Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: LnDs.1047


Hi there, my friend’s account has been hacked 3 days ago. He noticed it when he was trying to login then he got a message about bad password. He has support ticked but last answer is from “Response Ana via Email 12/16/2012 11:31 AM” and a message is “Someone will be in contact with you as soon as possible”.

reference# 121215-001906
date created# 12/15/2012

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: vowsilence.8564


My first account was hacked,and has been block,plz unlock it.
My account name:Jose Juan.4308

You lock my account over a month,I buy others and play,but it my first account,plz unlock it,thx.

Denied.. [Incident: 121124-001503]

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Morguennes.3081


Reference #121214-001784
Date created: 12/14/2012

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Leek.9143


Updated: Friday through Monday, 14 – 17 December

121202-002377 I followed up on this today.

According to my friend there is no update on the ticket, should there be?

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Kacper H.1643

Kacper H.1643

Hello. I have some problems with my account.
I got message " Your Guild Wars 2 account has been suspended for an account issue" couple of days ago…
I wrote to support, they answered me: I am escalating your ticket to our Payment Review Team to research your issue. Someone will be in contact with you as soon as possible. It was 4 days ago…
In the meantime, i wrote to seller and he’s given me money back… I bought another copy of GW2, i registered it on my account…
Message is still the same…
0 contact with support….
Please, do something!

Blocked/Suspended Account

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Gene Rojo.4207

Gene Rojo.4207

@Kacper H.

WE TOTALLY DID THE SAME THING. I keep receiving the message. I wrote to support, they answered me: I am escalating your ticket to our Payment Review Team to research your issue. Someone will be in contact with you as soon as possible. It was 4 days ago.

Please tell this to the support Gaile

[Incident: 121215-001861]

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Psyche.6943


Would you mind to take a look at this ticket 121218-003029
My friend got banned but he doesn’t do anything wrong.
They said he was selling gold in real money.Just wrong.
I think he would miss out event(4th stop) in few hours later.

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: sacripante.7394


Hello Gayle,

my account was hacked on the 16th of december and I couldn’t log on. I straightaway tried to contact the support. Then on the 17th when I managed to change my password, access both my account on the website and enter the game, I updated my support ticket because when I went online in the game my bags and my bank were nearly empty, the crafting materials all gone. Fortunately none of my characters was cancelled.
In the updated ticket I asked to restore my items if it’s possible.

these are the two reference numbers:



Thanks a lot for the help.

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Gaile Gray


Gaile Gray

ArenaNet Communications Manager


following tickets are open and have not been addressed or responded to:

forum appeal 121212-001980 Updated 12/12/2012

No Summary 121205-000112 Unresolved 12/04/2012

suspension 121127-003071 Updated 11/27/2012

A user has replied to an automated PM 121127-000574 Unresolved 11/27/2012

these are all tickets of separate incidents involving the forums. Does arenanet not currently provide support to forum issues, or is it all handled by the non anet moderators themselves? who do they answer to and why will they or arena net not respond to the tickets opened?

This is the Account Issues forum. This thread — and indeed this entire sub-forum — is not at all intended to address issues related to the forums themselves.

For issues, problems, suggestions, or other topics relating to the Guild Wars 2 Forums, please address your concerns to Forums@Arena.Net. I would highly suggest you not submit multiple tickets. If you wish to complain about something, you can update an existing ticket, but submitting four seems excessive.

actually Gail, ANYTIME you send an email to, it opens a support ticket, and the ticket goes unanswered, and the anet employees i reach out to say to send an email to that same address. SO what you are basically telling me… is that if we have an issue with the forums, forget it, since no one at arenanet handles the issues and that any real problems are considered to be simple complaints? I will take your high suggestion into consideration but I am following the directions of yourself and others to send emails to the address…. and it opens a support ticket, only to be told not to open said tickets as it is excessive. see the viscous circle of confusion and lack of support? why cant someone just own it, and say that the forums are basically a non supported area and that arena net leaves it to its own devices? would be much better than sending us on wild goose chases with an email address ( that just goes to a trashcan.

ALSO, most importantly, as pointed out in the initial email, EACH ticket is for separate incidents, so do you suggest I update ONE ticket with multiple problems> or opening a new ticket for each INDIVIDUAL problem?

Yes, the contacts to Forums@Arena.Net do create a ticket, but it’s not the province of this sub-forum to deal with complaints about forum behavior, posts, or moderation.

