key Issue

(edited by Alexixiv.4582)

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Posted by: artismygod.2405


I think they sended it to everyone with an open ticket. since it just went up and maybe 1/100 solved there stuff with it. But most of us not. I just hope they will get to the remaining tickets soon.. I was so excited to see a e-mail of them.. but now im even more dissapointed then before… Ah well, back to the waiting game!

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Posted by: Alexixiv.4582


I think they sended it to everyone with an open ticket. since it just went up and maybe 1/100 solved there stuff with it. But most of us not. I just hope they will get to the remaining tickets soon.. I was so excited to see a e-mail of them.. but now im even more dissapointed then before… Ah well, back to the waiting game!

I was just happy (for a moment) that they confirmed my ticket was still “on the list”

120901-018012 – Serial Key Issue

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Posted by: Zattin.6490


As others have started to follow suit. You can call your financial company and request a chargeback.

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Posted by: Xefier.3746


My account was hacked on the 3rd and they switched back my email today and I used the recovery page to make a new password. All of my items except soul bound/account bound ones where gone. I’m trying to get them to rollback my account. Has anyone had luck with getting there account rolled back to an earlier time?

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Posted by: Alexixiv.4582


My account was hacked on the 3rd and they switched back my email today and I used the recovery page to make a new password. All of my items except soul bound/account bound ones where gone. I’m trying to get them to rollback my account. Has anyone had luck with getting there account rolled back to an earlier time?

From what I can gather, it looks like there is a slim chance (still a chance) at getting that accomplished because in some form or fashion that currency has already been distributed and it would damage the economy (ever so slightly) to just regenerate items to you and not take the currency away from the individuals it may have gone to. Or possibly consider that there are millions of transactions taking place every minute and that is too much data to log really…

I have seen many put in tickets and post on the forums here for similar requests and some have gotten responses along the lines of “We encourage you to put in a ticket to have that investigated; however, at this time we are prioritizing the tickets for those that have no access to the game at this time”

Hope this helps give some insight… and again, this is just my observations from wandering the forums for 6 days…

120901-018012 – Serial Key Issue

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Posted by: Alexixiv.4582


lmao, this is quite fitting for the response I got today


120901-018012 – Serial Key Issue

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Posted by: Alexixiv.4582


I see here and there where support folks are answering inquiries. I got a little tired of searching all around and trying to find out what the heck I need to do and what the best way to get answers is. So…

I purchased two games. One for me and one for my other half. We were away this past weekend and came home to one account being banned. No emails. No correspondence.

I submitted a support ticket Sunday afternoon (4:00 EST) After reading I submitted a new ticket following the “appropriate format”. After reading more things – we submitted a third ticket in the new “appropriate format”. To date we have only had the two later tickets marked as duplicates and nothing responded to or resolved.

So, I purchased another copy of the game out of frustration (and not wanting half of my family at war with the other half) and sat back to wait. It’s been 4 days and we have not even received an email saying – We’re so sorry we cannot get to you yet. Nothing.

So… what, may I ask, is a “reasonable” amount of time for us to wait this out?

And please do not consolidate me into some thread with 600+ responses where I’ll have to spend another ton of time searching for a possible response. – Posted 09/06/12

We had the account fixed finally. – Posted 09/07/12

original thread:

Pulled from another thread
Another fixed issue and we inch closer to ultimate satisfaction… its like a loading bar in the form of a correlation chart really but trends do matter quite a bit in circumstances like this, please, any other resolutions you guys come across really help with this perspective and mentally move the line forward if you put them here next to other resolved tickets for comparison


120901-018012 – Serial Key Issue

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Posted by: Clave.6942


ok so it is now day 8 of this ticket being open and it has not been resolved 120907-005316. they sent me an email saying they reviewed my account and i can get it back by going through recovery yet when i go to that it says "There’s been an error. Please contact support. " yet my roommate that hot his account hacked after i did has his account back already and is play and they did his account the proper way? now i have to wait for another 7 days?

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Posted by: Hellmood.2097


Got my account back, waited for 5 days (Monday morning)

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Posted by: david.5317


I’ve been waiting for 7 days with a serial code issue… kinda losing hope here =(

Reference # 120901-030262

Also, I took pictures of all my receipts and have all information on there… I just don’t know…

obnixilis.9632 #120901-030262

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Posted by: trb.7052


Got my account back, waited for 5 days (Monday morning)

I’ve been waiting 8 days, how the hell are they prioritising these tickets?

