FAQ: Gem Store / BLTC / Trading Post

FAQ: Gem Store / BLTC / Trading Post

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: The feonor.4506

The feonor.4506

I bought for about 2100 gems in the store but I aint recieving my items.. Could this be fix? I have been searching for a gemcard all week and I don’t get my items wich I paid for.

FAQ: Gem Store / BLTC / Trading Post

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Konur.5490


Hi, Im trying to to buy some gems but I keep getting the “Card Approval Failed” message after I put the Information in and confirm the purchase.

Im from Sweden, can someone help me

FAQ: Gem Store / BLTC / Trading Post

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: RisingManes.9372


My gem store issue of the “An error occurred finalizing your purchase.”-flavor. You’d think they’d be on this 24/7, considering the potential losses they incur with this.

Puerto Rican account, by the way.

EDIT: My debit card goes through, strangely enough. I also use NoScript, but that wasn’t a problem when restrictions were lifted. What’s going on? o_O

It’s Paypal. Paypal is the problem.

(edited by RisingManes.9372)

FAQ: Gem Store / BLTC / Trading Post

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Zealot.2794


121217-002621 i get car aproval error thing non stop everything i right i want to get this before time runs out. so i need these gems now. Help PLEASE

FAQ: Gem Store / BLTC / Trading Post

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Calvados.6501


I tried to get the wintersday’s day wizard’s hat and earmuffs, but I never got them. Not in my backpack, pick up window, or mail.

FAQ: Gem Store / BLTC / Trading Post

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Rhogall.4179


My issue was escalated, but I still have not received a response.

I have, however, received a request to rate the quality of the handling of my ticket ^^

nr: 121214-002464

Tezz The Relentless – Vertically Challenged Guardian
Ilario Ciarenni – Mesmerizing Human Mesmer
[TEO] The Exalted Ones

FAQ: Gem Store / BLTC / Trading Post

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Jasuna.4650


Um.. I recently purchased Gems (800 to be exact) and i used the gems to purchase Fancy Winter Outfit, and Winters day Mystery Box. I received none of the items i purchased, using the gems. It’s suppose to come in my mail right? But yet i didn’t get it.

FAQ: Gem Store / BLTC / Trading Post

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: melyndru.1270


Expat in Norway, tried to buy gems and was rejected on two different cards (I have the funds of course). Support told me to change my browser, turn off java script, and try a different computer….

Did they actually read my ticket? I think not.

Gems, in game, from the store. No browser used and I have no other computer to install the game in.

Would like it if I actually had someone tell me what’s going on rather than the auto-response.


FAQ: Gem Store / BLTC / Trading Post

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: ArchaicOne.4693


Before the winter update I had more then 1500 gems left from a $50 in game purchase. Once I updated, it now says I only have 100 gems left. What happened to my gems? Nothing else looks missing like i was hacked or glitched except my gems are gone. I was gonna buy an extra character slot and now i cant buy anything. I’ve submitted a ticket so hopefully something can get fixed.

FAQ: Gem Store / BLTC / Trading Post

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: funktonics.3729


I don’t get this Arenanet, do you not want our money? I’ve been trying to buy 800 gems from the store but it keeps rejecting my card, it worked the first time when I purchased it before, I still have funds on the card, why isn’t it working. I am absolutely sure that it is not the problem with my bank or my card. PLEASE FIX THIS. It is extremely frustrating!!!


FAQ: Gem Store / BLTC / Trading Post

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Nihilo.4780


I’m also getting the “card approval failed” error. I have checked with my credit card company, and it’s not them.

I just want to pay you!

FAQ: Gem Store / BLTC / Trading Post

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: funktonics.3729


I don’t get this Arenanet, do you not want our money? I’ve been trying to buy 800 gems from the store but it keeps rejecting my card, it worked the first time when I purchased it before, I still have funds on the card, why isn’t it working. I am absolutely sure that it is not the problem with my bank or my card. PLEASE FIX THIS. It is extremely frustrating!!!


this is my reference number

FAQ: Gem Store / BLTC / Trading Post

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Sae.6834


I am also having the “Card approval failed” issue. I’ve checked multiple times that I inputted the information properly, and have checked my credit card balance, but it still will not allow me to purchase gems.

