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Why Ranked Games Should Allow 5 Players

in PvP

Posted by: Actiondan.8146


Duo Rank Q == Slot Machine Random Match making.

Team Q give you the chance to choose with who you play. Strong players will choose Strong Players. The bad one, will get stuck until they get better and proof their worth.

Community players will play with their guilds, with some bads some goods, they strive to make the community better.

Not to mention, with the suggestion of just separating them, these people have literally nothing to complain about. But can’t help themselves.

They can’t stop themselves from “I don’t like it, therefore you shouldn’t have it”.

Dragonbrand – NA
Thief | Warrior | Necromancer | Ranger | Guardian

Ranked should have solo-queue and team-queue

in PvP

Posted by: Actiondan.8146


Most people used to solo into Team Arena just fine…

To the people thinking AT is a suitable replacement for organized 5man play…At best you can play 1-2 a day or none. Every 8 hours doesn’t give much flexibility for people with tight schedules. And where are people meant to practice for this and build teams? Unranked while everyone else is pushing ranked??

It’s mindblowing how some people are trying to argue against having a team q because “just play in ATs”.
So they are saying that our only option to play with 4 other of our friends in a team based game is to play once or twice a day at most while being on a strict schedule? lol

Dragonbrand – NA
Thief | Warrior | Necromancer | Ranger | Guardian

Why Ranked Games Should Allow 5 Players

in PvP

Posted by: Actiondan.8146


I look at the following:

  • team que was voted out nearly 80% to 20%.
  • The amount of teams that enter ATs is very small. I haven’t seen any more than 32 teams.
  • Team arena in GW1 was dead from the start of the game.

PvP dev time would be better spent on things that benefit more people.

Since that vote was taken, there have been repeated forum and subreddit posts asking for team queue back.
Not to mention this was months and months and months ago and we have no way of knowing how that vote would go today.

*ATs are a neat idea, but hardly group queue ranked.
They are flawed at the start because they are on set times that players can’t decide so trying to round up an exact static group to be on for a specific hour is an extra barrier.

*Team arena in gw2 is highly played, in unranked even today.

*Speaking of gw1, you could team queue. For the entire life of the game.

*Lets not armchair dev estimate dev time for a feature that already exists, bud.

Again- this topic isn’t about ATs.
Dragonbrand – NA
Thief | Warrior | Necromancer | Ranger | Guardian

Ranked should have solo-queue and team-queue

in PvP

Posted by: Actiondan.8146


reason why there r no team que is because ur gonna get 5 top pro player queing up and farm the other team, just look at the past automated tournaments, ur telling me waiting 15 to 30 min for a team que and just to get farm is fun

First of all, you have no clue how long queue times would be. Unless you happen to be an anet dev?

Secondly, the match making system would prevent a legendary top team from fighting a bunch of people in copper league; that’s how the system is designed. You won’t have to worry about that the same way you don’t fight them now…

Thirdly, I will state again: If the queue times are longer I will happily wait.
It’s worth me and my guild to wait longer if it means we can play together. The system right now actively keeps friends from playing together..
Leaving it the way it is now will ruin what is left of this pvp community and prevent it from ever growing again.
Dragonbrand – NA
Thief | Warrior | Necromancer | Ranger | Guardian

Why Ranked Games Should Allow 5 Players

in PvP

Posted by: Actiondan.8146


Or we can keep everyone happy as possible and provide both options?
Have a real solo queue and a team queue for people joining in 2, 3, or 5 person teams.

Funny thing is, this existed about 6months after the game launched for a year or so (my timeline may be slightly off). Most players shifted from solo queue to group (1-5) queue, even solo players. The group queue dynamics implicitly forced teamwork and coordination to happen and were less toxic. Meanwhile, solo queue grew increasingly argumentative with a lot of “solo queue heroes” who would just try to kill other players instead of playing to win a match. So ANet just removed solo queue.

I don’t know why we need to repeat the same exercise. Just to back to a single 1-5 player queue with matchmaking weighed toward pairing teams.

I see what you are saying here, and remember those days myself.

The only issue though is I actively want to avoid removing a feature that some people may enjoy.

For some reason or another though, these forum heroes think that their opinion matters for a game mode they have already proclaimed they won’t take part in. Why they are still here dumbfounds me.

The resolution to the issue is providing a team queue in parallel with a solo queue.
Keeps people like us happy so we can play with our friends and have a blast fighting other teams.
And these soloq players can continue being alone.

There is only a net benefit here; outside of the fragile egos of a couple of the toxic forum users.
Dragonbrand – NA
Thief | Warrior | Necromancer | Ranger | Guardian

Why Ranked Games Should Allow 5 Players

in PvP

Posted by: Actiondan.8146


Who said anything about a fixed team?

ranked is for achieving a personal rank and the only way to calculate this(in the longterm) is solo random q, allowing players to form any form of team shadows they personal rank behind team rank, and skill of their friends.
if any sort of ranked is available for teams have to be for fixed teams to be ranked as a team( i sugest that will be a form of incription with 7-8 players for team that can be switched for tactic or pure time disposition of the players(if they want be only five and carry 3 trash tier friends is their option and their self limitation). variable teams cant not be ranked

only form to achieve and acurate calculation of personal rank is randomes, for removing bad match quality the solution is not team,: is perfectioning the mm algorism and the more important punishing trols afkrs and bad sportmanship

You’re incredibly mis-informed and speaking out of ignorance.

I’m willing to help though-
It’s standard in competitive gaming today to have a Glicko based ELO personal rating system within team based games.


Team based ladders /w personal ELO:
1. Wow 3v3 ladder-

2. Wow RBG ladder –

3. HOTS ladder TeamLeague –

4. LoL ladder –

5. CSGO –

Please do your research before commenting.
Dragonbrand – NA
Thief | Warrior | Necromancer | Ranger | Guardian

Why Ranked Games Should Allow 5 Players

in PvP

Posted by: Actiondan.8146


The best solution it to allow AT matches to count towards your rating and make ranked queue matches solo only. The other thing I would do is add a group play feature to the AT so it is like the world cup first round. You play all three other teams in your group. Top 2 advance.

