Showing Posts For AXEL.8362:
Still bugged……………………….
I bought HoT and I like the expansion but I cannot say Im glad with the amount of content. It really doesnt look like 60 dollars worth. As people said it expands some things but destroy others like dungeons. I think at 20 it would be a great deal.
Can we getta optional monthly sub, for increased drop rates and rewards? Like $15-20 a month? I know i’d pay for it, but we’d need a “better than prior to the xpac” system in place, to make it worth it.
Right now, the paywalls are insane. Many other F2P MMOs (lets stop kidding ourselves, this game IS F2P), are offering similar services, as to promote a stable, monthly income for itself, while rewarding customers with a better experience.
Since the content has extremely high replay value, i think this is a very solid next step for Arena Net? Can i get some support on this idea???
The game is B2P not F2P. You have to pay 60 bucks for HoT which is the only way to progress in the game. And it already has a cash store.
So no. No support.
If you dont have time to play “long grindy boring videogames” then maybe you shouldnt. I suggest you trying another genres that could accommodate easier to your time schedules. There are tons of videogame genres that dont require big time investments. Yet you go and choose a genre thats well known for being a time sink.
To play devil’s advocate, the MMO market has been pretty terrible the past 4 years, so it’s not that much of an honor. For years to come is also iffy at best, unless Anet actually figures out a long term plan they are doomed to only appease diehard GW fans. Pre-HoT and HoT has shown that Anet doesn’t seem to know where they want to take GW2.
Not only that but the word MMO itself this days has a bad connotation. Almost always used negatively or aggressively in debates. This has “MMO tier quest”, “MMO tier skills”, “MMO tier action”. Never used in a positive way.
Even some games go the extra mile to avoid being considered MMOs. Destiny is for all intents and purposes a MMO, yet you will never see anyone from their company calling it one. Because MMOs in popular culture are associated with “high quantity, low quality content”. And frankly I cannot blame the people who make that association.
MMOs are on their way out unless something really ground breaking comes in.
But it has 3 years.
Or maybe and just maybe, its lazy storytelling from below than average “video game” writers and you are reading too much into it.
But hey gotta justify those 50 bucks, right? It reminds me of the people waiting for the super secret epic ruse chapter 3 update for MGSV.
You will probably get some closure in future living world expansions. But dont expect too much. The game is not known for its great writing. Just have fun with the actual game, level up your masteries, explore the jungle (there is a ton of stuff to explore) and ignore the plot.
(edited by AXEL.8362)
It’s so incredibly obvious:
1.)The obvious, obvious intentional grind in everything (buying more time to rush that missed content)2.) Elite specs becoming the carrot at the end of the stick.
Obviously was not the original idea and ultimately blemished HoT release.3.)Partial parts of…Class Armor: epaulets of the Chronomancer…wheres the rest?
3b.) I am not buying the lack of armors introduced.4.)The further you go down heart of thorns the more it’s like you see where the work slowly started to wane. There are entire sections of maps; Strictly MobTown USA. For what?
5.)Verdant brink obviously being the most complete.
6.)480potatoes cut-scenes.
(I really did buy kitten.00 Mesmer.)
If it’s not “unfinished” then I feel comfortable Gw2 is about to get real paywall friendly over the next year. If ArenaNet just made sensible content at this point players would likely support it freely. Gw2 doesn’t really feel like an mmorpg anymore…it’s more like an arcade. I don’t mind buying gems what I mind is dodgy content. Ok You’ve got combat and voice-acting down. GREAT but there is still so much more to an mmo.
The reason my attitude seems hostile and dismissive?
I see the pay wall arising.
I see F.2.P on the way.
I see exploiting and grinding.
I see those bad times today.So don’t log in tonight
It’s bound to charge or grind
There’s a paywall on the rise.-Rasputina
Why would Rasputina sign a Creedence Clearwater Revival Cover? Did you at least know its a Creedence Clearwater Revival song, right?
kitten no one told me that MMO stands for Massive Multiplayer Online. This is crazy!!