My ticket reference number is #121219-000584

FAQ: Gem Store / BLTC / Trading Post

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Memoryburn.9376


Hey guys, trying to purchase more gems but it seems I have been “cut off” so to speak :/

Please help! My incident number is #121219-001189

Thank you so much in advance and Happy Holidays (Happier Holidays if you can let me give you my money)!

FAQ: Gem Store / BLTC / Trading Post

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Rome.6498


Hi I also tried purchasing some gems for several times but it keeps telling me my card fails which there is nothing wrong my card. I only want to purchase one time for only of 1800 gems (#121219-001330) can you guys fix this please.

FAQ: Gem Store / BLTC / Trading Post

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Sheevar.2869


Just opened a ticket: #121219-003152

Can’t buy gems too, waiting for more info

FAQ: Gem Store / BLTC / Trading Post

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: fantomethetaru.3416


Reference #: 121217-002275

Ticket opened since 2 days ago with responses that weren’t helpful. Sad to say, it did not even seem like support had read what I typed, which explained my situation.

I’ve been having issues purchasing gems since launch.
Thus far the only “solution” support has come up with is for me to contact them every time I want to make a gem purchase, so that they can temporarily grant permission to my account.

With gem cards being sold in retail stores, and the typically quick response from support that is all fine and dandy. In fact, support has been rather helpful in terms of granting me temporary permission for gem purchases.

But this time round NCSoft’s account support mysteriously “escalated” my ticket to payment review. The next day, someone from payment review gives me tips on internet browser and security settings.
It’s all highly perplexing considering I was referring to in-game purchases…while it has only been a day since I replied to the person from payment review, I do hope someone who actually understands my situation reviews the ticket

FAQ: Gem Store / BLTC / Trading Post

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Ryuk.3809


I have had the card approved fail issue many times. If your trying to use a saved card and getting the failed message try deleting that card from being saved and retry. They put a block on saved cards after so many uses in a month to prevent kids that have their parents cards saved from getting cared away pretty much. I know my issue now is that i make to many purchases of gems that it throws a red flag up saying hey something could be going on here, even when entering the card in manually. After going through support and them giving me “24hrs” of security clearance to make my purchases that actually didn’t work, i just wait for a new month and load up on gems at the beginning of the new month. Hopefully they will come up with better security features soon as the “one kid farted in class so the entire class gets detention for it” method sucks for people that really just buy alot of gems.

Shinigami Blade
“Yea it’s pretty awesome being a Death God”

FAQ: Gem Store / BLTC / Trading Post

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: ghoryune.6294


i get the message thanking me for my continued gems purchases, but asking me to “contact customer support to confirm my identity.” I’m logged into the game with my account that is linked to all my pertinent details, so I’m not sure why its necessary to identify myself further. Also, I’m not given any guidance on how I’m supposed to contact you to confirm my identity. there’s no number to call, and the only other way to contact you is through the support site or forums, and everyone there claims that you never answer them. surely your company wants this money, so why not fix this issue or at least add a telephone number, direct emai address, or even better, a gemstore identity confirmation application into the message?
my ticket for this is #121221-000827.

FAQ: Gem Store / BLTC / Trading Post

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Kombu.4952


To whom who knows the answer. If I purchased gems at the TP, then exchanged the gems for gold at the TP, then mail my RL friend the gold as a present (i.e. Christmas or birthday). This is ground for a ban?

FAQ: Gem Store / BLTC / Trading Post

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: igwbuffalo.4763


I really wouldnt mind having to submit a ticket if the support site worked, any time I try to submit a ticket to it, I just time out and get errors, same for creating a support account.

But this is just getting aggrivating now.

FAQ: Gem Store / BLTC / Trading Post

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Memoryburn.9376



“cut off” again :P

Please let me give you my money!

FAQ: Gem Store / BLTC / Trading Post

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Freakfire.7248


#121221-003831 still can’t purchase gems :*(

-I I Hyper I I- Asura Necromancer


FAQ: Gem Store / BLTC / Trading Post

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Sonoshi.8796


I tried to make a gem purchase today and was told I needed to contact you and authenticate my identity. There is no information anywhere on how to do this, other than to create a ticket which I have done. My ticket number is 121222-001102. I would simply like to continue my support of the product.