I will try to find out a more helpful answer, but the directions I’ve given you are expressly intended to get you into the system and beyond that, the resolution is out of my hands.

As far as updating, since they are separate issues, I guess you certainly can update each of the tickets. I believe it may be possible to merge them, but since that’s not my area of expertise — in that I don’t know the preferences of those working on the forum moderation side of things — you may keep them separate, as they were submitted.

Gaile Gray
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Gaile Gray


Gaile Gray

ArenaNet Communications Manager


Updated Tuesday and Wednesday, 18 and 19 December

121202-002377 Resolved
121214-001784 Resolved
121215-001906 Resolved
121216-000342 Response sent today
121211-000604 Response sent yesterday.
121213-001764 Final response send 12/15.
121216-003257 Account eligible for restoration. This will take place in 1-2 days.
121207-003674 I followed up on this today.
121215-002277 I followed up on this today.
121215-002451 I followed up on this today.
121104-001163 I followed up on this today. You should receive a response within 24 hours.
121121-001515 I followed up on this today. You should receive a response within 24 hours.
121211-002558 I followed up on this today. You should receive a response within 24 hours.
121215-001861 Fraudulent code. Please contact your seller to get a refund. Discuss with Support whether you can add a new, legitimate code to continue playing.
121124-001503 Terminated account; will not be reactivated.
121215-000828 There is no issue with the Mystic Forge. We cannot tell you why you lost items, but it was not related to a game code or system issue. Contact your ISP if you continue to have connectivity issues; the problem is not on our side.
121218-003029 This ticket is one day old. Please do not submit until it is three days old.
121217-001155 This ticket is two days old. Please do not submit until it is three days old.
121214-002326 Under review

Gaile Gray
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Lyenyo.2891


Updated Tuesday and Wednesday, 18 and 19 December
121202-002377 Resolved

Thank you, Gaile!

Although I am still wondering why it took a week for the team to follow up on their offer, I understand support tickets can be busy but when they close my account to issue me with a new CD key for security reasons, I expect the process to be followed through within a reasonable time. I was worried I was going to miss the event when I didn’t receive any reply.

But I really do appreciate your help in following it up, Gaile! Keep up the good work.

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: norzale.9284


my account has been suspended for 5 or 6 days until now, i haven’t received any replies after i submitted my ticket except an auto-message… i thought i could give it a try in here.

here is the reference number: #121215-000316

can someone from support please help me to solve this.


Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Gene Rojo.4207

Gene Rojo.4207

Hi Gaile Gray. How can i contact Support? I mean what should i do with my recent ticket? Should i file another ticket? Or should i update my ticket?

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: roiyel.4238


This is jics.3261….using my friends account…
I submitted my ticket on December 18,2012-December 20,2012…
Blocked/or Suspended account….
I really want to join the winter’s day event….
and the Christmas break is almost here…..

here is my ticket number 121218-000471…
Thank you….

Is it in this thread that you will give info and updates about the tickets??

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Killerfurby.7526


Hey Gail,

Hey I have a problem I have 2 tickets out the first one is 121213-000102 and I bought a Gem card last week from Target paying cash and was unable to redeem it, I contacted your support and eventually I was transferred to Payment services. My account was then suspended/closed due to a “chargeback”. I supplied a scan of the card as well as the receipt from Target showing I paid cash. I have not received a response from them and that was this morning. So I went out to buy another GW2 game, because I figured I was being ignored and I wasn’t paying attention or I didn’t understand, but I used my Account name/email as the same as my old account and I received the suspended/closed error. I sent another support ticket 121219-002830 and all I received was “I am sending this to a senior member, someone will get back to you as soon as possible”. Ok I dont understand what I did wrong in the first place by. buying a Gem card (approved) by you guys. I am very irritated and hopefully by posting here I will get a faster response. Please if you would like I will give you my personal contact information.

Thank you for your time.

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Kael.3086


Reference: 121215-002158
Date created: 12/15/2012

An answer would be much appreciated.

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Hessenth.4078


Reference: 121216-000826
Date Created: 12/16/2012
Last email regarding issue: 12/17/2012

The account in question was suspended within hours after purchase. No reason was given. It seems unlikely it was hacked, as the password seems to still work. I am posting on my friends account in order to gain access to the forums.

Still no reason why it was suspended. Haven’t even had the account for a day before it was locked down.

