Low FPS - [merged]

Low FPS - [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: spliffeh.3845


My specs as follows:
16 gig ram
i7-3610QM @ 2.3 or 3.1 GHZ (Turbo)
Nvidia 670m

The performance is very inconsistent. I can be fighting with 50 people and the fps can be at 50 fps. But staring at a blank wall my fps can drop to 25fps and goes back to 80fps. Also by using the MSI afterburner tool, I notice that my GPU usage is going up and down (from 25% to 90%) When GPU usage is at 25% the framerate gets terrible.

As this is a laptop I have done the following:
Made sure Laptop is plugged in.
Used high perfomance power settings.
Selected Nvidia display adapter as the main device and put the power settings to max performance.

I am using the beta driver 306.02 but there’s not much improvement. Please help the game does not seem to be using the GPU correctly. I have used Batman and etc.. and with the MSI afterburner tool the GPU usage ranges from 80-90% which is correct.

I have the same MSi laptop, well – a slightly earlier release one that only uses the 670m but I have the exact same problem, randomly out of nowhere my fps drops, 10 seconds later it goes back up. Seems completely unpredictable but its frequent enough to annoy me to no end. Have you had any luck?

Low FPS - [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: TDL.6087


Just reporting that after the most recent patch I am-still- having issues. You can find my specs multiple times earlier in this thread. The game ran alright for me after the September 8th or 9th patch for a couple days until the patch after that, then it was awful again. With the exception of those few days my FPS has consistently been 10-15 FPS or less. I know based on those few days where it was way more it isn’t that my computer (which is above minimum requirements) is the issue either.

Arenanet, fix your game. It’s been almost a month now and this game is still essentially unplayable for me. I think I have been pretty patient but this is almost a month after launch for this $60 purchase that also had months of beta testing…and this is still a massive issue. Worse, it seems more and more people are getting poor frame rate after each patch and you guys aren’t even giving the slightest updates on the issue. If fixing it is taking a while, at least let us know what is going on so we have confidence that things are progressing. Sure there’s no subscription, sure you already got my $60, but I definitely would like to play this game I paid for and right now that isn’t even really possible. I am honestly pretty close to just giving up on this game, which is terrible since I had extremely high hopes for it.

Low FPS - [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: CptBadger.5918


What amazes me is how the game gets 9/10 reviews all over the place, despite performing absolutely terrible 3000 USD rigs.

Low FPS - [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Noctura.3908


The game itself when you can play is amazing. 10/10 <3. I had enough time to get hooked, and get attached to my character, and then this came out of nowhere. I really miss playing and would love a solution to this problem. What is 0/10 right now is my total inability to play the game at all, and lack of response on the issue until it gets out of hand with too many people might not be the best way to deal with it… They seemed to care about the game so much. I really hope that was true, and not just an advertisement.

(edited by Noctura.3908)

Low FPS - [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: CptBadger.5918


So… any updates regarding the -perfdebug command ? I have tried it, but it seems it’s not working.

I would be more happy to help Arena optimize their engine.

Low FPS - [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: zztop.3169


Yay my fps tripled with the new nvidia driver 306.23 WHQL

From 5 fps to 15 fps

Low FPS - [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: David.6093


So before fixing low framerate issues for PC users, they release a whole Mac client.

Gotta love ArenaNet.

Low FPS - [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: a man called Patch.5460

a man called Patch.5460

hey all,

i got a new graphics card for gw2 yet after the release i wasnt very happy with the performance. it didnt change much since then.

my system:
window 7 ultimate
intel core quad cpu q9550 @2,83 GHz
ram 8 gig ddr2
64 bit os
nvidia GeForce 9800 GT latest driver
onboard sound
mainboard gigabyte GA-EP43-DS3L latest bips

i get (on medium, most shaders/shadows off):
40+ frames solo’ing in the “normal” game world/indoors
25-30 frames in cities
30-40 in spvp
unplayability in wvw or when really crowded

btw changing the quality settings initially did not change performance at all, a patch seemed to help.

=> i expected more… its kinda playable (except wvw) but i get a headache which usually doesnt happen. somehow the game appears to stutter more than the fps would lead me to believe? do you think OCing my cpu to 3,2 would help much, i dont really want to get into that if the real issue lies in necessity for optimizing?

Low FPS - [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Arkanis Drako.5169

Arkanis Drako.5169

Not only that, I find the game to be more unstable than before.
The last days the game crashed several times and just now froze
all of a sudden.

