Showing Posts For Agares.6073:
For crying out loud… you all forget that we don’t have to pay a dime but the initial price! While MMORPGs like WoW pay 15$ every month and they don’t get much more content than us in their expansions. While we will continuously get more and more FREE content + progressive story. Oh and please don’t go with the “but the gem store waa-waa-waa” you can buy gems with gold and its not that expensive.
LOL yea sure dude
These fanboys are so blind i dont even understand anymore i mean i would never compare wow to gw2 content because in wow i pay a monthly sub so there must be more content (even though WOD was a bit lackluster with new content) but still you can not compare WOD with HOT like never!
Ps: Heavensward Expansion
(edited by Agares.6073)
kitten wow gold all you need in this kittening game is gold its all about gold gold gold in this game so epic
Nope thats like asking would you like to be scamed again?
Such an Epic Journey LOL
Pranked by Anet
Refund cause bugs and balancing after go Live
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Agares.6073
6. Yes the politics of a company acting like everything is dandy even when there’s a topic with 3k posts and 65k views that prove otherwise is b.s., but w/e. In the end they actually did acknowledge customers had a reasonable expectation that hadn’t been met and made a fair compromise.I’m kinda confused about this, 3k posts vs. 7 million players total? Do you honestly think they should give a flying kitten about 3k whiny children when there are millions of people happily enjoying the game? I mean, clearly they took it as an indication that they did not make clear what to expect, and I think they made a reasonable decision in the end, but I also think you’re guilty of doing what all those 3k did, which is blowing it way out of proportion to make it seem like a lot more people care than actually do.
I really hope you dont really think Guild Wars 2 has 7 million players do you?
People want an xpac to be as big as the original game? That’s not how it works, especially in an MMO.
funny but when i bought Burning Crusade i got a ton of new armours as random world drops, several new instances, all with new armour skins and weapon skins and a massive new continent. in total there were probably around 30 new armour sets, 5 instances and 3 raids on release, oh and 2 new races.
THAT is what i expect from a £30 expansion.
And 15$ a month. Not to mention the 2 games are very different models.
the subscription fee is irrelevant, i’m talking about the initial release, not the content added over time.
initial release had tons of new armour skins, several dungeons and a massive new continent.
that is what you should expect from an expansion with a premium pricetag.And how many months went buy leading up to that expansion without a single drop of content? How many months did you drop down 15 over and over and over? You aren’t one of those morons that think “Hur Dur 15 dollar for server upkeep Hur Dur” are you?
I dont even know wtf are you talking about??? WoW had content added like every expansion in between you never payed just for the expansion and waited for 2 year for another expansion to get new content. And btw in WoW you dont have to go to the itemshop to get the “cool stuff” you can get the cool stuff ingame you know like it should be
Hey JOKe.3597 can i ask you what happend to this post you made 4 days ago???
if you enjoyed the core game you will LOVE the expansion. This is probably the best game I ever played.. not because it is challenging, but the art, the complexity of levels it is so so good. And the PLUS it is an MMO so you can find someone to help you and to play with and to show you trick here and there.
I think you both make a big mistake I would not buy the HOT if there was another option .. but wow is … meh as I said eso is so so bad … and the reason why you leave this game means to me that black desert will NOT like to any of you since it is VERY VERY challenging and NOT user friendly game..
What I can say about the 3 out of 4 of the new zones.
1) challenging end game
2) big events with many phases
3) very complex maps amazing I am stoping to watch some vista every 15mins.
4) amazing Mobs big and crazy which helps to spot their skills – simply amazing
5) no hearth quests.. I didn’t like the heart thing in core game… here you mostly participate in events or escorting quests.
6) keeping of 80 level but adding masteries which requires experience and hero points is awesome so your gear stays where it was still valuable but there is still progression
7) I didn’t had all hero points before entering HoT I had like .. 50 I think .. with the first 3 zones I unlocked my profession fully but slowly enjoying the slow progression and it was awesome to again become a bad kitten with small steps
8) the complexity of security levels of zone 1 is awesome also the day night cycle is awesome.
9) the satisfaction when you find a mastery or hero point after 15mins of searching cannot be explained its like wining spvp game with 501 by 499
1) few crashes on zone 2.
2) the zone 2 big meta event looks like is made too hard for randoms but maybe it is just cuz its new .. you have to kill 4 bosses at the same time by 4 groups.
from best game ever to worst game ever??? huh strange
this also isn’t like games like WoW where it’s like “we will drop in an expansion with HUGE ammounts of content…ok now wait for the next expansion for more content”
mhm you sure know what u are talking about lol
can confirm they just removed hot from my account so i still can play the core game.
pls anet ignore people complaining and internet going crazy, hot getting low scores so it will be the next wildstar where 3 months after release there where like 5 people on every map and people posted pictures of towns with 10 people in it
so pls just ignore all the valid complains and let uns play with 5 players per map in like 1 month kkthxbye
Never have seen an empty map.
that is so much bs lol
there is a big reddit thread about this too and other sites had this complain too but ok
I dont even have a Problem with the difficulty i like hard games i played the souls game like crazy all the way to new game +7 its more like the maps are empty as kitten after 2 days ???? and the events i mean yea you can do them solo like every event will take you 30 minutes wohooooo fun….
I dont have a Problem with grind either i playe Silkroad Online if anyone knows what game this is you know what really grind is.
But the Problem is here you guys say hey take it as you would level in any other mmorpg ok np but atleast in every other mmorpg there where people to play with and not ONLY group content this is what is kittening me off so much because the core game wasnt like this at all.
OH and to all the fanboys Anet could kitten and kitten in your mouth and you would still find a good reason why they had to.
i am in the same situation i got in the jungle didnt really know where to go found some events that nobody where doing and it takes forever to do them alone then found some hp with champions and stopped playing
yes i would like to know too
+1 every kittening event i go to you need more people the first map is like empty wtf
OMG u are so right i just got in the new jungle and omg every kittening event is some grp event and no one is there really no one i even asked in chat that i need help nope nothing no answer at all.
Then a red tag appeart until i found the commander took me a while and how many people was he leading 10 kittening people after 2 days the game feels so dead atleast the first zone.
Elite specs deserve their own stories not HP
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Agares.6073
yea i would have loved to unlock my elite with a epic questline, oh well hp farming it is then…. so exciting
Elite Specializations & Hero Point Feedback [Merged]
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Agares.6073
I dont know why they dont make some questline for it you know instead of grinding again???
I am so sick of people bashing WoW and talking about how WoW raids are inaccessible. You can join with heroic equip with no problem and you can go lfr with fresh lvl 100 no one cares.
Then talking about Elitists really? like we dont have that in gw2 10k ap only zerk no noobs lfg???
And now people are discussing about ascendent vs exotic gear in raids. And i can tell you right now its going to be lf X class for raid only Ascendent gear !!!!
Pls just stop bashing other games about inaccessibility when gw2 isnt easy to get into now for new players.
There is no Agony in Raids but a majority of people think that the 5% better stats are a must have for Raids which is total bs.
OMG i cant anymore im laughing so hard right now about all this “need ascendent” talk i have a friend he is one of those lfg 15k ap full zerk ping gear type guys, me i am a 4k ap just full exotics type guy.
We both have a Warrior he challenged me to do a small dps test on orr giant he in full ascendent gear im in exotics i won that thest 3 times. Now what i want to say with that is that it has alot to do how a player can play his class and that matters alot too, but the gw2 pve scene is so stuck up with their elitism and their dumb kitten ap score its rediculous.