I don’t disagree, but would you also be open to introducing an additional ranked queue for teams? 2-5 players.
This doesn’t change anything you just stated, but also adds the ability for groups of friends to play together with other groups of friends.

I’m personally willing to wait through longer queue times if it means I can play a multiplayer game with my friends.

I don’t really don’t see a population for a team only ladder. Casuals will just get a beat down and quit. Currently there is unranked for casual team PvP. There are the ATs for upper end 5 man.

Not relevant. Ranked, competitive pvp is not casual by nature. They have plenty of pvp content available to them via unranked, quick plays, private servers etc.
Ranked pvp is literally for people who take their pvp more seriously.

If they don’t want to queue for it then they don’t have to.

You can’t make this argument without information/data to back it up. Unless you happen to have dev access to Anet analytics, you can only speculate.

None of that matters though; it’s a system a huge amount of people ask for regularly in game and on these forums.
If you don’t want to take part in it, then don’t. But otherwise why are you wasting your time trying to control what other people want to enjoy?
Dragonbrand – NA
Thief | Warrior | Necromancer | Ranger | Guardian

Why Ranked Games Should Allow 5 Players

in PvP

Posted by: Actiondan.8146


Why are you so concerned with policing how I play or who I want to play with?
You need to get over it.

I don’t “police” anyone, please try with a little less drama and a bit more sensible discussion. I explained to you why you proposal did not work in this game in the past and therefore likely will not work in the future either. But you prefer to ignore facts and arguments…

Couldn’t be further from the truth.
You should understand- you didn’t explain anything.
You failed to read and comprehend my initial proposal. You repeatedly stated that you didn’t want to soloq against teams, when that has literally nothing to do with it.

We lost the ability for sensible discussion when you decided that you have something to prove by arguing with someone over the internet about a feature of the game you’ve stated yourself you wouldn’t use.
You make as much sense as me making an account to log into a game I don’t play forums to argue with them about new features.

Do you feel the need to go over to the pve forums and tell people asking for new fractals/dungeons “no”?

You have zero data or facts to even attempt to prove your weakly formed “argument” and are simply responding off-topic tantrums ad nauseam because you got continuously picked last in kickball.
Dragonbrand – NA
Thief | Warrior | Necromancer | Ranger | Guardian

Ranked should have solo-queue and team-queue

in PvP

Posted by: Actiondan.8146


We already have automated tournament.

Why is this still a topic?

Automated tournament != ranked queue.

Why should my only option to play with my friends in any form of competitive pvp be scheduled at specific times/days that none of the players can control?

Well, you should have known the answer right?

They would have implemented team queue if they have a reasonable amount of teams to make the queue work. AT is their compromised solution for team players given current player population.

With so few teams, their queue will be like either 30-60min queue time, or maybe you will just be kept match against the same team. This will make their game look bad.

As I stated earlier in this thread.
Why do you care about my queue times?
If you don’t want to do it then don’t?

I don’t care if I have a longer queue time, and only ANet would know the average anyway. Don’t waste our time speculating.

You know what makes the game look bad? The inability to queue as a team in a team based game.
As anecdotal as it is; I’ve already had friends quit because solo/duo queue for ranked isn’t enough.

Not to mention there are MANY other factors that played a role into the solo/duo/group queues.
Back when we originally had group queues, there was literally NO reward structure in spvp. There wasn’t purpose or anything to achieve or obtain.
That had a much larger effect on spvp population than anything.

I am just telling you the hard truth. No need to argue with me.

Sorry that your best bet is to quit the game with your friends. The situation of small player base is not likely to change.

The situation of a small player-base will only get worse with an attitude like yours.

You are not telling any truths, you have merely exaggerated and speculated queue times from a dataset you don’t have access to, or intimate knowledge of.

To re-iterate.. again.
My proposal of adding a group queue is separate from solo queue. You will still be able to continue your day/week/month/year all the same.

Why are you so concerned with telling me who I can play with?
Dragonbrand – NA
Thief | Warrior | Necromancer | Ranger | Guardian

Why Ranked Games Should Allow 5 Players

in PvP

Posted by: Actiondan.8146



Literally most games do it… WoW, LoL, dota2, overwatch, CSGO the list goes on.

What would my queue times as a group have anything to do with you? Why does it bother you so much to login and post? If you don’t want to group queue- don’t.

I (like most soloQ players, this has been discussed over and over) do not want to face preformed teams. I also do not want to compete on the same leaderboard with players that play under vastly different circumstances.

The other games you mention have not only seperate MMRs for solo and teamQ, but also a huge pool of players to draw from. I repeat, seperate Qs existed in this game and they failed due to lack of players interested in the TeamQ. Get over it.

I really really don’t want to come off like a jerk here.. But you clearly have not read anything I’ve said.

I don’t want to fight soloqueuers either.
Not only did I NEVER say that I did- but each post I made outlined specifics like having a separate ladder, and a separate queue.

Unless you have an opinion on group queuing— your solo queue opinion is completely irrelevant. My proposal doesn’t change or affect anything you do or want to do.

Why are you so concerned with policing how I play or who I want to play with?
You need to get over it.
Dragonbrand – NA
Thief | Warrior | Necromancer | Ranger | Guardian

Ranked should have solo-queue and team-queue

in PvP

Posted by: Actiondan.8146


We already have automated tournament.

Why is this still a topic?

Automated tournament != ranked queue.

Why should my only option to play with my friends in any form of competitive pvp be scheduled at specific times/days that none of the players can control?

Well, you should have known the answer right?

They would have implemented team queue if they have a reasonable amount of teams to make the queue work. AT is their compromised solution for team players given current player population.

With so few teams, their queue will be like either 30-60min queue time, or maybe you will just be kept match against the same team. This will make their game look bad.

As I stated earlier in this thread.
Why do you care about my queue times?
If you don’t want to do it then don’t?