That did not happen since the stress tests.

My FPS are still an issue, by the way.
The game is great, it is just very hard to enjoy,
with all these issues, the FPS being my main concern.

It´s just frustrating, that the game runs so
poorly, no matter the settings, and all we can do
is wait.

Low FPS - [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Regnier.9240


Well i’m maxing at 39 which upsets me. But averaging in the low 30’s. Also can i get some feedback on my rig?

Windows 7 64 bit
amd phenom ii x6 1080t
8 gigs of ram
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 570 ( Latest Driver )

Low FPS - [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: a man called Patch.5460

a man called Patch.5460

uhm sorry my bad my new graphic card is
a geforce gtx670

Low FPS - [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Noctura.3908


I was thrilled to see a response to my ticket today. I am glad they are taking the time to send me something other then an auto reply. Gave me a tiny bit of hope.
Unfortunately following the directions in this new ticket did nothing to change my fps. It is still 5-15 today.
My guild members fps is also worse today. It was still barely playable yesterday with huge drops in fps all over. Today he can’t play. I wish I could help with this… it bugs me to see so many people leave the game because they can’t play.

To the sender of the ticket reply, thank you for trying. I will keep updating. :P

Low FPS - [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: GalaxyRed.5032


I was thrilled to see a response to my ticket today. I am glad they are taking the time to send me something other then an auto reply. Gave me a tiny bit of hope.
Unfortunately following the directions in this new ticket did nothing to change my fps. It is still 5-15 today.
My guild members fps is also worse today. It was still barely playable yesterday with huge drops in fps all over. Today he can’t play. I wish I could help with this… it bugs me to see so many people leave the game because they can’t play.

To the sender of the ticket reply, thank you for trying. I will keep updating. :P

I also kind of left the game right now because of this issue, and I’m in a guild. If there’s a patch, I usually get on for a few minutes to see if anything is fixed, but other than that, I don’t play. And I likely won’t be playing fully until ArenaNet fixes optimization, or I get a new computer (even though getting a new computer may not do anything for me).

Low FPS - [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Noctura.3908


Getting a new computer most likely won’t change anything. This was totally random for me. I was playing the game so well with amazing fps. I was making appreciation videos to post thanking anet for the game. I was enjoying it a lot. It had become my favorite game, and I had been looking for one like this for the past decade with no result until now. It is completely heartbreaking for me that this suddenly out of nowhere attacked my pc. My husband is sitting next to me running the game perfectly fine on his laptop with HIGHER fps and less then half the specs my pc has.
He did report that he is getting much less then fps he used to, starting the same day mine messed up, but his is still playable.
It doesn’t seem to matter how good your computer is… and I for sure don’t need a new one. This computer has never let me down with anything. My guild members with higher end pcs are having more issues then the ones with lower specs.

I really miss the game… I will keep trying until it’s fixed prolly. I won’t find another game I enjoy as much. I just want more people with this problem to not stay quiet. We don’t need 100 different threads for the issue, but the more people come out and saya YES this is an issue I am having too… the more likely it is for them to pay attention to it.

I have found 16 people so far this is affecting that want nothing to do with any forums. I also found many older forums going back to april that showed having these same issues. I can’t tell if it’s getting worse, but it needs to at least be addressed somehow.. I am starting to see reviews and blogs online with complaints about this. >.<

Low FPS - [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Curmudgeon.7021


Was averaging in the mid 30s with everything on high settings until a few days ago, when it dropped to 15 to 20. Now to get the same fps I’ve had to drop most everything to medium. I’m not sure what happened but something affected frame rates. In beta2 I was getting mid to high 40s and it’s consistently dropped since.

Low FPS - [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: rebalnz.3869


ive lost hope lol,gono take a break maybe and hope its all sorted in a few weeks. im pretty sure its CPU orientated for me since i can increase my gpu usage by changing settings but it never increases fps its just so dam slow for my rig. what’s worse is most patches have seemed to make it worse. ive updated bios,changed drivers,disabled/re-enabled cpu features, unparked all my cores, fiddled with nvidia control panel,tried overclocking/underclocking my card(no fps change),that stupid YouTube thing. all the time while maintaining amazing fps in every other game i play.

gtx670 dc2top.
win 7 64bit.

