10/18: JQ/SoR/BG (Gold League Round 1)
Speaking of trolling.. welcome to the JP acheesements. That first jump is a doozy.
Haven’t done this since the start of the game.
JQ-80: Mes/Eng/Ele/Thief/Guard/Rang/Nec/War
great wee night last night in SoR BL looks like we’re not going to get much sleep this week
Executed [ExE] – Piken Square
Where do you guys get this from. Gaia is the decision maker on guild matters so she made the 10k. We made no profit. That isn’t how we roll. We never even asked for gold but 5k would have been nice I admit.
Who in the world is commanding jq on ebg? Like kitten are you doing man, make up your mind.
LOL that must have been Molasses Muscles. hahaha he’s…an ok guy. Bet he’s a new commander or something. I dunno…
I hear JQ paid 5k gold for him to transfer from SOR. Thanks JQ for taking our main EB pug commander off our hands
We heard you guys paid him 5K to come and troll us.
so a total of 10k gold he raked in. This guys is not amateur :o
This is great for laughs. But to the truth Fan had nothing to do with it. It was someone entirely different. He just liked us because we were nice. We definitely didn’t make a single gold profit. But it is fun to see the price keep going up and soon might be 20k. Now I have to go join the pugs again.
Who in the world is commanding jq on ebg? Like kitten are you doing man, make up your mind.
LOL that must have been Molasses Muscles. hahaha he’s…an ok guy. Bet he’s a new commander or something. I dunno…
I’m not sure what’s fannwong thinking about how guild Musa makes a difference… I don’t want to be rude to MM, but that guy isn’t very good for JQ ppt. He needs to seriously learn from one of the guilds.
Any link to the post by Fann? I seriously think JQ is getting a bad deal buying him.
Wrong and wrong. We are a ‘small’ guild for sure. And he knew we were a small guild. He knew all of us because we were small. If you want guild info ask Gaia she is our genius leader.
Who in the world is commanding jq on ebg? Like kitten are you doing man, make up your mind.
LOL that must have been Molasses Muscles. hahaha he’s…an ok guy. Bet he’s a new commander or something. I dunno…
I hear JQ paid 5k gold for him to transfer from SOR. Thanks JQ for taking our main EB pug commander off our hands
what? 5k? only? wait..per head or per guild?
His Guild MUSA was the one that was paid a ton of gold to transfer to Jq, the buyers thinking it was a large wvw guild, Ugly fied/Molasses Muscles didnt get squat
JQ just papered SoR’s Bay WP in JQ BL 30 min ago. Thank You BG for helping out. We shall be friends..for 1 tick :-p
Here is the footage before the new build where we had 10+ omega golems rushing it. http://www.twitch.tv/risenfall/c/3127736 (~8 min). You can see the /cheer spam from SoR when the new build counter ticking down..
I don’t have the video of us actually capping it after the new build because I messed up my twitch (still trying to figure this out).
Lvl80(Rank) – Eng(362) Necro(245) Mes(245) Thief(131) Guard(131) Ele(29)
And I would have had that tree to if he didn’t meddle. And I said near perfect. And now I am more powerful than ever.
Who in the world is commanding jq on ebg? Like kitten are you doing man, make up your mind.
LOL that must have been Molasses Muscles. hahaha he’s…an ok guy. Bet he’s a new commander or something. I dunno…
wow that guys is already in JQ? he was on BG a 2 months back, even pugs were confused when following him around.
i remember he said he was rank 2 in the world in map chat then has a perfect build he would not die in battle, after 5 mins he was killed by a random sor pug while he was killing Oakheart in eb.
Where do you guys get this from. Gaia is the decision maker on guild matters so she made the 10k. We made no profit. That isn’t how we roll. We never even asked for gold but 5k would have been nice I admit.
I don’t know about the source but…
Rules to follow after jumping ship
Rule #1 – Deny any rumour about being offered gold if it is false.
Rule #2 – Deny any rumour about being offered gold even if it is real.
Rule #3 – Always remember to mention self-funded.
Rule #4 – If Rule #3 is unlikely to work, drag the guild leader in.