Well, if you think the Batwing brew is expensive or prohibitive then you clearly didnt see the rest of the recipe. When you see the rest of the recipe you will find that buying a batwing brew for 300g is the least of your issues.
Batwing brew is almost like a legendary in terms of cost. Its clearly not meant for most of the population. And I dont want to sound mean, but its fine. Not everything should be for everyone.
(edited by AXEL.8362)
I cant login with any character. Im fine with one or two minor bugs, but not being able to play the game , this is just too much. Specially after paying 50 bucks for a meh expansion. Fix it.
So I guess its fair to expect this event to be another rehash right? I mean, since they are clearly ignoring people asking about it. I hope they put the expensive expansion money to good use and next halloween we can have new content because last year’s was sad.
We are happy to share a message of seasonally-appropriate cheer from Mad King Thorn and his minions: A Halloween festival will be taking place this autumn in Tyria!
We know that some of you may have pondered a bit about Halloween this year, wondering if we were brewing up anything in relation to a celebration. Fear not! Our haunty, headless hero and his band of creepy cohorts will be stopping by Lion’s Arch, to give plenty of chills and thrills (and potential rewards) to new players and old.
Now, you may have noticed that some Halloween-ish items already are appearing in the In-Game Store. You should know that more items that will be rolling out over the next few weeks, and they will include several popular items of the past and a couple of splendiferous somethings that are brand new this year!
Make no bones about it, this will be a festival sure to please. Keep your eye on our website for more information in a few weeks. Then, get ready to costume up and join in the spirit of the occasion!
Should we expect another rehash? Or will we get actual new content? As in new content…not slightly altered last year content.
Why when someone asks about Directx 10,11, 12, mantle, etc the common answer is “most people still use directx9” when that is a terrible lie?
Sure, there might be certain bias in the steam surveys, but kitten , directx9 users are less 1%. And steam users might not represent the gw2 userbase perfectly but… its 1%. 1%!. Its a wide known fact the grand part of GW2 users have access to dx10, 11 and now 12 why do we pretend most of the userbase still run the game with dx9?.
I hope with the money they get from the constant influx of gems and now the expansion they can bother updating the client to a modern api.
Could we just get an official answer regarding this topic? If we get an official answer like “there will never ever be a client version beyond directx9” then maybe people would stop asking for it.
Well half of your cores aren’t real cores in the first place.
I said cores not thread, the cores on an i7 are cores.
then, awaken your cpu core. unpark them.
Thanks man! that fix for only a handful of well known old cpus and legacy OS (because w8 unparks them by default) really helped me…not.
Why is everyone so defensive when you point up the game is optimized as crap? I have an i7 4790k, kitten (dunno why the system censors the acronym for solid state disks, it even hates good performance on forums) and a well maintained OS, it literally doesn’t get better than this. The game is really cpu bound yet the performance is horrible even having a good cpu.
I understand that making a new engine or giving directx12 support is expensive. But kitten they are charging 50 bucks for the expansion, they could as well include it.
(edited by AXEL.8362)
Yeah! Yet another DirectX 12/Mantle/Vulkan/the game needs “optimization” thread.
Well considering half of the cores on my i7 4790k are sleeping when I play the game, yes, the game needs “optimization”.
I feel it would be great if after paying 50 bucks for the update we could get directx 12 support on the game. I believe it would be a nice incentive.
I dont know how hard could it be but here I found this link about other MMO implementing directx12 and says the following
“It took two engineers just six weeks to port King of Wushu from DirectX 11 to DX12, and its performance improvements are stunning. "
They make it sound something really simple if 2 employees are enough to port another mmo in just six weeks. Now Im sure gw2 is more complex, but also has a way bigger staff and budget than this other mmo. Is there any real reason for anet to not give us directx12 support? Are you at least considering it?
This is the industry standard.
ArenaNet is going above and beyond by including the base game for free. Get over your entitlement and enjoy the game.
Great, but how do I actually acquire this base game for free? I already have the base game, if I buy the second one, do I get a second base game to gift? If not, then gtfo.