Low FPS - [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Noctura.3908


@rebalnz – Yeah that sounds pretty close to my experience so far. I have reinstalled the game about 5 times, and tried anything I could find, including the voltage increase. With the game running it was using 10% of my GPU and not even half of my cpu was busy.
I tried everything… so all I can do is be a forum ghost and keep encouraging people to report it in case they find anything new that will help or draw the attention it needs to get fixed sometime soon. As a guild leader, my guild depends on my return. o.o

Low FPS - [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Corpsified.7921


Logged out last night getting an average of 50 fps in Lion’s Arch and 60+ in spvp. This morning logged in and suddenly am pegged at 23fps in Lion’s Arch. Feels awful and unplayable.

Core i5 3.3ghz not overclocked
8gb ram
SLI Geforce 560’s w/ most current nvidia drivers
win 7 64 bit

Low FPS - [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Home Style.9640

Home Style.9640

Bumping this jawn.

Low FPS - [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: RohanSA.6803


Been having this issue since the Beta’s. I guess this ship is sinking. Time to abandon it! If they find the hole and “plug” it I might come back. This really sucks. Not even a word from Anet.

Low FPS - [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Kyle.4169


This thread deserves another bump.

Would be great if we get some kinda announcement from Anet whether they are working on this fps issues faced by many players

Low FPS - [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Crawen.4279


Okay …
So my laptop is:
Core i3-370m 2,40 GHz – above minimum reqs.
GT540M 1GB – above minimum reqs.
4GB DDR3 1333 MHz – above minimum reqs.
a decent internet connection – above …
and everything else is above too

No matter what settings the game runs like crap, choppy framerates, low GPU and CPU usage.

I don’t want a 100+ FPS i just want a decent for example 40 FPS but a smooth gameplay on medium settings.

Still waiting for a decent patch for my money …. The game is okay, but the performance disappoints me. I know my notebook can run this better, much better.

Sorry for my English.

:: Core i3 – 370m 2,4GHz :: 8 GB DDR3 1333MHz :: nVidia GT540M 1GB ::

Low FPS - [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Caneno.7438


Same kind of issues here. A week or so from the head start, my FPS was terrible, even on lower resolution and low graphic settings. Then suddenly I could play at about 25-30FPS for a half a week or so on high graphics and full res. Then a few days ago I went right back into horrible graphics lag. Now down to 5-10FPS depending on the area. My system isn’t new or high end, but having changed nothing and seeing my frame rates jump around so much gives me some inkling that outdated hardware isn’t the only cause.

(Running this, if it matters:
Intel Core 2 Duo 3.17GHz
GeForce 9600 GT, 306.23 drivers(I think that’s right?)
WinXP SP3)

Low FPS - [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Masharok.9428


Seems to have gotten worse after today’s patch

Low FPS - [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Dreadgos.4627


After todays patch i can’t play because of fps problems. Had no problems yesterday before the patch.

Low FPS - [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: hippl.6813


FPS wise, the game ran smoothly since beta weekends. The last patch rendered it unplayable at 11 fps.

Low FPS - [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: XeuQinu.6019


Been reading up on this quite a bit, since I experienced it today. Which is a little frustrating, considering the hardware I’m running.

OS: Win 7 64bit SP1
CPU: AMD Phenom II X6 1100T Black Edition Six-Core
MOBO: Gigabyte GA-890FXA-UD5
GPU: GTX 690 4GB (306.23 driver)
SSD: Crucial M4 512GB
PSU: Thermaltake W0131RU 850W

Temps have been normal. Watching my cores while the game is running has been interesting though. Seems the load is not distributed across all of the cores evenly. One will always show a load of 85%-95% while the rest fluctuate between 20%-30%. I’m technical but not an expert when it comes down to game design/utilization/cpu instructions etc, but I would like to think that this game should be running like butter on my configuration. Or am I crazy?

I notice most of the lag during camera panning or when 15+ players are within the draw distance. (FPS can drop down to 5-10 in these instances)

Low FPS - [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Gareson.5468


Not in any way to dismiss those still with FPS issues, I would like to post that my own FPS seems to have recovered from a dismally low FPS back up to around 60-65 over the last three days(for about a week prior to that it dropped to the 5-8 range). If arena.net quietly made some fixes in updates thank you very much!

I expressed my unhappiness many times here over that week of unplayability and I thought it appropriate that I come back and post that I have seen improvement and the game is running well(again).

I hope that this stability continues and that others have seen similar improvement…if not, good luck to all of you.

Low FPS - [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Spekk.2791


Since headstart I’ve had around 40-60 fps but when I logged in a few hours ago I’m getting 5-8 fps max! Is anyone else noticing this?