JQ just papered SoR’s Bay WP in JQ BL 30 min ago. Thank You BG for helping out. We shall be friends..for 1 tick :-p
Here is the footage before the new build where we had 10+ omega golems rushing it. http://www.twitch.tv/risenfall/c/3127736 (~8 min). You can see the /cheer spam from SoR when the new build counter ticking down..
I don’t have the video of us actually capping it after the new build because I messed up my twitch (still trying to figure this out).
I hate my voice but it was a fun cap.
As the founding member of – I’m A Emo Bieber [COIN], I take offence to that remark Shifty.
And Im still looking on JQ bl many many hours later and waiting for [COIN] to “Wipe [IRON] off the map” that they claimed to be on their way to do. 3 guild groups, full map blob… and they still didnt do it. I really need to get rid of my 25 stacks of bloodlust but it just wasnt possible tonight
Mind you, whilst they were attempting to do this they lost 2 keeps and gained nothing with the move other then a couple of fun fights.
I was very impressed with their skills, wiping while outnumbering us and losing ppt in the process, some people ar just not general rank material. Still its not worth beating yourself up over it, its just a game after all.
Don’t wanna butt in but … A blob Eu guild that should be playing in Eu … , playing in Na where there are only a few eu to almost none Eu around …
Don’t u think u r in a wrong place bro ?
Just in case about hb or rk. They have only 10-20 and they don’t even play everyday.
Ok, re-read my post, look at the part where i say they was outnumbering us…………….. it was 3 organised BG guilds working together and they had greater numbers and we still won, so it wasnt just pugs before you come back with that argument.
Dont you think you need to learn to read bro ?
Hey jq do you think you can buy phantasmal for us, best commander
Hey jq do you think you can buy phantasmal for us, best commander
We should offer to help JQ win if they do so.
what happened to that guy commander from EU, that moved to BG, whats his name Captain Kid ink was it or something. we really need him now.
Elementalist S : DD
You gotta admit, at the end of the day this week has been pretty awesome so far…. all three servers are neck in neck for first place! IMO one of the more fun weeks in WvW in a long time, even with queue issues.
JQ really needs to push it, they’ve been behind by 10k for awhile. You got two more nights to do a serious push.
[Currently Inactive, Playing BF4]
Magic find works. http://sinasdf.imgur.com/
You gotta admit, at the end of the day this week has been pretty awesome so far…. all three servers are neck in neck for first place! IMO one of the more fun weeks in WvW in a long time, even with queue issues.
It’s a great match-up but horrible gameplay.
I must wonder where the score would be at if WvW had no skill lag.
Queue’s I can deal with, skill lag I absolutely loathe.
[Currently Inactive, Playing BF4]
Magic find works. http://sinasdf.imgur.com/
So they paid for a guild that built a line of balistas from umber to ogre…. They might have paid other guilds 5k but I assure you it wasn’t us. It wasn’t even 100 gold.
If you see some 2 ft asura walking around with pockets so full of gold they are dragging on the ground, that is me.
Where do you guys get this from. Gaia is the decision maker on guild matters so she made the 10k. We made no profit. That isn’t how we roll. We never even asked for gold but 5k would have been nice I admit.
I don’t know about the source but…
Rules to follow after jumping ship
Rule #1 – Deny any rumour about being offered gold if it is false.
Rule #2 – Deny any rumour about being offered gold even if it is real.
Rule #3 – Always remember to mention self-funded.
Rule #4 – If Rule #3 is unlikely to work, drag the guild leader in.
If you see some 2 ft asura walking around with pockets so full of gold they are dragging on the ground, that is me.
hehe, just like the end to Duck Tails: Treasure of the Lost Lamp.
To the [DARK] guardian in EB jsut a few mins ago, thx for the 1v1, shame you always had to run away to the guards whenever you had low hp, and nice to see you can gank 4v1. Keep improving, maybe in 7 weeks you can gank 7v1
EU PvDoor guild complaining about being outnumbered.
Hey jq do you think you can buy phantasmal for us, best commander
We should offer to help JQ win if they do so.
That guy is a legend has he got the ultmiate technician wvw title yet ?
I took a week and half break from the game due to burnout
Here is the usual Score update.
I would also like to comment on 2 things
1)Whats with the kitten lag
2) This que system is kitttening me kittened up
EU PvDoor guild complaining about being outnumbered.