I don’t care if I have a longer queue time, and only ANet would know the average anyway. Don’t waste our time speculating.

You know what makes the game look bad? The inability to queue as a team in a team based game.
As anecdotal as it is; I’ve already had friends quit because solo/duo queue for ranked isn’t enough.

Not to mention there are MANY other factors that played a role into the solo/duo/group queues.
Back when we originally had group queues, there was literally NO reward structure in spvp. There wasn’t purpose or anything to achieve or obtain.
That had a much larger effect on spvp population than anything.
Dragonbrand – NA
Thief | Warrior | Necromancer | Ranger | Guardian

(edited by Actiondan.8146)

Why Ranked Games Should Allow 5 Players

in PvP

Posted by: Actiondan.8146


I simply want to be given the opportunity to play the game with my friends, as a team, in a ranked ladder. The way the game was initially designed.

Why would you want to able to compete as a fixed team to climb in an individual(!) ranking system?

Common sense tells you that such a setup is illogical. It would be like ranking indidual football players judging by their teams’ performance in the primary league. It does not make any sense.

You compete as a team, you get ranked/placed as team (AT). You compete as individual in a team mode, you get ranked as individual. Radomness in teammates ensures that all other factors are cancelled out in the lonk run.

Also, read what others have said about your suggestion with a seperate team queue. We have been there, it was hugely unpopular. Anet has stated multiple times that the vast majority of PvPers plays solo. That may not be your preference, but you damand to cater to a small minority.

Who said anything about a fixed team?
Maybe you’re unfamiliar with the standard.. but it’s incredibly popular and industry standard to have personal MMR and still have the ability to group queue.

Literally most games do it… WoW, LoL, dota2, overwatch, CSGO the list goes on.

What would my queue times as a group have anything to do with you? Why does it bother you so much to login and post? If you don’t want to group queue- don’t.

By your logic, we shouldn’t even have the ability to duo queue for an “individual system”. That’s clearly not correct.
Dragonbrand – NA
Thief | Warrior | Necromancer | Ranger | Guardian

Ranked should have solo-queue and team-queue

in PvP

Posted by: Actiondan.8146


We already have automated tournament.

Why is this still a topic?

Automated tournament != ranked queue.

Why should my only option to play with my friends in any form of competitive pvp be scheduled at specific times/days that none of the players can control?
Dragonbrand – NA
Thief | Warrior | Necromancer | Ranger | Guardian

Match quality

in PvP

Posted by: Actiondan.8146


A proper team-queue would fix most of these issues.

We should have a team queue ranking separate from solo-queue.
I realllly want to play with my friends, Anet
Dragonbrand – NA
Thief | Warrior | Necromancer | Ranger | Guardian

Ranked should have solo-queue and team-queue

in PvP

Posted by: Actiondan.8146


Except that this game really isn’t team based for one thing.

Social? Having required teams introduces the schoolyard politics of getting into a team. It excludes more players than it includes and is therefore a net negative for the game.

The team based players need to develop skills to deal with a dynamic situation and the lack of friends carrying.

How is a 5v5 not team based?

How is playing a game with other people not a social interaction?

How does having a team queue and a solo queue exclude anyone?

In no way, shape, or form does having a random group of 5 players slapped together and 1 min to look over builds and “deal with a dynamic situation” more fun than having a team that you practice with and learn to play well with.

Except that that team “you practice with and play well with” is primarily set against solo players. That is not competition, it is exploitation. It is not fun for either side and certainly does not promote improving skills. If anything, it promotes complacency and a loss of skill.

You are more or less asking for a organized sports team to go down to the sandlot and trample whoever happens to be there.

“Us against them” is not social interaction. It is exclusion.

5v5 does have teams, yes. It is a fallacy to extend that to organized and premade teams.

The simple reality is that there are not enough people to support a team queue and a solo queue, which is why ANET merged them to begin with. Ergo, to have a team only queue, you’d have to close solo queue.

You’re actively avoiding reading the simple sentence:
“We want to add team queue”

We’re not asking to mix solo queues and team queues…………………………………………..

You personally will not even be affected by this at all.

If today you enjoy solo queuing for spvp, and we get a team queue tomorrow. Nothing about your experience with the game will change.
Dragonbrand – NA
Thief | Warrior | Necromancer | Ranger | Guardian

Why Ranked Games Should Allow 5 Players

in PvP

Posted by: Actiondan.8146


Or we make it a real competition and go solo queue only. Concrap circle dancing with 5 man ques ruin fun for solo queue or people queing just 2 peeps.

Voice chat players will beat non voice chat Everytime even if they are carrying a Amber player to play.

Or we can keep everyone happy as possible and provide both options?
Have a real solo queue and a team queue for people joining in 2, 3, or 5 person teams.

Sure people on comms will be more coordinated, how is that a bad thing for team based anything?

Hell, even now I regularly invite players I don’t know, but meet in pvp into my guild’s discord server so we can have fun and play together.
Dragonbrand – NA
Thief | Warrior | Necromancer | Ranger | Guardian

Why Ranked Games Should Allow 5 Players

in PvP

Posted by: Actiondan.8146


The team queue was merged into solo queue. Prior to that it was separated. I believe the main reason for doing this was that team queue had very long waits. This illustrates that team queue was not well attended.

Unfortunately, when the merge happened match quality suffered. Running on a team has a considerable advantage over PuG ing. Since that time, teams have been matched against solos and the current low population is a direct result of that.

There’s nothing inherently “team based” about PvP. That’s a myth. Team playing is a technique for gaining an advantage over solo players.

To support a team queue with the current population, you’d have to go compulsory teams like the current Automated Tournaments.

As we are seeing in the AT’s, teams are inherently exclusionary. They introduce the schoolyard politics of who gets picked for the team.

Point made; allow me to respond and please keep an open mind.

As a player who enjoys playing with a team, I don’t mind waiting for longer queue times.
Not to mention if you prefer solo queuing, you will never be affected by this anyway, so it’s not really fair to fight my opinion.