Windows 7 (64 bit)
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 550 Ti
Driver 304.79
AMD FX-8120 Eight-Core Processor

EDIT: I realize now that some of you guys above me are having this problem.

UPDATE: Updated to the latest NVIDIA Drivers and I’m up to decent frames.

(edited by Spekk.2791)

Low FPS - [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Chewie.7389


I miss the days of the betas… It seems almost everything aside from skill point bugs was more optimized, fun, and balanced…. I had much better performance, albeit still not up to what it should have been. Now it seems with every update ANet rushes out the door my fps and performance drop with each one, I’m sick of playing now and will wait until they fix it. WvW has such low frames no matter what the setting, and is unbalanced as all hell right now anyway. Not to mention how unbalanced thiefs are.

Low FPS - [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: IPunchedyour family.7294

IPunchedyour family.7294

I would like to report that my FPS seems to have improved dramatically since the last patch. PvP is fine and WvW is playable, which on my aging system is all I can really ask for.

My suspicion is that this patch may have contained optimisation for my HD6970. Has anyone else with a 6970 noted an improvement from the last update?

I was struggling to get 30FPS in PvE before the last patch and now the game barely dips below 55 out in the world. I’m pleased as punch. Nothing else on my end has changed so something they did to the game in the last update must have actually helped.

i53570k, HD6970, 8gb Ram – 60FPS

Low FPS - [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Neuromancer.2148


I have better specs than some people on this thread yet experience lower frame rates than they do.

i7 720m
500GB 7200rpm HD

At the lowest settings, I only get 30-40fps running around, and dip down to 20 during fights. At optimized settings, >30fps running around, 15 fps fighting and WvW is unplayable. I know my laptop isn’t cutting edge but I would expect that the lowest settings could at least maintain 40 fps all throughout.

Apprentice Namer – Blackgate

Low FPS - [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: himmelweiss.1469



the last patch improved my FPS greatly.

Now i get 90 – 130+ FPS in most areas, didn’t have had a chance to try WvW so far.
Well in Lion’s Arch it’s still only 40 – 50FPS, will be interesting to see what WvW says.

i7 3930K @ STOCK
2 x GTX 680 SLI
Asus Rampage IV Extreme
32 GB 1600Mhz, Quad Channel
Samsung 256GB SSD (GW2 is on the SSD)
Win7 Prof 64bit

I know this is like impossible since people still have problems, but whatever you did, don’t change that part that finally makes full use in some areas of my GTX 680s :O
Keep it up.

(edited by himmelweiss.1469)

Low FPS - [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Noctura.3908


I logged in this morning and was getting 20-30 fps. I was going to try to play it since all I really want.. is to be able to be in game without getting the 5-15 fps issues. When I turned the camera it went down to 2 fps, and then 5-15 all over again.

No improvements for me, or my guild member. In my opinion this is one of the more unprofessional, lamest things I have seen a company do since FFXIV.. to not even say anything about the hottest thread that is ALWAYS constantly on the front page, and should stay there. Many people are spreading the word about this, and my friends will not touch this game now because of my experience with this. They are afraid the same thing will happen to them, because they have better or equal machines to mine.
I will keep updating… I don’t want to ask for a refund. I want to play the game.

Will keep checking…

Low FPS - [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Replect.3407


i7 920 @ 3,8Ghz
MSI N580GTX Twin Frozr II/OC
OCZ 3 × 4 GB 1600Mhz-777, Triple Channel
Creative X-Fi Titanium PCIe
GigaByte EX58-UD4P
Win7 Home Edition 64bit

I’m ok with my FPS in PvE in general, but Lion’s Arch (about ~25-40 FPS) or at the latest within WvW near the Stonemist Castle the FPS is dropping big (instead of the fixed 60 FPS, about ~15-20 FPS), no matter what is going on around that area!

Low FPS - [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Kyle.4169


I used to get 25-30 in lion arch, since the trading post went down today my fps went up to 40-45, idk maybe the trading post was using too much game resources in background.

I am eager to see if my fps will go down again once the trading post comes back up.

I could be wrong.

Low FPS - [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Noctura.3908


I logged in to test the trading post thing.
I have tried logging in 80 times in the last 3 days and never got above 15. When I logged in just now to test what he said I got up to 50. This stayed there for 5 minutes and then went back down to 15 again.
Death to the trading post…
Check your FPS… those of you having issues. Before that thing goes back up. See if you get anything similar maybe. It’s back down to 15 again but that’s the first time in days it’s gone up for even a second.