FAQ: Gem Store / BLTC / Trading Post

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Chippalrus.5437


After buying 8000 gems, just now, I am now unable to buy more gems.
Getting a card approval failed issue 121223-000475

FAQ: Gem Store / BLTC / Trading Post

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Damo.6049


I’m having the same issue as a lot of other people here. I’ve purchased gems in the past without a hitch but all of a sudden I’m getting an error finalizing my purchase. I tried purchasing through both Paypal and Credit Card, nothing worked


FAQ: Gem Store / BLTC / Trading Post

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Lucky Charmz.5089

Lucky Charmz.5089

I also have the same problem about “Card Approval Failed” and I get the same message.

I also noticed that when trying to help a friend buy the game, I used my Visa, and it didn’t work.

I was beginning to think it just didn’t accept Visa…but there’s a specific Visa option. What’s the problem here?

FAQ: Gem Store / BLTC / Trading Post

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: JayonX.2716


I’m getting the same issue with my visa debit card. I get the “Card Approval Failed issue” and when i tried to buy them through pay pal it acted like i was trying to buy the game, not gems

FAQ: Gem Store / BLTC / Trading Post

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: zexedy.6154


having the same issue too.. card approval failed. please help to solve this problem! i’ve been trying for weeks actually


FAQ: Gem Store / BLTC / Trading Post

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Anokii.6524


Been having the issue for about 10 days now and would love to get this sorted out. I was hoping to buy my son some gems for Christmas but I dare say that’s not going to happen now. I’ve been able to successfully purchase gems in the past and my PayPal details work for other sites so I know that’s not the problem.

Ticket #: [Incident: 121222-001266]

FAQ: Gem Store / BLTC / Trading Post

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Canewalker.7203


Good Morning,

I have kinda the same thing going on, in that I could buy the gems, but the items I bought with the gems didn’t deliver. They show over on the right side as recent, but are not available in the little box on the lower left side not did they come in game email. Also, my spouse has sent me email that has never arrived. It ths a problem with the email system, the black lion, or both?


FAQ: Gem Store / BLTC / Trading Post

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Canewalker.7203


following up: at the risk of sounding silly, I cleaned out my email box and everything arrived..my bust. hopefully this can help someone else.

FAQ: Gem Store / BLTC / Trading Post

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: beomia.4805


I purchased 4000 gems and bought the “Deluxe Digital Upgrade” for 2000 gems. Big mistake by me. The word “Digital” threw me off. Anyway,I have not received anything for my 2000 gem purchase and mainly because I all ready bought the Deluxe Edition online for $79.95 when it came out. It came with everything the “Digital Upgrade” they offer comes with so they can not upgrade me or give me the elite skill, mini pet etc because I have them all already. I submitted a ticket explaining this and asked for a refund of my 2000 gems. This was 7 days ago. They have yet to reply. It seems they are intent on keeping the $25.00 USD worth of gems and rendering nothing in return. Is there any way to take legal action? I would included the ticket number but can not locate one. It is not in the E-Mail they sent stating they would reply soon (HA) nor do I see it in the page I go to to update/add info to the incident report.

FAQ: Gem Store / BLTC / Trading Post

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Lucky Charmz.5089

Lucky Charmz.5089

I’m getting the same issue with my visa debit card. I get the “Card Approval Failed issue” and when i tried to buy them through pay pal it acted like i was trying to buy the game, not gems

I too, have a Visa debit card and it doesn’t work the same.
I also tried my Visa credit card and it doesn’t work.

Maybe its a Visa thing?
But I have no other cards to test that theory.

FAQ: Gem Store / BLTC / Trading Post

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Valar.5874


As with many of the above posters, my card keeps getting declined after I try to purchase gems from the store. I have yet to make a successful purchase, so I’m unsure if/why my account might otherwise be flagged. If that is the case, I would appreciate being allowed to complete my transactions.

Ticket number submitted for review: #121225-000848

FAQ: Gem Store / BLTC / Trading Post

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Wargothic.4572


[Incident: 121217-001898]

It would appear I’m not the only one having this problem. I decided to indulge in buying a second GW2 account with the $35 off sale to play with a friend who couldn’t join the world I was on with my main.