Secondly; there is absolutely team based pvp- simply calling it a “myth” or attempting to argue it’s “only to exploit solo players” is exaggerated and false.
To prove this, I would like to invite you into my guild/teams discord server and play with us for a little bit some night in the near future. Who knows, maybe you’ll make some friends and see that there is a quality team element to the game. Possibly a side of the game you haven’t experienced yet.

As far as your dislike of “schoolyard politics” for ATs- there’s nothing anyone can do about that.
I would love to play in the NHL and join the Penguins, but I don’t claim that Pittsburgh is exclusionary.
No one should police a group of friends and dictate who we can cannot play with.

As emphasis, I don’t want to remove your ability to enjoy this game as a solo-queue player in spvp.
I simply want to add the ability for my team and myself to enjoy the game as well.
Dragonbrand – NA
Thief | Warrior | Necromancer | Ranger | Guardian

Ranked should have solo-queue and team-queue

in PvP

Posted by: Actiondan.8146


I think it’s also important to note that in an mmo, and team based game especially; we should be providing tools for people to make friends and play together..

My friend list was booming with life when we were able to queue as five, and we had an absolute blast. Everyone I know played more when we could enjoy the game together.

Now though? We had to tell a friend last night that we couldn’t play with them because ranked 5v5 only allows solo or duo only…..
He ended up logging off instead of playing..

Why would a team based game have a system in place that actively forces players to not play together?

Except that this game really isn’t team based for one thing.

Social? Having required teams introduces the schoolyard politics of getting into a team. It excludes more players than it includes and is therefore a net negative for the game.

The team based players need to develop skills to deal with a dynamic situation and the lack of friends carrying.

This game is absolutely team based. It’s 5v5 rated pvp….
It’s as much team based as any wow arena, and league/dota/hots moba, or csgo match.

Social? Schoolyard politics? Stop trying to police other people.
Who other people decide to play with is literally no one else’s business. I don’t tell you who you can and cannot play with.

I still have the ability to actively avoid toxic players, that’s still exclusionary.. Also no relevancy of my inability to play with more people/friends.

A large portion of the playerbase don’t have a “lack of friends”. That’s the problem, we have friends and we want to play with them.
Dragonbrand – NA
Thief | Warrior | Necromancer | Ranger | Guardian

Why Ranked Games Should Allow 5 Players

in PvP

Posted by: Actiondan.8146


Team queue is elitist. It has been for the lifetime of “competitive seasons” primarily a tool for exploiting solos.

Those of us who have been here long enough to remember a true solo queue and a true team queue will likely recall two things;

Team queue was grossly unpopular, which is why it was merged into solo queue to begin with.

Match quality deteriorated a great deal when team was merged with solo and it has never recovered.

Team queue should go away in ranked PvP it does far more harm than good.

If I may be blunt.
Why are you interested in playing a multiplayer, team based, competitive bracket if you don’t like either of those things?

I don’t intend to sound rude, elitist, or exclusionary; But I honestly am having a difficult time seeing your point.

It’s also important to note I am not suggesting we remove your ability to solo-queue; I simply want to be given the opportunity to play the game with my friends, as a team, in a ranked ladder. The way the game was initially designed.
Dragonbrand – NA
Thief | Warrior | Necromancer | Ranger | Guardian

Ranked should have solo-queue and team-queue

in PvP

Posted by: Actiondan.8146


Totally agree with op!!! solo for the players that dont have time to make teams up, and team cue should consist of 2 man, 3 man & 5 man options only. NO 4 man teams if u can spend the time to get 4 people 1 extra person should not be hard to get to make 5 man teams. That covers all aspects of Solo & Team based options.

Great point, I’ll fix the original post to specific 2, 3, 5 to be more precise.
That’s what I get for making a forum post after lunch with no caffeine :P
Dragonbrand – NA
Thief | Warrior | Necromancer | Ranger | Guardian

Why Ranked Games Should Allow 5 Players

in PvP

Posted by: Actiondan.8146



if you think that you can accurately determine personal skill w solo queue, you can’t. definitely not in the current gw2 ranked queue. there is too much exploiting & afking for that. low pop doesn’t help either. furthermore w each player only being 1/5 of the team, & low pop causing a wide skill disparity, the accuracy only gets worse.

i can win a game because Chaith carried me. no reflection on my gunflame spam at all.
Chaith can lose his next game due to a salty necro who afks after he dies in the opening midfight.
that salty necro can win his next game because a player on his side payed 50g for a member of the opposing team to throw.

see. look at these examples. what do these have to do w personal skill at all? like honestly, it’s hardly even a factor in these games.

a team of 5 fixes: afks, shoddy team composition, frustrating skill disparities, & discourages match manipulation. it also improves rotational skill, teamwork, & fosters positive social bonds.

sure, you can still get ‘carried by your team’ but that happens in solo queue too.

like humour me.
say i grab a pal of mine, Steve. he’s a really meh player. he likes bunker druid & fluctuates between silver & gold. not a great.
now say he gets teamed up w Chaith. Chaith is a great player, & if you’ve seen his streams you know he can carry hard. lets say he does. he wins 1v2s, rotates like a god, & shoves his function gyro so hard down the enemies throat it comes out the other side.
they win the game.

awesome. you still with me? this is when it gets interesting.
see, we can all agree that this win is a reflection of Chaith’s skill, he carried he deserves it. but what about Steve, he didn’t carry, so does he deserve the win? is this a reflection of his skill?

you, pro solo queue players, please answer?


to rebut preemptively:
i am aware that there is another argument. that in solo queue Steve can’t make sure he’s with Chaith, he can’t ensure a carry. but in team queue he would be able to always play w Chaith. ergo solo queue is better.

to reply:
we must take into account a few things. firstly bad matchmaking & afks. these both cause you to ‘unjustly’ lose rating. & going off the rebuttal, if you are carried then you don’t deserve the win, & it’s an unjust inflation.
take into account skill disparity, which means a lot of players will carry or be the weak link that throws the game. consider also how common afk players are.
this means, being carried, weak links, & afk players make up a sizeable amount of a lot of players games. so by our previous logic a large portion of solo queue games don’t actually reflect personal skill, more your luck of the draw w teams.