(edited by Hessenth.4078)

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Zaith.9132


4 weeks – No response from ANet since they opened the ticket for me on the 23rd of November.


I would’ve let it go but I was told 2 days ago it was followed up on and the ticket wasn’t updated in My Questions, so I’m worried something’s up.

/me tips transmuted tier-3 crafted hat

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Xotrma.2387


RE: 121218-000460

My wife’s account was “terminated for modifying or tampering with the game.”

She got this message Dec 17, 2012.

She has never modified or tampered with the game. It must have been hacked. She’s a 64 year old grandmother who barely knows how to operate a computer but she loves the game and is distressed about missing the Wintersday events.

Please restore HER account so she will stop using MY account.

What caused this error?

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: vowsilence.8564


My account has been blocked for more than a month to write a lot of letters to you, my account is still no progress, I hope you will review my ticket, reopened account

RE :121116-001071
NAME: Joes Juan.4308

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: DreadClaymore.7680


Once again am using my fiance’s login to post.

Thank you Gaile for following up on my ticket I received this response in respect to it and still require further clarification on it.

Response GM Tsumukikatu via Email 12/20/2012 12:20 PM

The Guild Wars 2 Serial Code that you registered was a North American code originally purchased from our website This purchase was made using a stolen credit/debit card or PayPal® account and was thus flagged as a fraudulent charge. Your game account was banned as a result of the fraudulent purchase.

At this time, we have reviewed your account and have decided to release the account to you. The serial code has been permanently disabled as a result of the purchase using a fraudulent credit or debit card or stolen PayPal account.

I would suggest contacting the seller from whom you purchased the code for a full refund, as they sold you a code that was purchased fraudulently. I would not accept a replacement code, as it will likely be another stolen code.

In order to regain access to the game, you must re-purchase Guild Wars 2 again and apply a new, valid code to your account. To ensure this does not happen in the future, please purchase the game from one of our authorized retail partners or purchase directly from our website

[GM] Tsumukikatu
Ncsoft Payment Review

So I am not sure as to whether I am getting a refund from you guys as it is clearly stated by the GM that I purchased the code from the official store and was charged for it.

My bank confirms that the card was indeed charged and has not been reported stolen in any way shape or form.

I’m sorry I’m just a little confused as to what is supposed to happen from here as that statements seem contradictory : /

I’m more than happy to purchase another copy so long as I know that I will be refunded the original amount I paid for the license key that I bought from you guys.

Thanks again : )


Ticket number is : 121215-002277

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Bably.7462


Posting on behalf of friend, account locked because of my account being compromised

ID: Yeni.3507
Ticket #121217-002337
Date: December 17

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: blnylund.1829


Account restoration for a hacked account.
ID: blnylund.1829
Ticket # 121219-000077

Just trying to check on the status and to make sure it’s still being looked into since I have not had an update in a while.

Brandon )

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Your.5284


I’m posting on behalf of Aleisia.4578, he was banned, and he thinks it was in error. He submitted a ticket 3 on 12/17/12 #121218-000407. Can you please review this and give him some kind of reply? I’m submitting this because he’s unable to log on to his account to post himself. I would like to also point out, that he is a guild mate and from time to time his account will be logged on, not on a character (possibly character log in screen). Thanks.

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: khanh.3190


I’m using my friend’s account.
My account name is Andrew Luu.7013
The ticket is 121218-002945.
I’m just wondering if my ticket is looked into yet?
Thank you.

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Corvus.9058


I am posting on behalf of my husband as he is unable to now log into the forum. He was able to log in and submit the ticket, but his account on the forum has been suspended.

Account name: Steelgrizzly.3946
Ticket # 121218-000610
Submitted December 17, 2012 @ 11:17pm

My husband was in the middle of playing when he lost connection with the server, when he went to log back in is when we found out to our surprise and horror that he had been suspended for “modification or tampering of the game”. There was no email sent, we triple checked. He went to research how to send in a ticket and then did so.
We have diligently check to see if there has been some response to his ticket, to which we have heard nothing from Arenanet. We are starting to get a little frustrated and worried by the lack of information. The game was not paided for online or by credit card but in fact was one of the pre-ordered from EB Games. I would gladly appreciate any information on this matter.
Thank you for your time

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: AwwGee.5628


Account suspended for account issue: Ticket filed 4 days ago

Account name: AwwGee.7695
Incident: 121217-001136
Submitted: 12/17/2012 05:30 AM

3 Days ago I got a response telling me that the issue would be elevated to a Senior member of the Payment Support Team to further assist me, have not heard from support since.


Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Deisetsu.4593


Account Suspended Ticket Filed 6 Days ago
Account Name: haru.6932
Ticket # 121215-001752

posting bec my wife cant even log-in forums

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Bob.1039


Ticket number: 121218-002117

My third ban, (2 on my main account, latest 1 on my second account). Pretty upset with the frequent bans and waiting. I have no authorization mail indicating any foreign hackers too. Please check, thank you.

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: WhisperedInsanity.3985


Posting on behalf of my brother because he cannot log into the website to post himself. His account was “Terminated for modifying or tampering with the game” on the 17th of December. He submitted is ticket on the 18th. He’s upset because he is missing out on the holiday events as well as connecting with people. He uses Guild Wars as a way to forget about his illness and really wants to get back in game soon. Information is as follows:
Account name: Hentai.7519
Reference #: 121218-000724
Terminated Account: 17Dec2012
Submitted Ticket: 18Dec2012

I love to play this game with my brother so please get it fixed soon. I’ll check back frequently for a follow up on the ticket. Game is great, just wish there weren’t so many account issues.

Murda Inc [QQ]
Isle of Janthir
~If you want your story to be told, write it~

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Lirrean.5427


I’m writing from a friends account; my forum access has been suspended.
My account name is ksh.1027.
This is third day of waiting for answer on ticket #121219-000366. There was no response, except for a bot generated vague ‘We are working on it’.
I do not see any reason for my account to be suspended, as my payment was double checked and valid, I’m sure I wasn’t hacked, as I started playing only a few days ago and ‘ksh’ is hardly a curse if any word at all.
Disappointed with all this issues, I contacted Customer Service a day ago and submitted another ticket #121221-002280, which did not generate any response again.
I’m still waiting.

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Cody.9485


i want regain my account.
gm told me pre-purchase Guild Wars 2 again and apply a new, valid code to my account
now i finish that but i can" t login my account
but in 12/18/2012,GM said"serial code is registered to be permanently closed.
Unfortunately, we will not be able to assist you further with this issue."
what can i do?
NOW,i apply a new valid code to my account,but i still can"t login
I’m an innocent victim, plus I have spent a lot of time and effort on this account.
i really wish to continue to use this account
I am terribly sorry about this whole thing, and I just want to get my account back.

Reference #:121213-002054
Account name:Cody.9485
Date Created:12/13/2012

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: blnylund.1829


Account restoration for a hacked account.
Yesterday I finally recieved a response saying that they did see that the account was stolen and that they would start the restoration process once I responded with the go ahead. I did that shortly after recieving the email and now it has been another day without hearing anything or having the account restoration started.

ID: blnylund.1829
Ticket # 121219-000077

Thanks again,

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: RamzaWolf.9084


I’m helping my friend to post this since he couldn’t login his forums account and no replies to his tickets. He was suspended wrongly for something he never do.

ID: LetheLuxuria.2641
Ticket: #121219-003089
Submitted: 19/Dec/2012

Customer Lethe Luxuria via CSS Web 12/21/2012 05:20 PM
Good day support team,

It has been 3 days. Today is the weekends and boy am I going nuts.

I saw this thread on the forums;
I believe I am in the same situation as him?

One of my Guild Mates mailed me Gold before to help me purchase an item, the Legendary Precursor, The Colossus.
Once I have earned enough Gold, I returned the amount he sent me.
The person involved is my Guildmate.

I am now assuming that the sending of Gold got me banned?

In that case, why does Anet even allow the sending of Gold? I do not understand, but I do understand that this is clearly not illegal as no monetary was profited from it from either of us, and we are FRIENDS, Guild mates even.

Could you kindly, kindly please help me resolve this.

Thank you.

Customer Lethe Luxuria via CSS Web 12/20/2012 10:28 PM
Good day,
It has been over 24 hours. May I know what is taking so long? I am looking at the forums (which I cannot post in?), and I see people getting their cases resolved in 30 minutes.

I have never bought or sold gold in my life, why am I wrongly banned for so?

I know it is nearing Christmas and the weekends but please, please look into this. It is Christmas and weekends for me, too.