Low FPS - [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Arkanis Drako.5169

Arkanis Drako.5169

The trading post was down for weeks when the game was launched
and my FPS have been low ever since beta.

I did not notice any improvement today, either.

Low FPS - [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: muslumgurseks.4951


Amd Fx8120 @4,3ghz
Msi 6950TF II @6970 2gb version
8gb Corsair 1600mhz ram
Msi 970a-g46 Mobo
OCZ 128gb VT4 SSD
Seagate 1tb Storage drive

@1600*900 Resolution I get 60-90 Soloing with best appearance but 30ish on mid crowded WvWvW 15ish when zerging and this really bothers me… Im not even on 1080p… Updated all the hardware drivers / bios even clean installed win7/8 with the all updates no changes. Turning OC down does not help either… 12.6-12.7-12.8 (even the msi one) does not increase any higher than I already have. Im quite done playing the game as most of the players did till there is a patch to fix these GFX issues and the game starts using my hardware efficiently and correctly.

X99 Deluxe / i7 5820k @4.5 /980ti KPE @1550/ Rog Swift / 16gb DDR4 /Custom Loop

Low FPS - [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: trueanimus.4085


to the orginal poster… the game requires windows vista or higher… your running xp Pro… upgrade!… or you can try one last thing. right click on the game icon, goto compatability mode and set to run as admin..

also.. if anyone is running the game on vista and having problems.. you can set the compatability mode to windows xp sp2 or 3 and run as admin, and this forces the game to use the directx 9c files instead of direct x 11 where they are emulated instead of actually used.. make sure you have the old directx 9c files installed on your PC and a copy of the dll in your game folder.

also.. if anyone is running the game on vista and having problems.. you can set the compatability mode to windows xp sp2 or 3 and run as admin, and this forces the game to use the directx 9c files instead of direct x 11 where they are emulated instead of actually used.. make sure you have the old directx 9c files installed on your PC and a copy of the dll in your game folder.hope this helps.. =)

Low FPS - [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: sirius.8614


Still gettin 0% GPU load even with a new HD6950 in big WvWvW fights.Something is wrong with their weird engine and i’am gettin sick of it.Multiple months Beta testing before release wasn’t enough to fix this problem i guess.What a joke.


Low FPS - [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Teknobug.3782


OK, I’ve been using Nvidia 285.62 drivers for a long time, had no trouble with it in any game since the time I installed it (last fall), several months ago when playing SWTOR I installed newer drivers (I think it was 297* or something) and it gave me problems and I reverted to 285.62 and left it alone. Today I installed 306.23 and immediately noticed a difference in GW2, worse fps than I was getting with 285.62, during WvW I get 30-35 fps with 285.62 and that’s with 30-50 people on my screen, today with 306.23 I was getting 15-19 fps with just 10+ people on my screen.

Yeah… going back to 285.62. So I wonder if these people having fps issues are using cutting edge drivers, try some older ones from half a year ago or so.

Yak’s Bend WvWvW’er [Mount Phoenix Imperials]
Intel i7 3770K @ 4.5GHz | 8GB G.Skill DDR3 1600 ram | Gigabyte R9 280X 3GB (14.2)
Win 8 Pro 64bit

Low FPS - [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Crawen.4279


I just would like to see some … Anet staff answer or post that “Calm down fellow players, we are aware of the problem, and we are hard working on it” or something like this …

:: Core i3 – 370m 2,4GHz :: 8 GB DDR3 1333MHz :: nVidia GT540M 1GB ::

Low FPS - [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Noctura.3908


@Crawen – I totally agree. They always seemed to have great responses that make me feel as if they really cared about the player base. The complete lack of response on this is disheartening. ;_;

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in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Kyle.4169


If you were getting decent fps earlier and now facing sudden fps loss, try this.

Change your in-game resolution to normal window mode and switch back to your original resolution,

something is bugged in the client and it fixes itself when switching resolution from window mode to full screen.

let me know if it is working for anyone

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in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Loco.5739


Guys You kidding me? I was using GTS 450 until today. Today I bought Radeon HD 7870 and installed new drivers and fps are worse now Oo like 17-19 and with old grapich card I used to have like 37 Oo Anet are you kidding!?