Since then, I have been unable to buy gems from the store on this second account, due to the continue buttons being grayed out, no matter how many ways I try it. I was hoping to set myself up for a good long while by purchasing three bundles of 4000 gems, and soon, because I’m irritated with the lack of inventory and bank space. The extra character slot would be nice, too.

If there’s anything I can do to circumvent this, or whether a mod can get to me with a definitive answer on the next step, I’d be deeply appreciative.


UPDATE: After randomly deciding to try what I tried before once more, I managed a breakthrough. Not sure how.

After adding my credit card and adding all the details required, selecting the bundle I want, and ‘next-ing’ to the confirm page, I went back to the details page, changed the quantity I wanted, then went back to the confirm page. Somehow, I got the information I wanted, and the option to order that bundle was available. I went back and changed quantities back to 4000, went back to confirm, and I was able to order that bundle, after too much hassle.

After ordering that bundle, I did receive an error code, but when I went back into the gem store, I saw my purchase sitting right there in my gem pool. I’ll keep an eye out to see if I actually got charged, but this is interesting. I don’t know if it’ll help anyone else, but I’m sure glad it helped me.

… now to get that increased space.

UPDATE #2: After encountering this bug, I’ve been able to go ahead and buy the three bundles of 4000 that I’d initially intended with no problems whatsoever. I sure hope this helps everyone else with this problem.

I had the same problem with being unable to click “Proceed to PayPal” (as the button was grayed out.) Followed Serj’s instructions, which worked fine.

*After entering the Credit Card/PayPal information, click NEXT.
*Then, as you are unable to proceed on the following screen, click BACK
*Change the amount of Gems, then click NEXT again.
*Now you should be able to click the Proceed button.

FAQ: Gem Store / BLTC / Trading Post

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Avatar Kuruk.2067

Avatar Kuruk.2067

I purchased some Gems on two occasions so that I could purchase the Fancy Winter Outfit. The credit card worked and I got my gems, but once I purchased the outfit it did not come through anywhere. The gem store acted normally and it showed that it was my most recent purchase on the gem store, but I did not get what I purchased by any means. Here is my order number: 31085439

FAQ: Gem Store / BLTC / Trading Post

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: My King.1987

My King.1987

I’m also having the “Identity” issue. Been fiddling with it for a while with no avail, even after trying tricks that have worked for other people. This is incredibly irritating as this seems to have been a problem for a while and yet no solution seems to be available.
Ticket [121228-002642]

FAQ: Gem Store / BLTC / Trading Post

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: KyleHasThePower.4369



Same issue here, card approval failed every time. Contacted bank its not them… Created support ticket still awaiting a response. This is ridiculous…

FAQ: Gem Store / BLTC / Trading Post

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Cervaux.8436


Hi, I’ve actually been getting the same error. I’m from the Philippines but am currently in China for studies. I’ve been trying for a WEEK to try and buy gems in time for the Wintersday Seasonal items, to no avail. I’ve read somewhere of some country issues. Is the Great Firewall blocking my purchase? The Wintersday event is ending soon, and Ill lose on being able to buy the items. I intended to get a LOT of gems for this. Is there any other way for me to get these gems?

My credit card itself is fine, I just used it to buy Guild Wars 2 digital deluxe itself in fact, as well as some other games on Steam.

I keep getting the same “Error:Parse”

Attached below is the screenshot.

P.S. I can’t give my reference number because every time I try to submit a ticket OR create a support account, it just says on “submitting”.


FAQ: Gem Store / BLTC / Trading Post

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: EvilHellSpawn.2681


Gems Refund

Ticket# 121025-000600

Submitted on 10/24/2012

I spent 2000 Gems in the digital deluxe upgrade.

However, my account was already digital deluxe.

The only reason I bought the upgrade was with the hopes of getting the items I lost on Day One.

I did not receive the items.

Can you please refund the gems?

Thank You for your support

FAQ: Gem Store / BLTC / Trading Post

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Frog.8217


cant buy gems with a visa debit card? says the card failed or something

Kalevala – Far Shiver Peaks

FAQ: Gem Store / BLTC / Trading Post

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Cagey.1609


My wife and I have had to ask support to waive gem purchase restrictions 5 times now, and our last support request (12/20) was closed without messaging back to us. I was unable to buy test gems in BWE2/3, and her account has not been able to purchase gems without contacting support since launch.