(edited by AXEL.8362)
HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: AXEL.8362
I already have the game. Do I get a second one? Can I purchase the expansion without having to buy the game that I already own again?
(edited by Moderator)
We are not even talking about a half dead game that runs on toasters. We are talking about a modern game, that sells well, has a respectable community size. and it also needs a beefy machine to run at acceptable fps.
The excuse of “we dont have money” or “we dont want to exclude people with bad rigs” doesnt cut it anymore. Specially when you need a very good cpu to run this game above 30 fps on zergs.
If they are asking 20, 30 bucks or whatever they will ask for HoT, the less they can do is to give proper directx11 or 12 support, 64 bits client and decent multithread optimization. I would even add mantle support, but I know thats dreaming.
The optimization and performance of the client is really low tier. It shouldn’t be accepted from a AAA game.
Not only do they get all the revenue from sales, they also get to create an expansion worth of cash shop goodies.
Double kerchin!
For them would make sense. For us little to none considering we are used to get monthly content for free. They could and should stick to get money from cash shop.
Now if we were talking about a huge, massive update, like 50% more of the current content… yeah, I see myself paying another 15 bucks.
- Copy/paste in chat
- Savage All option with right click. Im tired of clicking 500 items for monthly achievement.
- Custom UI. I would like to set a bigger map.
- Joystick support
abloobloo, play the game the way I want!
Because is not griefing maybe? If they want to farm aetherblade they have the right to do so. Not everyone wants to or will do what you want.
But the fact that there is a real world symbol IDENTICLE to a actual sacrificial idol people have killed other people over an alter for is just disturbing. People sacrifice new born babys in front of this rams head.
The cross smybol has been used to burn people alive and Im sure you dont complain about people wearing one in the street.
Regarding the new born babies, care to post any link or source to your claims? Because your bohemian groove is nothing but old people drinking too much and doing a bit of theater. If it was true they would be in prison by now…
Kids are smart, smarter than most of us adults these days. Ya the excuse its just a game cant excuse everything that the developers slap into the game. They could get away with anything they wanted if everyone just used the reference “Just a Game”
There needs to be a line drawn at some point and this needs corrected.The problem here is that YOU are finding something “offensive” doesn’t mean that:
1) is it Offensive
2) Anyone else finds it offensiveThe fact that YOU are the ONLY person to post this kind of shows that no one else thinking the same, hell i didnt even know what Bapohmet was, i was trying to remember which of the Zodiac signs was a goat.
How about they are not online? Most of my friends I have are on 2 AM – 8 AM EST. Its as simple as that but eventually they will log on and support this issue I brought to their attention.
Also dont forget to complain about every dragon in the game and of course the dragon inspired weapons because dragons are usually evil and associated with Satan in christian mythology.
Hell is just 1 giant party.
Wasnt that Heaven? Sorry if my lore knowledge is a bit rusty but if hell is just 1 giant party…whats the issue with mr. Baphomet? I mean everyone says “you are going to suffer in hell” “you are going to hell”…but now its a giant party? Works for me.
lol no. Clearly I will and still have an issue with the staff skin. It wont change ever nor will the meaning of my post change. If you cant “get it” then pls don’t respond.
But you will be missing the giant party. Dont you want to come to the giant party?
So your excuse to brush this off is if other people have done it, its ok? No its not ok since this is clearly a game for KIDS. Ya it may look appealing but the actual representation is evil. Its like the satanic doctrine everyone seems to believe. Hell is just 1 giant party.
So you think kids are going to see the staff and become devil worshipers or something? I would like to think that kids are smarter then that, knowing its a game set in a fictional world with gods i would think that it wouldnt turn them into satanists or anything
Kids are smart, smarter than most of us adults these days. Ya the excuse its just a game cant excuse everything that the developers slap into the game. They could get away with anything they wanted if everyone just used the reference “Just a Game”
There needs to be a line drawn at some point and this needs corrected.
I believe that you are kinda kitten ed because its against your particular religion but if we start cutting content we need to remove half of the game like medusas, harpies, minotaurs, eagles and any sort of tribal or pagan reference specially with Norms and Molten race.