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Posted by: Qaletaqa Hania.9658

Qaletaqa Hania.9658

After a long time of waiting I can finally say that my ticket has been resolved.

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Posted by: Alexixiv.4582


hey everyone. i finally got my account back after it was hacked. Yes i waited 5 days and of course it sucked… but you can’t totally blame the support team. They probably have hundreds of tickets to look at.. and most of them are probably duplicate tickets.. Just be patient and they will EVENTUALLY get to you. good luck all.

120901-018012 – Serial Key Issue

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Posted by: Alexixiv.4582


After a long time of waiting I can finally say that my ticket has been resolved.

Thank you for the update

120901-018012 – Serial Key Issue

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Posted by: Mr Beer Meister.4081

Mr Beer Meister.4081

After getting the email of an account name change 7 days ago, I got my account back yay! =D

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Posted by: Ariex.6379


After getting the email of an account name change 7 days ago, I got my account back yay! =D

So lucky.
Congrats though, enjoy the game.

My friend is still hacked and probably banned by now…
[Incident: 120905-001631]

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Posted by: Kromeas.6172


For too long I have walked alone, searched alone, fought alone, looted for myself, drank ale, and spoken many words aloud meant for the ally I have yet to see in game. I don’t know how this problem began and I don’t know how it will be fixed. I only know it has been the cause of great distress in the life of my best friend. Fix it, cause I’m sad, and every post I put in with improper gramar is messing with my other best friend and dear God she won’t stop correcting this post and it is crumbling on itself liek a dream from Inception! Please fix this so I can spend more time looting, fighting, …kittenI AM using the comma the right way Britta! Please, fix this!

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Posted by: Alexixiv.4582


Seems like this deserves a bump… would be nice if it would occur from people posting they have been resolved. ..

120901-018012 – Serial Key Issue

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Posted by: Tahira Razorstride.9480

Tahira Razorstride.9480

My ticket of being permanently banned for hacking was resolved within 24-hours of my issuing of the ticket. Kudos to ArenaNet for such a fast response!

As far as the solution, I think it was mentioned somewhere that there was something in last night’s (09/08) build update and its security measures that accidentally perma-banned players who play on satellite internet (HughesNet and WildBlue ISP customers seemed widely affected). They were cited for “hacking the game or servers”, but it was a huge misunderstanding, I think.

ArenaNet was really quick on reinstating those of us who were affected (less than 24-hours since my ticket was submitted). I really feel for those of you who continue to wait with the more difficult issues like hacked/compromised accounts. Rest assured that ArenaNet is working hard to get all of us operational. Some fixes are just easier/faster than others.

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Posted by: Eddie.2476


My ticket from 3rd of september has been solved yesterday (08-09). Was a typical account hack with email changed, and it got solved automatically by them.
I simply got an email saying: “account restored”, followed with an automatically generated message giving me my account infos. The email was set back to the original and they gave me a randomly generated password to login with (email was from Eddy).

My account was not banned, and all the items were there, they only stole the cash. On the other hand they changed my server into a French one, so I cant play with my friends anymore, I get to enjoy French people talking in chat all the time and a solo-social experience, still better then not playing at all.

I can finally post on the forums and here are all the Kittens I would have posted during those days if I could: “Kitten” x 349, thanks for fixing my account you lovely Kitty-Kittens <3

(edited by Eddie.2476)

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Posted by: PalosHasCake.2396


This is being posted on behalf of a guild mate.
He opened a ticket on 3 September for his account being hacked and having the email address changed.
The ticket ID: 120903-008333
Display Name: PalosHasCake.2396

All fixed now! Thank you very much GM’s LLoyd, Emrys and the support team.

On a side note it looks like my account was being used as a farm bot and there is another account where my character was doing the same thing (MadMax.4012) and i’ve had a player added to my friends list (qwer.3210) hope this helps in fighting the gold farmer.

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Posted by: Cowkill.8573


About five days ago I bought the material at auction, but due to a bug had left a multiple purchase for the same purpose and I lost about 2 gold. I have not got neither the material nor the gold, yesterday I lost my lv 80 pg, 24 hours had passed and no one gave me an answer but I have to admit that the incident before it happened I had arrived a package of lumber bought five days ago. I can be satisfied?

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Posted by: DABhand.2079


Threads like this should not exist, I know Anet have put people into this thread, but for people who have issues that have not been dealt with for a long time, seeing a thread like this full of happy people is counter productive, it will just infuriate people more to the point they will want refunds. Just sayin’ Anet.