So says the guy who has already been on SOR, JQ, and now BG all in the past 2 months as it’s obvious those who transfer this many times amongst the 3 in this short a span is looking for a server with the least amount of resistance and PvDoor capabilities.
IF BG don’t win leagues where will you transfer next? Tarnished Coast?
Can’t we all just get along. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MSrTnWDTdwI
EU PvDoor guild complaining about being outnumbered.
Where? Cant seem to find the post.
BG guarding on the wall for Sor’s push on bay in BGBL. They make a cute couple.
BG guarding on the wall for Sor’s push on bay in BGBL. They make a cute couple.
Seems common practice to get rid of a WPed keep. Every server does it.
It’s not 2v1, it’s 1v1v1, and if there’s ANY server in all of GW2 that doesn’t try to benefit from the movements of the other servers it is 1 too many. Should the 3rd party simply not make any movement while the other 2 servers are battling it out? Nonsense. Enough with the crying already, just appreciate the fact that all these massive battles result in A LOT of loot for all of us.
The people who complain about 2v1 only complains when it happens to them.
When they do it…
[Currently Inactive, Playing BF4]
Magic find works. http://sinasdf.imgur.com/
BG guarding on the wall for Sor’s push on bay in BGBL. They make a cute couple.
There was no 2-1 until we heard guardian D Fifth was logging off, we seen it as our chance.
You gotta admit, at the end of the day this week has been pretty awesome so far…. all three servers are neck in neck for first place! IMO one of the more fun weeks in WvW in a long time, even with queue issues.
It’s a great match-up but horrible gameplay.
I must wonder where the score would be at if WvW had no skill lag.
Queue’s I can deal with, skill lag I absolutely loathe.
I’d have to agree. I can’t say that I’ve logged out any night this week feeling like I had fun. Most of the encounters have been horrible skill-lag fests, and the frustration is compounded by the fact that I play a Necro. From what I hear in some time zones, the gameplay has devolved into stacking Staff Guardians spamming 1. Forget that. No stupid finisher, server pride or questionable bragging rights is with worth that.
[KnT] – Blackgate
(edited by Liquid.9672)
I saw SoR Sea ticking +270 most of the time today.
It seems Wahas attempt at demoralising our SEA earlier on in the year failed
I don’t know between Waha and Tarkus that is pretty scary. Plus NYS+SONG run more than ATM does on any given day lol.
Are you sure your counting right?
You might have a counting reputation as IRON..Lets do some quick fire maths:
SONG run 25 (portals)
NYS run ~30/35?ATM queue the map
Your move
D2 Pawn to D4
And my Keep Lord does some amazing flying hax to your pawn and takes it!
(If only that actually happened, Lords having a mind of their own instead of standing in a cold room waiting for a blob to walk over him)
I don’t know man I’ve seen those keep lords do some crazy things. We were doing a karma train last matchup and some kitten dropped a merchant next to a buffed champ. He killed half our zerg at once. I was dying of laughter on TS cause I was sitting back and watching lol.
^^ Tell me this was in Bay last Thursday. We (few TC) were in the water watching the merch / red arrows doing the same thing. We thought your commander called for a squishy check/stand on claimer … then we saw the merch and was like “wow, those guys must really need that inventory space”
and TY for the banner drops too (bg/jq – appreciate it)
Crazy lag as usual on EB during late SEA and early EU. Thanks for the fights BG/JQ aswell as the flipping back and forth of SM for the achievment hehehe
The rebirth begins
Crazy lag as usual on EB during late SEA and early EU. Thanks for the fights BG/JQ aswell as the flipping back and forth of SM for the achievment
I always knew that IRON guild was a PvE guild!
I saw SoR Sea ticking +270 most of the time today.
It seems Wahas attempt at demoralising our SEA earlier on in the year failed
I don’t know between Waha and Tarkus that is pretty scary. Plus NYS+SONG run more than ATM does on any given day lol.
Are you sure your counting right?
You might have a counting reputation as IRON..Lets do some quick fire maths:
SONG run 25 (portals)
NYS run ~30/35?ATM queue the map
Your move
D2 Pawn to D4
And my Keep Lord does some amazing flying hax to your pawn and takes it!