Hell is just 1 giant party.
Wasnt that Heaven? Sorry if my lore knowledge is a bit rusty but if hell is just 1 giant party…whats the issue with mr. Baphomet? I mean everyone says “you are going to suffer in hell” “you are going to hell”…but now its a giant party? Works for me.
Ya your right, the staff is beautiful and Id love it if it didn’t perfectly depict a occult symbol used in sacrificial rituals.
Really? Sacrificial rituals? You watch too much tv. Even if it was used in “sacrificial rituals” that would make the staff even more cool lorewise. brb, getting one.
I would love to see joystick support. Xbox joystick, generic ones, DS3, whatever. I would be more comfortable playing the game lying on the bed, not going to lie.
I know K/M would be still the way to go and for pvp I would obviously choose the best option, but I would love to see a joystick option for those casual moments like going into the field pve maps or gathering resources.
Shouldnt be too hard to do, and I know there are third parties solutions like Xmapper (that works good enough), but it would be awesome for an official way to do it.
They could have updated before the event started.
This kind of insensitive crap is really turning me off lately. They also took 3 months to fix a stupid whisper of order coat color when it took only 1 day last time. Anet went from A+ to C in my book. And keeps dropping. They just dont care anymore.
Each time one of those ****** go near a point that interest me I have to struggle with the ****** mouse pointer to see whats below the blue arrow.
They are WVW commanders. Not pve commanders and I would apreciate if they turn off their ******** arrows because frankly its getting me mad the ammount of commanders.
Or at least Anet should give us an option to block off commander´s arrows on our maps.
Title is self explanatory.
There are some hideous red stripes on the coat.
Last time it was fixed in 1 day. Now we have 1 month waiting with this bug and no news, not even a single word from anet.
This is a pathetic service.
(edited by AXEL.8362)
ANET, WTF? I know its not a mayor bug but last time it was fixed in 2 days. How much was it now? 30 days and still counting?
Im from Argentina too. I cannot play the new content because of the lag. I used to play the game without issues since the beta.
Hey guys just an update:
Our Network Engineering Team has thoroughly investigated this issue and we have been unable to find anything that would indicate that this is an issue on our end. This does appear to be a widespread issue in the Latin American region which spans multiple countries and so I would recommend getting in contact with your ISP to see if there is anything on their end that can be done to alleviate some of this lag.
I’m sorry for any inconvenience and frustration this may have caused you all but unfortunately there isn’t anything that we can do in this particular case as it appears to be affecting multiple games and multiple ISP’s within this region.
Allow me to call bs on thakittens
impossible that we all have the same issue on different countries with different ISPs. For the record Im also playing several others mmo without a milisecond of delay. Including mmos with JP servers like Phantasy Online 2 and american ones like Tera.
This issue started 2 or 3 weeks ago around the implementation of Sky Pirates. I used to play flawlessly. Now after each skill I have to wait 2 seconds for them to activate.
My pc still runs the game at 60 fps maxed out so you can discard a spec issue.
Skritts. Or else.
Why did you add a red part to the Whisper coat that cannot be changed?
While precursors are frustrating, having them rewarded simply by completing the Personal Story is ludicrous.
There’s no challenge/skill involved in completing it, anyone who bothers to even try is guaranteed to complete it without much of a sweat. Personal Story is made to be enjoyable more so then to be challenging.
While the idea of completing a storyline rewarding a precursor is good, it would have to be a completely different and much more difficult storyline. One that would be optional to everything else so casual players aren’t railroaded.
There is also no challenge/skill on getting good luck at the forge or looting it from trash mob.
The challenge comes from the rest of the materials needed, not the precursors.
The solution is simple, make the precursors grindable. Luck=/=challenge or skill.
The people got the precursors in a fairly easy way during karka event and they are the same complaining about not making it easy now. Even if you give 1 precursor to every player, most of them wont ever get the rest of the materials. The prices of precursors are artificially high in TP.