so with a lot of games invalid for the purpose of determining skill solo queue isn’t looking too great.

two points in favour of team queue as far as skill representation goes:
lets suppose Chaith & Steve are on a team. one could say Chaith is carrying Steve, just as one could say Chaith is playing with a handicap. there are good arguments for both. but i would ask, seeing as carrying weak links happen in solo queue too, are these actually negative points for team queue, or are they just features of a 5v5 team game? i would think the latter.
now, the second & important point. Steve is going to get better. he is going to improve. why? well, because he’s playing a helpful high skill player, Chaith. they will talk in discord. in there they will discuss builds, plan rotations, & co-ordinate spikes & resses. Steve is going to learn a lot. he is going to improve at a much faster rate than he would in solo queue. soon Steve will be weaving around on his s/d bunker looking all frosty. he’s gonna become less of a liability to the team. Chaith will have to carry him less & less.

so, you can see due to the faster pace of improvement in a team queue. the issue of carrying, & weak links is less pronounced. it actually creates a more skilled community & all but eliminates afk. seems ah, pretty a ok to me.

i feel the community just needs to be a little less lazy for 5v5 queue to work. only time can tell if that can be done. but to all those crying about their teams, dude team queue fixes that. don’t be such a child. take control.


if anyone answers me rebutting with a post about mixed queues you are a moron & i will bite your head off. i haven’t mentioned them once in my arguments. don’t pull that kitten.

Took me a second to get through this novel :P

All in all I agree with your main points though.
Giving us back a true team queue resolves issues with players blaming matchmaking, players blaming carries etc.
It will provide the players with the ability to choose their teammates, play with friends, and foster new relationships.

If there is still a demand for a solo queue outside of quick matches, and unranked, then I think it’s fine to provide a separate ranked ladder for solo queue only, as long as we also get a team-queue option.
Dragonbrand – NA
Thief | Warrior | Necromancer | Ranger | Guardian

Why Ranked Games Should Allow 5 Players

in PvP

Posted by: Actiondan.8146


The best solution it to allow AT matches to count towards your rating and make ranked queue matches solo only. The other thing I would do is add a group play feature to the AT so it is like the world cup first round. You play all three other teams in your group. Top 2 advance.

I don’t disagree, but would you also be open to introducing an additional ranked queue for teams? 2-5 players.
This doesn’t change anything you just stated, but also adds the ability for groups of friends to play together with other groups of friends.

I’m personally willing to wait through longer queue times if it means I can play a multiplayer game with my friends.
Dragonbrand – NA
Thief | Warrior | Necromancer | Ranger | Guardian

Ranked should have solo-queue and team-queue

in PvP

Posted by: Actiondan.8146


I think it’s also important to note that in an mmo, and team based game especially; we should be providing tools for people to make friends and play together..

My friend list was booming with life when we were able to queue as five, and we had an absolute blast. Everyone I know played more when we could enjoy the game together.

Now though? We had to tell a friend last night that we couldn’t play with them because ranked 5v5 only allows solo or duo only…..
He ended up logging off instead of playing..

Why would a team based game have a system in place that actively forces players to not play together?
Dragonbrand – NA
Thief | Warrior | Necromancer | Ranger | Guardian

Ranked should have solo-queue and team-queue

in PvP

Posted by: Actiondan.8146


We had that situation long ago and it was good. ANET decided to remove solo queue. I believe this was because team queue was very long.

ANET’s solution was to set the solos against the teams. I for one, think that was a bad choice.

I agree I think it was a bad choice to remove options.
I remember those days, and there were more issues related to pvp that were causing high queue times.

Insufficient reward structure, limited ranked rewards, limited in-game marketing towards spvp; all of these things caused high queue times on both brackets.
Dragonbrand – NA
Thief | Warrior | Necromancer | Ranger | Guardian

Ranked should have solo-queue and team-queue

in PvP

Posted by: Actiondan.8146


I understand the reasoning why people want to be able to solo-queue.
I also understand that people who solo-queue against a 5 man team is not the most fun thing around.

Why must we pick between the two?
We should have solo-queue tanked and team queue ranked. Different leader-boards and all.

Let me and the other teams worry about increased queue times for team-ranked games. I don’t mind waiting 5-10 minutes for a game I love.
Hell, I’d participate in both!

If players are worried about incentives, give team queues a very small boost to rewards to create incentive to spend the extra time putting a team together. Nothing huge, even if it’s a small % increase in rank points for teams, or a few % increase in reward track exp, anything.
Dragonbrand – NA
Thief | Warrior | Necromancer | Ranger | Guardian

Why Ranked Games Should Allow 5 Players

in PvP

Posted by: Actiondan.8146


As has been stated numerous times, the people who desire 5 man are an extremely vocal minority. 5 man would benefit a microscopic group of players at the expense of legit everyone else.

The only way 5 man can ever be OK is if it was 100% impossible to be matched against anything other than other 5 mans. The moment 5 man is allowed to go up against solo queue is the moment matchmaking becomes completely broken.

LOL, No.

The people who want solo queue are a bunch of whiners who blame everyone and everything but themselves for losses.

By removing team queue, ranked has turned into a cesspool. Players have “solo queue mentality” where they run around trying to kill other players on their own and ignore teamwork and coordination and almost always try for a triple cap. And when they lose, one of those players yells at his/her teammates and blames them for the loss.

The “teams have an overwhelming advantage” line is just another fictitious excuse by the “blame everyone but myself” crowd. Unless you’re at the very top, most teams can’t coordinate past picking a decent roster of builds. And your split queue team has 1.5 minutes to communicate and swap team comp, making you on par with that team queue.

The reality is that we saw multiple seasons of 5 “man” groups farming solo’s. It finally got so extreme that ANET tried to compromise by making it duo queue.