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Posted by: passion.5481


Got my account back, waited for 5 days (Monday morning)

What? We both had the same issue and opened a ticket on monday morning – how can that be I’m still not dealt with? This is cruel.

120905-004759 – 5th september
120905-008912 – 5th september (priotorized)


Hacked Account since 5th September
120905-008912 (prioritized)

(edited by passion.5481)

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Posted by: Nerradus.2785


I wish this could give some encouragement, but after 12 days now and seeing that others ahave been resolved and waited a lot less, I can’t help but feel the system is broken, the account managemnt is the worst i’ve seen from any MMO, and if we had a better system from the start we wouldn’t be in the situation we are in now.

The Game it self is great, (if we could play it), but basic account management and security isn’t exactly a new science, yes there are a lot of subscriber’s but that is still no excuse, other MMO’s can handle such numbers, and yes at first I would expect some connectivity problems and lag as thats normal for the start of any game, but not account managment problems.

I just hope that if I ever get back into game, I still have the will to play it.

Serial Key Issue! 120828-017417 Updated 08/28/2012
120826-000505 Duplicate 08/25/2012

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Posted by: DABhand.2079


December? Wut!!

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Posted by: Ensir.1457


I am with you Nerradus the system is broken and the account management will to be honesty there isn’t one.
14 days now with my ticket 15 if you want the day I put it in.
Painkiller with a 8 day old ticket ,same trouble fixed. So if they fixed his ,why not carry on and fix the rest of us in the same boat.
Another answer is why haven’t they just give us a temp code to add to our account ,so we can play and then sort it out at a later date. Instead of keeping everybody out the game.

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Posted by: jimdove.5704



View it like this GW2 is F2P therefore they have your money and sicne were not paying monthly they dont really care if you stay and wait or move on they have your 60$ ether we have to wait a ridiculous amount of time for a pitty response and a poor response or buy a new copy just throwing more money into thier pocket. i guess you get what you pay for.

Exactly. I feel scammed.

OR contact your bank to dispute the charge and file grievance with the better business Bureau. Both of which are free. (well the dispute may cost at your bank but free with my bank) Which is what ill be doing for both of my collectors editions once my 72 hrs is up. (I’m giving them the benefit of 72hours after the automated response not my submission)

Complaints here:

thanks for these set by step instructions mate. I too will most probably be going down this route due to my account being suspended without warning or proof and no response to the ticket i made, albiet it was last night but I want a reply before the so called 72 hour ban is up with PROOF of “innapropriate language” theres a profanity filter is there not!!!!!!!!!!!!!

DAOC – Excalibur
WAR – Karak-Azgal

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Posted by: xvalkyrie.6742


My ticket was answered 4 days after posting, I had an issue with gem store purchases (gem store items removing gem count, but not delivering in game item) and my gems were refunded, so I could happily spend again. No issues the second time!

Valkyrie – [RMPG] Blackgate
Altaholic, can never have just one!

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Posted by: DABhand.2079


Lets hope xvalkyrie you didn’t save your credit card info.

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Posted by: passion.5481


My ticket was answered 4 days after posting, I had an issue with gem store purchases (gem store items removing gem count, but not delivering in game item) and my gems were refunded, so I could happily spend again. No issues the second time!

Holy guacamole, why so fast? I want my ticket resolved also…

Hacked Account since 5th September
120905-008912 (prioritized)

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Posted by: Ensir.1457


My ticket was answered 4 days after posting, I had an issue with gem store purchases (gem store items removing gem count, but not delivering in game item) and my gems were refunded, so I could happily spend again. No issues the second time!

Yes and this shows the bull c r ap about Our customer support team is still prioritizing hacked accounts and other blocking login issues over other types of support requests.

15 days my tickets been in for and 8 of these i can’t play the game because of the bull s h i t that is Anet

They were frightened they would loose money on this one so made it number one to be fixed

(edited by Ensir.1457)

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Posted by: trb.7052


my ticket coming up on 10 days, they said it was fixed earlier today but its still suspended.

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Posted by: Alexixiv.4582


Thanks for the ticket updates guys, tells us yet are still just working hacked accounts so far.. .

120901-018012 – Serial Key Issue

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Posted by: marcusbash.8642


Yeah its cute how the gem store has 99% up time and anyone thats sends in a ticket with gem shop issues is resolved BEFORE the prioritized? I think its clear where Anet’s allegiance lies.. Money. I’m going to get infractured from this post too, as I have about 6 times now for not saying AMG ANET IS AWESOME. They don’t want people reading the truth so they delete the bad comments and penalize them. Lol, nice system you got going here Anet, communism ftw.