Thank you.
Customer Lethe Luxuria via CSS Email 12/19/2012 04:51 PM
Good day,
The Error Code for this is 45:6:3:2114, if it helps expedite anything.
Please assist, it is the holidays season now and I know its tough for you guys who are working, but it is also equally frustrating to be unable to play a game during the holidays.
Thank you.

Customer Lethe Luxuria via CSS Web 12/19/2012 04:31 PM
Good day,

I would like to know what happened to my account please. Sorry if I come across impatient, but I never -EVER- did any gold trading or purchase of sorts in my LIFE playing Guild Wars 2. In fact, I even report the mails I get from those sellers!

I just came on today and they said it is permanently terminated?! What is this? Please investigate clearly because I did nothing wrong AT ALL.

Now it is right before Christmas and this happens?

Please rectify, please.

Thank you.
I’ve lost my Warband, became a Gladium. Until I met certain someone.

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Kombu.4952


Hi, I’m posting this on behalf of a RL friend and guildie who has been permanently banned.

Account name: Bunster.7053
Incident: 121219-000434
Submitted: 12/18/2012 09:39 PM

The account has been suspected for transacting in gold for RL money. This has not been the case. The account user has only bought gems from Arenanet. Exchanged said gems for gold on the Trading Post and emailed said gold to only one other person and that is me, Kombu.4952, as a birthday present. My birthday actually falls on the day before the above ticket was submitted. Proof can be submitted upon request. If this is grounds for a ban, it’s an honest mistake. Do kindly let us know the reason for the ban though, just so we (and the rest of our guild) know not to repeat what, in our opinion, is an act of gifting.

I, Kombu.4952, still have the gold I received for my birthday from Bunster.7053. I can always mail him back the gold if that is what it takes to get his account reinstated. Kindly advice.

Thank you for your kind attention.

EDIT. My guildie has been reinstated. Thank you Anet for working through the holidays.

(edited by Kombu.4952)

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Gene Rojo.4207

Gene Rojo.4207

[Incident: 121220-000341]

I told them to terminate my keys so i can replace a legitimate key so i can play again. But they won’t reply Help me Gaile

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Bluestar.9830


Blocked/Suspended Account [Incident: 121214-000931]

I have now brought a code and updated it to the account, but it appears as if my account is still suspended, can this be looked into further. I have updated the support ticket.

12/19/2012 05:05 AM

I have tried getting back to the seller ( with this, but
I’m getting no reply (guess I shouldn’t be surprised). In the meantime I
have missed out on the promotion you had on the weekend in regards to
the Wizard Edition for $44.95. Is there any chance I can still get this
(hoping I can, as I’ve just wasted $50US and am now without the game, I
understand its not your problem, but hoping it may be possible).


On 15/12/2012 9:32 AM, Guild Wars 2 Support wrote:
> Blocked/Suspended Account
> Thank you for your support request. Our response is included below. If
> you have other questions, please reply to this e-mail.
> You can also review and update your ticket at our support site by
> clicking this link.
> * Subject*
> Blocked/Suspended Account
> * Discussion Thread*
> * Response Via Email (GM Coulro)* 12/14/2012 05:02 PM
> Hello Connor,
> The Guild Wars 2 Serial Code that you registered was a North American
> code originally purchased from our website
> This purchase was made using a stolen
> credit/debit card or PayPal® account and was thus flagged as a
> fraudulent charge. Your game account was banned as a result of the
> fraudulent purchase.
> At this time, we have reviewed your account and have decided to
> release the account to you. The serial code has been permanently
> disabled as a result of the purchase using a fraudulent credit or
> debit card or stolen PayPal account.
> I would suggest contacting the seller from whom you purchased the code
> for a full refund, as they sold you a code that was purchased
> fraudulently. I would not accept a replacement code, as it will likely
> be another stolen code.
> In order to regain access to the game, you must re-purchase Guild Wars
> 2 again and apply a new, valid code to your account. To ensure this
> does not happen in the future, please purchase the game from one of
> our authorized retail partners or
> purchase directly from our website
> Regards,
> [GM] Coulro
> NCsoft Payment Review

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Lightnlng.8416


Hi, my account has been blocked for about three days and no official reply was given yet. I would like to clarify the whole issue again.

I have 2 account which Ive sent gold to and fro inorder to make legendary gift. However, my first account was banned and the reply was I was sending gold. I appeal to Anet was my account was been unbanned the next day.