What you’re saying is inaccurate based on what we’ve actually seen season after season, in-game.

Forced full teams also have the issue of being elitist. Right now, today, it’s very difficult to get into an AT match unless you are considered “good.” So the AT’s have become another elite inaccessible thing, not unlike raids.

What we need is SOLO queue where people are “judged” based on there personal skill and not that of there friends and enablers.

There are a number of issues with this line of thinking.

Stop trying to force a culture you want. People are competitive in nature. If you actively decide to do ranked pvp, you are putting yourself in a position where people will be competitive, elitest and try-hards. It’s not fair for you to dictate.

If you want solo queue, that’s fine. I’m happy to sign up where-ever I can to voice my opinion that you should have solo queue; although you shouldn’t have solo-queue at the loss of team queue.

Spvp in essence is a 5v5, team based gametype. By design and definition we should be able to queue with a full team of 5.
If that means 2 separate queues then so be it. We should not be forced to pick one or the other.

Additional issues with current system-
Right now, we only have the ability to queue with one other person. This still doesn’t resolve the fundamental problem people were having to begin the conversation in the first place.

People wanted to participate in ranked, but they didn’t want to meet up with 1-4 other people and practice together. And they felt as a severe disadvantage when they would queue solo and fight a team of 5.

Well.. we didn’t even get a resolution to that issue.
If I queue solo and get a team of pure solo queues, against 2 groups of 2, chances are we’re going to get CRUSHED.

We should have solo only, and team only. (team being defined as 2-5).

Ranked pvp will never be truly competitive otherwise.
Dragonbrand – NA
Thief | Warrior | Necromancer | Ranger | Guardian

Why Ranked Games Should Allow 5 Players

in PvP

Posted by: Actiondan.8146


I completely agree.
It’s a team based 5v5 game… Not having the ability to play with a team in ranked is crazy to even think about.

If people also want to soloqueue without fighting teams, then add an additional queue for solo, and one for 2-5.

Automated tournaments are nice, and the only reason I’m back to the game since they removed team queue; but they are not enough imo.

Please bring back team queues.
Dragonbrand – NA
Thief | Warrior | Necromancer | Ranger | Guardian

Any use of Blindness in PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: Actiondan.8146


Blind is incredibly strong in the hands of an experienced pvper.
Buffing it will cause some severe balance issues.

Just keep at it and practice, you’ll find its uses soon enough.
Dragonbrand – NA
Thief | Warrior | Necromancer | Ranger | Guardian

DPS meter really?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Actiondan.8146


It seems Anet has make their stance for the issue of dps meter.

Use it at your own risk, and there’s no-one to blame if you get banned.

You’re intentionally spreading false information, or you’re speaking out of place with misinformation.

He was banned after being repeatedly asked by ANet to remove the “non-compliant” version of the app. He refused.
They then said they would even help him get the app into complete compliance, he refused.
They said they would take action- he didn’t remove the non-tos feature (gear checking, inspecting etc) so they banned him.

DPS meters are fine and will NOT get you in trouble. Ignoring ANet when they reach out to you is what will get you in trouble.
Dragonbrand – NA
Thief | Warrior | Necromancer | Ranger | Guardian

I'll be quitting to find a team game

in PvP

Posted by: Actiondan.8146


WvW is more team than anything tbh

You’re right and that makes me sad…

Nothing against wvw, it’s awesome.
But I can’t figure out why ANet is forcing this solo/duo queue only bs in ranked spvp… it’s a 5v5 team based game…

I’ve never played an mmo where I was actively forced to NOT play with my friends… lol

The playerbase was asked to vote on this.
A-Net isn’t forcing you, the playerbase is so if you want to blame someone either blame your fellow players for having voted solo/duo or blame yourself if you didn’t vote in the poll.

The player-base is by large, not game developers nor designers.
The player-base has no knowledge or experience in making these types of decisions.

It was a complete lapse in judgement on ANets part in allowing a poll when one of the results removed team functionality from a team-based game.

On it’s own, the poll was fine.
Having solo/duo queue is fine.

Removing team queue functionality was wrong.
Dragonbrand – NA
Thief | Warrior | Necromancer | Ranger | Guardian

I'll be quitting to find a team game

in PvP

Posted by: Actiondan.8146


wvw is blobing for the most part. it’s dumb that teams can’t queue together.
especially if anet is trying to make its pvp look like an esport.

Also very true…

Could you imagine ranked arena in wow being unable to queue with your friends/3s team?

Could you imagine Overwatch/CSGO in ranked and only being about to play with ONE friend and the rest are pugs?

Can you imagine pushing higher tiers in LoL, Dota or HOTS and being forced to play solo or with 1 person?

It’s absolutely absurd.

Those comparisons are kinda bad. We don’t have 3v3 in GW2 and a single player can’t carry like in a MOBA or CSGO.

I wanted the old [SoloQ/Duo pvp] [team pvp] system back but I agree with everyone else in that 5man players were tired of waiting 15m+ for matches. Could really use in-game tournaments though… or any tournament in general (do we still have tournaments?)

I don’t agree with you here.
I find them to be quite accurate comparisons.
We’re comparing game type and structure, not number of players…

Could you imagine old wow 5v5 with 3-4 pugs?
Alternatively, what if you could only queue for 3s in wow solo?

The point isn’t the number of players; the point is that it’s a competitive, team based game type that actively removes the ability to play as a team.

We can theorycraft for days on what spvp needs, whether that be rewards, progression or gametypes, tournaments, etc. But its silly to remove the “team” aspect from it.

Reiterating here that I have ZERO issues with solo/duo queue.
I take issue with the inability to queue as a team; and having no options to do so in ranked.

The inability to queue as a team will do more damage than the minor amount of convenience it adds.

Actually there was a private WoW server where most of the pro players went when cata and MoP came out. There was a 3vs3 soloq there which was really enjoyable for most people since its hard to establish a stable team. It was so comparable to the current GW2 matchmaking: good are on the top while the bad ones are crying how bad of a teammates they always get, not being able to climb.

