Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]
Hi. Guild Wars 2 team.
I have been disappointed. because my account has been blocked.
when i logged in, the message “Your Guild Wars 2 account has been terminated for engaging in or assisting with gold or item sales for real world money, which is a breach of the user agreement and rules of conduct. This action is permanent” is appeared.
but i DO NOT deal with the real-world money!! i just bought the gem through Black lion gate in the game. What happened to my account…I send this situation to the support team about 15 hours ago. but there has Not been the respond until this time….
What should i do….?
As this thread titles states, this is for tickets that are at least three days old. Also, by submitting three tickets you have substantially slowed the response process. Please wait for assistance on your first ticket.
I’m on Australian time and it’s coming up on 3 days so I’m posting this before I go to bed.
Haven’t heard anything apart from ‘give us your code’.
Really at least just want the reason why so I can get a refund from the retailer if it’s not something trivial, my time is running out on the possibility of a refund.121108-000060
It hasn’t been 72 hours exactly, but by the time it is, I’d imagine the office would be closed for the weekend, so I’m jumping the gun a little.
121108-000346 is the ticket number. I was transferred to Payment Review team on Wednesday, but haven’t heard anything since. All information is in the ticket, but I am happy to provide more if it helps.
Ticket Number
I have been waiting for 1 day and some hours though, but I need help soon since it’s holiday and I got some free time to play..
Ok, this is getting out of hand. These tickets, and several others in the thread, are only a day or two old. They will not be reviewed at this time. Please give the team time to resolve these and post only if the wait exceeds three full days. If you posted prematurely, you’ll need to post again after my update. Thank you for understanding.
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events
(edited by Gaile Gray.6029)
I bought the game this week, i played only a few hours these days because during the week I dont have much time.
But now the weekend comes, i was so excited to really start to play and surprise surprise. I received the message “Your Guild Wars 2 account has been suspended for an account issue”.
So desappointed =(
I opened the ticket 121109-002219. But as I see here in forum, I will probably not be able to play this weekend write?
The message is not clear about the reason I´m suspended. It´s very frustating.
What is the common reason? Anyone knows? I bought the game from the site and played just fine for a couple of hours during this week.
Thank you for any clarification.
I guess my message doesnt belong here, if it is right, where should i place it?
I bought the game this week, i played only a few hours these days because during the week I dont have much time.
But now the weekend comes, i was so excited to really start to play and surprise surprise. I received the message “Your Guild Wars 2 account has been suspended for an account issue”.
So desappointed =(
I opened the ticket 121109-002219. But as I see here in forum, I will probably not be able to play this weekend write?
The message is not clear about the reason I´m suspended. It´s very frustating.
What is the common reason? Anyone knows? I bought the game from the site and played just fine for a couple of hours during this week.
Thank you for any clarification.
I guess my message doesnt belong here, if it is right, where should i place it?
You should not post in the forums at all at this time. You submitted a ticket: Great! Post in this thread if you still need help after three full days.
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events
I bought the game this week, i played only a few hours these days because during the week I dont have much time.
But now the weekend comes, i was so excited to really start to play and surprise surprise. I received the message “Your Guild Wars 2 account has been suspended for an account issue”.
So desappointed =(
I opened the ticket 121109-002219. But as I see here in forum, I will probably not be able to play this weekend write?
The message is not clear about the reason I´m suspended. It´s very frustating.
What is the common reason? Anyone knows? I bought the game from the site and played just fine for a couple of hours during this week.
Thank you for any clarification.
I guess my message doesnt belong here, if it is right, where should i place it?You should not post in the forums at all at this time. You submitted a ticket: Great! Post in this thread if you still need help after three full days.
Thanks to respond my message so quickly and sorry for sharing my problem!
Best Regards!
finally i can play again =] it was a bit long but at least i got my acc back
thx Gaile
Update – Wednesday through Friday, 7 – 9 November (Part 1)
121106-002448 Resolved
121101-000034 Resolved
121027-000447 Resolved
121028-001758 Sent email to request senior agent review
121029-002397 Apologies for previous message. This account was closed for payment fraud and is awaiting review
More to come!
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events
Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: buyurgan.6023
I can see you are in a process of updating last statuses, Gaile .
But please help me, This is now 3 days old.
Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: wellwalker.5370
my guild wars account has banned for 25 days now as I was hacked and ‘permanently terminated for engaging or assisting in real world trading’ I have received emails that my account was logged on in China and North america, and since I live in Australia, this is not me. Could someone please help me as i don’t want to buy the game again and I really enjoyed playing it
My ticket —-001:000643:01120-—
Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: zBluRrYz.1347
My ticket is now 3 days old. Got banned for no reason Let me play this weekend please, dont make me wait more
B L U R R Y. Thiefy Thief Thief
121029-002397 Apologies for previous message. This account was closed for payment fraud and is awaiting review.
are you sure Gray i didn’t buy any gems or things adn waiting for review that means ?? i am waiting for the past 11 days
Hi, my ticket is 3 days old, was playing alright the night before the ban, when I wake up in the morning to play again. I was banned. Please help. My ticket number is 121108-000481
Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: kelvin.5384
I submited my ticket 3 days ago, no response from support for 3 days. Please help. My ticket number is #121108-000505
Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Guderon.3479
My account was suspended on November 6th, and I’m still waiting for resolution. Incident number is – 121106-002944
Dear Gaile Gray
Any chance u coud help me out with my case : 121026-003005
Wait time so far 15 days.