After learning that trading a large amount of gold will result in suspection of selling gold, I immediately seize all gold trading intention. However, my other account was banned a week after which I believed its was due to past cases of trading gold to my first account.

I would like to clarify that I have not done anything illegally or buy/sell any form of gold to a 3rd party but solely transfering assests to myself.
Kindly investigate my account again.

I would gladly provide any forms of verification/assistance needed as long as I can get my account right up. Any forms of reply or assistance is greatly appreciated.

Kindly refer to the case id below. Thank you.

Ref: 121220-000489

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Xaras.4267


Account suspended error 45:6:3:2114
ref: 121220-002211
I bought a new game key to remove fast the suspension but without resolve the problem.
I prefer refund and wait the solution.

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: IloveLoli.6248


My friend’s account was hacked, and become block. Need help to unlock it.
Account name: Keyi.9752
Please help us.

ref: 121220-001001

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Ororo D Munroe.8937

Ororo D Munroe.8937

Please help me.

I got banned for error 45 and this is the ticket number for that [Incident: 121218-003017]. I bought a new license and followed the normal process on registering an account. I used the same email address on my old account that was banned. however i keep on getting either error 45 whenever i use the same email i used before (which I also used to register my new account/license) or error 11:1001:2:1298 when Im using the new username that the system approved which is also my new forum name, whenever i try to log in. I have been a good player for gw2. I am hoping that my account issue will be resolved and also, that my mesmer will be returned back to me as what was stated on the initial ticket.

other ticket that i created is this : [Incident: 121221-000099] because no one is helping me.. Please help me.


Ororo D Munroe
For Grape Justice
Gate of Madness

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Mr White.4901

Mr White.4901

Hello, i was banned 3 days ago and the only information given was the notice that i got when i tried to log in that said “Naming Policy”. I dont have any inappropriate names on my account so i tried filing a ticket to figure out why i was banned. No one responded to my ticket and now its been 3 full days and my ban is over. I logged back into my account and none of my names were changed…. So, basically someone banned me for 3 days without reason. I reread the terms and conditions and according to section 3(c.) of your terms and conditions this is a breach of contract. You cannot ban someone without a “cause”. I would appreciate it if you got back to me on this issue as i clearly deserve compensation.

Here is the reference number for my original ticket. 121219-003106

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Skinbar.9476


I have not heard anything

Tickets are 121219-003257 and 121219-003229

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: TheLunaticDawn.8049


Reference #121217-002070
Date created: 12/17/2012

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: ghostitsx.3502


121214-000225 – Help!?

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Crucifer.9158


I am writing from my friend’s account, as my game/forum account (Calx) is unusable. Within the last week my account was terminated. Apparently there was malicious behavior on my account. However, during play I have done nothing other than run dungeons and events with friends and guild mates. I have never harassed other players, or made use of game modifications. I submitted a ticket three days ago, upon discovering that my account had been locked. I still have not received any help or response from Guild Wars 2 Support, aside from an automated email message acknowledging my request. Please help me.
Incident Number: 121219-003118

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: lylanya.8097


RE: 121219-000235 and 121219-003174

My fiance’s account was also “terminated for modifying or tampering with the game.”
on Dec 17, 2012 (as a previous man stated about his 64 year old wife).

He’s never done anything to modify the game, nor would he even know how. He has a dying machine and we have connectivity issues due to our horrible internet in the middle of nowhere and it drops our connection a lot. He’s had to reinstall from a backup file he made on his external hard drive because of the issues combined. Please help us. We enjoy playing this game together and finally got our mains to max lvl and have just started exploring the pvp. We’ve missed a week of wintersday events.

This is definitely an error. He’s a good man and would never do anything to modify or change anything. We would also like to know caused this error?

Thank you and happy holidays.

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: bardian.5419


Ticket Submitted on 12/19/2012 around 9:39 PM.
Incident: 121220-000324

My account has been “terminated for modifying or tampering with the game.”

Which I didn’t do, and I’m missing out on the Wintersday events on my Stickman.9314 account.

Please help

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Psyche.6943


Hello. Would you mind to review this ticket again? My guild member got banned because of selling gold in real money. According to his said, he sent 8 golds to his friend.
But the support replied that it is denied.
Please double check it.
Thank you very much

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Bob.1039



Posting on behalf of my girlfriend. She was banned for real money trading. All she did was send 18g and some crafting materials to my character to level my crafting. And the very next day, she was banned. Please look into it, thank you.