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in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: klaymaur.5786


trueanimus.4085 : this is a lie, the game support windows XP SP2+
source: http://en.support.guildwars2.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/1119/kw/system%20requirements/session/L3RpbWUvMTM0ODE3MjE3Mi9zaWQvQk03QVdLNmw%3D

edit: and correct me if i’m wrong but the game is dx9

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in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Gadzooks.4687


There is something very odd with this concept:

Anywhere in the PvE world – Decent Framerate, GPU usage shows anywhere from 30% to 80%

Enter a WvWvW zone – Slight lower framerate GPU usage shows less than PvE

Enter a WvWvW battle – Horrid framerate, GPU usage shows 0% usage

So what… at a certain point, the number of players just makes the GPU turn off? Code that says “Keep sending data to the GPU to render until you reach so many players, then, just stop all together” ??? it just makes no sense.

If you turn a 2liter bottle of soda on its side slowly, the soda slowly starts to pour out. The more you tilt it, the more soda comes out, until it reaches a point where only so much soda can come out at once. Even if you turn the soda completely upside down, it doesnt come out any faster, but still maintains the same rate it did at its max on its side (not counting inconsistencies from the air that it trying to enter while the soda leaves). The soda bottlenecks, at the opening of the bottle. Bottleneck doesnt mean stopping all together. Soda still comes out as fast as the opening allows it too, just not fast enough to empty the 2liter all at once.

Anyway… the GPU should STILL be processing data as fast as its capable of, not just all out stopping once its trying to be sent more data than can get to it at one time. Even if there is a bottleneck from the CPU to the GPU, or where ever, the GPU should STILL be getting data to process at LEAST as fast as it was in PvE. The GPU should STILL show more than 0% usage based on the data it should still be getting.

This doesnt sound like a bottle neck. This sounds like a clog.

(edited by Gadzooks.4687)

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in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Noctura.3908


@Kyle -

I have tried that, and also tried every single resolution available. It doesn’t change anything. I also tried a different graphics card, but there is no change at all with that either. Still the same fps no matter what setting.

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in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: MolleaFauss.6078


I add my experience to this thread, even if I’m not experiencing overall low fps, but a framerate drop and associated issues that can get quite annoying in some situations, especially WvW.
I even did a small video just to document what’s happening (watch in HD and enlarge the video so you can read the FPS number).
In the video I start with the best performance settings, minus the “subsample” resolution, and you can see I get 28fps in Queensdale.
Then I switch to “best appearance” and adjust some settings (shadows, shaders, …) getting 20fps around the same landscape.

My specs, just for the information. It’s a laptop and I know it’s a mid-low machine (but I played Skyrim on high details with 50fps…):
CPU: i7@2.7GHz
RAM: 4GB@1333MHz
Resolution played: 1366×768
I already tried to put another 2GB in the machine with no perceivable changes.
The CPU/GPU/Mem graph during a GW2 session is in this picture (the last part is when I alt-tabbed to the monitor to take the screenshot). As you see, neither CPU nor GPU were hogged, so I suspect a less than optimal usage of the available resources.

As you can see framerates drop seem independent of the video settings I use.
I have observed mainly that I get these drops when:

  • I pan the camera too fast
  • There are many people around me with many particle effect (during the spider queen event for example)

Nonetheless I even get some framerate drop also for no particular reason (see video at 0:32, 1:24, 1:50, …)

Point is that the real issue is people popping out of nowhere. You’ll see at 0:39 a player suddenly appearing beside me. This was PvE and it is not a problem, but this happened many times with enemy players in WvW. And I’ve been killed by “god-knows-what” a certain number of times. Mind: WvW mobs are always visible and do not happen to pop out of nowhere, only players both friends and enemies. And in those situations, I don’t even see a floating nametag that could smell danger, neither I can tab-target them.
This, as you may understand, is quite frustrating and annoying.

I’d like to see this issue fixed, I can accept a lower graphic quality, but I really would like to enjoy WvW without these issues that really spoil the fun.

I did some more observation and found that most of these framerate drop could depend by the “field of view”. Last night I was in the snowy part of lornar pass, I was still using mid-quality setting and I had… 80fps! I did an event with some other people and did not feel this framerate drop. Probably because in that part of the map, my field of view is very limited. Then I changed map and for example in Caledon Forest, near the event with the “failed experiments” I had about 40fps.

My personal feeling is that the landscape distance rendered may be a factor that impact heavily on this isssue.
My suggestion is then either reducing the distance rendered when the number of particle effects and/or players moving around the player are over a certain threshold. I don’t mind if the view during a combat is less than stunning, my attention would be on what’s happening around me and not on the beautiful landscape…

Oscura Simmetria – Gunnar’s Hold
[Phastidio, Thief]