My ticket is 3 days old right now. My ticket number is #121108-000491
Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: chanyou.4307
Hi, I Submit a ticket 3 days ago and have not get any response from support. Please help. My ticket is #121108-000485
Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: ArtfulDodger.1437
I am posting to state that my account was termianted for botting, though I did no such action, and I have no idea why my account would have been flagged as such. My account does not appear to have been compromised (though I can’t log in to my toons to verify this). Its been 5 days since my account was “terminated”, and 5 days since I submitted a ticket about this. How do I get this resolved?
EDIT: My ticket number is: 121105-002371
(edited by ArtfulDodger.1437)
Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: hansage.6012
this is my first time to post in the gw2 forums. this is because i thought that if i just do my part, file a report and sit back tight, soon my problems would be resolved. But it has been 3 days and my account has not been restored despite my innocence regarding the false accusation of me being suspected as a botter. it you can see my chat logs, crafting history, map chat, and party member history, you will notice that none of these are consistent with that of a botter. I am losing all my faith and appreciation everyday since my account was banned. I am not a botter. and frankly, i don’t know what else to do. it would have been a beautiful game.
Praying for all the due process, investigation and well-deserved help.
(edited by hansage.6012)
Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Goforce.2350
Hello Gaile,
Can you review my ticket created the 3 November, please ?
Ticket reference : 121103-000852 or 121106-002471 (sorry for the 2e ticket)
I can speak English or French, so if the GM/CM speak English, it’s fine.
Still no answer since five days.
You have all the informations you need on the ticket, if you need more, ask me for them.
Apparently, the key was refunded and terminated (I don’t know why), I speak with the seller for a refund … (no answer for the moment -_-)
Can’t play since 31/10/2012, I have already purchase a new code (It is in the ticket)
I don’t want to lose my account, I have spent thousand of gems on it, I have been playing hundreds of hours and the main story is exactly the same as my friends.
I will not have the courage to start again other characters…
Thank you Gaile if you read this.
Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: heimlein.1906
Hello Gaile,
I updated my ticket with 4 days and get no response until now. im not sure whats happened, so wanna check is it still working.
my ticket reference: 121101-001082
I think i already provide all infos in that ticket, and dont get any answer. my account was banned by sell/buy gold or botting. but im sure ive never do these in game world. like other great players, i also strictly follow the rules, and make lots of friends in Tyria. it make me happy with hundred hours, really dont wanna lose my character, my friends and my faith.
i think the problem is I used VPN to improve my connection, and its make us lots of trouble. im sure that ill give up that way.
anyway, thank you for your time.
121028-001758 Sent email to request senior agent review
Thank you so much Got a request now to give them my serial code. I sadly dont have that anymore, already stated so in the ticket. Posted again that i dont have it in an update, hoping things are sped up now
3th day and still banned(
I see my weekend taken away from me
Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: vlauer.2014
Again, question #121026-001449, about not receiving HoM rewards. Gaile, I really didn’t receive any response from you guys, and If I did, I can’t view it anyhow. Would you mind posting it here, please?
Dear Gray Gaile,
I`m sorry for posting again since your reply 3 days ago, but well weekend already started and it’s the second one that i am unable to access my account, i would love it if you could look into my ticket again :-s it was made on 31 oct and well we are on 10 november.
Ticket number : 121031-001634
Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: buyurgan.6023
I’m suspended for an account issue @ wed 7.
TICKET NUMBER IS : 121108-000029
(edited by buyurgan.6023)
Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: JKRJSTR.4019
hi , same for me , its almost 3 days and no reply or anything yet .
my ticket number : 121107-002033
i appreciate the effort put in thank you
Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: gensuru.2614
121030-000854 Account closed for payment fraud; awaiting review
ticket # 121030-000854
it has been 3 days now
i bought the game acct to a friend who told me that he bought GW2 Accounts in bulk that’s why hes selling them so cheap coz he receive discount from Anet. i really don’t know that time that hes lying and hes just using fake credit card to buy them
(edited by gensuru.2614)
Dear Gray Gaile
my case has been over 72 hours. so It becomes 4 days, after sending the ticket..
until now, there is no responses and feedback.
the status is just updated by me.
my ticket number : 121107-001485.
additionally, i really did not deal with the real-world money. I just bought the gem through Black lion gate in the game.
please, further investigation on my account… any logs..
I really want to play the game..!
Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Neandramathal.9536
The initial post in this thread says to post the ticket number if it has not been reviewed after 3 days, and one of your recent posts says to post after your update – so I hope I am posting at the right time (rather than wasting time).
Ticket # 121106-002884
Last contact was a little over 72 hours ago, to say that the ticket required review. As I have not heard anything new I assume this falls under the above description (“not been reviewed after 3 days”).
Thank you.
EDIT: Account has been sorted within an hour of posting this, thank you
Currently @ Piken Square
Small scale unimpressive videos of unimpressiveness:
(edited by Neandramathal.9536)
Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: buyvalve.9401
It’s been 2 weeks since the ticket was escalated to the “Payment Review Team” and I’ve had no response from them. Hoping to get this sorted out soon. Thanks.
Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: skywolf.6217
Gold selling / buying a block from I was released 4 days. However, this time, about five hours after the botting that got blocked. Is really unfair. I am already frustrated for five days. Please help me.
[Incident: 121106-002475]
Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: szegedee.5130
It’s been 2 weeks since the ticket was escalated to the “Payment Review Team” and I’ve had no response from them. Hoping to get this sorted out soon. Thanks.
Same here. 121027-001889
[Incident: 121110-002029] I am not a bot. I want my account back.
This third day?Really hard to wait
Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: calmbreak.8157
Dear Gaile.
Please check my ticket (#121109-002943).
I didn’t use any 3rd party programs or macros.
Please check! I have no time. My weekend is ending.
(edited by calmbreak.8157)
Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Yemblin.5476
This is the second time I have posted in this thread. I cannot see any update from Gaile, or in my email. I need to know what to do and why I have been suspended.
121101-000206 have not heard anything since Nov. 1st!
Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Hero Of Time.1053
It has been over 3 days and I still have not got any response of why my account has been suspended.
Thank you.
Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Nevern.1275
Blocked/Suspended Account 121104-000820 Updated 11/04/2012
Blocked/Suspended Account 121107-000088 Duplicate 11/06/2012
Please help me, i don’t understand for what i been suspended
Subject: Error Code 45:6:3:2114
No answer=(((( i am tired and upset but still want to play.
Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Drachdhar.7016
Incident 121107-002523 – Suspended Account
Still hasn’t heard anything back and it has been 3 days since I filed the ticket.
Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: zBluRrYz.1347
4 Days old now 121107-002692
B L U R R Y. Thiefy Thief Thief
Please, help. I’ve yet to hear any type of response aside from the automated one within the last 4 days. I know this is just a game, but I’ve invested so much time, effort and money on my account.
Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Igopewpew.8693
4’th day of my ticket now. And I’ve only had the game for about 7-8 days in total. Only been able to play about 6 hours so far and am really disappointed at the speed of the support so far. Hope it can be resolved soon. My ticket reference number is : 121108-002427
Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: ziofanoo.2917
almost 7 days
[Incident: 121105-002749]
no answers received yet
or any follow ups
(can not access support account, please reply by mail, bugged as well)
what’s wrong with you?
3 days pass still no reply. Incident: 121107-002275
I use Roccat Valo Keyboard but i didn’t use and bind key or macro. Please check log b4 ban ppl who use gaming keyboard.
(edited by tanya.8472)
Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Despair.7602
3 days without a reply to 121107-001744
Very strange reply to same question in forum: — answer ignores issues.
Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: buyurgan.6023
3 days without a reply to 121107-001744
Very strange reply to same question in forum: — answer ignores issues.
You can use a vpn with static IP I guess.
Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Hero Of Time.1053
I keep seeing people have more and more days of waiting then me, which is just over 3 days. It slightly worries me, I would love to have faith in ArenaNet, and just looking at my situation I still did, but then I see everyone else I haven’t received a single email, P.M, nor have my tickets been fixed or anything, and like I said its even worse for others.
What get’s really frustrating though is the fact that ArenaNet hasn’t or doesn’t make contact in the first place of why I was or other people get Suspended (in the first place)
Thank you, I really hope this gets resolved soon.
Blocked/Suspended Account
Account Suspended
Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Hero Of Time.1053
Update – Wednesday through Friday, 7 – 9 November (Part 1)
121106-002448 Resolved
121101-000034 Resolved
121027-000447 Resolved
121028-001758 Sent email to request senior agent review
121029-002397 Apologies for previous message. This account was closed for payment fraud and is awaiting reviewMore to come!
hopefully i will be on more to come!
Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: BearArms.1654
It hasn’t been 72 hours exactly, but by the time it is, I’d imagine the office would be closed for the weekend, so I’m jumping the gun a little.
121108-000346 is the ticket number. I was transferred to Payment Review team on Wednesday, but haven’t heard anything since. All information is in the ticket, but I am happy to provide more if it helps.
Now it has actually been 72 hours. I am posting this again as per previous instructions.
121108-000346 is the ticket number once again and I have provided ample information in the ticket. If there is any more information required from me, I will be happy to provide it. I just want this resolved as soon as possible. Happy weekend.