Anecdotal/hyperbolic arguments about a un-official, illegal, private server don’t contribute to the conversation.
Dragonbrand – NA
Thief | Warrior | Necromancer | Ranger | Guardian

I'll be quitting to find a team game

in PvP

Posted by: Actiondan.8146


well you can play unranked with your buddies or you are just mad you cant farm free ranks anymore from stomping disorganized pugs?

There’s no place for “disorganized pugs” in structured, ranked, team pvp.
They should be given the options to join and play solo, or with a group of up to 5 players just like anyone else.
However, they need to understand that it’s a team based game and need to play as such.

There is unranked, quickplay, and even ranked as an alternative for these players.

There’s three huge problems with the current system:
a) players are forced to choose a single friend in ranked 5v5 pvp
b) players lose the ability to play as a team in structured team pvp
c) players lose the ability to decide who they want to play with when taking part in the most competitive game-type gw2 offers

Directly answering your question:
No. I have no fun getting free marks from stomping disorganized pugs. But there is nothing stopping them from making friends, building a team, or joining a team.

The fact is; it’s ranked, structured, team based pvp.
Not to mention there is plenty of times where even full 5man teams lost to pugs or partial teams.

The difference in situations is we lost the ability to play with our teams, and have been given no other option.
Dragonbrand – NA
Thief | Warrior | Necromancer | Ranger | Guardian

(edited by Actiondan.8146)

I'll be quitting to find a team game

in PvP

Posted by: Actiondan.8146


wvw is blobing for the most part. it’s dumb that teams can’t queue together.
especially if anet is trying to make its pvp look like an esport.

Also very true…

Could you imagine ranked arena in wow being unable to queue with your friends/3s team?

Could you imagine Overwatch/CSGO in ranked and only being about to play with ONE friend and the rest are pugs?

Can you imagine pushing higher tiers in LoL, Dota or HOTS and being forced to play solo or with 1 person?

It’s absolutely absurd.

Those comparisons are kinda bad. We don’t have 3v3 in GW2 and a single player can’t carry like in a MOBA or CSGO.

I wanted the old [SoloQ/Duo pvp] [team pvp] system back but I agree with everyone else in that 5man players were tired of waiting 15m+ for matches. Could really use in-game tournaments though… or any tournament in general (do we still have tournaments?)

I don’t agree with you here.
I find them to be quite accurate comparisons.
We’re comparing game type and structure, not number of players…

Could you imagine old wow 5v5 with 3-4 pugs?
Alternatively, what if you could only queue for 3s in wow solo?

The point isn’t the number of players; the point is that it’s a competitive, team based game type that actively removes the ability to play as a team.

We can theorycraft for days on what spvp needs, whether that be rewards, progression or gametypes, tournaments, etc. But its silly to remove the “team” aspect from it.

Reiterating here that I have ZERO issues with solo/duo queue.
I take issue with the inability to queue as a team; and having no options to do so in ranked.

The inability to queue as a team will do more damage than the minor amount of convenience it adds.
Dragonbrand – NA
Thief | Warrior | Necromancer | Ranger | Guardian

(edited by Actiondan.8146)

I'll be quitting to find a team game

in PvP

Posted by: Actiondan.8146


wvw is blobing for the most part. it’s dumb that teams can’t queue together.
especially if anet is trying to make its pvp look like an esport.

Also very true…

Could you imagine ranked arena in wow being unable to queue with your friends/3s team?

Could you imagine Overwatch/CSGO in ranked and only being about to play with ONE friend and the rest are pugs?

Can you imagine pushing higher tiers in LoL, Dota or HOTS and being forced to play solo or with 1 person?

It’s absolutely absurd.
Dragonbrand – NA
Thief | Warrior | Necromancer | Ranger | Guardian

(edited by Actiondan.8146)

I'll be quitting to find a team game

in PvP

Posted by: Actiondan.8146


WvW is more team than anything tbh

You’re right and that makes me sad…

Nothing against wvw, it’s awesome.
But I can’t figure out why ANet is forcing this solo/duo queue only bs in ranked spvp… it’s a 5v5 team based game…

I’ve never played an mmo where I was actively forced to NOT play with my friends… lol
Dragonbrand – NA
Thief | Warrior | Necromancer | Ranger | Guardian

I'll be quitting to find a team game

in PvP

Posted by: Actiondan.8146


Is spvp not supposed to be a team based game?

If by s6 I can’t queue with my team again I’ll play a game that allows me to….

This is so absurd I don’t even have words lmao.
Dragonbrand – NA
Thief | Warrior | Necromancer | Ranger | Guardian

please bring back 5v5

in PvP

Posted by: Actiondan.8146


Gonna have to agree with you on this one..

I came back to the game after not playing for a lonnngg time and this has me wanting to quit again.

It’s a TEAM based game.. Why can’t I play with a team?

I want the ability to be selective of who I play with…

The randoms who want to solo and duo queue and not run into teams can go to quick play or unranked… or even ranked.. but give me the option to queue with my friends.
Dragonbrand – NA
Thief | Warrior | Necromancer | Ranger | Guardian

Superior rune of Thorns

in Thief

Posted by: Actiondan.8146


:O If this is true you may have made my Saturday.
Dragonbrand – NA
Thief | Warrior | Necromancer | Ranger | Guardian

Impairing Daggers-bugged combo finisher

in Thief

Posted by: Actiondan.8146


Trying to throw my impairing daggers through short bow poison field; no matter my placement of either I get no projectile finisher.

Dragonbrand – NA
Thief | Warrior | Necromancer | Ranger | Guardian

Superior rune of Thorns

in Thief

Posted by: Actiondan.8146



I love playtesting and using these runes in the mists; I wish I had access to them out in pve.

Dragonbrand – NA
Thief | Warrior | Necromancer | Ranger | Guardian

Thief feels significantly weaker

in Thief

Posted by: Actiondan.8146


@Actiondan.8146: they did effectively nerf the chance though…

Indirectly yes, I never said that it wasn’t impacted. It however, by definition is a fix; not a nerf.