That being said, finishing the story is kinda easy, so I would suggest a super hard quest to get a precursor of your choice.
Really? 10am all week long?
Maybe you dont realize that some of the playerbase, probably half of it or more, has a job. Why do you insist on making players to miss this events? Im sure I will be there on saturday and sunday, but its kitten to put the event during the week at 10am when most of the people are working.
Why dont you put different schedules for Europe and America? Why do you even make one time events?
inb4 one kid saying “you can watch it on youtube”. Youtube wont give me rewards. One thing is to watch a 30 seconds only time sequence in youtube, like madking and another is not being able to enjoy most the events.
ANET, when will you start aiming this events to the whole playerbase instead to some small portion of it, mostly kids without job?
Why cant this event last 1 day each?
(edited by Moderator)
100% would not be dissapointing at all, in fact would be the opposite, it means there is hope for the videogames industry. I would love to see 100% of the people finishing this puzzle actually.
They are the scapegoats.
The people that managed to finish it did it running around with the same norms and chars. The people that cant do it instead of blaming themselves blame the size of the races, that mattered little to nothing to the people that actually completed the puzzle.
@HiSaZuL.2843: Thats pretty much derailing it but yeah I kinda agree. People are used now to linear paths with big indications of where to go. They cant think outside the box, they dont like to master skills.
From Dishonered devs about clueless testers: “People would just walk around. They didn’t know what to do. They didn’t even go upstairs because a guard told them they couldn’t. They’d say ‘Okay, I can’t go upstairs.’ They wouldn’t do anything,”.
This jumping puzzle is just that. People that are trying the same and the same thing over and over and wonder why they fail. They have to start trying new things and new ways of shortcutting jumps so they can save valuable seconds of time. But thats too much to ask to the attention disorder generation.
Also, Id like to add that the jumping puzzle was the best part of the event. It only takes a few tries and it feels rewarding enough. You can do it in less than 20 minutes and feel satisfied. Not like the craft weapons that involve a ton of farming and gold.
If it was my decision, lucky for you it isnt, I would make the jumping puzzle longer and harder. scrubs.
“Another reason why making it this difficult was a bad choice. I have a few friends, who because it is timed and because of their disability they simply can NOT complete this.
Anyone who has poor reflexes, arthritis, joint pain, or any kind of injury with their hand might as well give up on this.”
I dont want to burst your bubble but thats what games are. They use to require rapid reflexes and coordination. If you know someone with a disability they might better want to A. Leave the game and focus on games that dont need reflexes, for example chess. B, do what they can in game and let the rest of the people enjoy the rest of the game.
Whats next? removing all the skills in spvp to make it disability friendly? Oh, lets remove boss fights too.
Requesting the video of the guy playing with the cheek and ear spvp.
This thread is more about “Im totally useless and cant complete a jumping puzzle that its fairly easy”, rather than “would someone think about the disabled children?” And yes, the jumping puzzle is easy. If you did other jumping puzzles in pve you know this is not hard.
Is there any need to make halloween weapons special rare and unique ones instead of something we all can enjoy? Isnt the point of legendaries to make the owners special snowflakes? I do beliebe that applying the same politic to seasonal events is kitten It should be fun for everyone not for just some people that can afford 200g in mats.
Whats the recipe for making pistol halloween skins? If the answer is no, why are you giving preference to certain weapons instead of making skins for all of them?
So to get the rare craft mats from halloween, that you need 100 for the skins, you need to hunt at least 500 different doors considering the spawn decreased, the loot rate is low and worse, the anti farming code kicks every 30 minutes. “no grinding”.
The content/events are there with no grind. The weapons can still be crafted after the Halloween event has ended as indicated by arena net. All of the BLC weapon skins can be traded as well. So you do not have to grind for the stuff per say. They basically gave us Halloween legendary weapons. Now if they were only craft-able during the event I could see the problem but since they can be made a year from now I don’t see a huge problem with it.
“No grind”. They use 250 orichalcum ingots, 100 rare halloween mats, 40 wines, lodestones, bloodshards,etc,etc.