(If only that actually happened, Lords having a mind of their own instead of standing in a cold room waiting for a blob to walk over him)
I don’t know man I’ve seen those keep lords do some crazy things. We were doing a karma train last matchup and some kitten dropped a merchant next to a buffed champ. He killed half our zerg at once. I was dying of laughter on TS cause I was sitting back and watching lol.
^^ Tell me this was in Bay last Thursday. We (few TC) were in the water watching the merch / red arrows doing the same thing. We thought your commander called for a squishy check/stand on claimer … then we saw the merch and was like “wow, those guys must really need that inventory space”
and TY for the banner drops too (bg/jq – appreciate it)
We watched it flip and said f it. Let’s just wait it out. (We had karma’d around the map probably 15x by this point so we all sort of needed a merch. When the call was made someone was kitten enough to pull the out right next to the buffed lord.
Crazy lag as usual on EB during late SEA and early EU. Thanks for the fights BG/JQ aswell as the flipping back and forth of SM for the achievment
I always knew that IRON guild was a PvE guild!
i lead our mass pve farms, champ farms and Teq world events
we have people slacking on 8k achievment points that need to be higher!
The rebirth begins
Crazy lag as usual on EB during late SEA and early EU. Thanks for the fights BG/JQ aswell as the flipping back and forth of SM for the achievment
I always knew that IRON guild was a PvE guild!
i lead our mass pve farms, champ farms and Teq world events
we have people slacking on 8k achievment points that need to be higher!
I always thought that was a mandatory req for you guys 8k achievement points lvl 20+ and 20g to Shifty on invite
EU PvDoor guild complaining about being outnumbered.
They can’t help it if people hide in their keeps
~(-_-~) RALL (~`3`)~
Crazy lag as usual on EB during late SEA and early EU. Thanks for the fights BG/JQ aswell as the flipping back and forth of SM for the achievment
I always knew that IRON guild was a PvE guild!
i lead our mass pve farms, champ farms and Teq world events
we have people slacking on 8k achievment points that need to be higher!
I always thought that was a mandatory req for you guys 8k achievement points lvl 20+ and 20g to Shifty on invite
I just hit 3k AP. Gkick incoming…
Guild Master
JQ just papered SoR’s Bay WP in JQ BL 30 min ago. Thank You BG for helping out. We shall be friends..for 1 tick :-p
Here is the footage before the new build where we had 10+ omega golems rushing it. http://www.twitch.tv/risenfall/c/3127736 (~8 min). You can see the /cheer spam from SoR when the new build counter ticking down..
I don’t have the video of us actually capping it after the new build because I messed up my twitch (still trying to figure this out).
This was so much fun!
JQ-80: Mes/Eng/Ele/Thief/Guard/Rang/Nec/War
Seriously JQ.
Stop leaving Bay everytime u see us.
Coin/RK/HB/Pugs blob FTW
Warrior – Gunnar’s Hold
Will always love Elona!
EU PvDoor guild complaining about being outnumbered.
So says the guy who has already been on SOR, JQ, and now BG all in the past 2 months as it’s obvious those who transfer this many times amongst the 3 in this short a span is looking for a server with the least amount of resistance and PvDoor capabilities.
IF BG don’t win leagues where will you transfer next? Tarnished Coast?
I understand that this is just a snide remark because your mad at what I said, but Ill give you the answer to your question. I don’t intend on going anywhere. I have no problem with leaving my server. But the decision is one for my guild. They seem to be completely dedicated to BG so I highly doubt I will leave. However, I do want to go play in EU servers and play EU prime time at some stage as an experience to see how those servers operate, much like what I have done with NA servers. So at some stage I probably will leave, even if it is only temporary, but I wouldn’t leave over something as simple as the results from leagues.
I would actually be 100% for that if we could pull it off.
This is what I had from earlier in the page before I got demoralized by the fact that I messed up SoS’s matches and didn’t want to do those again…
JQ 3 1 1 1 2 2 1 = 27 SoR 2 1 2 1 1 1 3 = 27 BG 1 2 1 3 1 1 2 = 27
It requires BG to throw the 4th week match, which is impossible naturally, but could be done because its Maguuma (they will definitely push as hard as they can). We 3 would all get first. I really want SoS and Mags to tie for 3rd as well, but it’s such a pain to plan without too many thrown matches (shooting for none), and I don’t think its possible to get one of them to tie with TC.