BW3 Dragon Hunter trap Fragments of Faith was hitting thrice instead of once. The ability was designed and tooltip written stating that it would hit once.

On live; one of the bug fixes from BW3 was that Fragments of Faith will now correctly hit once instead of three times.

Would you consider this a nerf?
Or would you say that the ability was behaving outside of the intended use and needed to be fixed to appropriately hit a single time?

The answer is that it wasn’t a nerf, because the ability wasn’t doing what it was supposed to in the first place.

Using your logic; I’ll call it a buff. Because I commonly use physical skills.
(^note this also doesn’t make sense; I’m only saying so to better illustrate my point.)
Dragonbrand – NA
Thief | Warrior | Necromancer | Ranger | Guardian

Thief feels significantly weaker

in Thief

Posted by: Actiondan.8146


Also; lol at saying the fix posted was a nerf… It clearly wasn’t doing what the trait said.
Some of you need a dictionary.

And you need a course in probability 101.

Before the fix, the trait “rolled” everytime to choose 1 out of 5 categories, so 20% prob. for each category skills to be insta recharged.

After the fix, the trait rolls to choose 1 out of 6 categories, so 16.67% prob. for the insta recharge of a category.

So yes, it is a nerf.

I understand probability just fine.
You need a dictionary, or to head back to English class in grade school.
“You can use stolen items twice. One random skill category is immediately recharged when you steal.”

Physical skills, are in fact, one of the skill categories available.
This FIX, simply updated the trait to do what it exactly what it was originally designed to do.
This FIX was not made to lessen the effectiveness of this trait; nor did it modify any functionality of this trait. It simply added a skill category that up until Friday was not accessible to thieves.

I’ll give you I’m arguing semantics, however, it’s important to use the correct vocabulary.

Also to note; I am of the strong mindset that this skill should NOT include physical skills if the player does not have DD slotted.
Dragonbrand – NA
Thief | Warrior | Necromancer | Ranger | Guardian

Daredevil SUPER squishy!

in Thief

Posted by: Actiondan.8146


Play around with your build some more, man. It took me a bit, but now I feel incredibly strong and super durable. I ran full zerk for a while, ended up switching 6 pieces over to valk and kept weapons and accessories, neck & rings zerker. Only so that I can take a bigger hit and not get 1 shot from some champs.

I feel like I’m running pvt gear with the amount of damage mitigation DD has.
Dragonbrand – NA
Thief | Warrior | Necromancer | Ranger | Guardian

Thief feels significantly weaker

in Thief

Posted by: Actiondan.8146


Also nobody really uses physicals, they’re pretty bad.

I use some physicals, they’re pretty good if you know what you’re doing.

Also; lol at saying the fix posted was a nerf… It clearly wasn’t doing what the trait said.
Some of you need a dictionary.
Dragonbrand – NA
Thief | Warrior | Necromancer | Ranger | Guardian

Bandit's Defense - Quality of Life

in Thief

Posted by: Actiondan.8146


So much agree.
I loved this ability during my time playing in the BW; but found the same issue you did. Blocking a ranged attack with the person being out of ranged of the counter pretty much punished me.

I love for the counter attack to be ranged.. but even just animation cancel-able, like you suggested, would be perfect.
Dragonbrand – NA
Thief | Warrior | Necromancer | Ranger | Guardian

for anyone interested in thief stream

in Thief

Posted by: Actiondan.8146


Great suggestion; and done!

Also; thanks so much for checking my stream out. I very much appreciate the follow.
Hope to talk to you again soon.
Dragonbrand – NA
Thief | Warrior | Necromancer | Ranger | Guardian

for anyone interested in thief stream

in Thief

Posted by: Actiondan.8146


shameless plug for my twitch channel:

I’m not the best thief, but I’m not terrible.

My “From bad to glad” series focuses on me getting better in hopes to play more competitively.

I’m as interactive with the viewers, and I’m always happy to answer any questions I’m able to.

live now @1pm est

Dragonbrand – NA
Thief | Warrior | Necromancer | Ranger | Guardian

Don't tell me how to play

in PvP

Posted by: Actiondan.8146


I have feels for you, Unseen.
Unfortunately; PvP in any game brings out the worst in pre-teens (and adults!).
Every game I play that has a pvp component brings these types of attitudes. Most of the time it’s from players that are pretty crappy themselves, yet have an ego the size of the moon.

Hotjoin is 100% exactly what you are looking for.
If you’re learning new skills/traits-
If you’re slower and working to build experience on a new class-
If you’re simply just wanting to login and quickly join a match to have some fun-

This is what hotjoin is for. People trolling/giving trouble are poison. However, the best we can do is just /ignore them and know that their attitude is likely going to keep them bad, and they will never improve!

Alternatively; best advise I can give you is hot join with a friend or two! Not only is it more fun, but the ragers won’t get to you as much when you can laugh it off with friends.

Dragonbrand – NA
Thief | Warrior | Necromancer | Ranger | Guardian

Story mission - Coop?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Actiondan.8146


I finally talked my wife into leveling a character with me!
We just got her the game and I was wondering:

If we both choose the same race, and same solo story arcs; and perform the same solo missions simultaneously; will they both complete at the same time? Or will we have to complete each “solo story mission” twice to progress through the main story?

I really hope we can just do everything together and not have to repeat content for the sake of the private instances.


Dragonbrand – NA
Thief | Warrior | Necromancer | Ranger | Guardian

P/D thieves

in Thief

Posted by: Actiondan.8146


90% of the time I still play glass double dagger.
However; every now and then I get an itch for P/D condi just for a change of pace.

I think a lot of players migrated to p/d condi for a couple a reasons-
ferocity changes
condi meta shift

Glass d/d burst was all you saw around release; then shifted towards pistol whip for example.
Times change and the meta shifts.
Dragonbrand – NA
Thief | Warrior | Necromancer | Ranger | Guardian