Past support tickets were resolved by allowing us a short window to purchase:
[Incident: 120908-007696] – 9/13, my account
[Incident: 120915-001279] – 9/14, her account
[Incident: 121118-003524] – 11/18, her account
[Incident: 121130-000690] – 11/30, her account

The current (problem) incidents are [Incident: 121220-000775] and [Incident: 121230-000193]… the first one mentioned escalation and then went into a black hole; my wife opened the second after the first was closed, but it was marked a duplicate.

We both thoroughly enjoy the game, and my wife would love to have a little Foostivoo chasing her character, but it has been frustrating trying to use the store—I’m sure answering a ticket every time is not what a-net would prefer either .

It probably doesn’t help, but other online transactions including the in-game GW1 store and the NCSoft web store have always worked as expected. I did try PayPal for the gem store, and it was rejected, too.

I know that the sheer number of tickets we’ve sent may paint us as problem customers—it’s actually a reflection of the number of times we’ve wanted to give you money. Earlier tickets have stated that the underlying reason for restriction can’t be revealed to us, but I hope some resolution exists that would lift the need to contact support each time we want to make a purchase.

FAQ: Gem Store / BLTC / Trading Post

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: MissMajor.8290


Having the “Card approval failed” message. Used the same Visa for several other purchases. No problems with the bank account either. I’ve only used three different cards on my GW2 account, including said Visa. Hoping this gets resolved soon.

[Incident: 130101-000519]


My issue was resolved in less than 24 hrs. Very happy customer here. The problem was too many purchases within a short period restrict your account. Bought myself enough gems to last a few months just in case this happened again (though after these purchases it probably got restricted again, lol). Thank you for the quick resolution of my issue!

| WvW Junkie | Screenshot Enthusiast |
[Mada][KEK] | Maguuma

(edited by MissMajor.8290)

FAQ: Gem Store / BLTC / Trading Post

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: gigerous.4082


Incident : 130101 – 002468

Trying to buy gems thru paypal, and popup window not showing up on IE, Chrome, or Mozilla and Popups are turned on. Tried diffrent things and even went into paypal to see if something was there.

FAQ: Gem Store / BLTC / Trading Post

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: hallowedhearth.1592


Incident #130102-000122

I repeatedly tried both credit card and PayPal, both failed. I verified account information for the game, my bank, and PayPal. My husband tried his PayPal and it failed. One of my daughters was able to purchases only after talking with support who told her:

“In reviewing your account, I can see that I am able to override your purchase restriction for 24 hours. Please make your purchase within this time frame. If you are unable to make the purchase within that time, you may need to contact us again.”

I’m sure I don’t have to specify how this will impact revenue or how poor of a business practice it is. At this time, we will not be making purchases from our 5 individual accounts.

FAQ: Gem Store / BLTC / Trading Post

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Ezat.1548


[Incident: 130101-001375]?

Tried both paypal and debit card, none worked. It says ‘An error occurred in finalizing your purchase’ for paypal, and ‘card approval failed’ for debit card. I successfully bought something else from paypal. So clearly its something to do with guild wars 2 or my account or the purchasing process is bugged!

FAQ: Gem Store / BLTC / Trading Post

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Cris Lawlieth.2308

Cris Lawlieth.2308

[Incident: #130104-001819]

Hello, is one month that I try to buy gems from the store, but nothing, always says ‘Card approval failed’, I tried with Postepay/Visa with more cards, I do not think they are problems of the cards because I already did in the past and other purchases dont have failed on other games then the problem is Guild Wars 2 … I wanted to buy the custom of Christmas and you can not … pls fix it :(


(edited by Cris Lawlieth.2308)

FAQ: Gem Store / BLTC / Trading Post

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: AirX.6541



Hi, same story for me [Visa, Mastercard, Paypal – none work]

FAQ: Gem Store / BLTC / Trading Post

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: AirX.6541



I wanted to purchase some gems before the Wintersday items were taken out. Will I not get an update about my situation before it ends?

Wintersday event over, yet still no response (having past 45 hours from last reply).

(edited by AirX.6541)