TY for out of the box thinking! I posted on another thread that it would be easy for BG and SoR to manipulate a tie. I’m completely for a 3 way tie. Heck, I’d go with a 6 way tie if it’s statistically possible. Just to show what we can do as a community when we work together.
Seriously JQ.
Stop leaving Bay everytime u see us.
Coin/RK/HB/Pugs blob FTW
Just for the record, art you from Iron?
I would actually be 100% for that if we could pull it off.
This is what I had from earlier in the page before I got demoralized by the fact that I messed up SoS’s matches and didn’t want to do those again…
JQ 3 1 1 1 2 2 1 = 27 SoR 2 1 2 1 1 1 3 = 27 BG 1 2 1 3 1 1 2 = 27
It requires BG to throw the 4th week match, which is impossible naturally, but could be done because its Maguuma (they will definitely push as hard as they can). We 3 would all get first. I really want SoS and Mags to tie for 3rd as well, but it’s such a pain to plan without too many thrown matches (shooting for none), and I don’t think its possible to get one of them to tie with TC.
TY for out of the box thinking! I posted on another thread that it would be easy for BG and SoR to manipulate a tie. I’m completely for a 3 way tie. Heck, I’d go with a 6 way tie if it’s statistically possible. Just to show what we can do as a community when we work together.
Heh, watch Anet global ban us all for score manipulation. =P
I would actually be 100% for that if we could pull it off.
This is what I had from earlier in the page before I got demoralized by the fact that I messed up SoS’s matches and didn’t want to do those again…
JQ 3 1 1 1 2 2 1 = 27 SoR 2 1 2 1 1 1 3 = 27 BG 1 2 1 3 1 1 2 = 27
It requires BG to throw the 4th week match, which is impossible naturally, but could be done because its Maguuma (they will definitely push as hard as they can). We 3 would all get first. I really want SoS and Mags to tie for 3rd as well, but it’s such a pain to plan without too many thrown matches (shooting for none), and I don’t think its possible to get one of them to tie with TC.
TY for out of the box thinking! I posted on another thread that it would be easy for BG and SoR to manipulate a tie. I’m completely for a 3 way tie. Heck, I’d go with a 6 way tie if it’s statistically possible. Just to show what we can do as a community when we work together.
Well unless Anet decides to use start of server ranking as the tie breaker, then that would be terrible… for SoR and BG.
I would actually be 100% for that if we could pull it off.
This is what I had from earlier in the page before I got demoralized by the fact that I messed up SoS’s matches and didn’t want to do those again…
JQ 3 1 1 1 2 2 1 = 27 SoR 2 1 2 1 1 1 3 = 27 BG 1 2 1 3 1 1 2 = 27
It requires BG to throw the 4th week match, which is impossible naturally, but could be done because its Maguuma (they will definitely push as hard as they can). We 3 would all get first. I really want SoS and Mags to tie for 3rd as well, but it’s such a pain to plan without too many thrown matches (shooting for none), and I don’t think its possible to get one of them to tie with TC.
TY for out of the box thinking! I posted on another thread that it would be easy for BG and SoR to manipulate a tie. I’m completely for a 3 way tie. Heck, I’d go with a 6 way tie if it’s statistically possible. Just to show what we can do as a community when we work together.
Well unless Anet decides to use start of server ranking as the tie breaker, then that would be terrible… for SoR and BG.
Or total points over the season
With only 67 hrs, 45min (271 ticks) till match 1 ending, JQ is behind by 9279 points from first place.
In order for us to get to first, we have to maintain an average of 34 PPT more than both servers per tick.
We shall fight till the end, its still doable!
With only 67 hrs, 45min (271 ticks) till match 1 ending, JQ is behind by 9279 points from first place.
In order for us to get to first, we have to maintain an average of 34 PPT more than both servers per tick.
We shall fight till the end, its still doable!
Or just maintain 34 more stomps then them while remaining even xD